Who killed talc last data. Seven Famous Musicians Killed by Firearms

Now it’s clear for sure: the fatal shot was made by Igor Malakhov!

Now it’s clear for sure: the fatal shot was made by Igor Malakhov!

In a month, all TV channels of the country will commemorate Igor TALKOV. On October 6, 1991 (25 years ago), the singer was shot dead in Leningrad. The charge was brought against its director, Valery SHLYAFMAN, after which he fled to Israel. On the Promised Land, he changed his surname, becoming VYSOTSKY, and is trying in vain to prove his innocence. There was another suspect in the case - the lover of the singer Aziza, kickboxer Igor MALAKHOV. The court found him guilty under the article "Illegal possession of weapons" and gave him only three years probation. Recently, at the age of 53, Malakhov died without giving a single interview in his entire life.

Three years ago I tried to talk to Igor Malakhov(which, following Shlyafman changed his surname Rusom). Then he ended up in a Moscow clinic with cirrhosis of the liver. Igor flatly refused to speak. Neither his mother Galina Stepanovna nor his wife, an actress, wanted to communicate with the press. Ksenia Kuznetsova who bore him two sons.

I found their family in a remote village near Moscow, where they lived in a huge log mansion. As soon as she saw the correspondent's ID, the crazy mother set two equally crazy dogs on me.

And this summer, fate brought me to a former employee of the MUR, a retired lieutenant colonel Sergey Valeriev. From several conversations with a policeman, this interview came out, which sheds light on many blank spots in the mysterious story.

17 knife

Igor Malakhov was a real authority in the 90s, my new acquaintance reminded me. - He was in the Mazutka group, led by Petrik - Petrov Alexey Dinarovich. The brigade lived in the area of ​​the Cosmos Hotel and Maryina Roshcha. And then the KGB officers turned to us. One of the dancers of the variety show at the Ukraine Hotel was married to a Frenchman. Chekists kept all such marriages under control. But it turned out that the lady was cheating on a foreigner with Malakhov. Guys from the KGB came to me to inquire about him.

- And what, Igor was just a real gangster?

Something like that. Then they were fashionable martial arts. Malakhov was fond of them and even became the kickboxing champion of Siberia. Nature endowed him with hearing and artistry. Igor graduated from a music school, studied at the theater course with Olga Kabo. Was friends with Zhenya Belousov, made acquaintance with Aizenshpis. When Belousov fell ill, Igor often visited him. I remember saying: "Not a single bitch came when he was dying." He knew the entire beau monde. In addition, he is blond, taller than 180. In general, a movie character of the Scandinavian type. Girls hung up on him.

We got to know each other closely in 1990, a year before the murder. Talkova. There was information that the Dagestanis cut Malakhov in the hotel "Ukraine". They inflicted 17 knives, and he ended up in the hospital. The conflict was over a prostitute Marina Krylova, who worked in Cosmos, for which he and his brother Oleg, nicknamed Alena, stood up. Krylova is a pretty girl, a little over 20 years old. She came to our department in a mink coat, behaved modestly. We drooled looking at her.

Our task was to get information about the Dagestan group. Igor honestly told that his brother Oleg beat their leader Kolya-Krysha for running over a girl. The Dagestanis wanted to take revenge, but they attacked Igor - they confused him. There was no living place on it. We came to the hospital to take testimony, and he explained: “I’ll figure it out myself, we have a clue.” After a couple of months, the wounds healed. And we sent some of those Caucasians to prison, although Malakhov did not help the investigation.

- After that incident, did you meet with Malakhov?

Having recovered, he somehow drove up in a car, and sat next to Aziza. He called her "Chukchi".

- interesting relationship. By the way, remind readers: what is the difference between a thief in law and authority.

Thief in law - honors the thieves' code. The basic principles are to steal, not to have a family and children, to earn money for food in a criminal way. Thieves in law did not engage in extortion, did not kill with weapons, acting, if necessary, by sharpening. In the 90s they were replaced by people like Malakhov - authorities. Athletes with no criminal record. There are no limits to authority. This is a gangster who does not answer to the thieves' community. Authorities were afraid to get into the zone, because thieves' laws were in effect there.

Without malicious intent

- How did you find out about Talkov's death?

- From TV, like everyone else. The murder took place a couple of weeks after the coup. Euphoria, concerts. Crowds of idiots in the streets yelled: "Yeltsin, Yeltsin!" By the way, then rumor connected the murder of Talkov with both Boris Nikolayevich and the Jewish conspiracy. The next day I go to work, Malakhov calls: "Sergey, I'm not in business, I'm not a killer." I said, "Don't fuss. You are wanted. I can help, but within the law. My task was to establish psychological contact. “Come to Petrovka, 38, I must see you,” I finished the conversation. Igor was catastrophically afraid that he would be imprisoned. We set up equipment, tried to take control, but then the KGB intervened, headed by Litvinenko. They wanted to take the laurels of the winners. They listened to the telephone recording, rushed off, confused Igor with his brother Oleg and knocked him on the head. Igor calls me again: “I will sink to the bottom. What are you doing?!" By the way, Malakhov later became friends with this Litvinenko from the KGB.

- Wait. Litvinenko? The one?!

- Well, yes, he then served Boris Abramovich Berezovsky. The British poisoned him with polonium and blamed the murder on the FSB.

A team of Leningrad investigators is coming to us. With one of them I bet a glass of vodka that Igor would voluntarily come to Petrovka. And won. All my conversations with Malakhov, of course, were tapped. He was in a difficult mental state. Valery Zubarev, the investigator who was assigned the case turned out to be a normal person. I say: "Our task is to remove the resonance, to solve the crime." And such a cry went up! It's big politics, they say. The deputy head of the search began to run into: "Let's throw it into the cell, we will split it." But still decided to release on subscription. Zubarev interrogated everyone, and issued a verdict: "According to the testimony, Shlyafman is guilty."

In the "Yubileiny" there was a "Soundtrack", and in parallel, in another place, kickboxing competitions were held, in the leadership of the association which included Igor. Between the fights, the stars performed. Among them is Aziza. And then they called her. They said that one of the artists did not come to the performance of the "Soundtrack" and it was necessary to replace him. Aziza decided to quickly hit the road there, although Malakhov tried to dissuade her: she risked not returning by the right time. Then Aziza offered to talk to Talkov. To switch orders with him.

We arrived at the Jubilee. Malakhov went to the director Talkov Shlyafman. Word for word, a fight... Talkov called the guards from among the former Tula paratroopers. A brawl began, and Malakhov had a revolver. The singer's security knocked him down, began to twist his arms. Talkov ran up, started kicking with his feet. Malakhov fired three or four shots. And one of the bullets hit Talkov. There was no intentional murder. Then this pistol was thrust into the hands of Shlyafman. Although Malakhov was severely beaten, he left unhindered through the hall. Shlyafman brought the barrel to Azize. She gave it to Igor, who threw it into the Fontanka.

Dirty demotivators are still circulating on the Web accusing SHLYAFMAN (pictured on the right) of the musician's death. And it turns out he's not to blame. Photo: fotki.yandex.ru

Faithful Leninist

- Did you go to court?

I wasn't called. Igor was given conditionally. When the court made a decision, he immediately called me and asked me to drive up to the Ukraina. And during the meeting he said quietly: “I want to tell you, this is my shot. I take your word that you won't say anything." I have been silent for 25 years. I am an Orthodox person and I no longer want to bear this sin. Now I talk about it calmly. Because Malakhov is no longer alive. I am in favor of removing the charge from the poor Jew Shlyafman.

I met him several years ago. Can you imagine what it is like to live all your life with the stigma of "killer Talkov"?

I am ready to give confessions if it helps to somehow remove the blame from Shlyafman. But believe me, Igor paid for what he did. For the last 15 years, his friends called him Ilyich. After all, he began to thump heavily and hung a portrait at home Lenin. He told everyone: "Here is the most fair man". Something with the head, in short, happened. It's like they changed it.

Oddities have been observed for Igor before. In the early 90s, when he broke up with Aziza, he became a novice of the Pskov-Caves Monastery. But the Lord turned him around in such a way that Igor began to speak out against faith. He went into paganism, hit the Vedas, mysticism. Many believing guys who recently came to his wake stopped communicating with Igor because of this.

Before his death, Malakhov became extraordinarily fat: the Lord took money and beauty from him. I went to him out of town. Conversations with him weighed down. I realized that Igor is being eaten by the evil one. Paganism, after all, provides for witchcraft and divination.

But the death of his brother affected his psyche even more strongly: Oleg was shot in the back of the head when he, having opened the door for someone, turned his back on the guest. My brother sat on coke, was connected with drug dealers.

- Was Aziza at Malakhov's funeral?

She arrived when the urn was taken from the crematorium. Sang right there soulful song. Mom decided to bury Igor in hometown- in Kurgan. It is a pity that even a candle cannot be lit for him in the church.

Today marks the 27th anniversary of the assassination. Igor Talkov the Jew Shlyafman, who, being on the federal wanted list, fled to Israel. All these years the investigation was deliberately slowed down, and now they want to shift all the blame onto another person.

The investigation into the murder of the singer, poet and composer Igor Talkov is being resumed. I called the editorial office of the Federal Investigation Agency FLB.ru Irina Krasilnikova, press secretary Tatyana Talkova, widows famous poet composer, singer and actor Igor Talkov, who was killed on October 6, 1991 in St. Petersburg during a concert. She shared that in Lately many media shift the blame for the murder of the singer to the now deceased friend of the singer Aziza - Igor Malakhov found not guilty by the investigation.

Director Igor Talkov, Valery Shlyafman, who is officially recognized as the only defendant, is strangely justified in numerous articles and TV shows. In connection with these circumstances, representatives of Tatyana Talkova decided to petition for the resumption of the preliminary investigation into the murder of her husband.

I decided to find out the details and went to a meeting with Irina Krasilnikova and a lawyer Nina Averina, which protects the interests of the widow of Igor Talkov. A conversation took place, which I quote almost without cuts.

The Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation decided to resume investigative actions in the case of the murder of Igor Talkov

The conversation was started by lawyer Nina Averina. She said that at the beginning of August of this year she applied to the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg with a request to recognize Tatyana Talkova as a victim in the case of the murder of her husband, to resume the proceedings and provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the materials of the criminal case, to conduct a series of investigative actions. The leadership of the investigative committee agreed with the need to resume the preliminary investigation in connection with changes in the criminal procedure legislation, granting the injured party more powers than before, as well as the possibility of considering a criminal case in the absence of the wanted accused.

On September 4, the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg responded to the lawyer Averina N.V.:

“08/07/2018, the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg received two of your appeals in the interests of Talkova T.I. on recognizing her as a victim in the criminal case of the murder of I.V. Talkov, resuming the proceedings, familiarizing her (you) with the relevant case materials.

Your request has been reviewed and should be approved. The first department for the investigation of particularly important cases of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the city of St. Petersburg is in the process of criminal case No. 381959, initiated on October 6, 1991 by the prosecutor's office of St. 102 pp. "b, e" of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR on the fact of committing on the same day in the Yubileiny Sports Palace, located at 18 Dobrolyubova Ave. in St. Petersburg, the murder of Talkov I.V. out of hooligan motives, in a generally dangerous way. At the moment, the preliminary investigation has been suspended.”

The press secretary of the singer's widow Irina Krasilnikova entered the conversation. She recalled that since almost 27 years ago, during a concert at the Yubileiny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg, a very famous poet, singer, composer and actor Igor Vladimirovich Talkov, loved by the people, was killed a few minutes before his performance, disputes do not subside: how could this happen in a sports complex guarded by riot police and police, with a large gathering of people?

But that is not all, the interlocutors of FLB.ru say, another thing is outraged: there is a criminal case that was dealt with by professionals high level, the conclusions of which are published, voiced and well known. Then why did some media suddenly begin to revise the conclusions of the investigation, which already in October 1991 completely dropped the charge against Igor Malakhov, and in April 1992 recognized the singer director Valery Shlyafman as the only accused in the murder?

Why did the so-called “sensations” begin to appear in the press and TV channels, in which accusations against the late Igor Malakhov have been heard more and more often lately and Valery Shlyafman literally “excuses himself”? Why is the case, which at one time was suspended, and not terminated, not brought to trial, and the accused not punished? The spokeswoman explained that she is constantly forced to answer these questions, since Igor Talkov is not forgotten by the people, and this state of affairs outrages many.

"De jure"

I asked the lawyer to explain how, after 27 years, the investigation into the murder of Igor Talkov could be continued. This is what Nina Averina drew my attention to.

First. « The case initiated on October 6, 1991, the day the singer was killed, was not terminated, but suspended , which is confirmed by the response of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg, due to the fact that the main defendant Valery Shlyafman since February 1992 left the Russian Federation in order to avoid criminal liability for a serious crime committed and is hiding from justice in Israel, he took the citizenship of this state, knowing that it does not extradite its citizens to foreign states, which Russia has now apparently become for him. That is why the case, in accordance with the legislation in force at that time, was not brought to court,” says the lawyer.

Second. “Almost 27 years ago, suspicion fell on Igor Malakhov, but soon after a series of investigative actions, the suspicion against Malakhov was completely removed, the case against him was separated into a separate proceeding, he was convicted only for illegal possession and carrying firearms. Within a few months, the investigation carried out all the necessary examinations, investigative experiments, interrogations of witnesses, on the basis of which only Valery Shlyafman was recognized as the only accused in the murder of Igor Talkov.

Here's what the document says:

“Under the circumstances set forth in the materials of the criminal case, Malakhov could not inflict a mortal wound on Talkov, as evidenced by the inextricable combination of the following data: the nature of Malakhov’s movement at the scene, the position controlled by those around him at the time of Talkov’s injury, the position of Malakhov’s hand with a weapon, all the time directed downwards, the position of Talkov's body, his hands at the time of receiving a mortal wound, crouching, bending forward with an arm and palm extended forward, a short distance of a shot from 10 to 15 cm from the hand and 40-60 cm to the front surface of the chest.

« Under the circumstances set forth in the materials of the criminal case, Shlyafman isthe only person who inflicted a mortal wound on Talkov. This is indicated by the following data...» And there is a listing of facts about the position of the body and so on.", says the lawyer.

In other words, says Nina Averina, the materials of the criminal case established that it was Shlyafman who was directly the person who delivered the fatal shot to Igor Talkov .

Third. Despite the fact, continues the lawyer Nina Averina, that the investigation was subjected to powerful pressure, and for this crime must was answered by Igor Malakhov according to the developed someone script including Shlyafman, who claimed during interrogation on the day of the murder that he had seen Malakhov shoot at Talkov at close range, the investigation team, having sorted out the specific situation, removed suspicion from Malakhov.

And Shlyafman immediately began to prepare for his departure to Israel, where he left in February 1992, while still in the status of a witness. In April 1992, he was recognized as a defendant, but was no longer available to Russian justice. In this regard, he was put on the federal wanted list.

Fourth.Russia and Israel did not have an agreement on the extradition of criminals, especially citizens of this country . The Israeli side independently investigates the crimes of its citizens, wherever they are committed, and decides whether to extradite the criminal or not. The investigation made efforts to interrogate Shlyafman as a suspect in the territory of this country, but to no avail. Thus, Shlyafman never testified as an accused.

Fifth. “The examination, unique not only in the entire Soviet, but also in the post-Soviet space, dated April 7, 1992, was carried out by the Department of Forensic Medicine of the Military Order of Lenin of the Red Banner Academy named after Kirov,” continues the lawyer. - These are highly qualified specialists. I worked for 20 years in the prosecutor's office and in court, but I have never met such a level of expertise in my practice, and even when I got acquainted with other cases. They were doctors of sciences, colonels of justice, honored doctors. But then it was not so easy to get all the regalia and titles.

Here are the names of those who made the expert opinion:

- Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine of the Military Order of Lenin Red Banner Academy. CM. Kirov, Honored Worker of Science of the RSFSR, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Colonel of the Medical Service Popov Vyacheslav Leonidovich. Service experience since 1961.

- Senior lecturer of the same department, candidate of medical sciences, colonel of the medical service Isakov Vladimir Dmitrievich. Service experience since 1974.

- Head of the Trace and Ballistic Research Department of the TsNILSZ St. Petersburg Dolinsky Viktor Evgenievich, having a higher technical education, specialties 3.1 and 3.2 (“Research of firearms, ammunition and shot marks”), expert work experience - since 1984».

Sixth. « The main murder weapon - a revolver - was not found. He was immediately hidden by Shlyafman in the toilet flush tank, then, at the first request of Aziza (!) Was handed over to her, taken out by her director Ellie Kasimati outside the Yubileiny and handed over to Malakhov, who took it apart and threw it into the Moika, Fontanka and Neva . So the investigation is big job to bring the case to court, ”summarizes Nina Averina.

"De facto"

Probably, a time loop worked, if after almost three decades, more and more, more ambitiously and louder, they again started talking about both the murder of the singer and those who were once accused by the investigation.

Now, regardless of the conclusions of the investigation, accusations against the deceased Igor Malakhov flew from television screens, newspaper pages and online media, there were attempts to remove the official charges against the person of Valery Shlyafman, who at one time fled to Israel, moreover, through Ukraine, and is on the federal wanted list.

« At first things calmed down a bit., - says Irina Krasilnikova, - but after 20 years, the flow of articles, talk shows on television, commercials and publications on the Internet, where the main idea is now defended - Shlyafman is not guilty, has intensified. At the same time, I repeat, the conclusions of the investigation are completely ignored, as if they do not exist! But some fake witnesses appear, some strange personalities claiming to be experts, although this is simply indecent. These are Muromov(!), Saltykov(!), Loza(!), the drunken dancer Kandaurova(!), the actor Nikolai Leshchukov(!), known only in very narrow circles, the technical expert on plane crashes(!) Antipov, the werewolf in uniform Lomov (!).

Soon there were such programs as “The investigation was conducted” with Leonid Kanevsky “Igor Talkov: Bullet for an idol” (issue No. 6) dated 03/03/2006, “Live with Mikhail Zelensky”, which was released on October 6, 2011, a film by Sergei Medvedev from a series of Secrets of the Age "Defeated in battle" and others, - continues Irina Krasilnikova. - The conclusions reached by the journalists may be different, but they do not contain the objective information available in the case file. These are just speculations that people probably have the right to, and they should be treated as thoughts on a free topic, and not as facts. But further - more! Suddenly, texts appeared with headlines for which it is simply necessary to somehow answer: “Now it’s clear: Igor Malakhov fired the fatal shot!”, “The secret of Talkov’s death is revealed: the kickboxer Igor Malakhov fired the fatal shot”, “Igor Talkov’s killer left Aziza for the sake of a foreigner " and so on…

The further, the louder and bolder they began to say that the investigation, they say, did something wrong, and some of the authors of articles or talk show participants who are absolutely far from the events simply believe that their conclusions are more important than conclusions of the investigation,” the spokesman said.

Continuing the thought of Irina Krasilnikova, I would like to ask a few questions. What's happening? Why werewolves in uniform, forgotten artists who simply once knew Igor Talkov, then "friends-comrades" many years later became "experts" in the case of the singer's murder? One gets the impression that the audience and readers have begun to impose the idea that their opinion is correct, and the conclusions of the investigation do not play any role. Or now, when Igor Malakhov died and investigator Valery Zubarev, who was directly involved in the case of the murder of Talkov, recently died, is it possible to make money on the so-called "sensations" on television?

Why did the headlines fly: “Russian roulette worked”, “Talkov died due to ordinary male stupidity” and so on? By the way, the title of the article “Igor Talkov died due to ordinary male stupidity” sounds quite unambiguous and is passed off as the words of the former head of the investigation department, Oleg Blinov, who, in a telephone conversation with Irina Krasilnikova, was himself unspeakably surprised by this newspaper “duck”. In his mouth, the phrase sounded like this: "Igor Talkov died because of the usual male stupidity of Shlyafman."

« This is just his personal point of view. considering that he did not interrogate Shlyafman either as a witness or as a suspect, and even, according to him, did not see him in the eyes, but in an interview with a journalist of a very reputable publication, based on the case materials, he clearly called the name of the killer - Shlyafman ". But, if this is so, why did they remove the name Shlyafman? To make it happen that stupidity was Talkov? Both were outraged: Krasilnikova and Blinov. “It gives the impression of someone ordering slander", - Irina Krasilnikova believes.

« The last straw in this stream of "revelations" and deafening "sensations" for many people was the program "Actually", released on Channel One on May 8, 2018, - says Irina Krasilnikova. - I was invited to this program "for any money", and Tatyana Talkova, and Maria Berkova, costume designer Igor Talkov, and the widow of the investigator in the murder case Olga Zubareva. She was aware of this high-profile case, which was handled by her husband. Naturally, we didn’t go, because the next game of investigation was organized by the infamous posthumous persecution of Talkov, a journalist with a speaking surname Murga. But, as expected, it was in this program that everything that causes indignation not only mine, but also the lawyer Nina Averina, and Olga Zubareva, and just thinking people».

The press secretary of the widow of Igor Talkov shared what was most outrageous in that program:

First . Performance of a “werewolf in uniform”, opera from MUR by Sergei Lomov , who "protected", in particular, Igor Malakhov, who was then part of one of the criminal gangs. Lomov, on air throughout the country, expressed a "sensational" opinion that a man like Shlyafman could not kill Igor Talkov. That, allegedly, after a while, the drunk Malakhov confessed to the drunk Lomov when they met in the restaurant of the Ukraine Hotel that on October 6, 1991, there were supposedly not two shots from Malakhov, but three, and that perhaps this was a kind of admission of guilt in the murder of Talkov .

« It's not that strange to me, - continues Irina Krasilnikova, - that in the chair of the protagonist, apparently, for the same "any money" that was offered to us, they put a person who violated his official duties and dishonored "shoulder straps". How can you even consider a person who has changed his oath as a valuable witness? Except on a talk show in which the host daily says the refrain: “Thank you, enough lies for today!”

Second. This is probably why the fragment did not go on the air, where the former bodyguard of Igor Talkov, Vladislav Chernyaev, asked Lomov why, having received, in fact, operational information, did not immediately write a report on Malakhov's confession in the murder of the singer? Again, Irina Krasilnikova learned about this directly from Vladislav Chernyaev, who added that the authors of the program “shut up” him, reproaching him with unprofessionalism, although this question was asked by all sane people.

Third.On the air of this program, lawyer Yevgeny Kharlamov recalled the teleconference with Shlyafman, where he asked the latter a question: “If you didn’t kill, what prevents you from coming to Russia and proving your innocence?” At the teleconference, Shlyafman unequivocally answered the studio: “I won’t go to Russia, I have nothing to do there!”

Fourth. “The biggest bewilderment is the completely unprecedented ending of the broadcast “Actually”, when the host of the program, Dmitry Shepelev, officially invites the accused Valery Shlyafman to the studio, allegedly “in which it is impossible to lie”, so that he would “give evidence and tell how everything really happened” on the air”, - continues Irina Krasilnikova and asks a reasonable question: “ Lord, what are you talking about? The TV channel is a judicial body, where are the testimonies given now? What about the laws? What about the consequence? According to the law, Shlyafman accused of a crime, as soon as he crosses the border, must be detained as a person hiding from the investigation and on the federal wanted list. And his on the federal channel? The presenter "waved without looking", changing the "federal wanted list" to "federal channel"! Tell me, why is Shepelev making this offer to a citizen of a foreign state accused of murdering a Russian citizen?».

Lawyer Nina Averina explains that such an offer to Shlyafman to participate in a talk show, voiced throughout the country on a federal channel, from a legal point of view, is public propaganda of non-compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, ignoring criminal and criminal procedure legislation. " If now TV programs replace everything: the Constitution, the prosecutor's office, investigating authorities, the court, the authorities executing punishment, then the citizens of Russia have a legitimate question: “Should there be a reaction of state power structures to such antics?” It is terrible to imagine if such a story would have happened on the state channel of Israel or the USA !!!", - says the lawyer and adds that according to the law for Valery Shlyafman there is no statute of limitations in this case until he gives his testimony as an accused. As long as he is wanted, he will remain a defendant.

Recently, after a long illness, the investigator who was directly involved in this case, Valery Zubarev, died. " It was easier for him to come to the conclusion that Igor Malakhov, and not Shlyafman, fired the fatal shot. The fact is that unprecedented pressure was put on the investigation in order to prosecute Igor Malakhov for the murder of Talkov. Valery Borisovich Zubarev told me this personally in a conversation twice. He was given ambiguous orders: who to interrogate - who not to interrogate, no funds were allocated for business trips to Moscow, he was bombarded with other criminal cases in order to delay the investigation, etc.", - says Irina Krasilnikova and continues:" This is also confirmed by his widow, Olga Vasilievna. She told that Valery Borisovich was threatened by phone. And for the first time in his many years of investigative activity, and he was investigating daunting cases, Zubarev asked for a weapon to be issued to him for permanent carrying. No arguments “from above” had any effect on this person, since his principle was: "I don't put innocent people in jail." By the way, in his there is not a single unsolved crime on the record. Therefore, Olga Zubareva perceives as a mockery of the blessed memory of her late husband the programs that cross out his work. He, investigating the case of the murder of Igor Talkov, showed devotion to the profession, courage, honor, lost his health, unlike the "werewolf" in uniform, which we were shown recently on Channel One».

Igor Talkov saw who shot him

« There are several points confirming that Shlyafman fired a shot at Talkov not in a fight- explains the lawyer Nina Averina.- Firstly, he was not a participant in the fight, nothing threatened him personally, no one attacked him. Secondly, Malakhov was already lying with his hands pressed to the floor, and could not make a single movement, not to mention pulling the trigger. At this moment, when Malakhov was completely neutralized by the guards, Shlyafman began to take away his revolver.

During interrogation as a witness, Shlyafman admitted that he had difficulty pulling a revolver out of Malakhov's hands, inflicting bruises on himself.

Why did he need to do this when the guards had already dealt with Malakhov and could and should have disarmed him - is this their direct responsibility? But Shlyafman had a direct duty not to allow the artist to get into any fights before the concert.

But he provoked a conflict, and deliberately called Igor into a fight, knowing that Malakhov was armed. As can be seen from the materials of the criminal case, Shlyafman began to work out this scenario of events as soon as he joined the group in August 1991, initiated conflicts in various cities, trying to drag Talkov into them all the time.

But if you pulled the gun out of Malakhov's hands, - says the lawyer , - and nothing threatened anyone, take the gun and leave. However the investigation found that it was Shlyafman who fired an aimed shot at Igor Talkov, after which he fled the scene and hid (ends in the water) the gun in the toilet tank in order to destroy fingerprints, and then calmly handed it to Aziz at her first request. In his initial testimony, Shlyafman, wanting to avoid criminal liability, accused Malakhov of the murder of Talkov. It was on the basis of the testimony of Shlyafman that Malakhov was suspected of committing the murder of Talkov ".

Nina Averina shared a unique document confirming her words.

Excerpts from the minutes of the interrogation of Shlyafman on October 06, 1991 (we publish a photo of the first page and the page of the interrogation, where the following words are given):

“... Before that, Malakhov, who was lying, twisted, raising his hand with a pistol, fired 1 or 2 shots at point-blank range at Talkov while he was standing nearby. Talkov somehow jumped back to the wall. I didn’t see further, as I grabbed the hand with the pistol and, inflicting abrasions on myself, tore the pistol out of Malakhov’s hands. For about one minute I did not know what to do, and then I, holding a gun in my hands, ran into our dressing room. I saw that Malakhov jumped up and ran towards the stage. Hearing the screams, I was in shock, I saw that Talkov was not in the dressing room. At this moment, Aziza runs in, Sasha, who was sitting with her in the bar, and a dark-skinned girl. At that time, I went to the toilet, which is located in the dressing room, realizing that the gun must be hidden for the investigation. I put the gun on the toilet lid, which was seen by Aziza and those who accompanied her. She screamed, "Where's the gun?" When I left the toilet, Aziza and Sasha rushed to the toilet, one of them grabbed a gun, but I don’t remember who, because he was in a state of shock. Aziza, Sasha and a swarthy girl jumped out of the dressing room. I went into the toilet and saw that there was no pistol on the lid of the toilet tank ... "

Later, in his interviews, Shlyafman will say that he did not hold a gun at all. In fact, this is not the only lie of Valery Mikhailovich, we will not list everything.

The role of Aziza in this story is still unclear, but very interesting. .

There is another nuance that proves that Igor Talkov saw that a gun was pointed at him.

« In the conclusion of the expert group and the study of the forensic examination of the corpse, it is said that there is a single wound channel that passes through the arm and enters the heart- continues the lawyer. - That is, the wounds were caused by one shot.. Igor Talkov put his hand out in this way, and this is confirmed by investigative experiments in order to protect himself from an aimed shot, therefore, he saw that the muzzle of the revolver was directed precisely at him, put out his hand in such a way as to defend himself. This happens in a person involuntarily. In other words, Igor Talkov saw who shot him. And in the end, as the widow of Igor Talkov once said, someone was a mysterious call was made to Shlyafman with the words "Talkov was killed".

In pursuit of ratings, many TV channels, Internet resources, and other media, of course, strive for sensationalism, but why idle arguments, changes in the testimony of pseudo-experts on the air, articles by some journalists, sometimes relying on unscrupulously obtained information, have begun to be exaggerated lately ? " It's time to stop this chaos”, the press secretary and the lawyer say in one voice and continue:“ Let's follow the progress of the investigation, which will be conducted not by "show experts", but by professionals in their field. IN this case- Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg. It’s just that, finally, it is necessary to bring to court the case of the murder of the beloved and revered by the people singer of Russia Igor Talkov, who wrote more than 250 songs, most of which taken off the air and have not sounded for 27 years: “Russia, “My Motherland”, “Globe”, “Metamorphosis”, “Mr. President”, “ Chistye Prudy-2", "Former Podsaul", "Bandaged Foreheads", "Scene", "Satan's Ball", "Uncle's Cap", "Kremlin Wall", "Gentlemen Democrats", "The Sun Goes West" ... Only for one of them - the song "Russia" - he has already entered the history of the country and the genetic memory of the people».

« In Russia, Igor Talkov was and remains the most beloved, unforgettable and revered patriot and singer of his native country. Then why do some very reputable media, as if by someone's click, form a completely different image of another Talkov, distorted by lies. This is very noticeable, especially in recent times - and one should not think that people do not react to this.”, - Irina Krasilnikova says excitedly and reminds that “on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the birth of I.V. Talkov and on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his untimely death, the Russky Vestnik newspaper No. 25 for 2015 published an open letter to the President of the Russian Federation with a request to perpetuate the memory of the poet and remove repression from his work. The letter was signed by a huge number of Russians. Signatures keep coming. Recently, the letter was sent again to the President of the Russian Federation, to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, to the Committee on Culture of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.”

« Considering that work on the criminal case is being resumed, and all such statements in the press, which were discussed above, will no longer go unnoticed, because they are not harmless not only from a moral, but from a legal point of view, we ask you not to forget gentlemen of the journalists, engaged in the dissemination of false sensations, that the case is criminal and not terminated, and there are all grounds for sending it to court and sentencing the lawyer warns. - We also remind you that under the new legislation of the Russian Federation, a trial is possible even in the absence of the accused who is on the federal wanted list.

In the event of the emergence of new "sensational facts", false witnesses, we will petition to subject these circumstances to verification during the preliminary investigation, and challenge them in court in a civil manner. We will act within the legal framework and rely only on the materials of the criminal case, which no one has repealed to date.».

Igor Talkov. RUSSIA

Igor Talkov. I'll come back

talented musician, poet, film actor and songwriter. At the beginning of his career, he collaborated with many Soviet popular musical groups- I wrote lyrics for them. The high-profile murder of Talkov, which occurred exactly 25 years ago, was a shock not only for his fans, but for the whole country as a whole.

Circumstances and conflict

The production company LIS "Since October 6, 1991, organized a concert of Soviet pop stars. The event was held in St. Petersburg, at the Yubileiny Sports Palace. Many others were supposed to perform at the concert.

On this day, Igor Talkov was not going to perform, because he had a flight to Sochi. But for the sake of the equipment that he needed for solo performances and was available only from the LIS "S production center, he had to agree.

Immediately after arriving in St. Petersburg, Igor managed to give his last interview for television. After the interview, he went to watch a recording of the last concert in which he participated, and from there he went to Yubileiny in good mood.


The conflict that led to that fatal shot began shortly before Igor Talkov entered the stage. Singer Aziza and her director Igor Malakhov were unhappy with the order of performances at the concert. It was believed that the later the singer performed at the end of the event, the more prestigious. Oleg Gazmanov was the last to perform at this concert, Igor Talkov's performance was planned before him, and Aziza's exit before him.

After a loud scandal with the organizers of the concert, Aziza managed to get on stage directly in front of Oleg Gazmanov. Igor was informed about the new sequence of performances by the administrator girl, who assured everyone that the singer took the news calmly.

"Express newspaper"

Director of the artist Valery Shlyafman, having learned about the new time of Talkov's appearance on the stage, decided to clarify the details with the administration of the concert. They reported that Malakhov was the initiator of this, which outraged. He went to talk about this with Malakhov himself, but he was unusually rude. After Igor Talkov asked to invite director Aziza to his dressing room. A tense conversation took place there, after which Talkov's security took Malakhov out of the room.

Murder of Talkov

In the corridor, Malakhov took out a weapon, according to eyewitnesses, it was a revolver of the Nagant system. The guards of Igor Talkov were at gunpoint, after which the singer left the dressing room with his gas pistol. He managed to fire a few shots, but the cloud of pepper gas did not reach Malakhov. At this time, the singer's security took advantage of the moment and managed to knock the weapon out of his hands.


A shot rang out in the corridor, and the bullet hit the performer. Witnesses do not have a unanimous opinion about who shot and from where. There are three main versions of Talkov's murder:

  • The pistol was picked up by Valery Shlyafman, shouted "Everyone stop!" and shot at Igor;
  • The fatal shot was made by Igor Malakhov;
  • It was impossible to understand who was shooting.

Murder investigation

First of all, the investigators charged Igor Malakhov. On October 10, he was put on the All-Union wanted list. On October 11, he himself surrendered to the authorities and, as journalists claimed, managed to get rid of the weapon. After carrying out a whole range of measures, the investigators announced that Malakhov could not shoot at Igor Talkov, and the main suspect was his director Valery Shlyafman, who by that time had already moved to Israel for permanent residence.

For many years, the Russian prosecutor's office could not get permission from the Israeli authorities to interrogate a citizen of the country, so the investigation stood still. In 1997, Russia and Israel entered into an intergovernmental agreement on the joint struggle of law enforcement agencies against organized crime, which allowed the investigation to continue.


The Israeli prosecutor's office said that if they find the evidence strong enough, then Valery will be tried according to Israeli law, but the case did not develop. The investigator who investigated the murder of Igor Talkov stated that Shlyafman was not guilty.


Singer Aziza does not like to talk about the murder of Igor Talkov. Many are sure that the tragedy put an end to the career of an aspiring singer. The Russians could not forgive the fact that the conflict began because of her speech. The investigation also established that Aziza handed over the weapon to Malakhov, who ran out into the street and threw it away.

During tragic events Aziza was pregnant, but during the brawl she tried to protect Malakhov and was hit in the stomach. This resulted in the loss of a child.

The singer claims that she saw how Valery Shlyafman tried to hide the gun from which the shot was fired in the toilet drain tank, but she stopped him and gave the weapon to Ella Kasimati.

The murder of Igor Talkov was discussed for a long time in the press, several documentaries were shot and many unofficial investigations were carried out.

Talk about who killed musician Igor Talkov in October 1991 has not subsided to this day. So recently, several programs appeared on television at once, and in newspapers - articles about Talkov. Almost everything is a lie, and there is irrefutable evidence for this.

In the hands of our journalists were unique documents - the results of numerous examinations, interrogations of participants in those tragic events. And the conclusions of the most authoritative experts: only the director of the artist Valery Shlyafman could shoot! And no one else.

It would seem that there is nothing to talk about. The surname of Shlyafman as the main person involved has sounded more than once. However, more than 20 years later, representatives of the former director, who immediately fled to Israel after Talkov's funeral, suddenly appeared on the central channels.

They want to whitewash the fugitive director

Shlyafman is not guilty, and in general he is very good man! - director Mikhail Gladkov, who lives in the USA, recently announced on the air of the “Property of the Republic” program on Channel One, who has suddenly become frequent in Russian open spaces.

He was objected from the audience: will an “innocent” hide for many years in their historical homeland? But Gladkov pretended not to hear.

And I have nothing to do with it! - the singer Aziza hastened to disown.

Her bodyguard and, concurrently, lover Igor Malakhov was suspected of murder then, in the 91st. But the investigation proved that he was innocent. Important point: the investigation was conducted by an investigator for especially important cases of the prosecutor's office of St. Petersburg, a first-class lawyer with vast experience. The experts are the leading specialists of the Military Medical Academy: professors, doctors of sciences, whose experience in the profession is at least 30 years. Professionals who can't be wrong.

By official version, Talkov and Aziza quarreled over a place in the concert. Representatives of the artists went to negotiations, and soon a fight broke out near the dressing rooms. From Aziza was Malakhov. Hefty bull, champion of the USSR in kickboxing. From the "talkovsky": Shlyafman, three personal bodyguards, and - Igor himself, who was drawn into the fight by his own director. That's what the witnesses said. Although usually directors at any cost seek to protect the ward from everything that does not concern creativity.

Subsequently, the Talkov guards who participated in the fight will die in the prime of life. Someone fell out of the window, someone crashed in a car ... The question of who removed unnecessary witnesses hung in the air.

The investigation proved that Malakhov pulled out a pistol and managed to fire two bullets. To scare away the Talkov guards who twisted him. His hand was pressed to the body, so he could only shoot at the floor. The guards knocked out a pistol from his hands, knocked the athlete to the floor. And then the third fatal shot sounded.

From the case file:

“... the right hand of Malakhov I.V. with a revolver was firmly held by Barkovsky A.M., and was always directed down to the floor ... The barrel of the revolver Malakhov I.V. on Talkov I.V. didn’t direct ... Shlyafman snatched a pistol from Malakhov’s hands ... When Malakhov, who was lying on the floor, was beaten, a third shot rang out ...

The shot was fired at close range. Talkov managed to put forward his left hand, closing his heart. The bullet pierced the arm, and then the aorta - the main heart muscle. A close shot immediately cuts off the version of the sniper from the audience - this version is still adhered to by the singer's brother Vladimir.

Yes, and only one bullet was removed from the body.

“... Under the circumstances set out in the materials of the criminal case, Malakhov AND.The. could not inflict a mortal wound on Talkov I.V. ... Shlyafman V.M. is the only person who inflicted a mortal wound on Talkov I.V.”

The murder investigation lasted two months. It was only in mid-December that we managed to get the results of all the examinations. Until that day, according to the rules in force, no one could be arrested. But by that time, Shlyafman was already far away - he had left for Israel. Talkov fans picketed the Israeli embassy, ​​demanding not to give a visa. But nothing was achieved.

It is known that having arrived at the promised land, Shlyafman opened grocery store.

Who is the section of the dead artist?

But maybe Shlyafman accidentally shot? Wanted to hit Malakhov, and missed?

We don't think so! - Talkov's fans Irina Krasilnikova, Natalya Khlobystova and Igor Sheshunov told us indignantly, - Why did the "stray bullet" hit the heart right away? Not in the arm, in the leg or in the stomach? And on the spot, leaving no chance? In general, only specially trained people shoot so accurately. In addition, the case file says: Igor put forward his left hand, instinctively trying to close himself. So, he saw that the muzzle was directed at him. In addition, Shlyafman was not interrogated as a suspect in the murder, but only as a witness. When the investigator of our prosecutor's office came to Israel for this, Shlyafman did not appear for interrogation, and the Israeli authorities completely forbade interrogating their citizen. Therefore, the question of an accidental shot remains a very big question. The motives that made a person pull the trigger are known only to him. That is why it is necessary to bring the case to court.

Director of the concert hall "Jubilee" Olga .... also doesn't believe in coincidence. She is one of the witnesses of the tragedy, moreover, Talkov literally died in her arms.

There was an ordinary festive concert, - Olga Yuryevna recalls that day, - Suddenly a call on the internal telephone, they shout into the receiver: there is shooting behind the scenes! The first thing I saw, rushing backstage, was Igor's back. Behind him hung a mirror. Igor took a step and began to slowly slide down the mirror. Around like a vacuum, there was no one. Usually, if there is noise, the artists run out to watch. And then everyone seemed to hide in the dressing room. I grabbed Igor by the hand.

It seemed to me that he made a movement forward, as if trying to get up. But no, his hand was getting colder, his face

became pale and then somehow greenish. Fog, shock. I'm screaming help! And no one around...

- Can you remember how the director of Igor behaved before the concert? I asked.

He was very ... fussing, running. He was wearing a bright shirt with palm trees, very juicy colors - it is impossible not to notice. Dressed up as if for a holiday.

Only 30 minutes after the tragedy, the ambulance arrived. The singer was taken out on a stretcher. To the surprise of Olga Yurievna, for some reason Talkov was in his shorts. Who undressed him, already dead, is still a mystery.

The killing could have been ritual

There is an opinion that Talkov was removed by the Masons. A world organization that intends to put its people "at the helm" in Russia. Talkov was a smart and very educated person, and figured out this plan. It's obviously worth listening to his latest songs.

Whether Shlyafman was a member of this organization is a question that we are also unlikely to be able to answer now. But it is reliably known that he appeared in the artist's team after a major scandal. Talkov was photographed with the leader of the Memory society, a pronounced anti-Semitic organization. Few people knew that the leader's mother was Jewish, and he himself acted as a provocateur. There are good reasons to believe that he worked for one of the foreign intelligence services.

Those photos also became a provocation. Newspapers were full of notes: Talkov became an anti-Semite! The artist began to poison. In response, the confused Igor took Shlyafman into the group. The latter regularly - as people from Talkov's inner circle say - tried to drag the artist into a fight.

The killing could also be ritual. In the special literature there are rules for carrying out ritual murders, very reminiscent of the murder of Talkov. And - royal family, Sergei Yesenin, monks from Optina Hermitage during Easter. The "ritual" issue was once seriously investigated by the scientist Vladimir Ivanovich Dal.

Too many "coincidences"

The ambulance, in which the artist's body was placed, stood near the service entrance for about half an hour. Olga Yurievna, unable to stand it, looked into the car and asked with hope: are there any chances? To which the doctors replied irritably: yes, he died, it was clear from the very beginning, and don’t interfere at all. What manipulations with the body they performed remains a mystery.
In general, there is a lot of mystical, inexplicable in this story.

A year and a half before Talkov's murder, strange posters began to appear: the musicians of the Lifebuoy group, smiling, hold a mirror. And in the mirror, in profile, Igor is depicted - a greenish-dead color. And on his sleeve he has a triangle pointing down and numbers. The sign of the triangle pointing down, according to the Masonic symbolism, means "termination of life."

There was another poster that appeared around the same time: a black silhouette of Talkov falling from the sky against a blood-red background. And the heart is pierced by a black star - like a bullet, a shot in the heart.

But that's not all! Exactly one year before the death of the artist, director Nikolai Stambula shoots the film “Beyond the Last Line”, where the then living musician starred in the title role. Talkov's opponent in the picture is a boxer with a criminal past, played by Evgeny Sidikhin - miraculously similar to Malakhov. And the beloved woman, according to the film, is an oriental beauty. True, in the picture the heroine was a prostitute, but this does not change the matter. But most importantly: the famous scene of the shooting of the hero Talkov at close range was filmed on October 6, 1990. Exactly one year before real murder October 6, 91st!

Employees of secret missions - Dahl wrote about this - love to "beautifully frame" their deeds: mysticism, symbolism, "amazing coincidences" ...

We can't say anything. But, for example, Shlyafman was recommended to Igor by director Gladkov. The one who now, as best he can, protects the fugitive director.

Two months before the death of the artist and Gladkov, he made a strange film: Igor Talkov's Dreams. According to the plot, the musician has already died and speaks from heaven.

I didn't even know that the picture could become prophetic, sometimes… - the director was surprised at the filming of "Property of the Republic". But his eyes remained cold and impassive.

What role did Aziza play in this story?

Its director in those tragic days was a woman - Ellie Kasimati. And if the singer had sent her, and not an armed athlete, to negotiations with Shlyafman, the tragedy might not have happened.

But it's not only that. Aziza hid the gun - the main murder weapon - which Shlyafman gave her. If these people are ever brought to trial, the question will arise: is this a conspiracy?

From the case file:

“Testimony of witness A.A. Mukhamedova… I heard 3 clicks. I saw a hand with a gun and other hands twisting it, but it was impossible to understand who was holding the gun. After shouting: “gas, gas”, I felt pain in my eyes and ran into the dressing room No. 107. There, an unknown man said that it was necessary to hide the gun…”. Which she did.

According to the administrators of Yubileiny, on that fateful day behind the scenes, Aziza was calm, and even impassive.

Now the singer is inseparable with Igor's son, Talkov Jr. Befriended by taking advantage of a special health condition young man and his lack of money.

Igor Jr. innocently told in one of the TV shows: - I sometimes call Aziz: “Give me a thousand!”. And she gives.
Thanks to this friendship, the singer got the opportunity to scream even louder: I am not guilty of the murder, so Igor's son understands this!

But it would be nice for the younger Talkov to find out such a moment. That on the way from St. Petersburg to Moscow to continue the investigation in the fall of 1991, Aziza (we were told about this by the St. Petersburg investigators who were traveling with her in the same car) all the way ... sang. Talkov's body has just been interred, and the woman, in front of whom the murder took place, sings! And now the singer goes on TV shows, and smearing tears, grieves: what a poet was killed!

A very strange thing began to happen with the mirror, near which Igor fell, - Olga Yuryevna, the administrator of Yubileiny, said in the end, - The next day the mirror turned yellow. The administrators scolded the cleaners that they could not wash the yellowness in any way. On the 9th day after Igor's departure, the mirror began to crack - like nylon tights with arrows. By the 40th day, very deep cracks appeared, and after the 40th day the mirror ... no, it didn’t break, it crumbled into dust ...

I really hope that this material will attract the attention of the competent authorities. And all those responsible will finally be punished.

Igor Talkov was born on November 4, 1956 in the city of Shchekino Tula region.

His father and grandfather were native Muscovites, and belonged to the nobility. Igor's grandfather was a military engineer, his uncles were officers of the tsarist army, and his father was repressed and spent 12 years in Siberia, where he met Olga Yulyevna, who became his wife. (continued below Y.K.)

ANDgrief Talkov


and a series of deaths of the transition from democracy to oligarchy

these deaths do not seem to be accidental

and don't seem disjointed

removed apparently those who knew how to speak

Sobchak... Starovoitova... Talc...

The Duma even adopted a resolution

do not show on TV what and how they discuss

Why? because they don't know how to talk

they prevented doing something

which they could explain



About lga Yulievna Schwagerus grew up in a family of Germans who were resettled from the Caucasus to Siberia. Before meeting Vladimir Talkov, she worked in the mines, was already married, but became a widow after her husband, the son of a kulak, shot himself in order not to surrender to the OGPU. Olga gave birth to her first child in prison, but he died due to malnutrition, and the girl herself was saved by the camp theater, where she met Vlad Imir Talkov, under whose guidance she sang romances, recited poetry, and later bore him two sons. The elder Vladimir was born in exile, and the younger Igor after the family returned from Siberia in 1953 and settled in the Tula region, since the Talkovs were forbidden to live in the capital.

Igor grew up as a cheerful, agile and cheerful boy. He began to write poetry early and participated in school in amateur performances. For teachers, Talkov was a very uncomfortable student, wore flared trousers and grew long hair. He often disrupted lessons in basic military training, not understanding at all why this subject was needed at school.

The next day after graduation, Igor went to Moscow. “He didn’t drink a single glass of champagne then,” said his classmate. - He talked all evening about the upcoming exams at GITIS. Having passed all the tours in the specialty, he cut off at the exam in literature.

After graduating from a music school in the accordion class, Igor never learned to understand the notes. Possessing a phenomenal memory, he selected all musical works by ear. After graduating from high school, the girl Sveta, with whom he was friends, helped him to master musical notation. The lines “I will invite Memory to dance, and we will spin together ...” he wrote at the age of 17 and dedicated to Svetlana Veprentseva.

Igor Talkov began writing songs in 1973, and his first composition was the song "I'm a little sorry", after which Igor created several musical sketches, and in 1975 a ballad called "Share" was born, which Igor considered the first professional work . At the age of sixteen, Talkov created the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Past and Thoughts" with friends, and after graduating from school he became a member of the Tula musical group Fanta, headed by Georgy Vasiliev.

In 1975, on the square in Tula, Talkov expressed a sharp opinion about Brezhnev, after which employees of various authorities, up to the KGB, drew attention to him, it was about starting a criminal case, but Igor was rescued by his friend Anatoly Kondratyev, with whom Talkov played in a group. The trial was avoided, but Talkov was drafted into the army, where he served in a construction battalion in Nakhabino near Moscow. Anatoly Kondratiev said: “After the concert of our Fanta group, a red-haired youth came up and offered to take him to the group. I felt in my gut that I needed to listen to him, the hoarse voice seemed interesting to me. In general, we took him to the group as a vocalist and paid him 90 rubles. He lived in Tula with me and slept on a large chest. It so happened that there was another young man in the group, also gifted. There was an unspoken enmity between them. Once, after the concert, Igor heard that Brezhnev would be awarded another medal, and joked rather caustically about this. We all laughed, besides, Igor was, frankly, drunk. However, Igor's secret enemy wrote a slander to the KGB. The culture-controlled KGB officer was my classmate. I learned from him that the case was blown up and Igor faces up to 3 years in prison. I was advised to take him away from Tula. And we didn’t think of anything better than to send him to the army. Igor had to write an application with a request to take him into the Armed Forces. But we didn’t let him serve until the end - three months before the demobilization, we took him to Sochi on tour. ”

In the army, Igor came to a sad conclusion about the state of the state as a whole, began to take a more thoughtful attitude to history and changed his view of the events taking place in the country. Although in childhood Talkov, like all schoolchildren, believed in the success of the ideas of communism, his parents tried not to destroy this faith, did not talk about their camp past, and the process of realizing the falsity of the ideals laid down at school was quite painful for Igor.

Returning from the army, Igor entered the Moscow Pedagogical Institute, then the Leningrad Institute of Culture, which, like the Pedagogical Institute, he left a year later and began to collaborate with the April, Kaleidoscope and Perpetual Motion groups. He arranged for many famous groups, at one time worked in musical theater Margarita Terekhova, constantly tried to create his own group and be noticed as a singer-songwriter, but he didn’t succeed right away. For a long time, at various artistic councils, they explained to him that he was not a member of the Union of Composers, not a laureate, and he did not have special education.

On July 22, 1979, Talkov met his future wife Tatyana, inviting her to dance at the Metelitsa cafe. Later, Igor participated in the program "Come on, girls" as a musician and invited Tatyana to act in extras. Soon they got married, and on October 14, 1981 their son Igor was born.

Tatyana Talkova said: “In the Metelitsa, then black marketers gathered. Before the trip to the south, we were going to, among other things, buy branded T-shirts. Igor went to a cafe with friends just to relax. He then worked as a lead vocalist and bass player in the April group and played in the jazz-rock style. He was wearing a long American raincoat given to him by the Spanish singer Mitchell. Ripped jeans peeked out from under the cloak. He explained that he had left a suitcase with things in a taxi... Igor and his friend offered us to participate in the extras of the program Come on, girls!. All the girls from our company agreed, but I refused. I'm not photogenic, I've never liked being photographed. Igor invited me to dance - I again said: "No." He was very surprised. Maybe with my “no” and “no” I attracted his attention. But at the end of the evening, I myself, I don’t know how, found myself paired with him on the dance floor. Igor had a great gift of persuasion... Who was I then? A nineteen-year-old girl who professionally sewed stylish clothes. I grew up without a father. Igor turned my world upside down. At that time he lived in Moscow, now with one friend, then with another. Six months later, I told my mother: “This person will live with us.” Mom put an old couch in my room ... In the morning he moved to his bed. Even then, he told me: “Tanya, I am a free person, my work is in the first place, my work is in the second, my mother is in the third, and then you.” I was different from all the rest of his women in that I did not drag him into husbands. My windows were always open for him. I could be silent for a day if he worked. Sometimes he woke me up at five in the morning to show me a song written during the night. By the way he walked from the elevator to the door, I knew in what mood he was going home. He had the keys to the apartment with him, but he preferred to ring the doorbell: he really liked it when he was met at the doorstep ... "

Tatiana's patience was amazing. There are, of course, good wives, but it is rare to find one who could completely sacrifice herself for the sake of her husband. She did what Igor needed. Even when a child fell ill, Tanya tried to hide it so as not to upset Igor. There was a time when she drank only tea, but her husband and son always had vegetables, fruits, meat. “Igor was an extraordinary, complex, controversial person,” Tatyana said. - But it was impossible to be offended by him, besides, he knew how to very subtly ask for forgiveness. He would come home and fall to his knees right from the threshold, bring armfuls of flowers or come up and silently kiss me on the top of my head ... In a tiny Khrushchev house with two adjoining rooms, Igor's office was a combined bathroom. It was the only place where he could retire and wrote his songs while sitting on the washing machine.” The Talkovs did not live well, rode bicycles to Borisov Ponds and were happy.

In 1982, Talkov took part in the All-Russian competition of Soviet song performers, held in Sochi, where he performed the song "Cranes" by Jan Frenkel, "Red Horse" by Mark Fradkin and "Earth Gravity" by David Tukhmanov, as well as own song"Land of Childhood" It was she who became a stumbling block for the authoritative jury, and Igor was not allowed to go beyond the first round, being designated as a performer who had nothing to do with the Soviet stage.

In 1986, Igor Talkov came to work as a soloist with Irina Allegrova in Tukhmanov's Electroclub group, hoping that this would help him become famous as an author and performer, but Talkov only had to sing Tukhmanov's songs in the Electroclub. As part of the Electroclub, Talkov released a record at the Melodiya recording company, and in the fall of 1987, the Electroclub group took second place at the Golden Tuning Fork popular music festival. In the same year, David Tukhmanov's song "Clean Prudy" performed by Igor Talkov got into the program "Song of the Year", and real popularity came to Igor, although the performer himself was upset by such success. The public has long perceived him as " lyrical hero”, and at concerts she invariably demanded “Chistye Prudy”, and when he began to sing other works, the majority of the audience was simply perplexed.

In the late 1980s, Igor created his own group called "Lifebuoy", and already in 1990 his song "Former Podesaul" sounded in "Song of the Year". Before performing this song at one of the concerts, Igor spoke about who it was dedicated to: “Former tsarist officer Philip Mironov, St. goes to fight for the so-called "people's" power. Igor himself found materials about the legendary army commander Mironov in the archives. The officer, who once served the tsar, turned out to be needed by the Bolsheviks only in order to win over the Cossacks to their side, and was later shot in the back.

Much has changed in Igor's life when the song "Russia" was broadcast on the first television channel in the program "Before and After Midnight". Igor sang in a white shirt: “Looking through the old notebook of the executed general, I tried in vain to understand how you could give yourself to be torn to pieces by vandals ...” And behind him the earth burned, churches exploded, the silhouette of Anna Akhmatova was visible. The effect of the performance of the song was like a bomb explosion. People were shocked by this song, and immediately after the broadcast on television, viewers began to call. After the performance of this song, a colossal success came to Igor Talkov, they began to actively invite him on tour.

Vladimir Talkov said: “The song“ Russia ”turned out to be fatal for Igor, with it he signed his own death warrant. I immediately told him about it, and he himself understood. When the song was finally edited, at night Igor dreamed of black hands that were trying to strangle him. In general, there has always been a lot of mysticism around the brother. How did he live with it? I believed in God."

Since the beginning of 1990, Talkov has been actively touring with his concerts throughout the Soviet Union. He tried to have time to express himself as fully as possible, he wanted his songs to sound on time, to be relevant and the more they influenced people. Talkov was very sincere on stage, and his performances were always successful. There were no disruptions to the concerts, his charisma and energy saved the concert even when the equipment failed, or other overlays occurred.

Once, during a tour of Tajikistan, at a rehearsal at the Palace of Culture, the speakers provided the background. Igor's older brother Vladimir Talkov said: “Someone advised to ground the acoustic equipment on the power box: there was some kind of screw, which the local electrician identified as a grounding point. Then it turned out that it was the power phase of an industrial voltage of 380 volts ... The background really disappeared, and we safely worked out the entire concert. At the end of the concert, Igor bowed, the curtain went down - and suddenly he waved his arms and began to fall. That evening I worked with the light and stood behind the left wings. For some reason, I immediately realized that Igor was under stress. We rushed to the shield and with lightning speed pulled out the cord that provided power to the equipment. If our intuition had not worked, Igor would surely have died that evening. He lay unconscious on the floor, he began to convulse, he was twisted into some incredible position. He had a bass guitar in his hands, which we could not tear off in any way. The strings burned to the palm of my hand ... After this story, Igor was afraid to pick up a microphone for some time, he asked me to wrap it with insulation.

He was fluent in words, could talk for hours with the audience, who liked to listen to him. Talkov believed that the Russian people were stunned by a giant propaganda club, and that many of its inhabitants had their brains programmed in such a way that it was already impossible to return them to normal. He considered such a lost part of the generation, but he still considered it necessary to tell the truth for the sake of the possibility of insight. At the beginning of the concert he did brief digression into the story so that the listeners tune in a certain way and understand what will happen on stage. He recalled the exploits of the Russian people, made people feel their national roots, proving that the Russian people are a great nation with its own wonderful past, and the audience who attended his concerts regained the lost “connection of times”.

Talkov conducted historical searches, was interested in relevant literature, and always knew exactly what he was going to sing about. His home library was dominated by historical books, reprinted and photocopied editions, reprints from banned books published in the West, and archival historical materials. Talkov found time every day to read, underlined the places of interest to him in the text with a pencil, wrote out something in order to later place the exact accents in his work and use it when writing a song. He constantly accumulated information, while the process of writing a song took place at lightning speed and unexpectedly. Talkov never wrote about what he had not experienced, and he never wrote by order. That is why his songs have always excited the listeners, and each of them heard in Igor's texts experienced not only by the author, but also by himself.

Talkov's concert usually consisted of two sections. In the first, sharply social songs were performed, which Talkov sang in the form of a tsarist officer, paying tribute to the Russian army, slandered by Soviet history. His demeanor on stage, stingy but beautiful gestures, spiritual face, intelligence, sad and intelligent eyes, laconic texts - all this convinced the viewer that they were not an artist in an appropriate suit, but a genuine white officer, miraculously transferred currently.

The viewer believed Talkov, caught his every word, was ready to think, analyze and draw conclusions with him. In the first part of his concert, Talkov tried to awaken in people the ability to think, and in the second part, he gave listeners the opportunity to relax, offering lyrical songs to their attention.

In everyday life, Igor was a sincere and very kind person. The greatest pleasure in life for him was to help people, he was always ready to help out a person in difficult situation. He had a rare gift of empathy. The fate of his country shocked him. Learning the truth about the current state of affairs in Russia, and about its past, he simply could not remain silent, hoping to improve the world around him. He took on a colossal work and incredible responsibility, trying to open people's eyes to what is happening in the country. “Our people, downtrodden and downtrodden, must be awakened, awakened at all costs,” he said, and he was always in a hurry. “Where are you in such a hurry, Igor?” they asked him. “I may not be in time,” Talkov replied.

Once, walking after a night's work early in the morning in Kolomenskoye, not far from the dilapidated church of the Beheading of John the Baptist, Talkov found a cross. Cropped, dirty, apparently knocked off the domes a long time ago. He dragged him home for two kilometers. Said, "Now that's my cross! Let him scare away enemies.

He managed to appear on television, worked in recording studios, gave interviews and participated in concerts.

He worked hard and slept little. Talkov complicated his concert program and made a theatrical performance "Court", during which he expressed his attitude towards all the leaders who have ruled Russia since 1917. More than once they tried to disrupt his concerts, cut off the electricity, tried to ruin the equipment, the organizers of Talkov's concerts even had to put guards at the central switchboards. There were cases when the electricity was cut off in the entire area or rumors spread that Talkov would not come, and therefore his concerts were cancelled.

On August 22, 1991, during the days of the August coup, Igor Talkov performed with the Lifebuoy group on Palace Square in St. Petersburg, where he performed the songs War, I'll Be Back, CPSU, Lord Democrats, Stop ! I think to myself!”, “Globe” and “Russia”. And in September 1991, Igor Talkov handed over to Boris Yeltsin, through his personal doctor, a recording of the song "Mr. President". Disappointment with the policy of the first president of Russia was read in this song.

Talkov always wanted to act in films, and his dream came true after the film director Saltykov saw the video for the song "Russia" filmed on television and noticed Talkov's acting data. He was invited to audition for the main role in the film "Prince Silver", Igor agreed, and already during the filming of the film "Prince Silver" director Nikolai Istanbul invited him to star in another film in which Talkov was offered to play a role crime boss. Igor initially refused, not wanting to destroy his stage image, which had developed in the perception of the audience. But he was convinced that the skill of an actor is manifested in the ability to play diverse roles, and in the end he simultaneously worked on two opposite screen images.

A mystical detail is connected with this film - according to the plot, the main character, the former boxer Dremov, performed by Yevgeny Sidikhin, at the end of the film, shot all his offenders point-blank, including the hero Talkov. This story was filmed on October 6, 1990, and exactly a year later, on October 6, 1991, Igor died for real.

It happened in concert hall"Anniversary"…


At first, Igor was not going to perform in St. Petersburg. The schedule of his concerts was already tense, overloaded. On October 6, he was supposed to fly to Sochi, for the closing of the season in the Festivalny concert hall, for three or four days. In November, there were solo concerts at the Olimpiysky, and this is 30 thousand spectators, and for performances at such venues, appropriate equipment was needed. At that time, the only company that had high-quality equipment was LIS'S; they installed light, sound, etc. I knew that Igor would never bow to Lisovsky, I saw how he worries, looking for a way out. And then it turned out that he was very persistently invited to perform at a gala concert that the company arranged in connection with the opening of its branch in St. Petersburg. That is, there, at the administrative level, the issue of equipment could be positively resolved.

In addition, St. Petersburg is Igor’s most beloved city, and he did not want to miss the opportunity to go there, to visit places dear to his heart, where everything is simply filled with history, breathes the “golden age of Catherine” ... Igor idolized Petersburg, at one time he even persuaded me to move live there; our "slum" - Khrushchev was exchanged for a very decent apartment in the city center. But since the center musical life- in Moscow, this move did not take place. And then, in October 1991, the weather there was just wonderful: warm, sunny, autumn - Igor's favorite season - golden domes, golden foliage ... The team was renewed, and Igor really wanted to take a walk between concerts, show the guys "his" Petersburg (on that day, it was supposed to hold two - afternoon and evening - concerts; the tragedy occurred at the first, so this moment is quite significant). And in general, Igor treated the St. Petersburg public with respect, appreciating its taste and exactingness.

A few days before his death, Igor suddenly said that he had nothing left to live, or rather, he even specified the remaining life span for him: either two weeks, or two months. I always tried to protect him from all sorts of "psychics" - predictors, knowing his impressionability. But after all, there were and are people involved in this area, so to speak, professionally, making some kind of publications. For example, quite by accident recently I met a man who said that he approached Igor after a concert at the White House in August 1991. The fact is, he said, that there is such a thing as a “mask of death” in a person: “I can’t explain, but I see it.” So then he saw her at Igor's, tried to tell him, but Igor brushed it off, did not listen. Perhaps this is what he meant when he spoke of the nearness of the end, perhaps something else, I don’t know, or maybe he just had a premonition. I tensed up a little, not attaching much importance to it. After all, we don’t want to believe bad predictions until something happens ... This is already later, remembering in the smallest details circumstances last days- weeks, I realized with some mystical trepidation that a lot of things were not quite ordinary, everyday.

So, late in the evening on October 4, Igor arrived from another performance; dinner, tea. And then almost all night, until dawn, we just talked, lay and talked. Surprisingly ... It seems that he really said goodbye then. He remembered everyone - his relatives, said something about everyone, remembered everyone from the group, giving some characteristics, commenting. He admonished me, spoke about his son, he didn’t even forget his beloved cat. How did he leave a will, why would he? .. And at the same time he was very worried, everything was said with pain, with regret. Moreover, he spoke somehow detachedly, as about the future in which he would no longer be around “you will be eaten by such and such”). But then it was perceived normally; After all, we often talked, he had some revelations ...

He did not get up late, although he actually fell asleep in the morning. On that day, on the 5th, Igor had two field performances: one - at the invitation of traffic cops, somewhere outside the city, in a military unit; and then he went to Gzhel for anniversary evening art and industrial college. He worked there alone, without a band, he sang to the guitar, on which, by the way, the string broke ... It turned out that this was his last appearance on the stage.

In the absence of Igor, there was a sound in the house phone call. Unfamiliar male voice, the man identified himself and asked to tell her husband that the issue was resolved positively, the go-ahead was given. "He will understand". As it turned out, shortly before that, Igor applied to the authorities (either the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or the KGB) with a request to provide him with a professional security guard with the right to carry firearms, so that he was constantly with the group. My husband and I had a very trusting relationship, but, not wanting to worry me, of course, he did not talk about those conflict situations that sometimes arose on tour and became more frequent with the advent of the new director of the team, Valery Shlyafman (in June 1991, the first trip with him took place in July). Conflicts flared up every now and then, Shlyafman provoked the guys, and Igor involuntarily found himself involved in resolving such situations, because he is not one of those who will sit back and pretend not to see anything. Although, in principle, everyone should mind their own business, and the work of the guards was precisely to ensure the peace of the team during the tour. Shlyafman's cockiness was somewhat alarming: either by virtue of his character, or out of a desire to emphasize his significance, to arouse the respect of the guys, he used to provoke everyone and, like a pug, hide behind the owner's back. Or maybe it was not in the character; it is possible, and it is most likely that he was introduced into the team specifically for this purpose ...

Again, shortly before the tragedy, Igor fired a person from the group who at one time worked with us as a driver, was on the hook, did not shy away from the work of a porter (carried equipment), then somehow began to quickly move to administrative work, with Shlyafman. But, as in a well-known fairy tale, his requests grew exorbitantly, and he began to apply for official powers, which he did not correspond to either professionally or in terms of human, moral qualities. There was a gap, he was removed from work in the team, which led to threats from him. Somewhere between October 3-4, a short telephone conversation took place, during which Igor was very laconic, nevertheless, the principle sounded: “Are you threatening me? Fine. Are you declaring war? I accept it. Let's see who comes out victorious."

All this gave rise to some anxiety. In general, the time was not very easy. Needless to say... The atmosphere in the country was very tense, tense; social and political life was in a fever; constant unrest in different points, a coup, tanks on the streets of Moscow - this did not bode well, it was not known who would come to power tomorrow in that troubled time ...

Even in the winter, on occasion, a gas pistol was purchased. When leaving, Igor never took him with him, but he insisted that he be with me, especially when I went out in the evenings with Igor. He seriously instructed me to take it off the safety lock, entering the entrance, to keep my hand in my pocket at the ready. I took it with a smile. But Igor said that if they want to hurt him, they will act through close people. He bought bullets: yellow and blue, some tear-staining, some paralytic. But, probably, they were already expired, unusable.

I can imagine Igor's reaction (I just see it visually) when on that fateful day he shot and, according to Sanya Barkovsky (bodyguard), in those few seconds an expression of extreme bewilderment appeared on his face: no action, no reaction followed. He naively believed that after the shot, a wave would spray out and all those present would be “turned off”, and it would be possible to figure it out later.

By the way, he did not know how to shoot. When sometimes, walking, we went to the shooting gallery - before, after all, they were everywhere, on every embankment - I succeeded. And he always smeared and got angry like a child: well, how it works for me, a woman, but for him ... Then he found out that, while aiming, he screwed up the wrong eye and, naturally, there was a shift. But even when he realized it, he still failed. Well, he wasn't a shooter! It happens that something is not characteristic of a person; there was no aggression in him ... He would never have passed the TRP norms in his life.

Igor's behavior on the evening before departure was not quite usual: no rush to get ready, no kisses on the run. He began to get ready earlier, suddenly asked if I wanted to go with him, talked with Igor for a long time, punishing him to behave well and obey his mother. I said goodbye to my son, as with an adult, by the hand. Don't forget to say goodbye to the cat. As a rule, I myself drove Igor to the station or to the airport, but this time Shlyafman came for him. Igor always ran up the stairs. And here he comes down, his hand on the railing, and looks at our floor for a long time, this small span. It feels like I remember. I went out to the balcony, looked down - I kept waving my hand. It was so uncharacteristic for Igor. If I had known, I would have stopped ... But then I did not attach any importance to this, and only the next day it was piercingly remembered ...

I arrived at the station twenty minutes before the train left. All the musicians who have ever worked with Igor, met with him, knew that he was late always and everywhere. Therefore, there was just an ovation, someone laughed: “Igor, this cannot be! How is Talkov calmly walking along the platform!

Tickets ended up in the 13th car, which in front of Peter for some reason unhooks from the composition. The train is delayed, but... not for long. Technical problems are fixed, and Igor continues on his way towards the inevitable.

So many times I mentally lived together with the person dearest to me this fateful day, collecting it bit by bit and detail, building up by hours and minutes a string of events that led to a tragic denouement...

Early morning. On the platform, Igor is met with a camera by St. Petersburg television:

— We are glad to welcome you to St. Petersburg, dear Igor. How are you, happy?

- I am glad. I've probably been waiting almost all my life for this moment when I get off the train and find myself not in Leningrad, but in St. Petersburg.

After there were rumors that, they say, they knew in advance and decided to film it. But this is unlikely. It's just that by that time he had already reached certain heights and there was increased interest in him, and in St. Petersburg he was not such a frequent guest. His speech during the days of the August putsch on Palace Square made a strong impression, although the public perceived his social bloc in different ways, someone shouted, whistled. In general, he was either loved or hated - there was no middle ground. He felt it and knew it. On St. Petersburg television, they decided to make a program about him, as it turned out - the last one. He walked along the platform, embarrassed, sleepy (the whole group was like that), because until 4-5 in the morning they sat in the compartment, discussing plans for the future.

Then they were settled on the landing stage "Alexey Surkov" - a pretty hotel on the water, along with all the Moscow musicians. TV shooting continued there as well. Talking with Igor, the journalist, like all her colleagues in recent months, did not fail to ask a question about all this hype - about Igor's connections with the Memory society. Trying to hide his annoyance at the need to give some explanations behind a smile, defending his obvious non-participation in any organizations and the principled position of a free artist (his last moments are truly poisoned), Igor turns to the most weighty, as it seems to him, argument - the fact that the director of the Lifebuoy group, Valery Shlyafman, who is sitting next to him, is a Jew, which does not prevent them from understanding each other and working together. Immediately, in a certain heat, he calls Shlyafman his “very good friend”, which, of course, must be taken in the context of the situation. In general, Igor constantly felt an urgent need for a real friend (just listen to his song "Eccentric") and generously gave this definition, alas, not always worthy people.

By the beginning of the afternoon concert, Igor was already at the site of the Yubileiny Sports Palace. The guys from television suggested that he go and watch the already mentioned performance on Dvortsovaya, filmed in August. He returned at 4 o'clock. Its exit was planned around 16.20; By the way, the serial number also turned out to be 13. A there, even in his absence, conflict began to emerge.

The concert has already begun, someone performed. Malakhov approached the host at the beginning of the concert and said that there would be a reshuffle, Talkov and Aziz had to be swapped, since she allegedly did not have time to prepare for the exit. Although at that time Aziza was already on the site, sitting in a cafe with other artists, and Talkov really wasn’t there yet. The presenter replied that Malakhov's request was beyond his competence and it was necessary to discuss this issue with the organizers of the concert. After some time, Malakhov again approached and began to speak more insistently and threateningly (say, "I'm telling you, it means ..."). But the fact is that in connection with television filming, the concert was not “live”, but with a soundtrack, and in the control room all the soundtracks were already loaded in accordance with the order of performances. The presenter began to explain to Malakhov that this is a whole process and only the organizers of the concert have the right to resolve such issues, not to mention the fact that it is necessary to agree with the artist himself. Nevertheless, under the pressure of Malakhov, the presenter conveyed his demand to the administrator and asked to find out if there was an agreement with Talkov so that there would be no confusion. The administrator girl went into Igor's dressing room, in which there were already several people from the team, and told the dresser Masha Berkova: "Hurry up, they change your places there, you have to leave earlier." Soon he arrived from television and Igor himself, in a very good mood, immediately began to tell what a wonderful shooting, how much he liked it. Masha hurried him, explaining the situation. He took it quite calmly. He quickly began to dress, saying, among other things: "We will not wear a shirt, give me a black T-shirt."

For some reason he was dressed in all black that day. In principle, he was ready, it was only necessary to put on a jacket and comb his hair. Periodically, the administrator girl looked in: “Well, is everything all right?”

Aziza, allegedly not having time to make up and change clothes, still continued to sit in the cafe. By the way, she arrived already in make-up, she only had to put on a dress. And she was almost persuaded to go with her number. The administrator even approached the presenter and said that if Aziza’s phonogram suddenly went on, but she didn’t have time, she would balk, go out and say that Aziza had gone on tour to America.

Shlyafman, having returned from television, decided to find out for himself who was performing, how long before Igor's release. And at that moment someone told him that “you were changed places”.

- Like this? Who is this?

Aziza's friend introduced himself as her administrator.

And here, it would seem, the already regulated situation with the replacement of the order reappears as an occasion for an ambitious showdown between Shlyafman and Malakhov, it arises already at a more “explosive” level. Malakhov approaches the host for the third time, his threats become quite specific: “Change places, otherwise you will regret it!”

Shlyafman, meanwhile, returns to the dressing room, where Igor was almost ready to go on stage.

- There is some Malakhov changing places for you. That is, the very presentation of information was designed for the corresponding reaction of Igor:

— Yes, why is that? Go find out.

Shlyafman goes to negotiate with Malakhov. Returning a few minutes later (everything happened very quickly), he says that Malakhov called him “Vasko”, threatened, introducing himself as a “dealer in the shadow economy”, and Talkov himself was also “lowered”, etc.

- Well, then go and say that I will either perform with my number, or I won’t go out at all.

Thus, the conflict began to take on a frankly fundamental character, and all the talk that Talkov allegedly did not want to give up his close to the final and, therefore, according to the unwritten laws of show business, a more "prestigious" place in the concert - all this is absurd . The so-called "democratic" press ("Arguments and Facts", "Moskovsky Komsomolets", "Spark" and others like them) in the very first days after the tragedy tried to present what happened as a "male mess", "a drunken fight", a clash of ambitions of two " stars”, who did not share a place in the concert. Not to mention the fact that the elementary ethical standard, adopted by mankind since ancient times: “De mortuis aut bene, aut nihil” (About the dead or good or nothing (lat.)), the facts were deliberately manipulated and manipulated. Fortunately, the forensic examination irrefutably proved that Talkov was absolutely sober on the day of his death (not a single gram of alcohol was found in the blood). As for the imaginary motivation of what happened, there was an obvious substitution of concepts, reasons and causes, that is, superficial and deep currents.

For Igor, it did not matter when to perform - at the beginning or at the end of the concert. He came out with such a program that at once concentrated the attention of the audience on him; and in a certain sense, for a more complete perception by the audience of the deep content of his songs-prophecies, songs-ballads, he was interested in entering the stage until the moment when the hall tuned in to a purely dance mood. Igor did not claim to close that concert. Moreover, as already mentioned, he really wanted to take a walk around the city, and the sooner he worked out his first performance, the more time would be left before his appearance in the evening concert.

Shlyafman's actions were of such a provocative nature that it is very difficult, almost impossible, to believe in their unintentionality. As a typical provocateur, he ran from one participant in the brewing conflict to another, conveying, perhaps in a somewhat exaggerated form, some hard-hitting expressions, inflaming and escalating the situation, in general, from scratch.

Finally, Igor said: "Call this "dealer" here, we'll talk." In essence, Talkov was given a public challenge - impudent, impudent, boorish, outrageous. Being a man of honor, with a heightened sense of his own dignity, he simply could not accept it. In a certain sense, even if it does not seem immodest, the motivation for Igor's behavior on that fateful day for him clearly fits into Lermontov's formula: "The poet died, a slave of honor ..."

By the way, Malakhov initially refused to go to the dressing room, but Shlyafman insisted.

16.15. Malakhov, accompanied by Shlyafman, enters the dressing room, starts a conversation in offensive tones, and behaves defiantly. Igor, of course, could not remain cold-blooded in such a situation, he began, as they say, to “wind up”. And this was expressed in the fact that he began to speak more quietly, that is, it was a state of internal accumulation negative energy, and the splash could happen quite unexpectedly.

The guys knew this and, trying to "pay off" the situation, they began to take Malakhov out of the dressing room. And in the corridor, after a few moments, the conflict was almost exhausted. But here again Shlyafman appears and throws to Malakhov: “Well, did you crap yourself to fight ?!”

Stop! It turns out that he brought the irritated, heated Malakhov to Talkov's dressing room, knowing that there the conflict could take extreme forms, namely, that a fight could occur (and this, at least, is a compromise of Talkov)? It was he, the administrator, who, on duty, was obliged to settle all such issues at his level and in no case bring their decision to the level of “showdowns” with the artist, and even a few minutes before going on stage. When there is an invisible process of internal concentration and attunement to the upcoming performance, invisible to the prying eye. This is the same as if they came to the actor before the performance and said: “You know, your mother just died.” Igor thought through each performance from and to. Even how to get out and what to say: "Hello" or "Good evening", right down to where to pause, what to say between songs. By the way, on that day he wanted to congratulate the people of St. Petersburg on the return to the city of its historical name (which happened literally a month later, on September 6)...

If Malakhov tried to go into the dressing room alone, without Shlyafman, no one would have let him in, for this, two guards stood at the door, who let only their own and the administration through.

16.17. So, the fatal phrase is spoken. Malakhov takes out a gun. As if waiting for this very moment, Shlyafman runs into the dressing room: “Igor, give me something, he took out a“ gun ”(“ A gun ”is a revolver of the revolver system, loaded, as it turned out later, with three live cartridges.), - great knowing that this time Igor took with him (for the first time!) his gas pistol. Why on earth would he suddenly take him on this trip? Perhaps it was Shlyafman who incited him, arguing that it would be safer this way. I even said, well, why are you taking it, now you are traveling by train, and from there to Sochi you will certainly fly by plane. "Don't worry, we'll figure something out." It looks like he was going one way...

It is impossible to imagine that Igor would give Shlyafman a gun, and he himself would sit out in the dressing room when his guys are in danger. “We have our own for his“ gun ”, - says Igor and calmly, not abruptly takes the bag, removes a pistol from there, jerks the bolt, throws open the door and immediately shoots two or three times. As already mentioned, the proper effect of the shots did not follow.

Malakhov by that time had already begun to remove his revolver, but then he grabbed it again. Bodyguard Sanya Barkovsky fell on him from behind; two more guys keep up, trying to snatch the gun, twisting his arms. In order to somehow "neutralize" Malakhov, Igor runs up close and tries to hit him on the head with the handle of a gas pistol. Shots are heard already from military weapons (later bullets were removed: one from the box from under the equipment, the other went to the floor). It is significant that at that moment no one from the police guard of the Sports Palace was nearby, and that day they were very numerous (which is also clear from the video footage filmed after the fatal shot). There is another, the last - the third shot. Malakhov's pistol is knocked out. Igor, dropping his, backs away, pressing his hands to his chest, says: “How painful!” - walks in a state of shock a few steps along the podium towards the stage and falls backwards in front of a large mirror ...

The weapon turns out to be Shlyafman, who hides it in a tank in the toilet room. Further down the chain:

Elya Kasimati (Aziza's assistant), Aziza and... the revolver returns to its owner. Malakhov, not noticed by anyone, passes through the auditorium, through the rows, once on the street, gets into the car and leaves. Then, according to him, he disassembles the revolver and throws it in parts into the waters of the Fontanka and Moika.

16.37. The first call to the ambulance was recorded.

Caller: Hello, ambulance. Palace of Sports "Yubileiny", here a man was shot. Employees' entrance.

Dispatcher: What area?

Caller: Petrogradsky.

Dispatcher: Address?

Caller: Dobrolyubova, 18.

Dispatcher: Dobrolyubova, 18. What is it?

Caller: This is the Yubileiny Sports Palace.
Dispatcher: Yubileiny Sports Palace.

Caller: Hurry, please!

Dispatcher: A man? Woman?

Caller: Is it a man or a woman?!

Dispatcher: Who are you?

Caller: In Talkov! In Talkov, in Talkov!

Dispatcher: What is your phone number? 238...

Caller: .. .40-09. Hurry, please.

Dispatcher: Don't shout. Dobrolyubova, 18?

Caller: Yes, service entrance.

Dispatcher: Wait for the doctor.

The program director sends the host to stop the concert. He reports the incident in a breaking voice and asks the doctors to go backstage, if there are any in the hall. The head of the Yubileiny first-aid post, doctor Igor Petushin, was at the concert and, having heard the announcement, hurried backstage, where there was already a nurse. Even before the ambulance arrives, they give two injections: a solution of cardiamine and a hemostatic.

16.39. Two cars left the scene of the incident: an “assault” (resuscitation and surgical) and a second one (with an intensive care team) from the 1st ambulance station. Within 4-5 minutes, six more appeals from Yubileiny followed. Considering repeated requests, the station dispatcher contacted the leaving cars at 16.51 to find out their whereabouts. The car from the first station was already in place. The driver answered the dispatcher: "The doctor is with the patient."

16.53. Igor is brought into the car. In the medical history at this moment it is written: “Heartbeat, respiration, pulse are absent. The pupils are maximally dilated. "Ambulance" is forbidden to take the dead, but the doctor, seeing the excited crowd, crying guys from the group and considering the full hall of fans, decides to take the wounded man with a diagnosis of "clinical death" to the nearest hospital (in fact, there was already biological death).

17.00. In the emergency hospital No. 10, doctors lifted the deceased to intensive care, again for deontological reasons: to separate those accompanying him. The life of the organs of the body was supported by artificial respiration.

Igor had a gunshot bullet blind penetrating wound of the chest with damage to the heart, lung, mediastinal organs, massive, transcendental, acute blood loss. “They don’t live with such a wound, a few steps and that’s it ...” the doctors said. He took these steps - to the stage ... “Even if the operating table was deployed on the spot and the brigade was ready in anticipation of such an injury, then the chances would be almost zero. In fact, Talkov was killed on the spot ... "

Years later, in August 1999, material prepared in hot pursuit immediately after Igor's death was published, but then it did not go to print. According to the journalist, he “involuntarily got the impression that someone mysterious,“ silent and powerful ”, “reacted” with lightning speed and imposed an indisputable taboo on this very slippery topic at that time.”

Let me quote a fragment of this publication, which gives the opinion of an ambulance doctor who arrived on a call to Yubileiny:

“Igor Talkov was dead, irreversibly dead long before our arrival at Yubileiny. Even if we deployed a full-scale resuscitation complex from the Sklifosofsky Institute immediately upon arrival at the site of his death, nothing could be done, an injury incompatible with life is a medical concept that leaves no hope for either the resuscitators, let alone the patient ...

- Where do you get such confidence from?

- From my more than solid practice, examination of the victim on the spot, unsuccessful attempts at resuscitation, the conclusion of a forensic medical examination on the causes of death.

“So you still tried to revive him?”

- As soon as we arrived at Yubileiny and examined Talkov, I realized that it was all over for him. But the crowd raged around, people seemed to go berserk, poked us with their fists and shouted: “Revive! Revive!" If I had told them at that moment that Igor Talkov was dead, we would probably have been torn to shreds...

What can you say about the nature of the injury?

- I will never, anywhere, say anything like that, but now I will say: it doesn’t look like an “accidental” shooter, so ... in my opinion, only professionals can shoot. It is possible to survive with a bullet in the heart, but never with a bullet that ruptured the most important coronary vessels that feed the heart and caused extensive internal bleeding with the destruction of vital organs.

- You want to say...

- I don’t want to say anything, except that the one who shot Talkov accidentally or not accidentally hit him on the spot from the first shot, leaving not the slightest chance! And further: before the arrival of our brigade, two young people came out of the auditorium to Talkov, who introduced themselves as doctors, and tried to give him artificial respiration. Every first-year student knows that with an open wound of the heart, it is strictly forbidden to do artificial respiration by rhythmically massaging the chest - the last blood is squeezed out of the heart and it stops functioning ... Well, as soon as we squeezed through the crowd to Talkov, I leaned over him and immediately I realized that his chest was rather badly damaged, although the young people did artificial respiration using the mouth-to-mouth method.

That is, it turns out that these unknown young people imperceptibly did something like “ control shot", to make sure Talkov's death for sure?

- To draw conclusions is your business, but I state the bare facts.

So, the allegedly "accidental" shot of the singer hit and destroyed exactly that part of the heart, which is practically not amenable to restoration on a living organism. Talkov's death came immediately, but the voluntary "assistants", who rose from the hall to cries for help, managed to push through Talkov's chest, squeezing all the blood out of his heart, after which they disappeared into the crowd without a trace ... only one thing is clear: whoever the killers were, whoever put a bullet in the famous and talented singer of Russia in that distant ninety-one, it was the first well-thought-out and organized action of the emerging Russian lawlessness, the first "honestly practiced" order in the full sense of the word.

I painfully want to know who really was behind everything that happened then; who wrote the script and directed the tragedy that became a personal grief not only for Igor's relatives and friends, but also for many thousands of his admirers. There is no doubt that Aziza is a figurehead. As for Malakhov and Shlyafman, it seems that they have simply already rehearsed this situation. Sometimes one hears that contract killings, behind which the special services stand, have a different “handwriting”, that they are not committed so publicly. But after all, here, most likely, the task was not just to “remove” an objectionable person, but also to publicly discredit him, as if to debunk him in public consciousness: they say, you consider Talkov such a saint, White shirt, a cross, an image that embodies Rus' on stage, and - here it is, your idol, misbehavior, a fight on a domestic basis ...

But even here Igor turned out to be much more perspicacious; in one interview of the last year, he says about the time of the late 80s: “Then they could do anything to me. Now hardly, because the country knows me. And if they do something to me, it will be the same as with Tsoi. Why do they need another apolitical author to raise on a pedestal? And death, murder always raises a person to such heights. He will be remembered for such a long time."

The more time passes, the more I do not believe in chance: no one was hurt, but Igor was killed on the spot. I understand that the bullet is a fool, but all the same, such a combination of circumstances is amazing. Malakhov at the trial said to Masha Berkova: “If you knew what scum this Shlyafman is!” Why, if he didn't know him at all? Why did Shlyafman give away the gun, the most important piece of evidence that could be used to make a ballistic examination? afraid of fingerprints? figured it out so fast? If a person is not guilty, then when he sees death, I am sure he will not think about such things. Why Malakhov was immediately released, believing in his innocence; why was Shlyafman simply pushed to leave for Israel in order to lead the matter to such a dead end? At the same time, in hot pursuit, a competent person told me that if both Malakhov and Shlyafman had been interrogated properly at Petrovka, “believe me, they didn’t split like that, it’s just that no one needed it.” They didn’t “dig into” anything: were plane tickets purchased to Sochi, were they in Shlyafman’s hands if the person was supposed to fly away? Or were they going the same way? These are the questions that haunt me, and the answers to which I will never get, probably ...

I do not believe the results of the autopsy, I do not understand why, with a blind wound to the chest, there was so much blood under Igor, from the back. I do not rule out that the shot was fired by someone else, that the wound was of a different nature, from a longer distance. According to eyewitnesses, someone constantly flickered at the bars (there are a lot of flights of stairs and doors). Shlyafman, at the moment when everyone called an ambulance, dialed a number and said two words: "Talkov was killed." To whom did he call, why, to whom, as it were, did he report on the work done?

What confidence can the results of this much-vaunted comprehensive expertise inspire if the calculations are based on incorrect initial data. So, at a press conference in St. Petersburg in the spring of 1992, investigator V. Zubarev, who was in charge of the case, noted that the killer was "about the same height as Talkov."
