". Dancers Zhenya Kot and Mariyam Turkmenbayeva: "We hid our relationship to the last!" Simple products - a minimum of preparation

Eugene started dancing at the age of 13. First educational institution in his choreographic education he became the Lyceum of Arts, then - the Kiev Variety and Circus College. Already in his second year of study, Zhenya worked in the ballet, in the JB ballet, starred in videos famous performers(Natasha , Margo, etc.). In his third year, he worked with , and on the fourth left with the ballet on tour to Germany.

After returning to his homeland, Eugene began to collaborate with Tina Karol. The popularity and performance skills grew; Zhenya received job offers in various foreign shows, but refused. And not in vain, because bright events awaited him in Ukraine - participation in the final of the popular Ukrainian TV show"Everybody dance". Eugene says that this project gave him a lot: "from incredible professional growth to popularity." His skill was highly appreciated by both millions of viewers and a strict authoritative jury. Zhenya Kot entered the top 20 best dancers Ukraine, and he deserved this status.

“After participating in “Everybody Dance!” there was a sea of ​​cool and unforgettable events! - says Zhenya. - I participated in the all-Ukrainian tour "Everybody Dance!", in which we traveled about 35 cities. During the tour, my dream came true - I danced solo in front of more than three thousand spectators on the most big stage Ukraine! I started putting on dance numbers and numbers original genre on the project "Ukraine Got Talent!". He played one of the main roles in the first Ukrainian 3D dance show "Baron Munchausen". It turned out that in the image of Ramkopf he danced more than 60 performances with full houses. Was invited to the creative group

projects "X-factor" and "Ukraine Got Talent!" on the STB channel. In short, I felt like a real artist. Believe me, it's so cool!

Today, Evgeny has not only popularity, but also a huge knowledge and experience base. Learning from such masters of modern choreographic art like francisco , Patrik Chen, Tovaris Wilson, Annes Kirpih, Ton Gretton, Nick Wlson, Sonya Tea, helped Zhenya master various dance styles at a professional level. Zhenya loves fishing and summer very much: “I would wear shorts and flip flops all year round.”

Clutch journalists managed to communicate with the charismatic Ukrainian dancer Zhenya Kot. In a frank conversation, the artist spoke about why he connected his life with dancing, and spoke about his first professional defeat. He also admitted what the most romantic act he did for the sake of his beloved and in what relationship he is now with his partner in “Dancing with the Stars 2017” Nadia Dorofeeva.

Zhenya Kot

About dancing

How did you discover the world of dance?

- My parents said that I always loved music and from childhood I was plastic. When I was 11, I started to get interested in dancing. My friend and I listened all day Finnish group"Bomfunk MC'S" (it was Electonic music with elements of hip-hop) and tried to learn how to spin on their heads. And at the age of 12 I decided to change schools and, despite the fact that no one in my family danced, I decided to enter the Lyceum of Arts.

Do you remember your first defeats and achievements in this area?

- I think my first achievement is that I was able to catch up with my peers at the Lyceum in just a couple of months. And this despite the fact that I began to learn the basics of dance only in the 8th grade, and they danced from the first. After only 2 years, I entered the Kiev Variety and Circus College with maximum scores.

But my first defeat was an injury. I was 18 years old, and I had already worked in ballet with Tina Karol. During one of the acrobatic stunts, I broke both hands right on the stage. I had to finish the dance number, in which there were supporters with Tina - I could not let the team down.

When the performance came to an end and I went backstage, my hands already looked like two swollen pucks. Of course, I did not go out to the public that day again. After the concert, they put plasters on both my hands. But it was only the third show on a tour with over 20 dates planned, so after a couple of days I took off the cast and went on to work with Tina.

Zhenya Kot

Do you think the ability to dance is a talent or is it a skill that is achieved through hard work?

It's both a talent and a skill. To become a professional dancer, you need to have physical data, love for your work and great diligence. But if you want to dance for yourself, you have the time and great desire, diligence in your work will allow you to achieve excellent results.

Can any dancer become a choreographer? What else is needed for this?

No, of course not everyone. When I put a number on, I see a story and roughly understand how I want to tell it. It's always much easier to come up with a performance for someone. You see from the outside what works and what doesn’t, and you understand how you can improve the choreography.

But not all dancers know how to think in a suitable way. For example, there are very strong performers who need to be asked right direction, tell a story, and they will bring their own vision and unique style to it.

About the play "Vartovi Mriy"

In the show, you are both the choreographer and one of the main characters. Was it difficult to combine these roles?

- You always want more - there is no limit to perfection. It's hard for me to appreciate own work, objectively this can only be done by the viewer. Judging by the reaction of the visitors to the performance, it seems to me that I am coping with my duties both on stage and behind it.

Why did you choose the role of the evil dragon? Do you have any similarities with him?

- We hardly have similar character traits. In fact, we could not find a performer for this role for a long time, and I proposed my candidacy. Kostya Tomilchenko said that I was too kind to embody an anti-hero. But the deadlines were running out, and I saw how to beat this image, and I understood that I could do it.

Zhenya Kot in the image of an evil dragon for the show "War Dreams"

What was the most difficult thing in preparing for the performance and, in particular, for the role?

- We launched the first season of the play with a team: me, Konstantin Tomilchenko, Maxim Pekny and Yuri Prystaetsky. We had very tight deadlines - I started working on my role when there was not much time left before the premiere.

It was difficult to master the tricks on the pylon, because I had not practiced on this projectile before. I had a chance to launch the second and third seasons of Vartovyh Dreams on my own. And the main difficulty was that it was necessary to simultaneously monitor the entire process as a whole and have time to work out your own role.

What is the difference between Vartovi Dream 2018 and previous seasons?

- We have almost completely changed the composition this year. On leading role homeless boy Max I took two at once young performers- 11-year-old Nikita Malaki and 12-year-old Vlad the Holy.

This character is on stage almost all the time and at such a young age it is difficult to cope with such loads. Nikita and Vlad work in shifts.

We've taken makeup even further, with our masters trained by the makeup artist for franchises such as The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. So now my character looks even more intimidating.

About personal life

How did you meet your wife? Was it love at first sight?

- We met at the project "Ukraine Got Talent-7". Natasha was a finalist, and I was a director. I arrived tired at the first meeting, discussed the idea of ​​the room with her, and made an appointment for the next day. And at the very first rehearsal, I realized how lucky I was.

What is the most romantic thing you have done for your loved one?

“I think my most romantic act is yet to come. I have already made an offer to Natasha and I really want to play our wedding on the island of Tahiti. We were there a couple of months ago and literally fell in love with the incredible nature of this place. If I can do everything the way I want, that will be the most romantic act for the beloved.

Zhenya Kot with his wife Natalia

About participation in the show "Dances with stars z 2017"

The dance project has just finished. Would you like to come back again and still achieve victory?

Of course, I would like to win. And if I return to this project, I will try to do everything to achieve what I want. Definitely. But if there was an opportunity to go back and change something, I would not change anything in our rooms with Nadia.

We reached the final, fought for the first place. We lost it to Natalya Mogilevskaya - and I think that she deservedly received the title. No one worked as hard as she did, and no one wanted this victory the way she wanted.

How were your rehearsals? Were there conflicts and quarrels with Dorofeeva?

No, she trusted me from the very beginning. I promised to bring it to the final, and it happened. Nadia and I danced very quickly. I think that my tandem with Dorofeeva was the best in the history of Dances with the Stars. We did not have any conflicts during the preparation.

Nadya Dorofeeva and Zhenya Kot

Which number was the most difficult for you?

— The most difficult was the final number. We only rehearsed at night because of our schedules. We prepared one version of the production, we did not like it. We made the second option - and again it was not what we wanted.

Then we changed the drama, I called my friends - wonderful choreographers Andrey Glushik and Yana Abraimova - they came to us from Europe at 2 am.

Nadya was sick then, she slept with a temperature on a bean bag in the hall. And my back hurt unbelievably. We tried so many lifts that I just couldn't lift it anymore. But despite this, Yana and Andrey helped a lot - and we managed to do everything as we wanted.

About relations with Nadia Dorofeeva

Was your wife jealous of you? After all, there were a lot of rumors on the Web about an affair with Dorofeeva?

“These were just rumours. Natasha is a professional. She helped us a lot and even criticized us during the rehearsal of the sexiest number - rumba in the bathroom. Said where to be closer friend to a friend, where to make the look more passionate, so that the audience and judges believe us.

Vladimir Dantes, Katya Osadchaya and Zhenya Kot

And Vladimir Dantes did not call you to a “serious male conversation» about hot dances with his wife?

- Vova and Natasha often came to us for rehearsals, supported us. None of them had any jealousy. After the project, I invited Dorofeeva and Dantes to “Dim Taemnichih Prigod”, but Nadia could not come and we went to the show with Vova. Had a great time!

Charming, attentive to women, young talented dancer Evgeny Kot, told MISS about his hobbies, life values ​​and creative plans.

We know that your character, Rahmkopf, is mean, cunning, fearful, and also a catcher. In one of the interviews, you said that in life you are not very similar to your character, with the exception of one thing - you, like him, love women too much ...

Ramkopf loves female attention and gives his attention to women. I also really love female attention (probably like every man), and I’m ready to give my own - to all the women of the world ... For example, at rehearsals I can’t help but go up to a girl and tell her that she smells delicious or she is so beautiful today.

And they willingly believe your seductive compliments?

Yes. Because I always tell them the truth! I just really like to give girls my attention and get the same in return.

What is happening in your personal life now? Do you have a girlfriend?

No. It was, but it's gone. I work a lot, everything changes quickly...

Do you use girls for your personal purposes?

No, I'm not like that at all! I Monogamous. All my breakups in relationships were initiated not by me, but by my halves. I don't even know why this happened...

What do you appreciate in girls?

I like simplicity and naturalness. I don't like excess makeup. I don't like dyed hair. It's good when the beauty is as natural as possible. Modern technologies they work wonders, but for me, naturalness is above all! For example, girls spend a lot of money on good cosmetics, allegedly emphasizing their beauty, but in this way they kill her - they age faster ...

Are you against plastic surgery?

See in what cases. If it is really necessary: ​​some kind of accident or something else, then, of course, plastic surgery can help a person ... I am not against such interference. But Botox, silicone, and so on, to create a kind of “beautiful” body, is superfluous. I think this is ugliness and utopia!

Was it hard for you to get used to the image of Ramkopf? When you were invited to the show "Baron Munchausen", maybeDid you see yourself as someone else?

When I was invited to the project, I did not know that there would be such a character as Ramkopf. I didn’t count on any role at all, because I didn’t fit under the Baron and Theophilus in any way (and I myself understood this), but about other main male characters I didn't know then. I thought that I was just invited to the corps de ballet, and that suited me perfectly ... I really liked the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis project, so I really wanted to dance. But after they said that I was casting for the role of Ramkopf, I began to study this character intensely.

I must say that it was very difficult for me. The first months of rehearsals, I didn’t understand at all who he was, this Ramkopf, and what he should be ... I didn’t like playing him.

Did you watch the movie "The Same Munchausen" to get to know the character?

Certainly. But in our show, it's a little different. In a movie or play, using speech, everything is much simpler. The character of the character can be conveyed and shown in completely different ways than in dance. Here I have to show all the emotions with my plasticity, facial expressions, gestures. And this is more difficult.

How difficult is it to feel the yoke of a negative character? Are you afraid that you will be labeled as an actor who plays negative characters?

I'm not afraid. Yes, sometimes it happens, I get into character so much that I make fun of the guys the way Ramkopf would do it. But this is an excess of my image, nothing more. I am sure that after the end of the performances, I will completely “move away” from this character, and return to “myself”.

Probably, such impressionability regarding reincarnation on stage is characteristic of all novice actors, and then everything will go like clockwork: played it and forgot it?

We'll probably see.

Do you have any other hobbies in life besides dancing and girls?

I like staging various choreographic numbers, in other words, directing. For example, on the STB channel for the projects “Everybody Dance” and “Ukraine Got Talent”, I already managed to work as, first, an assistant director, then as a director. In the second season of "Ukraine Got Talent" I was hired by the STB TV channel as an assistant creative producer. During these two projects, I have been staging various choreographic and circus performances which I enjoy as much as dancing. I understand that in the future I can grow from a dancer into a choreographer, which I will work on.

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