How to make a stained glass kiosk yourself. How to open your stall? What are trade pavilions and kiosks

-> Trade, services, transport

One of the types of small businesses that do not require large start-up investments is opening your own kiosk, stall or stall. Behind all these names is, in fact, a small trade pavilion that retails a wide variety of consumer goods. It is the lack of serious initial costs that attracts a large number of start-up businessmen to this business.

In chapter Business plans you can read for free and Download Sample Kiosk Business Plan Sample, and in this article I will talk about how to open a kiosk or a stall, what steps you need to take, what difficulties you may encounter.

Mini business plan for small retail street trading

golden theme early 90s. As we then annealed!

When organizing small-scale retail trade (stall, kiosk, trade tent, etc.) there are several subtleties (read - "pitfalls").

It is better to open several stalls. Why? It's simple: failure at one outlet is offset by success at another. In addition, it is impossible to pretend to be a supermarket and sell all the goods in one place - the format does not allow. A point of sale, for example, of cigarettes will be appropriate in one place, and fruits and vegetables in another. Without focusing on any one type of product, there is always the opportunity to get a good overall revenue.

This is where the first problem arises. Reality makes adjustments to flawless theoretical constructions. As the experience of many entrepreneurs shows, the point at which you put an employee - a distributor, starts to earn less money and eventually becomes unprofitable. As a result, it turns out that the point where you trade yourself “feeds” all the others.
Conclusion: if you want to make money in small retail street trade, you must stand behind the counter yourself. By yourself or members of your close-knit family. It turns out that this business, whatever one may say, is a family business.

What problems and why do hired sellers-realizers create? And is it possible to fight it? And how to deal with this if you still have the opportunity to open more than one point, but you cannot physically be present in two places at the same time?

The fact is that a hired worker applying for a vacancy of a seller-realizer is, as a rule, a person with a difficult fate ... if you understand what I'm talking about. That is, he is initially in such a social niche, from which nothing worthwhile comes out. And to think about a different attitude of such people to life and work is simply ridiculous.

Today, the situation has been greatly improved by migrant workers - people, as a rule, who have a higher education, but, due to circumstances, have fallen into the wrong society, with the only noble goal - to feed their families. And even if these people do not have higher education, they are still socially much more adequate than our compatriots applying for the vacancy of a sales outlet distributor.

However, not all entrepreneurs want to deal with migrant workers - due to mutual distrust and other social complexes, so lovingly nurtured by our media. In addition, all worthy people from the fraternal republics of the CIS, as a rule, stick together and strive to open their own business, and "free artists" are the same as our compatriots. But it's worth looking, let's not generalize so harshly and unfairly.

Thus, in front of you difficult choice- work at one point yourself, involving only your family for help, or try to learn how to organize people, cultivating leadership qualities along the way.

So, the first problem with hired distributors is that they are absolutely not interested in developing your business, and this is clearly visible on their face when they communicate with customers. To motivate them with money so that they "burn" at work is difficult, but possible. The easiest way is to make wages as a percentage of revenue. In figures, this is approximately from 2.5 to 8% of sales (depending on the direction and location of the outlet). That's when a person will be vitally interested in gaining more.

This method also has its pitfalls - if the trade is objectively not going on, then the seller will borrow money from you. Checked!

The second problem is that such implementers often work in one or two other places besides you and come to you physically and mentally exhausted. This problem is fairly easy to deal with. Make him a work schedule so that he does not have the opportunity to get a second job. Better if "day after day". Such an intense schedule does not allow you to relax, go into a binge, start looking for a job somewhere at a construction site, or even disappear in an unknown direction.

What is the trade margin practiced in this industry?

For outlets selling groceries - 30-35%. For tobacco stalls - 20–22%.

As a rule, on average, one outlet brings from 10 to 35 thousand rubles of “dirty” profit per day. Thus, on average, if there are three outlets, you can earn “clean” about 60 thousand rubles per month. Taking into account the fact that all payments (both official and shadow) have already been made.

What payouts will you face?

The first is taxes. As a rule, this is a simplified taxation system (STS) - 6% of turnover or a single tax on imputed income (UTII).

Territory cleaning, garbage disposal, toilets (used by sellers) - the numbers here can be very different. Again, on average, it will cost 3-4 thousand rubles per month for one outlet.

We will not talk about shadow payments, besides, these figures are generally not taken into account by anyone. However, it is worth remembering that the fine for not breaking a cash receipt is 3 thousand rubles at a time, and according to the experience of entrepreneurs, you have to pay it stably - a couple of times a month.

Payments made once a year: re-issuance of documents - 35 thousand rubles; agreement with Vodokanal (if there is water supply) - 5 thousand rubles; maintenance of cash registers - 15 thousand rubles.

If you are just going to master this business, remember: you need to start from one point. Only by independently untwisting it, you can think about connecting a second one to it.

Practice shows that many entrepreneurs started their market path with a "stall business". And not by chance. After all, the sacramental question: "How to open a stall?" - became a hit back in the dashing 90s.

Many, now wealthy people, started in business in this way, but later opened shops, restaurants, or “retrained” in other industries. At the same time, the investment in one outlet was $7,000–$10,000. Now these business veterans recall their first entrepreneurial steps with humor.

Old-new acquaintances: stalls

The most interesting thing is that the mentioned features of this business have not changed fundamentally in 25 years. All the same, aspiring entrepreneurs who do not have the funds for a more costly business open one trading stall after another. And this is good from a market point of view, because they increase the overall level of competition, whether it is a grocery or a tobacco stand.

As before, an entrepreneur, establishing his “stall” business, must draw up a business plan with planning the main financial indicators: net profit, profitability, payback periods, an approximate assortment (at least 50 items).

Kiosks and logistics

The choice of a crowded place for this outlet is a necessary condition for success. Before you open a stall, you should correctly choose its location. Usually, these are crowded transport stops and markets of sleeping areas. Busy streets (in the same sleeping areas) with a stable movement of people to/from work will also work.

Knowledgeable people recommend opening at least 3 stalls at the same time. If in one, for example, the daily sale of cigarettes has decreased, then this is compensated by the other two. In this case, with an average retail margin of 30%, an average monthly profit of $ 1.5 thousand from each kiosk is achieved, the profitability is from 15 to 20%.

For a sustainable business, a kiosk entrepreneur should buy from at least five interchangeable wholesalers. It is enough for an entrepreneur from the tobacco business to have three such suppliers.

It is important to take into account economical logistics. Indeed, how to open a stall if the delivery of goods to it is unprofitable? The location should also be chosen taking into account transport costs. To minimize them, entrepreneurs attach to their kiosk infrastructure a small warehouse, equipped in a favorable location of the private sector. Thus, the profitability of the routes of delivery of goods increases.

Registration of organizational form

Registration formalities will cost 2 thousand rubles (payment of state duty - 0.8 thousand rubles, making a seal - 0.5 thousand rubles, opening a current account - 1 thousand rubles). However, it is reasonable for the entrepreneur to draw up in such a way that then he will receive compensation for the above-mentioned expenses by the employment center.

Before opening a stall, an individual must acquire the status of an entrepreneur. It is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the Federal Law “On the Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs”, as well as consult on the choice of OKVED codes corresponding to the selected business.

Preparation registration documents includes:

  • application for registration of IP (form R21001);
  • originals: TIN certificates and passport;
  • copies of four spreads of the passport (photo, date of receipt, registration, a note on a previously issued passport - on the last page), as well as a copy of the TIN certificate;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (cost - 800 rubles).

This package of documents is submitted to the center of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, where state registration takes place within 5 days.

Registration for simplified tax accounting and other forms of accounting

Individual entrepreneurs usually choose a simplified tax accounting system for themselves (it does not provide for maintaining a balance sheet, a profit and loss statement, or a continuous reflection of operations on accounting accounts). It is used if the number of hired personnel does not exceed 100 people, and the income is 45 million rubles. for 9 months.

When choosing an individual entrepreneur, the simplified tax system suggests two alternatives to the interest rate:

  • 6% on a tax base that includes all gross income;
  • 5–15% (depending on the region) on an expense-adjusted revenue base.

With the simplified tax system, the entrepreneur does not pay VAT, personal income tax, property tax.

The registered constituent documents are submitted to the tax authority along with an application for a simplified system (form 26.2-1).

Also, the tax authorities will register the cash register purchased by the entrepreneur. Then the entrepreneur registers with the PF, the health insurance fund, and the statistical agency. You should also register with the trade and fire inspections.

Full registration will take about 2 months.

To lease or not to lease land?

Land is leased for a kiosk with a foundation. Non-stationary stalls as movable property are issued with a permit for non-stationary trade. This area is regulated by Federal Law No. 381-FZ "On the basics of state regulation of trading activities ...".

How to rent a plot of land for a stall? It's a whole process. You should contact the regional committee of state property with a statement indicating its location and area. Wait for a response for about a month. Once approved, you can fence off the site. But that is not all.

Next, you should get a cadastral passport for it at the cadastral chamber. After that, an independent examination of the site is carried out. With the received documents, you again apply to the State Property Committee. He publishes an ad in the newspapers and maintains a monthly pause. If there are no complaints from citizens, then a lease agreement is concluded.

Trade in vegetables and products

Consider how to open a vegetable stall. An entrepreneur must purchase a specialized set of commercial equipment: a freezer (for intermediate storage of vegetables purchased from wholesalers), a refrigerated display case (if necessary), racks, special slides.

When selling vegetables, as well as other food products, kiosks must comply with the sanitary rules that have been permanently in force since the middle of the last century (N 158-54 of 05/06/1954). Internal walls should be without gaps, painted light oil paint, counters are covered with waterproof light material.

Hygiene rules should also be taken into account. This is one of the indispensable aspects, taken into account immediately before you open your stall. A washbasin, soap, brush, clean towel should be provided.

The clothes of the sellers are stored either in closets or on an open hanger, but hung.

It is forbidden to store vegetables on the floor in open containers, it is impossible to place a retail outlet with vegetables, fruits, food products closer than 25 m from garbage containers, sewered latrines, and from non-sewered latrines - at least 50 m away.

Kiosk in the village

How to open a food stall in the village? First, estimate the number of potential buyers. If the nearest grocery store is far away or located in another village, then you simply must do this!

In busy villages, such a retail outlet is based on the same principles as in the city. However, usually the assortment of food products in a successful rural stall is almost twice as narrow. The fact is that rural buyers are more pragmatic. In addition, several basic types of food products are produced in family subsistence farms. What to do? The sale of products with a long shelf life or with inelastic demand (bread, vermicelli, sugar, salt, cereals, sweets, groceries, etc.) is encouraged.

Fast food kiosk

Dynamism - characteristic our time. Many people eat “on the go” during the working day. These are your potential customers if you consistently implement an appropriate business plan. A fast food stall with donuts, grilled chicken, shawarma is especially in demand during lunch breaks.

It must be equipped with a capacious refrigerator. Unwinding, you should not buy large quantities of raw materials. For example, for hot dogs, even with a busy trade, you should not buy more than 45 kg of sausages and 300 buns per one outlet. Everything is tested by practice. Keep an account. Produce what is in demand.

Trade in cigarettes

If an entrepreneur wants to start selling cigarettes, then he should be guided by the requirements federal law N 87-FZ "On the restriction of tobacco smoking", which prohibits the opening of a tobacco stall near schools and kindergartens. However, the attractiveness of such a business lies in the ability of kioskers to sell cigarettes at prices lower than in stores. Therefore, the customers of tobacco kiosks are usually those who buy blocks.

In addition, when purchasing goods, you should take certified products that take into account the restrictions of the same law on the content of tar and nicotine in smoke.

When selling, you should be guided by the maximum retail price indicated on the pack.


The entrepreneur who does not have a strategy is bad. This should be realized even before you open a stall. You will need flexibility in manipulating the assortment. If, for example, competing neighbors sell large lots of the same type of goods, then you should go beyond this range, expanding it, and trade in small lots.

Although it should be recognized that the risks in such a business have been added: the city authorities are removing kiosks from the central streets, explaining this by the fact that they do not correspond to the general plan. Based on the latter circumstance, sleeping areas have become the "patrimony of kiosks" in cities.

To begin with, do not buy, but rent stalls. You will be able to avoid the formalities associated with renting land and focus directly on trading.

Remember! You have only one chance to please the buyer - the first one and a half weeks of work. Its effectiveness is an indicator of the adequacy of your business plan. Go all out. If the trade did not go within two months - change the kiosk, renew the lease. This, of course, additional costs, but what to do? After all, you are looking for "your way" in business. It must have dynamics.

Stalls and kiosks selling snacks, cigarettes and other small items will not be replaced by supermarkets, as they have different purposes. If you install such an outlet far from competitors, a small but stable profit will be provided.

Despite the fact that today supermarkets, hypermarkets and shopping centers are becoming very popular, small kiosks and stalls do not lose their relevance. For the first time they began to appear in perestroika times, and to this day such outlets can be found in different cities of Russia.

It is worth noting that this type of small business is among the enterprises that do not require large start-up holdings. A stall, kiosk or trade tent is any trade pavilion that carries out retail trade in goods that are in daily demand.

Due to the fact that when organizing such a business, the initial investment is minimal, novice businessmen constantly come to this industry. When creating such a business, there are several typical business plans that involve a certain sequence of steps to achieve the ultimate goal.

Business related retail in kiosks, stalls or stalls, has several significant advantages. To organize such outlets, you can use the most passing places, where there is a large flow of customers, regardless of the season and time of year.

Such outlets can specialize in any product. Stalls and kiosks are mobile, and when such a need arises, there is nothing easier than moving them to a new location.

Significant competitive advantage small stalls and kiosks is that the cost per square meter of retail space is always several times lower than a similar area in a business or mall cities.

Before you open a profitable stall or kiosk, you should consider a few subtleties. Knowing all these pitfalls, it will be easier to navigate the creation of a business and overcome emerging difficulties.

It is considered that the most optimal solution is an option to open several stalls. This is very easy to explain, because the lack of profit at one outlet can be compensated for by high profits at another.

You should also not make a mini-supermarket out of the stall, that is, everything cannot be sold here at once - cigarettes, vegetables, and sweets. Several stalls can sell different goods, and the profit from such specialized stalls will be several times greater. Experts do not recommend focusing on one type of product, because in this case, if the business goes bust, there will be no resources to restore it.

Many experts recommend doing the business of organizing stalls as a family business. The fact is that such small points of sale are attractive to unscrupulous sellers. In this case, most of the profits will flow out of the pocket of the entrepreneur. In a situation with a family business, the owner of the enterprise will have more leverage to manage, sales in such stalls will be more transparent.

In addition, hired sellers are not interested in the constant development of business, which will negatively affect the operation of the entire trading network. All this suggests that it is necessary to carefully select personnel for work in a stall or kiosk, and pay a lot of attention to their correct and adequate motivation.

The choice of the type of goods to be traded should be made after some significant factors are taken into account. For example, if there are offices or educational institutions, then with a high degree of probability, stalls in which stationery is traded will be profitable. A kiosk located in a residential area can sell food.

If there are perishable goods among them, then the kiosk should have appropriate refrigeration equipment. Unfortunately, such a step will cause a reduction in usable retail space, but will save the entrepreneur from significant losses as a result of the return of damaged products. It should be noted that with proper arrangement trading floor even the presence of refrigeration equipment will not cause a decrease in trade turnover.

By the way, making up for the opening of a stall (kiosk), it is worth noting such an expense item as obtaining permits. To do this, you need to contact the city authorities (municipality) or the village council. Most often, this procedure is simple, but some costs will still entail.

Costs await the entrepreneur and at the stage of acquiring equipment. The most important of them is the kiosk itself, which can be bought ready-made. With the help of special heavy equipment, it can be delivered to the place of trade.

It is important that the kiosk premises fully comply with all fire and sanitary and epidemiological safety requirements. It will also be necessary to purchase racks, showcases and other commercial equipment, as well as bring all communication systems to the kiosk. It is good if the stall will have an autonomous heating and water supply system.

Of course, the indisputable advantage of a business in the field of small trading establishments is the absence of the need for advertising and marketing activities. For this, business plans include a minimum of expenses, which positively affects the profitability and payback of the business.

However, some promotional steps are still being taken. Usually, these include bright neon signs and advertising near retail outlets. In addition, marketers recommend creating loyalty among customers who often visit stalls. For this, a system of discounts and bonuses, as well as the provision of a credit line, can be used.

It should be noted that stalls and kiosks are often forced to survive in a fairly fierce competition. This is especially noticeable if there are similar outlets around the kiosk that have been on the market longer, therefore, the reputation of these kiosks will be higher. Of course, the most important rule for the successful organization of a trade tent (stall, kiosk) is competent planning and business management.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs who do not have a large start-up capital are interested in the question of how to open a stall.

This is due to the fact that they focus their attention only on the business that does not require large financial investments.

It is worth noting that this is correct, because it is better to spend a little more time creating a business than to lose money taken on credit or debt.

This is exactly what your kiosk can be. It attracts a large number of young businessmen because it does not require large financial outlays. Usually, beginners start their journey into a small business by looking for an answer to the question of how much it costs to open a stall or a stall to sell products, what needs to be done for this, and so on. This business plan will describe in detail all the nuances that may arise. Consequently, entrepreneurs will be able to get answers to all their questions. It should immediately be understood that there will not be much difference between such concepts as a kiosk and a stall. This is due to the fact that the business plan for them is almost the same and does not have any special differences.

A business plan for opening a stall will contain information that will help you open your own stall selling various small piece goods (including selling groceries, selling baked goods, and so on). You should be aware that the type of goods sold does not play a fundamental role, because the scheme for organizing such a business will be the same for all types of goods (even if these are tents for tourists).

How to open a stall and register it

The first thing to take care of is to register the company. The legal form here is best to choose IP (individual entrepreneur). This is due to the fact that it is beneficial for many reasons. Some of them are minimum tax collections and simplified reporting. If you plan to sell products legal entities, you will need to open an LLC (limited liability company). However, it should be understood that such an organizational and legal form is much more difficult to do business.

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Selecting the required location where the mini-shop will be located

Since it is intended to open a mini-shop selling everyday goods, it is recommended to open it in close proximity to residential buildings, educational institutions(if there is trade, for example, pastries), office centers and so on. The area that will be needed is 6-8 square meters. meters. It is worth knowing that this plan considers the installation of a stationary kiosk, and not a mobile tent.

Depending on where the store will be located and what will be sold in it, it will be possible to choose the necessary mode of operation. It should be understood that this should be a daily regimen, since it is planned to sell everyday food products. If the kiosk is located, for example, near a nightclub, you can make sure that the mini-shop works around the clock. The round-the-clock mode is also relevant for opening a stall in crowded places, for example, train stations, entertainment centers, and so on. In another case, it does not really matter whether it will work at night or not.

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Selecting the right employee to start a business

It should be understood that this type of business has an advantage. It consists in the fact that only one employee is required. Such an employee should be responsible for accounting for goods, their implementation and advising potential customers. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to take care of security, because quite common cases are those in which stalls can burn down. To avoid this, you can contact, for example, security companies that provide similar services that you need to have.

The number of employees will depend entirely on the number of working hours. If you plan to work around the clock, you will need to hire one worker for the day shift, the other for the night. If you plan to open a retail outlet that will also work on weekends, you can also provide for the possibility of shift work for employees.

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Performing an analysis of a given market

An important stage will be the analysis of the market in which it is planned to open own business. To do this, you need to search and analyze which stalls or kiosks are already operating nearby. It is required to find their advantages and disadvantages in order to keep them in mind when opening your enterprise. You will need to think about whether it is important to open a mini-store in the chosen location, or it is better to find some other one where there are fewer potential competitors.

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List of documents for opening a stall

The first thing you need to do is register your business as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) with the tax office at your place of residence. It is immediately recommended to apply to switch to the simplified taxation system. There are two options here: decide this problem on your own or try to contact special companies that provide such services.

The next step is to get required documents for permission to install a kiosk. According to the law, entrepreneurs who want to open their own store need to obtain the necessary permission from the municipality (if it is planned to open in the city) or from the village administration (if the option is to open in the countryside). In most cases, such a procedure does not cause any problems, however, in cases where the business is planned to be conducted in major city, the possibility of installing stalls is regulated by special tenders. Such tenders can be held only when several kiosks are registered for one place at once. In order to do this, you need to submit one application on your own behalf, and another, for example, from a friend.

Another important document is a permit from the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture, which subsequently needs to be agreed with the Department of Commerce in the city.

After the commercial premises are installed, it is necessary to coordinate the relevant documents with firefighters and the sanitary and epidemiological station.

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List of equipment for opening a kiosk

In order to open such a store and ensure its full functioning, you need to purchase the following main and auxiliary equipment:

  • the kiosk itself;
  • refrigerated showcase or refrigerated chest;
  • racks for goods;
  • scales;
  • a cash register with its subsequent registration with the tax office;
  • table and chairs for the seller.

This concludes the list of required equipment. It is quite small, which gives such a business another advantage. There is no need for the costs that could be spent on equipment, the prices of which may not be the smallest, or on the purchase of a large number of different equipment.

There are many ideas for starting your own business with little capital investment. One such idea is to open your own kiosk. This idea lights up a lot of novice businessmen. And, of course, they wonder how much it costs to open their own kiosk, where you can download already ready business plan on building such a business, what are the requirements of the state to the owners of kiosks, etc. In the business plan we have proposed, you can find answers to all your questions. We set ourselves the goal of telling you in as much detail as possible about how you can open a kiosk, what steps you need to take to do this, what difficulties you may encounter along the way, etc.

To begin with, let's explain that this business plan does not give big differences in the concepts of a stall and a kiosk. In general, these concepts are almost the same in essence, so our business plan is suitable for both future kiosk owners and future stall owners. Now, let's get back to our business plan.

Kiosk business plan. Overview section.

The presented business plan involves opening a kiosk selling different kind small piece goods (including food). But in fact the type of product you have chosen is here big role does not play, since in any case the business organization scheme will be the same regardless of the assortment.

For this type of business, it is best to create an organizational and legal form in the form individual entrepreneur. It is the most beneficial for you, since here simple reporting and tax fees are minimal.

Description of the enterprise.

It is planned to open a kiosk for the sale of consumer goods. Effective retail space will be 6-10 sq. meters. The kiosk is serviced by one seller. This business plan provides for the installation of a non-mobile (stationary) kiosk.

Description of services

This business plan provides for the opening of a kiosk selling everyday goods. The kiosk is open daily. Depending on the location of the kiosk, either shift or round-the-clock operation will be selected. In crowded places (train stations, entertainment centers etc.), the most effective will be the choice of a round-the-clock mode of operation.

Grocery store business plan. Market analysis

In this section, you must give accurate description about the market of stalls and kiosks in the area where you intend to install a kiosk. And you will also need to write about the presence or absence of competitors and their level.

Documentation that needs to be collected to open a kiosk.

First, you will need to register with the tax authorities in your place of residence as an individual entrepreneur and immediately apply for a transfer to the simplified taxation system. You can do this both on your own and using the services of companies that specialize in providing such services.

Next, you will need to obtain documents allowing the installation of a kiosk. This permit is issued by the municipality (for the city) or the village administration (for the countryside) in accordance with the current legislation. In small towns, such a procedure is quite fast and without complications, but in large cities, in order to obtain such a permit, it will be necessary to take part in a tender. Moreover, the tender will be considered valid if several entrepreneurs take part in it as applicants for one kiosk place. Such an obstacle can be overcome if you submit two applications at once: one from yourself, and the other, for example, from your friend.

The next document is a permit issued by the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning. After the issuance of such a document, it will need to be coordinated with the city trade department.

Then you can start setting up the kiosk. After that, it will be necessary to coordinate a number of documents with firefighters and the sanitary and epidemiological station.


In order to open a kiosk and ensure its normal functioning, you will need the following trading equipment:

Of course, the kiosk itself;

Refrigerated showcase or chest;

Racks for placement of goods;

Cash machine;

Chair and table for the seller.

When all necessary equipment will be installed, the kiosk can start its work.

After purchasing this equipment, the kiosk will be able to start its work.

Financial plan

In this section of the business plan, the financial component of the project will be presented in detail and we will provide you with answers to the questions: How much does it cost to open a kiosk, and what is the payback period for a kiosk.

Purchase or construction of a kiosk - from 35,000 to 110,000 rubles;

Scales - 3,000 rubles;

Refrigerated showcase - 10,000 rubles;

Cash register - 7,000 rubles;

Collection and execution of documents, extortion, bribes - from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles;

Salary to the seller - 120,000 rubles. (in year).

Total: minimum size Your investment will be in the range of 185,000 - 350,000 rubles.

After analyzing the operation of existing kiosks, we can tell you that the payback period for such a project will be from 2 to 6 months. Everything will depend on the location of the kiosk, work schedule, type of goods sold, etc. From all the information you received, we can draw the following conclusion: opening a kiosk is inexpensive and quite profitable business, capable of bringing its owner a good income with a relatively small financial investment.

We really hope that the business plan presented by us will be useful for you, and with its help you will be able to organize your profitable business.

We hope our stall business plan was useful to you and you can use it to organize your own profitable business!
