Ziggurat Lenin: Secrets of the Mausoleum on Red Square. Mausoleum on Red Square: a magical ziggurat with a teraphim and a sacred sacrifice placed under them?! (Video) Mysticism of energies on Red Square

There are many publicly available facts that are very closely intertwined. Knowing them, it becomes clear why every year for the May 9 parade the mausoleum is closed so that it is not even visible.

Do you know how the Bolsheviks managed to win the civil war and keep power after its completion?
At that time, only the lazy did not fight against them.
The destruction of all the old institutions of power, the devastation that reigned in the country, famine, the Red Terror, dispossession, requisitioning and other extremely unpopular methods of the Bolsheviks could not contribute to their popularity.

Contrary to the name, the number of Bolsheviks themselves was very small. It is very characteristic of them to turn everything upside down. Over time, an archetype is created: "Bolsheviks" - that means they were in the majority.

Actually right after February Revolution the Bolsheviks were a minority in the Soviets, numbering only about 24 thousand members (in Petrograd - only 2 thousand), and at the First Congress of Soviets (June 1917) the Bolsheviks receive only 12% of the mandates.

In fact, the Bolsheviks came to Russia from the very beginning as occupiers. They did not have the task of making the life of the citizens of the USSR better. For example, cases of cannibalism were widespread not only during the Holodomor in Ukraine, but also in the Volga region, and during the blockade of Leningrad.

At the same time, when the brutal zombies devoured each other, the communist nomenclature did not deny itself anything and was perfectly provided with high-quality products, including caviar. The Bolsheviks considered Russia exclusively as a springboard for the World Revolution.

How did a handful of even very well organized and united Bolsheviks manage to seize and hold power in a vast country? The Bolsheviks also had no support from abroad. How did you manage to create horrific atrocities on an unprecedented scale for decades? How did it happen that a huge and far from the most obedient people was turned into a herd of zombies, obediently eating their children next to the mountains of grain they collected?

And yet, we know the result: it worked.

Therefore, it can be assumed that in the hands of the Bolsheviks there were some forces that helped them to stay in power. They had something that made tens of millions of people suddenly feel that they were ready to do anything for the sake of the comrades sitting in the Kremlin and the world revolution, to abandon their national roots, and not only meekly follow inhuman orders, but also do it with joy and delight .

It can be seen that the turning point came after the death of Lenin, in 1924. Prior to this, pockets of resistance existed everywhere, and the power of the Bolsheviks was a big question. And suddenly, as if by magic, everything settled down: the people poured into military parades and demonstrations, the Soviet intelligentsia joined the general holiday and rushed to sing the victory of socialism.

Attempts to explain this phenomenon by repression and propaganda do not stand up to scrutiny. Firstly, at that time there was no television as a tool of mass influence on people. And through newspapers, information reached much worse, especially considering that not everyone was literate. At the same time, rumors about the atrocities of the Chekists in the process of requisitioning diverged instantly.

Secondly, the Anglo-Saxons conquered Ireland almost 800 years ago, having assimilated the Irish according to all the rules: encouraging interethnic marriages, sending children from an early age to schools where they were molded into “Englishmen”, and so on. As a result, the Irish even forgot their language. But did Ireland become England? No, it didn't. Propaganda could not do anything with either Ireland or Scotland, in which to this day they talk about autonomy.

Thirdly, the action of an unknown force even extended to white émigrés, turning former military commanders into a herd of pacifists who quickly forgot all plans to return to Russia. The fact is amazing: how did the Russian elite, which had both money and influence, so simply refuse revenge?

It is no secret that, unlike almost all nations, Russians abroad do not unite and do not help each other. We see how the vast majority of the Russian people suddenly began to consider themselves Soviet. The atrocities committed by the Bolsheviks against their fellow tribesmen ceased to excite people. Memoirs and memoirs are full of real testimonies when people put in camps kept their selfless faith and love for Joseph Stalin there.

Even after going through all the circles of the camp hell and being released, many remained sincere communists and even Stalinists. The Russian people, who were exploited in the USSR to a greater extent than all other peoples, even today demonstrate an amazing, completely inexplicable commitment to communism, “Leninism” and Soviet ideology.

This phenomenon cannot be explained by propaganda alone. Therefore, it would be natural to assume that we are dealing with some kind of mass processing of the consciousness of the Russian people, as a result of which the feeling of tribal solidarity was somehow blocked, and along with this, a feeling of passivity, detachment, indifference appeared.
Only a fantastic technique could give such a result. Maybe something other than propaganda was involved here? Maybe some kind of magic? Or secret knowledge that gives power over people?

Is it possible to massively influence the psyche of people?

We know that there have been precedents for such an impact on people, and more than once.

A group of followers of Reverend Jim Jones founded a "model" commune in the jungles of Guyana. Be that as it may, on November 17, 1978, 909 members of Jones' People's Temple sect, including 270 children, committed mass suicide.

They brought out a vat of fruit punch with cyanide and sleeping pills. Jones ordered his men to drink, informing them that the CIA would soon attack them and that it would be better to die the death of revolutionaries. The adult members of the group made the children drink first, and then they drank the mixture themselves.

In October 1994, fifty-three members of the apocalyptic "Order of the Solar Temple" died in a series of explosions and fires in Canada and Switzerland. Their leader, Luc Jouret, a Belgian homeopath, believed that life on this planet was an illusion and would continue on other planets. In December 1995, sixteen more Solar Temple members were found dead in France.

On March 19, 1995, five members of the Aum Shinrikyo cult placed bags dispersing poisonous sarin gas on the world's largest subway system, resulting in the death of 12 and the poisoning of more than 5,500 people.

Members of the Aum Shinrikyo sect paid seven thousand dollars a month to wear PSI, i.e. Perfect Salvation Initiation (“Introduction to Ideal Salvation”). What is PSI? It is a cap covered with wires and electrodes that sends out 6-volt shocks (3 volts for children) of current to synchronize the wearer's brain waves with those of Master Shoko Asahara. Some of the members of the Gates of Heaven sect castrated themselves, wanting to enter the Kingdom of God.

What could the Bolsheviks use to achieve their goals? It is believed that Lenin's Mausoleum was used as a psychotropic weapon.

Lenin's Mausoleum - a ziggurat of the "Throne of Satan"?

One of the main sacred symbols of communism is the Lenin Mausoleum. Outwardly, the Mausoleum was built on the principle of the ancient Babylonian temples, of which the most famous is the Tower of Babel, mentioned in the Bible. In the book of the prophet Daniel, written in the 7th century BC, it says: "The Babylonians had an idol named Bel." Isn't it a strange coincidence with the initials of V.I. Lenin?

The mausoleum is an exact copy of the temple of Huitzilopochtli, the main god of the Aztecs, located on top of the Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan. Huitzilopochtli, according to legend, once promised the Aztecs that he would lead them to a "blessed" place where they would become his chosen people. This happened under the leader Tenoche: the Aztecs came to Teotiukan, slaughtered the Toltecs who lived there, and on top of one of the pyramids built by the Toltecs built the temple of Huitzilopochtli, where they thanked their tribal god with human sacrifices.

Where did the Mausoleum project come from?

The first Mausoleum, knocked together in a week according to the project of the architect A. V. Shchusev, who had never built anything like this, was a truncated stepped pyramid, to which L-shaped extensions with stairs adjoined on both sides. Visitors descended the right staircase, went around the sarcophagus on three sides and exited along the left staircase. Two months later, the temporary mausoleum was closed, and the construction of a new wooden mausoleum began, which lasted from March to August 1924.

Of the many proposed projects for the new Mausoleum, not one passed. The preference was again given to Shchusev's ziggurat. The second Mausoleum was a larger (height 9, length 18 meters) truncated stepped pyramid, the stairs were now included in the total volume of the building. The project of the sarcophagus for the body was developed by the architect K. S. Melnikov.

The third Mausoleum, which was opened in October 1930 and still stands today, was designed by the same architect Shchusev. As the architect himself said, he was instructed to accurately reproduce the shape of the wooden Mausoleum in stone. But how did Shchusev know how to build a ziggurat? Maybe someone helped him? It is known that Shchusev was consulted by a specialist in the cultures of Mesopotamia F. Poulsen.

It is believed that the architect Shchusev took as the basis for the project of this tombstone The Pergamon altar, or, as it is also called, the Throne of Satan. Mention of him is already found in the Gospel, where Christ, referring to a man from Pergamum, said the following: "... you live where the throne of Satan" (Rev. 2:13).

Plan of the throne of Satan, top view: the cut corner is clearly visible.

Plan of the Mausoleum: let's pay attention to the cut corner.
For a long time, the "Pergamon Altar" was known mainly from legends - there was no image. When images of the so-called "Pergamum Altar" were found, it turned out that this was an exact copy of the temple for Huitzilopochtli.

The consultant, who “helped” Shchusev build the ziggurat, knew well what the building needed by the customer should look like without any excavation of clay tablets. Where does such knowledge come from?
The Bolshevik Party at the construction of the Mausoleum was represented by Minister of Defense Voroshilov. Why not the Minister of Finance or Agriculture? It is clear that such a boss only covered the real leaders. The decision to embalm the leader was made by Felix Dzerzhinsky, the all-powerful leader of the political police. In general, it was the department of political control and investigation, and not the architectural department, that led the construction process.

Lenin's mummy - a magical teraphim?

From the point of view of Mesopotamian mysticism, Lenin's body looks like a teraph - a cult object, specially conserved and used for occult purposes. And the tomb itself for the body is clearly not a place that provides peace.

The Babylonian Chaldeans practiced the so-called "creation of a teraph" - a magical artifact designed to give its owner power over his subjects. The technology of creating teraphs, of course, is shrouded in mystery. But it is known that the teraphim of Vila (the main god of the Babylonians, for communication with whom the tower was built) was a specially processed head of a red-haired man, sealed in a crystal dome. From time to time other heads were added to it.

By analogy with the manufacture of teraphim in other cults (Vudu and some religions of the Middle East), inside the embalmed head (in the mouth or instead of the removed brain), a gold plate was most likely placed, most likely in the shape of a rhombus, with magical ritual signs.

It contains all the power of the teraphim, allowing its owner to interact with any metal on which certain signs or the image of the entire teraphim were drawn in one way or another. The will of the owner of the teraph seemed to flow through the metal into the person who was in contact with him: under pain of death, forcing his subjects to wear “diamonds” around their necks, the king of Babylon to one degree or another could control their owners.

The following facts speak in favor of this theory:

  • there is at least a cavity in the mummy's head - for some reason the brain is still kept at the Brain Institute;
  • the head is covered with a special glass surface;
  • the head lies in the lowest tier of the ziggurat, although it would be more logical to put it somewhere upstairs. The basement in all places of worship is always used for contact with the beings of the Hell worlds;
  • the mummy's hands are folded in a certain way: the left is stretched forward, as if receiving energy, the right is clenched into a fist;
  • images of the head (busts) were replicated throughout the USSR, including pioneer badges, where the head was placed in a fire, that is, captured during the classical magical procedure of communicating with the demons of Hell;
  • instead of shoulder straps, for some reason, “diamonds” were introduced in the USSR, which were later changed to “asterisks” - the same ones that burn on the Kremlin towers and which were used by the Babylonians in cult ceremonies of communication with Wil. Similar to rhombuses and stars, "decorations" imitating a gold plate inside the head under the tower were also worn in Babylon - they are found in abundance during excavations;

In addition, in the magical practices of Voodoo and some religions of the Middle East, the process of "creating a teraphim" is accompanied by a ritual murder - the life force of the victim had to flow into the teraphim. In some rituals, body parts of the victim are also used, for example, the head of the victim is immured under a glass sarcophagus with a teraphim.

We cannot say that something is also immured under the head of the mummy in the ziggurat on Red Square, however, there is evidence that this fact takes place: the heads of the ritually killed king and queen lie in the ziggurat, as well as the heads of two more unknown people killed in the summer of 1991 - the time of the "transfer" of power from the communists to the "democrats" (thus, the teraphim were "updated", strengthened, as it were).

The Kremlin Wall itself has also been turned into a grandiose tomb. An ancient ritual related to the Magic of Mortal Power is that people, often alive, were immured into the wall to strengthen the castle or fortress. Such a fortress was not destroyed and the enemy could not take it, because the souls of the dead guarded the fortress.

If you look at the scheme of the Kremlin, you can clearly see that the building of the Council of Ministers of the USSR is surrounded on almost all sides by graveyards: the cemetery near the Kremlin wall and the Mausoleum, the burial of the kings in the Archangel Cathedral, the tomb of the Patriarchs in the Assumption Cathedral and the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

1 - Mausoleum, 22 - Assumption Cathedral, 25 - Archangel Cathedral, 36 - Council of Ministers, 40 - Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

There are 71 urns with ashes on the left side, and 44 urns with ashes on the right side. The strongest souls of Russia, not only politicians and military men, but also scientists and writers: Maxim Gorky, Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky and others. Buried at the Kremlin Wall:

The Kremlin Wall - a tomb?

There are also several mass graves of the fighters of the revolution. Total number buried by different sources from 400 to 1000 people.

How is the Mausoleum arranged and how does it work?

Thousands of works have been written, leaving no doubt about the special impact of this structure. It is clear and where the technique was borrowed from - from Ancient Mesopotamia and Babylonia. The mausoleum is an exact copy of the ziggurats of Mesopotamia, with a room at the top, framed by columns, in which, according to the concepts of the priests of Babylon, their demonic patrons rested. Moreover, the marble for the Mausoleum was brought from Mesopotamia (modern Iraq).

It is likely that the Mausoleum is nothing but psychotropic weapons, a system of mass suppression of consciousness. But how does a ziggurat "work"? What are the consequences of its influence? Let's try to guess what principles are laid down in his work.

Structurally, the building is made on the basis of a reinforced concrete frame with brick filling of the walls, which are lined with polished stone. The length of the mausoleum along the facade is 24 meters, the height is 12 meters. The upper portico is shifted to the Kremlin wall. The pyramid of the mausoleum consists of five ledges of different heights.

The underground part of the temple descends into Red Square to the depth of a 6-storey building. Under the podium of the temple, a conference and recreation hall for the Bolshevik rulers was arranged. There is a buffet with dishes and good wines, a billiard room and a security room.

For the functioning of laboratories and manipulations with the corpse, a freight elevator is provided, on which the mummy is lowered to the desired floor for routine, preventive and cosmetic work, then it is delivered to the working mark.

  • the total height is 36 meters, of which 12 m is the height of the Mausoleum and 24 m - height laboratory complex
  • edge angle 45 degrees
  • rib angle 35 degrees
  • sole - rectangle with dimensions 72 x 72 m
  • estimated base diagonal 102 m

If the Mausoleum is taken out of the ground and placed on its surface, its height will be with a 10-storey building

The visitor enters the Mausoleum through the main entrance and descends the left three-meter-wide staircase to the funeral hall. The hall is made in the form of a cube (side length 10 meters) with a stepped ceiling. Visitors go around the sarcophagus from three sides along a low podium, leave the mourning hall, climb the right stairs and exit the mausoleum through the door in the right wall.

Let's pay attention: the ceiling of the Mausoleum is also stepped, like the outer pyramid. This is a circuit within a circuit, operating like a power-up transformer. Modern devices have shown that internal corners draw in informational energy from outer space, while outer corners radiate it. That is, the ceiling of the tomb absorbs energy, and the uppermost superstructure radiates (there are several tens of short outer corners-ribs).

This device needs energy to operate. It is taken either from the ground at the point of intersection of the lines of the Hartman grid, or from an external source - people. The location of the Mausoleum on Red Square, literally saturated with ancient forces, and the passage of a huge mass of people as visitors to the Mausoleum, as well as at demonstrations, provides an enormous flow of energy. In 1924-1989, the mausoleum was visited by over 100 million people (not counting participants in parades and demonstrations) from all over the USSR. This energy is modulated by the mummy in the Mausoleum, and radiates from the cracks above.

Naturally, a ziggurat does not transmit radio waves like an antenna. But physicists have proven that radio waves, sound waves and waves in a liquid have much in common. They have one basis - a wave. Therefore, the principles of operation of all wave devices are the same, whether they are waves of sound, light, or waves of some incomprehensible radiation, which today, for convenience, is called energy-informational.

Looking at the map in satellite mode, you can see the contours of the electrical contacts of the resonators. On both sides of the Mausoleum there are 2 vibrator lines of a simple dipole.

It can also be assumed that these vibrators irradiate a triangular building, whose top is directed strictly to the east. It is easy to see that on the right side of the Mausoleum is GUM with a large number of people.

With a close look at the GUM, it is easy to see that it resembles a 3-element wave channel, where the row farthest from the Mausoleum is a reflector, the middle vibrator and the closest row is a director, directing energy to the Mausoleum. The farthest row has nothing to do with the first two.

GUM is a source of energy. The mausoleum is a modulator, the triangular building is a radiating antenna, with a radiation pattern for the whole country.

But the weirdness doesn't end there. In the Mausoleum there is also "another corner". In fact, this is not even a corner, but three corners: two internal, drawing in energy like a bowl, and the third - external. It divides the notch in half, heading outward like a thorn. Such an angle is clearly visible on the plan of the Throne of Satan.

This is more than an original architectural detail, and the detail is absolutely asymmetrical - it is one, such a triple angle. And it is aimed at the crowds marching towards the Mausoleum. Such strange triple angles are called psychotropic devices today.

The principle is simple: an inner corner (for example, the corner of a room) draws in some hypothetical informational energy, while an outer corner (for example, the corner of a table) radiates. What kind of energy we are talking about - we can not say. No one can, physical devices do not register it yet.

But organic tissue is more than sensitive to such energy, and not only organic tissue. Everyone knows the ancient as the world reception to put in a corner a child who is too active. Why? Because the corner takes away excess energy if you stay there for a short time.

The effects of the pyramid are also known - non-rotting, mummifying meat, self-sharpening blades ... And the pyramids are the same angles. The same angles are used in psychotropic devices, only there is also an operator there - a person who controls the process and increases the power of the device many times over.

We do not know exactly how this mechanism works. Perhaps the Chaldean Bolsheviks did not know this either. But they were practitioners, and they could just use secret knowledge, how to use radio and television, without understanding the physics of the process.

By the way, the question is: where did Comrade Stalin stand at military parades? That's right - he stood just above that very corner with a spike, welcoming crowds of citizens approaching the ziggurat. He was the operator. The process, apparently, was so important that at the top there was an idea to demolish not only St. Basil's Cathedral, but also all the buildings within a radius of a kilometer, so that the square could accommodate a million people marching in formation. For what?

In the period 1941-1946 the Mausoleum was empty. The body was taken from the capital to Tyumen already at the beginning of the war, and the troops marching in front of the Mausoleum on November 7, 1941, before the battles for Moscow, passed by an empty ziggurat.

Lenin was not there! And he was not in the Mausoleum until 1948, which is more than strange: the Germans were thrown back already in 1942, and the body was returned only after the war.

Perhaps Stalin or other Chaldeans, figuratively speaking, took out the "rod from the reactor." That is, by removing the teraphim, they suspended the work of the Machine. During these years, they really needed Russian will and solidarity. As soon as the war ended, the “reactor” was restarted, returning the teraph, and the victorious people withered and went out. This change then very surprised many contemporaries, which is captured in many memoirs and works of art.
People who know what magic is can clearly see the occult, mystical meaning of the building on Red Square. The townsfolk, of course, do not believe in such mysticism on a national scale. But not so long ago, electricity and television could also seem like magic, but now it is a reality. Many moments related to the ziggurat on Red Square have also become a reality: recent events clearly show how this works in practice.

Why does the Mausoleum wear out?

Now consider the following interesting point- wear of the Mausoleum. What is wear and tear, the analogy with the engine shows: if the engine is running, it wears out, it needs new spare parts, but if the engine is standing, it can stand forever and nothing will happen to it.

There are no moving parts in the Mausoleum, of course, but there are also non-moving devices that wear out - batteries, accumulators, gun barrels, carpets and road surfaces, internal organs some (let's say the heart moves, but the liver does not, but wears out anyway). That is, everything that works, sooner or later develops its resource and requires repair.

And now we read Mr. Shchusev, the architect of the Mausoleum, in Stroitelnaya Gazeta No. 11 of January 21, 1940:

“It was decided to build this third version of the Mausoleum from red, gray and black Labradorite, with an upper slab of Karelian red porphyry mounted on columns of various granite rocks. The frame of the Mausoleum was built of reinforced concrete with brick filling and lined with natural granite. To avoid shaking the mausoleum when passing during parades on Red Square heavy tanks, the foundation pit, in which the reinforced concrete foundation slab is installed, and the reinforced concrete frame of the mausoleum are covered with clean sand.

Thus, the building of the mausoleum is protected from the transmission of ground shaking ... The mausoleum is designed for many centuries "...

Nevertheless, although it was built to last for centuries, already in 1944 the Mausoleum had to be thoroughly repaired. Another 30 years passed, and it suddenly became clear to someone that it needed to be repaired again - in 1974 it was decided to carry out a large-scale reconstruction of the tomb. It is even incomprehensible somehow: what does “it became clear” mean? The mausoleum is made of reinforced concrete. That is, iron, sheltered from the atmosphere by concrete - stone. What to repair, how could it wear out? But no, someone knew that it was not intact, that repairs were needed.

Let us turn to the memoirs of one of the leaders of the reconstruction, Joseph Rhodes: “The project for the reconstruction of the Mausoleum provided for the complete dismantling of the cladding, the replacement of about 30% of the granite blocks, the strengthening of the structure of the publication, the complete replacement of insulation and insulation with modern materials, as well as the construction of a continuous shell of special lead.

We were given 165 days to complete the work, which cost more than 10 million rubles… Having dismantled the granite lining of the Mausoleum, we were amazed by what we saw: the metal of the frame rusted, brick and concrete walls were destroyed in places, and the insulation turned into a soaked slurry that had to be scooped out. The cleaned structures were reinforced, covered with the latest insulating and warming materials. A reinforced concrete vault-shell was made over the entire structure, which was covered with a solid zinc shell ... In addition, in reality, 12,000 facing blocks had to be replaced.”

It rotted that which could not rot in principle - glass wool and metal. And most importantly, someone knew about the processes taking place inside the ziggurat, and in time gave the command to repair it. Someone knew that the ziggurat was not a miracle Soviet architecture, but a device, and a very complex device. And he's probably not the only one...

Strange knowledge, strange customers, a strange place for construction, strange and terrible events in the country after the completion of construction - famine, and more than one, war, and more than one, the Gulag - a whole network of places where millions of people were tortured, as if pumping life energy out of them . And the ziggurat on Red Square, apparently, became the accumulator of this energy.

What is this energy and why is it needed? Most likely for power over the whole world and turning it into one colossal concentration camp, generating flows of dark energy. According to Marx, communism looks like a continuous concentration camp: no property, everything in common, people can not only act freely, but also think.

Mystic? Maybe. But the fact remains that in the center of the capital of Russia there is a ziggurat, an exact copy of two ancient temples where bloody rites were performed, and inside this building in a glass coffin lies a mummy made by atheists, personifying the mystical cult of communism.
It is strange that the citizens of Orthodox Russia still cherish the symbols of Satanism. Why are the people silent? Is it because the power of the necromancer sect has not disappeared, but simply hid for a while to try to take revenge again?

Who started the ziggurat again?

Thus, one can come to the conclusion that the secret mechanisms of governing Russia, used by its current rulers, are based on real necromancy itself. They are entirely based on occult magical knowledge and secret rituals, more ancient than the current chronology.

To this day, there is not a Mausoleum on Red Square, but a specially tuned mechanism that affects the consciousness, will and life of the Russian people. And inside still lies a mummy. It is still a secure facility funded by the state. Nothing changed.

If the ancients successfully used this psychotropic technique, and then the Bolsheviks, then why can't it be used now? Who launched the ziggurat again and began to zombify an entire nation?

It can be assumed that the knowledge lost in some period was rediscovered by one of the communist Chaldeans, and a new attempt at revenge was made. This version may look incredible, but there is no other explanation for the mass irrational behavior of people yet.

Leninopad and "hot spots" of Ukraine

It is likely that the countless monuments to Lenin, installed in every city and public places, serve as some kind of repeaters of the radiation of the main ziggurat.

The bas-relief of Lenin at the Teatralnaya station of the Kiev metro, which adorned the end of the central hall of the station for 27 years, was covered with plywood (since the bust is built into the wall, it’s not easy to remove it), and 24 bronze high reliefs in the form of banners with quotes from the works of the leader of the proletariat in Russian and Ukrainian, placed in the niches of marble pylons, have already been dismantled.

Barelyov Lenin covered with plywood, shielding the radiation of dark energy

Then it can be assumed that by destroying the repeaters it is possible to significantly weaken the flow of dark energy. Interestingly, this assumption is confirmed by the “Leninfall” map: wherever the monuments to Lenin were demolished, there are no terrorists, while all the “hot spots” coincide with those areas where the monuments to Lenin were not removed.

Cities where monuments to Lenin were dismantled

In which cities were demolished monuments to Lenin in Ukraine

And here is an approximate map of "hot spots" and newly proclaimed republics or annexed territories. All mass confrontations, casualties, seizures of buildings, not to mention the events in Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Lugansk, Donetsk and Odessa, took place in those cities where Lenin remained in place.

Problem areas of Ukraine

And here are the statistics on the number of crimes. Alexander Paly, an expert on international issues, believes that in those regions where Viktor Yanukovych had the greatest support of voters, over the past 2 years there has been a strong demoralization of the population.

Ukraine crime statistics

According to him, in 2011 crime in these regions increased by 4-4.5 times compared to those areas in which V. Yanukovych received the least support.

Another coincidence? Are there too many coincidences?

In fact, there are many more similarities. And this is not just a coincidence, but a pattern. Continuation of the theme of occult buildings in the article "Satanic Architecture".

Important addition

For those who have read this interesting article to the end, I will add that the topic of Lenin's mausoleum is raised in the media before significant dates for all Russian people. May 9th and November 4th. When a person focuses on something, he sends his energy there.

By focusing on the ziggurat through the media and media personalities, this building is pumped with the energy necessary for carrying out rituals, for example, to suppress Russian will and solidarity. As a rule, these days the mausoleum is closed under various pretexts.

No one is going to demolish the ziggurat, as well as transfer the burial of unknown soldiers under the walls of the Kremlin. All this is necessary to maintain the current regime and suppress the will of the Russian people.

Appearance in December 2009 "black pyramid" over Red Square, as well as video footage of this phenomenon, were intensively discussed not only on the net, but also in the "big" foreign press - The Daily Telegraph, The Sun. Only the Russian media then took water in their mouths. I remember the films "UFO: passage" And "UFO: the principle of movement", which captured phenomenal footage of UFO activity in the portal near Sochi, were also ignored. What about spirals? signs in Norway and in other places, and in general, there were clumsy attempts to pass off a celestial phenomenon for rocket launches. That is, this topic - UFOs, has a completely political significance, with different signs, but political, therefore, at the very top they do not know how to react.

And just the “Black Pyramid” can give the key to understanding, and make even the most stubborn people reconsider their views on the occult side of management. On the one hand, even among phenomena it looks like a phenomenon. But this is only at first glance. If you take a closer look at the place and the object over which it appeared, it is clear that this phenomenon is not at all accidental here.

We are talking about another pyramid in the same place, officially referred to as the "mausoleum of V.I. Lenin. However, in real life, the building on Red Square is as much a “mausoleum” as Comrade Blank lying there is “Lenin”. In fact, the “mausoleum” is a type of building well known to architects, which was built by the Chaldeans, the priests of ancient Babylon, several thousand years ago. As you might guess, the Chaldeans had absolutely nothing to do with communism and built their ziggurats solely for occult purposes.


Ziggurat (ziggurat, ziggurat): in the architecture of ancient Mesopotamia, a cult tiered tower. Ziggurats had 3-7 tiers in the form of truncated pyramids or parallelepipeds made of raw brick, connected by stairs and gentle rises - ramps (Dictionary of architectural terms).

Blood Square. It has a Ziggurat on it.
It's done. I am close. Well, I'm glad.
I descend into a fetid, terrible mouth.
It is easy to fall on slippery steps.
Here is the stinking heart of ancient evil,
Bodies and souls are devoured to ashes.
A hundred-year-old beast built its nest here.
For demons in Rus', the door is wide open here.

Nikolai Fedorov

The architectural ensemble of Red Square has evolved over the centuries. Kings succeeded each other. The walls of the citadel succeeded each other - first wooden, then white stone, finally, brick, as we see them now. Fortress towers were erected and demolished. Houses were built and demolished. Trees grew and were cut down. Defensive ditches were dug and filled up. Water was brought in and out. A wide network of underground communications was laid and destroyed, one way or another affecting structures on the surface. The coating of this surface also changed, up to railway(until 1930 the tram ran). The result is what we see now: a red wall, towers with stars, huge pine trees, St. Basil's Cathedral, shopping malls, the Historical Museum and ... the ritual tower of the ziggurat in the very center of the square.

Even a person who is far from architecture involuntarily asks the question: why was it decided to build a structure near the Russian medieval fortress in the 20th century - an absolute copy of the top of the Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan? The Athenian Parthenon has been duplicated in the world at least twice - one of the copies is in the city of Sochi, where it was built on the orders of Comrade Dzhugashvili. The Eiffel Tower has been multiplied so much that its clones in one form or another are present in every country. There are even "Egyptian" pyramids in some parks. But building a temple to Huitzilopochtli, the supreme and bloodiest deity of the Aztecs, in the very heart of Russia is just an amazing idea! However, one could put up with the architectural tastes of the leaders of the Bolshevik revolution - well, they built it, well, okay. But after all, in the ziggurat on Red Square, it is not amazing appearance. It is no secret to anyone that in the basement of the ziggurat lies a corpse embalmed according to some rules.

A mummy in the 20th century, and a mummy made by the hands of atheists is nonsense. Even when the builders of parks and attractions erect "Egyptian pyramids" somewhere - they are pyramids only externally: it never occurred to anyone to seal a freshly made "pharaoh" in them. How did the Bolsheviks come up with this? Unclear. It is not clear why the mummy has not yet been taken out, because the Bolsheviks themselves have already been taken out, as it were? It is not clear why the ROC is silent, because the body, so to speak, is restless? Moreover: many other bodies are immured into the wall near the ziggurat, which is the height of blasphemy for Christians, the temple of Satan, by and large, because this is an ancient rite of black magic - to wall people into the fortress walls (so that the fortress stands for centuries)? And the stars above the towers are five-pointed! Pure Satanism, and Satanism at the state level - like the Aztecs.

In this situation, every person who considers himself a clergyman in “multi-confessional” Russia should start every morning with a prayer to his gods, calling for the urgent removal of the ziggurat from Red Square, because this is the temple of Satan, no more and no less! Russians, we are told, are a "multi-confessional country": there are some Orthodox, and some Jehovists, and some Muslims, and even gentlemen who call themselves rabbis. All of them are silent: both Ridiger and different mullahs, and Berl-Lazars. Their temple to Satan on Red Square suits. At the same time, this whole company says that they serve a single god. There is a stubborn impression that we know what this "god" is called - main temple for him stands at the main place of the country. What and who needs more evidence?

From time to time, the public tries to remind the authorities that, supposedly, the construction of communism has been canceled for 15 years already, therefore it would not hurt to take the main builder out of the ziggurat and bury it, or even burn it, scattering the ashes somewhere over the warm sea. The authorities explain: pensioners will protest. A strange explanation: when Comrade Dzhugashvili was carried out of the ziggurat, half the country was on the ears, but nothing - the authorities did not really strain it. Yes, and the Stalinists today are not the same as before: pensioners are silent, even when they are dying of hunger, when they once again raise prices for an apartment, for electricity, for gas, for transport - and then all of a sudden everyone will come out and protest?

Dzhugashvili was taken out as: today they recognized that he was a criminal - tomorrow they have already buried him. But for some reason, the authorities are in no hurry with Blank (Ulyanov) - they have been dragging with the removal of the body for 15 years now. The stars were not removed from the Kremlin, although the "Museum of the Revolution" was renamed " Historical Museum". They did not remove the stars from shoulder straps, although they removed political officers from the army. Moreover: the stars were returned to the banners. The anthem is back. The words are different - but the music is the same, as if it awakens in the listeners some kind of program rhythm important for the authorities. And the mummy continues to lie. Is there some kind of occult meaning incomprehensible to the public involved in all this? The authorities again explain: if you touch the mummy, the communists will organize actions. But on November 4, we saw the “action” of the communists - three grannies came. And four grannies came out with banners in a couple of days - on November 7th. Is the government so afraid of them? Or maybe it's something else?

Today, a person who is familiar with magic can clearly see the occult, mystical meaning of the building on Red Square. Sometimes it is difficult to explain to others all the drama of the experiment being done on them - someone will not believe it, someone will twist a finger at the temple. However, modern science is not worth our place, and what yesterday seemed like magic, for example, human flights through the air or television, has today become the so-called objective reality. Many moments connected with the ziggurat on Red Square have also become a reality.


Modern physics has little studied electricity, light, corpuscular radiation, they talk about the existence of other waves and phenomena. And they are regularly discovered, for example, the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto recently conducted an extensive study of the microstructure of water crystals, which has long been attributed to the presence of certain properties of an information carrier (and an amplifier of various radiations unrecorded by devices). That is, some part of the knowledge that was considered occult has already become a purely physical fact.

Another example is the well-known "Kirlian effect", which gives some hints on understanding the nature of the aura. This discovery is already more than half a century old, but who knows about it, except for specialists? Who, except for specialists, knows about the "mitogenic radiation" of Gurwitsch (Gurwitsch, discovered back in 1923 (partially its physical nature was established in 1954 by the Italians L. Colli and U. Faccini)? These and others persistent invisible waves radiate dead or dying cells. Such waves kill - proved in a number of experiments. Obviously, the reader assumes that we will now discuss the "radiation" emanating from the mummy and harming the Muscovites? The reader is deeply mistaken: we will now talk about the history of Red Square. She will explain everything.

Red Square was not always Red. In the Middle Ages, there were many wooden buildings in which there were constant fires. Naturally - for several centuries, more than one person burned alive at this place. At the end of the 15th century, Ivan III put an end to these catastrophes: the wooden buildings were demolished, forming a square - Torg. But in 1571, Bargaining burned out all the same, and again people burned alive - how then they will burn in the Rossiya Hotel. And the square has since become known as Pozhar. For centuries, it became the site of executions - tearing out the nostrils, lashings with whips, quartering and boiling alive. The corpses were dumped into the fortress moat - where the bodies of some military leaders are now immured. During the time of Ivan the Terrible, they even kept animals in the ditch, which they fed with these corpses. In 1812, during the capture of Moscow by Napoleon, it all burned down again. Even then, about a hundred thousand Muscovites died and the corpses were also dragged into the fortress ditches - no one buried them in winter.

From an occult point of view, after such a backstory, Red Square is ALREADY a terrible place, and some sensitive people approaching the Kremlin for the first time feel the oppressive atmosphere spread by its walls. From a physical point of view, the land under Red Square is saturated with death, because the necrobiotic radiation discovered by Gurvich is extremely persistent. Thus, the very place for the ziggurat and the burial of Soviet commanders already leads to certain reflections.


The ziggurat is a ritual architectural structure, tapering upward like a multi-stage pyramid - the same one that stands on Red Square. However, a ziggurat is not a pyramid, as it always has a small temple on top. The most famous of the ziggurats is the famous Tower of Babel. Judging by the remains of the foundation and the records on the surviving clay tablets, the Tower of Babel consisted of seven tiers, resting on a square base with a side of about one hundred meters.

The top of the tower was decorated in the form of a small temple with a ritual WEDDING BED as an altar - a place where the king of the Babylonians entered into intercourse with the virgins brought to him - the spouses of the god of the Babylonians: it was believed that at the moment of the act the deity entered the king or priest performing the magical ceremony and fertilized the woman.

The height of the Tower of Babel did not exceed the width of the base, which we also see in the ziggurat on Red Square, that is, it is quite typical. Its content is also quite typical: something resembling a temple at the top, and something mummified, lying at the lowest level. That something that the Chaldeans used in Babylon later received the designation - teraphim, that is, the opposite of the seraphim.

It is difficult to briefly explain the essence of the concept of teraphim, not to mention the descriptions of the varieties of teraphim and the approximate principles of their work. Roughly speaking, a teraph is a kind of “sworn object”, a “collector” of magical, parapsychic energy, which, according to magicians, envelops the teraph in layers, formed by special rites and ceremonies. These manipulations are called “the creation of a teraph”, because it is impossible to “make” a teraph.

The clay tablets of Mesopotamia are not very well decipherable, which gives rise to different interpretations of the signs recorded there, sometimes with very striking conclusions (for example, set forth in the books of Zecharia Sitchin). In addition, the sequence of the "creation of the teraphim", which lay in the foundation of the Tower of Babel, would not have been made public by any priest - even under torture. The only thing that the texts say and with which all translators agree is that the teraphim Vila (the main god of the Babylonians, for whom the tower was built to communicate) was a specially processed head of a red-haired man, sealed in a crystal dome. From time to time other heads were added to it.

By analogy with the manufacture of teraphim in other cults (Voodoo and some religions of the Middle East), inside the embalmed head (in the mouth or instead of the removed brain), a gold plate was most likely placed, apparently rhombic in shape, with magical ritual signs. It contained all the power of a teraphim, allowing its owner to interact with any metal on which certain signs or an image of the entire teraphim were drawn in one way or another: the will of the owner of the teraphim flowed through the metal into the person in contact with it: under pain of death by forcing his subjects to wear diamonds around their necks, the king of Babylon could control their owners to one degree or another.

We cannot say that the head of a man lying in a ziggurat on Red Square is a teraphim, but the following facts are noteworthy:

There is at least a cavity in the mummy's head - for some reason the brain is still kept at the Brain Institute;
- the head is covered with a special glass surface;
-the head lies in the lowest tier of the ziggurat, although it would be more logical to put it somewhere upstairs. The basement in all places of worship is always used for contact with the beings of the Hell worlds;
- images of the head (busts) were replicated throughout the USSR, including pioneer badges, where the head was placed in a fire, that is, captured during the classical magical procedure of communicating with the demons of Hell;
- instead of shoulder straps, for some reason, “diamonds” were introduced in the USSR, which were later changed to “asterisks” - the same ones that burn on the Kremlin towers and which were used by the Babylonians in cult ceremonies of communication with Wil. Similar to rhombuses and stars, “decorations” imitating a gold plate inside the head under the tower were also worn in Babylon - they are found in abundance during excavations;

In addition, in the magical practices of Voodoo and some religions of the Middle East, the process of "creating a teraphim" is accompanied by a ritual murder - the life force of the victim had to flow into the teraphim. In some rituals, body parts of the victim are also used, for example, the head of the victim is immured under a glass sarcophagus with a teraphim. We cannot say that something is also immured under the head of the mummy in the ziggurat on Red Square, however, there is evidence of clairvoyants who claim that such a fact takes place: in the ziggurat lie the heads of the ritually murdered king and queen, as well as the heads of two more unknown people killed in the summer of 1991 - the time of the “transfer” of power from the communists to the “democrats” (thus, the teraphim were, as it were, “updated”, strengthened).

Naturally, we cannot blindly believe clairvoyants - this is their personal experience, which is difficult to double-check. However, we have some interesting facts that echo this experience. The first fact is the certainty that the murder of Nicholas II was ritual and, as a result, his remains could later be used for ritual purposes. Entire historical studies have been written about this, dotting all the “i”. (There are materials on the Kramola.info website, ed.)

The second fact is reflected in these studies: the testimonies of Yekaterinburg residents who, on the eve of the assassination of the tsar, saw “a man “with the appearance of a rabbi, with a pitch-black beard”: he was brought to the place of execution in a train from ONE CAR, which was occupied by this important person among the Bolsheviks. Immediately after the execution, such a noticeable train left with some boxes. Who came, why - we do not know.

But we know the third fact: a certain professor Zbarsky “invented” the recipe for embalming in three days, although the same North Koreans, having much more advanced technologies, worked on the preservation of Kim Il Sung for more than a year. That is, someone apparently suggested the recipe to Zbarsky again. And so that the recipe does not float away from his circle, Professor Vorobyov, who helped Zbarsky, and also, willy-nilly, found out about the secret, pretty soon “accidentally” died during the operation.

Finally, the fourth fact - the consultations of the architect Shchusev (the official "builder" of the ziggurat) by a certain F. Poulsen, a specialist in the architecture of Mesopotamia, mentioned in hysterical documents. Interesting: why did the architect consult an archaeologist, because Shchusev, as it were, built, and did not excavate?

Thus, we have every reason to assume that, apparently, the clairvoyants were right about something: if the Bolsheviks had so many “consultants”: on construction, on ritual murders, on embalming, then obviously they advised the revolutionaries correctly, having done everything according to one magical scheme - would they not build a Chaldean ziggurat, embalm the body according to the Egyptian recipe, accompanying everything with Aztec ceremonies? Although the Aztecs are not so simple.

We compared the ziggurat on Red Square with the Tower of Babel, not because it is most similar to it, although it strongly resembles it: it’s just that the abbreviation of the pseudonym name of the leader of the world proletariat imprisoned in the ziggurat coincides with the name of the god of the Babylonians - his name was Wil. We don’t know - again, probably, a “coincidence”. If we talk about an EXACT copy of the ziggurat, about the sample, the "source" - then this is undoubtedly the building on top of the Pyramid of the Moon in Teotiukan, where the Aztecs made human sacrifices to their god Huitzilopochtli. Or a structure very similar to it.

Huitzilopochtli is the main god of the Aztec pantheon. One day he promised the Aztecs that he would lead them to a blessed place where they would become his chosen people. This happened under the leader Tenoch: the Aztecs came to Teotiukan, massacred the Toltecs who lived there, and on top of one of the pyramids erected by the Toltecs they built the temple of Huitzilopochtli, where they thanked their tribal god with human sacrifices.

Thus, everything is clear with the Aztecs: at first some demon helped them - then they began to feed this demon. However, nothing is clear with the Bolsheviks: was Huitzilopochtli involved in the revolution of 1917, after all, the temple near the Kremlin was built specifically for him!? Moreover, Shchusev, who built the ziggurat, was consulted by a specialist in the cultures of Mesopotamia, right? But in the end, the temple of the bloody Aztec deity turned out. How did it happen? Did Shchusev listen badly? Or Poulsen badly told? Or maybe Poulsen really had something to tell?

The answer to this question became possible only in the middle of the 20th century, when images of the so-called "Pergamum Altar" or, as it is also called, "the throne of Satan" were found. Mention of him is already found in the Gospel, where Christ, referring to a man from Pergamum, said the following: "... you live where the throne of Satan is." For a long time, this building was known mainly from legends - there was no image.

Once this image was found. When studying it, it turned out that either the temple for Huitzilopochtli is its exact copy, or the designs have some more ancient pattern, from which they were copied. The most convincing version claims that the "original" now rests at the bottom of the Atlantic - in the middle of the mainland that died in the abyss - Atlantis. Some of the priests of the ancient satanic cult moved to Mesoamerica, and the second part took refuge somewhere in Mesopotamia. We don’t know if this is really so, and it’s hard to say which branch the builders of the ziggurat in Moscow belong to, but the fact is obvious - in the center of the capital there is a building, an exact copy of two ancient temples where bloody rites were performed and inside this building in a glass coffin there is a specially embalmed corpse. And this is in the 20th century.

By the way: the drawing of the "throne of Satan" was found much later than the time of the construction of the ritual building on Red Square. It turns out that the consultant, who “helped” Shchusev build the ziggurat, knew well how the building needed by the customer should look like without any excavation of clay tablets. Strange knowledge, strange customers, a strange place for the building, strange events in the country after the completion of construction - famine, and not alone, war, and not alone, the Gulag - a whole network of places where millions of people were tortured, as if they were being drained of vital energy. And, apparently, the ziggurat became the accumulator of this energy.


Trying to talk about the “principles of operation” of the ritual complex on Red Square would not be entirely correct, since magic is an act of occult influence, and the occult has no principles. Say, physics talks about some kind of "protons" and "electrons", but after all, the creation of electrons, the creation of protons, still lies in the beginning. How did they come about? As a result of "big bang magic?" In words, the phenomenon can be called whatever you like, but this does not make the supernatural something that can be touched and seen. Even "feeling" and "looking" is still a fact of the interaction of consciousness with individual manifestations of the so-called "electricity", the essence of which is absolutely incomprehensible. However, let's try to fit into the terminology acceptable to scientific atheism.

Everyone knows what a parabolic antenna is. They also know the general principle of its operation: a parabolic antenna is a mirror that collects something, right? What is the corner of the building? An angle is an angle, that is, the intersection of two even walls. There are three such corners at the base of the ziggurat on Red Square. And in place of the fourth - on the side from which the demonstrations passing in front of the stands appear - there is no corner. There, of course, is not a stone pabolic "plate", but there is definitely no corner there - there is a niche (it is clearly visible on the footage of the archival chronicle, where people in clothes with stars burn the banners of the Third Reich at the ziggurat). The question is: why this niche? Why such a strange architectural decision? Is the ziggurat drawing some kind of energy from the crowd walking across the square? We do not know, although we recall that it is customary to put a very naughty child in a corner, and it is extremely uncomfortable to sit on the corner of the table, since cavities and internal corners draw energy from a person, and sharply protruding corners and ribs, on the contrary, radiate. We cannot say what kind of energy we are talking about, it is possible that some of its qualities are just represented by the so-called "electromagnetic radiation", actively used by the organizers of the ziggurat. Judge for yourself.

In the early 20s of the last century, Paul Kremer published a number of publications in which, using such a purely abstract thing at that time as “genes” (they did not yet know about DNA), he brought out a whole theory about how to influence the genes of a particular population with hypothetical radiation expelled from dead or dying tissues. By and large, it was a theory about how to spoil the gene pool of an entire nation, forcing people to stand in front of a specially processed corpse for some time, or relaying the “radiation” of this corpse to the whole country. At first glance, a pure theory: some kind of “genes”, some kind of “rays”, although such a procedure was well known to magicians back in the time of the pharaohs and was governed by the laws of asymptotic magic. According to these laws, the appearance and well-being of the pharaoh was somehow relayed to his subjects in a supernatural way: the pharaoh was sick - the people were sick, they made some freak and mutant the pharaoh - mutations and deformities began to appear in children throughout Egypt.

Then people forgot this magic, or rather, they actively helped people to forget it. But time passes and people understand how the DNA system works - they understand from the point of view of molecular biology. And then a few more decades pass and such a science as wave genetics appears, such phenomena as DNA solitons are discovered - that is, super-weak, but extremely stable acoustic and electromagnetic fields generated by the genetic apparatus of the cell. With the help of these fields, cells exchange information both with each other and with the outside world, including, turning off or even rearranging certain regions of chromosomes. This scientific fact, no fantasy. It remains only to compare the fact of the existence of DNA solitons and the fact of visiting the ziggurat with the mummy of SEVENTY MILLION people. Draw your own conclusions.

The next possible "working mechanism" of the ziggurat is a stable mitogenic field on Red Square, created by the blood and emanations of pain of people killed there that have soaked into the local soil. How would it be a coincidence that the ziggurat is in this place? And the fact that under the ziggurat there is a huge sewer - that is, a cloaca filled to the top with excrement - is also a "coincidence"? On the one hand, stool is a material that has long been traditionally used in magic to induce various types of damage, on the other hand, think about how many microbes live and die in the sewers? When they die, they radiate. How strongly Gurvich's experiments showed: small colonies of microbes easily killed mice and even rats. Did the builders of the ziggurat know that there was sewage at the site of the future building? Suppose that the Bolsheviks did not have an architectural plan for the square, they dug blindly, as a result of which one day the sewer broke and the mummy was flooded. But then the collector was not rebuilt, taking, for example, away from the ziggurat. It was simply deepened and expanded (this information will be confirmed by Moscow diggers) - so that the leader of the world proletariat has something to eat.

It seems that the builders of the ziggurat apparently mastered the magic perfectly, if through the millennia they managed to betray some tradition from generation to generation and once reproduced the “throne of Satan” on Red Square - never having seen known to science drawings depicting him. Owned, own and, obviously, will own, putting on the Russians, and possibly on all of humanity, satanic experiments. And perhaps they won't - if the Russians find the strength to put an end to this. This is not difficult to do, because: although the ziggurat is registered with UNESCO as “ historical monument”(monuments cannot be desecrated) - the unburied corpse lying there completely falls out of the legal field, defiles the religious feelings of believers of all faiths and even atheists. You can simply take it and pull it out at night by the legs, without violating a single Russian "law", because there is no law or legal basis for which this mummy is in the ziggurat.

We are accustomed to perceive the mausoleum as a monument to communism and a tribute to the first leader of the proletariat - Lenin is alive! But what if this whole construction actually has the goal of destroying the gene pool of our nation as such? There is a theory that the mausoleum is actually a ziggurat, and the body of Vladimir Ilyich is a teraphim, or simply a cursed object.

“In the morning, at eleven o’clock, on January 23, 1924, I gathered the first meeting of experts on the issue of arranging a grave for Vladimir Ilyich, whom it was decided to bury on Red Square near the Kremlin wall, and build a Mausoleum over the grave.”
V. D. Bonch-Bruevich

January 27 during the official funeral procedure at exactly 16.00 telegraph agencies Soviet Union they said: “Get up, comrades, Ilyich is being lowered into the grave!”

Ziggurat (ziggurat, ziggurat): in the architecture of ancient Mesopotamia, a cult tiered tower. Ziggurats had 3-7 tiers in the form of truncated pyramids or parallelepipeds made of raw brick, connected by stairs and gentle rises - ramps
(Glossary of architectural terms)

A.I. Abrikosov, an indisputable authority in the field of anatomy, considered the struggle to preserve the body meaningless, because pigmentation appeared on it and the process of tissue drying began. He stated then that modern science does not have methods for preserving the human body for long periods.

On March 21, 1924, after negotiations between a certain V. Zbarsky and the founder and head of the Cheka-OGPU F. Dzerzhinsky, it was decided to start embalming. Why did you decide to embalm the body of "Lenin"? The official version: streams of letters, telegrams about perpetuating the memory of the leader, requests to leave Lenin's body incorruptible, preserving it for centuries. (However, no such letters were found in the archives. The letters suggested only perpetuating the memory of Lenin in grandiose buildings and monuments.)

The project of the sarcophagus is undertaken by the famous modernist architect K.S. Melnikov, who is clearly dedicated to all the subtleties of the design.

B.I. Zbarsky to a direct question, who first came up with the idea of ​​perpetuating the body of the leader, always answered evasively: “Spontaneously.”

Professor Zbarsky “invented” the recipe for embalming in three days, although the same North Koreans, having much more advanced technologies, worked on the preservation of Kim Il Sung for more than a year. That is, someone again apparently suggested the recipe to Zbarsky. And so that the recipe does not float away from his circle, Professor Vorobyov, who helped Zbarsky, and also, willy-nilly, found out about the secret - pretty soon he “accidentally” died during the operation.

Shchusev explained himself (in Stroitelnaya Gazeta No. 11 of January 21, 1940) - he was commissioned to accurately reproduce the shape of the second (wooden) Mausoleum in stone: For five years, the image of the mausoleum has become famous in all corners of the globe. Therefore, the government decided not to change the architecture of the mausoleum - I was instructed to accurately reproduce it in stone. That is, in other words, who actually "designed" is shrouded in mystery.

"If individual periods are accompanied by the disintegration and death of parts of the body, then in the same way general periods nations are associated with the death of individual parts of the "national body".
... the organic bodily immortality of an individual is possible only at the expense of the whole people as a whole.
Paul Kammerer (German: Paul Kammerer; August 17, 1880, Vienna, Austria - September 23, 1926, Puchberg am Schneeberg) was an Austrian occult biologist.

Krupskaya (wife of Blanca-Ulyanov), when she was shown the mummy after the next parade, once mentioned that "Vladimir Ilyich looks like he's alive." His face even turned pink as he lay in front of the crowds of demonstrators.

Ziggurat- this is a ritual architectural structure, tapering upwards like a multi-stage pyramid - the same one that stands on Red Square. However, a ziggurat is not a pyramid, as it always has a small temple on top.

Terafim- this is a kind of “sworn object”, a “collector” of magical, parapsychic energy, which, according to magicians, envelops the teraph in layers, formed by special rites and ceremonies. These manipulations are called “the creation of a teraphim”, because it is impossible to “make” a teraphim.

By analogy with the manufacture of teraphim in other cults (Voodoo and some religions of the Middle East), inside the embalmed head (in the mouth or instead of the removed brain), a gold plate was most likely placed, apparently rhombic in shape, with magical ritual signs. It contained all the power of a teraphim, allowing its owner to interact with any metal on which certain signs or an image of the entire teraphim were drawn in one way or another: the will of the owner of the teraphim flowed through the metal into the person in contact with it: under pain of death by forcing his subjects to wear diamonds around their necks, the king of Babylon to one degree or another could control their owners

It is easy to see that the hands of the mummy in the ziggurat on Red Square are folded in the form of mudra. Despite the fact that the mummy is regularly rinsed in baths with different solutions and changed clothes, Blanca's hands are "accidentally" folded into the same position each time. However, such an “accident” is understandable from the point of view of interaction with subtle energies. According to the teachings, the open left hand receives energy from outside, and the right hand, clenched into a fist, closes it in the body and transforms it. In the photo above, this is quite evident.

Mausoleum with cut edge

The profile of the Mausoleum coincides with the scheme of the simplest television antenna - they used to be on the roofs, and everyone had them in the house. Similar antennas are still on radio and television masts.

The principle of their pyramidality is simple: such ladder circuits amplify the signal, each subsequent circuit adds power to the radiation. Naturally, a ziggurat does not transmit radio waves like an antenna. But physicists have shown that radio waves, sound waves, and waves in liquids have much in common. They have one basis - a wave. Therefore, the principles of operation of all wave devices are the same, whether they are waves of sound, light, or waves of some incomprehensible radiation, which today, for convenience, is called energy-informational.
Please note: the ceiling of the "mausoleum" is also stepped, like the outer pyramid. This is a circuit within a circuit, operating like a power-up transformer. Modern devices have shown that internal corners draw in informational energy from outer space, while outer corners radiate it. That is, the ceiling of the tomb absorbs energy, the upper superstructure itself radiates (there are several tens of short outer corners-edges). What kind of energy are we talking about? See for yourself:

There is also another corner in the “mausoleum”. In fact, this is not even a corner, but three corners: two internal, drawing in energy like a bowl, and the third - external. It divides the notch in half, heading outward like a thorn. This is more than an original architectural detail, and the detail is absolutely asymmetrical - it is one such triple angle. And it is aimed at the crowds marching towards the "mausoleum".

Such strange triple angles are called psychotronic devices today. The principle is simple: an inner corner (for example, the corner of a room) draws in some hypothetical informational energy, while an outer corner (for example, the corner of a table) radiates.

The walls are lined with granite, which has quartz in its composition. Quartz crystals are used in any digital device and are called quartz resonators. They are a plate with sputtered silver pads, to which the leads are welded. Quartz has the properties of a coil and a capacitor. When voltage is applied to it, its plate changes its geometric dimensions, when the voltage is removed, it restores its shape, and a potential difference appears on the terminals. The quartz resonator is used as a particularly stable component for generating a clock signal for processors.

How does the mausoleum work?

This device needs energy to operate. It is taken either from the ground at the point of intersection of the lines of the Hartman grid, or from an external source - people. This energy is being modulated by the corpse in the mausoleum, bringing in information that is alien to us and radiating from the cracks above.

In the early 20s of the last century, Paul Kremer published a number of publications in which, using such a purely abstract thing at that time as “genes” (they did not yet know about DNA), he brought out a whole theory about how to influence the genes of a particular population with hypothetical radiation expelled from dead or dying tissues.

By and large it was a theory about how to spoil the gene pool of an entire nation, forcing people to stand in front of a specially treated corpse for some time, or relaying the “radiation” of this corpse to the whole country. At first glance, a pure theory: some kind of “genes”, some kind of “rays”, although such a procedure was well known to magicians back in the time of the pharaohs and was governed by the laws of asymptotic magic.

According to these laws, the appearance and well-being of the pharaoh was somehow relayed to his subjects in a supernatural way: the pharaoh was sick - the people were sick, they made some freak and mutant the pharaoh - mutations and deformities began to appear in children throughout Egypt.

Then people forgot this magic, or rather, they actively helped people to forget it. But time passes and people understand how the DNA system works - they understand from the point of view of molecular biology.

And then a few more decades pass and such a science as wave genetics appears, such phenomena as DNA solitons are discovered - that is, super-weak, but extremely stable acoustic and electromagnetic fields generated by the genetic apparatus of the cell. With the help of these fields, cells exchange information both with each other and with the outside world, including, turning off or even rearranging certain regions of chromosomes. This is scientific fact, no science fiction. It remains only to compare the fact of the existence of DNA solitons and the fact of visiting a ziggurat with a mummy by tens of millions of people, the vast majority of whom are Russians.

What to do?

When the pagan emperors in ancient Rome got fed up with Jewish rebellions, they used a very specific magical methodology. In 132 AD, after the suppression of another uprising on the orders of Emperor Hadrian, Jerusalem, along with the temple, was destroyed to the ground, then the area around the city was plowed in a circle with a plow. After that, throughout the designated area, pagan priests performed a rite of cleansing the area from unclean forces. Finally, in a solemn form, pagan temples were laid, and the city received a new name - Elia Capitolina. The Romans knew what to do, so we may well use their tradition. The mausoleum must be torn down to the ground, all the components of the so-called "revolutionary necropolis" must be uprooted from Red Square and the satanic stars must be removed from the Kremlin towers. After that, level the ground around this place and conduct a cleansing ceremony to expel demons and remove cadaveric sewage.

A picture familiar to every Russian is the leaders on the stands of the Mausoleum and an endless stream of people on a huge square. Why are these men, women and children in bright robes here, with balloons and banners?

Some think that they came to celebrate another date of the communist calendar, others marched across the city to gawk at the leaders, while the majority arrived at the behest of the authorities. However, none of them even realizes that the real purpose of their visit to Red Square is to become a victim of a monstrous technogenic energy vampire. For decades, only the Initiates knew about it.

Mausoleum. Niche.


And the key to unraveling this mystery "lay" in plain sight. Those walking in festive columns had only to carefully look at the approaching corner of the Mausoleum and discover that it was not a corner at all, but some strange corner niche with an inner protruding corner, like a longitudinal spike (there is no such corner in other corners).

But this thing has an amazing property - no one notices it “point-blank”, as if the devil himself turns his eyes away! Well, those who nevertheless notice it, had to torment themselves in guessing what kind of “decoration” it was and why it was needed.


For the author, the niche did not represent any mystery, but natural curiosity pushed him to conduct, so to speak, a full-scale experiment, and he approached two young policemen who were constantly on duty in front of the Mausoleum. When asked if they knew what kind of niche it was (and the conversation took place right in front of it), an astonished counter-question followed - “What niche ?!” Only after repeatedly poking a finger in her direction with a detailed verbal description of it, the policemen noticed a niche more than two meters in height and almost a meter wide. The most interesting thing was to watch the eyes of the policeman, who was looking at the “corner” of the Mausoleum during the conversation. At first they did not express anything - as if a person was looking at a blank white sheet of paper - suddenly, the pupils began to expand, and the eyes popped out of their sockets - I saw !!! The spell is broken! It is impossible to explain this miracle by poor eyesight or mental deficiency of people in uniform, because they successfully passed the medical examination. Only one thing remains - a special magical (psychotronic, zombifying) effect of the Mausoleum on others.

The altar, sacrifices, magic - this is all the lot of mystical-minded people, believers, the reader will object. And the Mausoleum was built by the Bolsheviks - resolute fighters against religion, places of worship and all sorts of mysticism - what magic is there!


A strange question, the reader will say. They called themselves "atheists", that is, "godless", and actively fought against religion. Here, for example, is a terrible document, repeatedly published in facsimile:

What kind of believers are they?
The first to reject God and began to fight people's faith in Him was Satan (aka the Devil). But did the Devil doubt the existence of the Creator? In no case! And in general, they fight only with those in whose existence they are absolutely sure (this also applies to today's "princes of this world" - international globalists and wise men). The Bolsheviks really did not believe in the existence of Baba Yaga and Koshchei the Immortal, and therefore they did not even try to fight with them. Lenin, a man with a university education, writes that the killing of believers is necessary to do away with religion. But any high school student, from the history of the struggle against Christianity in Ancient Rome, knew that it was impossible to eradicate the Faith by any repressions! Therefore, Lenin's words are only slyness to mask the true purpose of the Bolshevik atrocities - ritual human sacrifices to Satan. At the same time, Lenin the Satanist acted not as a home-grown black magician, but as the leader of a party of true and consistent Marxists - they are convinced Satanists or devil worshipers. And there are no exaggerations or metaphors here, because even in his student years K. Marx defined the most important task of his life in this way:
"I want to build myself a throne
On a huge cold mountain
Surrounded by human fear
where dark pain reigns.

And further:
"You see this sword -
The prince of darkness sold it to me...
You, Satan, will fall into the abyss (i.e. into Hell),
And I will follow you with laughter...
And soon I will throw to mankind
My titanic curses...
Accepting my teaching
The world is going to die...

These promising verses are taken from the drama "KVLANEM" written by K. Marx in his student years. By the way, the word "klanem" in Hebrew is an anagram (reading backwards) of the name of Jesus Christ. In Kabbalah, the anagram of God is both atheism and Satanism.

Lenin, as everyone knows, was an ideological and consistent Marxist (Satanist) in everything. Yes, he did not hide it. The above indication (officially valid until 1939) is a good example of this: in the outgoing document number there are two numbers of the Devil - 13 and 666. The date of its appearance is also symbolic - on the night of May 1, witches and black magicians gather for the main annual Sabbat. Ilyich wrote this paper clearly after the diabolical May Day. Lenin did not just reject God - he literally hated him, could not bear the very mention of the name of the Creator, and when it came to religion, he fell into a frenzy and rage. He was obsessed with the need for a pathological blasphemy of everything divine: his religion is nothing but "priestry", "flirting with God", "the most vile of things", "cadaverism", for "Every religious idea about every god, every flirtation with God is the most inexpressible abomination... the most dangerous abomination, the most vile contagion.” It is curious that Lenin never spoke badly about Satan, although the Devil is also part of the religious worldview.


The cunning people have long noticed, if you want them not to believe you, speak the pure truth. The Bolsheviks honestly and frankly declared that they were fanatical believers - followers of the cult of Satan (atheists), and, therefore, adepts of black magic with its gloomy places of worship and sinister rituals that they performed quite openly. For example, on the night of November 7, 1918, on Red Square, the Bolsheviks burned effigies of their enemies - representatives of the old system (then they did this regularly throughout the country). Such scenes, when the sorcerer first makes a doll of his enemy, and then burns it with fire in the night and destroys it, are now shown on TV almost daily. But in 1918 there was no television, and the Orthodox people knew little about black magic and perceived satanic rituals as a commissar's fun. Although not all. The true essence of Bolshevism was perfectly discerned by their opponents and reflected on the posters of those years, but they were defeated in the fight against demonic forces.

Poster from the Civil War.
Glavvoenmor and creator of the Red Army, Lev Trotsky (Leiba Bronstein).

The Bolsheviks also reflected their commitment to Satanism and black magic in their “self-name” and the main symbols that they placed literally everywhere - the author saw in Tver, and then Kalinin, even in the mid-1970s, instead of crosses, five-pointed stars above the domes of churches. In Russian, the adjective “red” is associated not only, and not so much with beauty (“a red maiden”), but with shed blood and fire - “letting a red rooster go”. The Bolsheviks, calling themselves and their army "Red", did not at all think that only handsome men would serve their cause (rather, they believed that they would be mostly freaks and bloody bats). Marx planned to end his God-fighting and misanthropic career with Satan in the abyss (aka Hell or Gehenna fiery). Undoubtedly, all his followers considered it an honor to keep him company, and therefore they took as their main symbols the color of Hell and the most important magical attribute- pentagram (aka red star).

Coat of arms of the RSFSR, flags of the RSFSR and the USSR.

Moreover, the Bolsheviks forced the population to wear cabalistic talismans and magical symbols! For example, the first Soviet coin - 1 ruble of 1921 - was obviously created according to the laws of magic, and it served as a talisman for the Soviet government. And on the most massive ruble bill of the 1961 model, an openly satanic symbol was depicted.

Silver coin 1 ruble 1921 and the talismans of Mercury and the Sun from the book "Practical Magic" by Papus of the early twentieth century.

Banknote 1 ruble 1961.

Inverted pentagram.

In its upper right corner, the number "1" is inscribed in an inverted stylized pentagram. A direct pentagram (or pentagon) symbolizes a person in occultism and is used to achieve selfish goals - the growth of wealth and power. The inverted pentagram symbolizes the devil and is used to cause harm and damage, destruction and destruction (why it was all done and how it worked is the topic of a story that goes beyond the subject under consideration, for the Mausoleum is only a small part of the magical heritage of the party).

The straight pentagram is the occult symbol of man. The inverted pentagram is the occult symbol of the devil. From the book of Papus.

All the signs of devil worship were there, black magic as the main source of Marxism, the Bolsheviks did not even hide! But they didn’t believe them ... But in vain (the most hypocritical move is to declare yourself an atheist and a fighter against the bourgeoisie, and then indulge in occultism and cooperate with the oligarchy, and no one will believe! The same thing with the Nazis - they declared themselves anti-Semites and fighters against plutocracy, and After all, no one believed in cooperation with the Zionists and the same oligarchy.And today the newly minted "saviors" are calling for overthrowing the yoke of bankers and corporations, along the way spitting on Christ, as did the Illuminati Freemasons, and the Marxists, and the Nazis, and today's "saviors". Whose Cossacks it is not difficult to guess.

To practice magic, the Bolsheviks needed special places of worship, and soon they appeared in abundance. The main one was the Mausoleum.

Yes, the reader will agree, Lenin may have been a black magician - it is not for nothing that the earth does not accept his remains - but the Mausoleum is not his work, and it does not look like a religious building.

No, it's very similar! But more on that later, but for now let's try to figure out why Lenin was buried in such an ominous place as Red Square?

Graveyard and tomb in an "unclean" place.

Eco turned down, - the reader will say - but everywhere it is written that the square is called Red for its beauty. This is the holy place of Moscow! Alas, such ideas of the majority of Russians are just the fruits of Bolshevik propaganda!

In Moscow, the Cathedral Square of the Kremlin on the top of Borovitsky Hill with its cathedrals-tombs of Russian monarchs and patriarchs has always been revered as the most sacred and honorable place. And Muscovites considered Red Square lying at its foot to be the city bottom, a collector of human and energy waste, an abode of fear and pain, an earthly analogue of the “Fiery Hyena”. These ideas are reflected in its modern name, which symbolizes fire, blood and unbridled lust at the same time.

Red Square owes its birth to fire, which has become its faithful companion for centuries. At the end of the 15th century, Ivan III ordered the demolition of wooden buildings around the Kremlin, which constantly threatened him with fire, and take this place for trade. The area was called Torg. In the 16th century, they began to call her Trinity, and after the devastating fire of 1571 - Pozhar. In the documents of the 17th century, the square is called both Pozhar and Krasnaya - in memory of the “red rooster”, which often came from the square to the homes of Muscovites.

Red Square has long been a place of executions, often mass and always savage. Next to the Spasskaya Tower stood the “pompous” tower, from which the cries and groans of the tortured rushed day and night, pleasing the ears of the people in the square. Near the Zemsky order, they punished with a whip and pulled out their nostrils. For centuries, streams and rivers of blood of the tortured and killed flowed along Red Square, flowing into the moat along the Kremlin wall. It was dug for defensive purposes in the 16th century; executed criminals were buried in it and wild animals were kept - during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, lions lived there, and under Alexei Mikhailovich an elephant.

At the "pompous" tower.

In medieval Moscow, there was no more "cheerful" place than Red Square. Here they traded, played dice, drank in taverns, stole, it was here that homeless people and crime accumulated (it was for the amusement of idle people that executions were arranged here). And on Vasilyevsky Spusk along there were trading, that is, paid, baths, which were not so much washing establishments as public brothels. Not a single foreigner who visited Muscovy in the 15th-17th centuries passed over in silence such a wonderful phenomenon as the joint washing of men and women. Families with small children came to the baths. Here, in the common room, walking girls worked. The ambassador of Rome in Moscow, Yakov Reitenfels, noted in his memoirs that parents “consider it necessary to teach children in baths and beds something that should be shrouded in the deepest darkness! TO schoolwork children start late and often get to know their wife before they can read and write. Many others write about the same, for example, Johann Georg Korb, who visited Russia in 1698 and 1699: - "Fornication, adultery and similar debauchery exist in Moscow beyond all possible dimensions." But the real scourge for Rus' was homosexuality. In 1552, Metropolitan Macarius, in a message to the tsarist army stationed near Kazan, was angry that the sovereign's soldiers "performed Sodom evil with young youths ...". The English poet George Turberville visited Moscow as part of a diplomatic mission in 1568. He was struck by the mass open homosexuality among Russian peasants. In the poetic message "To Dansy" the poet wrote:

"Though a man has a worthy wife,
He prefers a sodomy friend to her.
He drags young men, not virgins, to his bed.
This is the sin that drunkenness plunges him into.”
(The literal version is more rude and frank.)

They copulated openly not only in baths and taverns, but on the streets and squares, the largest of which was Krasnaya ... In order to somehow ennoble this terrible place and soften its disastrous energy, the square was surrounded by temples - the Pokrovsky Cathedral (St. Basil's), Kazan , the Iberian chapel, and small churches were built along the moat, which they called churches "on the blood", but this helped only partly.

The moat at the Spasskaya Tower in the 17th century.

“A terrible performance - a sea of ​​fire, an ocean of fire. This performance was the greatest, most majestic and most terrible that I have seen in my life,” Napoleon said about the Moscow fire of 1812, which claimed the lives of many Muscovites. Then 75% of the city burned down. Almost all the Russian soldiers wounded at Borodino (up to 2 thousand people), who, during the retreat, were left in the city at the mercy of the French, also died.

Fire on Red Square.

After this fiery extravaganza, the square began to be called only Red. This name was more suitable than Pozhar, which indicated fire, but said nothing about the streams of spilled blood and the rampage of the dirtiest debauchery on the square (sexual desire is traditionally likened to fire and symbolized in red - remember Pushkin's "The fire of desire burns in the blood ..." and modern "million scarlet roses"). Both Muscovites and Emperor Alexander I, who took an active part in the restoration of the city, thought so, therefore, according to the plan for the “reconstruction” of Moscow, not the Red Square, but the Theater Square should become its main square.

And in such an "unclean" place they decided to bury the fallen heroes of the Revolution and Ilyich! Moreover, the Bolsheviks built graves and a tomb in the place of the ditch, on the bones of executed criminals and the excrement of animals from the menagerie. And they even tried to worsen the already “black” energy of Red Square. The first thing the Bolsheviks did when they moved to Moscow from St. Petersburg was to turn the Kremlin into a grandiose den. The scale of revelry confused even Lenin - he was forced to chastise his comrades-in-arms, especially Stalin and Ordzhonikidze. Ilyich wrote notes to them: “Who did you drink and walk with today? Where do you get women from? .. ". But it's all in vain. Later, his successors destroyed the Iberian chapel, the Kazan Cathedral, arranging in its place public toilet, they wanted to blow up St. Basil's Cathedral ...

V. I. Lenin in the last years of his life.

Patriarch Tikhon.

In preparation for the funeral of the Leader, the place of the future resting place became literally unclean. When digging a pit, a sewer pipe passing nearby broke through. And the construction site was filled with feces (having learned about this, Patriarch Tikhon said: "According to relics and oil!"). This event aroused genuine enthusiasm and delight among the organizers of the funeral, for they perceived it as a sign of Satan's special favor (at black masses, magicians partake of excrement) to their undertaking.


The third (stone) Mausoleum was built in 1930. The commission for its design was headed by K. Voroshilov, an illiterate man - in his autobiography he wrote: “I studied for two winters”, on which he completed his entire education, but very influential in the field of state security (he was one of the organizers of the Cheka, and since 1925 became People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs and Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR). A. Shchusev was appointed the chief architect, who before the Revolution enjoyed the special disposition and trust of the tsar and his relatives, was friends with the famous icon painter Nesterov, the mystic N. Roerich, and was known mainly as the creator of Orthodox churches. But he never built burial structures.

Temple of Sergius of Radonezh.

Church of the Intercession and the Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna, by whose order it was built. Architect Shchusev A.V.

Isn't it a strange choice of the creators of the tomb? What is this, a military-strategic facility of particular importance, since its design must meet, to put it modern language, Minister of Defense and Head of the State Security Council? And what about the former tsar's favorite and church architect, the best candidate for the creators of the tomb for the Leader of the world proletariat and a staunch atheist? Yes, the Bolsheviks usually put people with a biography like Shchusev’s against the wall without trial or investigation, and did not instruct them to create their shrines! But Stalin never made random and ill-conceived decisions, especially on the most important political issues ...

Pergamon Altar and Pyramid of Djoser.

And what happened to the master of church architecture and a specialist in state security? Bastion with tops of domes? If! The result was an analogue of the magical altar of flayers and cannibals from South America! True, the media still do not talk about this and do not write about it, but they say that the Mausoleum looks like the Pergamon Altar or the Josser Pyramid.


Pyramid-altar of the Indians.

The similarity between the Mausoleum and the Pergamon Altar is more than remote. The Pyramid of Djosser is more similar, but there are no stairs on it, because it was not customary for the ancient Egyptians to trample on the tombs of their rulers, looking down on the festive processions. Such structures and customs existed only among the Indians of the New World (Maya, Aztecs, etc.), whose entire way of life was literally saturated with magic and ritual human sacrifices. The stepped pyramid-altars occupied the central place in this bloody cult.

Construction of the first Mausoleum.

First Mausoleum (author A. Shchusev).

Moreover, such a similarity could not be accidental, because the requirement to design a permanent Mausoleum so that the Leader's heirs could publicly trample his grave with their feet appeared in the Resolution of the Executive Troika of the Commission to perpetuate the memory of V.I. Lenin dated November 13, 1924. And it was rigorously executed by Shchusev (Shchusev gave the first temporary mausoleum the shape of a stepped pyramid back in January 1924).


The first Mausoleum stood until the spring of 1924 and was replaced by the second, also by Shchusev, and also in the form of a wooden stepped pyramid.

Second mausoleum.

In 1925, by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, a nationwide competition was announced for the project of the new Mausoleum, which received projects of various architectural styles and forms, among them was a project similar to the classical Egyptian pyramid.

But… in 1929 they decided to build in stone the same stepped pyramid, a copy of the second Mausoleum! Here is how, a decade later, Academician of Architecture Shchusev spoke about this in Stroitelnaya Gazeta No. 11 of January 21, 1940: “In five years, the image of the mausoleum has become famous in all corners of the globe. Therefore, the government decided not to change the architecture of the mausoleum - I was instructed to accurately reproduce it in stone.

From these words, a number of devastating conclusions for the creators of the Mausoleum clearly follows. First. The decision was made not according to the criteria of the regulation on the competition of 1925, but for some completely different reasons. The competition was a bluff to deceive society. Second. The widest popularity of the image of the Mausoleum in 1929 is a blatant lie. There was no television in 1929, practically no one read Soviet newspapers outside the USSR, and the foreign media certainly did not convey the image of the Mausoleum to “every corner of the globe” in 5 years. The true reason for choosing the shape of the Mausoleum was carefully concealed. Third. Shchusev claims that he was "instructed to accurately reproduce" the shape of the second, wooden Mausoleum in stone.

Drawing of the second mausoleum.

Drawing of the third mausoleum.

But here is what actually happened. The third Mausoleum is 24 meters long and 12 meters high (the second one is 9 meters high and 18 meters long). The upper portico is shifted to the Kremlin wall (in the wooden Mausoleum it was shifted to the facade). The pyramid of the Mausoleum consists of five ledges of different heights (the second Mausoleum had six of them). In addition, the third Mausoleum, while retaining the shape of a stepped pyramid, differs from the second in proportions. There can be no question of any accuracy in maintaining the shape! What forced the change in the shape of the tomb, Shchusev is silent ... It turns out that they did not build what they wanted at all.

There is other evidence that in 1929 no one was going to build a copy of the second Mausoleum. History has preserved a most interesting document - a life-size photograph of the mausoleum on Red Square.

Life-size model of the Mausoleum on Red Square, 1929.

Mausoleum built in 1930.

It is amazing, but the photo fact - the second Mausoleum was broken without having a project for the construction of a new one - it is easy to see that the layout is very different from both the second and third Mausoleums. But, what is more important for us, it is clearly seen that the author of the picture and the creators of the Mausoleum attach the greatest importance to the niche in its corner. She is clearly the most important detail the entire structure. It can also be seen that its shape is different from the shape of the niche in the third Mausoleum - it is obvious that the creators of the Mausoleum will still improve its design.

All this resembles some kind of phantasmagoria, and not the construction of a tomb! Is such recklessness possible in the most important affairs of state? Of course not. The Bolsheviks always did only what they wanted - there were no exceptions to this "iron" rule! Just the true reason for the choice of form and the true purpose of the creation of the Mausoleum, should have forever remained a mystery.

But not only the history of the creation of the third Mausoleum is mysterious, but also its subsequent “untimely” death. But more on that later.


The main content of the life of the Indians (Maya, Aztecs, etc.) was service to the world of Spirits, which was embodied in the religious and magical rituals of sacrifice. Human blood was considered the food of the Spirits, therefore, than more lives sacrificed, the more help the ruler, priests and people received. For human sacrifices, stepped pyramids-tombs of leaders of various shapes and sizes with stone stairs were used, a temple that was usually dedicated to specific Spirit, and an altar at the top.

Television antenna of the "wave channel" type.
Directional pattern of a television antenna.

Modern radio engineering helped to solve the mystery of the variety of pyramid shapes - scientists noticed the similarity in the shapes of stepped pyramids and antennas. Like an antenna, the shape and size of each pyramid ensured the “tuning” of an individual energy-information channel, through which Vital energy sacrifices to the patron Spirit, and the world of fallen Spirits (demons, demons) is extremely diverse - the Bible speaks of legions of demons (a considerable part of which, wandering around the planet, declared themselves gods before people - hence pagan worship and many-sided cults arose). Naturally, for more effective communication with a particular demon, it is best to have a special, "dedicated" communication line - a specially designed pyramid.

The victim was thrown onto the altar, the chief priest cut open her chest with a knife and tore out her heart. The corpse was stripped of the skin in which the priest was dressed, and the body was thrown down the stairs to the feet of the spectators. The corpse was cut into pieces and immediately eaten!

Sacrifice at the top of the pyramid.

Festive procession at the pyramid.

They sacrificed people in other cruel ways, for example, they burned them on a very slow fire. Sacrifices were made both on weekdays and on holidays (on holidays they were accompanied by mass processions - ancient parades and demonstrations). On weekdays, thousands of people were thrown onto the altar, and on holidays, the number of victims went to tens of thousands. Sometimes it is hard to believe that millions were killed in this way, but archaeologists find thousands more victims every day during excavations ... Among these peoples, the price of human life was reduced to nothing, and even simple moral principles were completely rejected.

And such a strategy of life justified itself - Spirits paid a hundredfold for their veneration - the welfare of the state grew, science, art and culture flourished, magnificent palaces with gardens and galleries were erected, huge pyramid temples that went into the skies, canals, dams, schools, poetry developed and philosophy. But a people that has linked its fate with demonic forces cannot exist for a long time. The Maya are gone. Magical sex degenerated into irrepressible voluptuousness - unheard-of debauchery and terrible cruelty filled the life of the Aztecs, their rapid degradation began. Therefore, when a handful of Spaniards, led by Hernando Cortes, entered Tenochtitlan on November 8, 1519, the Aztecs found themselves in their complete power, being a nation completely decomposed and unable to conduct any military operations. A few years later, the entire vast empire collapsed under the pressure of several hundred Spaniards. Today, small Indian tribes live on the site of the ancient state. These poor and miserable people look with awe at the ruins of the huge magical weapons of their distant ancestors.

To this it should be added that the sacrificed Indians ate in a solemn atmosphere - cannibalism was not only a good deed, but also a matter of national importance. The most interesting thing about all this is that not only prisoners and slaves were sacrificed, but also free citizens. And according to them own will- the best representatives of the aristocratic youth considered it their highest honor to die on the altar. That's how they were brought up.

The words of a popular Soviet song - “There is a true tradition in the Komsomol family - first think about the Motherland, and then about yourself!” - they don't remind you of anything? And between the fate of the Aztec state, the realities Soviet Russia and subsequent events in the history of an atheistic country, no analogies can be seen?

Even as it reminds and is viewed. And leads to various seditious thoughts. Therefore, everything was done and is being done to hide the true "roots" and purpose of the Mausoleum.


Let us return again to Shchusev's article in the Stroitelnaya Gazeta.

He writes: “It was decided to build this third version of the Mausoleum from red, gray and black labradorite, with an upper slab of Karelian red porphyry mounted on columns of various granite rocks. The frame of the mausoleum was built of reinforced concrete with brick filling and lined with natural granite. To avoid shaking the mausoleum when heavy tanks pass during the parades on Red Square, the foundation pit, in which the reinforced concrete foundation slab is installed, and the reinforced concrete frame of the mausoleum are covered with clean sand. Thus, the building of the mausoleum is protected from the transmission of ground shaking ... The mausoleum is designed for many centuries ... ".

Pay attention to the words of Shchusev - "The mausoleum is designed for many centuries"!

But already in 1944 the Mausoleum had to be thoroughly repaired. Another 30 years passed and it became clear that it needed to be seriously repaired again. In 1974, it was decided to carry out a large-scale reconstruction of the tomb. Let us turn to the memoirs of one of the leaders of the reconstruction, Joseph Rhodes:

“The project for the reconstruction of the mausoleum provided for the complete dismantling of the cladding, the replacement of about 30% of granite blocks, the strengthening of the building structure, the complete replacement of insulation and insulation with modern materials, as well as the construction of a continuous shell made of special lead. For all the work worth more than 10 million rubles, we were given 165 days ... ”.

But the reality exceeded all conceivable expectations of the restorers!

Here is how Joseph Rhodes says about it: “Having dismantled the granite lining of the Mausoleum, we were amazed by what we saw: the metal of the frame rusted, brick and concrete walls were destroyed in places, and the insulation turned into a soaked slurry that had to be scooped out. The cleaned structures were reinforced, covered with the latest insulating and warming materials. A reinforced concrete vault-shell was made over the entire structure, which was covered with a solid zinc shell.

In addition, in reality, 12,000 cladding blocks had to be replaced! What we now see on Red Square is practically a remake, and not an architectural monument!

But what about the words of the academician of architecture Shchusev that the Mausoleum was built to last for centuries (by 1974 the third Mausoleum stood for only 44 years!)? Why did metal, brick and concrete turn into dust? Did they fire cannons at the Mausoleum, or did the academician of architecture not know how to build? Or maybe in Moscow the climate is such, in which concrete and bricks melt like snow in spring?

The guns were not fired. The climate for buildings is normal - the brick Kremlin walls next to the Mausoleum have been standing for more than 500 years - and nothing. Other earlier creations of Shchusev in Moscow have not yet crumbled either. And even wooden buildings in Moscow can stand for centuries.

Pavilion of 1825 in Kolomenskoye before restoration.

For example, in Kolomenskoye in 1825 they built a wooden “Pavilion of 1825” plastered on the outside. When the plaster was removed from the walls during the restoration of the building in 2005, it turned out that the lion's share of its wooden structures, having served for 180 years, were perfectly preserved, did not require replacement, and would still serve for a very long time.

Restoration of the "Pavilion of 1825" in Kolomenskoye. 2005 year.

The catastrophically rapid destruction of the Mausoleum can only be explained by the action of some mysterious, but completely real forces on it. However, the Indians and Babylonians knew about them very well and were not surprised that they had to overhaul their pyramids every 30-50 years. Note that as soon as the Indians in the 16th century stopped (forcedly) using them for sacrifices, the need for repairs also disappeared - for about 500 years no one has been repairing them, but they look great.

The current state of one of the Indian altars.

The magical rituals have ceased - the catastrophically destroying pyramids of power have also disappeared! And what about our Mausoleum? Despite the fact that in 1974 it was actually rebuilt from the best materials according to the latest technologies, since the 1990s it has been constantly closed for repairs. Apparently, the mysterious destructive process is still in full swing!


From the very beginning, the mausoleum was created according to the laws of magic as the main religious building of the black magicians of the 20th century to help them solve the problems of a national scale that they face. And the Bolsheviks (especially Stalin) did it brilliantly.

The first Mausoleum stood for only about three months and was only a "test of the magic pen." With the help of the second Mausoleum, as a magical tool, they overcame the devastation, liquidated the NEP. Stalin defeated the Trotskyists and introduced a new serfdom- carried out collectivization. By 1929, he faced qualitatively new (and fantastically difficult!) Tasks - to industrialize, to create modern army and establish an absolute regime of personal power - practically revive the autocracy in a new guise, eliminating not only their political opponents, but also all persons suspicious of their regime. Stalin understood that he would either solve these problems or die (“We are 50-100 years behind the advanced countries. We must run this distance in 10 years. Either we do it or we will be crushed.” Stalin, 1931). The main hopes were pinned on the Mausoleum, but it was necessary to increase its magical efficiency.

The way to solve this problem was known. According to historical sources, the Indians completely reconstructed their pyramids every 50 years - not only repaired, but also changed their shape and size (this process is completely similar to the process of improving modern radio antennas - over time, new knowledge appears and new tasks arise, so antennas also change) . The Bolshevik magicians went the proven path. Looking ahead, let's say that not without success.

Judging by the fact that by 1941 Stalin brilliantly solved all the above tasks, the power of the modernized “machine for fulfilling desires” of the state elite (the larger and magically perfect Mausoleum) really grew.

Fantastic? Are such technogenic magical devices even possible?
