The secret meaning of the ritual of baptism. The secret meaning of Russian fairy tales The meaning of a folk tale


Every religious act is an initiation, an initiation, a magical procedure. What is the occult essence of Christian baptism? When you read the text to the end, you will be horrified, but, nevertheless, it is worth reading.

A child born in a family is connected by invisible threads with his Family, his life force and wisdom, thanks to which he receives the support and patronage of his Ancestors and native Gods throughout his life. The energy of Tribal love fills the whole life of a person with deep meaning and content, the joy of creating for the benefit of the Family.

But what happens when a still unintelligent baby is carried to church for a baptismal ritual? There is an overlap of natural channels of communication with the Genus and the child is forcibly connected to the Christian egregor. Violent because no one asks the child whether he wants to be baptized or not. The mere fact that, according to existing rules, a child’s mother, the closest person to him, is not allowed to be baptized, speaks volumes and should at least make you think. Incomprehension by the parents of the hidden component of this ritual leads to cutting off the child from the strength and wisdom of the Family, and also makes it possible to redirect part of his life energy to the Christian egregore. That is why during baptism children cry and scream, because this is the only opportunity for them to express their protest in this way.

Formally, based on dogmatic theology, baptism is interpreted as a birth for “spiritual life”, they say, having been born from the womb, a person was born only for physical life, in order to become a Christian and have a chance to “enter the kingdom of heaven”, baptism is necessary. From the point of view of the Christian Church, both Catholic and "Orthodox", which is actually Left Orthodox, an unbaptized baby is "bad".

What a word! Just born, and already - "poor"! From the point of view of Christian theologians, everything that “opens the bed”, everyone who is conceived and born in a natural biological way, all this is initially vicious, dirty, disgusting, vile, in full accordance with the doctrine of the “immaculate conception”, for if only one conception for the whole history of mankind was immaculate, therefore, all other conceptions are vicious! That is, everything that is born must perish, since death entered life through the "fall", and the only chance to be saved and "gain eternal life" is baptism.

In fact, such procedures existed in many cultures, and in Hinduism, and in various kinds of esoteric orders, ancient mysteries, secret societies, they still exist in traditional communities, the so-called "cradle of civilizations". In Hinduism, the past rite of passage was called "twice-born" and received the right to study the Vedas and participate in the ritual.

Do you want to look at Russian folk tales from a different angle?

Encrypted tales.

Better than any encryption department of the most serious intelligence service from time immemorial, fairy-tale masters have worked on the symbolism of our favorite fairy tales. A fairy tale is a gigantic source of ancient information about the events of our past. There is not a single random image, word, name, title in it, as it may sometimes seem to us. As in a Russian nesting doll, one semantic level of a fairy tale is harmoniously strung on another, creating an integral multi-layered being. Each level of the fairy tale is an entrance to a special world of information about the structure of space, man, society, the basics of the life processes of the whole Universe.

It can take a very long time to reveal them... Some of the meanings appear more, some are more hidden behind seemingly simple images - and for many of us will forever remain a mystery behind seven seals. Everyone can hear only what they are ready for, but no more! And sometimes even the information in fairy tales is beyond the limits of modern ideas!

In addition to the educational (everyday) function, a fairy tale leads us to sacred knowledge and reveals:

1. rites of initiation, the transition from childhood to maturity - the initiation of a boy into a husband, a girl into a woman;
2. astronomical life cycle of nature, natural calendar;
3. the birth of the universe;
4. search spiritual path human, inner growth, obtaining secret knowledge;
5. preservation of the history of a kind, connection with ancestors.
In fairy tales, these lines often converge, intersect, synchronize. Heroes act as symbols, their actions acquire a ritual meaning, and the path determines the acquisition of special knowledge and inner harmony. A fairy tale is essentially like magic spells that cannot be cast incorrectly, otherwise they will lose their power.

We have tried to decipher some of the fairy tales for you... Take these keys...

At the behest of the pike, at my will.

As it is: Emelya sat on the stove and did not particularly strain. Once, going to the river for water, he caught a pike. The talkativeness of the pike allowed her to save her life, and Emelya got the opportunity to fulfill any of her desires. As a result, Emelya's desires turned out to be quite normal, human: the princess and the palace in addition. And he became a written handsome man!

As in reality: The stove is the light and space of one's own consciousness, in which Emelya was, and left there with obvious reluctance. He was occupied with constant introspection. But without the connection of external and inner world there is no harmony, so the daughters-in-law sent Emelya either for water or for firewood. Thanks to the pike, he mastered the method of conscious desire and intention: pike command at my will." Pike - nature, to which Emelya was attentive, and which gave him a rare chance to realize himself and his capabilities. This magical phrase means the unity of the Soul and Spirit, the acceptance of the animation of the world. Pike - Schur - PRASCHUR - the ancestor - the Spirit of man. river in this case acts as an information channel of consciousness, shackled by the ice of our internal dogmas. So, having freed his Spirit, Emelya received opportunities that were inaccessible to him in the usual human mind. By the power of his Spirit, a person is able to change the world and control his own destiny! At the end of the fairy tale, Emelya, at the request of the princess, becomes a hand-written handsome man, that is, the beauty and possibilities of the inner world come into line with external beauty. This transformation completes the chain of Emelya's metamorphoses according to the laws of nature, which tell him to grow and develop, multiply knowledge and skills, and be the king and master of the earth.


As it is: Grandfather planted a turnip. The year turned out to be very fruitful and the turnip grew very large. A grandmother, a granddaughter, a bug, a cat, a mouse ran up in turn to help the grandfather. But only all together they were able to pull out a turnip.

How it really is: The astrological version of the tale is about the heavenly bodies in ascending order of the month to the full moon. In the initial version of the tale, there were two more participants - father and mother. In total, according to the fairy tale, there were 8 Halls of the Svarog Circle. In each chamber, the Turnip-Moon increased until it became full moon. Children could look at the sky and imagine the month as a turnip. The philosophical version of the tale is about the knowledge accumulated by the ancestors of the clan. The turnip symbolizes the roots of the family, it was planted by the ancestor - the grandfather, the most ancient and wise. The grandmother is a symbol of the traditions of the house. The father is the protector and support of the family. Mother is love and care. Granddaughter - offspring, continuation of the family. The bug is the protection of wealth. A cat is a happy environment in the house. The mouse is the well-being of the house. These images are tightly interconnected and one without the other is incomplete.

Koschei the Deathless.

As it is: Koschei is an evil lord underworld who constantly steals beautiful maidens. Very rich, in his magical gardens inhabited by magical animals and birds. In his service is the Serpent Gorynych. He has a lot of secret knowledge, in connection with which he is a powerful sorcerer. Has a habit of turning into a black crow. Immortal and cannot be defeated by conventional methods, but with a strong desire, you can scout where his death is and find it. Usually Baba Yaga tells this secret to Ivan Tsarevich in fairy tales: “... it’s not easy to cope with Koshchei: his death is at the end of the needle, that needle is in the egg, the egg is in the duck, the duck is in the hare, that hare is in the chest, and the chest is standing on a tall oak, and that Koshchei tree protects its own eye ... "

How it really is: In the pantheon of the Slavic gods, Koschey is one of the manifested faces of Chernobog - the ruler of Navi, Darkness and the Pekelny kingdom. Koschei personifies the dark and cold part of the year, and the girls whom he takes into his possessions represent spring, the life-giving force of nature. The prince-hero is like a symbol of sunlight, spring thunder with rain (the god Perun), who is helped by all the forces of nature on the difficult path of finding Koshchei. His victory is a victory over death, eternal darkness and cold. Koshchei's death is hidden in an egg, a symbol of rebirth and the potential existence of everything that can be born on Earth. Thus, Koschei is at the origins of the beginning and end of all life - his death is equivalent to the emergence of the world. The needle with the death of Koshchei at the end is the motif of the world tree, the axis of the world that connects heaven, earth and the underworld, the summer and winter solstices. Koschey as the pinnacle of winter - "winter solstice", Ivan Tsarevich as the pinnacle of summer - "summer solstice". There is an ongoing struggle between them, the death of one is the life of the other, so winter is replaced by summer, and then vice versa. And in general, what an immortal he is, even if his name says - DEFINITELY MORTAL!

Greetings to all. Oksana Manoilo is with you and today we are talking about the meaning of Russian fairy tales. Surely each of us remembers those bright moments of his childhood, when we read fairy tales.

Different in meaning and content, ancient fairy tales, with sacred knowledge, secret meaning, and fairy tales of the new time, intended for different ages they undoubtedly created a feeling of comfort, a sense of unity and, at the same time, immersed in a new, unknown world encouraging reflection and drawing conclusions.

The meaning of the folk tale

However, no one will argue with the fact that among the huge variety of fairy tales, There are three special ones, standing for all of us, as it were, separately.

They seem to have a simple text, but for some reason others are composed and forgotten, namely, these three tales have been passed down from generation to generation for many centuries. These are fairy tales for the little ones, known to everyone from young to old. "Ryaba Hen", "Turnip", "Gingerbread Man".

However, is their meaning so simple? And why are they, and not others, so
like children and adults? And why exactly these three fairy tales have not sunk into the depths of centuries, but continue to be retold even now practically without distortion? I assure you, you will be surprised by reading this to the end.

The thing is that in these three fairy tales that have come down to us, there is nothing more, nothing less - the secret of the universe. Strongly? It's only the beginning. The ancient Slavs thought in images, one letter was worth something, in it each sign is both a symbol and a word, and all together they are a message and a testament to subsequent generations. Our ancestors were wise and therefore they put meaning and image into everything.

But let's go directly to fairy tales and their meaning.

By the way, have you ever wondered why almost all old fairy tales start with words ? Imagine yourself for a second as a storyteller, ready to compose a fairy tale for you, and now I assure you that you would not want to write a fairy tale about some grandfather and some grandmother at all in the first place.

You would probably be more willing to start a fairy tale with words "Once upon a time there was a boy / girl" or “Once upon a time there was a friendly family - mom, dad, children and a dog”. Or, finally, "Once upon a time there were uncle and aunt", although the last version of the tale, I feel, would attract the interest of an already more adult audience. So why do children .

And all because in the Slavic ideology The universe was created by two ancient (old) energies - male and female. And it is they who are personified by the images of elderly men and women. Moreover, it is always “an old man with an old woman”, and not vice versa, implying the strength of male and suppleness of female energy.

The meaning of the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"

In the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen", which consists of only a few sentences, we are actually talking about the most important Universal laws.

And also about Love as a creative energy. And what image do you think the Hen Ryaba personifies? She personifies Love - the great creative energy that came from the male and female elements.

The main meaning of the story

And now Love gives birth to the World, the Universe, if you like. This is an egg. It should bring life, development, multiply love, but it is already ideal, because it is golden.

But what is the use of ideality, if neither male nor female in themselves can transform it in any way, it is already perfect.

And here, for good or bad luck, the mouse resolves the situation with one wave of its tail. The mouse is a totem of fussiness, but sometimes also speed and at the same time smallness, invisibility. And some researchers of Old Slavonic imagery write its transcript in a different way - “WE-sli-SHKA”. Simply put, it's a thought. And the moral is that a thought, an idea can be so strong that it can ruin the whole World. And this is what you and I, waking up now, beginning to realize, already clearly understand.Yes, that is right. And so perfect world destroyed by thought, but Love is capable of endless creation.

However, taking into account the past mistake, Love creates not an ideal golden, but an ordinary World-egg, in which there is a place for thoughts of any direction, free will and development, and only those living in it decide what this World will become. Here's a bedtime story.

The hidden meaning of fairy tales

You can learn to control your power of thought! Watch the video and DO simple practices. You will be surprised how simple and unpretentious, like children's fairy tales, practices, have deepest meaning and work in every area of ​​your life. Use secret knowledge, now they are available to everyone!

Every religious act is an initiation, an initiation, a magical procedure. What is the occult essence of Christian baptism? When you read the text to the end, you will be horrified, but, nevertheless, it is worth reading.

Formally, based on dogmatic theology, baptism is interpreted as a birth for “spiritual life”, they say, having been born from the womb, a person was born only for physical life, in order to become a Christian and have a chance to “enter the kingdom of heaven”, baptism is necessary. From the point of view of the Christian Church, both Catholic and "Orthodox", which is actually Left Orthodox, an unbaptized baby is "bad".

What a word! Just born, and already "poor"! Ie - "filthy", pagan, non-Christ. Those. from the point of view of Christian theologians, everything that “opens the bed”, everyone who is conceived and born in a natural biological way, all this is initially vicious, dirty, disgusting, vile, in full accordance with the doctrine of the “immaculate conception”, for if only one conception for the whole history of mankind was immaculate, therefore, all other conceptions are vicious! Those. everything that is born must perish, because death entered life through the "Fall" and the only chance to be saved and "gain eternal life" is baptism.

As a matter of fact, such procedures existed in many cultures, both in Hinduism, and in various kinds of esoteric orders, ancient mysteries, secret societies, they still exist in traditional communities, the so-called "lullaby civilizations". In Hinduism, the past rite of passage was called "twice-born" and received the right to study the Vedas and participate in the ritual.

The meaning of such initiatory rites, as a rule, consisted in the elimination, elimination of birth trauma, i.e. it was a second passage through the amniotic fluid, the passage of the death-rebirth path.

At the same time, the rite could carry the meaning of including a neophyte in a certain closed brotherhood, community, further - connecting a neophyte to a certain egregor, or energy-information field.

But! These rites have always been performed with adults, conscious people, or with teenagers, but never with babies. Those. the immutable law of freedom of choice and free will has always been taken into account.

In Christian baptism, the opposite is true - initiation is performed on an infant who cannot in any way prevent this, express his desire or unwillingness, but the fact that all infants cry angrily during this black magic procedure indicates that they express their stormy indignation at this violent action and unwillingness to become another "God's" sheep, destined for the slaughter.

Look closely at these pictures, what do you see? You see a five-pointed star, the main symbol - the yantra of the USSR. And now I will prove to you that the Christian "sign of the cross" is not the mark of the Cross, but of the Five-Pointed Star. Look: the blue arrows show the trajectory of the movement of the right hand - the beginning - from the Ajna Chakra - a point above the bridge of the nose, then - vertical line down, approximately to the solar plexus, this is the Manipura Chakra, then the right shoulder, then the left shoulder, for Catholics it is vice versa. Formally, it seems that the Cross is superimposed, but in reality, the Five-pointed Star is superimposed, because you do not take into account the trajectory of the movement of the forearm and elbow. These trajectories are shown with red arrows. Now, if you connect all the lines, you get a Five-pointed star without the lower left ray, which, from the point of view of Magic, is not important, because all processes are mirrored and, in accordance with the rules of symmetry, what is happening in the right side of the body is reflected in the left side of the body. So, when you are baptized, "make the sign of the cross over yourselves," you impose upon yourself five pointed star! With what we congratulate you!

"Orthodox" variant Catholic variant Dusha-KA

In various treatises on Magic and esotericism, it is said that the Five-Pointed Star is a “good” sign, because it is a sign of protection from negative influences, especially since if the star is “headed” up, then this means evolution, “movement towards the Light” , but if the horns are up, the “head” is down, then, of course, this is a devilish star. All this is complete bullshit. Inside any five-pointed star there is another, inverted. That. when you cast a “good” five-pointed star on yourself, you also cast a five-pointed star on yourself, which is directed “head” down. Moreover, with your first movement - from the Ajna Chakra, i.e. the place where your Ego, Personality, Spirit is located, you lower it to the point where a large star, obvious, connects with a small, inverted, implicit star. And what does it all mean? And this means that you lowered your Spirit down, directed it not “toward the light and God”, as you are diligently told, but, on the contrary, down into darkness, into death. But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that as a result of this inscription, your Soul turned out to be imprinted and sealed inside two Five-pointed Stars and now it will not go anywhere from there, it is locked there and very securely locked by double magical walls, nailed with five magical nails!

The tradition of imposing Pentagrams on oneself, as a protective sign, goes back to the Egyptian pharaohs, in all sacred drawings and bas-reliefs, they were depicted with their arms crossed on their chests, the same position of the hands of the mummies of the pharaohs; depending on which hand was on top, the magical purpose of this gesture changed. Hitler, during his public speeches, also often folded his arms over his chest in a similar manner. But these gestures were not the inscription of the Five-pointed Star, it was the imposition of a large Pentagram on oneself, and there is a huge difference between these two signs. If the Pentagram is indeed a protective sign in the Chinese system of Wu-sin-Five primary elements, it shows the ways of generating the primary elements, then the Five-pointed star inscribed there also shows the ways of destruction and oppression of the primary elements.

Now, if you compare the “Orthodox” sign of the cross and the Catholic one, you will see that in the “Orthodox” version the Soul-KA turns out to be locked much stronger and more reliably, since the Soul is located approximately in the right side of the chest, then the “Orthodox” sign outlines it from all sides. three sides, in the Catholic version, on the right there is an opportunity for an exit.

Do you think it's random? Is it just the way it happened historically?

No, dear citizens, nothing in this world happens by chance, especially when it comes to such things as religion, cults, rituals, everything has a deep, secret, occult, magical meaning and significance. And that's why I find it funny to hear "Orthodox" citizens grumbling with displeasure about the red Masonic five-pointed star introduced into Soviet heraldry by Leib Davidovich Bronstein-Trotsky, a high-ranking member of the Jewish Masonic lodge "Mizraim". What are you actually outraged about? You yourself draw these five-pointed stars on yourself! Not only that, I will say, for all 900 years of the Christian yoke, all these headless “servants of God” painted this five-pointed star on themselves, and in 1918 it materialized, shone, was hidden, became obvious!

The fact that the cross is actually a five-pointed star is encoded in the word itself. Crucifixion - Jesus nailed to the cross with five nails and the fifth point is the crown of thorns. What's the point? The fact is that ritual murders in ancient times were carried out with the help of an X-shaped cross. The victim, intended for ritual murder, sacrifice, was nailed with special ritual carnations. Feet - to the lower crossbars, palms - to the upper ones, the victim was killed by piercing the temples with ritual screwdrivers. The result is five points. This is the so-called St. Andrew's Cross, which existed long before the Apostle Andrew.

In these three drawings, you can see how the Crucifixion on the X-shaped cross gradually transforms into a five-pointed star. Jesus was crucified on a T-cross, because the Romans did not have an execution on an X-shaped cross, but those who organized this performance foresaw everything, and while the Roman soldiers divided the money they were given so that they would turn away, the failed Messiah quickly nailed to the cross with four nails and put on a crown of thorns. Thus this magic tool was originally conceived as a sign of Sacrifice, ritual suicide, because if you put it on yourself, kiss it in church, make its mark on yourself, thereby you prepare yourself for the sacrifice, i.e. to the final and complete destruction of you as a Person.

This is only one aspect of Baptism, the next aspect was outlined by Vladimir Avdeev in the article “What should a pagan do with baptism?”

Indeed, during baptism, all the energy channels of the person being baptized are “sealed” and completely separated from earthly forces and energies. This they call "renunciation of one's sinful nature." Since no other nature exists, this renunciation is a renunciation of our all-begetting Mother Nature, who gave birth to us, raised and nurtured us.

Another aspect of baptism is described in the book "Eniology" - the author claims that the procedure of Baptism is a clear black-manic ritual - envolting to death. I completely agree.

One more aspect. Why are the "Orthodox" called "oblivantsy"? Because during baptism, “holy” water is poured onto the crown of the person being baptized, in contrast to the ancient non-Christian and modern Baptist rites, when the neophyte is immersed in water with his head. What is the difference?

The fact that complete immersion in water, usually natural - a river, a lake - is a symbolic act of re-passing through the amniotic fluid, re-birth, in addition, water symbolizes the Cosmos, Astral.

During the "Orthodox" baptism, water is poured only on the top of the head. As a result, such a baptized one turns out to be mutilated for life - his head is energetically, informationally separated, cut off from the Body! Therefore, all “Orthodox” consider the Body to be sinful, the genitals to be dirty and shameful, childbearing to be vicious, and everywhere and in everything they assert their dualistic heresy - the eternal struggle of the “bright” Spirit and the “dirty” Matter. Their thinking is absolutely schizophrenic, they completely inadequately perceive the world, i.e. so distorted, deformed, that it seems that you are dealing with seriously mentally ill people, who can no longer be called people, because they call themselves a flock; crowd of sheep. But the worst thing is that when these mental patients become the majority, when they become the head of the state, then this state will inevitably face innumerable disasters. Read more about the occult meaning of Christianity here.

But that's not all - this dualistic division of the entire energy constitution has even more devastating consequences. In addition to the fact that they consider Mother Matter, who gave birth to them and nurtured them, to be a dark principle, they came up with an even more monstrous idea - that the whole material world lies in the power of the Devil, "the prince of this world."

It is clear that this idea was thrown out so that the Christian sheep with all their headless flock would strive with all the strength of their souls to leave the “sinful” Earth for the Kingdom-Heavenly Jerusalem, for “Eternal Life”. But as long as they live, they, in full accordance with this doctrine, try to spoil our Mother Earth as much as possible. Why not shit? After all, if this world is in the power of the Devil, then it is necessary to spoil it, in spite of this enemy of mankind.

As a result, the destruction of nature, the total pollution of everything and everything - every river, every lake. They even managed to spoil Baikal! They crap everywhere and everywhere - go out into the suburban forest and see how much garbage is there - it was the "Orthodox" who rested. Wherever they appear, whatever they do, they destroy everything. Even when they try to do something positive and useful, they still fail, or quickly fall into disrepair and collapse. This applies to roads, cars, houses, communications. Why? Yes, because all this is done with hatred for the world around us!

But that's not all. This dualism of the energy constitution - “white top - dirty bottom”, leads to complete degeneration, degeneration, diseases. After all, if your genitals are “dirty,” if it is shameful, if sex is fornication, even in marriage, if childbearing is vicious, then how can healthy, happy, full-fledged children be born in this country? Is it possible to conceive and give birth to a healthy child with "dirty and shameful" genitals? So they degenerate and die out at a million a year.

You may object, but Tsarist Russia the birth rate was high, yes, but at the expense of whom? - the illiterate peasantry. And the Russian peasant, which saved him, treated the Christian church simply as an external, imposed cult, did not know the intricacies of theology, did not read the Bible and lived by natural laws.

Now the situation is different - indiscriminate literacy, television which frankly pursues the policy of the Russian Orthodox Church, the general activity of this vile Christian propaganda leads to the fact that all those baptized during the entire time of the Second Baptism become active carriers and conductors of these dualistic heresies - on the mental and energy levels. They infect everything around with their stench!

Do not believe me, look at the statistics of the incidence of sexually transmitted, gynecological and urological diseases. Growth by hundreds of percent over the past 15 years! Do you think this is the result of sexual freedom? In Dr. There was much more sexual freedom in Greece and Rome than in modern post-Soviet Russia, but venereal diseases were extremely rare there, and women did not know what gynecological diseases were at all. Why? Because then there were no doctrines about the sinfulness of the genitals, sex and the wickedness of childbearing! The tribal mission of a woman was sacred, even temple prostitution was sacred, phallic and Ionic cults flourished.

"Orthodox" baptism has a particularly detrimental effect on a woman - all this abomination that flows into the subconscious of a woman - starting with the story of the creation of Eve from Adam's rib, her temptation by a snake, expulsion from paradise through her fault, "you will give birth in pain", etc. .d. - I will not list again, it leads to the fact that her genitals, and most importantly, the uterus, are energetically blackened. The clairvoyant sees it as a black spider engulfing the womb with its tentacles. This is an obvious Corruption, which is produced on a massive scale and is actually legalized by the state. A woman spoiled in this way becomes simply dangerous for herself and for all the men with whom she has sexual intercourse, even if it is her lawful husband. By itself, she begins to suffer from gynecological diseases such as uterine fibroids or cervical erosion, adnexitis of various etiologies, the vaginal microflora becomes pathogenic, as a result, she constantly suffers from fungal diseases and infects men.

A man, entering into a sexual relationship with a woman spoiled in this way, instead of pure, bright Yin energy, instead of the energy of happiness, gratitude and love, receives an energetically dirty ball of energy. Since the doctrine of the depravity of sex is planted deep in the subconscious, such a woman will perceive every sexual act on a subconscious level as her defilement, which inevitably affects both herself and the man.

As a result, instead of feeling happy, a man gets a feeling of guilt for "defilement", which inevitably leads to the need to fill this unpleasant feeling with alcohol. So they fall asleep and die.

If a woman has been implanted at deep unconscious levels with the idea of ​​the depravity of all sexual contacts, even in a married marriage, because only one single conception in the entire history of mankind has been called “immaculate”, then after each sexual intercourse she will subconsciously consider herself “defiled”, “defamed” and will - subconsciously - wish the man to die! That is why men here do not even live up to retirement, and most of the "Orthodox" women meet old age all alone.

Further, what does their expression mean, “carry your cross”? They put the following meaning into it: since, they say, the forefathers Adam and Eve sinned (moreover, Eve in the highest degree), and God expelled them from Paradise, this means that all people are sinful and must, de, bear the seal of this sinfulness on themselves all their lives, in the hope that they will be accepted into the Kingdom of Heaven beyond the grave. They don’t even understand that in a purely magical sense, the dogma about the total sinfulness of the entire human race is the monstrous power of Corruption that all baptized bear on themselves, moreover, because of this Corruption imposed on them, they spoil everything around them, crap and spread their abominations everywhere. I mean all their vile thoughts and deeds.

But that is not all. When they take on the cross, this in the occult sense means that they take on all the negative karma of the Jewish, and then the Christian egregor.

Imagine - a child was born - clean, healthy, blameless - he would live, but rejoice, but he - once not a cross on his neck, once - in a font - and now all those abominations and crimes carefully and in detail set forth in the Old Testament, starting from from Eve, with the murder of Cain Abel and beyond - all those crimes and murders that have already been committed christian churches, up to the filth and abominations of the current hierarchs. And he is unhappy, all his suffering life is dragged by this burden of black Karma, which has nothing to do with him. But his loving parents hung her on him! And why? Yes, because they themselves are the same, and secondly, they were forced to do this by all these bearded barbarians in black overalls and leaders of the state who support these same bearded barbarians, who are the most Black Magicians!

And, finally, during Baptism, the neophyte is connected to the egregore of Christianity. Connection to this or that egregore occurs during any initiations, but in this case, the individual reincarnation experience is completely destroyed. Man is deprived of individual Path life. He becomes a zombie, an automaton, which was inspired, including at the energy-information level, the idea of ​​uniqueness. human life. Therefore, all Christians do not understand what Karma is, what Reincarnation is, they deny Evolution, they deny the preexistence of the Soul. These people become simply dangerous for Nature, and the fact that Christians are slowly and inevitably dying out and most active of all - "Orthodox" proves that Nature has begun to actively get rid of this cancerous tumor called Christianity.

My blog is found by the following phrases

Not everyone is given
Find your way
righteous path,
Maybe even a saint
Not everyone is given
risk fate,
live up to the destined
We have dates!

have a secret meaning
For centuries, words!
In the absurdity of living days
Severely sour
Descended from the trees
In consumption foliage
By the decree of autumn
No risk.

Cold wind
Whipping in the face
Without malicious intent
Tears the stars from the sky
Throws handfuls
Glory to the scoundrel
And honest cracker
Rye bread.

I'll reveal a little secret to you,
That we ourselves hold the keys to health,
After all, we are a vessel sculpted by the Almighty,
And it is not superfluous for us to know His laws:
Do not lie,
don't steal
and this good
Evil person sow only evil,
it, like rust, will gnaw it inside
And he who sows evil will impose on himself
And weakness, and decay, and destruction.
Not deserving forgiveness on earth, -
his ashes will not disturb the memory,
No one will remember his deeds.
No wonder the Lord bequeathed love to us,
He knew the secret meaning and power of it,
After all...

Love has a million meanings
They interpret it however they want.
Shrouded in a mass of delusions
And they slide past her.

Love can't be freed from distortion
Without cleansing from the usual lies,
From alien, outward expressions
The one that stays with her forever.

After all, love is not desire,
As experts used to think.
Sex, pleasure, possession -
Too low-grade and small.

And duty, responsibility, care, -
They impose on us as a model.
Worship or work -
Became lifeless...

The secret of the riddle of gray and fast shadows,
Infinity of forbidden desires.
The smile of the face of the moon in the purple haze.

Game of yellow stars and fiery meteors,
That famously fall from the black skies,
What is covered with a gloomy fog, like a haze.

In the secret of the black night there are no prohibitions on desires,
There is no barrier to insane passions.
In secret starry night fears dissolve
That breathe obstinate and frisky sin.

Night, with insane deceit, removes prohibitions,
Letting go, with a scarlet dawn, the sinfulness of desires.


The meaning of life is enclosed
In harmony with yourself!
After all, in every world,
As reflected in a drop of the ocean.

With my life
we are HIM.
Actions, feelings, thoughts
We give meaning.

Some deliberately go
With meaning to the goal,
Others in idle

Life has meaning
In every moment
He is not subject
time and change.

And if suddenly over
life, death feast,
Is there a third entity?
In the vastness of the millennium?

One day, a mighty warrior came to a gray-haired old man -
"Tell me, sage, they say, you know everything, to me the Secret of Great Victories."
And the elder said in response: "What are you striving for in battle?"
- "I strive to strike enemies, O Magus, gray-haired and wise."
- "And what will you do when those are gone, in whom you plunge your sword?"
- the warrior thought, and the elder laid -
"If you strive for peace, then be Peaceful in Spirit,
then any warrior, whatever he may be,
will not be able to get, in front of you, from his scabbard ...
