What is the size of margot robbie's breasts. margot robbie photoshoot

Margot Robbie is only 26 years old, and she has already starred in more than 10 films, including popular painting"The wolf of Wall Street". The famous young actress managed to try herself in the profession of a producer.

Margot Robbie figure parameters - height and weight

Charming Margot Robbie is in demand by directors and photographers, she is adored by the male audience, many fans strive to be like her. Margot Robbie's parameters - height and weight - are proportional, due to which the girl looks great:

  • Margo's height is 168 cm;
  • Margot's weight, according to various sources, varies from 54 to 57 kg, but in any case, this is quite enough not to look overweight or overly thin.

With this height and weight, Margot Robbie has:

  • chest volume - 92 cm - not too much, but quite appetizing;
  • hips - 92 cm, waist - 64 cm - a good combination in a female figure.

How does Margot Robbie look after her figure?

Margot Robbie may not worry about her height, a fragile, not very tall girl, both directors and fans like her. For some time there were even rumors that Leonardo DiCaprio was in love with her. But she has to maintain her weight. Margot Robbie is hardly prone to fullness, but, one way or another, the figure of the actress is her most important treasure that needs to be protected.

Margo helps keep fit leisure She loves walking and swimming. By the way, as a child, the girl spent a lot of time on fresh air- she lived on a farm with her grandparents, helped them with the housework, and all free time surfed.

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  • 12 tattoos that actors got in honor of their films
  • In Australia, acting is not considered a profession: Margot Robbie shared her personal memories
  • Hormones - our enemies or allies? Margot Robbie's personal nutritionist and the Victoria's Secret Angels know the answer!

Repeatedly, the actress was seen in Pilates classes. This sport, among other things, helps her look amazing in the beautiful dresses that she loves so much, and in.

New rising Hollywood star Margot Robbie, was born on July 2, 1990 and grew up on her father's parents' farm, located near the Pacific coast of Australia. By the age of 17, after graduating from Somerset College, Margot moved to Melbourne, the capital of the Australian television industry, to start a career as a television actress, like many other future movie stars.

Margot's first big success was the role of the eccentric Donna Friedman in the long-running TV series Neighbors (coming out since 1985).

By 2010, Margot Robbie had learned to successfully imitate any accent and went to conquer Hollywood. The actress was hoping for a role in the new show "Charlie's Angels", but instead of this project she ended up in the ABC drama "Pan American". The series was canceled after the first season airing, and Margo landed her first film role in the sci-fi comedy Future Boyfriend opposite Rachel McAdams.

In the next film, "" Leonardo DiCaprio became Margo's partner. Margo was so worried before filming bed scene with DiCaprio, who took three shots of tequila for courage. After The Wolf of Wall Street, the actress's career went uphill: she played in the film "French Suite" based on the novel by Irina Nemirovskaya, in the criminal tragicomedy "Focus", followed by the blockbusters "Tarzan" and "Suicide Squad". In addition, Margo appeared in the film Reporter, based on the autobiographical book by Kim Baker.

To date, the most famous role of Margo is the demonic clown from the Suicide Squad. Interestingly, in order to get the role that brought her world fame, the actress did not even need to pass an audition - she was offered the role without any audition.

Despite growing fame, blockbuster roles and expensive advertising contracts (Margot became the face of Calvin Klein's new Deep Euphoria fragrance), the actress leads a rather simple and mundane lifestyle. Prefers to wear simple and comfortable clothes and sneakers. He likes to play hockey, ride a motorcycle and spend time in nature. He does not like to talk about life in the Australian outback, so as not to maintain established stereotypes. Renting an apartment in London with friends. Treated with ice-cold beer and Harry Potter for insomnia. Complains about how difficult it is to find a boyfriend and maintain a relationship, given the endless filming and moving. Friends consider her the soul of the company and the shirt-guy: Margot is not fond of the glamorous lifestyle - at least not yet.

On the network, the vast majority of sources attribute a height of 168 centimeters to Margot Robbie. The actress herself said in one of her interviews:

I have big feet. Do you know how embarrassing it is when you ask for a shoe and they look at you like, "No, we don"t make these heels for Bigfoot, sorry." And I"m 5"6". I "m not that tall.

That is, Margot Robbie said that she was not tall - only 5 feet 6 inches, which in terms of centimeters would be 167.64 (and the domestic media have already rounded this value up to 168). Let's find out if this is true.

To begin with, consider the photo where the actress is standing with Jimmy Kimmel, whose height is 181 centimeters (183-184 in the photo due to shoes). As you can see, Margot Robbie appeared on the show in heels about 8 centimeters high, which means, minus them, her growth will stop at around 166 centimeters.

Next, consider a couple of photos taken at the same event, where we compare Margot Robbie with Jake Gyllenhaal(179 cm, 1 photo) and Sam Rockwell(173 cm, 2 photos). The actress came to the event in simple shoes, which means that in this case we will not take into account the shoes. In both cases, the growth of Margot Robbie focused on around 165 centimeters.

The following photos were taken on the same day, at the same event, and in the first photo, the growth of the actress stopped at around 168-168.5 centimeters, as all sources say. It would seem that we can stop there, but after that we came across another photo, where you can see that Margot Robbie is standing on a platform 3-4 centimeters high, therefore, here her real height will not exceed 165.

Next, consider a few more photos, where we compare Margot Robbie with Zac Efron(1 and 2 photos) and Jared Leto(3 and 4 photos), which are 175 centimeters tall each (in the photo 177-178 because of the shoes). In both cases, the actress, wearing 8-9 cm heels, is exactly 3 cm lower than the actors, which means that her height without shoes will again stop at around 165-166 cm.

Height Chadwick Boseman is 182 centimeters (184 in the photo due to shoes). The photo shows that the actress is not in high heels - only 7 centimeters, which means that her height without shoes will again be at around 166.

And finally, let's compare the actress with Will Smith, whose growth reaches 183 centimeters. In the first case, we will set the actor's height at around 186 centimeters because of the shoes. Given the height of the 9 cm heel of the actress, her real height will be at around 165. In the second case, we will not take into account the shoes, because the height of the heel of Margot Robbie's shoes is only 2-3 centimeters (like Will Smith), and here she is growth stopped at around 166.
After analyzing several photos, we came to the conclusion that the real height of Margot Robbie is a little less than 5 feet 6 inches, as the actress herself said. If, for greater accuracy, her height is expressed in centimeters, then it will not exceed 166.

More recently, the bright blonde Margot Robbie literally blew up the cinema world with sparkling roles and alluring beauty. On the red carpet, the star often appears "fully armed." Perfect make-up and professional hairstyle are her constant companions at any cinematic get-together. But what does a woman look like when the curtain falls and the doors to her cozy apartment close? What is she, Margot Robbie without makeup?

The stormy birth of a star

Margot Robbie was born in Australia in 1990. Soon she will be called the "Cinderella of Hollywood." After all, she grew up in a poor family without a father, in which four children were raised by one mother. Helping her grandfather on the farm, at the age of 10, Margot Robbie skillfully milked cows, chopped wood and cleaned manure from barns. Having settled down to three jobs: a waitress, a maid and a salesman, she could barely make ends meet. Paying for her studies, the girl left herself mere pennies, which were not enough for food. She admits that sometimes she had to eat up for customers in a cafe. Perseverance and constant tests eventually brought the long-awaited popularity. It was solely because of her persistence that she was spotted and cast as Donna on Neighbours. After that, a storm began acting activity. However, her path to the top of the cinema Olympus cannot be called simple and easy.

Favorite Margot Robbie Makeup

As the ubiquitous journalists have already noted, in most cases it is applied according to certain rules.

  • Favorite smokey ice. place of honor in all options for applying makeup, the actress is beloved by many. Slanted bright eyes benefit from smoky makeup.

  • The main focus on the lips. Whether it's fiery red, burgundy or plum burgundy, Margot Robbie's lips are always eye-catching. Puffy by nature, they are always clearly defined and made up with a deep rich shade of lipstick. Sometimes the star still chooses shades of "beige" or colorless shine. In this case, the entire emphasis in the makeup of the actress moves to the eyes.

  • Wide natural eyebrows. In any makeup, Margot Robbie combs her wide eyebrows naturally, applying a graphite-colored pencil to them.
  • Bright arrows. In her makeup, Margot Robbie uses not only black colors, but also blue and purple shades.

Using these principles of applying makeup, Margot Robbie always manages to stay on top. Perfect Beautiful face actress attracts thousands of approving glances.

Margot Robbie no makeup

Photos in which Margot Robbie without makeup are pleasantly surprised by beauty and freshness. Since Margo Robbie played in the film The Wolf of Wall Street, public attention to her person has increased many times over. The recent photo shoot of the actress for the portal Violet made a splash natural beauty and the youthfulness of the artist. The attention of Internet users was especially attracted by:

  • Velvet skin. Margot Robbie without makeup looks like a young girl. The skin of the face glows clean and well-groomed. The absence of age spots, acne and blackheads indicates proper nutrition and ongoing facial care. Note that sometimes the star of the picture "Suicide Squad" looks very pale, which makes her look like her heroine. After all, it is distinguished by deadly pale skin.

  • Blush. A gentle peach blush of natural origin looks very cute and feminine on the face of a movie beauty. No dullness and sunken cheekbones. "Cheeks-apples" on the face of an overseas actress incredibly suit her. Even without photoshop and other tricks, Margot Robbie's face shines from the photographs.
  • Beautiful eyebrows. By nature, a woman is endowed with thick wide eyebrows. Margot's greatest achievement is that she did not spoil the wealth given by nature. Even without make-up, the woman's eyebrows are neatly combed, always moisturized and styled.

  • Shining eyes. Margot Robbie's eyes without makeup are not lost on the face. Unlike those women who need tons of eyeliner and pencil just to “draw” their eyes, or to keep them from looking piggy narrow, the actress does not use such tricks. Bright eyes shine in any of her photos without make-up. Bags under the eyes, puffiness, dullness are absent, even despite busy schedule filming, the movie diva manages to look "100%".
  • Beautiful lips. Even without additional decorative cosmetics, Margot Robbie's lips look rich and do not blur over the surface of the face. Note that the pigmentation of the lips looks even brighter against the background of pale skin.

Margot Robbie without any make-up and without photoshop looks very dignified and attractive. Perhaps, her youth and constant self-care adds points to the girl.

Secrets of attractiveness from Margot Robbie

With her fans, the star of the cult soap series "Neighbors" shared the secrets of grooming and freshness:

  • Start every morning with exercise. This will give you strength and energy for the whole day.

  • Meditate. Meditation for an artist is a great way to live in harmony with yourself and keep your body in good shape.
  • Apply cold teaspoons to your eyes. Such a simple way will allow you to get rid of edema and hide possible bags under the eyes.

  • Scrub your face. Be sure to carefully cleanse your face with a proven scrub during morning procedures.
  • Mask-film for the face on a gel basis. Every morning, the screen star applies this mask and leaves it on the face for 10 minutes. This treatment tones and refreshes the skin. appearance.
  • No questionable cosmetics. In the current variety of cosmetic products, Margot Robbie does not choose products at random. The woman believes that any product applied to the skin should be at least safe.

It is not surprising that a woman monitors her face every day. The face of an actress is her bread, so taking care of it becomes hard work.

Perfect figure: a recipe from Harley Quinn

Looking at the photo of Margot Robbie, you wonder how perfect her parameters are. The height of the actress is 168 cm, and the weight for a long time rests at around 54 kilograms. The actress herself admits that in order to maintain the cherished forms, she has to try. secrets beautiful figure from Margot Robbie:

  • Eliminate sugary drinks, fast food, chocolate and fatty foods from your diet.
  • Consume more fish, vegetables, fruits. Do not forget that dinner should be no later than two hours before bedtime.

  • Find your favorite sport. The young Australian Margot Robbie has become such a hobby surfing and hockey. If training is not only useful for you, but also pleasant, the effect of them will double.

  • Don't torture your body. The actress herself sometimes breaks all the established rules and indulges herself with ice cream, a hamburger and french fries. However, this is more of an exception than the rule.

The rhythm of life of the star beauty dictates the rules to her, but the star tries to eat regularly and not skip meals.

Example Workout by Margot Robbie

If you want, you can try Margot Robbie's workout. Moreover, the actress shared her set of exercises.

  1. Jump rope or run (about 10 minutes).
  2. Deep lunges to the side. 12 times in each side.
  3. Back leg high squat. 12 times on each of the legs.
  4. Squatting with a kettlebell in hand (goblet) - 12 times.

Margot Robbie workouts are different from one another. It all depends on the condition of the actress and her fatigue. The personal trainer says that working with a woman is a pleasure. The level of preparation of the superstar is affected by her ballet past. Therefore, such types of loads as Pilates and swimming are given to a woman without much effort.

As a result, we note that such an appearance as that of Margot Robbie requires titanic efforts and permanent job above oneself. Often all the efforts are left behind the scenes, and the audience evaluates only the final result. Cameras do not forgive mistakes, so the famous Harley Quinn hopes not only for makeup. Constant care for her face and body allows the actress to go out without hesitation "without any make-up."

Video: Margot Robbie - beauty secrets first hand
