Types of musical structures. Fork

natural scale matters not only for timbre. Some intervals of this series form the basis of musical tunings and regulate their internal structure, which contributes to the identification of qualitative differences between different tunings.

We are building called the system of organization of musical sounds in height, expressed in the ratio of the frequencies of their vibrations.

Any system is repelled from a precisely defined pitch of any one sound. In most cases, this reference sound is la(a) the first octave, the frequency of which is currently set at 440 Hz (at an air temperature of 20°C). It is this pitch of this sound that is the international standard by which all settings are made. musical instruments, as well as the height of the rest of the sounds of the music system.

To reproduce the sound of the reference pitch, use tuning fork * [The tuning fork was invented in 1711 by a court trumpeter English queen Elizabeth by John Shar. Initially, the tuning height of the sound it emitted for the first octave corresponded to 119.9 Hz. However, since that time, the pitch of the tuning fork has continuously increased, sometimes reaching 453 and even 466 Hz (in Paris and Vienna opera houses), which caused strong protests from the vocalists. In 1885, an international standard for the fundamental tone of musical tuning was established in Vienna, according to which la of the first octave was equal to 435 Hz. It existed until the mid-30s of the XX century, when a new tone standard for the first octave was established, equal to 440 Hz. An increase in the number of vibrations to 440 Hz contributed to a noticeable increase in the brightness of the sound of orchestral instruments, and, consequently, the orchestra as a whole, which primarily affected the performance of works symphonic music. Obviously, that is why the new system began to be called "orchestral". At present, there is again a tendency to further increase the orchestral tuning to 442-444 Hz, but this is in conflict with the physical capabilities singing voices.] - a never out of tune instrument that emits only one, initially set tone with an absolutely precisely adjusted number of oscillations per second * (Absolutely accurate tuning of tuning forks is possible only under the conditions of an acoustic laboratory equipped with appropriate instrumentation). An ordinary tuning fork is a one-piece metal two-pronged fork with a handle that emits a tuning sound when struck (its name is usually carved at the bottom of the fork): as a rule, this la the first octave (440 Hz), less often - before second octave (523 Hz).


There are wind tuning forks in the form of a whistle or a small pipe. There are also wind tuning forks, which, with the help of a device that changes the size of the air column in the tube, can produce any of the twelve sounds of the chromatic system.

However, the most accurate are still metal tuning forks that are not affected by any extraneous factors (with the exception, of course, of special machining or large changes in air temperature).

Behind Lately tuning forks, the source of sound in which is an electric generator, have become widespread.

Based on the so-called equal-tempered system, which is the basis for modern European music, is the division of the octave into twelve equal semitones. Earlier, before the establishment of a uniform temperament (Equal Twelve-Sound Chromatic Temperament for keyboard instruments was introduced into musical practice in late XVII century (in lute music it began to be used even earlier - already in the 16th century) and now, in fact, is a generally accepted system.), there were other systems. So, in a period when monophonic music was predominant, great importance had Pythagoras system (the most ancient of all), which was based on a pure - acoustically perfect - fifth. The frequencies of the sounds that make up such a fifth relate to each other as the numbers of the natural series - 2 and 3. For example, la small octave has 220, and mi the first octave -330 Hz. At the same time, the instruments were tuned in several moves to a pure fifth and octave. In formation from before it looked like this: up to 1-salt 1-re 2 , re 1-la 1 -mi 2, mi 1-si 1 And before 2 -F 1 (in this chain, octave moves and the last interval is a fifth up to 2 - fa 1 - descending, the rest are ascending). In the major scale thus obtained, all major thirds turned out to be somewhat extended compared to similar thirds in the equal temperament scale. Such thirds sounded bright, somewhat tense and sharpened, and this corresponded to the intonation tendencies of monophonic music, especially in ascending melodic passages. This is exactly how the III, VI and VII steps of the mode sound in the Pythagorean system. In a melodic sequence, a certain increase in the sound of these steps does not cause a feeling of falseness, does not irritate the ear, and sometimes it may even turn out to be imperceptible. But when comparing Pythagorean and equal temperament scales, these increases are easy to notice.

When polyphony began to develop, and along with the melody, chords and harmony also acquired great importance, the Pythagorean system ceased to satisfy the musicians, since the chords with extended large thirds of this system sounded too sharp, tense, and sometimes simply out of tune. Extended major thirds, favorable for the performance of a melody, turn out to be unsuitable for chord combinations. Indeed, in the polyphony of the Pythagoreans, the system is unacceptable, while in monophony it is perceived as natural. The artistic requirements that arose in practice gave rise to a new system. It was the so-called pure tuning, in which major thirds are acoustically perfect, that is, the frequencies of sound vibrations in them correlate as numbers of the natural series - 4 and 5. For example, la the first octave will have 440 Hz, and the one lying above it C-sharp- 550 Hz. In the pure tuning, the major thirds (compared to the Pythagorean and equal temperament tunings) are somewhat narrowed. Melodic major thirds built on I, IV and V steps major scale, in pure tuning they seem very narrow and do not satisfy the musical ear, but in chords these natural major thirds sound very good. Therefore, pure intonations are used in polyphony (for example, in ensembles and choirs), while pure intonation is unsuitable for intonation of a melody.

It is quite obvious that both the Pythagoreans and the pure tuning could not fully satisfy the musicians. The equal-tempered tuning that replaced them, in which all twelve sounds are located at regular intervals - semitones, which is the smallest pitch ratio between adjacent sounds, eliminates the shortcomings of pure and Pythagorean tunings and therefore is the best base for tuning many musical instruments. However, on the other hand, it also eliminates the merits of these systems.

In singing and playing on bowed and plucked strings string instruments(those that do not have the so-called frets or nut), as well as on wind instruments, that is, on instruments with free intonation, along with intervals of equal temperament, the intervals of Pythagorean and pure tunings are widely used, as well as intervals of other values. Their choice depends on the melodic and harmonic organization of the music, on the role of this or that sound in the musical context, on whether, in particular, this sound is included in the melodic sequence, or is it more of a chord sound. Such small deviations from exact values pitches in equal temperament in musical practice are not an exception, but the rule, and they do not cause a feeling of falseness, which is due to the zone nature * [Practically reproduced during singing, playing or tuning musical instruments, the sounds are only a greater or lesser approximation to the required pitch, while reaching one of the frequencies within the vibration zone corresponding to a particular sound. The fact is that each sound can be expressed not by one, but by several close values ​​of vibration frequencies per second, which together form the so-called zone. For example, for the first octave, ideally, it should always have 440 Hz, however, both 439 and 441 Hz will correspond to the same la, only in the first case this sound will be slightly lower, and in the second - slightly higher than the standard. In the process of performing music, such insignificant deviations from the norm of vibrations established for a given sound are almost not felt by the ear, and therefore do not have a decisive influence on the perception of the pitch of the sound.] height perception.

However, this does not mean that the musical ear is not able to notice such deviations from the acoustically accurate pitch.

The sensitivity to distinguish between small pitch shifts in people with good hearing is very high. A musician can notice deviations equal to five or six hundredths of a semitone (or cents, as they are called in acoustics), while good tuners can sometimes notice deviations of one or two cents. Such small pitch changes in the direction of raising or lowering the sound can be quite noticeable, of course, only for a highly developed and very well trained musical ear. It follows from this that every musician needs to tirelessly work on the development of a fine intonation ear, since pitch nuances are used very widely in artistic performance as one of the means of musical expression.


All novice guitarists and even more experienced ones sooner or later face the problem of how to tune the guitar? There are several ways to tune a guitar. They all give good result, with the right approach.
But the choice, of course, is yours. In addition, the results of tuning by different methods differ - a little, but experienced guitarists can quite hear the difference.
It is only possible to tune the guitar with sufficient precision, even enough for the listeners to consider the tuning to be sufficiently euphonious.

Guitar Tuning Ways:

1.Tuning with a portable guitar tuner.
2.Configuration via software and online tuner.
3.Phone setup.
4.Tuning by tuning fork.
5.Tuning the guitar on the 5th fret.
6.Setting by flags.

1. Guitar portable tuner

guitar tuner is an electronic device that, using a microphone, analyzes the frequency of the vibration of a string and helps the guitarist quickly and very accurately tune the guitar.

The principle of its work:

By pressing the buttons on the tuner, he plays the sound that is the standard for each string. Next, you pull the string, and the tuner will show the difference (on the scale or screen), you need to tighten the string or loosen it.
If the arrow goes to the left, then the string is understretched, if it goes to the right, it is overstretched, it stops in the middle - the string tuning is completed.
Turn the tuning pegs until the sound of the string is in unison with the sound of the standard.

To tune a guitar with a tuner, you need to know the letter designation of the strings.
Each string on the guitar has its own name.
The first, which is the thinnest, is called “E (mi)”, then in order: B (si), G (salt), D (re), A (la), and the sixth, like the first, is also called “E (mi)". The notes in parentheses indicate the corresponding letter.
Of course, the more serious the tuner, the closer the sound is to the reference one.
This method is convenient in that you can quickly and accurately tune your instrument in almost any conditions, and also does not require good hearing.

2. Software and Online tuner

With this tuner, you can tune both acoustic and electric guitars. For settings acoustic guitar there is a built-in microphone, for electric guitar you can use the line input for instrumental cable.

The principle of its work:

When you play a string, the tuner shows the note that corresponds to the frequency of the string's vibration.
Thus, you can easily tune all the strings. The tuner shows you the note, as well as what to do with the string, lower or raise.
Turn the pegs until the indicator is exactly in the center of the note you want and the steady green LED lights up.

To tune a guitar with the help of an online tuner, you only need a minimum of knowledge, namely, what letters the strings are indicated by.

Here are the notes that correspond to these strings:

1 string - note Mi (lat. E)
2 string - note C (lat. B)
3 string - note Sol (lat. G)
4 string - note Re (lat. D)
5 string - note La (lat. A)
6 string - note Mi (lat. E)

And to tune the guitar online, use this one. It is suitable for both beginners and professional guitarists.

3. Phone setup

If you find yourself in the field, where there is absolutely nothing, then a cell phone will help you tune the first string. We dial a number on the phone and put it on speakerphone.
Beeps emitted while waiting for an answer should sound in unison with the 1st string clamped at the 5th fret)
After the first string is tuned, tune the rest:
The 2nd string, clamped at the 5th fret, sounds in unison with the 1st open;
The 3rd string, clamped at the 4th fret, sounds in unison with the 2nd open;
The 4th string, clamped at the 5th fret, sounds in unison with the 3rd open;
The 5th string, clamped at the 5th fret, sounds in unison with the 4th open;
The 6th string, pressed at the 5th fret, sounds in unison with the 5th open.

4. The standard method of tuning by ear with a tuning fork

If you are unable to use a guitar tuner, there are several other ways to tune your guitar, but they are more complicated. For example, using a tuning fork.

Fork This is a small portable instrument that accurately and clearly produces a sound of a certain pitch with weak harmonic overtones. A standard tuning fork produces the sound of the note "La" of the 1st octave, with a frequency of 440 Hz.

There are 2 types of tuning forks: Wind tuning fork and Fork tuning fork.

Tuning a guitar with a wind tuning fork (whistle)

Wind tuning fork- This is a simple device that operates on the principle of an ordinary whistle. The device is designed in such a way that at the moment when you blow into it, it emits a certain note. One of the guitar strings is tuned to this sound. The next string is tuned to it, and so on.

The advantage of wind tuning forks for the guitar is that through them, you can extract not only one, but three or even all six note sounds corresponding to each string.
To do this, the design of the device (depending on the model) has three or six holes.
This greatly simplifies the process of tuning and checking the guitar.
In order to use a tuning fork, you need good hearing However, its compact size and low price make it almost indispensable. In addition, unlike an electronic tuner, tuning by a tuning fork develops hearing well.

Tuning a guitar with a tuning fork

Fork tuning fork- is a metal fork that, when struck, makes a sound of a certain note, basically it is the note "La" of the first octave, which corresponds to the 5th fret of the 1st string of the guitar. Its frequency is 440 Hz.

Fork tuning forks are of 2 types:

A tuning fork that produces a sound standard in the note A "La" (fifth open string) is very popular, as well as tuning forks in the note E "Mi" (first string).

In general, fork tuning forks are less common in practice than wind ones. They are not very comfortable. In order to tune the guitar, you need one more free hand.

How to tune a guitar with a fork tuning fork:

Hit the tuning fork with something at the moment it makes a sound, lean it against the guitar deck, pull the string and compare its sound with the sound of the standard.

You need to tune the 1st string in unison with the sound of the tuning fork, pressing it at the 5th fret. Those. you need to tighten the string, turning the pegs, until the moment when the tuning fork and the string begin to sound the same, with the same frequency.

After tuning the 1st string, the rest of the strings can be tuned to it, as follows:

Play the 2nd string at the 5th fret and tune it so that it sounds exactly like the 1st.
Then you play the 3rd string at the 4th fret and tune it so that it sounds exactly like the 2nd.
Then you play the 4th string at the 5th fret and tune it so that it sounds exactly like the 3rd.
Then you play the 5th string at the 5th fret and tune it so that it sounds exactly like the 4th.
Then you play the 6th string at the 5th fret and tune it so that it sounds exactly like the 5th.

If the strings sound different, then you need to tune the 5th string by adjusting the peg to a pitch that makes the two sounds sound like one. Before that, you need to determine by ear: the 5th open string sounds lower or higher than the 6th string, pressed at the fifth fret.

If the 5th open string sounds lower than the 6th string pressed down at the 5th fret, then you need to tune the 5th string with the appropriate peg. This should be done carefully and slowly until the sound of the fifth open string cannot be distinguished from the pressed 6th. If the 5th open string sounds higher than the 6th, pressed at the fifth fret, then you should loosen the tension of the fifth string, that is, turn the peg in the opposite direction.

This classic way of tuning a guitar is most common among beginner musicians because of its relative simplicity and clarity.

6. Tuning the guitar by harmonics

And so we come to the very the hard way tune your guitar. It is mainly used by professional guitarists.

flageolet- this is a technique for playing a musical instrument, which consists in extracting an overtone sound, i.e. a sound with a double frequency.

The harmonic sound makes it possible to hear subtle discrepancies in unison. Therefore, tuning the guitar with harmonics is the most accurate.

The harmonics are best played on the 12th, 7th and 5th frets.

Natural harmonic- this is a way to extract sound from a string without pressing it against the fret, but only with a light touch of the fingertip to the place where the string is divided into 2, 3, 4, and other parts.

To extract the harmonic, lightly touch the sixth string above the fifth fret with your fingertip. Then we extract the sound with the right hand, after which we immediately remove the finger of the left hand from the string. You can not remove your finger ahead of time, as you get the sound of an open string. Next, immediately remove the harmonic over the seventh fret of the fifth string. The sounds of both harmonics should be equal.
It is reasonable to use this method as a debugging after the standard guitar tuning method.

Flagolets tuning method:

The harmonic on the 7th fret of the 1st string should sound in unison with the harmonic of the 2nd string on the 5th fret.
The harmonic on the twelfth fret of the 3rd string should sound in unison with the 1st string pressed on the 3rd fret.
The open 3rd string is tuned along the 2nd string pressed at the eighth fret.
The harmonic on the seventh fret of the 3rd string should sound in unison with the harmonic of the 4th string on the fifth fret.
The harmonic at the 7th fret of the 4th string should sound in unison with the harmonic of the 5th string at the 5th fret.
The harmonic at the 7th fret of the 5th string should sound in unison with the harmonic of the 6th string at the 5th fret.

A standard tuning fork produces a sound for the 1st octave with a frequency of 440 Hz. In performing practice, it is used to tune musical instruments. When the choir sings a cappella (that is, without instrumental accompaniment), the choirmaster finds the tuning fork and indicates to the choristers the pitch of the sounds with which they begin their singing. The device of the tuning fork may be different. There are mechanical, acoustic and electronic tuning forks.


see also

  • Tuner for tuning musical instruments


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See what "Tuning fork" is in other dictionaries:

    Tuning fork ... Spelling Dictionary

    - (from lat. camera, and tone tone). A steel instrument in the form of a two-pronged fork, by means of which they give the tone to the choir. Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. TUNING FORK from lat. camera, and tone, tone. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Fork- Tuning fork. TUNING FORK (German Kammerton), a device (self-sounding vibrator) that produces a sound that serves as a standard of pitch when tuning musical instruments, for choral singing. The standard tone frequency for the first octave is 440 Hz. … Illustrated encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (German Kammerton), a device (self-sounding vibrator) that produces a sound that serves as a height standard when tuning musical instruments, for choral singing. The standard tone frequency for the first octave is 440 Hz… Modern Encyclopedia

    - (German Kammerton) a sound source device that serves as a standard of pitch when tuning musical instruments and singing. The reference tone frequency for the first octave is 440 Hz ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    TUNING FORK, tuning fork, husband. (German: Kammerton) (music). A fork-shaped steel instrument that, when struck against a solid body, always produces the same sound, which is used as the main tone when tuning instruments in an orchestra, as well as in a choral ... ... Dictionary Ushakov

    TUNING FORK, a, husband. A metal instrument that emits a sound when struck, which is the standard of pitch when tuning instruments, in choral singing. | adj. tuning fork, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - "TUNING FORK", USSR, ODESSA film studio, 1979, color, 115 (TV) min. School movie. Ninth-graders deal with their problems. Odessa version of films by D. Asanova. Drawings by Nadia Rusheva are used. Cast: Elena Shanina (see SHANINA Elena ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    - (diapason, Stimmgabel, tuning fork) is used to obtain a simple tone of constant and defined pitch. This is its importance both in physics and in music. It is usually prepared from steel and looks like a fork with two completely ... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    fork- a, m. A device in the form of an elastic steel two-pronged fork, which, when struck, emits a sound of a certain frequency, a conditional tone for tuning instruments. [I] came up with a symphony. I will introduce into it the chords of hundreds of bells tuned to various tuning forks (V. ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language


  • Tuning fork, Alexey Petrov. Feonin finally finds a hack from smugglers transporting the mysterious substance tuning fork. But is he ready for the fact that his team will consist of strange creatures who go out of boredom ...

Now, musicians almost always use a tuner to tune the guitar. This is a handy device that has various modifications. With it, the process of setting up the tool is very easy. But earlier, the tuning of all instruments was carried out using a tuning fork. The classic version of this device is a kind of plug.


It was invented in 1711 by John Schur of England, who was the queen's own trumpeter. If something strikes the tuning fork, it begins to oscillate and make a sound. The sound of the tuning fork was assigned to the sound of the note la of the first octave. Its frequency is 440 Hz. This has become, so to speak, the standard of sound, from which you can determine the sound of other notes.

The tuning fork has become an indispensable item for numerous people, from all musicians to professional tuners tools.

Choir conductors give vocalists the tuning with the help of a tuning fork (in our time, they do absolutely the same in choirs).

The sound of a classic tuning fork is quite quiet. Therefore, a resonator is used to amplify its sound. This is a small wooden box without one wall. A tuning fork is installed on it. Thanks to a specially selected length of the box, the sound from the tuning fork is amplified.

There are also tuning forks for guitar in the form of a small wind device.

The principle of their work is as follows. You can see that there are six holes with the number of the guitar string, as well as its corresponding note. You blow into one of the holes and you get the exact sound of the desired note. The advantage of such a tuning fork over the classical one is that it reproduces the sounds of several notes. Convenient to use especially for guitars.

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. It should be noted that our site provides data from different sources- encyclopedic, explanatory, derivational dictionaries. Here you can also get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word tuning fork

tuning fork in the crossword dictionary

Dictionary of medical terms

tuning fork (German: Kammerton)

a device in the form of a U-shaped bent metal rod (or plate) with freely oscillating ends, which emits a sound of a certain frequency after hitting it; in medicine it is used to study auditory sensitivity.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


tuning fork, m. (German: Kammerton) (music). A fork-shaped steel instrument that always produces the same sound when struck against a solid body, which is used as the main tone when tuning instruments in an orchestra, as well as in choral singing.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


A, m. A metal instrument that emits a sound when struck, which is a standard of height when tuning instruments, in choral singing.

adj. tuning fork, th, th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    A metal instrument in the form of a small fork with two prongs, which, when struck, gives a sound of a certain pitch, which is used as the main tone when tuning musical instruments, as well as in singing.

    trans. Something that sets, determines the general mood, the general tone.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


TUNING FORK (German: Kammerton) is a device - a sound source that serves as a standard of pitch when tuning musical instruments and singing. The reference tone frequency for the first octave is 440 Hz.


(German: Kammerton), a sound source, which is a metal rod bent and fixed in the middle, the ends of which can oscillate freely. In music, it serves as a standard for pitch when tuning musical instruments and in singing. Usually use K. in tone a1 (for the first octave). Singers and choir conductors also use K in tone c2. There are also chromatic K.; the branches of such cranks are equipped with movable weights and vibrate at a variable frequency depending on the location of the weights. The reference oscillation frequency a1 at the time of K.'s invention by the English musician J. Shore (1711) was 419.9 Hz. At the end of the 18th century on the initiative of the composer and conductor J. Sarti, who worked in St. Petersburg, the “Petersburg K.” was introduced in Russia. with a frequency a1 = 436 Hz. In 1858, the Paris Academy of Sciences proposed the so-called. normal K. with a frequency a1 = 435 Hz; this frequency was adopted at an international conference in Vienna (1885) as an international standard of pitch and was called the musical scale. Since January 1, 1936, the all-Union standard has been in force in the USSR with a frequency a1 = 440 Hz.

Lit.: Musical acoustics, ed. N. A. Garbuzova, M. ≈ L., 1940.



Fork (- « room sound"") - an instrument for fixing and reproducing the reference pitch, which is also called the word "tuning fork". A modern tuning fork produces a sound for the 1st octave with a frequency of 440 Hz. In performing practice, it is used to tune musical instruments. When the choir sings a cappella, the choirmaster finds the tuning fork and indicates to the choristers the pitch of the sounds with which they begin their singing. The device of the tuning fork may be different. There are mechanical, acoustic and electronic tuning forks.

Tuning fork (film)

"Fork"- Soviet two-part Feature Film 1979.

Tuning fork (disambiguation)


  • A tuning fork is a tool for fixing and reproducing a reference pitch.
  • A tuning fork is a standard of pitch used in the practice of musical performance.
  • The tuning fork is a Soviet feature film (1979).

Tuning fork (height standard)

Fork- a pitch standard used in the practice of musical performance to correlate a sound of a given frequency with a selected musical sound - usually with a sound a (la first octave). IN modern Russia practicing musicians use the word "system" in the meaning of "tuning tone" to designate the standard of height.

To fix and reproduce the standard since the 18th century. a small device of the same name is used (in Russia at the end of the 18th century it was called the word "stroynik").

One absolute physical standard for relative musical sound does not exist. Now, for the performance of academic music in a number of countries, the standard a = 440 Hz has been adopted. The pitch standards used in former times differ from the current ones up to a whole tone.

Examples of the use of the word tuning fork in the literature.

Three days later the trimaran docked at the Arecibo wharf, and all the time that had elapsed up to this tuning fork, to the rhythm of the unhurried pulse of the surging ocean - with its rhythms of inhalations and exhalations, ebb and flow, controlling the lives of all creatures living in its depths and on the surface.

After a while, Cincinnati, Crestline, Dayton, and Lima vanished from my mind, and the catchphrase took their place, fork of my conscious being, Pepsi-Cola hits the mark, pronounced - to oneself, of course - slowly and with a howl, in the manner of an oracle.

I was in the church choir for a long time in trebles, my voice was sonorous, my character was lively, they praised me for my voice, for the character of the ghoul from the regent tuning fork they didn’t get off their heads, but from the second thesis they opened my eyes to many things.

Ibid desk where a phonograph, a laryngoscope, a battery of thin organ pipes with blowing bellows, a row of gas burners under lamp glasses, connected by a rubber hose to a gas horn on the wall, are piled up, several different sizes tuning forks, fake human head V life size, showing a section of the vocal organs, and a box of spare phonograph wax rolls.

In the same corner there is a desk, on it is a phonograph, a laryngoscope, a set of miniature organ pipes equipped with inflating bellows, a row of gas jets under lamp glasses connected by a rubber gut to an inlet in the wall, several tuning forks of various sizes, a life-size dummy half of a human head, showing the vocal organs in section, and a box with wax rollers for a phonograph.

The reaction was almost primal, as if fork tuned in with his nervous system, forced all instincts to work on afterburner, turned on neuropeptides and made every hair on the skin rise.

Under tuning fork With a parasitic administration, only a society of wholesale parasitism could be formed.

Sergey Berdnikov tuning fork This section should contain works that have not yet become classics, but, in the opinion of the editor, are curious and of interest to the creative public.

Image psychotherapy How to shade the charms of the face female beauty- Habitual type of make-up - Inspirational look - Expressiveness of the face - Radiant eyes - Artistic framing of the eyes - Unforgettable charm of the eyebrows - Mystery on the lips - Lip play in a dazzling smile - Characteristic manner of applying makeup - evening make-up- Festive fork in the style of show makeup - Creating high spirits Chapter 5.

The purpose of this action is to make sense of the realities underlying artistic image, and thus obtain a semantic landmark, fork against which other meanings must be checked.

The time of the seventies demanded to remember, to revive our old, to adjust it to fork new time and today's tempo-rhythms.

According to the reference tuning fork you can tune both the guitar and the tuning fork generator.

Now behind the curtain, near the installation, only Valery remained with his tuning fork yes Rex.

According to the authors of the reform, the supporting structure and the peculiar tuning fork in the adoption and implementation of all other decisions on economic reform, the Law on the Enterprise, adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on June 30, should serve.

In our prosaic time, the standards of sounds - tuning forks- mark the number of hertz - oscillations - per second.
