Ready-made script for the farewell to the army. Modern funny home farewell to the army: contests, skits, games, gifts

It is necessary to escort the conscript to the service correctly. There are a number of signs, reasons and customs that dictate their own rules for organizing an event. This article talks about the features of the wires of young people to the army.

For every young man, such a home event as seeing off to the army is exciting event. It is important not only for the future soldier himself, but also for his entire family. Since ancient times, it was customary not only to celebrate this event with a magnificent table, but even with festivities. This family "holiday" has many interesting traditions, customs, as well as will accept.

INTERESTING: The first send-offs to the army and service were held during the reign of Peter the Great. The fact is that at that time few of the soldiers returned home (they died in battle, or from diseases). That is why the men were seen off as "on their last journey."

Of course, over time, wires have changed their meaning, and the service itself has become much simpler and “faster” (the number of years has decreased). However, the traditions of the simple Russian people remained unchanged. Relatives are still follow the basic rules: they set the table, lament, wish to return healthy, not to die in battle.

INTERESTING: From a psychological point of view, seeing off - an important part tuning young man in a positive way and help to perceive the service as an important and good mission.

Seeing off - an important event in the life of every conscript


  • Seeing off was made necessarily fun so as not to spoil the mood of the departing young man in any way.
  • At the send-off invited a large number of guests: relatives, relatives, friends, neighbors.
  • The female half of the guests must restrain themselves in order to do not spoil the event with your tears and bad mood.
  • Crying and being sad on the wires is the worst omen, which can bring a young man a hard service.
  • Seeing off taken "on the ground", so if you live in an apartment, you should prepare a cottage or a private house.
  • It's a good tradition to ask arrange a send-off for one of the men who already had service experience.
  • To cook on the table should be dishes that are loved by the departing young man.
  • Interesting tradition: prepare a bowl of barley porridge(as in the army) and treat guests with it.
  • It is imperative to seat a young conscript at the table to the main place: he must see everyone well and everyone must see him.
  • First opening speech the oldest man at the table should say, well, if he used to serve in the army or was in the war.
  • After that, each person present, in turn, make a toast at the table with parting words and wishes for a happy service.
  • The mother of the conscript must also make a fairly eloquent speech. After that she must be crossed behind the back and wish him well.
  • After the solemn part, relatives and parents had to visit the church to pray for their child.

IMPORTANT: Since ancient times, it was customary to hang a small ribbon on the front wall of the house when seeing off the son to the army. This ribbon symbolized the young man and, in his absence, reminded parents of their son. No one was allowed to remove, rehang, touch the ribbon. Only the soldier himself at the moment of returning to parental home I could remove this tape.

Seeing a soldier into the army: signs, customs, traditions


  • good omen- sprinkle the young man with water previously blessed in the church to the meeting. On the road, you need to say: "The Lord keeps you."
  • good omen- send son to army pectoral cross on the chest.
  • good omen- throw a coin at a departing bus and store the one that hit the transport. She will serve as a talisman.
  • It is a good omen for the conscript to leave the house before leaving. backwards, bad - vice versa.
  • It's a good omen to tell a mother on her way to her son words and prayers for protection.

INTERESTING: In ancient times, there was a sign that allowed the sons to return home after the service. She suggested that the young man should cut off a lock of hair with a cross and put it behind the icon.

How to escort a conscript to the army?

What do they give as a send-off to the army?

An event such as seeing off, necessarily "requires" gifts from each guest present at the table. However, each guest must take into account the fact that a young man cannot take all the gifts with him. That is why you need to carefully consider all the ideas of presentations so that the conscript will definitely like them, and most importantly, come in handy.

Gift from my girlfriend- the most important. It is not the value that plays a big role here, but the significance of the gift. Great idea - order a calendar for the entire duration of the conscript's service, where a joint photo will be printed. A young man will always have such a thing with him and will be able to use it regularly.

On the other side, Notebook or notepad- also a very useful thing. It will definitely come in handy for a young soldier. The main thing is to choose a compact product, you can pick up a pen for it and print a photo, putting it inside (surprise). It is good if a girl can embroider a handkerchief to a young man with her initials or other important signs.

Friends who come to see off can confidently negotiate and buy necessary things in use and on the road. For example, personal hygiene products, a shaving machine and cosmetics for daily use: lotion, cream, balm (what a person uses). If the conscript is a smoking person, he will need such a thing as cigarette case. So that no one could steal it, it can be engraved with initials and important words.

IMPORTANT: The send-offs themselves will serve as a parental gift for a young man. If parents really want to give something, then the best thing they can give a young man is money, which will definitely come in handy in expenses.

What to give a gift to a conscript for a farewell?

Funny farewell to the army: script

There are many varieties of scripts for sending a young man to the army, but they all have the same structure. As already mentioned, wires are best done "on the ground." It is believed that this element will contribute to the successful service of the young man, bring him good luck and give strength. For such a holiday, there are several options for organizing an event:

  • Sending off in nature in the form of a picnic with food cooked on the grill and barbecue.
  • Rent a private house in which to arrange a farewell, gatherings and competitions.
  • Conduct wires in the country
  • Rent a cafe with an outdoor terrace, in the fresh air

Wire script:

  • The first part: receiving guests, congratulating the conscript with gifts, inviting guests to the table.
  • The second part: a solemn toast of the father or grandfather (the oldest and most experienced man in the family) with parting words.
  • The third part: successive congratulations and toasts to the guests with wishes and parting words.
  • The fourth part: the final toast of the mother with prayers. The rebaptism of a son.
  • Fifth part: drinking songs about the army. It's good if there is a musician with a guitar among the guests. In the absence of such, you can replace the songs in karaoke.
  • The sixth part is entertaining. Guests offer sketches, competitions for all those present. You can read poetry, sing ditties, dance, demonstrate a previously recorded video clip.
  • The seventh part is the final one. As a rule, it takes place in the evening. Tired guests remember the youth's childhood, thank him and praise all his merits in order to inspire the young man to a happy service.

How to make a send-off for a conscript correctly and fun?

Contests and sketches for farewell to the army

Most popular contests:

  • "Strongman"- Participation in the competition takes several couples. The task is to take the lady in your arms and dance the whole song in this state. Whoever survives to the end is the winner.
  • "Footcloth"- the competition is simple and very positive at the same time. The task is fast, and most importantly, to tie a footcloth on the leg correctly. Not everyone does it beautifully and generally succeeds.
  • "Minefield"- the participant needs to bandage his eyes. Arrange empty bottles on the floor in the room. The task is to go through and hit a minimum of bottles.

Games on wires to the army

Most Played Games:

  • "Army Crocodile"- with the help of gestures and movements, without a single word, one should depict a figure or thing associated with the army.
  • "epaulettes"- a dance during which two light paper napkins are placed on the shoulders of men. The task is to dance the whole song and try to keep the napkins on your shoulders.
  • "Morning in the Army"— dressing for speed. All men present at the celebration take part.

Wishes, toasts, poems, ditties, songs for farewell to the army

Fun will allow you to dilute the event. They can be read aloud or written in greeting cards. In addition, such congratulations and jokes will decorate congratulatory posters.

Wishes, toasts, poems, ditties, send-off songs:

We are here today because
Which is for a good reason.
We accompany you from home
Our conscript, you are a true man!

Beautiful words and wishes
Today is uncountable for you.
Your country called you
And for a man it's an honor!

Let our sadness not burden you,
We are sad and happy without a doubt!
You're like a hero, your current appearance
Gives us pride and respect!

Let your courage in the "archives do not gather dust",
Love your country and boldly defend.
Let everyone be proud of you,
And everyone will be happy for you - you know that!

Be strong like stone, be strong like steel.
Wait patiently for breaks and sleep.
We wish you to avoid minefields
On the map of the fearless evil enemy!

Here everyone loves you and is waiting only for the return,
You, too, have pity on your relatives, loved ones, everyone.
Take care of yourself, with merit and respect
Live the entire service and deserve success!

Today you have not yet become a soldier,
We call you "conscript".
And tomorrow you will run with a gun,
Protect everyone like a true "man"!

The beloved cries bitterly, mother wipes a tear.
You were little, today you are leaving for the army.
Be fearless and strong, boldly go ahead,
We are waiting for you at home with hugs, come to us soon!

Posters for the farewell to the army

Draw a poster with your own hands- a great idea to cheer up the conscript. Such creativity will help express all the love, put all thoughts on paper and make you smile. Usually the posters have a sense of humor: funny pictures, poems and congratulations. In addition, such a poster is an obligatory part of the decor on the wires.

Sending off poster ideas:

Poster Design Ideas

Inductee Poster Design Ideas

Humorous ideas for a send-off poster

Funny ideas for designing a poster for a conscript

Funny poster for the farewell

Original recruit poster

How to make a poster for a conscript with your own hands?

How to issue a bottle for seeing off to the army: stickers, inscriptions

Making such an event requires preparation, because the “holiday” itself consists of little things that can cheer you up and inspire you to a happy service. The most popular decor is:

  • wall posters
  • Balloons
  • Cake in military or army theme
  • Stickers or clothes on bottles of alcoholic beverages

You can print the invented sticker in any modern printing center. As a rule, such decor has a photo of a conscript, congratulations in verse and wishes. The parents or the young man keep the drunk bottle as a keepsake. Another modern decor is a kind of “clothes” for bottles that can repeat any military uniform, both low and high rank: private, colonel, major, and so on.

Alcohol bottle decoration ideas:

Bottle decor with satin ribbons - officer uniform

He went to the army, but promised to return. How original send a son, brother, boyfriend, friend to the army etc.

When, some young people behave like girls who are afraid of getting pregnant.

Some people jump head first into this new challenge, while others diligently try to avoid it—trying to “slip” or hoping that the summons came to the wrong address, or that the two strips on the pregnancy test are wrong. But we are talking about those who, only worrying about the fact that separation from his loved ones will soon come.

But who says that separation must necessarily be sad? Why can't you throw a farewell party that's cozy enough to prove, "Hey soldier!" On such a farewell, you can gather all your close friends who wish the conscript good service, success and good luck.

But what will these wires be?

Seeing off to the army at home or in nature

In general, the assertion can be considered fair that the most are held outdoors - in a cozy company, with delicious food (cooked by yourself), a fire and soulful songs that can be performed on a brought guitar.

If you have such an opportunity, be sure to go out with the whole company to nature - to some forest, or a sandy beach near a small lake. There are usually no people in such places.

There are also exceptions to the rule - if a place is considered "chosen", then something like a cafe or a barbecue house may appear there. As a rule, they allow you to order a semblance of a banquet - for a moderate fee. But this is necessary for cases when you arrange a really chic feast, and if one is not planned, then in such a cafe you can simply order barbecue (especially if you cannot cook them yourself).

You can also take potatoes, sausages, marshmallows from the products - they can be fried on a fire and eaten together with guitar army songs. Well, what a sin to hide - take alcohol with you! In the end, you can’t drink in the army, and even get drunk - even more so. But you also need to know the measure, because you want your conscript to remember this day for a long time, right?

And yes, do not forget that after the picnic you need to clean everything up so that nothing remains in the forest. Take care of not only yourself, but also nature!

How to be escorted to the army

Come up with competitions that will prepare him for the course of a young fighter

So that the farewell does not seem boring (and so that everyone can enjoy the time spent), you can come up with small contests: but not so much for the future fighter himself, but for the people who came to congratulate him.

Purchase in advance small, symbolic gifts - a lighter, a pack of crackers and other little things that will definitely come in handy in the army. Even for girls who may feel superfluous at this holiday, you can come up with a competition for who will peel the potatoes faster and who will be able to perform artificial respiration more correctly and successfully.

In a word - do not be afraid to fantasize! A person is only once in a lifetime, just like being born and getting married (well, with luck), so this stage of life should be preceded by something really great, like the pilot episode of a new series that is destined to collect all the cinematic awards.

And remember that your friend is not gone forever. Very - and, perhaps, will require the continuation of the banquet! That is why you need to do everything possible so that he remembers this party for a long time.

Knowing that a soldier is loved and expected at home, he will even sleep better at night, feeling every day how the cherished meeting is approaching and approaching.

That's how I see farewell to the army! And what were they like for you? Or how do you want them to be?

Your son or friend is leaving for the army in the spring or autumn draft of 2019, and you want to organize a send-off for him? You can go with family and friends to a cafe, a restaurant or an entertainment complex, go to a dacha or a picnic, or you can arrange a holiday for small company Houses.

We offer you one of the options on how to organize and conduct a farewell to the army at home, which will include funny Games and contests, as well as the performance of songs and ditties.

Scenario of wires to the army at home

How can you conduct a farewell to the army at home? Send out invitations to guests in advance and consider holiday menu. Decorate the apartment with colorful garlands, flags and balloons.

You can draw posters: “Soldiers are not born, they become soldiers”, “A soldier sleeps - the service is on”, “A year in boots”, etc. Consider what kind of music would be appropriate on it, and select suitable musical compositions.

The celebration of seeing off to the army will begin with parting words to the conscript from parents, brother or sister, friends and girlfriend.

There will be poems from mom:
“My dear son is leaving to serve.
How imperceptibly he grew up.
Though they say: "Serve a year!",
I can't stop myself from crying.

I carried my son in my arms
Protected every step.
He grew up - what a power!
Leaves under the army flag.

I hide my tears from my son
Let him serve in peace.
And a year later - beautiful, strong
The son will come to his native home.

Then the conscript's friends will read the parting words:
- You're going to the army tomorrow!
We all accompany you together
And we know you won't let us down.
We wish you more strength!

Achieve success in your service
And be the best soldier!
We are waiting for you - you know so -
With rich life experience!

Then the beloved girl will turn to the soldier:
- In the army, dear, I see you off
With a warm smile and pain in the eyes,
I wish you good service.
Anxious in the heart - to trembling in the hands ...

Know that I'm there, know that I miss you
I remember, and I wait, and I pray for you.
I share sorrow and joy with you,
May my faith keep you!

The word will be taken by the one who performs the role of the leader on the wires to the army:
- What is an army? This is when everything should be clear, parallel and perpendicular! If the question "what is the Army?" translated into the dry language of statistics, it turns out that:

  • 1 year - our friend will be away from us,
  • 12 months - parents without a son,
  • 52 weeks - the girl will be without a boyfriend,
  • 365 days - a soldier without a passport,
  • 8 thousand 760 hours - a guy without a citizen,
  • 525 thousand 600 minutes - without love,
  • 31 million 536 thousand seconds - without friends ...

And all this will fly by like one minute!

When deciding how best to arrange a farewell to the army at home, do not forget to organize fun games and contests. For example, you can arrange a game of forfeits.

Guests will pull out tickets with tasks from a basket or cap - read a poem, sing a song or ditty.

You can perform such ditties:
- The military commissar gave the order
And summoned by agenda
Go to the army in autumn
To protect the Motherland.
Haircut, boots and uniform -
You will get everything, this is the norm!
You will be taught to stand up
And why take a rifle.

Then the beloved girl will perform ditties:
- I will kiss the sweetheart
At the military registration and enlistment office
Into our true love
I will believe holy!
You play button accordion, louder,
Oh, I'm crying now
After all, my dear, I see you off
In this most difficult hour!
Oh, I'll dance so I'll dance
Please pay attention!
This is from the military
Military mission!

Then the guests will solve riddles.

  • If a guy cooks soup from an ax with a bang and is smart at work, then he serves in ... .. (infantry).
  • If there is a pack of very strong cigarettes in the blue waves, if he walks around, then our guy ... (sailor).
  • If a guy is very brave, he gets into a fight like a fanatic, having drunk on the holiday of the Airborne Forces ... This means he .... (paratrooper).
  • If a guy gets stressed, as he sees the stewardesses, flies to them, forgetting his son, then the guy is a former ... (pilot).
  • A guy of small stature, but handsome, like an artist, the engine just starts, which means our guy .... (tanker).

Couples will take part in the competition "Strongman". Each guy will need to lift his girlfriend in his arms and dance in this way. The winner is the one who is stronger and whose partner is slimmer.

In the competition "Shoulder straps" ladies and gentlemen form pairs. Paper napkins are placed on the shoulders of men. Under slow music couples begin to dance. The winner is the couple where the "epaulettes" on the shoulders of the man lasted longer.

In the "Mina" contest, the conscript and guests are blindfolded. Plastic bottles are placed on their way. You will need to go to the music so as not to touch the "mines".

Participants of the "Parcel" contest are brought identical open boxes in which, under napkins, there is lard, bacon, cigarettes, garlic, sweets. It is necessary to determine by smell that he asked to send soldiers to the army.

What else can be organized at home for the farewell to the army?

Hold a drawing contest: attach two clean slate drawing paper. Choose two people from among the guests, blindfold them, hand over paints or felt-tip pens. Give the task to draw a portrait of the hero of the occasion or depict soldier's everyday life. Best Artist will receive a small prize.

Also, the scenario of seeing off to the army may include a collective performance by the guests of the song “Don’t Cry, Girl” or a reworked song based on the tune of the song “Top, Top”.

Top, top. Very difficult
With early rise boots.
The foreman shouts: “Hurry up!”
And the soldier wants to go home!
Top, top, behind you
Automatic, bag, gas mask.
Gather in the form you are,
You will circle the earth.

Top top, top top
Very difficult
Top top, top top
To the demobilization steps.

Top-top, crosses and rise,
And politics is a big volume,
There are also exercises, exercises,
We can't count all the activities.
Top top, you're coming home
You won't go there in combat
And go to bed early,
Nobody needs to swear.

Top top, top top
Very difficult
Top top, top top
To the demobilization steps.

Then the guests will sit down at the table, and the host will again take the floor:
- The conscript has long been in place, and his soul sings,
Because he is waiting for the first toast with you.
We will not postpone the toast, so as not to waste time,
Let's open bottles and fill glasses!

What else can you arrange at home for the farewell to the army? Hold a toasting contest, in which the winner will be the one who makes the longest and most beautiful toast in honor of the hero of the occasion.

Organize photo and video shoots to capture best moments holiday.
And at the end, invite the guests to fill out a soldier's notebook, including addresses, phone numbers, aphorisms, army tales and wishes for the conscript.

From time immemorial, there has been a tradition among the people of the whole world to send a young man to the army. And in ancient times, and in our time, the service has always been a great test. It is not known what might await him there. A good and cheerful farewell, in the circle of relatives and friends, will help him tune in the right way.

How are the farewells to the army?

It is necessary to make this event joyful and cheerful, so as not to upset the conscript with any trifles. All of them must gather for such an event. faithful friends, classmates, friends and relatives. It is imperative that you get a cheerful farewell to the army. Mom and girlfriends need to restrain themselves and not show their tears. After all, the future fighter at this moment is much more difficult. He will have to leave his home for a long time and get into an unfamiliar atmosphere. The future worries the guy and makes him tense. Try to help him relax and calm down at least for the evening.

How to organize a farewell to the army?

Organizing such an event is not easy. It will require a significant amount of money for a banquet and travel expenses. Everything will depend on the venue of the event and the number of invited guests. But you need to remember that you can not turn it into a banal feast. In addition to celebrating in a reputable restaurant or cafe, you can spend the farewell at home or in the country. If it takes place in the summer, then the second option would be even more preferable, especially if there is a forest or a river nearby, and there is an opportunity to cook barbecue.

Dishes for seeing off to the army can be very diverse, depending on the time of year and your finances. It is imperative to cook the dish that the recruit loves most of all, because he for a long time can't enjoy them. For fun, you can cook a bowler hat with pearl barley so that everyone can try a spoonful of army porridge. There is no need to “overload” young people with alcohol, it is better to let them dance more or have fun in competitions. Usually they prepare a lot of salads, fish dishes, for a snack. For dessert, sweets and fruits will not interfere. The main thing is that everyone has enough, and it was very tasty.

Rite of wires to the army

Land on place of honor conscript, so that he can see all the guests well, and next to his parents and the most honored guests. The oldest of those present should make the first speech, admonishing him on this glorious path. It’s good if he himself fought before or has awards for his service. Then the rest can also give their parting words to the guy. Jokes or contests will not interfere here, which will help defuse the atmosphere with fun. Try to pick up good music. Modern compositions can be diluted with old songs that are traditionally performed on wires to the army: “After two winters”, “Do not cry, girl”, “How my mother saw me off” and beloved by everyone “Katyusha”.

Seeing the army - customs

Different localities have their own customs and rituals associated with this event. Some ask the future soldier to hang a ribbon on the wall, symbolizing that a small part of the guy will remain here. Only he himself, upon arrival home, could remove the tape from the wall. Parents tried to throw coins into the departing bus. Putting on a uniform before leaving for the army was considered in many places bad omen. Even if a friend asks to do it in order to be photographed, it is better to refuse him. Some say that the conscript should leave the house with his back forward. During the send-off, the guy is given a piece of the loaf to bite off, and the rest is wrapped and hidden until he returns from the army. The soldier himself will then take it out and eat it.

The tradition is already beginning to revive when, on the eve of being sent to the army, his family attends a local church. Having blessed the conscript on the road, everyone goes to the recruiting station. According to the old tradition, the farewell to the army ends with the return of all the parents of the guy who see them off to the house.

The comrades of the future soldier must choose and prepare the place for the wires, so that the recruit does not suspect anything. Close friend the future defender of the Motherland (hereinafter - the leader 1) fraudulently delivers him to the agreed place.

And now they are already in an empty forest clearing.

Host 1 (loud and clear): Rota rise!

From behind the trees, the invitees begin to emerge.

Host 1: Line up! Equalization to the conscript! Conscript ___ (last name), we are pleased to welcome you to our barracks. In order to be elevated to the rank of recruit, you will have to go through the most difficult tests, perform the most terrible tasks. And only after a successful completion, we will be able to assign you the rank of recruit.

Presenter 2 (girl of the future defender of the Fatherland): So, the strategic plan for tonight for our reliable, friendly company:

1. Drink a sea of ​​alcohol and cry out a lake of tears.

2. Holding a competition among valiant men "Come on guys!", in which to complete the tasks:
- outfit for the kitchen (competitions "Potato peeling" and "Creative barbecue");
- outfit for the barracks (competition "Checking bedside tables");
- free time (competition "Write a letter home").

3. Holding a competition among valiant women - farewell tango.

4. Initiation into recruits.

5. Congratulations.

Presenter 1: We pour life-giving moisture into faceted glasses, and listen to the first congratulation-poem from our beloved girl.

Presenter 2: My dear boy, accept cheerful congratulations!

You serve and do not grieve,
Don't cry, don't cry!
'Cause when you get back
I bake kalach!

Presenter 1: And now take the outfit in the kitchen.

"Potato Peeling" Guys are divided into two teams of two people. The girls give them children's buckets, each with three potatoes and a knife. The first team to peel six potatoes wins. You can pay attention to the quality.

Presenter 2: Well done, they coped with the potatoes with a bang. The fire has already been prepared, let each team show their creative approach in cooking barbecue. From the products that you have at hand, you should make a barbecue that would have an aesthetic appearance and unsurpassed taste.

They take out a plate with a set of various products - sausage, bread, marshmallows, a piece of pie, radish, pickled meat, cucumber (other products can be collected).

Teams string barbecue, fry. After preparation, tasting and evaluation takes place.

Host 1: We all know that the army does not start from the kitchen, the main thing is the strictest order, especially in the barracks.

Presenter 2: Now the girls will take out an opaque bag for each team, let's call them conditionally - bedside tables. You will need to find an extra item in the bedside table by touch.

Each bag contains a variety of items that are similar in any one way. For example, food and something inedible. It is necessary to determine the excess with your eyes closed.

In between competitions, the guys drink, fry shish kebabs, congratulate their recruit.

Presenter 2: Beloved, I agree to wait at least an eternity! But, I would really like to receive letters from you daily. Can you send a message in verse? Now let's check.

Teams are given sheets of paper on which words are written. Young people are required to write poems based on the proposed rhymes. Team 1 - words: street-chicken, waited-could, gnome-house, cheese-world. Team 2 - words: live-serve, dad-paw, grieved-drawn, oats-dog. You can choose other words.

Presenter 1: So, what is it that men are taking the rap for everything? And they cooked, and fed, and cleaned, and even wrote poems! Girls, now it's up to you. Let's have a competition best dance, but let's call it in the spirit of tonight's "Farewell Tango".

The girls line up and begin to dance to the sounds of an energetic melody (you can use a guitar). IN ideal- it should be a light striptease.

Presenter 2: The competitions are over, and we can say with firm confidence that you are completely ready to defend our Fatherland. Congratulations, you are now a real recruit.

He puts a cap on the conscript's head and hands him a wooden machine gun. The guys shout out three times: “Hip-hip-hooray!” This is followed by strong male hugs, girlish tears and congratulations.
