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Tales of Mamin-Siberian

fairy tales

Alyonushka's fairy tales

Biography Mamin-Sibiryak Dmitry Narkisovich

Mamin-Sibiryak Dmitry Narkisovich (1852 - 1912) - a famous Russian writer, ethnographer, prose writer, playwright and storyteller.

Mamin-Sibiryak ( real name Mamin) was born on November 6, 1852 in the Visimo-Shaitansky industrial settlement of the Verkhotursky district of the Perm province, 140 km from Nizhny Tagil. This village, located in the depths Ural mountains, was founded by Peter I, and the rich merchant Demidov built an iron factory here. The father of the future writer was the factory priest Narkis Matveyevich Mamin (1827-1878). There were four children in the family. They lived modestly: my father received a small salary, a little more than a factory worker. For many years he taught children at the factory school for free. “Without work, I did not see either my father or mother. Their day was always full of work, ”recalled Dmitry Narkisovich.

From 1860 to 1864, Mamin-Sibiryak studied at the Visimskaya village primary school for the children of workers, housed in a large hut. When the boy was 12 years old, his father took him and his older brother Nikolai to Yekaterinburg and sent them to a religious school. True, the wild student morals had such an effect on the impressionable child that he fell ill, and his father took him from the school. Mamin-Sibiryak returned home with great joy and for two years he felt completely happy: reading alternated with wanderings in the mountains, spending the night in the forest and at the houses of mine workers. Two years flew by quickly. The father did not have the means to send his son to the gymnasium, and he was again taken to the same bursa.

He was educated at home, then studied at the Visim school for the children of workers, later at the Yekaterinburg Theological School (1866-1868) and at the Perm Theological Seminary (1868-1872).
His first creative attempts belong to his stay here.

In the spring of 1871, Mamin moved to St. Petersburg and entered the Medical and Surgical Academy at the veterinary department, and then transferred to the medical department. In 1874, Mamin passed the university exam and, after spending about two years at the natural faculty.

Began printing in 1875.
The rudiments of talent, a good acquaintance with nature and the life of the region are also seen in this work.
They already clearly outline the author's style: the desire to depict nature and its influence on humans, sensitivity to the changes taking place around.

In 1876, Mamin-Sibiryak switched to law school, but he did not finish his course there either. He studied at the Faculty of Law for about a year. Excessive work, poor nutrition, lack of rest broke the young body. He developed consumption (tuberculosis). In addition, due to financial difficulties and the illness of his father, Mamin-Sibiryak was unable to make a contribution to the teaching fee and was soon expelled from the university. In the spring of 1877 the writer left St. Petersburg. With all his heart, the young man reached out to the Urals. There he recovered from his illness and found strength for new works.

Once in his native places, Mamin-Sibiryak collects material for a new novel from the life of the Urals. Trips in the Urals and the Urals expanded and deepened his knowledge of folk life. But new novel, conceived back in St. Petersburg, had to be postponed. He fell ill and in January 1878 his father died. Dmitry was the only breadwinner big family. In search of work, as well as to educate his brothers and sister, the family moved to Yekaterinburg in April 1878. But even in a large industrial city, the half-educated student failed to get a job. Dmitry began to give lessons to lagging gymnasium students. The tedious work paid poorly, but Mamin's teacher turned out to be a good one, and he soon gained fame as the best tutor in the city. He did not leave in a new place and literary work; when there was not enough time during the day, he wrote at night. Despite financial difficulties, he ordered books from St. Petersburg.

14 years of the writer's life (1877-1891) pass in Yekaterinburg. He marries Maria Yakimovna Alekseeva, who became not only a wife and friend, but also an excellent adviser on literary questions. During these years, he made many trips around the Urals, studied literature on the history, economics, ethnography of the Urals, immersed himself in folk life, communicates with the "simple" who have a huge life experience, and even elected as a member of the Yekaterinburg City Duma. Two long trips to the capital (1881-1882, 1885-1886) strengthened literary connections writer: he meets Korolenko, Zlatovratsky, Goltsev and others. During these years he writes and prints a lot short stories, essays.

But in 1890, Mamin-Sibiryak divorced his first wife, and in January 1891 he married a talented artist of the Yekaterinburg drama theater Maria Moritsovna Abramova and moves with her to St. Petersburg, where he final stage his life. Here he soon became friends with the populist writers - N. Mikhailovsky, G. Uspensky and others, and later, at the turn of the century, with the largest writers of the new generation - A. Chekhov, A. Kuprin, M. Gorky, I. Bunin, highly appreciated his work. A year later (March 22, 1892), his beloved wife Maria Moritsevna Abramova dies, leaving her sick daughter Alyonushka in the arms of her father, shocked by this death.

Mamin-Sibiryak took children's literature very seriously. He called the children's book "a living thread" that takes the child out of the nursery and connects with the wide world of life. Addressing writers, his contemporaries, Mamin-Sibiryak urged them to truthfully tell children about the life and work of the people. He often said that only an honest and sincere book is beneficial: "A children's book is a spring sunbeam that awakens the dormant forces of a child's soul and causes the seeds thrown on this fertile soil to grow."

Children's works are very diverse and designed for children. different ages. The younger guys know Alyonushka's Tales well. Animals, birds, fish, insects, plants and toys live and talk merrily in them. For example: Komar Komarovich - a long nose, Shaggy Misha - short tail, Brave Hare - long ears - slanting eyes - short tail, Sparrow Vorobeich and Ruff Ershovich. Talking about the funny adventures of animals and toys, the author skillfully combines fascinating content with useful information, kids learn to observe life, they develop feelings of camaraderie and friendship, modesty and hard work. The works of Mamin-Sibiryak for older children tell about the life and work of workers and peasants of the Urals and Siberia, about the fate of children working in factories, crafts and mines, about young travelers along the picturesque slopes of the Ural Mountains. A wide and varied world, the life of man and nature are revealed to young readers in these works. Readers highly appreciated the story of Mamin-Sibiryak "Emelya the hunter", marked in 1884 with an international prize.

Many of Mamin-Sibiryak's works have become classics of world literature for children, revealing the high simplicity, noble naturalness of feelings and the love of life of their author, who inspires pets, birds, flowers, insects with poetic skill (collection of stories Children's shadows, 1894; textbook stories by Emelya- hunter, 1884; Wintering on Studenaya, 1892; Gray Sheika, 1893; Alyonushka's Tales, 1894-1896).

The last years of his life, the writer was seriously ill. On October 26, 1912, the fortieth anniversary of his creative activity, but Mamin already badly perceived those who came to congratulate him - a week later, on November 15, 1912, he died. Many newspapers ran obituaries. The Bolshevik newspaper Pravda devoted a special article to Mamin-Sibiryak, in which it noted the great revolutionary significance of his works: "A bright, talented, warm-hearted writer died, under whose pen the pages of the past of the Urals came to life, a whole era of the procession of capital, predatory, greedy, who knew no restraint in anything." "Pravda" highly appreciated the writer's merits in children's literature: "He was attracted a pure soul child, and in this area he gave whole line great essays and stories.

D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak was buried at the Nikolsky cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra; two years later, the suddenly deceased daughter of the writer Alyonushka, Elena Dmitrievna Mamina (1892-1914), was buried nearby. In 1915, a granite monument with bronze bas-relief. And in 1956, the ashes and monument of the writer, his daughter and wife, M.M. Abramova, were moved to the Literary bridges of the Volkovsky cemetery. On the grave monument of Mamin-Sibiryak, the words are carved: “To live a thousand lives, suffer and rejoice with a thousand hearts - this is where real life and true happiness.

Year of publication of the book: 1897

Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak wrote his collection "Alyonushka's Tales" for two years from 1894 to 1896. The author dedicated the book to his little daughter named Alena. It includes ten tales of the writer, which subsequently gained popularity among readers. Today, the book "Alyonushka's Tales" by Mamin-Sibiryak is deservedly included in school curriculum, A individual works this collection were filmed.

Collection "Alyonushka's Tales" summary

The cycle "Alyonushka's Tales" Mamin-Sibiryak often reread before going to bed to his little daughter. It begins with a saying, which tells how a little girl wants to listen to fairy tales before going to bed.

The first story is about little bunny who lived in the forest. All his life he was afraid of something, but when he grew up, he decided to overcome his fears. The hare went out to his friends and began to shout that today he is not afraid of anyone, not even the gray wolf. Nobody believed him, some even started laughing at him.

Just then, not far from the hare company, the Wolf passed. He was terribly hungry and was looking for something to eat. He heard the Hare screaming that he was not afraid of wolves and decided to eat him. As soon as the hares saw the terrible beast, they were frightened and trembled. The daredevil hare jumped sharply from fear and fell right on the Wolf. Rolling down his back, the braggart ran far into the forest. He was afraid that the Wolf would find him. However, the Wolf himself at that moment thought that he had been shot, got scared and ran away in a completely different direction. Many later recalled how a brave hare drove away a huge Wolf.

Second story in the cycle Mom's Sibiryak"Alyonushka's Tales" will tell us about the little Kozyavka, who has just been born. She flew through the air and thought that everything in this world belongs to her. But having met an evil bumblebee, a worm and sparrows, she was convinced that the world is full of dangers. The booger realized that not everything that surrounds her does not belong to her at all. But among this evil world, she managed to find a friend, with whom they spent all summer and autumn. In winter, the Kozyavka laid her testicles and hid until spring.

Further, the author tells us about Komar Komarovich, who, having learned that the Bear fell asleep in his swamp, decided to drive away uninvited guest. He gathered his relatives and went to the Bear. Flying up to the swamp, Komar Komarovich began to threaten that he would eat the beast. However, the Bear was not at all afraid of the threats of the insect. He continued to sleep sweetly until one main character fairy tales did not bite him on the nose. Then the bear woke up and as in decided to get even with the mosquito. He even pulled out a few trees with roots and began to wave them, but nothing helped. At the end, the Bear climbed onto a high branch, but because of the insects, he fell off it. After that, he nevertheless decided to go to sleep in another place, and Komar Komarovich, together with his friends, celebrated his victory.

The next story begins with a little boy Vanya is celebrating his birthday. All his toys were invited to the celebration. The guests ate and had fun until two dolls - Katya and Anya - began to find out who was the most beautiful at this holiday. The toys were sorted out before a fight broke out. And only a slipper and a plush hare managed to hide under the bed. Vanya was very upset that this happened on his name day. When the argument subsided, all the toys blamed the slipper and the hare for the fight. Allegedly, they deliberately quarreled everyone and hid. Vanya drove them away from the holiday, and the fun continued as if nothing had happened.

Another tale will tell us the story of two friends - Sparrow Vorobeich and Ersh Ershovich. Already for a long time the two were good friends. Sparrow even invited Ruff to his roof, and he in response called his friend to stay in the river. The sparrow had another acquaintance - the chimney sweep Yasha. Once this same chimney sweep heard strange sounds. Running to the river, he saw a quarrel between Sparrow and Ruff. The reason was that Sparrow found a worm, and Ruff tricked him into stealing his friend's prey. However, it later turned out that Vorobeich himself was lying - he stole a worm from a little Bekasik the sandman.

The next in the collection of Mamin-Sibiryak "Alyonushka's Tales" you can read the story of the little Fly, which tirelessly rejoiced at the summer. Mushka believed that all people are kind, because they constantly leave a little jam or sugar on the table. But one day the cook in the house, near which many flies lived, decided to poison them all. Little Mushka managed to avoid this fate, but she, like main character realized that people are not so kind to her.

Soon autumn came, and the surviving flies hid in the house. But the main character of the fairy tale wanted to be left alone, so that only she could get all the food. The fly waited for the moment when all its relatives disappeared, but very soon got bored alone. So she was sad until the very spring, until she met a small fly that had just come into the world and rejoiced at the warmth.

The cycle also included the tale of the Raven and the Canary. Little Canary flew out of the cage because she wanted to live in freedom, like other birds. However, sparrows attacked her. The grumpy old Crow protected her and invited her to live with her. When the cold came, the Canary was very hard, but the Crow simply considered the little bird a sissy. One day, local boys set up a bird trap and filled it with grain. The canary knew that it was impossible to fly there, but the feeling of hunger won. The bird realized that now she would be caught and again put in a cage. But, despite the terrible cold, the Canary liked freedom. Hearing the cry, the Crow flew in and saved her friend.

The next story takes us to the poultry yard. It is inhabited by the Turkey-cock, who considers himself the most important bird. His wife and many other residents of the yard think the same way. From this, the Turkey is even more arrogant and begins to behave impudently. One day, the birds notice something that looks like a prickly stone. Everyone asks Turkey what it is, but he cannot give an exact answer. This "stone" turns out to be a hedgehog. Then all the birds start laughing at Turkey, but he manages to convince those present that he recognized the hedgehog, but just decided to joke.

Further in the collection Mamin-Sibiryak "Alyonushka's Tales" summary talks about Molochka and Kashka, who constantly argued on the stove to the point that Kashka tried to escape from the pan. No matter how hard the cook tried, she never managed to calm them down in time. One of the obstacles was a cat named Murka. He constantly asked for food, even if he recently ate a lot of liver or fish. Murka constantly followed the dispute between Milk and porridge. Once, when the cook went to the store, the cat jumped on the table and began to blow on the Milk to calm it down a bit. It all ended with the fact that, trying to figure out who is to blame for the constant disputes, Murka simply drank all the Milk.

The last tale tells that little Alyonushka said before going to bed that she wants to become a queen. She dreamed of a marvelous garden in which the most different flowers They argued what exactly the girl had in mind. The roses claimed that Alyonushka wanted to become one of them. After all, everyone knows that a rose is a real queen among flowers. The bells in response said that Alenka dreams of becoming like them, because they give joy to the poor and the rich. Lilies, violets, lilies of the valley and other flowers also participated in the dispute.

Many of them talked about the country that is their homeland. Alyonushka was very upset because she had never been to these places. Here flew ladybug and told the girl to jump on her back. The ladybug showed the girl all those beautiful countries and a variety of flowers - lilies, orchids, lotuses. During the trip, Alyonushka learned that there are countries that do not know what winter is. The girl said that she could not live there, because she loves snow and frosty weather very much. Later, the ladybug brought the girl to Santa Claus, who asked what she wanted. Alyonushka replied that she wanted to be a queen. Then grandfather told her that all women are queens. The girl smiled and continued to sleep sweetly.

You can read the collection of Mamin Sibiryak "Alyonushka's Tales" online on the Top Books website.

Mamin-Sibiryak Dmitry Narkisovich

Alyonushka's fairy tales

Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak

Alyonushka's fairy tales

A. Chernyshev. "Alyonushka's Tales" by D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak



Tale of the brave Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail

Tale of the goat

Tale about Komar Komarovich - long nose and

about furry Misha - short tail

Vanka name day

The Tale of Sparrow Vorobeich, Ruff Ershovich and the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha

Tale of how she lived last fly

Fairy tale about Voronushka - a black little head and a yellow bird Canary

Smarter than everyone. Fairy tale

Parable about Milk, oatmeal and gray cat Murka

It's time to sleep

"Alyonushka's Tales"

D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak

It is dark outside. Snowing. He pushed up the window panes. Alyonushka, curled up in a ball, lies in bed. She never wants to sleep until her dad tells the story.

Alyonushka's father, Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak, is a writer. He sits at the table, leaning over his manuscript. future book. So he gets up, comes closer to Alyonushka's bed, sits down in an easy chair, begins to talk ... The girl listens carefully about the stupid turkey who imagined that he was smarter than everyone else, about how the toys gathered for the name day and what came of it. The stories are wonderful, one more interesting than the other. But Alyonushka's one eye is already sleeping... Sleep, Alyonushka, sleep, beauty.

Alyonushka falls asleep, putting her hand under her head. And it's snowing outside...

So they spent a long time together winter evenings- Father and daughter. Alyonushka grew up without a mother, her mother died long ago. The father loved the girl with all his heart and did everything to make her live well.

He looked at the sleeping daughter, and he remembered his own childhood. They took place in a small factory village in the Urals. At that time, serf workers were still working at the factory. They worked from early morning until late at night, but lived in poverty. But their masters and masters lived in luxury. Early in the morning, when the workers were going to the factory, troikas flew past them. It was after the ball, which lasted all night, that the rich went home.

Dmitry Narkisovich grew up in a poor family. Every penny counted in the house. But his parents were kind, sympathetic, and people were drawn to them. The boy loved it when factory artisans came to visit. They knew so many fairy tales and fascinating stories! Mamin-Sibiryak especially remembered the legend about the daring robber Marzak, who in ancient times was hiding in the Ural forest. Marzak attacked the rich, took away their property and distributed it to the poor. And the tsarist police never managed to catch him. The boy listened to every word, he wanted to become as brave and fair as Marzak was.

The dense forest, where, according to legend, Marzak once hid, began a few minutes walk from the house. Squirrels were jumping in the branches of trees, a hare was sitting on the edge, and in the thicket one could meet the bear himself. Future Writer studied all the trails. He wandered along the banks of the Chusovaya River, admiring the chain of mountains covered with spruce and birch forests. There was no end to these mountains, therefore, with nature, he forever associated "the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwill, wild expanse."

Parents taught the boy to love the book. He was read by Pushkin and Gogol, Turgenev and Nekrasov. He had an early passion for literature. At the age of sixteen, he already kept a diary.

Years have passed. Mamin-Sibiryak became the first writer who painted pictures of the life of the Urals. He created dozens of novels and short stories, hundreds of short stories. With love, he portrayed in them the common people, their struggle against injustice and oppression.

Dmitry Narkisovich has many stories for children as well. He wanted to teach the children to see and understand the beauty of nature, the wealth of the earth, to love and respect working man. "It's a joy to write for children," he said.

Mamin-Sibiryak wrote down those fairy tales that he once told his daughter. He published them as a separate book and called it Alyonushka's Tales.

In these fairy tales bright colors sunny day, the beauty of the generous Russian nature. Together with Alyonushka you will see forests, mountains, seas, deserts.

The heroes of Mamin-Sibiryak are the same as the heroes of many folk tales: a shaggy clumsy bear, a hungry wolf, a cowardly hare, a cunning sparrow. They think and talk to each other like people. But at the same time, they are real animals. The bear is depicted as clumsy and stupid, the wolf is evil, the sparrow is mischievous, agile bully.

Names and nicknames help to present them better.

Here is Komarishko - a long nose - this is a big, old mosquito, but Komarishko - a long nose - this is a small, still inexperienced mosquito.

Objects come to life in his fairy tales. Toys celebrate the holiday and even start a fight. Plants are talking. In the fairy tale "Time to sleep" spoiled garden flowers are proud of their beauty. They look like rich people in expensive dresses. But modest wildflowers are dearer to the writer.

Mamin-Sibiryak sympathizes with some of his heroes, laughs at others. He respectfully writes about the working person, condemns the loafer and lazy person.

The writer did not tolerate those who are arrogant, who think that everything was created only for them. The fairy tale "How the Last Fly Lived" tells about a stupid fly who is convinced that the windows in houses are made so that she can fly into and out of rooms, that they set the table and take jam from the closet only in order to treat her, that the sun shines for her alone. Of course, only a stupid, funny fly can think like that!

What do fish and birds have in common? And the writer answers this question with a fairy tale "About Sparrow Vorobeich, Ruff Ershovich and the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha." Although Ruff lives in the water, and Sparrow flies through the air, fish and birds equally need food, chase after a tasty morsel, suffer from cold in winter, and in summer they have a lot of trouble ...

great strength to act together, together. How powerful the bear is, but the mosquitoes, if they unite, can defeat the bear ("The tale about Komar Komarovich - a long nose and about shaggy Misha - a short tail").

Of all his books, Mamin-Sibiryak especially valued Alyonushka's Tales. He said: "This is my favorite book - it was written by love itself, and therefore it will survive everything else."

Andrey Chernyshev




One eye at Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is looking; one ear of Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is listening.

Sleep, Alyonushka, sleep, beauty, and dad will tell fairy tales. It seems that everything is here: the Siberian cat Vaska, and the shaggy village dog Postoiko, and the gray Mouse-louse, and the Cricket behind the stove, and the motley Starling in a cage, and the bully Rooster.

"Alyonushka's Tales" by D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak

It is dark outside. Snowing. He pushed up the window panes. Alyonushka, curled up in a ball, lies in bed. She never wants to sleep until her dad tells the story.
Alyonushka's father, Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak, is a writer. He sits at the table, leaning over the manuscript of his forthcoming book. So he gets up, comes closer to Alyonushka's bed, sits down in an easy chair, begins to talk ... The girl listens carefully about the stupid turkey who imagined that he was smarter than everyone else, about how the toys gathered for the name day and what came of it. The stories are wonderful, one more interesting than the other. But Alyonushka's one eye is already sleeping... Sleep, Alyonushka, sleep, beauty.
Alyonushka falls asleep, putting her hand under her head. And it's snowing outside...
So they spent the long winter evenings together - father and daughter. Alyonushka grew up without a mother, her mother died long ago. The father loved the girl with all his heart and did everything to make her live well.
He looked at the sleeping daughter, and he remembered his own childhood. They took place in a small factory village in the Urals. At that time, serf workers were still working at the factory. They worked from early morning until late at night, but lived in poverty. But their masters and masters lived in luxury. Early in the morning, when the workers were going to the factory, troikas flew past them. It was after the ball, which lasted all night, that the rich went home.
Dmitry Narkisovich grew up in a poor family. Every penny counted in the house. But his parents were kind, sympathetic, and people were drawn to them. The boy loved it when factory artisans came to visit. They knew so many fairy tales and fascinating stories! Mamin-Sibiryak especially remembered the legend about the daring robber Marzak, who in ancient times was hiding in the Ural forest. Marzak attacked the rich, took away their property and distributed it to the poor. And the tsarist police never managed to catch him. The boy listened to every word, he wanted to become as brave and fair as Marzak was.
The dense forest, where, according to legend, Marzak once hid, began a few minutes walk from the house. Squirrels were jumping in the branches of trees, a hare was sitting on the edge, and in the thicket one could meet the bear himself. The future writer has studied all the paths. He wandered along the banks of the Chusovaya River, admiring the chain of mountains covered with spruce and birch forests. There was no end to these mountains, and therefore, with nature, he forever associated "the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwill, wild expanse."
Parents taught the boy to love the book. He was read by Pushkin and Gogol, Turgenev and Nekrasov. He had an early passion for literature. At the age of sixteen, he already kept a diary.
Years have passed. Mamin-Sibiryak became the first writer who painted pictures of the life of the Urals. He created dozens of novels and short stories, hundreds of short stories. With love, he portrayed in them the common people, their struggle against injustice and oppression.
Dmitry Narkisovich has many stories for children as well. He wanted to teach the children to see and understand the beauty of nature, the wealth of the earth, to love and respect the working person. “It is a joy to write for children,” he said.
Mamin-Sibiryak wrote down those fairy tales that he once told his daughter. He published them as a separate book and called it Alyonushka's Tales.
In these fairy tales, the bright colors of a sunny day, the beauty of the generous Russian nature. Together with Alyonushka you will see forests, mountains, seas, deserts.
The heroes of Mamin-Sibiryak are the same as the heroes of many folk tales: a shaggy clumsy bear, a hungry wolf, a cowardly hare, a cunning sparrow. They think and talk to each other like people. But at the same time, they are real animals. The bear is depicted as clumsy and stupid, the wolf is evil, the sparrow is mischievous, agile bully.
Names and nicknames help to present them better.
Here Komarishko - a long nose - is a big, old mosquito, but Komarishko - a long nose - is a small, still inexperienced mosquito.
Objects come to life in his fairy tales. Toys celebrate the holiday and even start a fight. Plants are talking. In the fairy tale "Time to sleep" spoiled garden flowers are proud of their beauty. They look like rich people in expensive dresses. But modest wildflowers are dearer to the writer.
Mamin-Sibiryak sympathizes with some of his heroes, laughs at others. He respectfully writes about the working person, condemns the loafer and lazy person.
The writer did not tolerate those who are arrogant, who think that everything was created only for them. The fairy tale “About how the last Fly lived” tells about one stupid fly who is convinced that the windows in houses are made so that she can fly into and out of rooms, that they set the table and take jam from the closet only in order to treat her, that the sun shines for her alone. Of course, only a stupid, funny fly can think like that!
What do fish and birds have in common? And the writer answers this question with a fairy tale "About Sparrow Vorobeich, Ruff Ershovich and the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha." Although Ruff lives in the water, and Sparrow flies through the air, fish and birds equally need food, chase after a tasty morsel, suffer from cold in winter, and in summer they have a lot of trouble ...
Great power to act together, together. How powerful the bear is, but the mosquitoes, if they unite, can defeat the bear (“The Tale of Komar Komarovich has a long nose and the shaggy Misha has a short tail”).
Of all his books, Mamin-Sibiryak especially valued Alyonushka's Tales. He said: "This is my favorite book - it was written by love itself, and therefore it will survive everything else."

Andrey Chernyshev


Sleep, Alyonushka, sleep, beauty, and dad will tell fairy tales. It seems that everything is here: the Siberian cat Vaska, and the shaggy village dog Postoiko, and the gray Mouse-louse, and the Cricket behind the stove, and the motley Starling in a cage, and the bully Rooster.
Sleep, Alyonushka, now the fairy tale begins. The tall moon is already looking out the window; there a slanting hare hobbled on his felt boots; the wolf's eyes lit up with yellow lights; bear Mishka sucks his paw. Flew up to the window old sparrow, knocks his nose on the glass and asks: soon? Everyone is here, everyone is assembled, and everyone is waiting for Alyonushka's fairy tale.
One eye at Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is looking; one ear of Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is listening.


A bunny was born in the forest and was afraid of everything. A twig cracks somewhere, a bird flutters, a lump of snow falls from a tree - the bunny has a soul in his heels.
The bunny was afraid for a day, afraid for two, afraid for a week, afraid for a year; and then he grew big, and suddenly he got tired of being afraid.
- I'm not afraid of anyone! he shouted to the whole forest. - I'm not afraid at all, and that's it!
Old hares gathered, little hares ran, old hares dragged in - everyone listens to the Hare boasting - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail - they listen and do not believe their own ears. It was not yet that the hare was not afraid of anyone.
- Hey you, slanting eye, are you not afraid of the wolf?
- And I'm not afraid of the wolf, and the fox, and the bear - I'm not afraid of anyone!

It turned out to be quite funny. The young hares giggled, covering their muzzles with their front paws, the good old hares laughed, even the old hares, who had been in the paws of a fox and tasted wolf teeth, smiled. A very funny hare! .. Oh, how funny! And all of a sudden it became fun. They began to tumble, jump, jump, overtake each other, as if everyone had gone crazy.
- Yes, what is there to say for a long time! - shouted the Hare, finally emboldened. - If I come across a wolf, I will eat it myself ...
- Oh, what a funny Hare! Oh, how stupid he is!
Everyone sees that he is both funny and stupid, and everyone laughs.
Hares scream about the wolf, and the wolf is right there.
He walked, walked in the forest on his wolf business, got hungry and only thought: “It would be nice to have a bite of a bunny!” - as he hears that somewhere very close the hares are screaming and he, the gray Wolf, is commemorated.
Now he stopped, sniffed the air and began to creep up.
The wolf came very close to the hares playing out, hears how they laugh at him, and most of all - the bouncer Hare - slanting eyes, long ears, short tail.
“Hey, brother, wait, I’ll eat you!” thought Gray wolf and began to peep out, which hare boasts of his courage. And the hares see nothing and have more fun than before. It ended with the bouncer Hare climbing onto a stump, sitting on his hind legs and talking:
“Listen, you cowards! Listen and look at me! Now I'll show you one thing. I... I... I...
Here the tongue of the bouncer is definitely frozen.
The Hare saw the Wolf looking at him. Others did not see, but he saw and did not dare to die.
Then something quite extraordinary happened.
The bouncer hare jumped up like a ball, and with fear fell right on the wolf's wide forehead, rolled head over heels on the wolf's back, rolled over again in the air and then asked such a rattle that, it seems, he was ready to jump out of his own skin.
The unfortunate Bunny ran for a long time, ran until he was completely exhausted.
It seemed to him that the Wolf was chasing him and was about to grab him with his teeth.
Finally, the poor fellow was completely exhausted, closed his eyes and fell dead under a bush.
And the Wolf at this time ran in the other direction. When the Hare fell on him, it seemed to him that someone had shot at him.
And the wolf ran away. You never know other hares can be found in the forest, but this one was kind of mad ...
For a long time the rest of the hares could not come to their senses. Who fled into the bushes, who hid behind a stump, who fell into a hole.
Finally everyone got tired of hiding, and little by little they began to look out who was braver.
- And our Hare cleverly scared the Wolf! – decided everything. - If not for him, we would not have left alive ... But where is he, our fearless Hare? ..
We started looking.
They walked, walked, there is no brave Hare anywhere. Has another wolf eaten him? Finally, they found it: it lies in a hole under a bush and is barely alive from fear.
- Well done, oblique! - shouted all the hares in one voice. - Oh yes oblique! .. Deftly you scared the old Wolf. Thank you brother! And we thought you were bragging.
The brave Hare immediately cheered up. He got out of his hole, shook himself, screwed up his eyes and said:
– What would you think! Oh you cowards...
From this day Brave Bunny he began to believe that he was really not afraid of anyone.


How Kozyavochka was born, no one saw.
It was a sunny spring day. The goat looked around and said:
- Fine!..
Kozyavochka straightened her wings, rubbed her thin legs one against the other, looked around again and said:
- How good! .. What a warm sun, what a blue sky, what green grass - good, good! .. And all mine! ..
The Kozyavochka also rubbed her legs and flew away. It flies, admires everything and rejoices. And below the grass is turning green, and in the grass he hid The Scarlet Flower.
- Goat, come to me! - shouted the flower.
The little goat descended to the ground, climbed onto the flower and began to drink the sweet flower juice.
- What a kind flower you are! - says Kozyavochka, wiping her stigma with her legs.
“Good, kind, but I don’t know how to walk,” the flower complained.
“All the same, it’s good,” the Kozyavochka assured. And all mine...

Before she had time to finish, a hairy Bumblebee flew in with a buzz - and straight to the flower:
- LJ ... Who climbed into my flower? Lj... who drinks my sweet juice? Lzhzh ... Oh, you wretched Kozyavka, get out! Zhzhzh... Get out before I sting you!
- Excuse me, what is this? squeaked the Kozyavochka. Everything, everything is mine...
– Zhzhzh… No, mine!
The goat barely flew away from the angry Bumblebee. She sat down on the grass, licked her feet, stained with flower juice, and got angry:
- What a rude this Bumblebee! .. Even surprising! .. I also wanted to sting ... After all, everything is mine - and the sun, and grass, and flowers.
- No, sorry - mine! - said the shaggy Worm, climbing up the stalk of grass.
Kozyavochka realized that Little Worm could not fly, and spoke more boldly:
- Excuse me, Worm, you are mistaken ... I don’t interfere with your crawling, but don’t argue with me! ..
- All right, all right ... Just don’t touch my weed. I don’t like it, I confess to say ... You never know how many of you fly here ... You are a frivolous people, and I’m a serious worm ... Frankly speaking, everything belongs to me. Here I will crawl on the grass and eat it, I will crawl on any flower and also eat it. Goodbye!..


In a few hours Kozyavochka learned absolutely everything, namely: that, besides the sun, the blue sky, and green grass, there are also angry bumblebees, serious worms, and various thorns on flowers. In a word, it was a big disappointment. The goat was even offended. For mercy, she was sure that everything belongs to her and was created for her, but here others think the same. No, something is wrong... It can't be.
Kozyavochka flies further and sees - water.
- It's mine! she squeaked cheerfully. - My water ... Oh, how fun! .. There is grass and flowers.
And other goats are flying towards Kozyavochka.
- Hello, sister!
- Hello, dears ... Otherwise, I got bored of flying alone. What are you doing here?
- And we are playing, sister ... Come to us. We have fun... You were born recently?
- Just today ... I was almost stung by a Bumblebee, then I saw a Worm ... I thought that everything was mine, but they say that everything is theirs.
Other goats reassured the guest and invited them to play together. Above the water, the boogers played in a column: they circle, fly, squeak. Our Kozyavochka gasped with joy and soon completely forgot about the angry Bumblebee and the serious Worm.
- Oh, how good! she whispered in delight. - Everything is mine: the sun, grass, and water. Why others are angry, I really do not understand. Everything is mine, and I don’t interfere with anyone’s life: fly, buzz, have fun. I let…
Kozyavochka played, had fun and sat down to rest on the swamp sedge. You really need to take a break! The little goat looks at how the other little goats are having fun; suddenly, out of nowhere, a sparrow - how it darts past, as if someone had thrown a stone.
- Oh, oh! - shouted the goats and rushed in all directions.
When the sparrow flew away, a dozen goats were missing.
- Oh, robber! the old goats scolded. - He ate a dozen.
It was worse than Bumblebee. The goat started to be afraid and hid with other young goats even further into the swamp grass.
But here is another problem: two goats were eaten by a fish, and two by a frog.
- What is it? - the goat was surprised. – It doesn’t look like anything at all… You can’t live like that. Wow, how ugly!
It’s good that there were a lot of goats and no one noticed the loss. Moreover, new goats arrived, which were just born.
They flew and squeaked:
– All ours… All ours…
“No, not everything is ours,” our Kozyavochka shouted to them. - There are also angry bumblebees, serious worms, ugly sparrows, fish and frogs. Be careful sisters!
However, night fell, and all the goats hid in the reeds, where it was so warm. The stars poured out in the sky, the moon rose, and everything was reflected in the water.
Ah, how good it was!
“My month, my stars,” our Kozyavochka thought, but she didn’t tell anyone this: they’ll just take that away too ...


So the Kozyavochka lived the whole summer.
She had a lot of fun, but there was also a lot of unpleasantness. Twice she was almost swallowed by an agile swift; then a frog imperceptibly crept up - you never know the goats have all sorts of enemies! There were some joys too. The little goat met another similar goat, with a shaggy mustache. And she says:
- How pretty you are, Kozyavochka ... We will live together.
And they healed together, they healed very well. All together: where one, there and another. And did not notice how the summer flew by. It began to rain, cold nights. Our Kozyavochka applied the eggs, hid them in the thick grass and said:
- Oh, how tired I am! ..
No one saw how Kozyavochka died.
Yes, she did not die, but only fell asleep for the winter, so that in the spring she would wake up again and live again.


It happened at noon, when all the mosquitoes hid from the heat in the swamp. Komar Komarovich - long nose tucked under a wide sheet and fell asleep. Sleeps and hears a desperate cry:
- Oh, fathers! .. oh, carraul! ..
Komar Komarovich jumped out from under the sheet and also shouted:
– What happened?.. What are you yelling at?
And mosquitoes fly, buzz, squeak - you can’t make out anything.
- Oh, fathers! .. A bear came to our swamp and fell asleep. As he lay down in the grass, he immediately crushed five hundred mosquitoes; as he breathed, he swallowed a whole hundred. Oh, trouble, brothers! We barely got away from him, otherwise he would have crushed everyone ...
Komar Komarovich - the long nose immediately became angry; he got angry both at the bear and at the stupid mosquitoes, which squeaked to no avail.
- Hey you, stop squeaking! he shouted. - Now I'll go and drive the bear away ... It's very simple! And you yell only in vain ...
Komar Komarovich became even more angry and flew off. Indeed, there was a bear in the swamp. He climbed into the thickest grass, where mosquitoes lived from time immemorial, fell apart and sniffs with his nose, only the whistle goes, just like someone is playing the trumpet. Here's a shameless creature! .. Climbed into a strange place, ruined so many mosquito souls in vain, and even sleeps so sweetly!
“Hey, uncle, where are you going?” shouted Komar Komarovich to the whole forest, so loudly that even he himself became frightened.
Shaggy Misha opened one eye - no one was visible, opened the other eye - he barely saw that a mosquito was flying over his very nose.
What do you need, buddy? Misha grumbled and also began to get angry.
How, just settled down to rest, and then some villain squeaks.
- Hey, go away in a good way, uncle! ..
Misha opened both eyes, looked at the impudent fellow, blew his nose, and finally got angry.
"What do you want, you wretched creature?" he growled.
- Get out of our place, otherwise I don’t like joking ... I’ll eat you with a fur coat.
The bear was funny. He rolled over onto the other side, covered his muzzle with his paw, and immediately began to snore.


Komar Komarovich flew back to his mosquitoes and trumpeted the whole swamp:
- Deftly, I scared the shaggy Mishka! .. Next time he won’t come.
Mosquitoes marveled and ask:
- Well, where is the bear now?
“But I don’t know, brothers ... He was very scared when I told him that I would eat if he didn’t leave.” After all, I don’t like joking, but I said directly: I’ll eat it. I'm afraid that he might die with fear while I'm flying to you ... Well, it's my own fault!
All the mosquitoes squealed, buzzed and argued for a long time how to deal with the ignorant bear. Never before had there been such a terrible noise in the swamp.
They squeaked and squeaked and decided to drive the bear out of the swamp.
- Let him go to his home, into the forest, and sleep there. And our swamp... Even our fathers and grandfathers lived in this very swamp.
One prudent old woman Komarikha advised to leave the bear alone: ​​let him lie down, and when he gets enough sleep, he will leave, but everyone attacked her so much that the poor woman barely had time to hide.
- Let's go, brothers! shouted Komar Komarovich the most. “We will show him… yes!”
Mosquitoes flew after Komar Komarovich. They fly and squeak, even they themselves are scared. They flew in, look, but the bear lies and does not move.
- Well, I said so: the poor fellow died of fear! boasted Komar Komarovich. - Even a little sorry, howling what a healthy bear ...
“Yes, he is sleeping, brothers,” squeaked a little mosquito, flying up to the very bear’s nose and almost being drawn in there, as if through a window.
- Oh, shameless! Ah, shameless! - squealed all the mosquitoes at once and raised a terrible hubbub. - Five hundred mosquitoes he crushed, a hundred mosquitoes he swallowed and he himself sleeps as if nothing had happened ...
And shaggy Misha sleeps to himself and whistles with his nose.
He's pretending to be asleep! shouted Komar Komarovich and flew at the bear. - Here I will show him now ... Hey, uncle, he will pretend!

As soon as Komar Komarovich swoops in, as he digs his long nose right into the black bear's nose, Misha jumped up just like that - grab his nose with his paw, and Komar Komarovich was gone.
- What, uncle, did not like? squeaks Komar Komarovich. - Leave, otherwise it will be worse ... Now I’m not the only Komar Komarovich - a long nose, but my grandfather flew in with me, Komarishche - a long nose, and my younger brother, Komarishko - a long nose! Go away uncle...
- I won't leave! - shouted the bear, sitting on its hind legs. "I'll take you all...
- Oh, uncle, you're boasting in vain ...
Again flew Komar Komarovich and dug into the bear right in the eye. The bear roared in pain, hit itself in the muzzle with its paw, and again there was nothing in the paw, only it nearly ripped out its eye with its claw. And Komar Komarovich hovered over the very bear's ear and squeaked:
- I'll eat you, uncle ...


Misha was completely angry. He uprooted a whole birch along with the root and began to beat mosquitoes with it.
It hurts from the whole shoulder ... He beat, beat, even got tired, but not a single mosquito was killed - everyone hovered over him and squeaked. Then Misha grabbed a heavy stone and threw it at the mosquitoes - again there was no sense.
- What did you take, uncle? squeaked Komar Komarovich. “But I will still eat you…”
How long, how short Misha fought with mosquitoes, but there was a lot of noise. A bear's roar could be heard in the distance. And how many trees he tore out, how many stones he turned out! .. He wanted to catch the first Komar Komarovich, - after all, here, just above the ear, it curls, and the bear grabs with its paw, and again nothing, only scratched his whole face in the blood.
Exhausted at last Misha. He sat down on his hind legs, snorted and came up with a new thing - let's roll on the grass to pass the entire mosquito kingdom. Misha rode, rode, but nothing came of it, but he was only even more tired. Then the bear hid its muzzle in the moss. It turned out even worse - mosquitoes grabbed a bear's tail. The bear finally got angry.
- Wait, I'll ask you! .. - he roared so that it was audible for five miles. - I'll show you a thing ... I ... I ... I ...
The mosquitoes have receded and are waiting for what will happen. And Misha climbed a tree like an acrobat, sat down on the thickest bough and roared:
- Come on, come up to me now ... I’ll break everyone’s noses! ..
The mosquitoes laughed in thin voices and rushed at the bear with the whole army. They squeak, spin, climb ... Misha fought back, fought back, accidentally swallowed a hundred mosquito troops, coughed and how it fell off the bough, like a sack ... However, he got up, scratched his bruised side and said:
- Well, did you take it? Have you seen how deftly I jump from a tree? ..
The mosquitoes laughed even thinner, and Komar Komarovich trumpeted:
- I will eat you ... I will eat you ... I will eat ... I will eat you! ..
The bear was completely exhausted, exhausted, and it is a shame to leave the swamp. He sits on his hind legs and only blinks his eyes.
A frog rescued him from trouble. She jumped out from under the bump, sat down on her hind legs and said:
- Hunt you, Mikhailo Ivanovich, worry yourself in vain! .. Do not pay attention to these wretched mosquitoes. Not worth it.
- And that's not worth it, - the bear was delighted. - I'm like that ... Let them come to my lair, but I ... I ...
How Misha turns, how he runs out of the swamp, and Komar Komarovich - his long nose flies after him, flies and shouts:
- Oh, brothers, hold on! The bear will run away... Hold on!..
All the mosquitoes gathered, consulted and decided: “It’s not worth it! Let him go - after all, the swamp is left behind us!


Beat, drum, ta-ta! tra-ta-ta! Play, trumpets: tru-tu! tu-ru-ru! .. Let's all the music here - today is Vanka's birthday! .. Dear guests, you are welcome ... Hey, everyone gather here! Tra-ta-ta! Tru-ru-ru!
Vanka walks around in a red shirt and says:
- Brothers, you are welcome ... Treats - as much as you like. Soup from the freshest chips; cutlets from the best, purest sand; pies from multi-colored pieces of paper; what a tea! From the best boiled water. You are welcome ... Music, play! ..
Ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta! Tru-tu! Tu-ru-ru!
There was a full room of guests. The first to arrive was a pot-bellied wooden Top.
– LJ… LJ… where is the birthday boy? LJ… LJ… I love to have fun in good company…
There are two dolls. One - with blue eyes, Anya, her nose was slightly damaged; the other with black eyes, Katya, she was missing one arm. They came decorously and took their place on the toy sofa. -
“Let's see what kind of treat Vanka has,” Anya remarked. “Something very much to brag about. The music is not bad, and I doubt very much about the refreshments.
“You, Anya, are always dissatisfied with something,” Katya reproached her.
“And you are always ready to argue.
