International campaign "Reading to children about the war" in the Rostov Regional Children's Library named after V.M. Velichkina

VII International action"Reading to children about the war-2016"

For the second year, the hour of simultaneous loud reading of works about the war was organized and held by employees of the municipal libraries of the city of Yelets. On May 4, the best samples were read aloud to children in libraries, schools, kindergartens fiction dedicated to the events of 1941-1945 and the great human feat.

In total, 18 sites for reading aloud were organized, and almost 430 children and adolescents of our city, 4 events were held in the children's library No. 2, 3 - in the library-branch No. 6, they worked at two sites in the children's library No. 3, branch No. 2.

The information collection contains creative reports and photo reports of libraries on the Action.

Children's library №1 named after. A.S. Pushkin

May 4, 2016 at exactly 11:00 Moscow time, readers of the children's library-branch No. A.S. Pushkin became participants in the international action "We read to children about the war", the purpose of which is to acquaint children with literature about the Great Patriotic War. The action was attended by 11 people (4 adults, 7 children - 5th grade MBOU No. 19 in Yelets). Librarians of the children's library have chosen several works about the war for loud reading.

The story "Girl from the city" introduced the guys to a girl - Valentinka, who was left an orphan during the Great Patriotic War, and with kind people who sheltered her. The participants of the action listened with pleasure to excerpts from the book: “Spring Holiday. Dough larks"; "Snowdrops".

Schoolchildren during the war years earned money for the defense fund, collected warm clothes for front-line soldiers, worked at military factories, were on duty on rooftops during air raids, and gave concerts in front of wounded soldiers in hospitals. Many children fought against fascism with weapons in their hands, becoming sons and daughters of regiments.

It is about such a “son of the regiment” that the story is told. V.P. Kataeva "Son of the Regiment" . The librarians introduced the children to the characters in this book, peasant boy Vanya Solntsev, sergeant Egorov and captain Enakiev, gunner Kovalev and corporal Bidenko, and also read chapters from the work.

Then the children were told about the young heroes of our city, who also contributed to the Victory. The children looked with great interest at the album with photographs of young Yelchan heroes, got acquainted with the book "Little Heroes" and an essay from it V. Dobryakova "The Boy from Yelets" telling about the story that happened in December 1941 with an ordinary Yelets boy - pioneer Seryozha Gudin, who received the "Medal for Courage".

The reading of these works was successfully woven into the story of the librarians about the events of the Great Patriotic War.

The action ended with a poem "Young beardless heroes" and a moment of silence.

Children's library №2

As part of the international campaign "Reading to children about the war", employees children's library-branch No. 2 with loud readings of works about the Great Patriotic War, they visited kindergarten No. 111, MBOU secondary school No. 23 and the NU OO school "Razvitie".

About the Great Patriotic War and the heroic deed of the whole people, young and old kindergarten"Baby" learned from the introductory conversation " There's a war going on folk…”. Our people endured a terrible and difficult war and emerged victorious. Fierce battles were fought on land and in the sky, in forests and swamps, on the seas and rivers. The memory of them is kept in the stories of grandparents and in the works of the authors about that great war.

For reading to preschoolers, the librarian E. Yu. Pashkova chose A. Mityaev’s story “Speakless Cap”, about the sailor Zhenya Malakanov, whose company moved from ship to land to help the infantry. He took care of his naval uniform, but eventually distributed it to those in need: bell-bottoms - to a guy who returned from fascist slavery, a vest - for bandages to the wounded, and the last part - a peakless cap, was raised over a liberated multi-storey building instead of the Red Banner. All these actions were remembered by the guys and aroused pride in the Russian soldier. His actions can serve as an example not only in war time but also in our lives.

About what war is and how much pain and misfortune it brings to peaceful land, how hard the fate of children during the war years, they talked with schoolchildren of grades 1 and 2 of schools No. 23 and Razvitie.

Students 1 and 2 MBOU classes Secondary School No. 23 the library read the story of V. Dragunsky "Watermelon Lane", in which we are talking about the hard life of children during the Great Patriotic War. The children listened to this work with interest, and then actively took part in the discussion of what they read, compared their current dreams and the dreams of the hero of the story, recalled the stories of great-grandparents, about how hard life was at that time. The result of the conversation was the conclusion: “We must keep these stories in our memory in order to learn to appreciate what we have now, in order to maintain peace in our native land, so that war does not touch our homes, so that we and the children of the future do not suffer from hunger and cold.”

The courage and resilience of ordinary boys and girls during the war years is dedicated to L. Kassil's story "At the blackboard", read for students of the 2nd grade of the "Development" school. During the Great Patriotic War, Lev Kassil served as a war correspondent and was well acquainted with everyday life at the front and in the rear, and therefore, probably, the boys and girls, the heroes of his story, came out so alive and real - the heroes of his story, which caused an active discussion among young readers. Watching a fragment of the film "Young Partisans", filmed in 1942 based on the story read today, helped to see and better understand the heroes of the story. The children remembered the image of the teacher created by the author, and the actions of the children - Kostya Rozhkov, who managed to escape from the Nazis and warn the partisans, and the "quiet" Senya Pichugin, who was not afraid to leave an ink mark to the German boss.

The students recalled other moments of the story, as well as the stories of their great-grandparents about the war time, transmitted by their parents. And each of the guys tried to answer the question, but could he act in the situation described by the author, like the heroes of the story? How could they help adults during the war? But the question became more important: “What can the guys do now so that there is no more war on earth?”

What did the guys say? “We must grow up smart and brave, strong, study well, do not forget about kindness and mercy so that war does not come to our land again. And also remember what adults told about wartime and read books about the war.

All participants of the action at the end of the event were given St. George's ribbons.

Children's library №3

May 4thchildren's library-branch №3 took part in International action "Reading to children about the war". Librarians went to MBOU secondary school No. 8 to their young readers, students of 4 "A" and 4 "B" classes. This meeting was dedicated to one of the most significant holidays for all mankind, and especially for our country - Victory Day. On this day, they honor the memory of those who died, and bow to all those who are alive.

At the beginning of the event, the hosts told the children about the consequences of the war, how many days it lasted, how many were killed, how many cities were burned, etc. In order to find out what the guys know about the Great Patriotic War, a quiz "What do you know about the war?".

After it, together with the librarians, the students read stories A. Mityaeva "Dugout"(read students 4 "B" in the 3rd lesson) and "Rockets"(read students 4 "A" in lesson 4). After reading them, the children answered questions, read poems, talked about their relatives-heroes and sang military songs. The event ended with a minute of silence.

54 people took part in the action.

Library-branch №2

Every year, the harsh forties are moving further and further away from us. And the only thing that keeps the changing generations from forgetting those heroic events is the memory of people and books. Books about the war must be read so as not to break the thread of memory of the valor of our soldiers, who gave us life.

Library-branch №2 became a participant in the international campaign "Reading to children about the war." In grades 2 and 3, MBOU secondary school No. 15 (54 people) passed the hour of forgetfulness “A soldier with a marshal's baton: G.K. Zhukov". Talk about the famous commander of the Great Patriotic War, four times Hero Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov was not accidental. This year marks the 120th anniversary of the birth of the legendary military leader.

Leading events Deryugina N.V. and Nasibulina L.S. told about the features of Zhukov's military style, introduced him to the amazing military biography: First World War, dragoon regiment, non-commissioned officers' stripes, George Cross, service in the Red Army, participation in combat operations, awards. Thanks to Georgy Konstantinovich, victories were won in the defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad, on Kursk Bulge. The Berlin operation is especially memorable for all participants in the war.

Librarians chose short stories for loud reading Sergei Alekseev "Magic Fire" and "Joy of Victory" from the writer's book "Stories about Marshal Zhukov". The children, together with the librarians, read with interest, discussed such concepts as "hero", "heroic deed", "surrender", "military operation", answered the librarians' questions, shared their impressions about such outstanding personality like Marshal Zhukov. They became clear catchphrase“Where Zhukov is, there is Victory!”, which was born in Soviet army at the beginning of the war and lived until its last days.

The guys also shared their knowledge about the heroes who hoisted the Soviet flag - the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag. It was nice that the names of M. Egorov, M. Kantaria, A. Berest are familiar to them. The children also spoke about their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War.

A video presentation about the great commander G.K. was presented on the screen for young patriots. Zhukov. They got acquainted with interest with the book exhibition “Legendary Marshal G.K. Zhukov" and with the booklet "Marshal of Victory".

At the end of the event, the guys came to the conclusion that G.K. Zhukov is a real example and a patriot of his Motherland!

Library-branch №5

May 4th, on the eve of Great Victory, within the framework of the international action "Reading to children about the war" workers branch library №5 held high-profile readings based on S. Alekseev's story "The Evil Last Name" in Lyceum No. 5 for the children of the "Pre-School Time" group.

In introductory remarks head of the library-branch No. 5 Tsyba N.A. told the audience about significant date, which we are celebrating soon, read Andrey Usachev's poem "What is Victory Day." Then the children remembered the date of the beginning and end of the Great Patriotic War, told why the war of 1941-1945. called the Great Patriotic War, why people still remember this terrible page in the history of our country and why our people defeated fascism. We all thought together about what the Motherland is for each of us and what the word “hero” means.

Then Tsyba N.A. introduced the children to the biography of S.P. Alekseev, read his story “The Evil Last Name”, and a discussion of this work took place. During the conversation, the students learned what the eternal flame symbolizes at the monument to fallen soldiers and why on Victory Day many people pin a St. George ribbon on their chests.

In conclusion, Tsyba N.A. I asked the guys to congratulate our veterans on Victory Day on May 9, give them flowers and say “thank you” for defending our Motherland from fascism.

The event was accompanied by a slide presentation. It was attended by 30 people.

Library-branch №6

On May 4, as part of the “Reading to Children about the War” campaign, employees of the branch library No. 6 held events in three classes of MBOU secondary school No. 24.

“Life for the Fatherland”, that was the name of the event in the 6th grade, held by Usova N.M. The children were offered to read aloud the story of B. Polevoy "The Last Day of Matvey Kuzmin". The writer's books are the living truth of those war years. In this story, the events are not fictional, but real.

The event was accompanied by a slide presentation. The children listened with attention to the story of a man who repeated the feat of Ivan Susanin and was shot by the Nazis. During the discussion, the students talked about the impression that Matvey Kuzmin's act made on them, what character traits are inherent in the hero of the story.

During the war years, more than a hundred Soviet people accomplished a feat similar to that of Susan. The first hero who repeated the feat of I. Susanin during the Great Patriotic War was our countryman from the village of Afanasyev Lipetsk region Voblikov V.Ya. The children were read the story of S. Milyutinskaya "Susanin from Afanasiev" from the newspaper "Golden Key" (dated February 10, 2015), the story of the feat of which was filmed. The premiere of the feature documentary film "In the footsteps of Ivan Susanin" took place on the TV channel "Russia-1". Its authors and creators are V. Perelygin and A. Bezzubtsev from Lipsk.

The guys answered the questions: what is common in heroic deeds these people, what struck their stories? (the heroes of the stories - people of advanced age, being in the rear, defended their native land, did not get scared, did not betray their people, although they knew for sure that they would die). The children were advised to watch the film and encouraged to read books about the Great Patriotic War.

In the 5th "B" class, the action was held by N.V. Levykina. She invited the children to remember one of the heroic pages war - blockade of Leningrad. Nadezhda Vladimirovna began her conversation with the children by reading the leaflets that Hitler admonished his soldiers. Listeners noted that the main and repeated words in them were "cruelty" and "kill". The children were told about the terrible 900-day siege of Leningrad and urged to remember the dead, to be worthy of their memory, to preserve family memories of relatives who fought for the Motherland.

The stories of the writer V. Voskoboynikov about the children of besieged Leningrad were read and discussed: “Tanya Savicheva”, “Pilot Sevastyanov”, “Artist Pakhomov and Vasily Vasilyevich”. After listening, the students answered a series of questions.

In the 5th grade, together with the leader (librarian Sviridova A. Yu.), the children talked about what small children could oppose to the Nazis (posted leaflets, cut telephone wires, damaged the property of the Nazis, reconnoitered the location of their military facilities, set fire to wagons and other wrecking ).

The librarian read stories about children-heroes of the war: M. Zoshchenko "Brave Children" and L. Panteleeva "Chief Engineer". After reading aloud each of the stories, together with the children they discussed what these works teach, what qualities you need to have in order to be like these children, and whether they want to modern schoolchildren be like little heroes.
A difficult question for fifth-graders was the question of what courageous deeds they performed in their lives. The children hesitated to answer. Of course, that generation and today's children are very different in character. At the end of the event, the librarian showed the children different books with stories about the war, which can be read at their age.

Library-branch №7

On May 4, for the second time, branch library No. 7 took part in the campaign “Reading to children about the war”. This time the librarians visited the 1st grade students of MBOU secondary school No. 1 (27 people, teacher - Gerasimova G.N.)

Head of the library Dorokhova E.A. told the children that during the Great Patriotic War, children fought along with adults. Hundreds of thousands of boys and girls went to the military registration and enlistment offices, added a year or two to themselves and left to defend their homeland. Children fought on an equal footing with adults both in the army and in partisan detachments. Millions of women, old people and children in the rear got up to the machines in factories and factories to make weapons, ammunition, uniforms for the army. Children of war, they grew up early and quickly. This is not a childish burden, war, and they drank it in full measure. The librarians listened to the stories of S. Alekseev "Gennady Stalingradovich", "Oksanka" and "Tanya Savicheva".

From the story of the librarians, the children learned about the life of people in besieged Leningrad, they clearly saw what the daily norm of bread for women and children during the blockade looks like - 125 grams.

Then the guys told about their relatives who died or fought during the war, showed their photographs, medals, letters. Galina Nikolaevna read out an extract on the award for her feat to Alexei Andreevich Voronov, the great-grandfather of one of the students.

The event continued with the reading of poems about the Victory, which the guys had specially prepared for this day, and the performance of the song "Eternal Flame".

In conclusion, the librarians introduced the children to the books of the exhibition "In the hearts and books of the memory of the war", invited everyone to the library.

Library-branch №8

Library-branch No. 8 and 2nd grade MBOU secondary school No. 17 joined International action "Reading to children about the war". Head Karaseva E.A. spoke about the Great Patriotic War and the children who took part in hostilities. On June 22, 1941, at exactly four o'clock in the morning, a cruel and merciless enemy, the Nazis, attacked our land.

All people rose to fight the enemy, everyone really wanted to drive him away from native land. From the start of the war Soviet people stood up for the defense of the Fatherland. There was not a single family that would not see off their father, husband, brother to the front. Everyone wanted to help defeat the Nazis. No one knows exactly how many brave and courageous deeds were committed in the name of the Motherland. The children got acquainted with the exploits of Valya Kotik, Kostya Kravchuk, Marat Kazei, Vitya Khomenko, Nadia Bogdanova and others.

Many stories and poems have been written about heroic deeds and heroes of the Great Patriotic War. As part of the action, we read the story of A. Pecherskaya "Lyonya Golikov" with children. The reading was accompanied by a photo display. After reading, the children discussed the story. Children read poems about the war, talked about their great-grandfathers who fought. The event was held against the backdrop of an exhibition of portraits of young heroes.

Library-branch №9

On the eve of the holiday of the Great Victory on May 4 library-branch №9 took part in VII International action "Reading to children about the war." Its participants were students of grade 3 "b" of gymnasium No. 11, teacher Senchekova M.V. (37 people).

In opening talk The children were told about the Great Patriotic War, about its main battles, about the heroes who not only fought, but worked in the rear. The children learned about how a difficult war claimed many lives, destroyed cities, villages and villages. Then the head of the library Suslova G.V. told the children about the action "We read to children about the war", about its goals and objectives.

For reading and discussion, students were offered the works of Sergei Alekseev "Titaev" and "Three feats" and the story of Irina Nikulina "Grandmother's cactus".

After the reading, a conversation-dialogue took place in which the schoolchildren discussed what they read, empathized with the heroes of the works, shared with each other what they know about the participation of their relatives in the Great Patriotic War, talked about the fact that we should all remember those terrible years so that the war never happens again.

The event passed in one breath. At the meeting, the guys learned about the cost of winning the Victory. All those present honored the memory of those who died in the war with a minute of silence.

Library-branch №10

Library-branch No. 10 took part in the action “Reading to children about the war”, which took place in MBOU secondary school No. 12 in grade 0 (2 groups - 45 people). The library staff read: M. Matusovsky “The Ballad of a Soldier”, V. Voskoboynikov "The Silent Boy"

As part of a single lesson, students were asked to read several works about the war.

In grades 5-6, such works were read and analyzed as:

Bogomolov V. Ivan (Tragic and true story about a brave boy scout.)

Korolkov Yu. Pioneers-heroes. Lenya Golikov (A story about a young pioneer from the Novgorod region, Lena Golikov, his fate and exploits, based on real events.)

Rudny V. Children of Captain Granin (The Tale of the Young Defenders of the Gulf of Finland, who not only managed not to miss the enemy, but also took fire at the most decisive moment.)

Sobolev A. Quiet post (The story of the courage and heroism of yesterday's schoolchildren during the Great Patriotic War

In grades 7-8, such works were read and analyzed as:

Tvardovsky A. Vasily Terkin (A deeply truthful and humorous poem in which an immortal image of a Soviet soldier is created.)

Sholokhov M. The fate of man (The story of tragic fate common man war-torn, and strength of character, courage and compassion.)

In grades 9-10, such works were read and analyzed as:

Aitmatov Ch. Early cranes (A story about the fate of teenagers during the Great Patriotic War, their life in a distant Kyrgyz village, trials and joys that fell to their lot.)

Sholokhov M. They fought for the Motherland (A novel about one of the most tragic moments of the war - the retreat of our troops on the Don in the summer of 1942.)

Bondarev Yu. Battalions ask for fire In conclusion, I would like to note that reading books about the war is not entertainment, it is serious work, intellectual and spiritual, in many ways difficult and difficult, especially for children. However, this work cannot be done without, because " human life is not infinite, only memory can prolong it, which alone conquers time.

In primary MKOU school Secondary School No. 7 children were read aloud the best examples of fiction dedicated to the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. and human achievement. The children also responsibly prepared for this event and took an active part.

Pupil 2 "A" Ignatishchev Yaroslav introduces classmates to the works about the war that he read with his father. Kushnarev Kirill prepared expressive reading poems by V. Trunina "Echelon".

Tamara Nikolaevna Varzegova, methodologist of the children's city library No. 2, was invited to visit the second-graders. She read excerpts from S. Alekseev's stories "General Dovator" and "Separate Tank Battalion" to the children. The children also listened to the expressive reading of poems by S. Mikhalkov “After the Victory”, M. Vladimirov “Even then we were not in the world”, T. Belozerov “Victory Day”.

Teacher 4 "A" class Valysheva I.A. introduced the fourth-graders to the republican "Book of Memory". An exhibition of books about the Great Patriotic War was organized in the class. Irina Alexandrovna read to the children the work of Oleg Korottsev and Vladislav Smirnov "People - Stars" about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.

In the 3rd "A" class, the guys prepared an expressive reading of poetry. Makhova S.D. read to the children the story of V. Zheleznikov "In the old tank." The teacher recommended reading books about the Great Patriotic War for younger students.

In class 1 "A" the teacher Kolenkova M.A. The presentation "War" was offered to children's attention. Marina Anatolyevna read to the children the stories of A. Mityaev "Dugout", "A Sack of Oats" and poems by A. Tvardovsky "Tankman's Tale", S. Baruzdin "For the Motherland".

Temizheva L. M. introduced her first-graders to the story of S. Baruzdin “A soldier was walking along the street” and A. Mityaev “Dugout”.

On May 4, 2016, within the framework of the VII annual international action "Reading to Children about the War" announced by the Samara Regional Children's Library, an hour of simultaneous reading of works about the Great Patriotic War took place, in which the staff of the Humanitarian Center-Library named after the Polev family took part.

Nina Terletskaya and Elena Klepikova visited the 4th grade of the 55th school. They told the children about how the Great Patriotic War began, about those who fought defending the Motherland and, of course, about the children who in those years were the same age as the current fourth-graders, whom the war also did not spare and did not bypass. In those years, the guys could not sit idly by, they were on duty on the roofs during the bombing, dug fortifications, built shelters, looked after the wounded in hospitals, replaced their fathers in factories and factories. This is told by the children of the war - Valentin Baikov, who later wrote the book "Memory besieged Leningrad”, fragments from which the staff of the Humanitarian Center read to the children. The schoolchildren listened seriously and attentively to the memoirs of Vladimir Karavaev, the son of the regiment, who collected unique materials about his peers, boys and girls, whose childhood was spent at the front, in a partisan detachment, in factory shops, in collective farm fields. These memoirs were included in the book "Medal for battle, medal for work."The children were introduced to the story of V. Kataev "The Son of the Regiment", L. Kassil and M. Polyanovsky "Street of the Youngest Son", showed an excerpt from the film of the same name.

Last year, a book of memoirs was published in Irkutsk, of those whose childhood fell on 1941-45, "Children of War". Many were impressed by the read excerpt from the memoirs of one of the authors, Maria Vladimirovna Bogdanova, “First the brother died, then the mother.”

The second-graders of school No. 55, who were visited by the methodologists of the leisure sector of the Humanitarian Center Larisa Savinova and Marina Zaitseva, were not left indifferent to either prose or poems about the war. Especially poetry - when poems about the war sounded, many children had tears in their eyes. “It would seem that they are small children, but how they listen, empathize!” - noted the presenters.

According to them, it was very easy to work with these children, given that during the action “Reading to children about the war” there was no teacher in the class - the staff of the Humanitarian Center, whom both teachers and students know well and who spent more than once with the children holiday programs and educational hours, completely entrusted to the students.

Schoolchildren were also active in answering the questions of the hosts: what is Victory Day, when did the Great Patriotic War begin and how long did it last? And one of the schoolchildren, Vanya Shubin, both raised his hand and kept it almost until the end of the meeting.

Students of the 2nd "c" class of gymnasium No. 2 listened attentively to the speech of librarians Anna Malkova and Daria Vakhrameeva, who introduced them to the stories of T. Kudryavtseva " Orphanage. Leka” and S. Alekseev “Gennady Stalingradovich”. In the study of literature on military subjects, second-graders even outstripped their peers - it turns out that they read and discussed the story of V. Kataev "The Son of the Regiment" in the first grade. Looking at the book exhibition, which was brought by the staff of the Humanitarian Center, the children immediately recognized the book about Van Solntsev. Taking books in hand, leafing through, wondered if it was possible to come and sign up for the library. “It was easy to work with the guys: they didn’t talk, didn’t indulge, they sat quietly,” the hosts shared their impressions. And after watching the video for the song by I. Reznik and O. Yudakhina “Children of War”, one of the girls burst into tears.”

Pupils preparatory group of Kindergarten No. 157 became the youngest participants in the campaign “Reading to Children about the War”, which was held for young readers by the staff of the Humanitarian Center-Library named after the Polevoy family. Leading librarian Larisa Gaskova began the meeting with the children from a poem by M. Senin, which contains the following lines:

The sun is shining, it smells of bread, the forest is rustling, the grass, the river.

It is good to hear kind words over a peaceful sky!

Good in winter and summer, on an autumn day and in spring

Enjoy the bright light, ringing peaceful silence!

But this was not always the case - 75 years ago, the Great Patriotic War began - the largest in the history of mankind. And, although the children are very small, they immediately answered the presenter's question, which country treacherously attacked our Motherland and other countries. "Germany!" - answered the kids.

The children were shown a video clip of the song "Holy War", told about the monuments to the fallen defenders of the Motherland on Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd and near the Kremlin wall in Moscow. “Our city has it too! I was there!" the children shouted, hurrying to talk about the memorial Eternal flame in Irkutsk.

Masha Drokova, a fourth-grader, read E.Blaginina's poem “Letter to Father”, Christina Chuprakova, a librarian of the children's and youth sector, read L. Tissot's poem “Bear”. Larisa Gaskova introduced the kids to the work of the Irkutsk prose writer Yuri Shishov, in the past - an actor of the Irkutsk Academic drama theater them. N. Okhlopkova. The children heard the story "Vaska Grachev's Hard Day" from his book "Spruce Paws".

Employees of the information service "Education" visited 2 "B" gymnasium No. 2 as part of the "Reading to children about the war" campaign. The second-graders listened to Lev Kassil's story "At the Blackboard...", and also watched excerpts from the film "Fog", filmed in 2010 Russian directors Ivan Shurkhovetsky and Artem Aksenenko, in which they very succinctly and touchingly talk about how hard it was for our soldiers and how important it is to honor the memory of all those who stood guard over our Motherland in these difficult years, drew attention to the main slogan of the film "Motherland - one for all time."

Elena Petukhova and Natalya Popova visited the lesson of students of the 2nd "d" class of school No. 55. The children were read stories about the war, fragments of stories by L. Kassil and M. Polyansky “Street of the youngest son”, V. Kataev “Son of the regiment”. Reading alternated with video films.

The film about the young brave partisan Volodya Dubinin turned out to be familiar to the children. They already saw the picture last year. But the video clip "Children of War" with a song to the words of I. Reznik and the music of O. Yudakhina made a great impression on the guys. “I especially liked the music,” the children said later.

According to Elena Kovaleva and Nadezhda Tkach, students of the 2A gymnasium No. 2 were very active. The children correctly answered the questions about when the Great Patriotic War began, how many years it lasted. It was gratifying to hear that the kids know a lot about the great-grandfathers who fought. And one boy told about his grandfather, who was born in 1944. If he had been a little older, his fate would have been similar to the fate of the authors of the book of memoirs of our countrymen “Children of War”, excerpts from which were read to children today.

The children listened excitedly and attentively to the works of L. Kassil and V. Kataev. But the poem made a special impression on them. Irkutsk poet Jack Altauzen "A girl played near the house", as well as a video clip "Children of War" with a song to music by O. Yudakhina and lyrics by I. Reznik.

When PRK employees O. Sharoglazova and E. Arbatskaya came to gymnasium No. 2, students of grades 2 "d" and 2 "d" met them with books on the tables: the guys were preparing for the next lesson extracurricular reading dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. They have already read "Stories about the War" by L. Kassil, "Son of the Regiment" by V. Kataev.

“And we told them about the children of the war, about the blockade, about the young partisans, with an emphasis on documentary works. Few people know that the youngest soldier of the Red Army, Serezha Aleshkov, was only 6 years old! There were many interesting things in the book of the Irkutsk people "Children of War", - the hosts said.

Schoolchildren shared their impressions about the military books they read, about military leaders - the name of Georgy Zhukov is not only familiar to them, but also his contribution to the Victory. The guys willingly answered the questions of the presenters on history and literature, recited poems about the war by heart, all together sang the song "Victory Day".

Employees of the Humanitarian Center introduced schoolchildren to the new publications received by the library - V. Kozlov's book "Vitka from Belyaevskaya Street", "Boris Ivanovich's Battalion" by A. Sharov, "My Good Dad" by V. Golyavkin. The guys carefully wrote down the authors and titles of the works, promising to come and take books to read.

The topic of war also worries our contemporary writers, including Ivan Komlev, the author of the heartfelt story about military childhood “Lepeshka”, the story “Kovyl”, excerpts from which the head of the rare books fund Lyubov Pedranova read to schoolchildren. Ivan Komlev (Viktor Pavlovich Ivanov), a member of the Union of Writers of Russia, who recently published a documentary story about the war, Private Ivan Yashchenko, in the Siberian magazine, came to a meeting with eighth graders. Many of them have already read the story, the plot of which was based on the fate of the uncle of the prose writer, conscript soldier Ivan Yashchenko, who was captured in the first days of the war, as well as our fellow countryman, a resident of the Universitetsky microdistrict, holder of the Order of the Patriotic War of the First Degree Pyotr Chizhov.

Results of the International Campaign "Reading to Children about the War" 2018

Samara Regional Children's Library summed up the results IX International campaign "Reading to children about the war" .

Libraries, schools, kindergartens of the Rostov region are very actively involved. The form of the action appealed to children, librarians, and teachers, which is why all the territories of the Rostov region read best lyrics about the Great Patriotic War.

Results of the action in the Rostov region:

533 institutions 177647 children and teenagers.

Results of the action as a whole:

8980 children's institutions 832 793 children.

The statistics of the action in the Rostov region for 6 years is as follows:

2013 - 160 institutions 17775 children and adolescents.

2014 - 324 institutions 28147 children and adolescents.

2015 - 374 institutions 34918 children and adolescents.

2016 - 335 institutions 32895 children and adolescents.

2017 - 533 institutions 63140 children and adolescents.

2018 - 533 institutions 177647 children and adolescents.

It clearly shows that since 2013 the number of children involved in this action has increased 10 times. Since 2013 annually Rostov region in terms of the number of participants, it ranks first among the participating regions, following the organizers. And in 2018, by the number of participants our region has surpassed Samara by 20,000 children .

In May 2019, the X International Campaign "Reading to Children about the War" will take place. Let's read together!

International action "Reading to children about the war" 2018

Every year, since 2010, at the initiative of the Samara Regional Children's Library, the action "Reading to children about the war" has been held, which has become international. Loud readings are held as part of the action best books about war. The peculiarity of the event is that in May, on the appointed day and hour, adults read lines to children that deserve to be heard.

On May 4, 2018, employees of the Rostov Regional Children's Library named after V.M. Velichkina took part in the action for the sixth time.

The youngest participants of the action were pupils of kindergartens No. 15 and No. 181 of the city of Rostov-on-Don. read for them story Anatoly Mityaev "Vacation for four hours" . 134 children became listeners.

At school No. 87 of the Soviet district of Rostov-on-Don, they read stories by Anatoly Mityaev "Earrings for a donkey" and "A bag of oatmeal", Georgy Skrebitsky "The Troll's misconduct", Nikolai Bogdanov "Laika is not an empty woman" and "The Black Cat" . More than 200 students took part in the event.

The readings of the best books about the war were also held in gymnasium No. 95 of the Sovetsky district of Rostov-on-Don. Read for third grade students the story of Anatoly Mityaev "Vacation for four hours" and the works of Sergei Alekseev "Bul-bul", "Evil surname", "Oksanka" . And for the ninth graders, fragments were read Boris Vasiliev's stories "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" and "I Wasn't on the Lists" . 80 people took part in the events.

The students of progymnasium No. 1 listened with bated breath stories by Anatoly Mityaev "Dangerous soup", "Who took Berlin" and "Earrings for a donkey" . The event was attended by 158 children.

The second-graders of school No. 37 listened to the stories of Anatoly Mityaev "Earrings for a donkey" and "A bag of oatmeal", and the eighth-graders did not remain indifferent while listening to Ludwik Ashkenazy's story "Brutus" from the collection "A Dog's Life" . 88 children and teenagers took part in the events.

Third-graders of school No. 60 listened stories from the collection "In the Name of Victory" and essays from Tatyana Kudryavtseva's book "There are no small wars" . The event was attended by 75 people.

Second-graders of school No. 115 listened to story by Irina Nikulina "Grandma's cactus" .

Pupils of lyceums No. 27 and 71, gymnasium No. 46 watched presentation "Animals at War" and listened to Lev Kassil's story "Battery Hare" from the collection "Letter from the Front" . More than 300 children took part in the events.

About 1,100 children and adolescents took part in the international action "Reading to children about the war-2018" in the city of Rostov-on-Don.

Reading! Remember! We are proud!

received a certificate of participation IX International Action "Reading to children about the war".

International action "Reading to children about the war" 2017

GBUK RO "Rostov Regional Children's Library named after V.M. Velichkina" received a certificate of participation VIII International Action "Reading to children about the war".

International action "Reading to children about the war" 2016

Traditionally May 4th Rostov Regional Children's Library named after V.M. Velichkina participated in International action "Reading to children about the war" .

Every year, already for 7 years, at the initiative of the Samara Regional Children's Library, loud readings of the best books about the war are held as part of the action. The peculiarity of the event is that in May, on the appointed day and hour, adults read lines to thousands of children that deserve to be heard.

So, on May 4, at 11.00, schoolchildren №37 Rostov-on-Don (255 people) listened to the chapters from the book of the famous Rostov writer V. Semin "Swallow-Asterisk", artistically read by an employee of the Rostov Regional Children's Library named after V.M. Velichkina Alexander Semyonovich Phida.

The reading was accompanied by a display of photographs of the city of Rostov of those war years, which were discussed in the story by Vitaly Semin. With an appeal not to forget the exploits of grandfathers and great-grandfathers, he addressed Zhavoronkov Viktor Ivanovich, combat veteran, representative Fund for Patriotic Education of Youth named after General G.N. Trosheva.

A special atmosphere of presence was created by songs that sounded in the hall: “Oh, roads”, “Dark night”, “Last battle”. And at the end of the event, all the guys, the participants of the action, picked up the “Song of the Bibliologists”.

Simultaneously with their colleague, at other sites (in schools of the city of Rostov-on-Don No. 35, 78, 60, 27, 46), employees of the Rostov Regional Children's Library named after. V.M. Velichkina read works about the Great Patriotic War: S. Baruzdin "A Difficult Assignment", T. Kudryavtseva "There Are No Little Wars", Yu. Yakovleva "Girls from Vasilievsky Island", A. Korkishchenko "Grandchildren of the Red Ataman", P. Lebedenko " Schooner "Malva", A. Agafonova "Militia fighter", "I will return with a victory, mother!" and etc.

In total, the action was attended 2519 people .

VII International Campaign "We read to children about the war - 2016"

May 4, 2016 at 11.00 at the most different corners An hour of simultaneous reading of works about the Great Patriotic War has passed in Russia and abroad. In libraries, schools, kindergartens, hospitals and other institutions, children read aloud the best examples of fiction dedicated to the events of 1941-1945. and great human achievement. For 6 years, the Action has become an international large-scale event to support children's reading: more than 1.3 million children and adolescents participated in it. The city of Podolsk did not stand aside. Children from the Podolsk Children's City Hospital took an active part in the Action. book exhibition immediately attracted the attention of girls and boys. For them, the librarians read aloud the poems of the wartime poets K.Simonov, A.Tvardovsky, M.Dudin, Yu.Drunina and O.Berggolts. The poetic chronicle of the Great Patriotic War was continued by the guys themselves, they read poems that they remembered and resonated in their hearts. Read by heart. With bated breath, the girls and boys listened to the military stories of A. Mityaev, M. Sholokhov, V. Bogomolov, L. Kassil. The heroes of the stories were their peers - the little heroes of the big war. The children told about their participation in the Immortal Regiment action, about their grandparents. At the end of the campaign “Reading to children about the war”, the children received bookmarks “Poems as a gift” and took part in a master class on making greeting card for veterans. On Victory Day, May 9, they will present these postcards to their loved ones and veterans of the Great Patriotic War. The action for the guys was prepared and carried out by the head. methodological and innovative department of the MUK "CBS of Podolsk" O.A. Yursheva and the leading methodologist T.V. Muravyova. Elena Matveeva
