Michael Jackson is alive. This point of view has more and more supporters.

Michael Jackson is the king of pop.

He was ambiguous personality, with its oddities and fears, but it is simply impossible to deny its influence on the entire show business.

It was he who brought pop music to the standards that are still used today, it was he who first began to gather thousands of audiences and arrange shows, and not just concerts, it was his albums that sold the largest circulations.

Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/zillaphoto/

In the format interesting facts you will learn about Michael Jackson.

The first few facts are quite standard, well-known and even boring, but then…

Biography of Michael Jackson

Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958 in a large family of Joseph and Katherine Jackson in the city of Gary (Indiana, USA).

In addition to Michael, 9 more children were brought up in the family and they all suffered from bullying by their father. Joseph was a cruel person, had rather unusual views on raising children, so Michael got a lot from his father, like his brothers and sisters.

Having already become popular, Michael repeatedly talked about abuse from the side of the father, about his childhood fears due to bullying and nightmares at night. The father himself later admitted to reporters that he was cruel to his children.

2. King

The title of "King of Pop" Jackson received with light hand his friend, actress Elizabeth Taylor. She first named him "the king of pop" in 1989 at the Soul Train Music Award, and the title has stuck with him ever since.

In 1992, during his visit to Africa, Michael was also crowned "Sled King".

3. Ritual before performance

4. Achievements

Jackson's career was full of ups and downs, and he himself was a controversial personality. But few will argue that he not only influenced the world of show business, he made it completely different.

He became the most successful performer of pop music, received 15 Grammys, more than 100 other awards, 25 times got into the Guinness Book of Records.

In total, more than 1 billion artist albums have been sold worldwide.

Has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame solo artist, and as a member of The Jackson 5.

5. "Oscar"

In 1999, he bought David Selznick's Oscar for $1.5 million, which he received in the best movie for "Gone with the Wind"

6. Egyptian sculpture


No sooner had Michael Jackson left this world than reports began to appear in the American press and the blogosphere that he had not actually died, but staged his own death, that the death of Michael Jackson was his next show, "after all, there are reasons to" disappear " the king of pop had plenty: problems with the law, huge debts, etc. Therefore, Michael could develop a special plan for "leaving" life, because photos or videos of the dead Jackson have not yet been published by anyone, and at the solemn ceremony of farewell to the pop idol, a closed coffin was used.

Before that, he collected a decent amount of money from the sale of tickets for his supposedly upcoming concerts.

A few months before his death, Jackson announced 10 concerts in London (see video of the March 5, 2009 press conference in London) from which his tour will begin. Tickets were sold out in a few minutes, but it was obvious to everyone that the singer could not give such a number of concerts. He is 50 years old, he is seriously ill and has not performed for a long time.

According to unverified reports, Michael Jackson, along with his family under an assumed name, is hiding in Bahrain.

By the way, back in 2008 it was reported that Michael Jackson allegedly became a Muslim:

"And his name is now Mikael ibn Yusuf abu Emir al-Ghari Jackson

Elena LAPTEVA - 22.11.2008
How many transformations Michael Jackson has undergone in his life: first of all, they all concerned his appearance. And now the king of pop music has changed his faith - now he is a Muslim.

The ceremony took place in Los Angeles, at the home of Michael's friend. Jackson sat on the floor while the imam performed the shahada, the Islamic creed, on him. Changed the singer and name, now his name is Mikael ibn Yusuf abu Emir al-Ghari Jackson. It is said that Michael-Mikael decided to change his faith after communicating with religious themes with his Muslim producer. Previously, the singer belonged to the supporters of Jehovah's Witnesses. Later, however, this information was officially refuted.

Rumors about a possible staging of death began to be supported by all sorts of video material. For example, a video was published on the Internet, which shows that a person very similar to the idol of millions gets out of the car in which the corpse of Michael Jackson was taken away from his house in Los Angeles on June 25, writes Vlasti.net.

Recorded by one of the fans following the car after it left.

"Besides, attention is drawn to the fact that the numbers of the hearse are identical to those on the exact same car, the appearance of which was recorded near the singer's estate."

Later, in response to this, a humorous video was created - a rebuttal:

And here I involuntarily recalled a story I read in one of my diaries about how, while in Ireland, Michael Jackson lived incognito in a converted cowshed:

"Jackson fell in love with County Westmeath and the Dunnings kept his presence a complete secret. "If someone told me: "I heard that there is Michael Jackson - I told them:" Yes, and Elvis Presley too! says Paddy." - There is a certain analogy in the humor used in both cases.

Almost at the same time, a mysterious audio recording of a certain Donald appears, whose voice, according to many fans and admirers, is very similar to the voice of Michael Jackson:


In order to properly convince us of either death or its staging, a video was filmed with the ghost of Michael Jackson wandering through the deserted corridors of Neverland right in live TV show Larry King. You can watch the full video of this show

From my point of view, neither the video of a man leaving the hearse near the mortuary building, nor the audio recording of Donald's voice, nor, of course, the ghost (which generally smiled with a kind of humor) can be evidence of a staged death, because in the first case the face of the person leaving a person, in connection with which it can be assumed that anyone got out of the car, the outlines of the figure only similar to Michael Jackson (nevertheless, I admit the possibility that it really could be him, but to assert this for the above reasons not necessary), in the second case - everyone knows perfectly well that a voice can be easily faked, I won’t say anything at all about the third case, because earlier, in brackets, I already expressed my opinion on this matter.
But this is what really interested me:


The video has already been posted in the topic, however, I would like to once again draw your attention to it:

And video analysis, but what about without it?

I don’t know about you, but I personally clearly see in all the above options how the body of Michael Jackson, located in the cabin of the helicopter, turns over from its back to its right side, as if it belonged to a completely living person. This is even evident in the changing folds of the sheet at the neck and back in which it is wrapped; according to the white spot exposed on the surface of the stretcher, on which it lay until the moment of its movement. But how is this possible? After all, Michael Jackson is already dead! Or is it still not a corpse? Or maybe it wasn’t Jackson’s body that was transported by helicopter, but then whose? Who is wrapped in a sheet? And again, why in a sheet, and not in a plastic bag, as is usually seen in American detective feature films? Isn't it so that he (the body) has something to breathe? And here I have a question: why is the hatch (door) of the helicopter open during the flight? Is this in line with safety regulations? Perhaps an accident? Or is it their custom to transport corpses? Or is it done on purpose so that we see what we actually saw? But who needs it and why?


The day after the death of her beloved son, Katherine Jackson goes to the store to buy four sleeping bags. I wonder why she needed them so urgently at such a mournful hour for the entire Jackson family? However, where is the guarantee that this video was filmed the day after death, and not a few days earlier?

Well, here, in general, in plain text they hint to us that look, they say, at these suspicious made-up personalities sitting among those present: who do you think it is? Is Michael Jackson conspiratorial in person? Everything can be!

Video: (funeral)



Here is a series of videos called "Michael Jackson is alive" with and without the involvement of the Illuminati:

(part 1)
(part 2)
(part 3)

My Illuminati Posts:

And we see Michael already in the role of a green man:


Michael Jackson's daughter, Paris, at the end of the farewell ceremony, pushed to the microphone by her aunt Janet, makes a speech. It is noteworthy that she tries her best to cry, but she never manages to squeeze tears out of herself. In order to hide this fact from outsiders, the girl's face is quickly hidden, and she herself hastily taken away from the stage. Later, in two of her interviews, she admits that her dad, while studying acting, taught her the ability to cry at the right time, when it was provided role played. For the full text and video of the interviews mentioned above, follow the links below:

As for the eldest son of the pop king, Prince, during the entire farewell ceremony, standing in front of his father's coffin, he simply chewed gum with an indifferent look and from time to time looked at the ceiling, as if looking for someone there. It seemed that the boy was looking forward to returning home - to his childish games and careless fun. Here, on the stage, under the gaze of thousands of eyes, he was clearly bored. It was the only feeling that could be read on his face.

7. EMPTY Coffin
Seth Riggs, Michael Jackson's vocal teacher, in his interview to the Ukrainian newspaper "Fakty" admits that the coffin during the farewell ceremony for his student was empty! Full text see the interview


In general, the "king of pop" begins to appear to us wherever possible, it is not surprising that he began to come to some of the fans in reality !!! Yes, yes, I'm not kidding! One of them just recently, just the other day, aggressively defiantly told me that Michael Jackson visits her from time to time! Like this! On the other hand, he is an "angel", why not come to a person who is going crazy with love for him, and suddenly she will feel better! How I understand it! Jackson has already begun to appear to me in a dream, I just don’t know how to get rid of it - like some kind of obsession. But this, apparently, is exactly what someone was seeking and that, apparently, played into the hands of someone. Just who cares? Who started this whole game, because that's the impression I got? But more on that in my next post.

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Editorial website I found the most “survivable” conspiracy theories about the pseudo-death of stars, which, although they do not have any evidence, for some reason they want to believe.

Michael Jackson

  • Died June 25, 2009 as a result of an overdose of propofol.

The death was allegedly staged by Michael in order to get out of the debt hole and live the rest of his life in peace and quiet.

In 1993 and 2003 Jackson charged with child molestation, and in both cases his guilt was not proven. These events and constant changes in appearance (changes in skin color, face shape) were the cause of the bullying, which lasted for years.

Every year there is new "evidence" that the singer is alive, last year it was selfie his daughters Paris, where conspiracy theorists saw Michael. This year the Internet circled the picture Sergio Cortes, and this caused new wave rumors and theories.

Elvis Presley (1935–1977)

  • Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977 from a drug overdose.

The singer allegedly deliberately carried out staging your death to get away from the boring show business and indulge in spiritual perfection.

The theory of a fictitious death in 1977 is fueled by several facts: the classified nature of the medical investigation into the cause of death; no photograph of the singer's body; incorrect middle name on the grave: instead of Aron - Aaron (Presley allegedly would not have considered himself buried in this way).

Immediately after the death of the king of rock and roll, a certain Orion appeared on the scene, who looked like an idol not only in physique, but also identical voice tone. The singer always appeared on stage and in public in a mask, for which many considered him the real Elvis.

Princess Diana (1961–1997)

  • On August 31, 1997, Diana died in a car accident in Paris.

Many people think that Lady Dee and got into an accident that fateful night, but did not die. Her injuries were allegedly compatible with life, and she was saved.

Instead of Diana, another woman was buried, and the surviving princess moved to the USA and lives there peacefully life ordinary woman, from time to time communicating with his sons. But this is not the only conspiracy theory about her death.

The version of the surviving princess rests on ambiguous facts, such as the one that Diana was buried in a closed coffin. Apart from photographs of a blond woman in a car destroyed after the accident, there are no post-mortem or near-death pictures of Diana.

Kurt Cobain (1967–1994)

  • According to one version of the investigation, Cobain injected himself with an incompatible dose of heroin and shot himself in the head with a gun on April 5, 1994.

In 2016 in the British tabloid Daily Mail published a provocative headline that the singer is alive, having allegedly provided video evidence.

On video 2012 Peruvian artist Ramiro Saavedra performs Nirvana's "Come As You Are". The artist really looks like Cobain both in voice and outwardly, but hardly anyone in their right mind would think that this is Cobain.

Tupac Shakur (1971–1996)

  • On September 13, 1996, Tupac Shakur died in the intensive care unit from blood loss from multiple gunshot wounds.

In theory 2Pac alive and well, lives in Cuba(where his relative has been in political asylum since the 80s). Supporters of the conspiracy theory seize on any clues that can neither be proven nor disproved.

Tupac's murder is still unsolved, the white Cadillac from which the singer was shot fled in an unknown direction in a city surrounded by desert. After the death of the rapper under his name 7 albums with new songs were released - this is more than he released during his lifetime. These and others fuel the idea that the legendary gangster rapper is still alive.

Marilyn Monroe

  • On August 5, 1962, Marilyn Monroe died of a barbiturate overdose. official version death is suicide. At the time of her death, the sex symbol suffered from mental disorders and was addicted to drugs.

death photos of the actress seem highly suspicious to fans. There are several theories, the most popular being that a chronically ill Monroe-like actress who no one knew was drugged to death and then transported to Marilyn's apartment.

A real star, pumped up with powerful sedatives kidnapped by Kennedy's men and smuggled to Switzerland, where he was placed in a private, strictly guarded neuro-psychiatric sanatorium. There she met the staff gynecologist Dr. Laube, a widower with three sons, and soon married him remaining to live in Switzerland. In the 70s, her husband died, and she is still alive and well, nursing her grandchildren from adopted children.

Paul Walker

  • On November 30, 2013, Paul Walker died in a car accident.

Allegedly, in the photo before and after the accident, the numbers of the cars do not match. Fans were also surprised that for some reason, the police did not cordon off the crash site and everyone was allowed to take pictures, yet none of them show the deceased Walker.

According to one version, even the color of the cars does not match, but here you can bet - everyone remembers that story with the unfortunate dress of an incomprehensible color. Yet many people seriously think that Paul lives on some remote island away from prying eyes.


The whole world mourned the death of Michael Jackson. Many did not believe in this death, suspected that Michael Jackson is not dead, A someone else died instead.

The Order of the Illuminati is involved in this worldwide deception.

Next will be presented an interview from a person who knows the whole truth about the "death" of Michael Joseph Jackson. This person is an insider. secret society. In the media (media), this group is commonly referred to as the "Order of the Freemasons".
Found facts will also be provided that Jackson had a doppelgänger…

I know the truth and I will tell it!

I am a member of The Order myself and I know why the Illuminati helped Jackson deceive the world. I want as many people as possible to know the truth. After all, what Michael Jackson has already managed is a trifle compared to his far-reaching plans, which he is going to implement in this century.

Why did the Illuminati agree to Michael Jackson's plan?
Yes, because no one has ever been able to refuse him. Ask the people closest to him, and they will say: Michael always got his way.

Already 4 years ago, Michael Jackson conceived this plan. His intentions were as serious as ever. It was then, 4 years ago, that he met with a representative of our Order in Naples and offered to help him in the implementation of his plan. The pay that Michael Jackson promised for this was beyond anyone's expectations. Our Order does not need money, but the huge amount received for the execution of Michael Jackson's order will allow the Order to work quietly on the solution of the Task, which we have been solving for at least 700 years.

The Order should not be accused of being promiscuous or being too accommodating. Just for money, the Order would not agree to a grandiose deception. However, in the hand of Michael Jackson was not only a sweet gingerbread, but also an iron whip. He hinted very transparently that he would not only generously pay for our consent, but also do everything so that we could not refuse. If the leadership of the Order still refused, Michael Jackson promised to reveal to the whole world the secret that we carefully concealed during all 700 years of the existence of the Order. This would draw the unwanted attention of the Vatican to the activities of the Order. A similar nuisance already happened in the 1940s, when representatives of the German Nazis tried to make an alliance with the Illuminati. Rumors are circulating around the world about the alleged (and I emphasize the word, "alleged") Illuminati desire for world domination and the brutality involved. Hitler's agents tried to play on these legends, attributing other people's sins to the Order.

I have already said that I intend to tell the whole truth about the secrets of the Order. I will also tell you about the whereabouts of the allegedly deceased Michael Jackson. I am aware that my confessions will be followed by revenge from both Michael Jackson and revenge from The Order. I am breaking the silence that the Illuminati have kept for centuries. And I am aware of what can be expected of me. I don't know if Michael Jackson is capable of murder, but given the circumstances that led him to mount a grand conspiracy to deceive all of humanity, I wouldn't be surprised if he's already contemplating ways to take me out. So to speak, book me a ticket for a trip to the Neverland Ranch without a refund.

Neverland - Michael Jackson Villa
Fans of M. Jackson, of course, know that his villa in California is called "Neverland". This title magical land from the fairy tale "Peter Pan". In this country, children stop growing, which means they stop aging. This beautiful fairy tale has a second, rather scary, meaning. None of the fans of Michael Jackson think about this meaning. Well, tell me, when does the counting of human years stop? That's right, when people die.

Why staged an artificial death of Jackson?
Michael Jackson has been obsessed with the idea since childhood that he died as soon as he was born, and therefore that he is a vampire. This strangely combined with his fear of death, which many of his fans know about. It is known that Michael observed a strict regime, because he dreamed of living at least 150 years. He often feared that he would die early, like the legendary Elvis Presley. by the most in an unusual way Michael's youthfulness was his desire to sleep in special chambers, where high oxygen pressure was maintained.

In fact, one was conditioned by the other. Jackson was afraid of death because he never really lived. As a child, the joy of life was taken away from him. Jackson Sr. stubbornly and systematically pushed his son to success in show business, not allowing him to relax in games with peers and childish pranks. The creation of Neverland Ranch was Michael Jackson's attempt to regain the lost joy of childhood.

Jackson's father not only robbed his son of his childhood. He made his son a kind of "drug addict", instilling in him an obsessive desire for constant success on stage. Therefore, the huge wealth that show business brought to Michael Jackson did not satisfy him. Jackson did not see life, did not feel it. He was an outsider in this world. Such detachment gave rise to Michael's belief in his divinity, and - as a result - in inevitable immortality. He tried to achieve this immortality not only by scientific and technical means, but also by occult means.

Was Michael Jackson a Vampire?
Michael Jackson considered himself a vampire. Everyone knows that he underwent several facial skin grafts. He endured these painful operations not because he was ashamed of being black. He wanted to become like thousands of the living dead, who - he believed - still had not disappeared from the face of our planet.

On December 2, 1983, the Thriller clip was shown on MTV for the first time.

Filmed on the disc of the same name, Thriller is an attempt to shout to the soldiers of the vampire army. Michael hoped that if he became like them on the outside, he would change on the inside. "Thriller" was like an autobiography of Jackson, in which he laughed at death. But subconsciously he was afraid of death and was looking for the secrets of immortality. He hoped that after seeing the film, the living dead would feel his desperation and come to him.

And they came. One of the vampires led Michael Jackson to the Illuminati.
One way or another, this meeting had to take place. Jackson not only spent millions on pleasure. He spent hundreds of millions searching for immortality. These searches were bound to lead him to the Illuminati sooner or later. At one time, Hitler was looking for contacts with the Illuminati in order to build a thousand-year empire with their help. I have already mentioned this. The Illuminati were able to avoid Hitler's bloodhounds. But Jackson had more resources than the demon-possessed Fuhrer.

With money and threats, he achieved that he was admitted to the archives of the Order, which kept the secrets of millennia. He spent many weeks in the Illuminati archives. At this time, his three doubles constantly flashed in public. It was much easier to find doubles for Michael Jackson with his face, assembled from shreds of skin, as if plastic, than for other celebrities. It was this circumstance that prompted Michael Jackson to plan a fake death. It is about this plan that I will now tell.

Michael Jackson doppelganger photo

The truth about the fictitious death of Michael Jackson
Before leaving for better world, allowed himself an excessive load, which could well lead to cardiac arrest from the anesthetic administered by the attending physician. It is claimed that it was not the real Michael Jackson who died in the hands of the attending physician, but Romanian doppelgänger Dimitri Dragucescu(Dimitrie Draghicescu), who was dragged into one of the biggest intrigues in show business.

Michael Jackson himself at that time calmly boarded a jet plane that took him to the South-East of the United States of America. This Romanian decided to be like two drops of water on the pop legend, for three years he endured many plastic surgery. He also learned to copy the manner of speech and style of behavior, not to mention the choreographic abilities. But still it was not the great Michael Jackson, but just his double, who was taken to the hospital.
Think for yourself, the person who called the emergency response service did not answer who is ill, and what is his name. In principle, even if the idol of millions died, then in 911 they would reliably hide this information from outsiders, besides, they have special sensors that react to the degree of excitement of the caller, thereby allowing you to find out about the reliability of the call. At that moment, there were no suspicions, but the person actually died, but it was unlikely that it was Michael Jackson.

Dimitri Dragucescu was mortally ill and knew that sooner or later his turn would come, so he agreed to play the role of the corpse of the Great King. In addition, the real Michael promised a generous reward to the family of the Romanian double, and he simply could not refuse such a luxurious way to leave. In fact, Jackson is alive, and he was absolutely healthy, because all his life he tried to keep himself in amazing shape, which would allow him to live not 50 years, but all 150. Most likely, the planned blackmail was successful, and now Michael Jackson is calm with looks at what is happening from the side with a smile. This man reached such heights in his life that several generations do not reach, he had everything that one could dream of. He was loved by millions, and he paid the same, and the series of scandals that was associated with the name of the singer is nothing more than a way to warm up attention to his person.

Michael Jackson's secret diary
After Michael's death, his close longtime friend allegedly found a diary kept by the singer, in which he repeatedly mentioned a certain death plan, a staging that he wants to crank out. The diary stated that Jackson wanted to simulate his departure from this world from a heart attack. Also in his diary, Jackson writes that he is tired of the fact that his name is associated only with the scandalous details of his life, he is tired of all this hype, and he just wants to leave, relax. He goes on to describe such details that allegedly another King of the stage, Elvis Presley, who had problems with drugs, at one time also staged his death theatrically, although in fact, another person was in his place.

It is quite possible that Jackson decided in this way to get rid of all the problems at once and simply fool the world community. In confirmation of this, there are many facts that clearly show that Michael Jackson could not just disappear in an instant. In his diary, he writes that he is most likely simulating a heart attack that will occur from strong drugs.
He even chose the day when he would reveal himself to the world, lifeless. He wanted to choose either Christmas or New Year but doubted. He further wrote that after that a completely different life would come, which would more beautiful than that that was before. He understood that he had a million-strong army of fans, which he would lose forever, but he did not know and could not imagine another way to get rid of all the pressing problems at once.

That close friend, who found this manuscript, was dumbfounded by the information hidden in it. He decided to give the diary to friends and relatives of the singer. As he correctly noted, this is not his thing, it does not belong to him. According to people close to Michael, the singer announced his intention to leave in 2008, but then no one took his words seriously. When the case turned out in this way, there was an immediate resonance in the media. This real project fraud which, if exposed, would be a powerful weapon against the superstar's identity. The legal consequences in this case will be more than serious. When this information was made public, ordinary people gladly accepted the fact that Michael Jackson may actually be alive, and that it was a prank. Simple people they love him the way he is in his songs, his work and they don't give a damn about what really happened. They believe that he didn't do it for money, not for insurance, to cover all his debts.

Doppelgänger Jackson's death
On June 25 last year, the world was stunned by the news that overnight eclipsed all others. Pop idol Michael Jackson has died. At first, no one believed this conflicting information, some even decided that it was nothing more than a duck or someone's bad joke. Many continued to believe that Jackson was alive and just hiding. Moreover, thousands of witnesses around the world unanimously claimed that they had seen the King of Pop.

In particular, his family behaved extremely suspiciously, on the basis of which, the journalists decided that death of michael jackson is not fiction. Then the whole world knew that death itself popular singer in the real world, really.
After reliable medical confirmation of death, the family of the deceased demanded a second autopsy to find out for sure whether it was really Michael. An autopsy showed that Michael Jackson died from a large dose of the painkiller Diprivan (another name in the medical world is "Propofol"), which was injected into him by his attending physician. The attending physician is found guilty of the death of the most popular singer in the world.
The best lawyers tried to drop the charge against the attending physician, but as it turned out, this was absolutely impossible. Nevertheless, some argue that death is nothing more than a very high-quality staging, and in fact, Jackson was an absolutely healthy person who would not have lived up to 50 years, up to 150 years.

Regarding his bankruptcy, this is also nothing more than a fiction, he still had huge financial resources and could afford a lot. It seems that Jackson is quietly sitting somewhere in a secluded place and watching what is happening with a smile on his lips. He achieved even more than he imagined, so why not indulge in such a small prank?
Perhaps he was tired of being popular, because popularity does not relieve loneliness, and apparently, Jackson was an unhappy person. Many did not understand him when he decided to have an operation and changed his skin color, but when the tragedy came to his house, it seemed that everyone who even disliked Michael began to mourn with those who considered him their idol.

When did the Michael Jackson lookalike die?
On June 25, 2009, at the age of 50, a staged death was performed. And on Thursday, September 3, at the Glendale Forest Lawn cemetery in the suburbs of Los Angeles, millions of people around the world watched how the funeral of the “King” took place, so how to regard the fact that he is alive or really went to another world? Nobody knows for sure.

What actually happened will remain a mystery to everyone, the key to which will be extremely difficult to find.

Perhaps this is one great performance, in which the King of Millions played leading role, and I must say he played it perfectly, forcing the whole world to believe in his sudden death. After all, judge for yourself how otherwise such a famous person, whose life in Lately became the subject of discussion throughout the globe, a certain stagnation was noticed in creativity, and here there is such a chance that you need to use it as soon as possible. After all, Michael Jackson disappeared immediately after the world tour, doesn't it seem suspicious or even mystical to you?

The golden lid of the coffin was closed, behind it it was not visible who was in the coffin.

Immediately after the announcement of the death of the great singer, all of him soared to the top of the charts, his album began to be bought up with tripled force, knowing about the debts that had accumulated a lot, Jackson and his entourage could well pull off such a scam. All statements about long-term illness and other health problems are nothing more than a myth. Jackson was in great shape and was not going to die, at least not so soon. More of such a genius may not appear on the stage, and if he does, how will the world react to him? Will he accept a new, yet unknown singer? Only time will give an answer to this question.

What do you think?

Trailer - That's it

Law enforcement agencies received new information, thanks to which we can draw conclusions about the death of Michael Jackson. Some facts suggest that in 2009 he did not die at all. For example, Yana Rudkovskaya is very confident that he is alive, and considers it simple grand scam centuries. A lot of people sent photos to the police that showed the live singer in real time.

Michael Jackson is the great scam of this century

In the summer of 2009, an ambulance received a call. On the phone, an unknown man said that the person needed emergency ambulance. When asked about the patient's condition, the man replied that he was not breathing. The ambulance center said they had sent a car and it would come to his house soon.

It seemed a little strange to law enforcement agencies that by the time the ambulance arrived, the singer already had a doctor in the house, he was trying to resuscitate the patient. A logical question arises, if the doctor is resuscitating the patient, then why call an ambulance? Nobody gave a logical answer to this question, and the doctor who was present there left the country the next day.

Law enforcement agencies also found it very strange the conversation between the doctor from the emergency room and the agent representing the singer. Having learned all the information about the patient, the representative of the medical institution hung up, but if he followed the rules, he should have been talking until the ambulance arrived at the scene.

When the singer was brought to the medical facility, an emergency was declared there due to a fire, as a result of which the singer's body somehow had to be transported. They decided to transfer him by helicopter. During the flight, several journalists noticed that the singer was moving.

According to Yana Rudkovskaya, which she told reporters, the death of the singer is the scam of the century. Before the singer died, she spoke with the artist's manager. Rudkovskaya decided to congratulate him on the start of the tour, and then in a conversation the manager mentioned that he would not be. To the question of Yana why? The manager replied that the singer would disappear. She took it as a joke, but then remembered those words.

The singer had a lot of debts. They arose because for a long time Michael Jackson was practically a drug addict. After his death, the popularity of his songs increased dramatically, which brought considerable income to his relatives and friends.

According to people who saw him the day before his death, his dance was in no way inferior to the dance of a guy of about twenty. In addition, there is a lot of evidence that the artist had twins. Many people believe that it was not the singer at the place of death, but his double.

One young lady living in New Jersey said that Michael Jackson visited her dad. Her father spoke to him about his resurrection. The singer said that it took him time to get rid of debts.

Various photos and videos appear on the Internet with enviable frequency, where you can see Michael Jackson. As an example, we can cite photographs from the wedding of his nephew. The person depicted on them is very similar to the singer. To date, the fact of death is not exactly known, but law enforcement agencies are working on this case, and very soon they will put an end to it.

michael jackson road to fame

The singer's career on the music scene began in 1972. Initially, he sang with his family. They had their own group, which was called "The Jacksons". Together with Michael Jackson they released 4 albums. The song "Got to be There" was very popular.

In a rather unusual way, Michael Jackson appeared on the next album "Off the Wall". This album was very popular. More than 20 million copies have been sold. However, this was far from the singer's limit; according to many critics, Thriller is considered his most famous album. A video was filmed for the song "Billie Jean", which used a non-standard dance for that time.

Michael Jackson and his huge fame

Certainly calling card the singer became his "Moonwalk". The film in which he first used it brought the artist $ 67 million. Later in 1991, the artist got the title - "King of Pop". The award on this occasion was presented to him by such a well-known actress as Elizabeth Taylor.

The next ten years from 1993 to 2003, the singer spent very fruitfully. They released 3 albums, they included 45 songs. Michael Jackson was very impressed by the trip to the capital of our Motherland, Moscow, after which he wrote the composition "Stranger in Moscow".
