How to draw an owl sitting on a branch. How to draw a wise owl with a simple pencil

What You'll Be Creating

The owl is a symbol of wisdom and mystery. Aren't these birds great?

However, creating a drawing of an owl can seem like a daunting task: it's hard to decide where to start and how to find the right proportions. In this tutorial I will show you an easy way how to draw an owl using graphite pencil and rapidographers.

We'll also look at the principles of layering ink shading and see how to create a beautiful shading effect in our work.

As a result, we get an impressive drawing inspired by nature!

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What will you need

  • Rapidograph with tip diameter 0.3
  • Rapidograph with tip diameter 0.1
  • Rapidograph with tip diameter 0.05
  • Graphite pencil (I recommend using Type B or HB)
  • Sheet of thick paper for drawing

1. How to Draw an Owl with Graphite Pencil

Step 1

Draw a vertical baseline that will divide the future owl shape into two halves; this will be our starting point for sizing. Next, mark the lateral borders of the head and body of the bird.

When drawing animals, it is useful to follow the rules of symmetry. Just keep in mind that nothing is perfectly symmetrical in the natural world.

Step 2

Draw the approximate shapes of the head and torso using light pencil lines.

Step 3

The eyes are located on the same line, which is slightly below the center point of the owl's head. The baseline helps me measure an equal distance.

The distance between the eyes is approximately equal to the width of one eye.

Step 4

Draw the approximate shape of the beak. It looks like a triangle with two rounded corners.

Step 5

Add protruding shapes that resemble stylized ears (ear crests).

Step 6

Draw the pupils and also add diverging lines of feathers above the eyes.

Step 7

Refine the owl's muzzle pattern, which is also known as the face disc.

Step 8

Draw small details on the beak, as well as on the ears.

Step 9

Add wings to the body.

Step 10

Draw the base for the paws.

Each paw has four toes, but the hind toes are hidden behind; they help the bird to maintain a stable position.

Step 11

Add hooked claws and also refine the shapes of the fingers.

Step 12

Draw the outlines of the tree using various natural lines.

Step 13

Add three groups of leaves. They will make our composition more interesting.

Step 14

Add groups of feathers using pencil hatching to highlight the color of the owl's plumage.

2. How to Create Hatched Layers with the Rapidograph

Step 1

In this part of the lesson, we will pay special attention to hatching techniques.

Creating layers with hatching is great way create a sense of texture by enhancing contrast and emphasizing the three-dimensional appearance of objects in the drawing.

Below I have given an example of oblique hatching using the ink liner 0.1 ; this will be our foundation.

Step 2

Add a new hatch layer with the ink liner 0.05 . Lines may overlap existing hatching, or they may be located in the spaces between them.

Lines of different widths combined in one drawing always look attractive.

Step 3

With the help of a rapidograph 0.05 , add a rounded crosshatch. You are not limited by the number of hatching layers!

Step 4

With the help of a rapidograph 0.3 , add a horizontal stroke. As you can see, the more line layers I use, the more contrast and saturation my example becomes.

3. Draw an Owl with the Rapidograph

Step 1

With the help of a rapidograph 0.3 , select the dark areas of the plumage.

Step 2

Continue adding groups of short lines using the ink liner 0.3 .

Step 3

With the help of a rapidograph 0.3 , draw the pupils. The eyes will be dark and contrasting.

Step 4

Add fine hatching using the ink liner 0.05 . The lines should go from the center of the owl's face to the sides.

Step 5

Small dots and short lines will help me accentuate the eyes without over-saturating the drawing.

Step 6

Work on the plumage using the ink liner 0.05 . I added a new hatch in the spaces between the existing hatch.

Step 7

With the help of a rapidograph 0.3 , trace the outlines of the owl's paws, as well as the outline of the tree.

Step 8

Add bark texture to tree using ink liner 0.3 . I also added hatched groups to create shadows.

Step 9

Draw the leaves with the ink liner 0.1 . I use thin and light lines so the leaves won't distract the viewer from the owl.

Also add some hatching to the tree to give it a more 3D look.

Step 10

Add more hatching to the owl's body using the ink liner 0.1 .

Step 11

Step 12

Work on the owl's head, making it more realistic. With the help of a rapidograph 0.05 , accentuate the facial disc with an extra layer of hatching.

Step 13

Accentuate the shadows under the key of the bird using the ink liner 0.05 . And also add short hatching to the sides of the beak.

Step 14

Add a crosshatch layer on the body of the bird using the ink liner 0.05 .

Step 15

With the help of a rapidograph 0.3 , add dark accents to the plumage.

Step 16

Increase the contrast at the bottom of the drawing, and increase the shadows there using the ink liner 0.1 .

Step 17

Add cross hatching to the tree using the ink liner 0.1 .

Step 18

With the help of a rapidograph 0.05 , add another hatching layer to the bark of the tree.

As a final touch, accentuate the outline of the branch with a thicker line.

Our Drawing is Finished!

Congratulations! We have completed our drawing! I hope you enjoyed both the tutorial and the result. Please share your work in the comments to this tutorial!

I wish you have a good time and great success in creating ink drawings!

Owl is an owl of owls. He is huge and powerful. And I don't mind living with people. However, teaching him something is extremely difficult. Hunters have learned to use the eagle owl as a bird of prey. An eagle owl can easily lift by the ears or, but this is not the limit. He is so strong that he can even hunt falcons, hawks and. And that is not all. In addition to his strength, he is also very handsome, especially when flying. As a rule, it soars slowly above the ground and only occasionally flaps its huge wings. Its wingspan can be as long as two meters. It's more than growth ordinary person. That's why I'm happy to show how to draw an owl with a pencil.

Step one Draw two circles in the center of the sheet, and denote horizontal lines the branch on which the owl sits. Step Two Next, denote the circumference of the head and tail. Step Three Let's add the legs and outline of the plumage. Step Four Draw the eyes and key of the owl. Step Five Let's add a couple of feathers and some shadows. And you get something like this bird: Well, how does it look like? Try draw an owl with a pencil and show your work. I'm going to have another reader contest. Read more in our Facebook group. I recommend that you try to draw other birds:

Now we will consider drawing an owl with a pencil in stages. To draw an owl, we must understand the structure of the feather and wings. Feathers are different small and fluffy, which are located on the head, chest, legs, medium-sized, which are located in the upper part of the feather, and long, which are located in the middle and lower parts of the wing. We have already considered the structure of the wing in the lesson.

Step 1. We need to draw an accurate sketch. With thin lines draw the contours of the head, body and wing. Click on the image to enlarge it.

Step 2. We draw a beak, area of ​​legs and feathers.

Step 3. Draw the eyes and pupils, they are incomplete circles. Now we need to erase the outline (lighten) and in place of it with lines of different lengths create the appearance of feathers. Then draw the paws and trunk.

Step 4 In this drawing, the light source is on the left, so the tint on the right is darker. Add slanted hatching lines on the head to represent small, soft feathers. Pay close attention to stroke directions, they are important as they help convey the illusion of depth. various forms. Draw feathers of various shapes and lengths on the wing. Add some twisted strokes on the feet of the paws to show the direction in which the tiny soft feathers are growing.

Step 5 Remember that the hatching lines used to draw the feathers come in different lengths and shades. The outlines do not end abruptly, but rather are feather-shaped (or jagged) to convey a more realistic appearance.

Using the 2H pencil, lightly shade the feathers on the left and central parts of the paws, the lower part of the body. With a 2B pencil, make an intermediate shadow on the right. Then, using the 2B and 4B pencils, add dark shades of feathers on the lower body, on the right shoulder, under the beak and under the wing. Draw a circle around the perimeter of the iris for the outer rim.

Step 6. Fill in these outer rims with a 2B pencil. Using a 6B pencil, paint over the pupil, leaving a highlight, and draw a darker shade on the beak.

Step 7. Using a 2H and HB pencil, paint over the eye and beak of the owl.

STEP 8. Use hard pencils to add more strokes on all areas of the head. Use 2H for highlights and 2B and 4B for darker areas. Add some tiny feather ovals on the forehead and sides of the head. The following picture shows the finished view of these ovals and in an increased resolution. If you want some of them to stand out more, then just go over them with your eraser to show and highlight the central parts of each.

Step 9. Use sharpened hard pencil and short strokes for drawing soft downy feathers on the owl's chest and legs.

Step 10. Shade the feathers on the owl's tail. Each feather has a dark tint on the right that fades into a light tint on the left. Add diagonal lines to individual feathers. Look closely at the drawing and notice that the diagonal lines drawn on each of the feathers complete the shading and bring out the details.

Step 11. Shade the feathers in the upper area of ​​the wing, while the area on top is darker, as the shadow from the owl's head falls.

Step 12 Use pencils of different softness and shading with lines of different lengths to convey the texture of the feathers in the upper part of the wing. Individual feathers have light areas at the tips.

Step 13 Add dark shadows to the claws, leaving room for highlights. Use hatching with different lines to create the texture of the branch.

Step 14 If necessary, add more lines of your choice to complete the drawing. To create light areas, use an eraser, for dark areas, apply additional shading. Date and sign the drawing.

The wisest bird in the world is the owl.

Everyone hears

But very stingy with words.

The more he hears

The less he talks.

Ah, this is what many of us miss.

Boris Zakhoder

With such a poem, we will begin our drawing lesson today. Today we will find out! - have already been. Now the bird is more serious! Features of the behavior and lifestyle of an owl have led to the fact that many different qualities are attributed to it. When true, and when not so. But nevertheless, the owl is a symbolic bird. The image of this bird is characterized by a connection with a secret: intimate, frightening, gloomy and nocturnal. Perhaps because the owl is nocturnal, sees in the dark and flies silently. This bird can turn its head 180 degrees, it has a very "perceptive" look, it is practically immobile during the day. The owl symbol means wisdom, erudition, thoughtfulness, prudence and is often the trademark of organizations associated with science and education. We start drawing.

Step one. We start with the head. Let's place it in the very center of the sheet. In the center of the head are auxiliary lines in the form of a cross: the level of the eyes, mouth and nose. Draw the body to the head. To the sides, swinging as it should, we draw the lines of the wings. Wings should be symmetrical. Together they are somewhat similar to. Draw short curved lines on the wings, then they will turn into feathers. Under the bird below, draw a fairly large arc - the contour of the tail. At the bottom of the body we outline the legs with claws. Step two. Let's draw in detail the claws of an owl. Inside the contour, we will show the torso, which converges to the legs. On a horizontal level, outline the eyes. And then we draw feathers all over the body of the owl: along the line of the wings, along the tail. In this case, the feathers should not be the same and their size can also be different. For especially large feathers, draw center line.Step three. On the main area of ​​​​the large open wings, draw small curved lines depicting plumage. In some places we will show them more densely, in others less often. Examine carefully the abdomen of an owl and try to do the same. Let's put a mark in place of the beak. Step four. Very important detail– . We draw pupils and circles around the eyes themselves. we will show the drawing on the crown and on the torso. Step five. No less important stage of the lesson. In the figure, we got a lot small parts. Now you need to carefully erase all the auxiliary lines. Well, the owl is ready. Can be colored. Try to draw more.

There is also this, drawing an owl, we create the basis of a future owl from geometric shapes

now follow the steps step by step drawing, as in the picture, draw the eyes, beak, feathers

that's it, you can color it with colored pencils.

Now we will consider drawing an owl with a pencil in stages. To draw an owl, we must understand the structure of the feather and wings. Feathers are different small and fluffy, which are located on the head, chest, legs, medium-sized, which are located in the upper part of the feather, and long, which are located in the middle and lower parts of the wing.

Step 1. We need to draw an accurate sketch. With thin lines draw the contours of the head, body and wing. Click on the image to enlarge it.

Step 2. We draw a beak, area of ​​legs and feathers.

Step 3. Draw the eyes and pupils, they are incomplete circles. Now we need to erase the outline (lighten) and in place of it with lines of different lengths create the appearance of feathers. Then draw the paws and trunk.

Step 4 In this drawing, the light source is on the left, so the tint on the right is darker. Add slanted hatching lines on the head to represent small, soft feathers. Pay close attention to the direction of the strokes, they are important as they help convey the illusion of depth to the various shapes. Draw feathers of various shapes and lengths on the wing. Add some twisted strokes on the feet of the paws to show the direction in which the tiny soft feathers are growing.

Step 5 Remember that the hatching lines used to draw the feathers come in different lengths and shades. The outlines do not end abruptly, but rather are feather-shaped (or jagged) to convey a more realistic appearance.

Using the 2H pencil, lightly shade the feathers on the left and central parts of the paws, the lower part of the body. With a 2B pencil, make an intermediate shadow on the right. Then, using the 2B and 4B pencils, add dark shades of feathers on the lower body, on the right shoulder, under the beak and under the wing. Draw a circle around the perimeter of the iris for the outer rim.

Step 6. Fill in these outer rims with a 2B pencil. Using a 6B pencil, paint over the pupil, leaving a highlight, and draw a darker shade on the beak.

Step 7. Using a 2H and HB pencil, paint over the eye and beak of the owl.

STEP 8. Use hard pencils to add more strokes on all areas of the head. Use 2H for highlights and 2B and 4B for darker areas. Add some tiny feather ovals on the forehead and sides of the head. The following picture shows the finished view of these ovals and in an increased resolution. If you want some of them to stand out more, then just go over them with your eraser to show and highlight the central parts of each.

Step 9 Use a sharpened hard pencil and short strokes to draw soft downy feathers on the owl's chest and legs.

Step 10. Shade the feathers on the owl's tail. Each feather has a dark tint on the right that fades into a light tint on the left. Add diagonal lines to individual feathers. Look closely at the drawing and notice that the diagonal lines drawn on each of the feathers complete the shading and bring out the details.

Step 11. Shade the feathers in the upper area of ​​the wing, while the area on top is darker, as the shadow from the owl's head falls.

Step 12 Use pencils of different softness and shading with lines of different lengths to convey the texture of the feathers in the upper part of the wing. Individual feathers have light areas at the tips.

Step 13 Add dark shadows to the claws, leaving room for highlights. Use hatching with different lines to create the texture of the branch.

Step 14 If necessary, add more lines of your choice to complete the drawing. To create light areas, use an eraser, for dark areas, apply additional shading. Date and sign the drawing.

How to draw an owl

Master Class. We draw an owl.

1. Draw an oval in the center of the sheet.

2. From above we paint on a half of an oval and draw a beak.

Pupils and eyebrows.

4. Draw wings. Paws and a branch
We finish the tree, the month.

Next up is color work.
1. When working with paints, a palette and brushes are used, of two sizes: one large for large spots, the other smaller for working out fine, small details of the image. We work in yellow.

2. We select ocher colors, the missing colors and tones are obtained by mixing paints.

3. At this stage, we use the technique of drawing with crumpled paper. We take a piece of paper, crumple it, dip it in paint Brown and put on the image. We create the effect of plumage.

4. With a thin brush, we prescribe feathers.

5. Next, we use the technique of drawing with crumpled paper when depicting a tree.

6 We depict the night sky with dark blue or purple colors.

At the end, we apply asterisks with white gouache (it is better to do this with the reverse tip, a brush stick).

How to draw an owl with a pencil step by step for beginners

Follow the instructions of the photo lesson of Ivanka Masterova, and you will definitely succeed

To begin with, we draw just such a figure (this is the head and wings)

Then draw eyes, beak

We draw, slightly visible small ears

Draw feathers on the head

After we draw beautiful, rounded wings

We draw feathers all over the body of the bird

To complete the picture, draw a branch on which the owl sits.

Now we take colored pencils and color the drawing

In principle, nothing complicated, the main thing is to believe in yourself and want to draw

And one more option "how to draw an owl !!!

1. Let's draw an owl with colored pencils. The head is a slightly flattened circle, the body is oval pointed towards the tail.

2. Connect the head to the body with smooth lines so that there is no jumper on the neck. Let's draw the owl's ears, wing (pointed oval), the beginning of the legs - small ovals.

3. It is necessary for our owl to draw a "face" - eyes, beak. Separate feathers appear on the tail, we also draw paws with fingers.

4. With a brown pencil, we begin to apply strokes on the ears, on the head. The eyes are definitely yellow. Few gray feathers on crown.

5. The feathers on the chest and belly are also brown, but of a lighter shade. gray pencil draw stripes of feathers on the wing, on the tail, make the furry part of the paws gray.

6. Again we take a dark brown pencil, draw individual feathers on the wing, chest, tail, emphasize the volume on the paws.

7. With a brown felt-tip pen, we emphasize the plumage on the chest and on the wing. In the upper furry part of the paws, we will also add brown strokes. With a black felt-tip pen, we emphasize the wings, we will make claws on the fingers. Well, and finally, to give our owl more expressiveness, we circle the eyes and beak with black.

How to draw a New Year's owl for a child

Hello! In this lesson we will learn how to draw a simple owl with a pencil on New Year. Drawing such an owl is easy, because this lesson is intended for children and beginners. The lesson is divided into seven simple steps well, I hope you like it, let's go.
