Alexey Poddubny and the Django group. Biography

Django is a man who composes and performs sunny, warm, sandy-golden songs. Sometimes it rains, there are storms, sometimes partings. And Django, like a filter, passes the life of many lives through him and just sings about it. His very first single - the song "Papagan", in the very first weeks of rotation on the air of "Our Radio" (Russia) hit the charts of the radio station and occupied a confident position there for three months, after which the group received an invitation to participate in Russian festival"Invasion". The song "Papagan" was also rotated on many radio stations in Ukraine, the video for it was on the air music channel"M1". "Papagan" can already be heard in the collection "Invasion. Step Fifteen".

Django's next single "Cold Spring" became the key song of the new Russian blockbuster "Shadow Boxing", which was released on wide screens in Russia and Ukraine on March 17.

Django (Aleksey Poddubny) vocals, guitar, bass, keyboards, accordion, harmonica, arrangement

Alexei German - keyboards, trumpet

Vladimir Pismenny - guitar

Alexander Okremov - drums

Sergei Gorai - bass

Django - now this name is already known thanks to the hits "Cold Spring", "Papagan", "There Wasn't" - a long time has passed creative way before becoming famous musician. In his life there were searches for his own style and place in music, tests of the pen, tests of endurance and faith in his talent, disappointments and successes - all that accompanies the emergence of bright original artists. But Django found himself and was able to convey his attitude to the audience. Django's musical activity began in childhood, he graduated from a music school with a guitar class. Then there were the school and unforgettable years spent in the army, which were added to the list classical guitar, accordion, keys and French horn. It was in the army that Alexey Poddubny received his nickname from fans of the work of Django Reinhardt for his special love for playing the guitar after lights out. While serving in Moscow, Alexey gets into a brass band. At this time, he listens to Sting, Peter Gabriel, finds himself at a Pink Floyd concert.

After the army, Alexey decides to devote himself entirely to music, he is actively looking for his own style, participating in many groups as a keyboardist and arranger. Takes part in musical project Cool Before Drinking, organizes his team Jolly Jail, in which he acts as a songwriter, vocalist and arranger. In the same period, he began to write music for popular artists. Django realizes that blindly following Western musicians does not justify itself and turns to Slavic melodicism. Next important event in the life of a musician became familiar with talented poet Sasha Obod. Together with him, Alexey writes several joint songs. Django begins to hear in music and poetry what he had previously guessed only intuitively: the way a song resonates with a person’s heart, gives birth to inner harmonies. It didn't take long for Django to start writing all the lyrics to his songs, because that's how you can truly believe in what you're singing about. Together with his friend Maxim Podzin, Alexey creates the project The Plunge. The next attempt at implementation own creativity becomes work on the Django project. From the moment of writing the first songs, a group of like-minded people is formed, who begin to develop this project with joint efforts. In addition to Django himself, the group includes Max, as well as producer and drummer Sergey Stambovsky.

This trio is the main part of the project, the date of birth of which can be considered November 2001. The first attempt to record Django was carried out at the Radio Capital studio. “The most important thing: I wanted to feel Love, and only writing these songs, I felt it ... The most inspirational song was written in 15 minutes, then a small edition and that's it. Many lines came to mind when crossing the street... These songs teach you to love. "I" has almost nothing to do with it, I just got into the river and swam along it ... These songs wanted to be born, I only helped them ... ". It was then that the songs “Cold Spring”, “Papagan”, “Come Back You, Too Far” were recorded. (Subsequently, the final versions of these songs included only the parts of percussion, double bass, rhodes and bass clarinet, everything else was rewritten in other studios). parties string group symphony orchestra for some tracks were recorded at the studio of the Sound Recording House. All drum parts were recorded in Krutz Records studio, and bass - in Oleg Shevchenko's studio. Django edited all the recorded material at his home studio. Mixing trials were done at least five studios. In the end, the choice of location for mixing settled on the RSPF studio. As a result, work on the album, which included ten songs, lasted about two years and was completed at the end of 2004.


In 2004, the first single, the song "Papagan", begins to spin on Our radio. In the autumn of the same year musical material group gets to the director Alexei Sidorov ("Brigade"), who at that time was finishing work on his new film "Shadow Boxing". As a result, Django's song "Cold Spring" almost completely fell on the final scenes of the picture. In March 2005, the group performed for the first time in Moscow at events dedicated to the premiere of Shadow Fight. From the same moment, the triumphal procession of "Cold Spring" begins throughout the leading Moscow radio stations - the song becomes a real hit. The group begins to regularly visit Moscow, and at the end of May, at the 16 Tons club, they present their debut album “There was no” ... To be continued ...


"Was not" - World of Music, 05/24/2005.

Django about the song "Was not":
“It all started with the emergence musical form. One day I was sitting, playing the accordion and recording some pieces. And then, when I heard all this together, I thought - cool drawing! I threw drums in there, played something on the bass, on the guitar. After 2 hours, I already had a draft of the song ready. It was necessary to write a melody - and it poured by itself. And the text of the song - for some reason I had an association with the mountains, i.e. like a man playing an accordion in the mountains. The main idea of ​​the song is expressed in the second verse: “Soon the cities will steal our huge souls, the familiar songs will not let us listen to the sky”

Django about the song "Papagan":
"Papagan" is an action song. About adrenaline. I want to step over the gray everyday life and why not, for example, rob a train? To have something real in life. The film “Knockin' on Heaven's Door” also made a strong impression on me. Hence the phrase: it is better to embrace the ocean than a forgotten love and a glass. This is not an obsession with the material, but an opportunity to feel the sharpness of life.

Django about the song "Paltetso":
“The song “Paltezo” is, in general, such a story, something akin to the one that was expressed in the work of the Pink Floyd group, the album of the 79th year called “The Wall”. It described for 90-something minutes the life of a person who is born, falls into the conditions of the so-called society and how he copes with all this. How is it that a person, being born completely free, and being a descendant of God, suddenly falls into such schemes, frames - from the very birth he already owes something to someone. And this idea has always in general interested me and interests me, and I tried to express it in the song "Paltetso". And I dedicated a song to military surgeons. If you listen carefully to the lyrics, you will understand why."
Information from the band's official website

His first single - the song "Papagan" - in the very first weeks of rotation on the air of "Our Radio" (Russia) hit the charts of the radio station, and occupied a confident position there for three months, after which the group received an invitation to participate in the Russian festival " Invasion". The song "Papagan" was also rotated on many radio stations in Ukraine, the video for it was on the air of the music channel "M1". “Papagan” can already be heard in the collection “Invasion. Step fifteen.

Django's next single "Cold Spring" has become one of the main songs of the new Russian blockbuster "Shadow Boxing", which will hit the screens in March. IN this moment Ukrainian Reocords, the licensee of Universal Music, is preparing to release the debut album of Jang o.

Group history:

Django (Aleksey Poddubny in the world) got his nickname from fans of Reinhardt's work in the army for his special love for playing the guitar in the dryer after lights out. Alexei's musical activity began in Kyiv, when at the age of 5 his father presented the first instrument in his life - a child's button accordion. School of Music, college and unforgettable years spent in the army added classical guitar, accordion, keys and ... horn to the list. In the army, Alexey gets into a brass band in Moscow. At this time, there is a revolution in the mind of Django - he listens to Sting, Peter Gabriel, finds himself at a Pink Floyd concert.

After the army, Alexey participates in many groups and projects as a keyboardist and arranger, composes music for popular performers.

At this time, he realizes that the desire to catch up and overtake the West is not as interesting as he thought before. Django begins to compose music related to Slavic melody. A chance acquaintance with the talented poet Sasha Obod gives a new, creative impetus. They compose several joint songs, work on arrangements and sound. Django begins to hear in music and poetry what he had previously guessed only intuitively. Namely - how the song enters into resonance with the soul and heart of a person. After a while, it becomes clear to both that Django must write the lyrics himself, because this is the only way to truly believe in what you sing about. Alexey goes headlong into work on the album.

From the moment the first songs were written, a group of like-minded people was formed, who began to jointly develop the Django project. In addition to Django himself, the group includes Max (a friend and partner of Alexei, with whom he created several years earlier group THE PLUNGE), producer and drummer Sergey Stambovsky.

This trio is the main part of the project, the birth of which can be considered November 2001.

Best of the day

About the song "Papagan":

"Papagan" is an action song. About adrenaline. I want to step over the gray everyday life and why not, for example, rob a train? To have something real in life.

The film “Knockin' on Heaven's Door” also made a strong impression on me. Hence the phrase: "It is better to embrace the ocean than a forgotten love and a glass." This is not an obsession with the material, but an opportunity to feel the sharpness of life.

The song was written about a year ago. At first there was a melody and a curse phrase on English language: calling, “Hey, mister drop your fucking gun!”. This phrase gave rise to this story. In Russian, it sounded like: "pull-pull the golden fog ...".

About the song "Cold Spring":

The song was included in the soundtrack for the Russian blockbuster Shadow Fight.

Together with the Ukrainian musician, the tracks for the film were written by the composer Aleksey Shelygin, DJ Triplex (this is his remix of "Brigade" rang two years ago all Cell phones), hip-hoper Seryoga and the Finnish quartet Apocalyptica. In terms of sound, the soundtrack to "Shadowboxing" is quite explosive music mixed with Russian-language hip-hop - the best cocktail for an action movie. It will be possible to evaluate the result not only not only on the disk or in the cinema hall, but also at the stadium. According to plans, in the spring, the recording participants will storm the charts and put together a live concert.

Musician Alexei Poddubny (Django), does not like publicity. He prefers hiking and martial arts to secular outlets and communication with journalists. However, Django made an exception, telling in exclusive interview about friendship with Ekaterina Guseva, vegetarianism, girlfriend and raising future children, writes Viva!

Who is the person behind the pseudonym Django? Who is he, where does he live, what plans does he make, whom does he love? Even the almighty Google does not know the answers to these questions: the search for "Django" pops up sites where you can only download his songs. And who better to answer these and other questions that interest us than the original source? To the credit of the musician, Django didn't let on mystery and play inaccessibility - the conversation turned out to be frank and non-trivial.

- Let's get acquainted. As an artist, you are quite "closed", so to speak terra incognita.

Why is it closed?

- From the Internet, for example, you can get very little information about you.

I don't know, I don't do PR. To be honest, I don't care. I am now new song I write, and I am more interested in what words I will find.

You are right, for a creative person this is the most important thing. But still, in your opinion, an artist who does not advertise his personal life can be truly popular?

Never asked such a question. And what do you think?

- The interview is not with me, but with you.

I do not like to talk about such topics. I'm probably just an unformatted person for a mass audience.

- To write good song Do you need some kind of recharge from the outside?

Well, not to scoop it up at secular parties!

- And where?

For example, there are mountains. Periodically, I go to the Crimea: I have a place there, chosen in the mountains. I put up a tent and stay there for seven days. I sit and think...

- One?

Yes. I once suggested to my friends, but basically everyone just wants, and it doesn’t go beyond this “I want”.

Alexei, it seems that your passion for music began at the age of five with some funny story with accordion?

I was given to kindergarten, there was an amateur art circle, which I really wanted to get into, but they didn’t take me - they said that there was no hearing. And dad, a man of principle, decided to prove to the teachers that they were wrong, and bought me a small accordion for children. Every evening we made music: my father sang songs of the war years, which I have loved very much since then, and I picked up the melody by ear. I can say that dad, in fact, taught me music. I owe him everything I have achieved. His example was before my eyes.

- Was your father involved in music?

No, he worked as a newspaper editor, a journalist. During Patriotic War dad got serious injury, actually lost his arm, he was then 12-13 years old. And yet he got higher education worked as a newspaper editor. Now the father is no longer alive.

- Lyosha, the accordion lessons were not in vain, as a result you entered the Glier school.

Well, after the bayan there were accordion classes, which I hated, then there was the guitar. And then my high school friend's mom, who was a teacher music school Gliera, assigned me to a music school at the college. I passed the exam at the school with a sin in half. No special hopes were placed on me, and that is why I was so fascinated by my studies.

Yes, I served in the army there.

- Great distribution!

What does chic mean? Gorgeous - it's warming up somewhere at home with pies!

- They would have found a young lady in Moscow - and would have warmed you, and fed you with pies.

Where? In the army?! Yes, I was on leave three times in total! I had few ladies. I was more interested in music then.

- And now?

And now it's the same: nothing more than music. (Laughs) After serving for six months, I accidentally got into a military band, they had some kind of shortage there. In addition, my mother brought me a guitar. I found a tiny closet one and a half meters by one and a half meters and worked hard there. Fortunately, the authorities did not touch me. They probably thought: a soldier is sitting for himself, playing the guitar - at least he is busy with business, and not some garbage. By the way, in my army there was a funny story. I read in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper that the Bravo band needed a guitarist and a drummer. I don’t know what I was thinking then, but I asked for a leave of absence and, as I was, in my overcoat, went to the audition.

- And how did it go?

- "Bravo" then was just at the peak of popularity, so there was a huge queue of people who wanted to. We waited for them for two hours in a terrible frost (Moscow winter after all!) Finally they arrived. But when I heard the music that I had to play, I realized that it was not mine. Turned around and left.

- That is, "Bravo" you rejected. Have you returned to Kyiv?

Yes, I eventually returned to Kyiv and was already engaged in music from time to time.

- And what did they do?

Dashing 90s, you know, so history is silent about this. ( laughing)

- Your breakthrough was the amazing soundtrack to the movie "Shadow Boxing".

It is an accident. At that time I went to Moscow to make arrangements for other performers. There was even one oligarch who liked to perform chanson at his leisure. Thanks to him, I met the man who was responsible for the music for "Shadowboxing". I saw that the film was good, and I offered him a few songs to choose from. I handed over the disk and forgot. And a few months later he calls and shouts into the phone: "We put your song in the final and were shocked how cool it fits. Take it!" It's funny that after the release of the film, they began to play it on all radio stations, although before that they said: "Yes, yes, this song is not bad, okay, let's put it on once."

- And how did you work with actress Katya Guseva? They say that she has a difficult character ...

That's what the haters say. I'm great. The initiative came from her. They called and said: Katya would like to sing a song with you for the new film "Come Back". She then was already very popular thanks to the "Brigade". We met in Moscow in some office. The most wonderful person. Recorded a song, released a video. I was very surprised that she agreed to star in it.

- Why?

Because there were bed scenes, and on me from clothes there were only swimming trunks. (Laughs)

- We can say that you are lucky: with a famous actress, and even beautiful woman starred in the bed scene.

Of course yes. But the fact is that I didn’t write the song “Come Back” at all about this, but it was driven into the prism of the relationship between a man and a woman. This, of course, can also be, but separated by a comma, the tenth point. And they took it - and put this item in the first place.

- In any case, the work turned out beautiful - a win-win love story. So what about Katya? Have you made friends?

Yes, I was pleased to meet Katya, we still maintain relations. Recently, at the invitation of Katya, I was at a performance with her participation.

- They say that Pugacheva welcomes you too.

Well, not that much! I'm not Galkin. (Laughs) But we crossed paths at concerts a few times, we had a warm conversation. It turns out that Pugacheva likes my songs. I even had to participate in her "Christmas meetings".

- And what prevented?

Don't know. I only have an assumption: there are some formats… If you listen to my songs, you will probably understand that I sing not at all about what pop music promotes. She exploits the theme of elemental sexual energy, I do not speculate on this. I'm trying to get a little above the waist, in the region of the heart.

- Lyosha, who is in your circle of friends?

I try to communicate with creative people, predominantly by men.

- That is, women do not deserve to be called creative people?

No, it’s just that there is no erotic subtext in communication with men, but with women this can interfere. If we are talking about creativity, of course.

- And tell us about the prosaic side of life, about everyday life. Do you live outside the city?

He lived for several years, but the place has exhausted itself, and it was inconvenient to get there. People move to stock up on new experiences, because sitting in one place, you seem to be slowing down. It is generally recommended to change your place of residence every month, but I do not want to make too much fuss. Now I live in the center, but you write that in Darnitsa.

- Why? Are you afraid that fans will start guarding at the entrance?

It might happen. ( laughing)

- And how is your life arranged? Bachelor?

Life as life. There is no TV, I did not even spend the Internet. There is everything you need: a sofa, a refrigerator and a stove.

- Do you cook for yourself?

I cook sometimes.

- An scrambled egg?

No, because now I do not eat meat, fish, or eggs.

- Here eternal theme- a man and a car. Is she about you?

I used to be a car owner. I sold my last car and bought it with that money musical instrument. Since then, I have been "horseless" for ten years.

- But the car gives a certain freedom! After all, no matter how you deny it, you are a public person ...

When I had money, I started taking taxis. And before that, he freely traveled on the subway and on minibuses. True, now it is uncomfortable to ride in public transport. And it's not even about autographs and fans, I just don't want to "keep face" all the time...

- Another one good topic- man and sports.

I do not do sports in the usual, competitive sense. Neither football, nor boxing ... I never had a desire for medals and victories. But for four years I have been doing martial arts with a teacher, in order to protect myself.

- Have you ever had to put into practice the acquired knowledge?

No, it didn't.

- Did you want to?

And I didn't even want to. As Vysotsky sang: "I really dislike hitting a person in the face." This is the philosophy of our school. But if the hooligans will pester - call.

- Lyosha, how do you feel about fishing, hunting, extreme sports?

For fun, shooting a living creature is complete callousness. It is strange to watch sometimes: a person who seems to be thinking goes to church, lights candles, prays, asks God for something for himself, and then goes out, gets into a jeep and goes with his friends to shoot at animals, taking other people's lives.

- Which woman do you pay attention to?

This question needs to be answered by a person who has a girlfriend.

- Tell me about your girlfriend.

She's beautiful… ( Pause)

- Smart?

Clever ... Although she does not know, for example, how to derive formulas. So it would be more correct to say that she is smart.

- How's the dog?

Why doggy? ( laughing)

- It's just that when they say "smart" about a person, I associate it with a dog.

I don't know, women are generally mysterious creatures. They can react rather strangely to what was said. For example, when you tell them that men and women are different, they immediately become in a pose: why do you think that they are better than us? And I'm just saying that they are different and that's it.
By the way, oh woman's mind. Eat smart women who understand that they are representatives of the weaker sex, and not draft horses, and should not take on male functions. I am sure that if you try to bend a man under you, it will end badly in any case: either he will eventually cease to be a man, or he will resist all the time until he leaves.

- A man should support his woman?

I am in favor of a woman taking care of her home and family, and if she worked, then for pleasure, by vocation, and not because of the need to earn money. If she likes, for example, writing articles, then why not? A man must be responsible for everything, financially provide, and also explain to his woman what is good and what is bad. And a woman's duty is to listen.

- Alexey, what signs of attention does your beloved girl receive from you?

Sometimes I give her flowers, I love white roses, potted plants. Sometimes I give perfume. But mostly I talk. I try, as far as possible with my work, to pay attention to it, to spend more time with it. I can cook something for her for dinner.

- How do you feel about marriage? Is the stamp in the passport important?

The stamp in the passport is my biggest phobia. I can say that I am a bratophobe. A gypsy craving for freedom lives in me.

- Are you ready for fatherhood?

I think yes. The most important thing is that I think about raising children, boys, of course. It's easier with girls, they just need to explain some moral principles, to teach accuracy, respect for elders, for the future husband. With men, everything is more complicated, they need to be given an understanding of many important things: justice, responsibility, nobility ...

And I'm also now concerned about the situation in modern cities, because the products - the devil knows what, on this they nurture a young organism, on all these GMOs. The information field is an ass! How to raise a healthy child in such conditions?!

- Well, the rest somehow get out of the situation ...

I think we need to move from here and settle somewhere in the Altai Mountains and raise and educate a child there for 5-6 years, so that when he goes to school, he already has a vital core. Now what a school: teachers are not respected, if dad is cool, then he can build any teacher. What they have time to teach there, I do not know. I only know that I myself spent 10 years of my life in vain, and I did not receive the knowledge that would definitely be useful to me.

- What kind of knowledge is this?

I should have been taught the same martial arts. They should have taught at least the elementary rules of etiquette: how to use a fork and knife, how to behave in society, how to give a coat to a lady. They didn’t teach me this, but forced me to learn some kind of valency and integrals, which I don’t use in the end.

- For this you can hire a governess ...

Firstly, it is expensive, and secondly, as one of my friends correctly said: "It will grow like in a greenhouse." I believe that the ideal education is in the East. I like the approach when a boy at the age of 7 is sent to a monastery, where there are many such children. And there they are taught the basics of human existence: about Zen, about life, about God. After all, for example, few people think that a boy from 7 to 17 years old does not need to communicate with girls, these 10 years he just matures. And this time is better spent on education, learning languages.

I hope you manage to raise your future children this way.

I hope so too.

(1969-01-08 ) (43 years) Genres

He played in the bands "Cool Before Drinking", "Jolly Jail", "The Plunge". The Plunge project, created together with Maxim Podzin, was in English, and the musicians tried to promote it in Europe.

Since 2004, the name Django has also united a group of like-minded musicians who perform the compositions of their creative leader. These are Alexei German (keyboards, trumpet), Vladimir Pismenny (guitar), Sergey Goray (bass guitar) and Alexander Okremov (drums).

Today Django is well known in Ukraine and Russia. His songs are heard on the radio, he is a frequent guest on television, a participant in the Russian and Ukrainian festivals "Invasion", "Ours in the City", "Tavrian Games", "Nest". In July 2005, the Django group was the only Ukrainian representative at the Live 8 festival in support of third world countries (Moscow, Red Square), held in eighteen cities of the planet with the participation of stars of the first magnitude.


Django interprets his own stylistic niche as "romantic rock", while stipulating the possibility of considering his works as pop music - "in good sense this word."

Beautiful, harmoniously rich melodies of songs, superficially simple but deep texts, in which everyone can discover a concrete, metaphorical or metaphysical meaning “on their own”, a manner of singing that inspires trust and empathy - this is Django. As the actress Ekaterina Guseva said, “Lesha attracts with his music, talent. He is a man-orchestra, combining light and kindness, which reflect his songs. Django's symbol is the image of the Sun, the source of light, life, energy, warmth and unification.

“The most important thing for me is that what I write and play from the stage evokes emotions exactly the way I see it, how I feel it. So that people hear what these songs are about, feel it with their soul or something. Seriously, I'm not saying this because I read somewhere in a promotional textbook or something, I just feel it."

Finding your place in the world contemporary music in subsequent years, it turned out for him to collaborate with several groups as a musician and arranger, create his own English-language projects, write songs for popular Ukrainian and Russian performers. Then, both in music and in poetry, now in Russian, something of its own, unique, appeared, which distinguishes Django's voice today in a huge choir of rock and pop music performers.

“I try not to write words, just to take up space with them. In any case, this is some kind of information flow, primarily spiritual. The head is responsible for only 10% of what is happening, it is needed in order to distinguish letters. You just feel some kind of nerve of the song, sometimes just a couple of lines defines the whole content, catches the eye. But in the end, it can take it to a completely different place, and these lines, which set the tone for the whole song, will not be included in it at all. With music also: if the melody is good, it comes at once in a whole piece. Then you can hone, change sounds, but the main thing is the texture, it should be pronounced, and not some kind of muttering to the chords. I admire the melodies of Michel Legrand, built on 16 bars, or Elton John, he is also a master of such things.


The breakthrough of Django's creativity to the mass audience was the release in March 2005 of the sensational Russian blockbuster "Shadow Fight", the final song of which was "Cold Spring" - the only one from the group's repertoire, the text of which was not written by Alexei Poddubny himself, but in collaboration with the Kiev poet Alexander rim. Then, in March-April 2005, in Ukraine and Russia, Django's debut album "There Wasn't There" was released, consisting of ten songs. It was re-released in both countries in 2007 with three new songs ("Walk the Thunderstorm", "Silver Road", "Goodbye London") and two bonus tracks.

Studio albums

  • 2005 - Was was not
  • 2007 - Was was not(Reissue)


  • 2008 - You love me just like that
  • 2009 - Summer on the seventeenth alley
  • 2010 - Barefoot autumn
  • 2011 - When April comes


Over the four years of the group's work, eight clips have been released:

  • Papagan(director Ivan Tsyupka)
  • Cold Spring(director Valery Makushchenko),
  • Hungarian(director Alexander Shapiro),
  • Was was not(director Alexander Solokha),
  • (director Vladimir Yakimenko),
  • walk thunderstorm(director Viktor Priduvalov),
  • Come back, you're too far with Ekaterina Guseva (director Viktor Priduvalov).
  • When April comes(director - Stepan Sibiryakov)

Django music in movies

  • Papagan- series "Soldiers",
  • Cold Spring- Movie "Shadow Fight"
  • Come back, you're too far- the movie Runaways,
  • Hungarian- The film "The Last Reproduction".

Why does he write songs

“What else are you dreaming about?
D .: Perhaps, only about one thing: so that you can continue to make music. I want more beautiful melodies to be born in my mind. I hope someday to create a grandiose show, the impression of which will remain in the soul of a person for a long time. When I first visited the concerts of Pink Floyd, Sting, in my youth, I realized what real euphoria means! Nothing compares to this feeling: now I know what quality to strive for. Today, the most beautiful thing that I have is the recognition and love of the listeners. After all, a person can say that he has realized himself in life only if he and his work are in demand.

“What kind of audience do you see?
D: First of all, these are those who want to listen to my songs. By age from 14 to 60, by way of life - people who are not concerned from morning to evening with how to earn money. Those who have time to look at the sky and listen to music for the soul.



  • Django video channel on YouTube video hosting service
  • Django Official Page on the VKontakte website
  • Official Django Page on SoundCloud
  • "Django: music without borders", interview with the Internet edition of E-motion, 11/14/2005
  • The text version of the program "Chat with specialty" on the M1 TV channel
  • "With a guitar and without a horse", an interview with the youth newspaper "Reaction" January 29, 2007 - February 9, 2007
  • "Egoism blinds a person" - Django's video conversation with Kabbalist Michael Laitman


  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Musicians alphabetically
  • January 8
  • Born in 1969
  • Born in Kyiv
  • Singers and singers alphabetically
  • Singers and singers of Russia
  • Singers and singers of Ukraine
  • Singers and singers of the XXI century
  • Composers alphabetically
  • Composers of Ukraine
  • Composers of the 21st century
  • Poets in alphabetical order
  • Poets of Ukraine
  • Poets of the 21st century
  • Ukrainian singer-songwriters

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Django is a man who composes and performs sunny, warm, sandy-golden songs. Sometimes it rains, there are storms, sometimes partings. And Django, like a filter, passes the life of many lives through him and just sings about it.

His first single - the song "Papagan" - in the very first weeks of rotation on the air of "Our Radio" (Russia) hit the charts of the radio station, and occupied a confident position there for three months, after which the group received an invitation to participate in the Russian festival " Invasion". The song "Papagan" was also rotated on many radio stations in Ukraine, the video for it was on the air of the music channel "M1". “Papagan” can already be heard in the collection “Invasion. Step fifteen.

Django's next single "Cold Spring" has become one of the main songs of the new Russian blockbuster "Shadow Boxing", which will hit the screens in March. At the moment Ukrainian Reocords, the licensee of Universal Music, is preparing to release the debut album of Jang o.

Group history:

Django (Aleksey Poddubny in the world) got his nickname from fans of Reinhardt's work in the army for his special love for playing the guitar in the dryer after lights out. Alexei's musical activity began in Kyiv, when at the age of 5 his father presented the first instrument in his life - a child's button accordion. The music school, college and unforgettable years spent in the army added classical guitar, accordion, keys and ... horn to the list. In the army, Alexey gets into a brass band in Moscow. At this time, there is a revolution in the mind of Django - he listens to Sting, Peter Gabriel, finds himself at a Pink Floyd concert.

After the army, Alexey participates in many groups and projects as a keyboardist and arranger, composes music for popular performers.

At this time, he realizes that the desire to catch up and overtake the West is not as interesting as he thought before. Django begins to compose music related to Slavic melody. A chance acquaintance with the talented poet Sasha Obod gives a new, creative impetus. They compose several joint songs, work on arrangements and sound. Django begins to hear in music and poetry what he had previously guessed only intuitively. Namely - how the song enters into resonance with the soul and heart of a person. After a while, it becomes clear to both that Django must write the lyrics himself, because this is the only way to truly believe in what you sing about. Alexey goes headlong into work on the album.

From the moment the first songs were written, a group of like-minded people was formed, who began to jointly develop the Django project. In addition to Django himself, the group includes Max (a friend and partner of Alexei, with whom he created THE PLUNGE a few years earlier), producer and drummer Sergei Stambovsky.

This trio is the main part of the project, the birth of which can be considered November 2001.

About the song "Papagan":

"Papagan" is an action song. About adrenaline. I want to step over the gray everyday life and why not, for example, rob a train? To have something real in life.

The film “Knockin' on Heaven's Door” also made a strong impression on me. Hence the phrase: "It is better to embrace the ocean than a forgotten love and a glass." This is not an obsession with the material, but an opportunity to feel the sharpness of life.

The song was written about a year ago. At first there was a melody and an abusive phrase in English: calling, “Hey, mister drop your fucking gun!”. This phrase gave rise to this story. In Russian, it sounded like: "pull-pull the golden fog ...".

About the song "Cold Spring":

The song was included in the soundtrack for the Russian blockbuster Shadow Fight.

Together with the Ukrainian musician, the tracks for the film were written by composer Aleksey Shelygin, DJ Triplex (it was his remix of "Brigade" that rang all mobile phones two years ago), hip-hoper Seryoga and the Finnish quartet Apocalyptica. In terms of sound, the soundtrack to "Shadowboxing" is quite explosive music mixed with Russian-language hip-hop - the best cocktail for an action movie. It will be possible to evaluate the result not only not only on the disk or in the cinema hall, but also at the stadium. According to plans, in the spring, the recording participants will storm the charts and put together a live concert.
