What you need to open a grocery kiosk. How to open a kiosk

Encyclopedic reference: stall - a small outlet (tent, kiosk, etc.), specializing in small-scale retail trade in consumer goods. As a rule, the assortment of goods in the stalls is limited. For example, soft drinks, various foodstuffs. There are also highly specialized stalls that sell only cigarettes or only fruits and vegetables.

Looking at the streets of cities “studded” with various kiosks, stalls and other points of small retail trade, many involuntarily wonder if the stall is profitable. If profitable, how much money do you need to open it, and where do you start? We will try to answer these and some other questions.

Step by step to a stable profit from street trading

Step one: we form a legal base

Most stall owners are individual entrepreneurs. If you have plans to open 1-2 outlets, an individual entrepreneur is the best option, since it allows you to make tax deductions according to a simplified scheme (6% of turnover). For those who plan to develop their business into a small retail chain, it is better to register a legal entity. In this case, tax and accounting will be more difficult, but the responsibility to state bodies will remain fixed - in the amount of the authorized capital.

step two: choose a specialization, form a material base

The main decision every small retailer must make is what to sell. Experts recommend for initial stage to make the assortment as wide as possible - at least 450–500 items. The more diverse the offer, the more wide circle you provide customers. Experts note that without cigarettes and alcohol it is difficult to “unwind” a stall. And to sell these types of goods, you need a license. Therefore, everyone decides for himself whether to spend time and money on obtaining a license or wait until the outlet begins to generate income from the sale of sweets, buns and other trifles.

In many ways, the choice of specialization is determined by the location of the stall. Before you open your stall, we recommend that you conduct an independent market research: evaluate the number and specialization of stores in the area, make an approximate "portrait" of potential buyers.

The location of the stall can be the foundation of its success or the cause of its failure. Winning places - in sleeping areas, as well as near educational institutions and various organizations.

Important: your outlet should be, as it were, in the way of people, but at the same time not interfere with their movement, otherwise the city authorities will get a reason for demolition. Strictly speaking, setting up a stall legally is not an easy task, since a huge number of approvals and permits are required. If you do not feel enough penetrating power in yourself, take advantage of the offer of those who rent stalls or sell ready-made outlets.

Step Three: organizing the trading process

Many stall owners "survive" mainly by organizing round-the-clock trade. This option, however, comes with a number of difficulties. Firstly, to establish a continuous trading process, you need at least 3 sellers, and organizing the work of three people can be difficult for a beginner. Secondly, you should consider the issue of security, at least at night.

Conclusion: It's easier for an aspiring entrepreneur to focus on daytime sales. And it’s better to stand behind the counter yourself. If you cannot work on your own, try to interest your employees financially. You can offer, for example, a percentage of sales and a fixed compensation during a period of seasonal decline in demand.

Where to get money?

When calculating how much it costs to open a stall, consider the following expense items:

Registration and permission to install a stall;

Rent or purchase of commercial premises;

Purchase of commercial equipment (racks, showcases, etc.);

Purchase of goods;

If necessary - obtaining licenses.

Also, keep in mind that you may need the help of specialists to organize accounting.

If your own funds are not enough, you can take a loan. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account a sufficiently long payback period (due to the inability to increase turnover) and big number risks.

Underwater rocks

The main difficulty that stall owners face is the problem of hiring staff. Difficult working conditions and low wage generate a lot of turnover. Another danger is the instability of consumer interest. Too many factors affect the influx of customers: from weather conditions to discounts in the nearest store. In addition, stalls often become objects close attention inspection authorities, which increases the risk of fines.

Summing up

Opening your own stall is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The easiest way is to rent or buy a point of sale with all the permits. It is very important to properly organize the trading process and closely monitor compliance with the rules of retail trade. With a good choice of location and good organization, a business can become stable, but not highly profitable.

In recent years, a significant part of small business in Moscow was trade kiosks and stalls. In 2011, the mayor of the city, Sergei Sobyanin, decided to intervene and completely reshape this market. But Muscovites do not give up trying to do their favorite business. Therefore, we decided to prepare this material for them, which will help them learn as much as possible about the market of retail kiosks, calculate costs and profits, get information about how you can open a kiosk in Moscow today, etc.

Sofia Gorobchenko, site

Brief analysis market

Let's start with the fact that this market is quite profitable and interesting, since it does not require large investments, it brings regular income, and anyone can engage in such a business. Retail in kiosks, mainly in several industries: food (ice cream, pastries, fruits and vegetables, various foods and soft drinks, loose tea / coffee, etc.), press, flowers and related products, non-food products (bijouterie , souvenirs, PC discs, etc.). The most promising and bringing regular profits are kiosks selling low-alcohol drinks (mainly beer) and cigarettes.

In Moscow, there are several types of kiosks engaged in small retail trade:

  • kiosks proper (a small closed store with a showcase, designed for one seller; goods are sold either indoors or through a specially designed window);
  • tents (open structures, sometimes collapsible, without a glass showcase and trading floor, but equipped with a counter);
  • tonars (tents on wheels, mobile points of sale);
  • trays (quickly assembled and dismantled trading place, also does not have a showcase, mobile design).

The market of small retail trade in Moscow has been oversaturated until recently, as reported by analysts, extras and even the market players themselves. However, in 2010, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin criticized the existing state of affairs and, as he himself stated, began to streamline the market. For starters, existing kiosks throughout the city were demolished. Then the Moskomarchitectura developed projects for stalls of a new type in three typical styles: Modern, Classic and Free Style. From now on, the installation of kiosks in Moscow is carried out only in these styles, and the choice of a typical stall is carried out in accordance with the surrounding architecture.

Kiosk "Ice cream" on Tverskaya in the style of "Classic"

This year, the replacement of old kiosks with new ones has already begun. In particular, the first such store was installed in the capital, on Tverskaya Street. It is expected that in 2012 all the old kiosks will be replaced with brand new outlets.

In addition, the city authorities have tightened requirements for the installation site of kiosks in Moscow . So, it will not be possible to open a retail outlet at children's and sports grounds, near the windows of stationary stores (no closer than 5 m), near metro stations (no closer than 25 m). Exceptions are press kiosks and ticket offices.

Thus, Muscovites who are going to open a kiosk in the city are now forced to comply with more stringent conditions. In addition, getting a place for a table kiosk is more difficult. To date, the authorities are holding auctions for the purchase of places for small retail trade. However, their inefficiency and a significant rise in the price of land for stalls are already visible today. In this regard, we can advise interested businessmen to wait for some time and organize a business when the authorities eliminate this problem.

Franchising remains one of the easiest and most profitable ways to open a kiosk in Moscow - the opportunity to join a large retail chain and open a stall under their brand. Thus, you will become the owner of this point, you will receive profit from it, but you will have to pay a percentage of the parent company. In addition, they will provide you with products, help you create a business plan, provide you with your already known TM (that is, advertising and marketing are not needed), but they will also control the quality of the product, impose a pricing policy and exercise leadership from above. This type entrepreneurial activity suitable for those, who is not very versed in the trading field, wants to put in a minimum of effort (while receiving a good income), and is also not afraid to depend and obey the parent company.

The most popular franchising brands in Moscow today are StarDog's, Kroshka-Kartoshka, PHOTOGRAVING!, Lavka Zhizni, RUSCORN, etc.

Necessary documentation for opening a kiosk in Moscow

First you need to register with the tax office individual entrepreneur and apply for the transition to the STS (simplified taxation system). Thus, you will become a private entrepreneur.

You will also need to collect Required documents to open a kiosk :

  • documents for an allocated plot of land for installing a kiosk (if, say, you are remodeling your balcony or facade into a retail outlet, then such changes in the building plan must be legalized);
  • in the department of architecture and urban planning, agree on the type of object, its layout and obtain permission to install this outlet;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusions of Rospotrebnadzor, allowing to establish a point of sale in a specific place;
  • sanitary passport of the facility, according to which you undertake to comply with sanitary standards and disinfect the kiosk, etc. (it will be necessary to conclude a number of contracts - deratization, disinfection, disinfestation);
  • licenses for the right to trade in specific products (be it alcohol, tobacco products, bakery products and so on.);
  • other documents (including an agreement on the disposal of mercury-containing lamps, the removal of organic waste, food waste, etc.).

In principle, the execution of all these documents will take only a few days, most of them can be obtained or concluded in 1 day, but given their number, you still have to spend some time.

All this can be done either by yourself (it takes longer and you may have to pay extra in some places), or you can contact a company that provides these services. In such a company, they will help you quickly resolve the issue and give a complete list of the necessary documentation.

Choosing a place for a kiosk

There are several options for obtaining a place for a retail outlet: get a piece of land from the state for installing a stall, purchase a ready-made kiosk from the owner, rent a place for a stall or the stall itself. You need to choose from these options in accordance with your capabilities (in particular, financial) and ambitions (i.e. how long do you intend to work in this business, how flexible you are ready to adapt to the market, etc.)

If you are not confident in your abilities or do not have sufficient initial capital, then it is worth renting a kiosk or a place in a shopping center, store, supermarket. Thus, you can leave the market at any time without taking significant losses.

You can rent a kiosk in Moscow with an area of ​​​​5-10 square meters for an average of 45-100 thousand rubles. per month. You can also rent part of a store or shopping center (it will be cheaper), which will cost about 30 thousand rubles per 10 sq.m. per month.

Retail layout on a rented area in one of the shopping centers in Moscow

It is difficult and unprofitable to buy an already installed kiosk in Moscow today, since they are massively demolished, and new ones have not yet been installed. This option is more suitable for business development in the regions of Russia than in the capital. When enough kiosks of a new type are installed in the city, then it will be possible to think about this option of acquiring a place for a retail outlet.

It is also difficult to officially obtain part of the land for a stall, since auctions are currently being held in the city, which work very doubtfully - many auctions were stopped due to the fact that the cost of the land exceeded all possibilities of its payback. Those. selling it was unrealistic at this price.

A place for a kiosk should be chosen in the busiest places - near shopping centers, train stations, office and business centers, parking lots, in the city center, near educational institutions (schools, universities, sports complexes), at bus stops or near metro stations. Thus, you will get the maximum influx of customers, especially if your products are of high quality and inexpensive.

Choosing a kiosk for small retail sales

Today, many firms in Moscow and the regions are engaged in the manufacture and sale of stalls, kiosks, pavilions. It is possible to both purchase a ready-made structure and order it - in 20-30 working days the kiosk will be ready.

The average cost of a kiosk in Moscow is from 100 thousand rubles. up to 350 thousand rubles depending on the size, thermal insulation, configuration, etc. In the regions, you can order a design from 35 thousand rubles.

The standard area of ​​a retail outlet is 6-10 sq.m.

The appearance of kiosks and pavilions can be very different. Usually, this is a closed metal structure with a showcase, a window and a counter or an entrance to the room. Keep in mind that a new type of kiosks are being introduced in Moscow today, so do not rush to purchase any kind of construction.

Modern kiosks of a new type, which will soon appear on the streets of Moscow

Of the staff, only the seller is required - it is desirable that there are two sellers and they work in shifts. The functions of a cleaner and a security guard (especially if the kiosk is round-the-clock) are performed by him. Therefore, the cost of maintaining staff is minimal. And if you sell yourself or organize a family business, then the costs are even reduced.

Kiosks usually operate daily, sometimes around the clock (not suitable for all outlet locations).

Brief financial plan for opening a kiosk in Moscow

The cost of opening a kiosk or stall is not very large, but they are still available in sufficient volume. Will have to spend on :

  • documentation (from 10 thousand rubles to 100 thousand rubles);
  • rent or purchase of a kiosk and a place for it (about 500-700 thousand rubles per year for renting a room or 100-350 thousand rubles for buying a structure + land for a stall);
  • purchase of goods (about 100 thousand rubles at the beginning + 10-15 thousand rubles monthly. The purchase is made at wholesale depots and warehouses);
  • equipment for a grocery kiosk (refrigerators, scales, cash register, air conditioner or fan, etc. As a result, at least 15-20 thousand rubles). press kiosks, non-food items, flowers do not need such a significant expense;
  • seller's salary (about 120 thousand rubles per year. If there are several sellers, there are more costs).

Thus, even with minimal costs for opening a kiosk in Moscow, you need to spend at least 150-300 thousand rubles . At the same time, the payback of the outlet should not exceed 3 years, and it is desirable that it be 3-6 months .

The daily profit of a kiosk, stall or trade pavilion varies depending on the type of product, location, pricing policy and many other factors. In Moscow, the profit of a stall can be from 5 to 50 thousand rubles. in a day .

A novice entrepreneur who does not have a solid capital, but is striving to create it, will certainly like the idea of ​​​​opening a trading stall. The relatively simple management structure of a mini-store allows you to develop it without leaving your main job. On the other hand, business building methods are perfected at a small stall, which are subsequently successfully applied at larger facilities.

Pros and cons of a trading stall

The first advantage of the stall is its low rent compared to the store. We will consider the lease option, since the latter allows a novice entrepreneur not to delve into the problems of coordinating with the authorities issues of land acquisition, installation of a stall, its power supply, etc.

The following advantages of the stall are in its walking distance, thorough knowledge of its client and individual approach to every visitor. The small area and mass make the stall mobile. Therefore, structures of this type are located, as a rule, in the most popular and favorable places for sale. This location allows you not to think about additional investments in advertising activities.

Among the shortcomings of the stall, we note the limited area, which does not allow to properly exhibit all available products. Therefore, the filling of the showcase should be carefully thought out, taking into account the popularity and needs of the goods offered.

Another small minus can be considered insufficient service. The visitor is not able to go inside the stall, to examine the goods up close. The seller, being "on the other side of the wall", cannot establish a close trusting contact with the buyer. Especially, this applies to the cold season and rainy days.

The number of retail stalls is steadily growing, resulting in extremely high competition. Nevertheless, by adjusting the work schedule to the optimal flow of customers, and the assortment to consumer needs, you can withstand the fight against competitors of various calibers, starting with the same retail outlets and ending with large stores.

Stall opening strategy

There are several ways to start a "stall" business. Someone first looks for a place, then determines the product, someone - vice versa. The first option looks more encouraging for the reason that a successful geography of location is a reliable foundation for future success. And the choice of goods for sale is a variable category. One product has not “went”, you can switch to another until the one that brings the greatest profit is “calculated”.

In parallel with the choice of strategy, do not forget to register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur.

Having decided on the goods that are in demand, you have solved only half of the problem. Another important problem is the search for suppliers. Everything needs to be worked out possible options(reliability of the supplier, minimum wholesale, delivery options and terms, discount systems, the possibility of deferred payments, etc.) and try to specify all the nuances in a written contract. Be prepared that you will have to carry out the delivery yourself. The reason is simple - minimizing costs and theft. Replenishment of goods must be planned in such a way that there is no shortage or stockpiling of products. O be sure to keep records, at least with the help of a regular notebook.

If you hire salespeople (and you will), do daily revenue collection and regular audits.

And two words about equipment. In the stall, at a minimum, you will need a good refrigerator, a high-quality heater and a cash register.

Product range

The most common products of stalls located in residential areas are cigarettes, beer, strong alcohol, juices, packaged goods such as chips, seeds, etc. Such an assortment is a prerequisite for the greatest stability, the least risk and ... a conscious rejection of big profits. True, many are satisfied with the monthly income of the stall at 300-1000 dollars. Someone opens 2-3 more clones and multiplies earnings.

By the way, the sale of strong drinks will require a license from the relevant authorities and the status of a legal entity.

From other categories of the stall assortment, dairy products, vegetables with fruits, fish in any form, as well as flowers are often found. All these products are perishable, requiring refrigeration equipment, quick sale and relevant permits.

Of non-perishable goods, newspapers with magazines are popular. Stalls with such products are regulars at metro stations, railway stations, large bus stops, and markets.

Another group of products - specialized products. These can be souvenirs, cigars, poker sets, loose tea, hookahs, etc. Due to the narrow profile and low demand, small kiosks with such goods huddle in the corridors of the shopping center, metro stations, railway stations.

The minimum budget for opening a stall is $4-7 thousand. With a monthly income of $ 500, the return of funds will take place in a year, which is not so bad.

Prepared by the editors: "Business GiD"

A novice businessman should start working with small business, which will allow you to develop without making too high investments. One of the best options in this case, open a stall selling any goods, and in order to do this, you can use any standard business plan.

The easiest business

To open a stall, you need a little - the stall itself (a small tent or kiosk), the choice of goods for it and the registration of the enterprise. So, for these purposes, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur and register with the tax service. Then you should obtain permission from the municipal authorities to install a small architectural form in the area and, if alcohol is sold in the stall, issue an appropriate license. Also, the tent and working conditions in it are checked by the sanitary station and the fire inspection. At the same time, sellers must have medical books on hand, especially if they work with grocery products.

At the same time, it is very convenient to make such a family business - if members of the same family work in a tent, the question of whether it is profitable to open a stall disappears by itself. A businessman can count on the absence of any losses, thefts and fraud - all income will actually flow into one hand.

As for the goods, it is not at all necessary to make the tent a small supermarket. On the contrary, a narrow focus can attract more customers, and if a businessman focuses, for example, only on household chemicals, bread, drinks or sweets, a sufficiently large number of visitors will regularly come to him, many of which will become permanent.

Another important aspect is the location of the tent. The main thing you need to open a stall is a walk-through place where there are always potential customers. It can be a market or a place near it, the city center (if only small trade can be carried out there), a railway station, a metro station, an underpass, etc. If the place was chosen unsuccessfully, the stall can be easily moved - it is mobile. Also, a great option for business development would be several stalls open in different places - this will give more customers and more profit. At the same time, the goods must be selected depending on the location - if the tent operates near large offices, it can sell stationery or small snacks; in sleeping areas, bread, milk and other foodstuffs will be more appropriate.

And one more nuance is the purchase of the tent itself. The answer to the question of how much it costs to open a stall directly depends on this: if you get a small tent, the costs will be minimal (50-150 thousand), but if you buy a ready-made kiosk, which is assembled at the point of sale and then delivered using heavy equipment, they will be higher (up to 300 thousand). The best option is to choose a standard kiosk (up to 200 thousand), which you can assemble yourself or rent a ready-made one at the nearest market or at the station.

What are the costs for an entrepreneur?

The main among them is the cost of acquiring a stall and renting a site for it - it will cost 7-10 thousand per month.

Also, here's what it takes to open a stall:

  • cash register - 5 thousand rubles (it is quite suitable and used for 2-2.5 thousand)
  • refrigerator for drinks - 5 thousand rubles minimum
  • refrigerator for perishable goods - about 10 thousand rubles
  • heater for the seller for the winter (500 rubles)
  • showcase, racks and other commercial furniture - you can meet 8-10 thousand rubles.

If a businessman wants to open a stationary type stall, he will also need to carry out communications - water supply, heating, ventilation. It can cost 30-50 thousand rubles, depending on the location.

It is also worth planning spending at least 20 thousand rubles per month for the purchase of goods. At the same time, about 3-5 thousand should always be set aside for urgent additional purchases of finished products.

Is it profitable to open a stall?

The answer to this question depends on the approach of the businessman himself. If he provides discounts for regular customers, the goods are always fresh and of high quality, and the attitude towards customers is friendly, then the profit will be high. One tent usually brings from 50 thousand rubles a month. Therefore, the answer to the question of how long it will take to fully pay off will depend on how much it costs to open a stall. If the entrepreneur will have 20 rubles of net profit per month (he will spend 20 thousand on the purchase of a new batch of goods, and up to 10 on renting space), then he will pay back the costs of equipment in the first 2-3 months of work. The stall itself pays off in a year (an ordinary tent will pay off already in 5-6 months). And all this is only the most modest figures. In fact, the entrepreneur has a lot of ways to save money, and if he uses them, the payback will come faster, and the opportunity to open a stall will become the most profitable for him.

In this material:

For those who want to start their own business, information on how to open a stall will be useful. If you correctly build this business and sell goods that are in high demand, for example, food, then after six months you can pay off the investment in the stall. Big cash investments in order to open a business is not required. They can be used to start if there are no significant savings to start a business.

Starting a business

To open your own trading kiosk, you need to prepare the necessary documents, choose a place, and purchase equipment. When starting, it is recommended to follow some rules:

  • you need to register as an individual entrepreneur;
  • there must be documents confirming permission to place a stall in a certain place;
  • need to purchase trade pavilion or kiosk;
  • it is required to purchase equipment for the stall: racks, shelves and refrigerators;
  • you need to hire salespeople to work at the kiosk.

Before you open your own trading kiosk, you must register with the relevant authorities as a subject of individual entrepreneurial activity. This is done in order to be able to use the simplified taxation system.

After receiving a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur, you need to contact the local government and obtain permission to install a retail outlet.

A similar permit is required from the architectural department of the city. We'll have to get papers from Rosstat and pension fund. You can handle all the paperwork yourself or entrust this business to people who know all the loopholes and will help you complete the documentation faster. During the preparation of documents, you can simultaneously search for a place to install an outlet.

Selecting a point of sale

Experts recommend equipping stalls indoors, for example, in shopping centers. So the staff will be safe, and engineering communications will be nearby. If it is decided to open a stall in an open area, you need to carefully select the site. It is recommended to install kiosks in places where there is a constant flow of potential buyers. It is advantageous to place a kiosk in close proximity to residential buildings, near educational institutions or metro stations. To accommodate a kiosk, a plot of 6 to 8 m² is required.

It is necessary to conduct a market analysis and study the range of nearby outlets. You need to determine the advantages and disadvantages of competitors, as well as assess whether a new outlet can compete with them. You should not rule out the option that you will have to look for a new place where there will be fewer stalls and mini-shops.

Buying or renting a stall

After all the documents are ready, you can search for a stall or pavilion. You can buy ready-made designs or hire people to do everything from scratch. The stall or pavilion must comply with all the standards established by law. After installation, you need to obtain certificates from the fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor. You can not only buy a kiosk, but also rent it in the municipality. In this case, it will be possible to significantly reduce financial costs. There is no need to spend money on installation and purchase of a new pavilion; in the finished building, all communications are usually connected. You can also open a kiosk on the territory of any building. For example, they are convenient for placing a metro station or shopping center. In order to open a stall in such a place, you need to conclude a lease agreement with the owner.

The lease has several negative sides. The location may not be as convenient. Some owners demand too high rent.

Stall equipment and staff

It is impossible to open a kiosk that will make a profit without purchasing the necessary equipment. For each owner it is individual, it all depends on what product will be sold. There is a general list of equipment that must be available:

  1. A safe in which the proceeds will be stored.
  2. In the winter season, you can not do without a heater.
  3. Refrigerators must be provided for stalls selling food. If necessary, an oven or microwave may be required.
  4. Scales and a chair for the seller.

Depending on what product will be available, shelves or racks are needed. It is desirable to conduct water, electricity. The outlet should be located so that there is a toilet nearby.

To work in a kiosk, it is also necessary to hire staff - sellers. It is desirable that they have experience in the field of trade, as well as the skill of handling a cash register. We will have to decide in advance on the work schedule. If there are several sellers, you can set a shift schedule, for example, a week after a week.

The kiosk is usually open from 8 am to 8 pm. If the kiosk is located in the area of ​​a busy highway, a round-the-clock schedule will be convenient. The amount of payment is determined by the entrepreneur, but it should not be lower than the average in the market, otherwise it will be difficult to find people to work.

If the outlet will be engaged in the sale of food, sellers must have sanitary books.

The seller must understand modern market and be responsible for ordering goods from suppliers. It is advisable to hire a security guard or install an alarm to prevent robberies.

You need to decide on the product that will be sold. You don't need to buy a large assortment right away. It is better to observe what more buyers ask. It is much more profitable to initially find regular suppliers with quality goods. The range should depend on the time of year. For example, ice cream, cold drinks and beer are in high demand during the summer. The selection of the assortment also depends on the place of trade. Near educational institutions, office buildings, metro stations or railway stations, bakery products, fast food, hot tea and coffee will be best sold.

Cost of opening a stall

  1. The purchase or construction of a new kiosk or pavilion will cost from 35 to 110 thousand rubles.
  2. Purchase of scales and refrigeration equipment - up to 13 thousand rubles.
  3. A cash register registered with the tax office - about 7 thousand rubles.
  4. Independent paperwork or with the help of professionals - from 10 to 100 thousand rubles.
  5. Remuneration of personnel - up to 120 thousand rubles per year per employee and more.

As a result, to open your stall, you will need an amount of 180 to 350 thousand rubles.

Kiosk - profitable business. Typically, the costs pay off in a period of 2 to 6 months. It all depends on how competently the business plan will be drawn up. It is also important the location of the outlet, and the range of goods, its type and demand for it. If the kiosk will work around the clock, respectively, and the revenue will be greater.

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The concept coffee shop People like U was founded in 2017 by a couple of young, but very ambitious and creative entrepreneurs. The culture of coffee consumption, and the coffee market as a whole, is growing inexorably, but it is no secret to anyone that, in addition to the unconditional quality of the product offered, there is a philosophy behind any great brand. Creating our brand, we wanted to be radically different from everyone, ...

Investments: Investments 175,000 - 1,750,000 ₽

Our company has been successfully developing since 2006. Already from the first year of work in the tourism business, we have gained leadership in the industry by developing a unique algorithm for searching for last-minute tours among thousands of tour operators on the market. A few years later, we achieved the title of the most popular travel company in Ivanovo and began to successfully expand our network. Due to the fact that the company...

Investments: Investments 1 500 000 - 10 000 000 ₽

FinLine brand Autopawnshop was founded in 1999 and is one of the market leaders in the segment of secured lending and investment, the main specialization of the company is loans secured by liquid assets: vehicles, titles, real estate, equipment and precious metals. For nineteen years of work, we have learned how to manage and scale the pawnshop business as efficiently as possible and now we are ready to share our…

Investments: Investments 3 500 000 - 10 000 000 ₽

The network was founded by the Korean company Relay International Co. ltd. – the developer and the first manufacturer of frozen yoghurts in the world. The first Red Mango cafe opened in Seoul in 2003, two years before Pinkberry and several years before other frozen yogurt chains were founded. "Red Mango" is the owner of many awards that celebrate the quality ...
