Description of the cuckoo. Common cuckoo - description, habitat

The familiar call of a bird, associated with many folk signs, was heard by everyone in the forest, in the park or in the garden. The name of the birds is an onomatopoeia of a song characteristic of them with multiple repetitions.

In everyday life, cuckoos are called bad mothers who left their children to strangers for upbringing. The name, which has become a household name, is associated with the peculiarities of raising offspring. But not all types of cuckoos are the same, their behavior does not deserve an unambiguous assessment.

Description and features

Ancient authors were the first to point out the similarity of the external signs of the cuckoo and. Aristotle associated the similarity with a belief in which a being prone to reincarnation had two appearances. Scientists note the shape of the head common to birds, the nature of the plumage and the features of flight.

The size of the bird is comparable to the size of a medium-sized pigeon. Length is 33-34 cm, weight 100-180 g, wingspan 56-65 cm. cuckoo in the photo shows a graceful build. Long wedge-shaped tail, short wings allow for excellent maneuvering in thickets.

When cuckoo sits, short legs are almost invisible. Like y, the location of the fingers: two in front, two behind, allows you to hold firmly on a vertical surface, but prevents foot movement on a horizontal surface.

The beak of cuckoos is black, with a slight yellow tint below. Around the eyes there is a leathery ring of a bright orange hue.

The color of common cuckoos is predominantly dark gray with an ashy tint. The abdomen is light, in a transverse steel strip. The legs of birds are always yellow. Sexual differences are almost not noticeable, but sometimes there are females of a white-red color with transverse streaks.

Young individuals are always more multicolored, they are distinguished by gray-brown-red colors, with white spots on the back of the head, which disappear in adult birds. Moulting takes place in birds twice a year. Partial renewal of feathers is observed in summer, and complete renewal in winter.

Depending on the species of birds, the color varies markedly. So, bronze cuckoos have the appropriate shade for reliable camouflage. The golden cuckoo has a yellow-beige plumage with dark specks.

The bird leads a secretive life, infrequently indicating its presence with sounds. The exception is spring and the first half of summer, when the mating season turns males into noisy and vociferous singers. The repeatedly repeated call "ku-ku" with an increase in the first syllable is aimed at attracting a female.

IN clear days cuckoo voice can be heard at a distance of two kilometers. If the bird is excited, then measured sounds, as it were, are combined into a single “ku-ku-ku-ku”, similar to clucking or laughter. The female also emits invocative cries, similar to a gurgling trill. If the caught birds are picked up, they chirp loudly.


ordinary cuckoo - bird the most famous among relatives, of which there are many. The cuckoo family includes 6 genera of birds:

  • variegated;
  • clawed;
  • running;
  • larvae;
  • American;
  • real.

The diversity of birds is represented by 140 species of cuckoos, which differ significantly from each other. Color options appeared due to the adaptation of birds to their habitat.

Spur cuckoos. The long claw of the thumb gave its name to a genus that lives in the tropics and subtropics. The bird is about the size of a crow. The color is black-brown with a greenish-blue tint. cuckoo's nest they create themselves, they nurse the chicks, taking care of them in turn.

Cuckoo larvae ani

Real cuckoos. Distributed in Eurasia in spring and summer. Wintering is carried out in. Bristly, white-headed, crested, gigantic, drong and other species belong to this large group.

Lifestyle and habitat

Birds have chosen many habitats covering almost the entire globe, except for Antarctica and. Cuckoos have spread massively on the American continent and in Eurasia.

Birds are attracted by the warm climate and areas with extensive deciduous forests. They do not like dense thickets of dark coniferous plants with impenetrable thickets. In many sparse forests, most species of cuckoos have mastered the upper tiers of trees, only a few have settled in the forest-steppe. Evolution has gradually adapted birds to open spaces.

Define, cuckoo migrant or not, it is possible at the place of its nesting. Those species that hatch chicks in the temperate zone fly over the winter to Africa, China, and India. Northern birds migrate to Argentina.

During seasonal flights, cuckoos cover more than 3,000 km without rest, the total distance from nesting sites reaches 6,000 km. Tracking migrations is difficult due to the secretive existence of birds. In flocks, cuckoos do not stray.

Fly slowly, conserve strength. Wintering in the southern regions lasts about 3 months. in the tropics cuckoo winter bird, settled.

Despite the prevalence of cuckoos, it is difficult to observe them. They lead a solitary life, only the breeding season attracts them to each other. Birds are well aware of the forest and the birds inhabiting it. The territory survey is measured in hectares.

The diet of omnivorous cuckoos mainly consists of a variety of organisms, but also includes plant foods. Despite their small size, the birds are very voracious. This is due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, which is necessary for long-distance flights during the winter migration.

Favorite food consists of grasshoppers, grasshoppers, beetles, butterflies, cabbage worms, small lizards. Cuckoos eat ant and bird eggs, pupae, insect larvae, poisonous hairy caterpillars, which other birds avoid. From plant foods, forest cuckoos prefer berries.

Destruction by birds of a huge number of insects - important factor ecosystem protection. Only during the breeding season, the appetite of forest attendants decreases. The life of a cuckoo bird fills up active search pairs for breeding.

Reproduction and lifespan

The choice more often falls on small species of birds: white, chaffinch, warbler, flycatcher, garden redstart, robin, forest hawk, finch. Nesting specialization is extensive. Common features educator birds is the shape of the nest, its location, feeding the chicks through putting food in the beak.

An adult cuckoo remembers its adoptive parents and finds a nesting place according to the behavior of the couple during the mating season. The male cuckoo, like a hawk, circles over the chosen nest and forces the bird to leave it.

The female, ready for laying, manages in 10-16 seconds, leaving her own and taking someone else's egg, i.e. making a change.

It happens that there are already well-incubated eggs in the clutch, the cuckoo will not have enough time for the development of the embryo. Then the female eats the entire clutch completely in order to force a pair of adoptive parents to re-breed.

During the seasonal breeding season cuckoo eggs fall into different nests, but it happens that different females make substitutions in one place. The size of eggs is usually larger than in the clutch of foster birds. The patterns are varied, the color can be white, bluish, purple or spotted.

The incubation period is 11-12 days. If the chick appears before other pets, then he gets a noticeable advantage among others in the struggle for survival. Its behavior is aimed at ousting eggs and hatched chicks from the nest.

Even while still blind and naked, he pushes his neighbors out of the nest with his back. The belated appearance of cuckoos does not interfere with the conduct of the same struggle until the competitors are completely eliminated.

This vocal technique helps them survive. After three weeks, the full plumage of the chicks is completed, after 40 days an independent existence begins, about 10 years long.

Many people are interested in what a cuckoo looks like. Well, the question is really very interesting and answering it is a matter of honor, so to speak. The cuckoo has a rather expressive appearance, so it cannot be confused with other birds. From the very beginning, you need to figure out what this bird is so characteristic of, where it lives, and so on.

Who is this cuckoo?

The cuckoo is a bird quite common in the world. She lives both in Asia and other countries. Even in South Africa, she settles. That's why she can screw up the life of the feathered almost anywhere on earth. Here is such a bird, it turns out. If you need to describe how the cuckoo looks, then there is nothing difficult about it. Remembering information is very easy. In length, her body reaches 40 centimeters. This is a fairly large bird.

If she straightens her wings, then their span will be half the length of the body of this bird. So with the flight she will never have problems. Due to the anatomical features of the wing, it is not surprising that the chicks in less than a month mature to the point that they can fly out of the nest and forget about their adoptive parents forever.

Despite the rather large size, the cuckoo is a fairly light bird. Its weight reaches a maximum of one hundred and twenty grams. If compared with some other objects, it turns out that the weight of the cuckoo is not much more than that of mobile phone. Or rather, the same one, if we are talking about a regular mobile device that can install some applications and surf the Internet. It is clear that regular phone easier. But for a smartphone, this weight is typical.

The cuckoo has a very long tail. It also helps the bird in flight. If the wings are necessary in order to stay in the air, gliding above the ground, then the tail acts as a rudder. That is why cuckoo can be called quite maneuverable bird. Everything, as it turns out, because of the tail. Its length is about 20 centimeters. That is, it turns out that half of the bird's body is the tail. Just imagine.

Despite the lightness of the body, it is quite dense. In general, it is surprising that such a bird with sufficiently large dimensions and a dense body turns out to be light. The cuckoo is also characterized by its small legs. Maybe it contributes to the weight. However, the bird should be light. Otherwise, the wind simply will not pick it up and it will not fly. It's just that birds with such a large size are so light, that's what's amazing.

In general, the cuckoo has a dense body and short legs. It is this combination of features characterizes the bird as a recognizable image, and it is so recognizable that even in Russian folk tales he is popularized.

Cuckoos, like other birds, there is sexual dimorphism. If someone does not know, then this external differences male from female. Sexual dimorphism is also characteristic of humans. This is a sign of the biological development of a certain species. What distinguishes a male from a female? Like many other animals, males can differ from females in plumage. Let's compare males with females in terms of traits. But from the very beginning it is necessary to list what distinctive features have males in appearance.

  1. Back and tail. In males, these parts of the body have a dark gray plumage. This makes the cuckoo invisible to some birds under certain conditions. These birds must be able to disguise themselves not only so that their predators do not notice, but also to lay and track down the nest. So you will not find bright colors in cuckoos.
  2. The goiter and throat are light gray in color. This combination looks pretty nice together with the dark gray colors of the back and tail. It turns out that this is a slightly transitional color, which makes the cuckoo a smoothly shaded bird.
  3. The rest of the body is white with dark stripes.

Females have brownish tones, unlike males. It is by them that one animal can be distinguished from another. However, if both sexes are young, then their sex color differences are not particularly noticeable. They haven't developed pigment yet, so the color of young birds is light gray and there are stripes all over the body. In general, we figured out what a cuckoo looks like. Now let's talk a little about other aspects of her life.


The phrase "lone wolf" could be completely replaced by "lone cuckoo". The fact is that wolves most often lead a social lifestyle, they have packs in which there is a clear hierarchy. What can not be said about cuckoos. They definitely lead a solitary life. They search for food all their lives and communicate with other birds only when mating is necessary. They do not build nests. Everyone knows that cuckoos lay their eggs and force other birds to nurse their chicks.

The cuckoo is only engaged in looking for food for itself. Not a very pleasant pastime, is it? Nevertheless, this is a fact. Also, these birds are looking for parents for their chicks. They look closely at the nests of other birds for a very long time, due to which a number of psychophysiological reactions appear in their body, thanks to which the eggs are the same in color as those of those to whom the eggs were thrown.

What then is useful cuckoo? And the fact that she eats caterpillars or any other pests. This helps the forest a lot. At the same time, birds of prey can greatly ruin the cuckoo's life. So the regulation of the number of populations occurs due to the presence of birds of prey in the forest.


The marriage relationship that cuckoos have is called polygyny. The male calls cuckoos with special sounds, thanks to which the birds throw 4-5 eggs per year. Actually, communication between cuckoos occurs just during reproduction. By communication is meant not so much communication as interaction. Communication in animals is the exchange of signals, while interaction is the exchange of actions.

After the egg has entered the nest, it matures a few weeks faster, thanks to which cuckoos are born, who are several times larger than their adoptive parents, who have to feed this miracle. Unnecessary cuckoo eggs are thrown away. This fact was taught to us in schools. But twenty days later, the grown cuckoos leave the nest and no longer see their parents.

How do cuckoo chicks behave in nests?

Cuckoos behave, it turns out, quite aggressively in relation not only to eggs, but also to their parents. They are very similar to stupid teenagers who have already exceeded their parents in size, but at the same time, the brain is not much different from children. It's the same with cuckoos. They aggressively demand all attention to themselves.

What are the characteristic elements of cuckoo behavior?

  1. This bird is not aggressive in itself. Even the behavior of the chicks of this animal can be explained by the fact that they need to somehow survive in the absence of a mother.
  2. Cuckoos are strict individualists and selfish. However, they can live quite well.

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Since the dimensions of the cuckoo are much larger than those of other chicks, then they need a lot more food than other chicks to maintain a fulfilling life with the correct body weight. Therefore, cuckoo chicks also hunt to take food from other chicks that somehow managed to survive. Here is such an interesting bird - a cuckoo. It also has benefits. When the population of any animal is too large, then this is bad. And cuckoos affect the population of other birds not even through food chain, but in such an interesting way.

There are no unnecessary animals. There are only undiscovered secrets of the animal world.

The size of a jackdaw. She has a long tail and pointed wings. The male has a dark gray back and white underparts with transverse stripes; white spots on the tail. The plumage of the female is reddish-brown. During cuckooing, the males take a peculiar pose: the wings are lowered somewhat down, and the tail is raised up.

Cuckoo widely distributed in the forests of Europe, Asia, most of Africa. Migratory bird, winters in South Africa, Indochina.

(According to the materials of Brovkina E.T. and Sivoglazov V.I.)

June 12, 2014, 02:29

I was very happy to learn that, nevertheless, the Cuckoo is beneficial by destroying insect caterpillars harmful to the forest. Previously, there was a negative opinion about this bird after watching the foreign film "Wildlife", where the Cuckoo was represented by a sort of monster. She patiently waited for the bird, the owner of the nest, to leave the eggs unattended after leaving for food. And then she did her thankless deed. And the cuckoo, coming into the world, literally immediately finished getting rid of eggshell, mercilessly cracking down on the chicks, legal residents of a cozy nest. Thank you for your Site and interesting materials about living nature.

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It is difficult to imagine our forests without birds and their wonderful singing. And it's even harder to imagine walking on fresh air without the characteristic "cuckoo". Such a sound is made by male cuckoos, and females start gurgling trills. It seems to be the most common bird, but not much is known about it because it is difficult to study.

Description of the common cuckoo

Do you know what this bird looks like?

The common cuckoo lives almost everywhere in Russia. But it's very hard to see her. As a rule, everyone heard her "cuckoo", but few can boast that they saw this bird. So, the common cuckoo in length can reach thirty-eight centimeters. The length of the tail is approximately thirteen to eighteen centimeters, and the wingspan is fifty-five centimeters. The bird weighs very little, about one hundred and thirty grams. Her legs are strong, but rather short. Females look different from males.

Females usually have red or brown plumage. There are black stripes on the back and head. Feathers themselves with white edging. And the head and breast, as a rule, are light gray in color, but thin black stripes are clearly visible on them. The weight of the female does not exceed one hundred and ten grams. Juveniles are light tan with dark stripes all over the body. Birds molt twice a year. In summer, this is a partial change of the feather, and in winter - a complete one.

Males have a dark gray tail and back. Breast and head greyish. All other feathers are quite light with dark stripes. The beak of the birds is dark, but the legs are yellow.

bird breeding

The common cuckoo is a rather mysterious bird. It's hard to see her. Many peoples have a lot of legends about her. And this is primarily due to the unusual way of her life.

At the beginning of spring, cuckoos leave Africa and fly to Asia and Europe, to the nesting site. They lead a solitary life. Males occupy huge plots that reach several hectares. But in females, the territory is less extensive. For them, an important criterion is the presence of nests of other birds nearby.

The common cuckoo does not make nests. But she actively watches other birds. For example, for representatives. Why do you think she does this?

The cuckoo chooses future caregivers for its chicks. Yes, such a cunning bird. She completely removes all the worries of raising kids and shifts them onto other people's shoulders.

The strange habits of the cuckoo

The caution of the bird is amazing. From an ambush, she looks out in advance for a good suitable nest. As soon as she seizes the moment, she lays her egg in it in a couple of seconds. Scientists have come to the conclusion that at the same time she throws out someone else's egg. But this fact has not been confirmed. It's really not clear why she would do this. Birds do not know how to count, which means that the owner of the nest cannot detect an extra egg.

After the cuckoo hatches and gets a little stronger, he throws all his competitors out of the nest.

I must say that the common cuckoo lays eggs not only in nests, but also in hollows. Or rather, she first lays them somewhere nearby, and only then transfers them in her beak.

There is also a completely opposite opinion regarding how the cuckoo tosses its offspring. Its coloration is somewhat similar to that of a hawk. And because the bird uses impudence. She frightens away the owners of the nest by flying low over them, and while they hide in confusion in the grass or leaves, she lays her eggs. The male can help her with this.

Chick Survival School

The common cuckoo, whose appearance is unremarkable, nevertheless possesses amazing cunning. She, one by one, throws her eggs into different nests, and herself with pure soul goes to winter South Africa. In the meantime, unhappy events occur in the nests of foster parents.

The cuckoo, as a rule, hatches a couple of days earlier than its counterparts. During this time, he manages to acclimatize in the nest. Although he is still blind and naked, he has already developed the instinct of ejection. Imagine that he throws out everything that touches his bare back. First of all, these are eggs and chicks. The chick is in a hurry to do his job. Instinct works in him for only four days. But this is quite enough to destroy competitors. Even if someone survives, he still has little chance of surviving. The fact is that the cuckoo takes away all the food that they bring adoptive parents.

Why do birds not notice deception?

The behavior of the owners of the nest is also surprising. They don't seem to notice what's going on. And they try to feed the only baby. And at the same time they do not see that this is absolutely not their chick.

Not so long ago, the reason for this strange behavior birds. It turns out that the yellow mouth of the cuckoo and the red throat give the birds a powerful signal that makes adoptive parents bring food to an already large chick. Even stranger birds that are nearby give him food caught for their own chicks. Only a month and a half after the first departure from the nest, the chick begins to live independently.

Bird adaptability

The common cuckoo mainly lays eggs on small birds. But some species throw them into the nests of jackdaws and crows, other fairly large birds. However, cuckoos specialize in certain birds, such as redstarts, robins, warblers and flycatchers. In cuckoos, even eggs are similar to their offspring both in shape and color.

But what concerns their size, it's generally a mystery. The bird itself weighs about one hundred and twenty grams, which means that its egg should weigh fifteen grams. Instead, the cuckoo lays very small eggs weighing three grams, which is incommensurate with its size.

Once upon a time in England they organized an exhibition of cuckoo eggs. So, nine hundred and nineteen copies were exhibited. They were all different colors and sizes. And this means that birds lay eggs that are like two drops of water similar to the eggs of foster parents. The cuckoo tosses them into the nests of at least one hundred and fifty species of birds.

At first glance, everything is clear. The common cuckoo is a bird of prey that destroys the nestlings of good and useful birds. However, not all so simple.

Probably, the cuckoo is not a completely bad mother, she still makes efforts to save her offspring. And the desire to destroy competitors in the cuckoo is explained by its great voracity.

It is this amazing love of food that makes this bird very useful. What do you think the common cuckoo eats? That's right, caterpillars. In just one hour, it can destroy up to a hundred caterpillars. And this is not the limit, because the bird is unrealistically voracious.

Many birds do not eat hairy caterpillars. And the cuckoo does not sort out food in this sense. Her stomach is designed in such a way that the hairs of the caterpillars do not harm, but are quietly gradually excreted.

Where does the common cuckoo hibernate?

The cuckoo, no matter how surprised you may be, it is for the winter that she moves to South Africa. But how this happens is unknown, because no one has seen cuckoos flying in flocks, which is typical for other birds. Apparently, they fly alone. They very imperceptibly disappear from the forests in autumn, as if they were not there. And just as suddenly appear in the spring, with the first bright rays of the sun.

Sometimes cuckoos can fly south to the Chinese provinces on the island of Ceylon, in Indochina.

Those individuals that winter in Africa leave it in early March. Birds fly very slowly, overcoming eighty kilometers a day. They do not rest, fly day and night. They spend three months at the wintering place.

The common cuckoo (photos are given in the article) is distinguished by unusual behavior among representatives of its family.

There are cuckoos in the world that lay eggs in nests, but then hatch them themselves or, conversely, later feed them on their own. And there are those who put their offspring in the nests of large birds. Then the cuckoo does not need to throw rivals out of the nest, since there is enough food for everyone.

Are all foster parents ready to raise someone else's chick?

It is not clear why the birds bring up someone else's baby, having discovered a substitution. As experiments show, almost all birds do not know their eggs well. That is why they do not see the difference. Ducks, chickens and eagles in general can incubate absolutely any object that resembles an egg in shape. It was once noticed that the swans had the intention of hatching the bottle.

Scientists even made experiments with the replacement of all eggs in the nest, after which the bird laid its own egg. So, seeing that it was not like everyone else, she threw it away, mistaking it for someone else's.

But not all birds are so stupid and illegible. Some skillfully detect a substitute and throw it out of the nests. Others simply abandon their homes along with their future offspring and begin to build a new nest. And some birds build a second floor above the old nest, resulting in a two-story structure, on the first level of which there are abandoned eggs, and on the second the bird lays new offspring.

Where does the cuckoo live?

The common cuckoo is widely distributed. It breeds in the European part of the mainland and on the nearest islands, in Africa, Asia, sometimes even migrates beyond the Arctic Circle.

Who is this common cuckoo? The description for children of this unusual bird must begin with the benefits that it brings. Undoubtedly, the cuckoo destroys the offspring of birds, but not so many of her babies survive. Of the five eggs thrown by her, not all the chicks will hatch, only one cub will reach the adult state. After all, some birds, sensing deception, leave the nest along with all the eggs that simply die.

The voracious nature of the bird makes it very useful. She needs to eat a lot, and she does not sort out insects, she eats everyone around. There is even a popular sign that if more than one cuckoo cuckoos in one place, then this indicates a large number of insects. This statement is absolutely correct. If a large number of insects are bred in a certain area, then not only relatives from the nearest regions will come to the feast, but also the most distant relatives will arrive. This is how these strange birds are arranged.

"The cuckoo cuckoos, grief prophesies."
"Where the cuckoo cuckoos - there the wife is grieving."

I will tell you a story about the cuckoo bird, about our female, sexual life, and about a small bone - the coccyx, on which this sexual life depends. Let's start with the bird.

Common cuckoo.

The common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is a medium-sized bird with a long, rounded stepped tail and long primary wings. It resembles a sparrow hawk in color and size. Once again, carefully, girls, reread these two sentences and remember them for life! In France, this lovely bird is called "kuku", in Italy - "cucolo", in Poland - "chrysalis".

The lifestyle of the common cuckoo.

How does she do all this?

First way.
The cuckoo very carefully, in advance, from an ambush looks out for a suitable nest at the stage of intensive egg-laying, as soon as the birds fly away from it, it flies up, takes out one egg with a curved beak, eats it, and puts its own in its place. The whole procedure takes 10 seconds.

Second way. By appearance the cuckoo resembles a hawk, therefore, having made several circles close to the intended nest, it scares away the birds, and then does its job, in the same 10 seconds. Remember this number - 10 seconds!

The cuckoo is a male.

Well, this "devil" is handsome, elegant, gallant, well-groomed and loved. I did not meet, among the familiar cuckoos, not one that, even in thoughts, would dare to refuse him. How can you refuse him, even if folk omens, his invocative cry or whisper on the right - fortunately and good luck, and if you make a wish - any will come true. What if, I really got lucky? Why did it happen? His loud and inviting: “ku, ku!”, “ku, ku!”, “ku, ku!” - Can't take a woman's heart. The male, flying around his territory, alternately mates with all the females encountered on the way. It flies mainly only at night, and during the day it sits in thickets. Winter, too, likes to spend in warm regions. But in early spring, from his tireless "ku, ku!", There is nowhere to go. Shouts to hoarseness. There are many such “kukuy” among singers and artists. But, girls, remember for the rest of your life that he only looks like a sparrowhawk in appearance, and so, the usual “kukui”. Remember, in the film: “You are a handsome man, but not an eagle!”. Here, the same case!

Cuckoo's daughter.

This baby, in general clinical case. Even Aristotle did not bypass him with his attention: “The cuckoo is so beautiful that its breadwinners begin to hate their own children.” He emerges from the egg a few days before his "half" siblings. On its back, near the tail, there is a small flat area with very sensitive nerve endings, and as soon as an egg or a hatched chick gets on this area, the cuckoo straightens its legs, tenses up and throws this “weight” out of the nest. He spends no more than 10 seconds on this “procedure” (10 seconds again!). These chicks are very voracious and insatiable, they scream loudly, gaping wide, their huge bright orange beak, demanding food. Typically, cuckoo chicks grow two to three times the size of their "adoptive parents". And even if by chance “own” children remain in the nest, they die. Unfortunate parents, "hypnotized" by the wide-open beak and the cries of the "foster", feed only him. Usually, growing up, such a cuckoo, becoming an adult bird, begins to lay eggs of the same color, in the nests of birds of the same species as the "adoptive parents". An apple from an apple tree…

Sexuality of a woman.

According to the ability to use their sexual (sacred) energy, women are divided into four types. Women who know how to use energy. Women who sublimate it (that is, use part of the energy, or all, for other purposes). Women who - imitate (i.e. want, but do not know how). Women who do not know how and do not want.


At the bottom of the sacrum is the coccyx (Os coccygis - translated from Latin, "cuckoo bone"). Earlier in Rus', they called him very funny - “kukuy” and “perdal bone”. The coccyx is formed by 3-5 small vertebrae, slightly curved inward and resembles a "cuckoo's head" in appearance. On the anterior surface of the coccyx in women is the coccygeal sympathetic plexus ("release of adrenaline into the blood" - this is when they talk about the sympathetic system), part of the fibers from which goes to the higher located nerve plexuses, forming two autonomic nerve chains that stretch up to the head brain. And the other part of the same fibers, in the form of thin branches, stretches to the pelvic organs and the skin of the lower back, buttocks, lower abdomen, external genitalia and perineum. Under the skin, they end in nerve, highly sensitive, receptors. Activation of these receptors causes that same feeling of "languor and anticipation"! That's where it is, the very "cuckoo's nest"! The cuckoo carries its nest in itself! Now the most important thing is that the female coccyx should be mobile and painless. This is the sexual happiness of a woman! Without this movement of the coccyx, the mechanism of this activation cannot quickly turn on. The ability to “control” the coccyx allows for a few seconds (remember about 10 seconds?) to accumulate powerful energy in the coccygeal nerve plexus, which will give that same multi-orgasm that shakes the whole body, a powerful “explosion” extended in time, a feeling that, probably, , is experiencing a cuckoo that has just hatched from an egg, throwing its “rival” out of the nest. This is the same victorious cry of the winner - the ecstasy of victory!!! Orgasm, which everyone loves to talk about, but which, unfortunately, not all women can experience.

How to find the coccyx?

Very simple! you move forefinger down the gluteal crease and find the sharp “tip” of the last bone - this will be the coccyx. Gently press your finger, like a button, and check its mobility and painlessness. If it hurts and does not move, then this is coccygodynia (and this is already a medical diagnosis). If it does not hurt, but does not move, this is also a diagnosis, but not medical, but rather sad and sexual.

"Cuckoo's Tears"

According to an old legend, single women who have a personal and intimate life“Somehow it doesn’t add up,” they went into the fields so that no one would see them, and there they cried, shedding bitter tears. Tears fell to the ground and sprouted in the form of flower droplets, which are called “cuckoo tears”. Such women in ancient times in Rus' were called "cuckoo widows" or "unfortunate". This is where the word “cook” came from, i.e. live lonely and sad, spend time to no avail.

"Rhombus of Michaelis".

Above the coccyx is the sacrum, in the depths of which the sacral energy, the spirit of the ancestors lives in the "Grail" (I wrote about this in detail in the article "The Fire of My Soul"). Outside, in the region of the sacrum, a flat area should be clearly visible, resembling a symmetrical rhombus formed by two round dimples, the top of the gluteal fold and the lower edge of the hollow running along the spine - this place is called the “Michaelis diamond”. According to the shape of this rhombus, obstetricians determine how the birth of a woman will proceed. This is another area of ​​your body that you need to pay the most attention to. close attention in the light of our study. The rhombus should be absolutely symmetrical (check with a ruler!) and there should not be a swollen “cake” on it, only skin and bone. Remember I told you that the cuckoo, in the coccyx area, has a small flat area with very sensitive nerve cells? It is with this platform with excitable nerve cells that the cuckoo differs from all other birds. Imagine the carcass of a chicken, at the base of the tail, there is such a nasty, “fat bump”, the cuckoo has a flat and “sexy platform” in this place.

Women who can.

Read the paragraph about female sexuality again. So, those women who know how to use or sublimate sexual energy have these two signs: a mobile and painless coccyx, and a symmetrical Michaelis rhombus with a flat and excitable area. I told you in great detail about one type of cuckoo - the common cuckoo, the destroyer of other people's nests, leading a wild life and producing the same offspring. About the kind of cuckoos that use the powerful sexual energy given to them by nature in such a peculiar way. Unfortunately, this type of cuckoo is the most common. But there are other types of cuckoos that build nests, hatch their own eggs, feed their own chicks and whose husbands are monogamous and lead a family lifestyle. But these types of cuckoos live mainly only in Africa. They give their powerful sexual energy to their only male and sublimate it into rearing their chicks. They are so different, these cuckoos!

Women who can't.

This is the saddest part of my story. Those women who do not know how and do not want to manage sexual energy find other joys in life. And for those who want, but do not know how, I will give one very good advice. Girls, do not waste your time listening to the stories of your girlfriends and reading books on spicy topics. Such "themes" excite the soul, cause excessive production of sex hormones. And those, not finding the “proper” way out, begin to act on the “target organs”, which can lead to the formation of diseases such as mastopathy and uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids, by the way, are also called the "disease of the nuns." Carefully study the Michaelis rhombus, deal with the coccyx, make sure that you have “not everything in order” there and try to find a doctor who will fix it all for you.

What should redstarts and wagtails do?

I was very lucky in my life that I met my doctor, who helped me with the solution of this very disturbing problem for me. It took only two sessions of manual therapy and tailbone correction. After these procedures, which my doctor Sergei Viktorovich Spiridonov performed for me, all that remains for me is to do very simple and pleasant exercises necessary to control the sacred energy, which is so necessary for a person to improve health. And also, following his own advice, it's fun to move your favorite tailbone. This is especially pleasant for those people for whom this “perdal bone”, many years before, had “poisoned” their lives.


In stories on such a topic, it is impossible to pass by professional priestesses of love. These women are perfectly trained to master the sacred energy. Sacred energy is not only sex, I would even say it is not sex at all. modern understanding this word. Sex is a very small part of a powerful sacred energy. sacred energy also called "the energy of the Holy Spirit." So, girls, for training in the skill of the "professional cuckoo", in adolescence, were specially selected by the priests, taking into account the signs that I spoke about. Or their sacrums and tailbones were brought into the “correct” position by priests or priestesses specially trained in this skill. And only after that, further training began. But neither the beauty of the face and hair, the slenderness of the body and the luxury of forms, have ever stood in the first place. The priests looked for girls born by cuckoos in good sense of this word, they were looking for girls "with a twist." A huge number of mollusks crawl along the bottom of the oceans, passing through tons of sand. And only in the shells of some mollusks from an ordinary grain of sand grows a beautiful, iridescent pearl with all the colors of the rainbow. Hetera is a pearl grown from a grain of sand.


The ancient Slavs believed that the goddess of life, Alive, was embodied in the cuckoo, which is the personification of the fruitful spring power of youth and the beauty of all nature and man. The Goddess Alive, in the form of a cuckoo, flies from Iriy, from that transcendental and distant country, from where the Souls of newborns come and where the Souls of the dead fly away. From the country where the maidens of fate, Dolya and Nedolya, reside, and spin their yarn, weaving into intricate patterns our earthly ways are roads.


Searching for other people's nests and throwing their eggs into them is limited to all the worries of the female cuckoo about her offspring, because with such a walking hubby we “cuckle” voracious offspring alone cannot be grown. Yes, and I want to take a walk, the energy of this very nature did not offend. Redstart and wagtails are a pity, of course, but it’s not the cuckoo’s fault that her kids turn out so beautiful that you immediately forget about your own, gray ones. And these, what is already there, and the cuckoo will grow up on their own next year, they give birth to their gray ones. They do not want to learn, to use this energy. So the poor cuckoos have to take the rap for all the birds. beauty horrible power, and with such energy, even more terrible. The only consolation is that these cuckoos decorate and diversify our lives with their spring-sexual cuckooing, we see them on television every day. They are nimble, talkative and “cook” with each other from morning to evening, I’m not even talking about the night. Oh, and "kukuyovaya" life they have! Can they really bring life-giving joy to our Souls? Let cuckoos be better than crows, ducks and chickens. Yes, and parrots with nightingales in the news are already tired of listening. Gordon Quixote, they don't! Cuckoo cuckoo, walk Russia!
