Patriarch Kirill consecrated the university temple of Mgimo. The Solzhenitsyn Prize will be awarded to Grigory Kruzhkov

March 9 at 4:55 p.m. Next full moon: March 23 at 15:20.

  • Moon phase March 6, 2016- waning moon.
  • Lunar day 03/06/2016- 27 lunar day.
  • In what sign is the moon 03/06/2016- Moon in Aquarius.
  • Moonrise March 6, 2016 - at 05:36.
  • Moonset 03/06/2016 at 14:55.
  • Moon without a course - No.
  • Sunrise March 6, 2016 - 07:07.
  • Sunset March 6, 2016 - 18:15.

Horoscope for today 03/06/2016

Today luck smiles at Aries creative professions, students and teachers. A good period for public sector workers. Probably an improvement in financial situation. It is possible that you will receive an offer that will force you to change your field of activity. Don't trust your intuition. Check your ideas with common sense, consult with friends.

Perhaps the envious person will try to harm you. Show innate nobility and resist the temptation to take revenge - and you will only benefit from this in the eyes of others. There will be an opportunity to rethink the past and create successful plans for the future. If you are offered a trip today, agree: luck, adventure, creative, personal or business victories await you on the way. Far from home, sources of additional income will open - hurry to take advantage of this opportunity.

The day is unfavorable for anyone financial activities. Business activity should be reduced to avoid material losses. In the morning, disagreements with superiors or colleagues are likely. The second half of the day will require you to be more organized and responsible for your loved ones - light quarrels are possible, although there are no visible reasons for them. It is good to be generous and to fulfill requests.

Auspicious day. Today you will be the center of attention. The financial situation is stabilizing. The embodiment of the most powerful and ambitious aspirations awaits you. Looks like long-term plans are coming to fruition. A good time to develop commercial ties. Today expect business offers and trust partners. financial success you will achieve with their help. Be considerate of your loved ones. In relationships with loved ones, complete mutual understanding is possible.

Thoughtful actions and decisiveness in actions will bring success. Life potential, sexuality, personal charm are on high level. One of the most auspicious days when it is possible to implement the ideas and plans of the previous week. Partnerships with representatives of the opposite sex will be very fruitful today and will bring mutual satisfaction. The day is favorable for physical activity, sports, long walks, travel.

Unresolved problems or unfulfilled obligations will require a lot of time and effort. Life potential tends to decrease. The day is unfavorable for active actions, travel and affairs that require financial investments. It is possible that you will have to face minor financial or domestic problems. There is a possibility of some deterioration in health. Possible injuries, major problems with strangers or government officials. Do not abuse alcohol, show moderation in food.

The location of the stars does not favor activity in the field of professional activity. Low life potential can affect performance, practical approach to business and the ability to accept right decisions. Minor misunderstandings with partners or work colleagues are not ruled out, so you need to plan your daily routine in advance. The afternoon is good for family relations, new acquaintances. Communication with people of the opposite sex will be successful.

The day is rich in stress and anxiety. It may seem to you that your appearance is far from ideal, and you want to fix something urgently, but you should not be led by emotions. Immunity is now especially weakened. In order not to get sick, avoid large crowds, walk more often and ventilate the premises.

The hardest day of the week. You are full of resentment against your loved one, and he not only does not want to admit that he was wrong, but also behaves simply outrageously. By the middle of the day there will be an improvement. You will feel that you perceive your partner’s “strangeness” much more calmly and are ready to turn a blind eye to many things.

Life potential is at its best, however, one should avoid being active in business, accept or give advice, and fulfill requests. There are likely to be errors in paperwork, difficulties in learning and teaching. Particular care should be taken by service workers: luck can turn away from you at any moment. In the afternoon, good news or a profitable offer is likely, which will bring significant profit. Try to spend the evening at home.

Increased efficiency and serious attitude to all problems will allow you to overcome all obstacles and obstacles on the way to the intended goal. The stars say that you will have a chance to use your abilities to achieve business success. In your personal life, be prepared for some pleasant changes.

The stars warn you against risky ventures, dubious acquaintances and health-risk cases. If you are invited to visit, try to politely refuse or reschedule your visit to another time. Perhaps financial losses, household chores or a family quarrel are coming. Understand your feelings, thoughts and actions, because you must be prepared for an unexpected twist of fate. Don't make rash promises. Dreams should be interpreted the other way around.

The horoscope for today 03/06/2016 was compiled by astrologer Marina Alexandrova especially for the site.

Data lunar calendar, sunrise, sunset and moon for March 6, 2016 are given for Moscow and the Moscow region.

The lunar calendar knows everything about the position of the moon among the constellations of the zodiac circle. After all, this is what affects our mood and health, as well as a positive outcome of affairs.

Moon phase

On March 6, the Moon will be in the constellation of Aquarius, which is favorable for innovation and intellectual activity. Sunday 27 lunar day is good to spend in the company of friends, without doing serious and difficult things.

What business will bring success

  • attention to loved ones
  • classes with electronics and electricity;
  • closing debts;
  • real estate issues;
  • conferences.

What things are not desirable

  • serious physical overload;
  • change of plans;
  • confrontation with superiors.

Things to do at home

Engage in planting home flowers and caring for them. Usefully time will pass for reading fiction or non-fiction books, as Aquarius promotes intellectual development and will require you to work your imagination.

What to wear today

The colors of indigo and yellowish sandy or another shade of yellow are well combined with each other at your discretion. Both in clothes and in hair, you can try everything pretentious and original - experiments on this lunar day are only welcome.

Love and relationships

For people who are in a relationship or have already created a family, no cardinal changes are expected, either in bad or in good side. You can rely on your sense of humor and cheer up your loved one, and generally defuse the situation at home. Laughter is known to prolong life. He will make you even more pleasant person in communication.

Career, money and business

Sunday suggests a pleasant rest and freedom from work. Under the influence of Aquarius, meetings and scientific conferences are safely held, and inventors often create something new. Significant financial profit is not expected on this day, but your ideas will definitely not go unnoticed in the future.

Mood and health

The moon is in the waning stage, which means that it will gradually take more time to restore the expended energy. Therefore, watch the distribution of your forces and rest in sufficient quantities. The emotional background, according to astrologers, is not very stable and promises increased susceptibility, so try not to hurt the feelings of others and avoid conflicts.

Sunday and the 27th lunar day can be used for the purpose of pleasant communication and self-improvement. Good luck in your endeavors, use the tips of astrologers and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.03.2016 00:00

Affirmations are positive attitudes that help change habitual move thoughts and create a desirable future. ...

An amulet is an indispensable assistant in the life of any person. Absolutely every talisman attracts to its owner...

Date according to the old style: February 22

The holiday was named in memory of the Christian saints who lived in the 3rd-4th centuries - the martyrs of Apamea, Mauritius and 70 soldiers.

The people believed that it is in Mauritius that rooks, starlings and swallows fly home. At the same time, they noticed: if the birds arrived earlier due day- it's coming spring. They also said this: "Early swallows - to a happy year". These birds have always been loved in Rus' - and many signs were associated with them. Among them are: swallows dart low - to the rain, high - to the bucket; whoever destroys a swallow's nest will have freckles; who at the first swallow washes himself with milk, he will be white.

In Mauritius, the first work began in the field and in the garden. Manure accumulated during the winter was taken out to future arable lands and beds. This had to be done while the road was still strong enough to reach the fields. Manure, as the only available fertilizer, was treated with respect, they composed proverbs and sayings about it: “Put manure thick - it will not be empty in the barn”; “I brought a bunch of manure - and I don’t bother God (that is, I don’t bother)”; "There is manure in the field, a load of bread in the barn". However, here too there were subtleties. For example, manure could not be plowed into the ground either on a full moon or a new moon, so that weeds would not grow. best time considered the last quarter of the moon.

On this day, early cabbage was sown in the southern regions. This "premature" sowing prevents caterpillars from attacking during the period when heads are tied. And from under the first spring plow it was possible to take a clod of earth and put it in a hut - this was supposed to drive out all the bugs from the house.

The so-called “black fish soup” was served on the table in Mauritius - a soup for which the meat was cooked in cucumber brine with the addition of various spices and roots.

Name day on this day

Andrei, Athanasius, Barbara, Victor, Vladimir, Elizabeth, Ivan, Joseph, Irina, Mikhail, Nikolai, Pavel, Praskovya, Sergei, Stepan, Fedor, Filaret, Philip

International Children's Television and Radio Day

International Day of Children's Television and Radio Broadcasting (International Children's Day of Broadcasting)- one of the brightest and kindest holidays. He urges not to forget about the smallest and most caring viewers.

Every year on the first Sunday of March, all the world's leading television and radio companies provide airtime for children and children's programs - they all "tune in to the children's wave." And on this day, all workers involved in the production of children's television programs and radio programs celebrate their professional holiday.

Since International Children's Television and Radio Day was established by representatives of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Cannes in April 1994, thousands of television and radio hosts in over a hundred countries have taken part in the program of the Day's events, marking it in a way that the Day will remain in memory for its uniqueness and festivity.

I must say that initially this Day was celebrated in December, and since 2009, its celebration has been moved to the first Sunday of March.

At international day children's television and radio broadcasting has a socially significant side - The day aims to draw public attention to the rights of children and youth. What do young people know about their rights and responsibilities? How do they serve society? The media, as the interlocutor closest to the youth, pay great attention to these and other questions.

In addition, for several years this day has been congratulated and honored by young people who have tied their professional activity with the media.

On this day, children, teenagers and youth become not only listeners and spectators, they actively take part in the process of creating a program, in various mass media events. Everyone is given the opportunity to talk about their dreams, desires, as well as exchange other vital information with peers not only in their own country, but also in any corner of the world.

By the way, the first youth radio channel in the Soviet Union was the Yunost radio station, the first call signs of which sounded on the air on October 16, 1962, and two years later the famous TV show “ Good night, kids!

international day of the dentist

Only a small part of humanity manages to avoid the problems of diseased teeth, diseased gums, malocclusion. The main part of the Earth's population at least once in their lives suffered the fate of sitting in the dentist's chair. Fortunately, science and technology are advancing at such a rapid pace that over the past few decades, going to the dentist has become less and less like a medieval execution.

Every year on March 6, many countries celebrate the professional holiday of the dentist - International Dentist Day. The choice of the date of the holiday was one of the outstanding inventions in the dental business. The dental bur was invented in 1790 by John Greenwood, a Washington dentist and personal dentist to George Washington.

The first dental drill was a heavy, foot-operated drill, which did not stop Greenwood from making four removable dentures for Washington. Interestingly, Greenwood adapted the spinning wheel used by his mother as a foot drive for the boron. And only more than a century later, in 1907, an electric drill appeared.

Other "tooth" innovations include the invention of the toothpaste tube by Dr. Washington Sheffield, the introduction of the world's first toothbrush with man-made synthetic nylon fiber instead of natural bristles.

International Dentist Day was originally celebrated only in the United States, having the status of a national professional holiday. But over the years, the tradition of congratulating dentists on this day has spread far beyond North America. India was one of the first countries to follow.

Today, lectures and educational work on the need for regular and thorough dental care are considered indispensable events on this day. Particular attention is paid to the prevention of childhood caries.

As you know, February 9 is International Dentist's Day, which traditionally coincides with the feast day of Saint Apollonia.

Mother's Day in the UK

Mother's Day in the UK(Mother's Day or Mothering Sunday) is similar to March 8 in Russia. Its roots go back to Victorian times, when children were quite early age worked away from home, and the money they earned was sent to the family budget. Then one day a year, children were allowed to spend at home with their parents. Usually they brought small gifts to mothers and grandmothers - bouquets of flowers or fresh eggs. Today, British children on this day give their mothers flowers and do their homework for them.

The earliest honoring of the mother goes back to the ancient Greek spring festival in honor of the goddess Rei, wife of the god Kronos and mother of numerous gods and goddesses. And around 250 BC, ceremonies began to be held in Rome praising another mother goddess named Cybele. These religious Roman celebrations lasted three days - from 15 to 18 March.

At the very beginning of the 17th century in England, on the fourth Sunday of Great Lent, people began to celebrate Mother's Sunday. It was the holiday of all the mothers of England. With the spread of Christianity in Europe, this Sunday became the feast of the Mother Church - a spiritual force that gives life and protects from evil.

With time religious holiday merged into one with the secular holiday. Since it was a time of rich aristocrats and huge mansions, most of the servants worked and lived in the homes of their masters. On Mother's Sunday, all the servants got a day off, they returned to their families to spend this day with their mothers. A special cake called "mother's cake" gave a festive atmosphere to this day. On this day, it was supposed to visit mothers and bring them such a cake as a gift in exchange for a mother's blessing.

Mother's Day is pretty quiet these days. The women rest while their men do housework and prepare dinner. Traditionally, on this day, it is customary to serve the same cake. simnel(simnel cake) decorated with 12 marzipan balls. The tradition of 12 balls began in pre-Christian times, they symbolize the 12 signs of the zodiac. The name of this cake is associated with the Latin name for fine flour (simila).

Such cakes and pastries were baked and sold in England and France on Sundays during Lent. In France, according to this recipe, cakes decorated with a sugar glaze cross were more often baked.

Sometimes husbands take their wives to restaurants on this day to celebrate the occasion. Children give flowers, cards and other gifts to their mothers. It is imperative to congratulate your mother, and no matter where in the world daughters and sons are on this day, they will call their only and relatives, send them a postcard, letter or email on Mother's Day.

Even if you don't live in England, write or call your parents!

National Grandmother's Day in France

Every year on the first Sunday of March in France, National Grandmother's Day (Fête des grands-mères). On this day, all grandmothers and women over 55 in general are given extraordinary honor and respect.

In France, a survey was conducted among about a thousand older people over 65 years old. It turned out that 67.3% of respondents consider the family to be more important than all the components in life, even more important than their own health and the political situation in the country. 82.8% said grandchildren were the essence of their lives. Interestingly, 48.2% admitted that they help their grandchildren with their homework every day.

Kind French grandmothers, rarely resembling old women, dressed up, drink liquor on this day, eat almond cakes and ice cream and, of course, receive gifts.

French grandmothers are getting younger every year, half of them are just over fifty and many continue to work actively. Perhaps that is why Grandma's Day falls on a Sunday.

Although most French grandmothers see their grandchildren at least once a week, and a third of them devote more than half of their free time to them, they look forward to "grandmother's day" when all their children and grandchildren get together. Grandmothers on this day expect flowers and gifts from their beloved grandchildren and granddaughters.

Travel agencies on the holiday offer grandmothers and their grandchildren free tourist bus trips, restaurants create special menus, and special sections open in shops where grandmothers are only grandmothers! - can buy goods with discounts.

A feature of the fourth phase of the waning moon is the slowdown of all processes in the surrounding world and the fading of energy. The human body becomes passive, easily succumbs to apathy and fatigue. It is not recommended to plan active actions and the implementation of serious projects at this time.

At work, you should refrain from doing important and complex tasks, time has to complete projects, analyze the work done. It is not recommended to start new projects, conclude contracts and make changes during the fourth phase.

For household chores, a period of easy and easy work has come - cleaning, putting things in order, getting rid of everything unnecessary will be the most optimal activities for the last days before the New Moon.

Do not plan for the current time of purchase or spending. Now it is easy to make a mistake and lose money. For the same reason, it is not recommended to invest and invest in any projects, even the most reliable ones.

Communication on the last days before the New Moon is recommended to be reduced, as there is a possibility of conflicts and quarrels. It is not advisable to conduct negotiations and business events now. Family celebrations and meetings should also be rescheduled to a later time.

During the fourth quarter of the waning moon, it is worth taking care of yourself - cosmetic and skin care procedures will give it a healthy and attractive look. Now you can continue to exercise and exercise in moderation.

The time is also favorable for medical effects - wounds will quickly heal, operations will not bring undesirable complications. Now it is recommended to start strengthening the immune system, as infectious diseases are possible due to overwork.

The positive impact of the fourth phase of the waning moon:

  • a good period for completing serious cases and summing up on them;
  • in the current period, it is favorable to engage in putting things in order in the house, cleaning unnecessary things;
  • the right time for self-care - cosmetic and cleansing procedures, moderate exercise will give a blooming look and cheer you up;
  • the time is ideal for the implementation of planned medical operations and interventions.

The negative impact of the fourth phase of the waning moon:

  • unfavorable time for starting new business, implementing grandiose projects, changing jobs, as there are too few forces in the body;
  • it is not recommended to make purchases and invest money in the fourth phase;
  • communication during this period is best reduced to a minimum with both business and personal environment;
  • V last days before the New Moon, it is recommended to take care of increasing immunity - there is a possibility of diseases.

Moon in Aquarius

The Moon in the Zodiac Sign Aquarius produces a favorable influence. This period is considered an excellent time for new beginnings, and at the same time, inner freedom is felt. A wide variety of ideas come to mind. There is a desire to do something unusual, risky, emotions begin to manifest themselves very strongly, there is a desire for cardinal changes. Despite the favorable influence of the moon, you need to be very careful, as there is a huge chance to start asserting yourself at the expense of other people.

The influence of the lunar day

27 lunar day

Feel free to start in the period of the 27th lunar day new business and projects. The time has come for the implementation of everything that was conceived earlier - a change of job, an increase in service today is more likely than ever. Even when doing old familiar things, try to choose the most difficult and serious ones, because now their resolution will be much easier and faster. This applies to both work matters and household chores.

Any financial operations transfer to the lunar day at number 27. This will be a good time for both acquisitions and investments. Today is special in that money itself is attracted to those who spend it.

A good day for socializing and holding large events. Today you can make important business acquaintances and even find your soul mate. For those who have already acquired it, it is recommended to talk heart to heart - this will bring together and bring trust to the relationship.

If you decide at this time to start playing sports or healthy lifestyle life - the period is chosen correctly. This will bring the expected result.

Positive influence of the day:

  • resolve the most complex issues that are shelved;
  • work, household, financial affairs started at this time will bring results even higher than expected;
  • the day is good for all kinds of communication.

Influence of the day of the week


According to the lunar calendar, Sunday is the day of the heavenly body, full of energy and life force. On this day, a person is overwhelmed with bright and positive emotions, cosmic energy is at its maximum, giving a charge of vivacity and positive for the whole coming week.

What can you do on Sunday, and what is better to refrain from

Sunday is rest day, everyone free time you need to devote a good rest, preferably with your family. On this day, a picnic in nature with family or friends will be great. Cultural events will also be great - going to the cinema, opera, etc. The main condition of pastime is to get as much as possible positive emotions from rest. If there is no way to walk around the theaters and get out of the city, then everyone can easily gather at the home table, cook something tasty or just drink tea. Here, again, in the first place is a charge of positive emotions.
Definitely do not take on any work on this day. Any business, including house cleaning or repairs, is best postponed to any other day of the week. It is strongly not recommended to start any new projects, as their start will not bring the desired result.
Sunday is a completely unfavorable day for innovation, this day marks the end of the week, so your goal is to gain strength for the coming week, and not squander the few leftovers that were not used up during the previous one.

Appearance care

On Sunday, you should not go to the hairdresser to change your hairstyle, it is highly recommended not to cut your hair. Changing your hair on the last day of the week won't do you any good, so it's best to reschedule the hairdresser's appointment for another day.
The same goes for cutting nails and manicures. On Sunday, nails are not cut, even at home.

Diet and diet

Sunday does not impose any restrictions on food, this day is filled with the energy of the sun and everything is allowed for food that will bring joy and pleasure from eating. Particular attention should be paid to vegetables and fruits, especially round ones, as they symbolize the sun. A great way to please yourself on Sundays is to delight yourself with dishes from different cuisines of the world every last day of the week.

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The car flew into the underpass in Moscow

The car flew into an underground passage on Leninsky Prospekt in Moscow, according to " Russian News Service". The accident occurred at the intersection of Leninsky Prospekt and Udaltsova Street. According to preliminary information, the incident occurred due to a collision with another car.

In Moscow, four people were injured in an accident with a car flying into a crossing...

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The first shmakovka museum opened in Latvia

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The Solzhenitsyn Prize will be awarded to Grigory Kruzhkov

The award ceremony will take place on April 21 at the House Russian abroad named after Solzhenitsyn. “Kruzhkov is a romantic and a conservative: his conservatism is cultural and has a distinctly romantic origin,” critic Ilya Kukulin noted in one of his reviews.

This was written by the Information and Analytical Center (IAC) "Threat", which collects, processes and publishes on Russian the language of materials about the terrorist and subversive activities of Arab citizens of Israel.

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During the action in support of Savchenko, the Russian Embassy in Kyiv...

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Several cars of diplomats were damaged. The Russian Embassy sent a note of protest to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. Unknown people with fireworks attacked the Russian Embassy in Kyiv - RT on Russian(@RT_russian) March 6, 2016.

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Just for such cases, Jewish Museum and the tolerance center presented new project"Extracurricular Readings" - a series of evenings where famous Russian actors will read works Russians classics.

The Tula orchestra will perform in Smolensk with a single concert

Philharmonic Orchestra Russians folk instruments"Tula" includes not only classical and folk music but also works by contemporary composers.

Shevchenko: Serious conflict is brewing inside ISIS

A serious conflict is brewing inside ISIS, said on the air " Russian News Service, journalist, member of the Council under the President of Russia for the development of civil society and human rights Maxim Shevchenko.

In connection with the attack on the Russian embassy in Kyiv, a...

This afternoon, the building of the diplomatic mission was pelted with stones and eggs. Eggs flew near the Russian Embassy Posted by Igor Mosiychuk on Sunday, March 6, 2016 Russian(@RT_russian)...

[Podcast] Tree of Savior Q&A with Grind.FM and GoHa.Ru

Will there be an official Russian version - unknown, but the players themselves can transfer the client to their own native language." Today at 20:00 we will discuss one of the most anticipated MMO projects - Tree of Savior. Grind.FM will host Chimera-Syber and Hideo from the GoHa.Ru portal.

IS releases video threatening Russia

It is worth noting that some of the terrorists communicated on video Russian language. The militants also stressed that their leader is IS* leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. At the end of the video, the execution of one of the kidnapped agents of the Russian special services is shown.

Russia cannot be understood with the mind, may happiness be with us!

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly congratulate all women on the holiday of spring, March 8, for me personally, this holiday is like spring New Year By Russian calendar. Love and be loved, may happiness be with us!

whatsapp on- Russian exposed the head of NABU Sytnyk

WhatsApp founder Jan Kum explained to the head of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine Artem Sytnik the principles of end-to-end encryption in WhatsApp. ... "Specially for Artem Sytnik: end-to-end encryption means that no one can read another user's private messages," Jan Kum wrote on his microblog on Twiiter.

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture explained why Russian products will...

It should be noted that earlier the Russian government banned produce, including including for export, products containing GMOs. Original RT news on Russian: Head of the Ministry of Agriculture: Russian products will enjoy tremendous success...

Participants of the Baikal crusade spend the night with local...

Accommodation for participants procession around Lake Baikal at the first stage provided locals, told " Russian news service, the organizer of the religious procession, rector of the Kharlampi church in Irkutsk, Archpriest Evgeny Startsev. “Not yet in tents...

“In 2008 we could, and now we can.” Zenit - about the UEFA Cup ...

Lomberts is so Russified that he asks to ask questions on Russian but prefers to answer in English. - I am glad to see these cups again, historical moments for me and our club are connected with them, - begins Lomberts, who in 2008 at the cost of injury ...

Russians traditional hunts and their conservation

Summing up Russians traditional types of hunting are unprofitable.
So how can we preserve this component of our national cultural heritage - Russian hunting?

Maslenitsa festival begins in London

"Thus, we pay tribute Russian British Cross Year of Literature and Language.
Those who have been recently inspired by the BBC's version of Tolstoy's "War and Peace" will be able to discover the rich Russians traditions for yourself by visiting the festival.

Russian-Ukrainian negotiations on the fate of Savchenko should be...

Activists lined up on Nevsky Prospekt in the center of St. Petersburg and handed out leaflets with Russian language last word Savchenko, which she has not yet been able to pronounce in court.

In Moscow, the car flew into the underpass

In the south-west of Moscow on Leninsky Prospekt at the intersection with Udaltsova Street, a car flew into an underground passage, the correspondent reports. Russian news service." Before that, a car, in all likelihood, driving on a red one, collided with another, after which ...
