Months in English with transcription. Months in English

Remember the names of the months in English language for Russian-speakers, it is usually not a big deal, since the English months are consonant with Russian equivalents.

But still, sometimes English learners doubt how to pronounce January or August correctly in English, what preposition to put before the months and how to write the English months in abbreviation.

We are nearer to Spring, than we were in September,
I heard a bird sing in the dark of December.

We're closer to spring now than we were in September
I heard a bird sing in cold December.

~ Oliver Herford "I Heard a Bird Sing"

Set expressions with months in English

In English, very common are set phrases that have a figurative meaning.

Many English idioms have month names. We will introduce you to the most interesting of them.

Idiom in English Russian translation Meaning
slow as molasses in January slow as molasses in January So slow
mad as a march hare mad as a March hare crazy
Maybees don't fly in June! May bees do not fly in June. Stop changing your mind!
a cold day in July cold day in july soon and unlikely
February fair maid February filling the ditches rainy season
February fair maid February sardine snowdrop
Aprilfish april fish April Fool's joke
April weather april weather then rain, then sun / then laughter. then tears
May and December/January May and December (January) big difference / unequal marriage

Knowing English idioms with months will help you decorate your speech and feel like a bit of a native speaker.

Instead of a conclusion:

Months in English are not so scary if you know the history of their origin and the basic rules for using months in a sentence.

A little conversational practice and reading in the original will help you quickly master the months of English. And if you still can't read, we advise you to read the article. We wish you success!

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Hello! For comfortable communication in English, it is very important to know the names of the seasons, but it is equally important, both for children and adults, to be able to name the months (months). In daily conversations, we use these words - we call dates, birthdays, holidays, schedules. Therefore, at the very beginning of the study foreign language you need to learn this vocabulary. Names of months in English In English, as in Russian, there are 12 months in a year. But besides the difference in names, there are other significant differences. So, we have 3 months in each season. It's the same in the US, but it's different in the UK. They have two seasons of 2 months, and two seasons of 4 months, which, in general, is also 12 months of the year. But for children, this information is not so important, but it will be useful for you to know this.

First, let's call them with translation and transcription:

In general, spelling skills you will get over time with constant performance practical exercises and regular reading of English literature.

Features of the distribution of months in Britain

As I said, in the UK, the months are distributed according to the seasons in a different way. They have November, December, January and February - are considered winter; March and April - spring; May, June, July, August - summer; and September and October are autumn. In America, everything is the way we are used to.

Therefore, if you are going to go to the UK, then it will not be superfluous for you to know this information so as not to get into an awkward situation and show your competence in this matter.

And how to pronounce the names of all 12 months in English correctly, the video lesson will help you understand. I wish you success!

In this article, we will look at how the seasons and months are called in English. Let's remember how to spell "month" in English and deal with the pronunciation of this and other words. Many months in English have very interesting stories names, and today we will learn them all.

But first, a few subtleties of calendar vocabulary:

  • All 12 months in English are capitalized.
  • In abbreviated form, they look like this: three initial letters and a dot: Jan., Feb., Jun. etc. May (May) is written without a dot.
  • "Half a year" is translated as "6 months" (6 months in English). The phrase "half a year" (six months) is much less common.
  • Instead of autumn(autumn) in the US and Canada is used fall.
  • The date is also written differently in the UK and the US. Compare: April 5, 2016 (UK) and April 5, 2016 (US).

Here is the name of each month with translation and transcription:

The name of each month in English and how they appeared. Some features of pronunciation.

January and February

These winter months sound very similar to similar Russian words, with some differences. Let's say there is no "v" sound in the middle, as in Russian.

February is the most difficult month to pronounce. It sounds like ˈfɛbruəri, with the sound [r] in the middle of the word. Two [r]s side by side often prove to be an obstacle for language learners. However, it is not uncommon to hear how even native speakers, especially Americans, say only one [r] in a word: ˈfɛbjuəri, and this is also the norm.

As already noted, months in English are written with capital letter. This is done because almost all of them are derived from proper names. Each of these words has its own history and is therefore unique.

January comes from the name of the god Janus, who was honored in this month.
February comes from the word "Februa" - the ancient Roman rite of purification, which was held on February 15.

March, April, May

The three spring months sound like Russians. Additional associations for one hundred percent memorization:

March named after Mars, the Roman god of war.
April- in honor of the goddess Aphrodite.
May- the month of Maya, the goddess of spring.

June, July, August

It's summer 3 months in English.

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to confuse "June" and "July" in Russian? In English there is no such problem, in the words June and July even the number of syllables is different.

June named after Juno - the goddess of marriage and female happiness.

This is where the stories with the ancient Roman deities end. Julius Caesar named the next month after himself (Julius), and he had the right to do so, because it was he who reformed the calendar. Later, the reforms were continued by Octavian August, and he also named one month in his honor.

September, October, November

Three autumn months in English are named according to serial numbers: September - the seventh (septem in Latin), October - the eighth (octo), November - the ninth (novem). Wait, why don't the numbers match the modern ones? The fact is that earlier, among the ancient Greeks, the year consisted of ten months. March was the first month. After the reforms of Caesar and Augustus, the months became twelve, but some names remained.


It falls under the same principle as the autumn months. According to the old calendar, this was the tenth month (decem - 10 in Latin).

"Month": translation into English and secrets of pronunciation.

month - month

The word "month" month- derived from the word "Moon" (moon). A long time ago, looking at the changing phases of the moon, people came up with the idea to measure time, guided by it. In Russian, the connection between the word "month" in the meaning of "moon" and the calendar month is also obvious.

To learn how to pronounce the word "month" in English correctly, you need:

  1. Pronounce the first three sounds;
  2. On the sound [n], place the tongue between the teeth, preparing to pronounce the sound [θ];
  3. Pronounce the sound [θ], the tongue remains between the teeth.

It is important not to be shy to stick out the tongue when pronouncing the interdental sound [θ]. There are no such sounds in Russian, so this action seems strange, but in English it is absolutely natural and normal.

Now let's complicate the task and say the word "months" (months).

It is important here to pronounce not, a - all five sounds. The difference between these options will be heard by a native speaker.

  1. Say ;
  2. Already on the sound [n], get ready for the next sound - the tongue goes to the teeth in advance;
  3. Interdental [θ] - on it, the tongue begins to return back to the oral cavity;
  4. Gently move the tip of your tongue upper teeth, without stopping the flow of air, and pronounce the sound [s].

Say all five sounds smoothly, one after the other, slowly, several times. When you feel some freedom, say a little faster:
Months. Months. Twelve months. three months. three summer months.

The similarity in the sound of some Russian and English words- this is an absolute plus, of course, the translation is immediately clear. So it is with the names of the months. Now that you know their origin, as well as the subtleties of pronunciation, you can easily use them in speech.

Today we will pay our attention to the analysis of the question of how the seasons are written in English. We will start from autumn, because. it was during this period that the idea came to write this article and present it to your attention.


Autumn- this is how the name of autumn is written in English. Approximate pronunciation in Russian - [otem] (emphasis on "o").

Here are some phrases and words with a translation on the theme of autumn.

Autumn comes in September. Autumn comes in September.
It is rain. It's raining.
Towards the begin of November the weather gets colder and colder. By the beginning of November the weather is getting colder and colder.
Birds fly away to warm countries. Birds fly to warm countries.

Autumn months:
September - September.
October - October.
November - November.


Winter winter in English. Pronounced roughly like [winte] (emphasis on "and").

What can you say about winter in English?

In Russia winter is usually a cold season. Winter in Russia is usually a cold season.
(I think no one will dispute this fact.)
It often snows. It's snowing often.
The rivers and the lakes are frozen. Rivers and lakes freeze.
The days are short in winter. Days in winter are short.
winter holidays. The winter vacation.

Winter months:
December - December.
January - January.
February - February.


Spring- Spring in English. Approximate pronunciation in Russian letters: [spring].

Spring will be soon. Spring will come soon.
The days become longer in spring. In spring the days get longer.
The sun shines more brightly. The sun shines brighter.

Spring months:
March - March.
April - April.
May - May.

The most enjoyable time of the year for many.

Summer- this is the spelling of the word "summer" in English. It is pronounced in Russian approximately like this: [same] (emphasis on the first letter "a").

The sky is often blue and cloudless. The sky is often blue and cloudless.
Summer is my favorite season. Summer is my favorite season.

Let's list summer months:
June - June.
July - July.
August - August.

Below you can watch a short video for children with a song about the seasons in English:

The section "Names of months" in English is one of the simplest. The names of the months are varied and take names from the Julian calendar. This is a mix of the names of gods and rulers ancient rome, holidays and more. And if the names of the months are formed from the names, therefore, the months are written with a capital letter.

The ancient Roman calendar had ten months. In the Roman Republic in 708 from the founding of Great Rome, during the reign of Gaius Julius Caesar, the Julian calendar was adopted.

The Roman year began in March. Of the twelve months, ten were named and two were unnamed. The winter months of January and February were added to the calendar in 700 BC. Then January became the first month of the year.

When adding two winter months - January and February, there was a shift of the remaining months. And the autumn months and the first winter month no longer coincide with their original meaning.

Etymology of the names of the winter months

The section starts in December and the year ends. Before the adoption of the Etruscan calendar, December was the tenth month of the Romans - "decem" in Latin is ten. Therefore, literally December means the tenth. In English, the month is called "December".

IN modern world the year starts from the month of January. In English "January". The month was named after the Roman god Janus. Janus is the god of doors and passages - the beginning and the end.

Had two faces looking in opposite directions. Thus, Janus looked at the beginning and end of the year. In other words, Janus is the god of gates.

In ancient times, it was customary in this month to clean houses and put them in order after winter, it was considered the most favorable time for house cleaning. In English, the month of February is called "February".

Etymology of the names of the spring months

The name of the spring months is associated only with the names of the Roman gods.

March or in English "March" - the first spring month got its name in honor of the Roman god of war Mars. The Romans believed that this was the best month for military operations.

"April" or in Russian April comes from lat. verb "aperire" - to open the coming of spring. But, there is one hypothesis that the month is named after the ancient Greek goddess and patroness of love and happiness - Aphrodite.

The ancient Romans had the goddess of spring and land affairs - Maya. So it was in honor of this goddess that it was named last month May spring. And in English "May".

Etymology of the names of the summer months

The beginning of summer ends in June. June in English. It is named after the Roman goddess Juno, she is considered a symbol of marriage and family. And to this day, many nations believe that the best month for a wedding is June.

Juno herself was a married goddess. Her husband was an important person in the ancient Roman pantheon of gods - Jupiter. God of all gods. Like the ancient Greeks Zeus.

The second summer month of June is the English "Jule". Named in honor of His Majesty the Roman Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar. Because in this month Caesar was born.

The month of August or "August" is named after the first Roman governor, Emperor Augustus.

Etymology of the names of the autumn months

It remains to find out in honor of what or whom the autumn months are named. But with their origin, everything is much simpler.

We meet autumn in September or English "September". In Latin, "sept" means seven. For the ancient Romans, September was the seventh month, since the year began with the month of March.

The ancient Romans did not think about the names of October and November for a long time. October or "October" from the Latin "octo" - eight.

Therefore, November will be the ninth month of "novem" and in English will sound like "November".

Titles English months are very consonant with Russian, so the memorization process should not cause big problems in memorization. Do not forget that the English capitalize the names of the months.

In Russian, a similar rule applies, but there is a small exception.

If the sentence with the name of the month contains the word “Month” itself, which is written with a capital letter, then the name will have to be written with a small letter. For example: M month m ai is named after the Roman goddess Maya.

How are the names of the months pronounced in English?

To be literate, it is enough not only to know grammar and to have a great lexicon, but it is also important to pronounce foreign words correctly.

Name of the month in English Transcription written using English phonetics Transcription recorded using the Russian language Translation of the month into Russian
January [‘dʒæ nju(ə)ri] [january] January
February [‘febru (ə)ri] [February] February
March [mach] March
April [‘eipr(ə)l] [April] April
May [May] May
June [june] June
July [julay] July
august [ɔ:'g Λst] [august] August
September [septembe] September
October [ɔk'təubə] [oktobe] October
November [novembre] november
December [disembe] December

Use of prepositions with months

With months, as with parts of speech, prepositions are used in English. There are two prepositions that are combined with the names of the months, these are "IN", "ON".

If you want to construct a statement in which in question specifically about the month, and not about the date, then the preposition "IN" should be used.

For example:

If you want to build an expression that will contain information about a specific date, then you must use the preposition "IN" in the construction of the sentence. For example:

English month abbreviations

In business English, it is customary to abbreviate words, including the names of the months.

The principle of abbreviation is as follows - capitalize the first three names of the month:

January January Jan.
February February Feb.
March March Mar.
April April Apr.
May May May - not abbreviated
June June June - not abbreviated
July July July - not abbreviated
August august Aug.
September September Sept., Sep.
October October Oct.
November November Nov.
December December Dec.

Name of the days of the week in English

The ancient Anglo-Saxons gave names to the days of the week. They worshiped many gods. Were pagans. It is in honor of these gods that the days of the week got their names.

Consider the days of the week and their origin:

  • Monday -Monday: is directly related to the week in Rome. Literally translated as "Day of the Moon".
  • Tuesday -Tuesday: the second day of the week the ancestors of the British named in honor of the noble, strong and one-armed god Tyr. Many songs are sung about him in the English epic. Tyr is considered the god of war. It was he who was worshiped by the warriors, it was to him that the fighters made sacrifices before the battles in the form of hanged men. Warriors depicted the rune of this god on swords.
  • Wednesday - Wednesday: Wednesday got its name in honor of the Great Odin. The ancestors of the British could not deprive the main deity of attention. Odin, like Tiru, ​​was sacrificed before battles by hanging several men. One had incredible strength and sharp mind. It was this god who brought the Scandinavians writing in the form of runes.
  • Thursday - Thursday: This day is dedicated to Thor, the son of Odin. Thor was considered the patron and protector ordinary people on the ground. He was also the patron of thunder and lightning, storms.
  • Friday -Friday: like the Greeks and Romans, the Scandinavians had their own patroness of love affairs and family - the goddess Frigg. Friday is named after her. Frigga was a married goddess. She was Odin's wife. She had the gift of providence.
  • Saturday -Saturday: This day is named after Saturn.
  • Sunday -Sunday: Literally translated as "sunny day", this is how the Scandinavians nicknamed Sunday. Just like the Romans believed that this day is the Day of the Sun.

Remember that it is very easy to learn the names of the months and days of the week, especially knowing their origin.
