How to draw a church, temple, cathedral with a pencil in stages? We draw a temple Download pencil drawings of a village church or temple.

In this lesson, I want to show you in detail how to draw a church with a pencil step by step. A drawing made with colored pencils will be shown. We hope you enjoy it! With the help of a few colors, you will be able to build a full-fledged structure. The master class consists of step by step drawings, With detailed description which greatly simplifies the task. Here you can learn how to draw a church with a pencil step by step for beginners. Also on the site you can find out the site, along with our lesson.

Stages of work:
With the help of squares and a rectangle, we will build the general shape of the drawn church. There will be a long vertical rectangle on the left, a horizontal square on the right, and a large rectangle on the bottom. To draw a church with a pencil beautifully in stages, choose high-quality materials - plain paper, pencils or paints. You can use a ruler to draw the church neatly;

Let's draw the roofs and external walls of the church;

We continue to draw the church, namely to add details. Bells will be located on top, columns and doors below;

We add all the elements of the church: windows and crosses. Delete extra lines with an eraser and move on to color;

First we apply the lightest shade in this picture of the church - yellow. We apply it not over the entire drawing, but in some places, as shown in the figure. This color will help show the glare from the sun;

Next, stroke the roofs, domes and stairs of the church with orange;

Light green color draw some areas on the roof;

With blue and purple we will draw a shadow on the church;

We will cover the rest of the surface of our painted church with a light pink tint;

The windows are painted black. We draw a horizontal line for the base;

For complete picture add bushes on the sides with the help of two green shades.
The drawing is complete. Now you know how to draw a church step by step with a pencil, and I'm sure if you try, you will definitely succeed. I'm waiting for your beautiful drawings in the comments, good luck everyone!

And the second lesson descended, which will follow the painted temples. And this lesson will be glorified and great, for it will be drawn with a clean and bright pencil. As you can see, the topic of buildings of ambiguous meaning continues, and this time we will look at how to draw a church. The Church is a bastion of goodness and love, but not all of its deeds are as bright as they are considered. Look, for example, at these facts:

  • Crusades. The thing is very interesting and rich. By official version they were organized for the liberation of Palestine, but in principle the goal was the brazen conversion of poor pagans into Christians and their ascension away to heaven. Let's just say for all time crusades tens of thousands of superstitious people rose up against their will;
  • Everyone knows that the Pope is the head of the residence of the highest spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. Yes. But not everyone knows that once a woman became the Pope. No one even knew until the Pope gave birth right during the service. Well, as always, the modern Vatican considers this event a fiction, but who knows, who knows ...

And now that we know all the exquisite secrets of the church, let's start drawing!

How to draw a church with a pencil step by step

Step one: throw on the base of the building and some flora around it. Step two: now finish painting the walls and trees. Since this is a church, and there is always a cemetery near the church, you know what needs to be finished. Step three: we refine the facade and architecture of the church, and also put a few more tombstones.

Step four: we apply even more details to the building itself, give it a more adequate shape. Step five: everything is almost finished, it remains only to correct the main window and some details.

Well, that's it, the church is ready, everyone is happy, amen!

  1. Building;
  2. Buddha Temple;
  3. window of your house;

In the first centuries of Christianity, ground churches were not specially built, and believers prayed in special rooms in the homes of wealthy people and in buildings established for cultural events - basilicas. In times of persecution, Christians began to hide in vast dungeons - catacombs. When the persecution ended, over time, the type of temple familiar to us was formed.

The temple is the house of God, where the Lord is invisibly present. The temple differs from an ordinary house in that it has an altar inside and a dome or domes topped with crosses on the outside. The dome symbolizes the sky above us, and the cross symbolizes the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ over death. External signs are not necessary, this is especially clear now, when new churches are being built and people pray in change houses during construction sites or in the basements of unfinished temple structures.

But the altar space is what makes the temple a place for the celebration of the main service - the Liturgy. There is a throne in the altar, on which lies a special plate - an antimension, where the change of bread and wine into the Holy Gifts takes place. Literally, the word "antimins" is translated as "instead of the throne." This means that such a board can be used anywhere, and the Liturgy can be served even on a stump in the forest, if necessary.

You can mentally turn to God anywhere: at home and on the road, at school before control work or on the waiting list. But Christians attach to the temple common prayer special meaning: according to Seraphim of Sarov, only one short prayer"Lord have mercy" in the temple is equal to a thousand prostrations at home.

An angel stands at the throne of any temple, and even if people have forgotten about the temple, he serves the liturgy there every day. We read in the book Spiritual Meadow by Blessed John Moschus:

Abba Leonty, rector of the monastery of our holy father Theodosius, told us: “After the monks were expelled from the New Lavra, I came to this Lavra and stayed in it. Once, on Sunday, I came to church to partake of the Holy Mysteries. Entering the temple, I saw an angel standing on the right side of the throne. Terrified, I retired to my cell. And there was a voice to me: “Since this throne has been consecrated, I have been commanded to always be with him.”

We know that many temples in our country were destroyed in the twentieth century. This is very sad because sanctification is not retroactive. Where there are now stadiums, highways and ordinary houses on the site of the destroyed temples, angels stand invisibly, grieving that no one prays in the holy place. And it is very good if the temple is restored in its original place, or at least they put a chapel there - a small building similar to a temple, only without an altar.

Let's start creative work! For drawing, we chose the simplest appearance temple - Protection of the Mother of God on the Nerl River, which in Vladimir region. Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, as it is usually called.

Now let's reveal all the secrets of technology.

So, you will need the following materials:

- white thick paper,
- wax crayons children's creativity,
- watercolor paints,
- a non-spill cup and a squirrel brush.

First you need to determine the horizon line, the border of land and water, the outlines of the temple. For little ones, you can make a template for the temple to stroke. Then more sparingly draw the reflection of the temple in the water. At this stage, the work is carried out with colored wax crayons. The temple itself is painted over in white, the dome is yellow, and the reflection does not need to be painted over. You can depict trees on the ground, the sun in the sky, and ripples in white or light blue on the water.

This stage is of little interest, because the result is practically not visible. But we must try, the main focus is ahead! We remove the crayons, they are no longer needed. Then you need to wet the watercolor paints and paint the sky, earth and water with large sweeping strokes. It is important to remember that the water is always darker than the sky. An image made with crayons should not be afraid to paint over, it will definitely appear under a magic brush!

Who knows, maybe a child who draws a temple pleases God no less than the adults who built such a temple. Creative success to you!

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Don't know how to draw a temple with a pencil or paints? This lesson will help you create this element in stages, using the usual and accessible means - an eye, a ruler, paints and pencils!

In fact, creating such a picture is not so simple. The thing is that the artist will have to depict a number of elements of various sizes and shapes, the totality of which will create the unique structure of the church.

Historical reference

The period of the birth of Christianity does not tell us about modern temples, because earlier people prayed in basilicas - specialized buildings - prayers. At a time when Christians had to hide their faith, people prayed even underground, often in the catacombs. The now familiar buildings were formed only in the period when Christianity came out in its heyday. Given that the teaching speaks of the church as the temple of God, it is not surprising that outwardly all such buildings differ from ordinary buildings. Main features- domes, crosses, internal altar.

The cross in Christianity is a symbol of Jesus Christ, who managed to defeat death and ascend to heaven. At the same time, the domes are a symbol of heaven, where, according to beliefs, God now lives. The place of construction of the church, in turn, is considered sacred, and even if God's abode was previously destroyed, modern descendants trying to restore it in the same place.

We draw an Orthodox Christian church

It's time to learn how to draw a church. To create a drawing, you must purchase in advance

such tools and materials:

  • Whatman paper (preferably dense);
  • Wax crayons;
  • A glass for water (you can use a specialized glass - non-spill);
  • natural brushes;
  • Watercolor paints;
  • Pencils;
  • Eraser.

If the building you decide to reproduce stands on the water, such as the Temple of the Intercession, you should determine the horizon line in advance and separate the land from the water. Next, you should create the outlines of the future structure, highlight the reflection in the water. All this is done with colorful wax crayons. The walls should remain white, the dome should remain yellow, and the reflection will not be painted over. Near the main element of the picture, vegetation can be located - trees, shrubs, in the sky - the sun. Decorate the water surface with ripples in light blue or white tones and move on to paints.

WITH watercolor paints work should be easy, while applying paint in large strokes. Mark the earth, sky, water, keeping the color balance. Do not make the sky darker than the water, and the earth - lighter. You can draw crayons with paint, because after the drawing is completely dry, they will appear.

Method number 2

Having become acquainted with the architectural objects related to Orthodoxy and Christianity, some patterns become clear, on the basis of which you can quickly and easily create a high-quality drawing. The church can be drawn even without focusing on a specific real object. For example, you can take a regular sheet of paper, in A4 format, and start creating a temple with centerline in the middle of the drawing.

In order for the drawing to acquire the correct shape, you need to create a parallelepiped with a base at the bottom and a pointed top. At the top, respectively, there will be a dome, consisting of 2 inclined lines, which in turn come out of the base. vertical lines will help to create a bell tower. After the main lines are created, you should start creating semi-circular dome elements that are mirrored about the center line. The lower tier of the temple will be the end of the bell tower, and the lower part of the dome - its ceiling.

On the one hand, you can finish drawing - half-cylinders attached to the wall. From them will begin a rounded roof, consisting of numerous arches. Windows should be placed on the upper and lower tiers and give them an elongated shape with a rounded top. On the opposite side of the arches - draw a door.

Starting hatching, pay attention to the darkening of the towers and domes, windows and doors. Thanks to right direction and the density of the shadow, the church will acquire the desired volume and come to life in the picture. Don't forget to get rid of the sketch lines!

Bringing color to life

In order for the drawing to become colorful and realistic, all the details should be painted. For this purpose, paint or ink is perfect. When working with paints, you should use a brush and follow a number of rules described in other lessons, but mascara also allows you to work with your fingers. So, for starters, you should add some water to the carcass,

and then rub the color in the necessary places:

  • Roof and dome - yellow;
  • Walls - green;
  • The space near the roof is supplemented with gray.

After drying, the drawing can be framed or presented as a gift to a friend.

And descended the second lesson that will follow. And this lesson will be glorified and great, for it will be drawn with a clean and bright pencil. As you can see, the topic of buildings of ambiguous meaning continues, and this time we will look at how to draw a church. The Church is a bastion of goodness and love, but not all of its deeds are as bright as they are considered. Look, for example, at these facts:

  • Crusades. The thing is very interesting and rich. According to the official version, they were organized for the liberation of Palestine, but in principle the goal was the impudent conversion of poor pagans into Christians and their ascension to heaven away. Let's just say that during the entire time of the crusades, tens of thousands of superstitious people rose up against their will;
  • Everyone knows that the Pope is the head of the residence of the highest spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. Yes. But not everyone knows that once a woman became the Pope. No one even knew until the Pope gave birth right during the service. Well, as always, the modern Vatican considers this event a fiction, but who knows, who knows ...

And now that we know all the exquisite secrets of the church, let's start drawing!

How to draw a church with a pencil step by step

Step one: throw on the base of the building and some flora around it.
Step two: now finish painting the walls and trees. Since this is a church, and there is always a cemetery near the church, you know what needs to be finished.
Step three: we specify the facade and architecture of the church, as well as put a few more tombstones.
Step four: we apply even more details to the building itself, give it a more adequate shape.
Step five: everything is almost finished, it remains only to correct the main window and some details.
Well, that's it, the church is ready, everyone is happy, amen! Would you like to draw other beautiful buildings? No problem, I did a lot for you good lessons, look.
