All-Russian Museum Day 18 May. International Museum Day

On May 18, museum workers celebrate their professional holiday. On this day, the world celebrates International Museum Day. Moreover, all those who go to one of the museums at least once a week, hoping to see a new exhibit, or maybe catch some new ones, interesting details in an already familiar thing, they can also rightfully celebrate this holiday. And it does not matter at all which museum you are going to today: the Louvre, the Hermitage or the regional museum of local lore.

History of appearance

The decision on a new holiday appeared in 1977, after a meeting of the International Council of Museums, and what is most pleasant, the idea of ​​a new date belonged to Soviet workers. Thus, this is one of the few decisions of the USSR of those years, which was unanimously supported by all the members of the council, including the capitalist countries. Thus, new holiday Day of Museums, began to be celebrated in more than 150 countries around the world.

The role of museums

According to the definition of the International Council, the main function of museums is to serve the interests of society and influence its harmonious development, educating people in the sense of beauty, passing on knowledge of historical and cultural processes of the past. On this moment in the world there are tens of thousands of museums of the most diverse subjects: from the museum of beer and vodka, to vintage cars and space technology. The scatter of the exhibits presented is huge, because one should not forget that the population of the Earth has long exceeded 7 billion, which means that each person should find in the museum something that will interest only him.

official mottos

May 18 is the day of museums, which means that very soon we will find out what kind of motto the council of museums came up with for 2019. By tradition, each year passes under a certain message, for example, in previous years they advocated the fight against the illegal export of valuable museum exhibits, a few years ago, advocated increasing the role of museums in the cultural education of society, and so on.

Free admission

World Museum Day is not just a date, but also a real opportunity for everyone to view this or that collection for free. In any case, any self-respecting museum opens its doors on this day for free. This action is well known as museum night, so many museums not only let visitors in for free, but also work all night. But this action is not always held on May 18 and, as a rule, they open their doors on Saturday night, the closest to the International Museum Day. This is announced in advance, so that visitors do not miss the opportunity to spend the night in a particular museum, and maybe even give themselves a big night tour.

Every year, on May 18, the world cultural community celebrates International Museum Day. This professional holiday of the guardians of universal culture and national values was approved in 1977 by decision of the General Conference of the International Council of Museums. And since 1978, this day has been celebrated annually in more than 150 countries.

It is generally accepted that society expresses its attitude to the historical and cultural heritage through museums, and it is difficult to disagree with this. Collecting and storing monuments of material and spiritual culture, they carry out a great scientific and educational work.

Openings of new exhibitions and festivals are often timed to coincide with this holiday. Museums organize thematic lectures, excursions, scientific readings, museum and theatrical performances are held and cultural recreation programs are planned for this day.
There are always a lot of visitors to museums on a holiday, even when it coincides with a working day.

This holiday is dedicated to international action- Night of Museums. As a rule, it is held on the night of May 17-18. Museum Night is an initiative of French colleagues.

In Russia, the Night of Museums has already been held several times. Non-state museums and private galleries are also joining this action in Russia. Over time, experts believe, the Night of Museums will gain popularity no less, and maybe even more than International Museum Day.

Every year on May 18, museum workers around the world celebrate their professional holiday, writes.

And, of course, those of us who are looking forward to our next trip to local history museum of their city or meetings with rare exhibits of the Hermitage or the Louvre are also involved in today's holiday. International Museum Day appeared on the calendar in 1977, when a proposal was adopted at a regular meeting of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) Russian organization about the establishment of this cultural holiday.

Since 1978, International Museum Day has been celebrated in more than 150 countries. According to ICOM, museums are institutions in the service of society and its development.

In Ulan-Ude, on May 18, from 7 pm, the "Night of Museums" action will be held. It should be noted that the Museum of Nature of Buryatia, whose building is now closed due to an emergency condition, will join the action in Art Museum named after Sampilov.

Until 16:00 all museums will work for free!

The grb blog congratulates all museum staff, collectors, lovers of art, history, local history, etc. happy holiday!

According to Jacques Perot, ex-president of ICOM, “museums must take their place at the heart of society and be open to the public.

The development of our institutions depends to a large extent on the help of the public, and we must offer them the opportunity to support our goals and participate in our work. Thus, it is essential that museums and society work together in a spirit of creativity and innovation.”

It is generally accepted that society expresses its attitude to the historical and cultural heritage through museums, and it is difficult to disagree with this. By collecting and storing monuments of material and spiritual culture, museums carry out a great deal of scientific and educational work.

Each year the holiday has its own specific theme, dedicated to issues museum activities, for example, such as the illegal export of museum valuables, the role of museums in raising the culture of society, and many others. In 2009, the theme of the International Museum Day was determined by the words - "Museums and Tourism". In 2010, the theme of the Day was the words - "Museums for the sake of social harmony", in 2011 - "Museums and Memory". In 2012, when International Museum Day celebrated its 35th anniversary, the theme of the Day was “Museums in a Changing World. New challenges, new inspiration. The theme for 2013 was “Museums (Memory + Creativity) = social change", the slogan of 2014 was the words -" Museum collections unite", in 2015 - "Museums and sustainable development society”, in 2016 - “Museums and cultural landscapes”. The theme of Museum Day in 2017 was "Museums and controversial history: talking about the complex in museums”. On the holiday itself, many museums in different countries of the world open their doors to everyone for free, prepare new expositions, thematic lectures, excursions, scientific readings.

In Buryatia "Night of Museums" is dedicated to the year of ecology.

"Museums are an important means of cultural exchange, enrichment of cultures and development of mutual understanding, cooperation and peace among people."

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May 18 museum workers around the world celebrate their professional holiday. In 1977, International Museum Day appeared on the calendar. This year, at the next meeting of ICOM (International Council of Museums - International Council of Museums), the proposal of the Russian organization to establish the holiday of International Museum Day was adopted.

Since then, since 1977, May 18 has taken a special place in the life of every museum in every corner of the planet. Both large and very small museums celebrate International Museum Day extremely solemnly - arrange days open doors, conduct unusual excursions, exhibitions, concerts.

The President of ICOM, Jacques Perot, expressed his opinion: “museums should take their place at the heart of society and be open to the public. The development of our institutions depends to a large extent on the help of the public, and we must offer them the opportunity to support our goals and participate in our work. Thus, it is essential that museums and their Friends work together in a spirit of creativity and innovation.”

Moscow Kremlin

On this holiday, May 18, International Museum Day, let's talk about perhaps the most famous museum-reserve in Russia - the Moscow Kremlin.

Moscow has been standing on Russian land for nine centuries and, it seems, does not feel its ancient age at all, it looks rather into the future than into the past. But there is a place in Moscow where every period of its centuries-old history, every turn of its difficult fate left their indelible mark. This place is the Moscow Kremlin.

It is located in the center of a huge city on a high hill above the Moscow River. From the opposite bank of the river, the walls and towers of the Kremlin create the impression of a majestic architectural ensemble. Nearby, one can feel the harsh power of this ancient citadel. The height of its walls, narrow loopholes and battlefields, the measured step of the towers - everything indicates that, first of all, this is a fortress.

Upon entering the Kremlin, the impression changes. On its territory there are spacious squares and cozy squares, grand palaces and golden-domed temples. Today, everything here truly breathes with History - ancient cannons and bells, ancient cathedrals that have preserved in memory so many events, so many names ... Here everything is nearby, all together - the royal towers and palaces of the New Age, the residence of the President of Russia and world-famous museums.

So what is the Moscow Kremlin - this amazing fortress city in the center of Moscow? A stronghold of power, an ancient spiritual center of Moscow and Russia, a treasury of its art and antiquity? It is hardly possible to find an exhaustive answer. Apparently, something unsaid will always remain behind him, some kind of hidden meaning and significance. Having absorbed the history of the country, becoming a witness and participant in all its major events, The Kremlin has become an all-Russian national shrine, has become a symbol of Moscow and all of Russia.

More than nine hundred years of the history of Moscow and the Kremlin is too long to even try to list all its main events and facts. We offer not a detailed chronicle of events, but rather a story about the historical fate of the Moscow Kremlin, each turn of which is a milestone in the life of our country.

Kremlin in the 20th century

In March 1918, the Soviet government moved from Petrograd to Moscow, and it acquired the status of the capital of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR), since 1922 - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The Kremlin became the place of work of the highest authorities of the state. In 1918 - 1922, the office and apartment of V.I. Lenin were located in the Senate building, and then, until 1953, - I.V. Stalin. All this time the Kremlin was closed for free visiting.

In 1935, 4 eagles were removed from the Spasskaya, Nikolskaya, Borovitskaya and Troitskaya towers, and five-pointed stars were installed on them.

As a result of anti-religious propaganda, which was especially active in the 1930s, many monasteries and churches were not only closed, but also destroyed in the country. The Moscow Kremlin also suffered significant losses. The largest of them was the demolition in 1929 of two ancient and famous monasteries - Chudov and Voznesensky. The building erected in their place military school hardly decorated the Kremlin, but each time has its own face...

In the terrible years of the Great Patriotic War all the treasures of the Armory were evacuated from Moscow, and the Kremlin itself, fortunately, was practically not damaged. Since 1955, it has again become available for inspection. Millions of Russian and foreign citizens began to get acquainted with the Armory, historical relics and shrines of the Kremlin churches, and the Museum was opened in the former Patriarchal Palace applied arts and life of Russia in the 17th century.

In 1961, at the Trinity Gate, on the site of the first building of the Armory, the Palace of Congresses was erected, which, like everything that was built in the Kremlin, became a symbol of its time. Congresses of the Communist Party were held in the huge hall of the Palace Soviet Union(CPSU), international congresses and forums.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the Moscow Kremlin underwent repair and restoration works that were unique in composition and scale.

In 1990, the Moscow Kremlin was included in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. IN next year the museums located on its territory were transformed into the Moscow Kremlin State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve, which included the famous Armory, Assumption, Archangel, Annunciation Cathedrals, the Church of the Deposition of the Robe, the Museum of Applied Art and Life of Russia of the 17th century, architectural ensemble Belfry of Ivan the Great.

In December 1991, the USSR as a single state, which included fifteen republics, ceased to exist. Moscow became the capital of independent Russia, and the ancient Kremlin became the residence of the President of the country.

In 1997, Moscow solemnly celebrated its 850th anniversary. Large restoration work took place in the Moscow Kremlin. The famous Red Porch of the Faceted Chamber was restored, the Alexander and Andreevsky Halls of the Grand Kremlin Palace were revived, and the Senate building was restored. In the days of big church holidays solemn divine services are held in the cathedrals, after a long silence, the Kremlin bells rang. But there are also irreparable losses, the memory of which is also preserved by this ancient citadel on Borovitsky Hill...

We sincerely congratulate all the inhabitants of our planet on May 18, International Museum Day!

The museum is a temple in which monuments of material and spiritual culture, created in different countries, are carefully collected and preserved. historical stages development of society. Priceless collections of paintings, interior and household items, sculptures, collections of coins, books, monuments of natural history - this is a centuries-old heritage, the value of which will only grow from year to year, and the wealth that belongs to all mankind.

The Hermitage, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Louvre, the Metropolitan Museum in New York, the Prado in Madrid, the Archaeological Museum in Cairo are known throughout the world. But in almost every locality Every country has its own museum of local lore, which stores rare items related to its history and stages of development. International Museum Day is a professional holiday for all the galleries of the world and all museum workers who carry out a huge educational, popularizing and pedagogical work.

History of International Museum Day

International Museum Day is celebrated annually on May 18th. The history of the holiday is closely connected with the creation in 1946 of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), which set as its main goal to provide comprehensive support to the activities of museums. Representatives of more than 115 countries, including the USSR, immediately joined the work of the Council. It was on the initiative of the Soviet Union that ICOM established a new professional holiday in 1977 - the World Day of Museum Workers. The first celebrations took place in 1978. Nowadays, the holiday is widely celebrated in 150 countries around the world. Indeed, in almost any state there are many museums that constitute its national treasure.

Traditions of International Museum Day

In honor of the holiday, museums and galleries around the world arrange thematic expositions, exhibitions with the participation of young artists, hold special events for specialists and the general public, excursions for children of school and preschool age. On the festive day, many galleries host popular science lectures and conferences on the development of museums and their role in the modern world.

With the development of Internet technologies, masterpieces of world art are becoming more and more accessible. a wide range of people. Now you can see the world's best collections in virtual museums whose popularity is growing day by day.

On this festive day, congratulate all the museum workers you know. These people deserve the deepest respect, because their contribution to the conservation cultural heritage humanity is invaluable.
