Dinara Aliyeva - the reincarnation of Maria Callas? Dinara Aliyeva: biography of an opera singer Dinara Aliyeva is an opera singer biography.

Soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre, People's Artist of Azerbaijan.

Dinara Aliyeva was born on December 17, 1980 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Girl graduated School of Music in piano class. The singer's career began at the Baku Opera and Ballet Theatre, where Dinara was a soloist since 2002 for three years and performed the leading roles: Verdi's Leonora "Il trovatore", Puccini's Mimi "La Boheme", Verdi's Violetta "La Traviata", Leoncavallo's Nedda "Pagliacci". In 2004 she graduated from the Baku Academy of Music.

Since 2007, Dinara Aliyeva has been a member of the Union of Concert Workers of St. Petersburg. The singer annually participates in the international festival of arts, which takes place in different cities of the country under the direction of conductor Yuri Bashmet. In 2009, she made her stage debut as Liu in Puccini's Turandot. Bolshoi Theater and won the love and recognition of the public and critics. On the day of memory of Maria Callas, September 16, 2009, in the Megaron concert hall in Athens, the singer performed arias from the operas La Traviata, Tosca, Pagliacci.

Tours of Dinara Aliyeva were successfully held in different countries Europe and in the USA. Among the singer's foreign performances, one can single out participation in the gala concert of the Crescendo festival in the Paris Gaveau hall, in the concert of the Musical Olympus festival in New York's Carnegie Hall. Dinara Aliyeva's performance at the Russian Seasons festival at the Monte Carlo Opera House was highly appreciated by critics and the public.

In 2010, Dinara was awarded the title of "Honored Artist of Azerbaijan", received an honorary medal from the Irina Arkhipova Foundation and a diploma from the Union of Concert Workers of Russia. In March of the same year, the Bolshoi Theater hosted the premiere of Johann Strauss' operetta Bat» in which Dinara Aliyeva performed main party Rosalind. And in Baku, a joint performance of the singer with Placido Domingo took place.

In December 2010, Dinara gave a solo concert on the stage of the Municipal House in Prague, Czech Republic, accompanied by the Czech National Symphony Orchestra under the baton of the Italian conductor Marcello Rota. In October 2011 she made her debut as Violetta from La Traviata at the Alter Opera in Frankfurt, Germany.

As of December 2018, Aliyeva is a soloist with the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, as well as a guest soloist with the Vienna State Opera and the Latvian National Opera. The singer performs the main roles for soprano in operas by Western European and Russian composers of the classical-romantic era.

The singer's repertoire covers a variety of chamber works, including vocal miniatures and cycles by Russian and Western European composers: Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Schumann, Schubert, Brahms, Wolf, Vila-Lobos, Faure, as well as arias from operas and compositions by Gershwin, compositions by contemporary Azerbaijani authors.

Awards and prizes of Dinara Aliyeva

2005 - III prize International Competition named after Bul-Bul (Baku)

2006 - Diploma winner of the International Competition opera artists Galina Vishnevskaya (Moscow).

2007 - II prize of the International Competition opera singers named after Maria Callas (Greece).

2007 - II Prize at the International Competition for Young Opera Singers Elena Obraztsova (St. Petersburg)

2007 - Special diploma "For the triumphal debut" of the festival "Christmas Meetings in Northern Palmyra"

2010 - II prize at the Francisco Viñas International Competition (Barcelona)

2010 - III Prize at the Placido Domingo International Competition Operalia (Milan)

Honorary Medal of the Irina Arkhipova Foundation

To achieve something in life, you need to have ambitious goals. So says Dinara Aliyeva - Opera singer, soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre. That is why she went to conquer Moscow. Dinara was sure that everything would work out for her, and her intuition did not disappoint. Why did she decide to connect her life with music? Probably because her whole family was connected with this art. But first things first.


Dinara Aliyeva was born on December 17, 1980 in the city of Baku. Since, in her words, she absorbed music with her mother's milk, there was no doubt that music was her vocation. The fact that the girl is talented was clear from her very birth. That is why her parents brought her to the famous Azerbaijani school named after Bul-Bul, where she studied piano. After graduating from school, Dinara enters the Baku Academy of Music. Dinara's class is led by the famous singer Khuraman Kasimova.

Memorable for Dinara Aliyeva were master classes held in Baku by Elena Obraztsova and Montserrat Caballe. It was the master class of Montserrat Caballe that changed Dinara's whole life. The celebrity marked the girl as " young talent". Dinara realized that she was going to right direction that she will become an opera singer, and that the whole world will talk about her. In 2004, Diana brilliantly graduated from the academy. Her career began in her native Azerbaijan at the opera and ballet named after M.F. Akhundov. True, Dinara has been performing in this theater since 2002, while still studying at the academy. It can be said that very happy biography with Dinara Aliyeva. Family, music, opera, festivals, tours - that's what makes it up.

Soloist of the Bolshoi Theater

In 2007, Dinara Aliyeva was invited to international festival Arts, which was directed by A in 2009 on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater was her debut. Aliyeva performed the role of Liu in Puccini's "Turandot", and won over not only the audience, but also critics with her voice. The singer gladly accepted the invitation to perform on the day of memory of Maria Callas on September 16, 2009 in Athens. It was one of her favorite singers. In Athens, she performed arias from the operas "La Traviata" and "Tosca". Dinara Aliyeva's repertoire at the Bolshoi Theater includes the parts of Violetta from La Traviata, Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni, Eleanor in Il Trovatore, Martha in The Tsar's Bride - you can't count them all.

Dinara likes Moscow and the Bolshoi Theater, she says in her interviews that Moscow is the city that became her second home and gave her fame. It began her formation and professional path.

Vienna Opera

Smiling, singer Dinara Aliyeva recalls her debut at the Vienna Opera. This performance was like a test of fate. It happened like this: phone call from Vienna with a request to replace the sick singer. It was necessary to perform Donna Elvira's aria on Italian. Dinara had already performed the aria, but it was exciting, because the audience knew this part very well.

The theater met Alieva very friendly. The theater building flooded with lights seemed to her a magical dream. She could not believe that she was at the Vienna Opera, and that this was not a dream, but reality. The performance went well. After that, more than once Dinara had invitations to Vienna. The capital of Austria impressed the young singer with the spirit of music that reigned everywhere there. Dinara was also struck by the touching tradition of the Viennese audience not to miss a single debut of an aspiring artist. Her, young, who came to replace the famous, but sick opera diva, in Vienna, no one knew, but people were in a hurry to get her autograph. This deeply touched the young singer.

About the tour of the singer

Everyone who serves in theaters regularly goes on tour, and Dinara Aliyeva is no exception. The recital in Prague, which took place in 2010, was accompanied by the National Symphony Orchestra of the Czech Republic. Dinara made her debut on the stage of the Alter Opera in Germany in 2011. Success awaited her at New York's Carnegie Hall and at a gala concert in Paris' Gaveau Hall. The singer gives concerts on the stages of leading opera houses in Russia, Europe, the USA and Japan. She is always glad to tour in her homeland and is looking forward to meeting with the city of her childhood - Baku, periodically gives concerts there. In this city, she happened to sing with Placido Domingo.

The repertoire of Diana Aliyeva consists not only of chamber works, she is a performer of the main parts for soprano, vocal miniatures by composers Schumann, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov.

About plans and dreams

When Diana Aliyeva is asked about her dreams and their realization, she replies that her dream of becoming a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater has already come true. Trusting her intuition, she came to Moscow. However, the singer says that it is not enough to believe only intuition, it is equally important to believe that you can achieve what you want. When you achieve a goal or your dream comes true, there is something to which you go further. And Dinara's most cherished dream is to achieve such mastery that her singing will touch the souls of people and remain in their memory, enter the history of music. The dream is ambitious, but it helps to realize plans that initially seem impossible.

Festival "Opera Art"

In 2015, the singer decided to hold her own Opera Art festival. Within its framework, concerts were held in Moscow, The festival tour included such big cities like St. Petersburg, Prague, Berlin, Budapest. By the end of 2015, her new CD with the famous tenor Alexander Antonenko was released. In March 2017, the next festival started, where meetings were held with interesting singers, conductors and directors.

The demand for Dinara Aliyeva as an opera singer, her participation in charity concerts and festivals - all this requires time, effort, desire. Where does she get such dedication from? Dinara explains this with her crazy love for opera art. She cannot imagine herself without singing, without a stage, without spectators. For her, the most important thing is service to the art of opera.

Talent and success are actually daily painstaking work, and the main component of success is to set ambitious goals for yourself. She told the correspondent "Moscow-Baku" soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Dinara Aliyeva, who always keeps her native Baku in her soul, and at every opportunity visits her beloved city with her family.

Dinara, tell us what interesting things with your participation will show this season historical scene the famous Bolshoi Theatre?

Very soon, from 15 to 19 July, the premiere of G. Bizet's opera "Carmen" will take place. I sing the part of Michaela, and the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Elchin Azizov is Escamillo. The part of Michaela has been in my repertoire for a long time. We have rehearsed a lot and are looking forward to the premiere. The audience loves the opera Carmen very much.

- To be a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater is probably the dream of every young performer.

I always try to set ambitious goals for myself. That is why at one time I went to conquer Moscow, the Bolshoi Theater. True, I already had experience behind me, for two years I performed solo parts at the Azerbaijan Drama Theater of Opera and Ballet named after M.F. Akhundov. But there was some kind of inner confidence that everything would work out, if you like - intuition. Today my life is entirely connected with Moscow. This is where I live and work. IN Lately I get a lot of related offers from famous theaters Europe, but I'm in no hurry. There is a saying - "the best is the enemy of the good." And work in the famous Bolshoi Theater is a serious responsibility. But if they invite me to perform in Azerbaijan, then I definitely try to include a tour in Baku in my schedule.

- And why did you connect your life with music, is it a genetic propensity?

You can say so. I absorbed music with my mother's milk. My family, parents, grandparents, all were related to music and performed on stage. But since childhood, I had an understanding that just being talented is not enough. Any profession in music is painstaking work, constant rehearsals. I will even say more - complete dedication is required, if not self-sacrifice. It is also important - to believe in yourself, and, in spite of everything, go forward - for your dream! Fame and success are all many days of work, and luck is the result permanent job to the result.

- With which of the stars did you cross paths on the stage?

I regularly perform at the largest festivals of academic music in Russia - at the festivals of Denis Matsuev and Yuri Bashmet, at the Vladimir Spivakov festival in Colmar ... Many of the most authoritative musicians of the world come to these music forums, with whom, as a rule, there is that warm collegial communication.

- There are rumors that you are going to open a school for Dinara Aliyeva...

This is in the long term. Everyone asks me where I teach children and youth. Therefore, I see here a new field of my activity, but these plans are a little later. I myself am a graduate of the well-known Azerbaijani school named after Bul-Bul in piano and conservatory, where I studied in the class famous singer Khuraman Kasimova. Concerning short term plans- I try to perform at various festivals, travel with solo programs Worldwide. I am pleased to realize that after my concerts people have an interest in the culture of my country - Azerbaijan, and in Russia, where I live and work. I love Russia very much. I try to adequately represent Russia and Azerbaijan on tour around the world, not only as a singer, but also as a person, in Everyday life. And the most important, complex and long-awaited project for me now is the creation of my own festival.

- This is interesting…

The work on the festival is almost completed. We have planned concerts so far only in Moscow. In the future, I would like to include in the festival orbit and St. Petersburg, Prague, Budapest, Berlin. International music Festival will be called "Opera Art". And next autumn, within the framework of the festival, my performances with the State Orchestra of Russia and famous conductor Daniel Oren. Together we conceived the Puccini Gala program. Concerts with Russian national orchestra planned under the direction of Fabio Mastrangelo with the participation of famous domestic and foreign singers, among which there will be many eminent opera soloists. With the State Orchestra under the baton of the wonderful maestro Ion Marin, who has long been loved by Muscovites, we will present a concert performance of Verdi's La Traviata. And with the world-famous tenor Charles Castronovo, we will give a concert that, I am sure, will delight Muscovites - because it will be a program that includes famous Neapolitan songs and incendiary Spanish zarzuelas. With Castronovo, by the way, a DVD will soon be released with a recording of Puccini's The Swallow at the Deutsche Oper in Berlin, directed by Rolando Villazon, where I sing the title role of Magda, and my partner is Charles Castronovo. Among the plans that have almost come true is the release of a new CD with the wonderful, world-famous tenor Alexander Antonenko. And, I hope, there will be new parts in my favorite Bolshoi Theatre.

- What drives you?

Love… I am madly in love with opera art. I can't imagine myself without singing and the stage. This, perhaps, for me now is the most important thing in life - serving the art of opera. But, of course, my family and the love of loved ones are very important. And yet ... You know, you always have to have a dream in your heart. You can’t stop, you need to believe in your star, your destiny, then you will achieve any goals ... For example, I would very much like to take place, in addition to the Bolshoi Theater, on other leading world stages, including the most prestigious ones. But if we talk about cherished dream, then today I would like to reach such a creative level, such mastery in order to touch the souls of people with the music that I perform, to remain in their memory. To be the one who is truly remembered, who is cited as an example for future generations. Of course, there are few such people. But to be among them and enter the history of music is my dream. The dream drives me, and it helps to realize many ideas that at first seemed completely unrealizable.

Azerbaijan has always been famous for its voices. In my opinion, it contributes to the birth of talents southern climate, natural artistry, the temperament of the nation and even nature - the sea, the sun. All this gives not only good ecology, but also a gift for singing. And now I meet a lot of young vocalists who have excellent talents, a wonderful singing apparatus given by nature. But they lose all this very quickly, and the reason is poor-quality teaching. The singer needs school, skill, the ability to handle the voice and an understanding of his potential. All this should be taught by a competent teacher. And in the field of academic vocals in Azerbaijan there are few such people, and the level of teaching classical vocals is constantly falling. And highlight someone from the new female voices I absolutely can't. It seems that, apart from me, none of the opera singers in the international arena represents Azerbaijan ... But male voices There is. My partner at the Bolshoi Theater Elchin Azizov actively performs both at the Bolshoi Theater and on the largest stages of the world. Almost throughout Europe, Avaz Abdullah sings. Serious prospects have a novice young singer, a trainee in the youth program of Milan's La Scala Azer Rzazade. Of course, I communicate with many young singers of Azerbaijan, I always try to help both in deed and advice. Of course they all dream of big stage I hope that some of them will also achieve international recognition.

- Do you manage to visit Baku with your family?

Certainly! We often visit, I periodically give concerts, somehow I sang with Placido Domingo in Baku. I became the winner of his competition and as one of the most interesting for him in creative plan the contestants were honored to perform together with this great singer. I am happy and proud that this took place at home. And I always look forward to meeting with my native Baku.

- How do you remember the city of your childhood, Baku?

Oh... when I return to Baku, I always get so nostalgic! The city today has changed incredibly, it has become very beautiful, stylish in a European way. But, despite all the reconstruction, some incredibly warm, welcoming atmosphere has been preserved. A sort of aroma of southern hospitality, which seems to be in the air and fascinates everyone. My childhood and youth were spent in the center of the city, not far from the historical quarters, and for me these old, winding streets, this historical Baku is the real homeland, the color and originality of which are forever preserved in my heart.

- you are amazing beautiful woman, you have a standard female beauty?

Thank you for the compliment! .. In female beauty, I think, not only external data are important. Beautiful face, a stately figure, good manners - all these are undoubtedly important components of female beauty. But, no matter what men say that they prefer to love "fools", the beauty must have intelligence and horizons. I will not talk about the mind - let this quality be the prerogative of men. But here is the inner content that fills the beautiful shell, this is necessary. And the standard in such a combination of an appearance inspired by inner burning for me has always been Maria Callas ...

I remember that I was incredibly flattered when, after performing at the Callas competition in Athens, the press compared me with this great singer and even somehow called me “the second Callas!” In general, on the topic of what beauty is, there is a wonderful quatrain in the beautiful and undeservedly little famous poet Nikolai Zabolotsky. These verses are an exhaustive answer to the question of beauty:

“…what is beauty?
And why do people deify her?
She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,
Or fire flickering in a vessel?

- Are you familiar with the First Lady of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva?

Unfortunately, I did not have the honor of being presented in person. However, I admire the numerous initiatives that arise due to the attention of the first lady of Azerbaijan to culture and music. I see how much new things are happening in the art of the country and I am proud that my Motherland is one of the most progressive republics in the post-Soviet space in the development of social and cultural policy, in my opinion. Believe me, I travel a lot, tour, and there are no such projects as I see in Azerbaijan, aimed at the sphere of art, perhaps nowhere else! With the support of Mrs. Aliyeva, a huge number of music schools, the material base of which may be the envy of other universities. Baku hosts Mstislav Rostropovich International Festival, Gabala International Festival is gaining momentum classical music, which is attended by the largest artists from all over the world, the issue of the reconstruction of the oldest opera house, and already built whole line large cinema and concert complexes that meet the most modern requirements of scenography, where the most serious creative projects both pop and academic. propaganda musical art The holding of the Eurovision Song Contest in Baku also contributed… With the assistance of Mehriban Aliyeva, a lot is being done to ensure that art in the country meets the international level.

- Do you keep in touch with relatives in Azerbaijan?

The people closest to me now live in Moscow, but many friends, good colleagues and acquaintances remain in Azerbaijan. I feel how wonderful the Azerbaijani public treats me. Finally, there are the graves of ancestors, a father who, unfortunately, left us very early... All these are inseparable ties that cannot be broken. So Azerbaijan is always in my soul!

REFERENCE: Well-known Russian opera singer, Honored Artist of Azerbaijan Dinara Aliyeva was born on December 17, 1980 in Baku. Since 2002 - soloist of the Azerbaijan State academic theater opera and ballet. Since 2009 she has been a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia. Dinara Alieva's repertoire includes such parts as Tatiana "Eugene Onegin", Violetta "La Traviata", Donna Elvira "Don Giovanni", Mimi "La Boheme", Eleanor "Troubadour", Michaela "Carmen", Martha " royal bride", Nedda" Pagliacci. Dinara Aliyeva conquered the stages of the Vienna State Opera, DeutscheOper in Berlin, theaters in Frankfurt and Stuttgart, Riga and many other cities.

Born in Baku (Azerbaijan). In 2004 she graduated from the Baku Academy of Music (class of H. Kasimova).
She took part in the master classes of Montserrat Caballe and Elena Obraztsova.
Since 2010 she has been a soloist with the Bolshoi Theatre, where she made her debut in 2009 as Liu (Turandot by G. Puccini).
Currently she is also a guest soloist of the Vienna State Opera and the Latvian National Opera.


Her repertoire at the Bolshoi Theater included the following roles:
Liu("Turandot" by G. Puccini)
Rosalind("The Bat" by I. Strauss)
Musetta, Mimi("La Boheme" by G. Puccini)
Martha("The Tsar's Bride" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Michaela("Carmen" by J. Bizet)
Violet(La Traviata by G. Verdi)
Iolanta("Iolanta" by P. Tchaikovsky)
Elizabeth of Valois(“Don Carlos” by G. Verdi)
Amelia(“Masquerade Ball” by G. Verdi)
title part("Mermaid" by A. Dvorak) - the first performer at the Bolshoi Theater
Princess Olga Tokmakova(The Maid of Pskov by N. Rimsky-Korsakov, concert performance)

Also in the repertoire:
Magda(The Swallow by G. Puccini)
Lauretta("Gianni Schicchi" by G. Puccini)
margarita("Faust" Ch. Gounod)
Tatiana("Eugene Onegin" by P. Tchaikovsky)
Leonora("Troubadour" by G. Verdi)
Donna Elvira(Don Giovanni by W. A. ​​Mozart)


The singer performed the main roles in productions Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg (Violetta, "La Traviata" by G. Verdi, 2008), the Baku Opera and Ballet Theater (Leonora, "Il Trovatore" by G. Verdi, 2004; Violetta, "La Traviata" by G. Verdi, 2008 ; Mimi, La bohème by G. Puccini, 2008), the Stuttgart Opera (Michaela, Carmen by G. Bizet, 2007).

In 2010 she sang the part of Leonora (Il trovatore by G. Verdi, director Andrejs Žagars) in State theater Klagenfurt (Austria).
In 2011 she performed the parts of Donna Elvira (Don Giovanni by W. A. ​​Mozart), Violetta (La Traviata by G. Verdi) and Tatiana (Eugene Onegin by P. Tchaikovsky) at the Latvian National Opera; the part of Donna Elvira (Don Giovanni) at the Vienna State Opera; She made her debut at the Frankfurt Opera as Violetta (La Traviata).
In 2013 she sang the part of Juliet (The Tales of Hoffmann by J. Offenbach) at the Bavarian State Opera, the part of Violetta at the Deutsche Oper Berlin, the part of Mimi (La Boheme by G. Puccini) at the Salerno Opera (Italy).
In 2014 - the part of Tatiana at the Vienna State Opera; the part of Donna Elvira at the Deutsche Oper, Mimi at the Frankfurt Opera.
In 2015 she performed the part of Magda (The Swallow by G. Puccini) at the Deutsche Oper and Leonora (Il Trovatore by G. Verdi) at the Israel Opera.
In 2016 - the part of Tamara (The Demon by A. Rubinstein) at the Teatro La Monnaie in Brussels and the part of Maria (Mazeppa by P. Tchaikovsky) at the Oviedo Opera (Spain).
She performed as Leonora in new production opera Il trovatore by G. Verdi of the Teatro Regio in Parma (conductor Massimo Zanetti).
Engagements in 2018-19 include Violetta (La Traviata by G. Verdi) at the Hamburg State Opera, Mimi (La Boheme by G. Puccini) at the Deutsche Oper Berlin, Elvira (Ernani by G. Verdi) at the Latvian Opera national opera, Liu (Turandot by G. Puccini) and Elisabeth of Valois (Don Carlos by G. Verdi) at the Vienna State Opera.

Participated in a concert performance of G. Verdi's La traviata (Violetta) at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the death of Maria Callas.
She took part in the anniversary gala concerts of Elena Obraztsova at the Bolshoi Theater (2008) and at the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg (2009).
In 2018 she performed with solo concerts"In memory of the great artist Dmitry Hvorostovsky" in Concert Hall them. P.I. Tchaikovsky (conductor Alexander Sladkovsky) and Romances at the Prague Rudolfinum (conductor Emmanuel Vuillaume).
In March 2019, she took part in a concert performance of N. Rimsky-Korsakov's The Maid of Pskov, performing the part of Olga Tokmakova (the Bolshoi Theater tour in France, conductor Tugan Sokhiev).

Constantly collaborates with leading Russian conductors and symphony orchestras, including Vladimir Fedoseev and the Tchaikovsky Grand Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir Spivakov, chamber orchestra"Moscow Virtuosi" and National philharmonic orchestra of Russia, Mark Gorenstein and the State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia, Nikolai Kornev and the St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra. Has repeatedly performed with Symphony Orchestra Petersburg Philharmonic conducted by Yuri Temirkanov as special programs, as well as within the festivals "Christmas Meetings" and "Square of the Arts", and in 2007 she toured with this orchestra in Italy.
The singer collaborated with famous Italian conductors Cast: Fabio Mastrangelo, Giuliano Carella, Giuseppe Sabbatini and others
Dinara Aliyeva successfully performed in the USA and in various European countries. The singer took part in the gala concert of the Crescendo festival in the Paris Gaveau hall (2007), in the concert of the Musical Olympus festival in New York's Carnegie Hall (2008), performed at the Russian Seasons festival at the Monte Carlo Opera (conductor Dmitry Yurovsky, 2009).


2013 - "Russian songs and arias" (Naxos, CD)
2014 – «Pace mio Dio…» (Delos Records, CD)
2015 - "Dinara Aliyeva in Moscow" (Delos Records, DVD)
2016 - The Swallow by G. Puccini (Magda; german opera in Berlin; Delos Records DVD)

