Can different phases of the moon affect childbirth? The impact of the lunar phases on a person.

People born on the first lunar day are often rather indecisive and slow. Such activities as reflections, dreams, dreams are more preferable for them than active actions. They are excellent at creating emotional and mental models that can be successfully brought to life. Because of this, these people should be quite careful with their desires and emotions, as even the most negative ones can be realized.

in the 1st
lunar day

Born on this day has huge force spirit. His life will certainly be very interesting and vibrant. People on the first lunar day are capable of a feat, but they never think it through in advance, turning into action unexpectedly. They are always inspired by something, but not everyone achieves their goal.

The potential given by nature, born on the 1st lunar day

  • excellent ability to analyze, plan, predict events
  • the ability to act very energetically and brightly, the ability to accomplish a feat
  • the ability to expect a miracle, to behave like a child all his life: to wait for something, to dream
  • the ability to easily distribute time and jokingly keep up with all urgent matters
  • it is easy to maneuver in the chaos of one's own and other people's thoughts

On the 1st lunar day are born emotional people who have great internal energy, and therefore centenarians. The fantasies of these people are able to come true. Lucky and enjoyable creative types activities.

Find the possibility of energy work on the 1st lunar day: for such people, wishes made have a special power. These people have a very strong connection with the Moon.

As a rule, they live to a ripe old age, especially if in their individual horoscope there is no bad influence of a malefic planet: Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, sometimes Neptune. They are a little children all their lives: like a child, they are always waiting for something, dreaming. They begin to act very energetically and brightly. Capable of accomplishing a feat.

Possible negative qualities of those born on the 1st lunar day

  • there are practically none - these people have gone through the whole circle of incarnations, but they most likely will not be born on Earth again

People on the 1st lunar day should not make hasty decisions, as they can bring unexpected results and give rise to problems. There may be many unforeseen situations in the life of people of this day, but it is difficult to take them by surprise. They have a developed intellect, they are difficult to deceive, but in business matters everything is not so easy. They learn easily, are organized, understand people well. In general, life will be long and successful. For good health you need to give up alcohol and smoking, you need to be careful when exercising.

The third phase lasts from the full moon to the last quarter, that is, from 16th to 22nd day of the lunar month. It ends when the moon shrinks so much that it becomes exactly half the size of the lunar disk.

The third phase of the moon is associated with the element of AIR.

On the full moon, there is a peak in the accumulation of vital and psychic energy, which then gradually declines. During this period, activity begins to decline, there is a frequent change in states, thoughts and opinions. The third phase is the maturity phase. When we actively continue to use the experience and forces accumulated over the past phases for the implementation of plans. During this period of the lunar month, the first results of previous efforts are already noticeable.
The ongoing shifts of mood can concern not only the business area, but also personal life. A good period for getting rid of old habits, trying something new. In a relationship, this is a period of romance and rapprochement for more high level. The third phase is well suited for self-improvement and creation.

The symbolic color of the third phase of the moon is yellow.
Yellow color symbolizes calmness, ease in relations with people, intelligence. When he is loved, it means sociability, curiosity, courage, easy adaptability and enjoyment of the opportunity to please and attract people to him.

This phase is named after the goddess Dione.
In the Avestan tradition, this is the goddess Uparetat - the messenger of the gods, or Metis - the divine Thought and Word.

Born under the Moon in the third quarter.

They see prophetic dreams, perceive information of a different order, their state changes from phase to phase of the moon, i.e. they are connected with the Moon directly. They received freedom from the Sun, and the Moon became more important for them, eclipsed the spirit, eclipsed their self-consciousness. They identified themselves in past life with the astral world, and therefore are born in this life on a full moon. These people are mystical, superstitious, often amenable to mood. Their psyche is thin, plastic, they pass through themselves different influences Both the worst and the best. At the same time, they can wash away all bad influences with a stronger influence of some kind of bright spirit or bright person. This freedom will be freedom from dependence: as long as they perceive the influence, they are connected with it, and as soon as the influence ends, they are also freed, separated from any influence. Therefore, such people - 15 - 22 lunar days birth - special, people of the Moon Road, moonlight. They are just conductors and nothing more. In order to make the most of their opportunities, to isolate any evil spirits, to perceive only light influences, they need to raise their spirituality. Otherwise, such a person will be like a blank slate, on which any spirits will write anything. There was already preparation for this in the phase of Water. The people of the Moon Road are free. Their moon is at its peak. That is why they need to work on the Sun, on self-awareness, develop a spiritual core in themselves, otherwise they can be completely unreliable people and it is better (if you cannot convince them) to stay away from them. But even if you can convince them, they listen to you only as long as you influence them. They need to come to a decision on their own. After the full moon, the moon goes to the damage - its energy, its impact changes dramatically, completely. Not only the phase changes, but also the hemisphere of the Moon: it becomes flawed, loses light. The most deceived person who has reached the full emotional freedom, must lose longer, consistently give back what he has accumulated. The first overexpenditure of emotions begins in the third phase. Such people lose more than they gain, emotionally. Therefore, people of the third phase - 15 - 22 lunar birthdays - people with primary emotional waste. Their emotions are often superficial, they are already seduced, they already have understanding, sophistication, the ability to maneuver; in the worst case - cunning, deceit; at best, a very strong need for emotional return, a craving for interaction. In the full moon, the Moon and the Sun are in the phase of the greatest confrontation - the rupture of the soul and spirit. Hence the duality, maximum imbalance and unpredictability of behavior. People of the third phase, at worst, react painfully to every word, they cannot calmly perceive anything; verbal abuse, skirmishes, emotional fussiness, restlessness, talkativeness, instability, sanguine temperament, superficiality begin; a person needs social contacts to compensate for his emotional imbalance.

Since a person enters a state of internal clamping, he must be helped to eliminate mental illness remove psychological blocks. You can achieve success by working with mentally ill people, neurotics, neurasthenics, fanatics. In this phase, drugs are prepared, all drug systems are used. Showing self-regulation, the beginning of a diet, energy treatment.

third lunar phase

Our subconsciousness and our destiny are influenced not only by lunar days, but also by the lunar phases of birth - and this was known even in ancient times. There are four lunar phases. The beginning of the lunar cycle is considered to be from the moment of the new moon - at this time the first lunar phase begins. It lasts 7 or 8 days - until the first quarter of the moon. From the first quarter to the full moon - the time of the second phase. From the full moon to the last quarter of the moon is the third phase, and from the last quarter to the next new moon is the fourth. Each phase (or quarter) of the Moon refers to a certain element and has its own symbolic color. And each person, depending on what phase of the moon he was born in, has special features and qualities, a certain emotional nature and psychological reactions.
The first phase of the moon belongs to the element Earth.

The symbol of the first phase is the hunting goddess Artemis, the color of this phase is blue. During this period, a little infantile people are usually born, who are in a kind of "mental hibernation", in "mental homeostasis", somewhat inhibited and lethargic, with slow perception and late emotional development. Such people need comfort and coziness in order to feel happy; home, family, and material well-being are very important for them.

Since in the first phase of the moon the soul only awakens, gaining experience and impressions, it seems to rediscover emotional world learning to live and feel. According to the ideas of the ancients, this is "a soul that has not received an impulse", and the emotional world of such a person is difficult to external influence, he is able to reject, repel from himself everything that is alien to him, everything that interferes with him - and this despite the fact that such a person is very receptive and sensitive. People born in the first lunar phase need to learn in this life one main thing for them - awareness of their goal, mastery of their emotions, disclosure of their inner potential.

But at the same time, such a person has great potentialities that seem to be hidden or dormant in him. Such a person is given a lot from the very beginning, he has a lot of hidden internal reserves, which a person for the time being may not be aware of. But he should know: if he works on himself, he will be able to achieve very, very much in this life.

By the way, in India and some other countries of the East, where increased attention has always been paid to astrology, from ancient times to this day it is believed that it is the Moon of the 1st phase that has the best female qualities, and men tried to choose a girl born in the first or in the second quarter of the moon. It was believed that she would make an ideal hostess, mother and life partner. And if a person of the 1st phase develops properly, the spirits of the earth can open to him, he acquires the ability to "hear" the earth, communicate with it, understand the language of plants, exchange energy with trees, see what is hidden from others. The best partners and life companions for people of the first phase of the Moon are people born in the third lunar phase - in these people they will acquire the qualities they lack.

The second phase of the moon belongs to the element Water. The symbol of the second phase is Thetis, and according to other ideas, Selena is considered a symbol. This phase is colored green color. In its second phase, the Moon gains strength, "is fertilized by thought", becomes emotionally mature.

A person born in the second phase of the moon has increased sensitivity, emotional susceptibility, good psychological flexibility, and lability. His soul is already "awakened", such a person is able to understand his feelings and realize everything that happens to him. Such a person is characterized by insight, excellent intuition, among such people there are many magicians, healers, psychics, mediums.In people of the second phase, masculine and feminine are in harmony, external and inner life complement and balance each other. They are generally very harmonious and happy people who subtly feel the beauty of this world and know how to rejoice in what they see.

For people born in the second lunar phase, emotional contact with others, warmth and understanding in relationships are very important. They are highly dependent on other people, cannot stay alone for a long time, they need a loving environment, without it, such people feel very bad, they can even get sick from loneliness, alienation and emotional coldness. People born in the second phase of the moon often suffer from the inability to relax: it can be difficult for them to “let go” of all their problems and plunge into deep relaxation. They can be advised to do meditation, yoga, auto-training, breathing exercises, learn to relax and disconnect from everything that interferes with them.

The best partners and life companions for people of the second phase are those who were born in the fourth phase of the moon - in these people they will acquire the qualities they lack.

The third phase of the moon belongs to the element Air. Her symbol is the goddess Dione (Hera) - the messenger and conductor of information. This phase is colored yellow. The people of the third phase are considered "twice awakened", mediators of the gods, "cosmic transmitters".

The moon in the third phase is most free from the influence of the sun, and the soul of such people is most free from the body. Distinctive feature these people - eternal dissatisfaction with themselves, eternal doubts and hesitation, changeability and inconstancy.

A person born in the third lunar phase is independent inner world, a feeling of complete inner freedom and increased looseness, lightness, sociability. Such a person seems to be constantly trying to break out of the circle of conventions, go beyond what is permitted, destroy established dogmas and change everything at his own discretion. Therefore, people of the third phase often seem incomprehensible, strange, very windy, unreliable and frivolous to others. But at the same time, such people can achieve a lot in life - they are given a lot of strength, energy from above, they have a good memory and are able to adapt perfectly to any situation.

They are usually extroverts: they easily start relationships and also break up easily, it is interesting to communicate with them, they, as a rule, are perfectly socially adapted and often reach heights in their careers.

Such people really need some kind of "collective field", in an egregor, they need a circle of like-minded people and support from the outside so that they do not get confused in themselves and realize their potential. The task of such people in this life is the transfer and dissemination of accumulated experience, constant emotional and information exchange with people around them.

But at the same time, they have too great a danger of falling under the influence of others, falling into dependence on drugs, alcohol, gambling, go down the low path of development. By the way, alcohol has a very negative effect on such people, it is dangerous for them to drink, because it is not known where it can lead them. They need to develop in themselves objectivity, impartiality, prudence, impartiality and get rid of capriciousness and excessive frivolity.

Among the people of the third lunar phase there are a lot of actors and people in general associated with the theater.

The best partners and life companions for people of the third phase are considered to be people born in the first phase of the moon - in these people they will acquire the qualities they lack.

The fourth phase of the moon belongs to the element Fire. Her symbol is the goddess Gorgon - beautiful, cold and cruel. This phase is colored red. People of the fourth lunar phase are people with great emotional experience, emotionally mature and developed, but at the same time absolutely uncontrollable and capable of the most incredible and unexpected actions.

Often they react too violently and sharply to the most seemingly ordinary and ordinary events, but they cannot explain their reaction even to themselves and remain at a loss from their "subconscious explosions".

Often such people lack inner freedom, they are unaware of true emancipation and a sense of flight. As a rule, they are aware of this, and this is what largely explains their internal rigidity and brokenness. People born in the fourth phase of the moon should learn to control their emotions and hidden forces so that these qualities do not dominate them and do not harm them.

Also, such people need to learn how to build astral protection, which will help them in stressful situations who are too many in their lives. In addition, people of the fourth lunar phase should, if possible, avoid uncontrollable emotional reactions, learn to control themselves, otherwise they can break a lot of firewood in a fit of anger or jealousy.

The best partners and life companions for people of the fourth phase are considered to be people born in the second phase of the moon - here they will acquire the qualities they lack.
People born at the junction of two lunar phases, usually painfully susceptible and emotionally unbalanced. They have a hard time in life, because they need to overcome strong internal resistance all the time, and their nature is unnecessarily contradictory and tormented by constant doubts and discontent. Their fate is often dramatic and complex, full of unexpected changes and mental anguish.

The last two and the first two days of the lunar month are called the days of Hecate and are considered the most dangerous, the time of nightmares and rampant dark forces.

be born in days of Hekate It is considered a great test for a person, especially in emotional and psychological terms. The moon these days is "burnt", that is, it is in conjunction with the Sun, and people born at this time, especially on the last 2 days of the lunar month, carry a very large load in their subconscious and often succumb to demonic temptations and temptations, too deep perceive everything that happens to them.

They easily fall under the influence of others, succumb to hypnosis, suggestion, they are easily led astray.


  • first phase of the moon
  • New moon
  • Full moon
  • Waning moon


. pregnancy is largely influenced by the moon, more precisely, its phases. Is this true and how can it be explained? Is it true that most births happen on a full moon? There is an opinion that many human biological rhythms correlate with the phases of the moon, especially with the full moon and new moon.

Scientists associate the dependence of vital activity with the powerful gravitational effect of this celestial body on the shell of our planet Earth. On the days of new moons and full moons, parameters such as air humidity, atmospheric pressure, air temperature, as well as electric and magnetic fields change greatly. It is noticed that even small fluctuations of these physical parameters have an impact on the human body. So, the activity of the brain, for example, is affected by a change in humidity, and the tension of the magnetic field can affect the state of the psyche.


Each lunar month, the moon goes through four phases. The phase lasts 7.4 days.

  • first phase of the moon begins with black nights, when the lunar disk is completely invisible in the sky. It is believed that at this time the vital energy and defenses of our body are at the lowest level, immunity weakens and all metabolic processes slow down.
  • New moon is the first quarter of the moon. This phase is associated with purity and novelty. The growing moon causes a person to rise vitality, mood, performance.
  • Full moon affects people in different ways. Nervousness, anxiety, tension may increase. At the same time, general well-being does not worsen, a surge of energy can occur.
  • Waning moon promotes a drop in vital energy and a decrease in strength.


There is a point of view that it is women who are especially affected by the phases of the moon. For example, according to some researchers, in particular, Heinrich Gutmann, Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy, the least ovulation is observed on the new moon and the most big number menstruation, and the period of the full moon is the peak of ovulation and conception. Different phases of the moon also affect the process of childbirth. It is believed that during the full moon, maternity hospitals receive significantly more women in labor than on other days. Theory lunar influence on the body of pregnant women is also based on the fact of tides, which are caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon. Since the human body is 80% water, the phases of the moon have a direct effect on it.

And here is what Hilmar Hickert, MD, writes: “The visible phases of the moon indicate forces that we have not yet noticed that affect the human body in such a way that during the waning phase of the moon, the number of born boys increases and the number of girls decreases.” However, it should be noted that all these and similar statements refer, rather, to cosmic energy - one of the oldest esoteric practices, and not to official medicine.

The direct influence of the Moon on the human body and, in particular, on pregnant women and childbirth has not yet been scientifically proven. Although it was noticed that, for example, during full moons and new moons, bleeding in operated patients increases. There are more births on the full moon. It is believed that the Moon also affects the menstrual cycle and the likelihood of conception. To believe in it or not is a private matter for every woman..

By the way, the next full moon is March 16. Those TOMORROW!!!

The waning moon replaced the growing one in the sky. Not much time has passed, and the Moon in all its beauty, which recently shone fabulously, begins to melt, to waste its strength and light. The moon, from bright and full, begins to turn into a small, narrow sickle, which will soon disappear altogether. Now the Moon symbolizes weakening, starting the process of dying. What do we need to know about the waning moon?

The waning moon is the time when it is necessary to complete all previously started business. confirm it long years observations of the moon. This time is most favorable for finally breaking up with bad habits, completing protracted repairs, and completing unfinished business.

On the waning moon

On the waning moon, practices related to liberation and purification are performed. Do clearing debris, general cleaning, energy cleansing at home, liberation from negative thoughts, emotions, beliefs and attitudes. The beginning of the third phase is marked by a feeling of incredible fullness of life. But you can’t get too carried away and throw out energy: there should be a measure for everything.

During the waning moon, medical operations are better, almost all household work is done with ease, the number of conflict situations easier to resolve misunderstandings. This time is suitable for diet and skin care: the use of special masks, body wraps and other cosmetic procedures are especially effective. Under the waning moon, it is best to clean up the house, sell a valuable thing.

If you were born during a waning moon

The moment of the waning moon includes the period of intermediate phases from the full moon to the new moon. This period can be divided into two phases: The first is the time from the full moon to the third quarter. The second is the time from the fourth quarter to the disappearance of the crescent moon. Simultaneously with the waning of the moon, the action of energy and all those processes, phenomena in those areas of life that the moon controls are reduced. Consider what character traits people born on the waning moon possess.

In the third phase of the moon

People born in the third phase of the moon are overwhelmed with conflicting feelings. They look at themselves as if from the outside and are never satisfied with what they see. To others, they may seem unreliable, constantly changing their beliefs. In the worst case, during the third phase, reckless people are born, influenced by fleeting impulses, illusory desires and dreams. They say about them: "Not of this world." Often their emotions are out of their control.

These people have a need for constant friendly contact, being in a team for them is not a whim, but an urgent need. If they do not get help from friends, they can become very unpredictable. People who unwisely indulge their whims run the risk of wasting their energy. In the third phase of the moon, born actors and actors are born.

In the fourth phase of the moon

People born in the fourth phase of the moon look completely unperturbed, they often have a cold and hard expression on their faces. These people really lack emotional emancipation, the ability to correctly evaluate themselves and manage themselves, their impulses. They are characterized by emotional outbursts and impulsive reactions to many events that irritate them. Such people definitely need to learn not to lose their minds in any situation, but also to hide their feelings deeply, without suppressing them.

During the waning moon, you should cut your hair, do general cleaning, get rid of everything superfluous, start treatment, cleanse the body, etc. For the period of the waning moon, it is advisable to do things that are already established, not requiring much effort. important to you phone call, produced during the waning moon, most likely will not give the desired effect, because on the other end of the wire you are listening to a person who also has biorhythms on the decline. He will rather redirect you to another instance than begin to delve into your problem.

For these phases of the moon, any work that allows a quick end is suitable. Getting rid of some bad habit It's like we're killing her. After the habit has disappeared, new inclinations take the place of old inclinations - renewal comes. This time is considered auspicious for the completion of all kinds of affairs.
