Let's remember the forgotten music together with Sergey Plotnikov. Review of ancient musical instruments 10 Russian folk instruments

Basic information Avlos is an ancient woodwind musical instrument. Avlos is considered a distant predecessor modern oboe. It was distributed in Asia Minor and Ancient Greece. The performer usually played two aulos (or double aulos). Playing the aulos was used in ancient tragedy, in sacrifice, in military music (in Sparta). Solo singing accompanied by playing the aulos was called aullodia.

Basic information The cor anglais is a woodwind musical instrument, which is an alto oboe. English horn got its name from a misapplication French word anglais (“English”) instead of the correct angle (“curved angle” - in the form of a hunting oboe, from which the English horn originated). Device According to the device, the English horn is similar to the oboe, but has a larger size, pear-shaped bell

Basic information Bansuri is an ancient Indian woodwind musical instrument. Bansuri is a transverse flute made from a single piece of bamboo. Has six or seven playing holes. Bansuri is widespread in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. Bansuri is very popular with shepherds and is part of their customs. It can also be seen in Buddhist painting around 100 AD.

Bass clarinet (Italian: clarinetto basso) is a woodwind musical instrument, a bass variety of the clarinet that appeared in the second quarter of the 19th century. The range of the bass clarinet is from D (large octave D; on some models, the range is extended down to B1 - B flat contra octave) to b1 (B flat first octave). Theoretically, it is possible to extract higher sounds, but they are not used.

Basset horn is a woodwind musical instrument, a kind of clarinet. The basset horn has the same structure as a regular clarinet, but it is longer, which makes it sound lower. For compactness, the basset horn tube is slightly curved at the mouthpiece and at the bell. In addition, the instrument is equipped with several additional valves that extend its range down to the C note (as it is written). Basset horn tone

Basic information, history The recorder is a woodwind musical instrument from the family of whistling wind instruments, such as the flute, ocarina. The recorder is a type of longitudinal flute. The recorder has been known in Europe since the 11th century. It was widespread in XVI-XVIII centuries. Used as a solo instrument, in ensembles and orchestras. A. Vivaldi, G. F. Telemann, G. F.

Key information Brelka is a Russian folk wind wooden musical instrument that existed in the past in the pastoral environment, and now occasionally appears on concert venues in the hands of musicians folklore ensembles. The key fob has a strong sound of a very bright and light timbre. The keychain is essentially nothing more than an ancient version of the oboe, however, compared to the shepherd's pity,

Basic information Whistle is a woodwind musical instrument, a Celtic folk pipe. Whistles are made, as a rule, from tin, but there are also wooden, plastic and even silver versions of the instruments. Whistle is very popular not only in Ireland, but throughout Europe. Most whistles, however, are made in England and Ireland, and are the most popular among whistlers. Whistles exist

Oboe is a soprano register woodwind musical instrument, which is a conical tube with a valve system and a double reed (tongue). The instrument has a melodious, but somewhat nasal, and in the upper register - a sharp timbre. Instruments that are considered the direct predecessors of the modern oboe have been known since antiquity and have been preserved in their original form in different cultures. Folk instruments such

Basic information The oboe d'amore is a woodwind musical instrument, very similar to an ordinary oboe. The oboe d'amore is slightly larger than the regular oboe and, in comparison, produces a less assertive and softer and calmer sound. In the oboe family, it is set as a mezzo-soprano or alto. The range is from salt of a small octave to re of the third octave. oboe d'amour

Basic information, origin Di (hengchui, handi - transverse flute) is an ancient Chinese woodwind musical instrument. Di is one of the most common wind instruments in China. Presumably imported from Central Asia in the period between 140 and 87 BC. BC. However, during recent archaeological excavations, bone transverse flutes of about

Basic information The didjeridoo is the oldest woodwind musical instrument of the aboriginal peoples of northern Australia. One of the most ancient musical instruments on the ground. The didgeridoo is the European-American name for Australia's oldest musical instrument. In northern Australia, where the didgeridoo originated, it is called yidaki. The didgeridoo is unique in that it usually sounds on one note (the so-called

Basic information Dudka is a folk wind wooden musical instrument, consisting of a wooden (usually elderberry) reed or reed and having several side holes, and a mouthpiece for blowing. There are double pipes: two folded pipes are blown through one common mouthpiece. In Ukraine, the name sopilka (snot) has survived to this day, which is rare in Russia, in Belarus it

Basic information Duduk (tsiranapokh) - a woodwind musical instrument, is a pipe with 9 playing holes and a double reed. Distributed among the peoples of the Caucasus. Most popular in Armenia, as well as among Armenians living outside of it. traditional name Armenian duduk- tsiranapokh, which can literally be translated as "apricot pipe" or "soul of an apricot tree." Music

Basic information Zhaleika - an old Russian folk wind wooden musical instrument - a wooden, reed or cattail tube with a bell made of horn or birch bark. Zhaleika is also known as zhalomeika. Origin, history of zhaleyka The word "zhaleyka" is not found in any ancient Russian monument writing. The first mention of a zhaleyka is in the notes of A. Tuchkov dating back to the end of the 18th century.

Basic information Zurna is an ancient woodwind musical instrument common among the peoples of Transcaucasia and Central Asia. A zurna is a wooden tube with a socket and several (usually 8-9) holes, one of which is on the opposite side. The range of the zurna is about one and a half octaves of the diatonic or chromatic scale. The timbre of the zurna is bright and piercing. Zurna is in close proximity

Basic information Kaval is a shepherd's woodwind musical instrument. The kaval is a longitudinal flute with a long wooden barrel and 6-8 playing holes. At the lower end of the barrel there can be up to 3-4 more holes for tuning and resonating. The kavala scale is diatonic. The length of the kaval reaches 50-70 cm. The kaval is widespread in Bulgaria, Moldova and Romania, Macedonia, Serbia,

Basic information, device Kamyl is an Adyghe wind wooden musical instrument, a traditional Adyghe (Circassian) flute. Kamyl is a longitudinal flute made from a metal tube (most often from a gun barrel). There are 3 play holes at the bottom of the tube. It is possible that the instrument was originally made of reed (as the name indicates). The length of the reed is about 70 cm.

Basic information Kena (Spanish quena) - woodwind musical instrument - longitudinal flute used in the music of the Andean region Latin America. The kena is usually made of reed and has six upper and one lower playing hole. Typically, kena is done in G (G) tuning. The quenacho flute is a lower pitched variant of the quena, in D (D) tuning.

Basic information The clarinet is a woodwind musical instrument with a single reed. The clarinet was invented around 1700 in Nuremberg, and has been actively used in music since the second half of the 18th century. Used in a wide variety of musical genres and compositions: as a solo instrument, in chamber ensembles, symphony and brass bands, folk music, on the stage and in jazz. Clarinet

Basic information Clarinet d'amour (Italian: clarinetto d'amore) is a woodwind musical instrument. Device Like the species instrument, the d'amore clarinet had a single reed and a cylindrical tube, but the width of this tube was less than that of a conventional clarinet, sound holes were also narrower. In addition, the part of the tube to which the mouthpiece was attached was slightly curved for compactness - the body

Basic information Kolyuk - a woodwind musical instrument - an ancient Russian variety of a longitudinal overtone flute without playing holes. For the manufacture of thorns, dried stems of umbrella plants are used - hogweed, shepherd's pipe and others. The role of a whistle or beep is played by the tongue. The height of the sound is achieved by overblowing. To change the sound, the bottom hole of the tube is also used, which is clamped with a finger or

Basic information Contrabassoon is a woodwind musical instrument, a kind of bassoon. The contrabassoon is an instrument of the same type and device as the bassoon, but with a twice as large column of air contained in it, which makes it sound an octave lower than the bassoon. The contrabassoon is the lowest sounding instrument of the woodwind group and performs a contrabass voice in it. Names of the contrabassoon

Basic information Kugikly (kuvikly) is a woodwind musical instrument, a Russian variety of the multi-barreled Pan flute. Kugicle device Kugicles are a set of hollow tubes of various lengths and diameters with an open upper end and a closed lower one. This tool was usually made of kugi (reed), reed, bamboo, etc. stems, the trunk knot served as the bottom. Nowadays, plastic, ebonite

Basic information Kurai is a national Bashkir woodwind musical instrument similar to a flute. The popularity of kurai is associated with its timbre richness. The sound of kurai is poetic and epicly sublime, the timbre is soft, accompanied by a throaty bourdon sound when played. The main and traditional feature of playing kurai is the ability to play with a chest voice. A light whistle is forgiven only for novice performers. The professionals play the melody

Basic Information Mabu is a traditional woodwind musical instrument of the Solomon Islanders. Mabu is a wooden pipe with a socket, hollowed out from a piece of a tree trunk. A half of a coconut was attached to the upper end, in which a game hole was made. Large specimens of mabu could reach up to a meter in length with a mouth width of about 15 cm and a wall thickness of about

Basic information Mabu (mapu) is a traditional Tibetan woodwind musical instrument. Translated from the nose, “ma” means “bamboo”, and “bu” means “pipe”, “reed flute”. Mabu has a bamboo stem with a single scoring tongue. There are 8 playing holes made in the flute barrel, 7 upper ones, one lower one. At the end of the trunk is a small horn socket. Mabu is also sometimes made

Basic information, characteristics Small clarinet (clarinet-piccolo) is a woodwind musical instrument, a kind of clarinet. The small clarinet has the same structure as the regular clarinet, but is smaller in size, which is why it sounds in a higher register. The timbre of the small clarinet is harsh, somewhat noisy, especially in the upper register. Like most other instruments of the clarinet family, the small clarinet is transposing and is used

Basic information, device Nay - Moldavian, Romanian and Ukrainian woodwind musical instrument - a longitudinal multi-barreled flute. Nai consists of 8-24 tubes of different lengths, reinforced in an arched leather clip. The length of the tube determines the pitch of the sound. Sound row diatonic. On the nai, folk melodies of various genres are performed - from doina to dance motifs. The most famous Moldovan naists:

Basic information Ocarina is an ancient woodwind musical instrument, a clay whistle flute. The name "ocarina" is translated from Italian means "gosling". The ocarina is a small egg-shaped chamber with four to thirteen finger holes. The ocarina is usually made in ceramic, but is sometimes also made of plastic, wood, glass or metal. By

Basic information Pinquillo (pingulo) - an ancient woodwind musical instrument of the Quechua Indians, a reed transverse flute. Pinkillo is common among the Indian population of Peru, Bolivia, Northern Argentina, Chile, Ecuador. The Pinkillo is the ancestor of the Peruvian quena. Pinkillo is made from cane, traditionally cut "at dawn, away from prying eyes." It has 5-6 side playing holes. Pingulo length 30-32 cm. Pingulo range approx.

Basic information, application transverse flute(or simply flute) - a woodwind musical instrument of the soprano register. Names of the transverse flute on different languages: flauto (Italian); flatus (Latin); flute (French); flute (English); float (German). The flute is available in a wide variety of performance techniques; it is often entrusted with an orchestral solo. The transverse flute is used in symphony and brass bands, and also, along with the clarinet,

Basic information Russian horn is a woodwind musical instrument. Russian horn has different names: in addition to "Russian" - "shepherd", "song", "Vladimir". The name "Vladimir" horn acquired relatively recently, at the end of the 19th century, as a result of the success that the performances of the horn choir conducted by Nikolai Vasilyevich Kondratiev from Vladimir region. Horn tunes are divided into 4 genre varieties: signal, song,

Basic information Saxophone (Sax - the name of the inventor, phone - sound) is a woodwind musical instrument, belonging to the wood family according to the principle of sound production, despite the fact that it is never made of wood. A family of saxophones designed in 1842 by a Belgian music master Adolf Sax and patented by him four years later. Adolf Sachs named his first constructed instrument

Basic information Svirel is an ancient Russian woodwind musical instrument of the longitudinal flat type. Origin, history of the flute The Russian flute has not yet been sufficiently studied. Experts have long been trying to correlate existing whistle instruments with ancient Russian names. Chroniclers most often use three names for instruments of this type - a flute, a sniff, and a forearm. According to legend, the son of the Slavic goddess of love Lada played the flute

Basic information Suling is an Indonesian woodwind musical instrument, a longitudinal whistle flute. The suling consists of a bamboo cylindrical trunk, about 85 cm long and equipped with 3-6 playing holes. The suling sound is very gentle. Usually sad melodies are played on this instrument. The suling is used both solo and as an orchestral instrument. Video: Sulingna video + sound Thanks to these videos you

Basic information, device, application Shakuhachi is a woodwind musical instrument, a longitudinal bamboo flute that came to Japan from China during the Nara period. Chinese name shakuhachi flutes - chi-ba. The standard length of a shakuhachi flute is 1.8 Japanese feet (which is 54.5 cm). It determined itself Japanese name instrument, since "shaku" means "foot", and "hachi" means "eight".

Basic information Tilinka (calf) is a Moldavian, Romanian and Ukrainian folk woodwind musical instrument, which is an open pipe without playing holes. Tilinka is common in rural life, most often used by peoples living near the Carpathian Mountains. The sound of the tilinka depends on how much the musician closes the open end of the tube with his finger. The transition between notes is carried out by overblowing and closing / opening of the opposite

Ancient musical instruments are sometimes valued more than modern ones. The reason is that such tools are different high quality work. Winds, pipes and tweeters of various types are considered the first musical instruments. Naturally, you can admire such exhibits only in the museum. But there are a number of tools that can be purchased at auctions.

An ancient musical instrument is a broad concept. It is understood as products that make sounds and were made back in the days of Ancient Greece and Egypt, as well as less “old” objects capable of emitting musical sounds and with a resistor. It is noteworthy that they do not have a resistor percussion instruments that produce musical sounds.

1) The ancestor of stringed instruments is the hunting bow used by our ancestors. Since the string produced a methodical sound when pulled, it was subsequently decided to string several strings of different thicknesses and lengths, resulting in sounds of different ranges.

Replacing the body with a whole box resulted in sounds that were beautiful and melodic. The first stringed instruments include:

  1. Gusli.
  2. guitar.
  3. Theorbu.
  4. Mandolin.
  5. Harp.

Attention should be stopped on violins, which are in special demand. The most famous violin maker is Antonio Stradivari. Experts agree that the best violins Antonio made in 1715, the quality of these instruments is simply amazing. hallmark The work of the master should be considered the desire to improve the shape of the instruments, changing them to a more curved one. Antonio achieved perfect sound and melodiousness. He decorated the body of the violins with precious stones.

In addition to violins, the master made harps, cellos, guitars and violas.

2) A wind musical instrument may be made of wood, metal or other material. In fact, this is a tube of various diameters and lengths, which makes sound due to air vibrations.

The more volume wind instrument, the lower the sound it makes. A distinction is made between wood and brass instruments. The principle of operation of the first is simple - it is necessary to open and close the holes, which are located at different distances from each other. As a result of such actions, the air masses fluctuate and music is created.

Old wooden instruments include:

  • flute
  • bassoon;
  • clarinet;
  • oboe.

The instruments got their name due to the material from which they were made in those days, but modern technologies do not stand still, so the material was replaced partially or completely. Therefore, today these tools look different, they are made from other materials.

Get sound from copper tools obtained by changing the position of the lips and due to the force of the blown and blown air. Later, in 1830, a mechanism with valves was invented.

Brass instruments include:

  1. Trombone.
  2. pipe.
  3. Tubu etc.

In most cases, these tools are made of metal, and not only copper, brass and even silver are used. But the works of the masters of the Middle Ages were made of wood, partially or completely.

Perhaps the most ancient wind instrument can be considered a horn, which was used for various purposes.

Button accordions and accordions

Bayans, accordions and all kinds of harmonicas are classified as reed musical instruments.

Traditions allow only those instruments that have a keyboard staff on the right side to be called an accordion. But in the US, the concept of "accordion" includes other examples of hand harmonies. At the same time, varieties of harmonica can have their own names.

Approximately at the end of the 19th century, accordions were made in Klingenthal, until now German accordions are in demand among Russian musicians.

There are also hydroid models that can be attributed to artifacts, most of these models are no longer used, but require attention due to their rarity and uniqueness.

Shrammel bayan is an instrument that has a unique structure. On the right side is a keypad. Such an accordion is used in Viennese chamber music.

Accordion Trikitiksa - on the left side is a 12-button bass, on the right side is the keyboard.

The chromatic accordion from Britain, despite being made in Germany, is considered the favorite instrument of musicians from Scotland.

The old "Schwitzerörgeli" accordion bears a resemblance to the Belgian bass system, and is also called an organ from Scotland.

It is also worth paying attention to one copy of the times of the USSR - this is the accordion "Baby", which has a unique design. The peculiarity of this instrument is that the accordion has a smaller size. It was used to teach children, but not only. Due to its compactness, the tool has some structural features:

  • the first row are the basses and the second row are the chords;
  • there is no major and minor;
  • one button acts as two.

You can buy such an accordion today inexpensively compared to models from Germany intended for training. Despite the fact that the accordion has various reviews and there is criticism of the instrument, it is considered ideal for teaching children.

A little nationality

There are not so few folk instruments, each nation has its own. The Slavs differed in the number and quality of models. One of the first instruments of the Slavs should be considered:

  1. Balalaika.
  2. Accordion.
  3. Tambourine.
  4. Dudka.

1) The balalaika, along with the accordion, is considered a symbol of Russia and is perceived as the most common instrument. Historians do not give an answer when exactly the balalaika appeared, the 17th century is considered an approximate date. The balalaika consists of a triangular body and three strings, the vibration of which leads to the appearance of music.

The balalaika acquired its modern look in 1833, thanks to the musician Vasily Andreev, who began to improve the balalaika.

2) Bayan is a kind of handmade accordion, which was designed by a Bavarian master. A similar kind of accordion was recognized in Russia in 1892. In 1907, a craftsman from St. Petersburg, Pyotr Egorovich Sterligov, made an instrument for the accordionist Yakov Fedorovich Orlansky-Titarensky. The work took the master about two years. And the name of the instrument was in honor of the singer and storyteller named Bayan.

3) A tambourine is an instrument of indefinite pitch in different cultures has its own varieties. It is a circle covered with leather on both sides; metal bells or rings were also attached to the tambourine. Tambourines were of various sizes and were often used for shamanic rites.

But there is also an orchestral tambourine - the most common instrument today. Plastic tambourine - a round wooden hoop is covered with leather or other membrane.

4) A pipe is a kind of folk wind instruments that were common in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. A pipe is a small tube with holes.

Keyboard instruments

One of the most famous instruments that has come down to our days is the organ. Its original device had its own peculiarities: the keys of the organ were so large that they had to be pressed with fists. The sound of the organ invariably accompanied services in the church. This instrument appeared in the Middle Ages.

Clavichord - very similar to a piano, but its sound was quiet, so playing the clavichord in front of a large number of people did not make sense. The clavichord was used for evenings and playing music at home. The instrument had keys that were pressed with the fingers. Bach had a clavichord, he played pieces of music on it.

The pianoforte replaced the clavichord in 1703. The inventor of this instrument was a master from Spain, Bartolomeo Cristofori, who was engaged in the manufacture of instruments for the Medici family. He called his invention "an instrument that plays softly and loudly." The principle of operation of the piano was as follows: it was necessary to hit the keys with a hammer, there was also a mechanism for returning the hammer to its place.

The hammer hit the key, the key hit the string and made it vibrate, causing the sound; There were no pedals or dampers. Later, the piano was modified: a device was made that helped the hammer to fall halfway. Modernization has significantly improved the sound quality and facilitated the process of playing music.

There are a lot of ancient instruments, this concept includes models of the culture of the Slavs, accordions made in the USSR and violins from the time of Antonio Stradivari. It is difficult to find such an exhibit in private collections; for the most part, you can admire rare instruments in various museums. But some models are successfully sold at auctions, offering buyers to pay not too high a price for the tools. Unless, of course, we are talking about copies that fall under the concept of "antiques".

The first Russian folk musical instruments arose a long time ago, back in time immemorial. You can learn about what our ancestors played from paintings, handwritten brochures and popular prints.

A number of tools were found during excavations, and now no one can have any doubts that they were indeed common in Rus'. Our ancestors could not live without music. Many of them were able to independently produce the simplest tools, which were then inherited. In the evenings people gathered and played, resting from the day's work.

Let's take a closer look at musical instruments. Every inhabitant of our country should have at least a general idea of ​​them.


This is an instrument with strings. He first appeared in Rus'.

Gusli is the oldest of all that have come down to us. They are helmet-shaped and pterygoid. The latter were made in the shape of a triangle, their minimum number of strings is 5, and the maximum is 14. On the wing-shaped (voiced) harp is such that a person touches all the strings with his right hand at once. And the left at this time neutralizes unnecessary sounds. As for the helmet-shaped ones (they are also called psalter-shaped ones), a person plays them with both hands at once. These folk instruments hard to master, but worth it.

Clavier-shaped harp

Let's consider them. They were common not only in antiquity, but also in the twentieth century, they were often played by representatives of the clergy.

These harps were similar to psalter-shaped ones, but much better. The basis of this instrument was a rectangular box equipped with a lid. On one side, several golosniks (special oval holes) were cut out, then a pair of wooden chips were attached to it. Metal pegs were screwed into one of them, strings of the same material were wound on them. Another sliver served as a keeper. No special explanation is required here, the name speaks for itself. Strings were fixed on it. This instrument had piano tuning. Interestingly, the strings, similar to the dark keys, were located below the corresponding white ones. To play the clavier-like harp, one had to know the notes. Otherwise, there would be no normal melody. Folk instruments, the pictures of which you see in front of you, enchant everyone who hears them.

Kantele relative

It is impossible not to mention the harp, which in appearance resembled a kantele - an instrument originally from Finland. Most likely, the Russians were inspired to create them by the traditions of this country. Unfortunately, in the twentieth century, such harps were completely forgotten.

Now you know the most famous ancient folk stringed instruments.


Many folk musicians still play it today. Balalaika is plucked instrument equipped with three strings.

Its dimensions vary greatly: there are models whose size reaches 600 mm, but there are also species 1.7 meters long. In the first case we are talking about the so-called prima, and in the second - about the balalaika-double bass. This instrument has a slightly curved wooden body, but in the XVIII— 19th century x were also oval. If you ask any foreigner what he associates with Russia, then he will certainly come up with a balalaika. The accordion and the pity are also symbols of our country, but less popular.

Sound Features

The sound of the balalaika is loud, but gentle. The most common playing techniques are single and double pizzicato. Not last place rattling, fractions, vibrato, tremolo also occupy. Folk instruments, including the balalaika, sound quite soft, although loud. The melodies are very soulful and often sad.

Double bass balalaika

Previously, this instrument did not have a well-established, widely used tuning.

Each musician tuned it according to their preferences, the mood of the tunes played, and local customs. However, in the 19th century, this situation radically changed, after which the balalaika became an indispensable attribute of many concerts. Folk instruments, the photos of which you see, are still used by many musicians in their performances today.

Academic and popular system

The system, created by Andreev, has gained immense popularity among performers traveling around the country. It became known as academic. In addition to it, there is also the so-called popular system. In this case, it is easier to take triads, and the difficulty lies in the fact that it is rather difficult to use open strings. In addition to all of the above, there are local ways to tune the balalaika. There are twenty of them.

We can say that the balalaika is a fairly popular folk instrument. Many learn to play it in music schools our country, as well as Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus. Folk instruments today attract a lot of young people, and this is good news.

ancient balalaika

There is no single answer to the question of when the balalaika appeared - there are many versions. She gained popularity in XVII century. It is possible that her ancestor is Kazakh dombra. The ancient balalaika was a rather long instrument, the body length of which was approximately 27 cm. And its width reached 18 cm. The instrument was also notable for its very oblong neck.

Tool modification

The balalaikas played today are outwardly different from the ancient ones. The musician V. Andreev, together with S. Nalimov, F. Paserbsky, and V. Ivanov, modified the instrument. These people decided that the soundboard should be made from spruce and the back from beech. In addition, Andreev suggested making the tool a little shorter, up to 700 mm. wonderful person F. Paserbsky invented a whole group of balalaikas: prima, tenor, double bass, piccolo, alto, bass. Today it is impossible to imagine a traditional Russian orchestra without them. Some time later, this man, who made many Russian folk instruments, received a patent for them.

The balalaika can be used not only in orchestras, it is also often played solo.


This reed instrument belonging to the family of pneumatic keyboards.

The accordion should not be confused with the accordion and button accordion.

This tool consists of two half-cases, on which there are panels with keys and buttons. The left side is needed for accompaniment: if you hold down one key, you will hear a bass or a whole chord, and the right side is for playing. In the middle there is a fur compartment for pumping oxygen to the accordion sound bars.

How does this instrument differ from an accordion or button accordion:

On a standard harmonica, a musician usually extracts exclusively diatonic sounds, in some cases chromatic sounds are also added;

Fewer octaves;


Who invented this tool?

There is no exact information about where the first accordion was made. According to one version, it was created in Germany, in the 19th century. F.K. Bushman is considered its inventor. But there are other versions. There is an opinion in Germany that the accordion was created in Russia, and according to the scientist Mirek, the first such instrument was made in the northern capital in 1783, it was created by Frantisek Kirsnik, an organ master originally from the Czech Republic. This man came up with an original way to get sound - by means of an iron tongue, which comes into motion from exposure to oxygen. WITH late XIX For centuries, the accordion has been considered a Tatar folk instrument. There are other, no less interesting versions.

Classification of accordions

These folk instruments, common in Russia, are divided into two types according to the method of producing sound. The first category includes accordions, in which, during the movement of the bellows, all keys, when pressed, make sounds of the same pitch. These tools are quite popular. And the second category includes accordions, in which the pitch of the sound depends on the direction in which the bellows are moving. The first type includes the Khromka (the most popular today), the Russian Wreath, and the Livenka instruments. And "Talyanka", "Tula", "Skull" and "Vyatka" belong to the second category. It is possible to classify accordions by the type of the right keyboard, and more specifically, by the number of keys. To date, the "hromka" has become widely known, which has two rows of buttons, but there are tools with three, and some even have only one row. Now you understand that there are many accordions and they are all different.

  • Instruments with one row of buttons: "Tulskaya", "Vyatka", "Livenskaya", "Talyanka". last name derived from "Italian", there are 12/15 keys on the right, and 3 on the left.
  • Tools with two rows of buttons: "Khromka", "Russian wreath".
  • The harmonica is automatic.


Our ancestors played on them too. The minimum number of spoons per musician is three, the maximum is five.

These Russian folk instruments can be different size. When the spoons hit each other with a convex part, a characteristic sound is obtained. Its height may vary depending on the method of obtaining it.

Game technique

The musician, as a rule, plays on three spoons: he holds one in his right hand, and places the remaining two between the phalanges of his left. It's easy to imagine. Most performers strike on the leg or arm. This is explained by the fact that it is so much more convenient. The blows are made with one spoon on two, clamped in the left hand. In some cases, scoops are supplemented with small bells.

Belarusian musicians prefer to play with just two spoons.

It should be noted that scoops are widespread among folk performers from the USA and Britain. Jeff Richardson, a member of the English art-rock band Caravan, plays electric spoons during concerts.

Ukrainian folk instruments

A few words should be said about them.

In ancient times, cymbals, bagpipes, torbans, violins, psaltery and other wind, percussion and string instruments were common in Ukraine. In most cases, they were made from various improvised materials (animal bones, leather, wood).

The most popular was the kobza-bandura, without which it is impossible to imagine the Ukrainian epic.

The harp also gained wide popularity. This is with strings, there could be a lot of them, up to thirty or forty. In addition to Ukrainians and Russians, they were played by Czechs, Belarusians and many other nationalities. This suggests that the harp is really magnificent, and today they should not be forgotten.

Be sure to listen to the folk instruments whose names you now know. Beautiful melodies will definitely not leave you indifferent.
