Paustovsky literature lesson. Short Term Literature Lesson Plan

Lesson on the topic: "K. G. Paustovsky "Telegram" is recommended for students in grades 7-8, dedicated to the holiday - Mother's Day. Artistic text works contain a huge moral (educational) potential, which is especially important in our life in modern society.

Preparation for the lesson: students read the story of K. Paustovsky in advance.

Based on the analysis of episodes, drawing up a diagram, students independently approach the understanding of the main idea of ​​the story, identify the problems, the relevance of the whole work as a whole.

This lesson can be conducted as an extracurricular reading lesson.



Literature lesson.

(Extracurricular reading)

Grade: 7-8

Subject: K. G. Paustovsky "Telegram".


  1. Acquaintance with the work of K. G. Paustovsky.
  2. Formation of the ability to analyze episodes, formulate the main idea of ​​the episode and the whole story.
  3. The development of oral speech, memory, attention, imagination.
  4. Raising a sense of responsibility, love, respect, compassion; feelings of filial duty.

Equipment: chalkboard writing, artwork text.

During the classes.

1. Message of the topic of the lesson. Epigraph work.

On November 30, 1998, the first President of Russia signed a Decree on the establishment International holiday Mothers Day.

Mother! How beautiful is this word! This is our closest, most beloved person. This is our adviser, friend, assistant.

The epigraph of our lesson is written on the board, read the words of O. Balzac.

Mother's heart is an abyss

in the depths of which is always

there will be forgiveness.

O. Balzac.

How do you understand this statement? Do you agree with the writer's opinion?

Today in the lesson we will analyze the story of K. G. Paustovsky "Telegram". And we will return to the epigraph at the end of the lesson.

2. Conversation on primary perception.

What feelings did K. G. Paustovsky convey?

Which of the characters do you remember? Why?

3. Analysis of the episodes of the story.

For detailed analysis Consider the following episodes:

  1. Daughter waiting.
  2. Letter from Katerina Petrovna.
  3. Telegram from Nastya.
  4. End of the story.

Reading and discussion of episodes.

1 episode.

- What feelings remain after reading the story?

How does a description of nature help to understand the state, mood of Katerina Petrovna?

What was the only living being in the house?

How does the mother treat Nastya? Why does he justify his daughter's employment?

2 episode.

- What lines in Katerina Petrovna's letter touch the soul?

How do the image of the sculptor Timofeev and his sculpture of Gogol reveal the image of Nastya?(Nastya takes care of the opening of an exhibition of a stranger to her, forgetting about the most precious thing - her mother.)

When did Nastya read the letter?

Why does the girl feel a silent reproach? What does it say?

Why did Nastya rush to Zaborye to her mother? Which lines show her remorse? (“Mom! After all, I don’t have anyone in my life. No, and it won’t be dearer. Just to be in time, just to forgive ...”)

3 episode.

Why is the title of this episode in quotation marks? (The watchman Tikhon wrote the telegram.)

How did Katerina Petrovna guess about this?

Strangers - Tikhon, the neighbor's girl Manyushka - turned out to be more dear, they took care of her, pitied the dying woman.

4 episode.

Why do we need the image of a young teacher?

How did the villagers say goodbye to Katerina Petrovna?

Read the final lines of the story.

What lesson did Nastya get?

4. Working with the scheme "The main characters of the story"

On the board is a diagram for the story "Telegram", consider it.

Why are the characters the way they are?

Why is the symbol of Katerina Petrovna - Sun ?

How does her beams touch other heroes?

Even one of her rays of love broke through the wall of employment, indifference of Leningrad. After all, Nastya repented, but too late.

Do you think Katerina Petrovna forgave her daughter?

5. The result of the lesson.

Compare the conclusion with the epigraph. How does it relate to the main idea of ​​the story?

Try not to upset your mother in your life, do not forget about her, so that later you do not feel heavy guilt, like Nastya. And start simple: help your mother with household chores, please her with a good grade and do not forget to congratulate her on the holiday!

6. Homework.

Choose one of the tasks:

1) pick up to next lesson poems of our Transbaikal poets about mother, learn one of them by heart.

2) write a miniature essay on the topic “My dearest person”


Scheme "The main characters of the story"

Zaborye Leningrad


Watchman Nastya TikhonManyushka Young teacher

In this lesson, you will learn about Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky and his cycle "About Famous People", get acquainted with the beginning creative way writer and his role in Russian literature, consider selected excerpts from his works.

In the winter of 1917, Bunin received a pack of poems with a request for recall. An unknown young man wrote to him. Bunin replied with a postcard:

“It seems that your destiny, your true poetry is in prose ...”

This is how the writer Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky was born (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky ()

In 1963, a survey was conducted in the Soviet Union about the most read and revered writer in Russia. Paustovsky was named such a writer.

Paustovsky entered literature as a connoisseur of music, painting, as the author of a poetic word. Reading his works, we will meet fictional, but at the same time true stories about artists, writers, composers.

Among the stories about writers, the stories “Alexey Tolstoy”, “Uncle Gilyay”, “Ivan Bunin”, the story “The Storyteller” about Hans Christian Andersen, “Oscar Wilde”, the story “The Stream of Life” about Kuprin’s prose (Fig. 3) can be especially distinguished .

Rice. 3. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin ()

Let us turn to those works in which Paustovsky dwells on life and work. famous people.

Paustovsky writes true, but at the same time fictional stories, actively using his writer's imagination. The wonderful book "Golden Rose" tells about the writer's work, in which imagination plays an important role. In the chapter "Life-Giving Beginning" Paustovsky writes:

“Once Zola, in the company of several friends, said that the writer does not need imagination at all. The work of a writer should be based only on accurate observation. Like him, Zola.

Maupassant, who was at the same time, asked:

- How then to explain that you write your huge novels on the basis of any one newspaper note and at the same time do not leave the house for months?

Zola was silent.

Maupassant took his hat and went out. His departure could be interpreted as an insult. But he wasn't afraid of it. He could not allow anyone, not even Zola, to deny imagination.

Maupassant, like every writer, deeply cherished the imagination - a magnificent environment for the flowering of creative thought, a gold-bearing land of poetry and prose.

It was the life-giving principle of art, its, as enthusiastic poets from the Latin Quarter put it, "the eternal sun and god."

But this dazzling sun of imagination lights up only at the touch of the earth. It cannot burn in the void. It fades away in her.


…imagination is a property of human nature.

- Which?

- This is the property of a person, using the stock of life observations, thoughts and feelings, to create, along with reality, a fictional life, with fictional people and events. (Of course, this should be said much more simply.)

- And why? - the interlocutor will ask us. - Is there real life. Why invent another?

- And then, that real life is big and complex, and a person will never be able to know it in its entirety and in all its diversity. Yes, he cannot see and experience much. For example, he cannot travel back three hundred years and become a student of Galileo, be a participant in the capture of Paris in 1814, or, while sitting in Moscow, touch the marble columns of the Acropolis with his hand. Or talk to Gogol while wandering the streets of Rome. Or sit in the Convention and hear the speeches of Marat. Or watch from deck on Pacific Ocean, dotted with stars. If only because this man had never even seen the sea in his life. And a person wants to know, see and hear everything, wants to experience everything. And his imagination gives him what reality did not have time or cannot give him. Imagination fills the voids of human life.

In his book "The Golden Rose", dedicated to writing, Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky talks about the features of creativity different writers. Let's look at some examples.

Lev Tolstoy:

"Lev Tolstoy(Fig. 4) only worked in the morning. He said that every writer has his own critic. This critic is most angry in the morning, and at night he sleeps.

Rice. 4. Leo Tolstoy ()

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov:

"Chekhov(Fig. 5) in his youth he could write on the windowsill in a cramped and noisy Moscow apartment. And he wrote the story "Huntsman" in the bath."

Rice. 5. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov ()

Alexey Tolstoy:

"Alexey Tolstoy(Fig. 6) could write if he had a pile of clean, good paper in front of him. He admitted that, sitting down for desk, often did not know what he would write about. He had one pictorial detail in his head. He started with her, and she gradually pulled out the whole story behind her, like a magic thread.

Rice. 6. Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy ()

Among the works of Paustovsky you can find stories about Russian artists: about Orest Kiprensky (Fig. 7), about Nikolai Romadin, about Isaac Levitan.

Rice. 7. Orest Kiprensky ()

A special ability to depict colors in prose belonged to Paustovsky (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. K.G. Paustovsky. Portrait of A. G. Kruchina (1967) ()

Paustovsky wrote:

“Painting is important for a prose writer not only because it helps him see and love colors and light. Painting is also important because the artist often notices what we do not see at all. Only after his paintings do we begin to see this and be surprised at something that we did not notice before.

Consider a short excerpt from an essay by Konstantin Paustovsky about the famous artist Isaac Levitan (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Isaac Levitan ()

“The teachers transferred their dislike for Savrasov to his favorite student, Levitan. The painting was deemed unworthy of a medal. Levitan did not receive the title of an artist, he was given a diploma as a calligraphy teacher.<…>

With this miserable diploma, one of the finest artists of his time, a future friend of Chekhov, the first and still timid singer of Russian nature, came into life.<…>

Levitan became friends with the artist Nikolai Chekhov, became friends with the Chekhov family and lived for three summers next to her.<…>

In his letters, Chekhov often mentioned the beauty of Levitan. "I will come to you, handsome as Levitan," he wrote.<…>

But the name Levitan has become an expression not only of male beauty, but also of the special charm of the Russian landscape. Chekhov coined the word "levitanist" and used it very aptly.<…>

"Nature here is much more levitan than yours," he wrote in one of his letters.<…>

At first it seemed like a joke, but over time it became clear that this cheerful word contained the exact meaning - it expressed that special charm of the landscape of central Russia.

In addition, among the works of Konstantin Paustovsky you can find works dedicated to famous musicians and composers.

All Paustovsky's stories are imbued with the light of goodness, the light of art, which is able to give this goodness and leave the brightest and most joyful feelings in the souls of readers. Among the stories dedicated to composers, it is worth highlighting the following: “Music of Verdi” about the composer Giuseppe Verdi, “The Old Chef” will introduce the personality of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the story “Basket with fir cones"- about the work of Edvard Grieg (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Edvard Grieg ()


  1. Lady-gin M.B., Zay-tse-va O.N. Textbook-nick-hre-hundred-ma-tia on whether-te-ra-tu-re. 7th grade. - 2012.
  2. Ku-tei-ni-ko-va N.E. Lee-te-ra-tu-ry lessons in grade 7. - 2009.
  3. Ko-ro-vi-na V.Ya. Did-dak-ti-che-sky ma-te-ri-a-ly by li-te-ra-tu-re. 7th grade. - 2008.
  1. Internet portal "Children's Encyclopedia" ()
  2. Internet portal "Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich" ()


  1. Name a few of Paustovsky's stories about writers.
  2. How does Paustovsky assess the role of imagination in writing?
  3. Read the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Basket with fir cones".

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 2, Sosnogorsk


Synopsis of a literature lesson on the topic

“K.G. Paustovsky"

Didactic goal: create conditions for updating knowledge, skills and abilities.


    Learn to analyze piece of art, pay close attention to artistic word; determine the main idea, characterize the actions and deeds of the characters.

    Develop listening skills, text analysis on issues, group work skills, Creative skills children, the ability to argue their point of view, to expand vocabulary.

    Cultivate love and careful attitude to nature, kindness, to instill an interest in literature.

Teaching methods: reproductive, partially exploratory, research.

Forms of organization of educational activities: individual, group, frontal.

Expected results:

    Consciously perceive when reading the content of the work, realize the essence of the behavior of the characters, draw conclusions.

    Organize your thoughts into speech.

    Collectively discuss what was read, prove own opinion based on text.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, screen, portrait of K.G. Paustovsky, photo exhibition "My friend".

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

( greetings; concentration of attention; set to work.)

In reading lessons, we learn to read correctly, consciously, fluently and expressively. And also to speak beautifully, but we will not be able to do this if our speech apparatus will not be ready to go. And this will help us speech warm-up: (SLIDE)

Black night black cat

Jumped into the black chimney.

Blackness in the chimney.

Find a cat there.

2. Actualization of knowledge, motivation, goal setting.

Today at the lesson we will get acquainted with another work by K.G. Paustovsky. I won’t tell you the name of the work, you try to guess for yourself. It consists of two words (there are two closed words on the board). You will learn the first word by solving the riddle: (SLIDE)

Pointy ears, pillows on the paws,
Mustache, like a bristle, arched back,
Sleeps during the day, lies in the sun.
He roams at night and goes hunting.

How did you guess it was a cat?

The first word in the title is cat.

You will learn the second word if you carefully listen to the beginning of the work and name the cat's name (reading the first and second paragraphs by the teacher).

Name the cat (thief).

Today at the lesson we will continue our acquaintance with the work of K.G. Paustovsky and read the work "Cat - a thief". (SLIDE)

What do you think this piece is about?

Can a cat be a thief? Why?

Do you want to know which cat in question in a story?

Set a goal for the lesson. Complete the sentences:

To know… .




Read the epigraph. (Epigraph:Good always comes back good

How do you understand these words? By the end of the lesson, we have to find out what is the connection between the work and the epigraph.

3. Information about the writer.

Remember what works K.G. Paustovsky?

What do you know about this writer?

How does he see himself through his portrait?

Let's listen small message about Paustovsky.

Konstantin Paustovsky was born in Moscow in the family of a railway employee. The family was large and diverse, prone, as Paustovsky himself said, to art. The family sang a lot, played the piano, loved the theater. The childhood of the future writer passed in Ukraine - first in the village, then in Kyiv, where he studied at the gymnasium. From the 6th grade of the gymnasium, he already tutored. After graduating from the gymnasium, he studied at the university, first in Kiev, then in Moscow. After finishing his studies, he went to work. He changed many professions: from a tram leader and an orderly to a teacher and a journalist. The desire to know everything, to see, to travel, to be a participant in various activities resulted in Paustovsky's dream of a profession that was associated with a busy life. The dream came true in writing. Paustovsky was led to writing by one more of his traits - his love of reading. How children's writer Paustovsky began performing in 1930. Published in many periodicals for children. Although he did not consider creativity for children to be his vocation, he wrote many stories and fairy tales for them.

Paustovsky traveled a lot, visited different countries. In the prewar years, he discovered Meshchera places and the town of Tarusa, where he spent many years, creating his most famous works there.

4. Discovery of new knowledge.

1) work with text before reading

How do people feel about cats? After all, a cat first evaluates a person, and only if the owner likes it, she settles in his house. Looking at the photo exhibition, I am sure that cats live in your house and love you.

Is it possible to tell from the title who the hero of the story is?

What does this word mean? Compare the words: thief, thief (diminutive), thief (the same as a thief), cunning (very cunning). Who are they talking about?

What is the connotation of this word? (rude, the negative attitude of the author is felt in the word)

2) primary reading, vocabulary work

Before we read the work, we vocabulary work(work can be organized according to the textbook, or it can be visualized on the blackboard - the teacher opens the word, and the children read it correctly and find the meaning in the textbook)

Kukan - a rope on which a caught fish is strung.

Plotitsa - a small roach fish.

thickets - a frequent shrub with which some place is overgrown.

Laz - a narrow hole through which you can climb.

Shivorot - behind the collar, behind the collar.

tan marks - a reddish or whitish spot on the animal's coat.

Booze - produce a strong and dull sound.

Seizure - a sudden and usually recurring acute manifestation of some disease (loss of consciousness, convulsions).

Did you like the work?

How? What mood does it evoke?

Why can this work be called a story? (The story is one episode, one event from the life of the characters. A story has one or more characters.

To determine main idea should be read thoughtfully and carefully.

Read the first sentence. (We are in despair)

How do you understand the word "despair"?

Is there anything to despair of?

Read what tricks the cat did?

To find out why the cat had such habits, let's make a portrait of the main character.

What is meant by "portrait"? (image of the hero's appearance, character and author's assessment)

3) research in groups

The task is given to 3 groups. Groups work independently, then the work is checked.

1 group:

1) Find a description in the text appearance thief cat. Why does he look like this? How does this animal make you feel?

2) Which figure, in your opinion, most accurately depicts a thief cat? Explain your answer.

Dynamic pause.

If you agree with the statement, stand up and raise your hands. If you do not agree with the statement, then sit down at the desk.

    He has a silent walk.

    Excellent scent.

    Washes with his own paw.

    Sees well in the dark.

    They call a person a friend.

    Likes to walk by himself.

    Friendly with dogs.

Fizminutka for the eyes

Oh, how long have we been reading

The children's eyes are tired.

4) content work

Why did the cat have such habits?

How did he get caught? Read out.

Why was Lenka able to lure the cat out?

What did you want to do with the cat after it was caught?

Which decision turned out to be correct?


Has changed

Good conquers evil the main idea of ​​the story.

Kindness and mercy are great things. For the first time in his life, feeling kindness, attention and care for himself, the cat's heart responded. There was a miraculous transformation into a devoted, noble cat.

6. Creative work.

Have you seen similar stories in your life?

How did you act in such cases?

Write a cinquain.

Sample answer:

1) thief cat

2) dirty, smart,

3) runs, steals, scratches

4) He is lonely, he needs care.

5) good friend

7. Homework.

Illustrate your favorite part of the story and prepare a retelling of it.

Optional - research activities: learn about the maintenance of cats, understand the reasons for their actions.

8. Reflection.

Complete the phrase: Today at the lesson ...

It was interesting…

I realized that...

I wanted …

Lesson taught me for life...

It was difficult...

I felt …

I learned …

I was able...

Literature lesson in grade 7

K. G. Paustovsky is a romantic and a humanist. Paustovsky on writing. The story "Telegram" - reading in the classroom and the primary perception of the work by students.

Target: to arouse in schoolchildren an interest in the personality of the writer - a romantic and a humanist; show how a prose writer was born; reveal the direct perception of the work by schoolchildren.

Equipment: reproductions of portraits of K. G. Paustovsky, works of the writer.


teacher's word

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky lived, as he himself said, "a long and difficult life". He survived three wars (the First World War, the Civil War, the Great Patriotic War), heavy losses, a painful illness, misunderstanding. And at the same time it was happy man; his books are permeated with the conviction that life is beautiful, that goodness, love and justice will certainly and always triumph in the world, and if evil occurs, such is life, it will certainly be defeated. Where does this joyful perception of life come from in a person who has lived a difficult life? Probably because he was able to "create himself", to realize what was laid in him from birth. to be what he was attached to, a writer.

Look at this person's face.

Teacher. This is how his acquaintances and friends saw him, this is how he remained in their memory.

“We know K.G. Paustovsky from his photographic portraits,” recalls A.F. Izmailov, “smoothly combed hair, a wide forehead, attentive eyes, as if studying you, a big nose and mouth, a large chin are a sign of a strong-willed, persistent character” .

E.N. Andrikanis, a well-known cameraman and film director who made the film version of The Northern Tale, completes the portrait of the writer: “He (Paustovsky) stooped a little ... His face, beautiful with wisdom, with a large forehead. The hump of the nose created a peculiar, aquiline, but far from proud profile. From Konstantin Georgievich there was some sort of kindness and attractiveness inherent only to him. His eyes radiating spiritual warmth left a great impression.

Who is interested, the writer has an autobiographical "Tale of Life", which describes the period from early childhood until the early 1930s.

From his father, a railway statistician (as Paustovsky himself would say, "an incorrigible dreamer") future writer took an unusual, bright view of the world and the environment, the ability to see beauty in the most ordinary, extraordinary sensitivity and subtlety of perception.

Student 1.

Paustovsky believed that “only one who has something significant and interesting to say to people can be a writer, that person who sees a lot that others do not notice ...” Realizing that he knows insultingly little that the stock of his life observations is “too poor and narrow”, he, like Maxim Gorky in his time, “went into the people”: “began to wander around Russia, change professions and communicate with the most different people". “I lived, worked, loved, suffered, hoped, dreamed, knowing only one thing - that sooner or later, in adulthood, or maybe even in old age. but I will begin to write not at all because I have set myself such a task, but because my being demanded it. And because literature was for me the most magnificent thing in the world.”

Student 2.

His first real book Paustovsky considered the collection of stories "Oncoming Ships" (1928)

He still travels a lot: he was on the Kola Peninsula, lived in Meshchera, traveled the Caucasus and Ukraine, the Volga, Kama, Don, Dnieper, Oka and Desna, Lake Ladoga and Onega, was in Central Asia, in the Crimea, in Altai, in Siberia, in our wonderful north-west - in Pskov, Novgorod, Vitebsk, in Pushkin's Mikhailovsky.

During the Great Patriotic War, Paustovsky was a war correspondent and also traveled to many places. After the war, he again travels a lot, going to the West for the first time: Czechoslovakia, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Sweden, France ...


Travels in the north gave rise to such books as The Fate of Charles Launseville, northern tale", the stories "Crushed Sugar" and "Runaway Encounters".

Central Russia gave us famous books writer: "Meshcherskaya side", "The Tale of the Forests", a cycle of stories " summer days”,“ Old boat ”,“ Alone with autumn ”,“ Telegram ”.

Paustovsky was an incorrigible romantic. How do you understand the meaning of the words: romanticism, romanticism?

Romantic - a person imbued with romance; romance is a mood imbued with the idealization of reality, dreamy contemplation. ( Ozhegov S.I. "Dictionary")

Student 3.

Already a mature writer, Paustovsky wrote: “It seems to me that one of characteristic features my prose is its romantic mood. True happiness is, first of all, the lot of those who know, the lot of those who know, seekers and dreamers ... ".

Student 4.

Paustovsky, as a person who is unconditionally educated and knowledgeable, has always been interested in life and fate wonderful people. "I tried to find common features their characters, those traits that put them in the ranks of the best representatives of humanity. He has heartfelt books dedicated to people of art - masters of painting, music, literature: these are separate books about artists - I.I. Levitan, O.A. Kiprensky, Ukrainian poet T.G. Shevchenko, composers P.I. Tchaikovsky, V.A.Mozart, artist M.A.Vrubel, about writers and poets A.P.Chekhov, A.S.Pushkin, M.Yu.Lermontov and others.


Paustovsky became a professional writer only in 1929, when his novel “Shining Clouds” was published. However, with his character, he himself would hardly ever have decided to call himself a “professional writer” ... the same text, polish it, understand the intricacies of a particular word, cross it out and polish it again.

More and more he turned to the motives of nature native land he tried to understand through her human soul, culture, language. The Russian language was very important for Paustovsky, he gave it an almost mystical meaning. The writer said: “Every, the most modest journalist must know the structure and expressive intonation mother tongue, feel the character of each word and especially carefully study the Russian verb.

Pushkin has always been the constant measure of brevity and accuracy for Paustovsky. It was at this time that his unique style began to form - consisting of shades and halftones.

From the memoirs of a contemporary of Paustovsky T. Khmelnitskaya: “Paustovsky, who masterfully owns a verbal palette, is first of all a master of the epithet. What is most important to him is not objects and not actions, but the attitude to objects - adjectives. The epithet in Paustovsky's phrase is the air that envelops the object. Descriptions are replete with tint epithets: “greenish reflection of needles”, “bluish glow of Moscow”, “in the pinkish color of dawn” ... It is shades, not colors. Not light, but reflection, not shine, but reflection, reflections, transitions, overflows.

Student 5.

“Writing is not a craft or an occupation. Writing is a vocation ..,” said Paustovsky.

Through all the hardships of fate, he carried a bright desire for his dream, and writing became the meaning of life for him. “There is no work in the world more exciting, difficult and beautiful! Maybe that's why we almost do not know examples of leaving this profession. Those who follow this path almost never turn back.”


In the life of the already elderly Paustovsky, there was a meeting that many people remember: a meeting with ... Marlene Dietrich. It would seem that there could be something in common between Hollywood star And Soviet writer? His daughter Galina Arbuzova recalls: “Father wanted to go to her concert at the House of Writers, but the doctors - by that time he had several heart attacks and severe asthma - did not let him in. And besides, he just got back from the hospital. But his favorite family doctor, Viktor Abramovich Konevsky, said: "Well, all right, I'll go with you." After the concert, Marlene Dietrich was asked several questions: “Do you know Russian literature?”, “What is your favorite writer?” ... She answered: “I love Paustovsky, and especially his story “Telegram”. When she said this, a noise went around the hall: “Paustovsky is here, Paustovsky is here ...” The translator translated this for her, and she began to look into the hall, thinking that the writer would now rise. But Paustovsky did not get up. Then the audience began to applaud, as if pushing him to go on stage ... Konstantin Georgievich finally got up, and Marlene, without saying a word, knelt before him in her evening dress, embroidered with stones. The dress was so tight that the threads began to break, and the stones rained down on the stage. When Marlene was helped up, Paustovsky kissed her hand, and the awkwardness disappeared. Then Dietrich sent him three photos as a keepsake.

Paustovsky is a recognized master of prose. His works are characterized by lyricism, deep psychologism, dramatic plot, conciseness and expressiveness of language. One example is the story "Telegram", which we can read together.

The story was written in 1945. Great Patriotic War enriched the writer with a new approach to the displayed reality, the lyrical intonation of his works intensified.

Paustovsky had to experience a lot, re-feel, change his mind in his life, and he did not spare a single physical. neither mental strength, putting all his knowledge, experience and skill into each line, noticing the slightest shades of human mood and emotional experiences, conveying them to the reader with lyrical excitement and authenticity, awakening in him the best spiritual aspirations.

Reading a story.


What impression did the story make on you? What thoughts and feelings did you awaken? What did you find most exciting?

The students express their opinion.

Tankova A.N. teacher.

morality lesson

based on the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram"

"There is no one closer and dearer than mother"

Honor your father and your mother, may it be good,

And you will be long-lived

on the ground.

(fifth commandment of God)

There is an amazing creature in the world, before

To whom we are eternally indebted

M. Gorky

Lesson Objectives:


1. Formation of ideas about morality: kindness, sensitivity, responsiveness, mercy.

2. Disclosure of spiritual and moral values ​​by which the characters live.



1. skills of independent text analysis;

2. the ability to express their attitude to what they read;

3. the ability to highlight the most important qualities in man

4.Ability to reveal positive and negative traits the character of the heroes.


1. Learn to take care of those who are dear

2. To form the ability to be caring, attentive and grateful children.

Introduction by the teacher.

Guys, today we have unusual lesson- a lesson in morality based on the story of G.K. Paustovsky "Telegram", which you met at home. I hope you read carefully. What does the word "morality" mean? Let's turn to explanatory dictionaries V. Dahl and Ozhegova. (students find the meaning of the word)

Morality - internal spiritual qualities that guide a person; rules of conduct defined by these qualities. (Ozhegov)

What do you think, what are the concepts of morality?

(Kindness, sensitivity, mercy, compassion, conscience, responsiveness, honesty, justice).

Remember the work, studying which we turned to these moral categories. ("Bast shoes" by I. Bunin, "French Lessons" by V. Rasputin, "Yushka" by A. Platonov)

What do these stories have in common? (They make you think about kindness, sensitivity, love for loved ones, teach you to be caring)

And what is the story "Telegram" by K. Paustovsky about? What problems does the author touch upon? (attitude of children to parents, sensitivity, mercy)

I marked the topic of our lesson with the words "There is no one closer and dearer than mother."

Which of the characters and when say these words? (Nastya, when she finds out that her mother is dying)

Tell me, what is a "telegram"? Did you have to receive it? Imagine such a moment. What would you experience in such a situation? (When you do not expect any news, the first feeling is anxiety, anxiety)

Guys, how is the title of the story reflected in the content? (there were two telegrams in the story)

Did they fulfill their purpose? (one was late, the other did not believe)

So it was worth mentioning them? Maybe the author has something else in mind ?, is he talking about another disturbing message? (perhaps the name is symbolic) Or maybe the telegram is addressed to us? (the author addresses us with this story).

So, in today's lesson, we will try to answer the problematic issue:

“What did you hear in the telegram from Paustovsky?”

Please name the heroes of the story. (Katerina Petrovna, Nastya, Tikhon, Manyushka)

To understand what lesson of morality Paustovsky gives us, I suggest that you analyze the system of images of the work, working in groups. Each of the 4 groups will receive its own image and task. While working, write down the qualities of the hero’s character on the sheet.

(The task is on the slide and distributed to children in groups). Prepare coherent story with textual confirmation about one of the heroes. Explain his actions and try to see by what means artistic expressiveness the attitude of the hero to Katerina Petrovna, who found herself in the face of death, is shown.

The study of textual material should take place approximately in the following categories: landscape, portrait, interior, character, speech, actions, details.

You know, I.A. Bunin said that prose has the same melody as poetry and music. I propose to work to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "October" and pay attention to the tonality of music and landscape in the work. (Music sounds)

Analytical conversation in the image of Katerina Petrovna. Group 1.

Guys, what hurt, touched you in the fate of this woman? "What did you learn about the inhabitant of the house, Katerina Petrovna? ​​How does she live? What is her state of mind? How does she live?

- Katerina Petrovna lives in the village of Zaborye. Her father - famous artist, the house is "memorial", she is "the last inhabitant" of it. She has no relatives except her daughter. There is no one to talk to about pictures, about Petersburg life; once lived in Paris with her father, saw the funeral of Victor Hugo - French writer. Kind - suffers from loneliness, but does not reproach her daughter; she silently sits on the sofa, hunched over, small, all sorts through some papers in her purse; at times she cries softly, for her the nights are long, heavy, she has insomnia, she does not know how to live until morning.

Everything described takes place in the cold autumn. In general, the word cold occurs several times. The author paints a bleak picture:

The tangled grass in the garden has fallen down ... "(Tangled, because it is tall, unmowed, wet from the rain.)" They trudged over the meadows from behind the river (they dragged, they didn’t swim), clinging to the flying willows, loose clouds "(clouds go low; they seem to dissolve in space, devoid of strict outlines). "The rain was importunately pouring out of them" (it did not pour, but poured - "the rain was fine, like sand, and poured incessantly, annoyingly, importunately).

Only a small sunflower stands out by the fence, but it also blooms, and it is alone among the gray, black, and therefore it becomes sad.

Let's try to convey the state of mind of the heroine:

(lonely, disappointed, heartache, on transfers she smells Nastya's perfume, does not lose hope for the arrival of her daughter).

In what episode is it especially felt that Katerina Petrovna's hope for the arrival of her daughter is not completely lost? (Reading from the words "Somehow at the end of October ..." to "... wandered into the house").

Metaphor in the sentence "Forgotten stars stared piercingly at the earth." the author uses the word forgotten to emphasize the loneliness of Katerina Petrovna, because she, as it were, was "forgotten", and the stars understand this and therefore look piercingly.

What is the role of the maple meeting episode?(They have the same fate. In the fate of the maple, as it is described in the story, disorder, loneliness are also visible: "He had nowhere to go from this homeless, windy night." Metaphor and personification here help us understand the mood of the heroine, her experiences, because she no one is waiting either, she also has nowhere to go, she just survives).

Suffering human and nature Paustovsky "sympathizes" with him. It is after meeting with the maple that she decides to write a letter to her daughter.

(Students read the letter (slide): “My beloved,” wrote Katerina Petrovna. “I won’t survive this winter. Come at least for a day. Let me look at you, hold your hands. I have become old and weak to the point that it’s hard for me not only to walk, but even to sit and lie, death has forgotten the way to me. The garden is drying up, it’s not the same at all, and I don’t even see it. Today the autumn is bad. It’s so hard; all life, it seems, has not been as long as this one autumn.

What surprised you in the letter?

No joy, only loneliness. The lamentation (at the end) of Matryona's grandmother says "so sincere, cordial, and lonely" and how her words sound to Nastya "seemed to fly high"

Longing erupts in a letter, with all its strength maternal love she included in the letter. No, she was not at all surprised that she somehow simply writes about the approach of death ("I will not survive this winter", "death has forgotten the way to me").

It is also surprising that in such a short letter she writes about nature: usually in letters they report about acquaintances or relatives. And Katerina Petrovna mentions the garden, about autumn.

Indeed, the image of Katerina Petrovna is very solid. Paustovsky masterfully shows the delicate warehouse of the soul of Katerina Petrovna. She and the world around her are a single whole. And what does her name mean?

Katerina (Greek) - pure, immaculate. This is how we present her (slide)

Thank you. You have revealed the image of Katerina Petrovna in great detail.

Analytical conversation in the image of Nastya. Group 2.

What do we learn about Nastya's life and occupation?

Nastya is the only daughter of Katerina Petrovna. Lives in Leningrad, works as a secretary in the Union of Artists; a lot of work, organizes exhibitions. The postal orders have the same words: there are so many things to do that there is no time, let alone to come, even to write a real letter. Once every two or three months sends a transfer of 200 rubles; last time came three years ago.

Nastya received a letter from her mother. How did she react to him? Why? (Hid in a purse; If he writes, then he is alive).

- Nastya is carefree, indifferent, heartless.

What derogatory epithet? (Cold eyes - about a cruel heart).

But we read in the text: “After work, Nastya had to go to the workshop of the young sculptor Timofeev, see how he lives, in order to report this to the board of the Union. Timofeev complained that they were overworking him, not letting him turn around.”

And is she ready to help him? Prove that she has no intention of backing down.

Well, let's fight together. She left with the firm intention of snatching at all costs this talented person out of obscurity. She spoke for a long time at the Union of Artists, argued that it was necessary to arrange an exhibition.

Was the exhibition successful? Whose merit is this?

Why do you think Nastya selflessly helps the sculptor Timofeev? Is she disinterested? (Careerist. A discussion began, they talked about attention to a person, undeservedly forgotten artist. This exhibition is entirely due to Anastasia Semyonovna, she was applauded).

It is very strange that Nastya, so indifferent to her mother, managed to understand the obstinate artist. Paustovsky uses the technique of contrast in the image of Nastya's character, shows the discrepancy between her actions and praise. (Read out)

Nastya read the letter she received from her mother only in the evening and said: “Where to go now! I was busy with the exhibition for two weeks.” And at this time in Zaborye mother was dying.

During the exhibition I received a telegram. How does he behave?

Which Katya is dying? Must not be for me; found out the address, crumpled up the telegram, frowned. To the question: “Something unpleasant?”, The answer is: “No, it is, from one friend.

Who seems to awaken her consciousness? (I felt heavy all the time someone's gaze; Gogol looked at her grinning; It seemed to Nastya that Gogol quietly said: “Oh, you!”).

I understand: she committed a betrayal, and Gogol gives an assessment of her actions. He sees through falsehood and betrayal, despises her for her vanity and selfishness.

Did Nastya feel Gogol's reproach? Did Nastya's conscience awaken? Show the dynamics of awakening.

(She quickly got up, hastily dressed, ran out into the street, remembered “my beloved” - she began to cry; she realized that no one loved her as much as this decrepit old woman, abandoned by everyone; jumped up, ran railway station- just to be in time; there were no tickets; I felt like I was about to burst into tears. On the same evening Nastya left).

This scene is the climax in the central part of the story. Nastya regained her sight, realized that she had treated her mother incorrectly, a conscience woke up in her, an understanding that she would never see her mother again.

Find in the explanatory dictionaries what the word "conscience" means? (Feeling morally responsible for your behavior

- The name "Nastya" (Greek) is resurrecting, so I want to believe that she will change.

Indeed, the mother could reassure, forgive, but she is not there, and now she will feel guilty for the rest of her life.

What biblical commandment did Nastya violate? ( fifth)

The poet Valentin Berestov said very simply about this:

Loved you for no particular reason

Because you are a grandson

Because you are a son

For being a baby

For growing up

Because he looks like mom and dad.

And this love until the end of your days

It will remain your secret support.

It was this support in life that Nastya lost. So what qualities of character did we see in Nastya? (Pin on the board) (Calllessness, indifference, heartlessness, selfishness, ostentatious kindness, vanity, falsehood.)

Nastya did not pay due attention to her mother. But the world is not without good people. And they were close by. Who is this?

Analytical conversation in the image of Tikhon. Group 3.

- Tikhon, unlike Nastya, showed real humanity, sensitivity, care and taught Manyushka a moral lesson. "Don't be a kestrel! Repay good for good."". What does "kestrel" mean? (On the slide)

Kestrel - 1. A bird of prey from the falcon family.

2. A frivolous, empty person (colloquial disapproval).

The watchman Tikhon helps an old woman: he cuts, saws, and splits old trees for firewood. He also doesn't know how to speak well. But, taking pity on Katerina Petrovna, he gives a telegram to Nastya. Without waiting for an answer, he commits a forgery: he brings an imaginary telegram from his daughter to a dying woman.

Why did he choose to cheat? (to support her, console her, soften the bitterness of loneliness and the last moments of her life).

Two telegrams: real and imaginary, both have a big soul common man, by no means native to Katerina Petrovna, but to some extent more humane than her own daughter. The essence of a person is manifested in his actions. How do you rate Tikhon? (a sheet with the qualities of Tikhon's character is pinned on the board)

Analytical conversation in the image of Manyushka. Group 4

Together with Tikhon, next to Katerina Petrovna was the girl Manyushka. She occupied the place that Nastya's daughter should occupy.

Manyushka, the daughter of a collective farm shoemaker, comes running every day to fetch water from the well, wash the floors, and put on the samovar. For six days she did not leave Katerina Petrovna, without undressing, she slept on the old sofa. It can be seen from her speech that she is not very literate, simple girl, but understands that a person is in trouble - you need to help

The girl surrounds the lonely old woman with warmth and care. Mercy and compassion are shown in a little girl to a greater extent than in a daughter.

- I was deeply touched by the episode when Manyushka took the letter to the post office (reads out) “Tin emptiness” in the mailbox has a significant meaning: Katerina Petrovna has the same emptiness in her soul. The girl is very sorry for this old lonely woman, She is frightened by death, she is shaking, but at the funeral he carries the lid of the coffin,

Which of the heroes showed humane attitude to Katerina Petrovna? Tikhon and Manyushka ) (We read on the dock the words-characteristics of each of the heroes). This simple people whom Paustovsky loved. They are invisible, they are not used to speaking beautifully, but they will not pass by someone else's grief. And what about your own daughter? (She forgot about her mother)

Yes, no actions can justify a daughter if she has forgotten about her own mother.

And why, in your opinion, is the image of a young teacher introduced into the story?

I think that this image is opposed to the image of Nastya. After all, the teacher immediately remembered her mother, who remained in the city.

It seems to me that she has a good heart, because she did not know Katerina Petrovna, but went after the coffin, then, during the funeral, she kissed the “withered yellow hand” of the deceased.

And why did she do it?

She, apparently, understood all the horror of this woman's loneliness, felt some kind of guilt before her, realizing that all young people, living their own interesting life, are guilty before mothers, paying them little attention.

Probably, the young teacher understands this better than Nastya and, perhaps, she will educate her students as kind, sympathetic people.

The writer, as it were, warns this teacher: be attentive to your mother.

And, I am sure that it also depends on you and me that there are fewer such Katerinas on Earth. You also have grandparents, great-grandmothers. And how often do you call them, spend your evenings with a cup of tea, devote your time to them, to those who gave and give you their love simply for the fact that you are, for the fact that you are their native people?

Let's go back to the diagrams on which you placed the words denoting universal human values ​​in each hero. And maybe Paustovsky was able to help us look into ourselves, and something in your worldview, attitude has changed? Try again to determine the place of these values ​​in your life. And to whom is the author sending a telegram? What did you hear in it? At the level of reflection, we will try to answer the problematic question of our lesson.


The lesson made me think...

(about how terrible it is to lose your mother;

About loneliness, kindness and mercy

About humanity, about the attitude to mother

About my relatives

About the price Nastya paid for her selfishness

Why Nastya did not understand that her mother did not need money.)

What did I hear in Paustovsky's telegram?

- (you can't be as inhuman as Nastya

Gotta take care of mom

I don't know much, but I will never act like Nastya

Old people need our support

I love my mom very much and I'm afraid to lose her

Don't make mistakes that can't be fixed

I will never be a magpie and a kestrel»)

What telegram would you write to Nastya? (students write Nastya on telegram forms)

(-Nastya, I wish you to find humanity.

Nastya, change your mind! You can't do that! After all, you have only one mother!

Nastya, I wish your soul to thaw.

Oh you forty. I feel sorry for you.

Nastya, you realized your mistake too late. God forbid the same thing happens to you.

- Kestrel. What you did is irreparable.

Now listen to the instructions:

Don't forget that mother made us drunk

The father raised his own child,

Therefore fear in your carelessness

To spill a drop of poison into their old hearts,

In addition, the hour will pass: you yourself will be an old man,

Look, do not violate the sacred order.

(From the book “In the world of wise thoughts Hierow

Slides captions:

based on the story of K. Paustovsky "TELEGRAM" Lesson of Morality.

Morality is the warehouse of the soul, expressed in passions and actions. Aristotle Morality is the mind of the heart. G. Heine

Assignment to groups. Prepare a coherent story with textual confirmation about one of the characters. Explain his actions and try to see by what means of artistic expression the attitude of the hero towards Katerina Petrovna, who found herself in the face of death, is shown. The study of textual material should take place approximately in the following categories: landscape, portrait, interior, character, speech, actions, details.

This is how we present Katerina Petrovna, the heroine of the story "Telegram".

Letter from Katerina Petrovna to her daughter: “My beloved! I won't survive this winter. Come for a day. Let me look at you, hold your hands. I have become old and weak to the point that it is hard for me not only to walk, but even to sit and lie down - death has forgotten the way to me. The garden is drying up - not at all the same - but I don’t even see it. This autumn is bad. So hard; all life, it seems, has not been as long as this one autumn.

They loved you for no particular reason For being a grandson, For being a son, For being a baby, For growing up, For being like mom and dad. And this love will remain your secret support until the end of your days. V. Berestov.

Kestrel - 1. A bird of prey from the falcon family; 2. Frivolous empty person (colloquial)

Reflection The lesson helped me think... I understood... In a telegram from Paustovsky I heard...

Do not forget that the mother remembered us, The father raised his own child Therefore, be afraid in your carelessness To shed even a drop of poison into their old hearts, In addition, the hour will blow: you will be an old man yourself, Look, do not violate the sacred way. (from the book "In the World of Wise Thoughts" by N. Hierow.) Parting words.

Homework: write a letter - repentance to your mother (bring in an envelope)
