How is deciphered that and guest. What is the difference between products made according to GOST and according to that

It can be difficult for an ordinary consumer to understand the abbreviations and markings on the packaging. Olga Kostyleva, an expert from Rosstandart, Deputy Head of the Department for Technical Regulation and Standardization, answered the site about what signs to look for on packaging and what quality standards are in force in Russia today.

Which is better: GOST or TU?

In Russia for a long time product standards were mandatory. Most of the population is accustomed to the taste of those products that were made in accordance with GOST. Therefore, such products are highly trusted by customers.

If the manufacturer fulfills all the requirements of GOST, then the products are of consistently high quality. However, it is wrong to assume that products manufactured according to GOST are higher in quality than those manufactured according to TU (technical specifications). Specifications are developed if there is no GOST for products. Some manufacturers, in an effort to bring the quality of their products to a new level, are developing their own specifications, the requirements of which are higher than GOST. But, unfortunately, in most cases, the manufacturer switches to work according to specifications due to the fact that he is unable to withstand the requirements of GOST.

How to read the label correctly?

The text of a specific standard, which is indicated on the label, can be found on the website of Rosstandart and the EEC. If this GOST goes under the national technical regulation (TR), for example, TR for milk, fat and oil products, juices, then all these GOSTs can be found in free access on the website of Rosstandart.
Standards for technical regulations Customs Union(TR TS) are also publicly available on the EEC website. The texts of GOSTs that are published on unofficial sites should not be trusted, they may contain errors.
To make sure that the product complies with the national technical regulation, pay attention to the packaging. The label must have a sign of compliance with the technical regulations.

Or the EAC badge - for the technical regulations of the Customs Union.

Several new technical regulations of the Customs Union will be adopted this year. What will happen to Russian TRs in this regard?

A transitional period has been established for the TR on food safety. If the manufacturer confirmed the conformity of his products before July 1 of this year, then he can work according to national legislation until February 15, 2015. If he applied for registration of the declaration later, after July 1, then he must already now confirm compliance with the requirements of the new technical regulation of the Customs Union.

Until February 15, 2015, both national legislation and the legislation of the Customs Union will work. And after this date, a unified legislation of the Customs Union will be created. After that national regulations will not act.

How can technical regulations help consumers?

Technical regulations are primarily responsible for safety. As for quality, there is no clear answer. For example, the technical regulation on milk contains a fairly wide list of indicators that allow you to identify dairy products. In particular, this TR provides requirements for quality indicators of fermented milk products.

With grain, on the contrary, no quality indicators have been established that can determine the varietal affiliation or grain belonging to any class.
Compliance with technical regulations for food products in Russia is controlled by two organizations: Rospotrebnadzor (food products and food raw materials) and Rosselkhoznadzor (products of animal origin).

The adoption of new technical regulations, according to the expert, will not become an obstacle to counterfeit products. The main requirements that are established in the TR are the requirements for product safety. Counterfeit may well be safe, but not live up to its name. Other measures are needed to combat counterfeit products. It is necessary to strengthen state control over compliance with the information that the manufacturer puts on the label.

If a distribution network buys products that are packaged in trading floor, then all information should be applied to the packaging in which the consumer will buy these packaged products.

How to choose a quality product?

When choosing products, you should not focus only on low price or brand awareness. Pay attention to the information contained on the product packaging:

  • A product manufactured according to TU can be in no way inferior in quality to GOST.
  • Look for signs of compliance with regulations on the packaging.
  • Remember that regulations and standards only guarantee that a product is safe. The manufacturer is responsible for the quality of the goods.

The quality of your diet and ultimately your health depends on choosing a safe product. Therefore, be careful about the products that you buy during your next trip to the store.

Electrical products are presented today on the market and in stores in a wide range. The number of types and brands of cable and wire products is very large. This allows you to quite successfully and quickly solve problems related to the implementation of electrical work.

When carrying out such work, the quality of cables and wires plays a significant role. The conditions for the production of goods must comply with GOST. Then you can talk about high quality. Deviating from GOST and independently developing technical conditions (TU), enterprises want to save money and get super profits. Due to the manufacture of cable products according to specifications, the market is full of low-quality and cheap wires and cables.

In order not to encounter accidents and unpleasant situations, trust the cable products that are manufactured in accordance with GOST. It is better to bypass the cable made according to TU. For wiring, the use of such a product is fraught with consequences. According to statistics, more than half of household fires occur due to poor-quality wires and cables.

This article is a kind of addition to the topic underestimated cable section. And in this topic, I would like to tell you what you should pay attention to when choosing a cable and how cable made according to GOST differs from the cable made according to specifications.

Cable according to GOST or TU what to choose?

For those who are not in the know, I will talk about the situation that is happening today in the market of cable and wire products. Choosing a cable is a difficult task. After all, it is very difficult or almost impossible to find a quality product, despite the huge number of electrical wires on the counter.

In a specialized or hardware store, you can find electrical products of any section and for every taste. The whole point is that 99 percent of the goods offered are not worth buying. After all, wires of this quality carry a danger.

I wonder if everyone knows what's different GOST cable and a cable produced according to specifications. Many of us have not heard at all that cable products must be produced according to any regulatory standards.

In the USSR, the production of wires and cables was carried out in accordance with GOST - the state standard mandatory for use in areas determined by the preamble of the standard itself. Certain requirements were imposed on the quality of the conductive material, the thickness and quality of the insulating covers. It was impossible to violate the established norms. In Soviet times, if you bought a wire with a cross section of 2.5 square meters. mm., then they could be 100% sure that the cross section in it is 2.5 square meters. mm.

Later, the state and some “interested persons” decided that it was too boring to follow the GOSTs, and there was no place for freedom and maneuvers there. Without thinking twice, these individuals came up with technical conditions (TU). Technical requirements are established in TU. They must be satisfied by a specific substance, material, product or group of them. The specifications also specify procedures that allow you to determine how these requirements are met.

It seems that there is no difference between GOST and TU. After all, this is also a technical document that lists specific requirements. True, they relate only to a specific product for which this specification is issued. But this is only at first glance. TU is far from analogous to GOST. You can write specifications for a specific product (cable, in our case). Therefore, manufacturers have the opportunity to specify anything in the TU.

Thanks to the appearance of technical specifications, the conductor products on the market have become very inferior in quality. The manufacturer went to reduce the thickness of the insulating covers, both the overall sheath of the wire and the sheath of the current-carrying wires, underestimating the cross-section of the current-carrying wire by 10-40 percent. The manufacturer simply indicates all these changes in the technical specifications, so it is believed that he does not violate any norms.

Unscrupulous manufacturers have developed techniques, thanks to which they began to underestimate the cross section of current-carrying conductors. One of these techniques is a reference to paragraph 2.2 in GOST 22483-2012 (previously it was GOST 22483-77 P 1.4. a). In paragraph 2.2 it is said that, subject to the electrical resistance (requirements of this standard) nominal and actual cross-section may differ.

That is, if the manufacturer complies with the standards for resistance, then he can reduce the cross section. It is unfortunate that in practice these rules are not respected. Manufacturers have long set the main goal of reducing the cost of production. By reducing the cost of conductive wire material, the manufacturer achieves this goal admirably.

There is another important drawback in that the wires are produced according to technical specifications, and not according to GOST. The manufacturer reduces the thickness of the core insulation and the “common” sheath. Because of this, the quality of insulation is reduced, and sometimes very significantly. In this case, the electrical insulating material has the same composition. That is, the material has the same characteristics, but its amount in insulation decreases.

Why do cable manufacturers make cables not according to GOST but according to TU?

The answer to this question is very simple. The manufacturer wants to charge competitive prices and make a big profit. It saves on the materials used, thereby reducing the cost of manufacturing products.

Sellers in electrical stores do not hide the fact that it is more profitable for them to sell wires produced according to specifications. After all, the price of products manufactured according to GOST is higher. Buyers most often do not pay attention to such a "trifle" as compliance with GOST. They will go to the store where the wire is cheaper, despite the fact that it is made according to specifications.

It turns out that both sellers and manufacturers are not busy supplying our customers with quality goods, albeit more expensive ones. Their main goal is not to lose customers. After all, if they sell expensive high-quality wire, then the buyer will make a purchase from a competitor who sells cheaper.

The policy with technical conditions is aimed at a person who does not understand all the technical aspects of the manufacture of cable and wire products and chooses the cable based on price alone. A simple man in the street naively believes that he is buying a quality product. And these buyers are about a hundred percent.

And what is especially bad is that it is rarely possible to find produced according to GOST wire in a general electrical store. They are simply not for sale. In modern realities, you can buy such a wire only through an organization (if possible).

This can be done by ordering a large batch from the manufacturer. Factories still produce cables and wires in accordance with GOST, but mainly for industrial use. For domestic needs, they produce wires according to specifications.

Many of you have heard such abbreviations as GOST, TU, TR (technical regulations) and the like. In this article, you will get a definition: what is GOST, what is technical regulation. Find out the differences between GOST and TR.

Consumer of industrial goods (in particular, food) in the territory Russian Federation is protected from low-quality products and arbitrariness of manufacturers by a system of standardization of products or services provided. Quality products are characterized by such properties that determine it as suitable to fully satisfy the wishes of the consumer in accordance with the intended purpose.

The Institute of Standardization implies legislatively regulated provisions, norms and standards in the field of compliance with the quality of products, goods produced and services provided.

If in Soviet times the number of standards was limited to a small number, then in modern Russia- their number has increased significantly and has dozens and even hundreds of abbreviations. Which, of course, is connected with the influence international organizations to our market, their high requirements for production, product quality, safety for the consumer. As a result, the buyer receives a more competitive finished product.

What is GOST?

The most famous and widespread system of quality compliance in the territory of the Russian Federation is a document - the National Standard or the State Standard. State standard (GOST or GOST R) is a mandatory regulatory act that regulates the quality of a particular industry.

The state standard was the main type of regulatory support for consumer protection. Moreover, he was the regulator of standardization in Soviet Russia. Now GOST acts as an interstate document for the CIS countries. And its use in the territories of the countries of this union is advisory and even voluntary. GOST is a priority only when the country in question does not have an appropriate legal document of federal significance. Every citizen can familiarize himself with the content of state standards, the text of any of them is freely available both in printed and electronic form.

GOST R or a certificate of conformity confirms that the product has been tested and meets all safety requirements. The GOST R quality management system is not the only one, but one of the most popular and credible among potential buyers. The types of services, services and goods that are required to be tested and receive GOST R are listed in the list of the Federal Metrological Agency for Technical Regulation, the rest are voluntarily certified. The competitiveness of products certified in this system is significantly increased.

It is obvious that the content of the standards should not contradict the requirements of the federal normative and legal acts and technical regulations in force in the same area. The provisions of GOSTs are established on the basis of the application of modern achievements in science, technology and practical experience with the latest revisions international standards or their projects. The use of the national standard must be accompanied by the application of the appropriate mark of conformity in accordance with GOST R 1.9.

It is worth saying that at the present stage the system of standardization has changed, as well as control in the field of quality of products, goods and services. In 2003, the law "On technical regulation" was adopted, which gave rise to a new document - technical regulations (Federal Law No. 184-FZ was adopted on December 27, 2002). According to Art. 6 Chap. 2: technical regulations are adopted in order to protect the life or health of citizens, as well as to prevent actions that mislead purchasers.

What is a technical regulation?

Technical regulation - a regulatory document that establishes mandatory requirements for the objects of technical regulation (products) or related processes of production, storage, transportation, sale, etc., as well as legal regulation of relations in the field of conformity assessment.

The difference between GOST and technical regulations is that the first is characterized by the quantitative parameters of the manufactured products, and the second - by the conditions for using the finished product. Thus, at present, the technical regulation is normative act, mandatory for implementation, in contrast to the State Standard, which is now voluntary. The obligatory application of one or another GOST or its separate section (provision) is indicated in the technical regulation, which thus ensures compliance with the requirements federal law. And in the absence of technical regulations, the previously existing regulatory legal acts are taken as a basis, i.e. state standards. According to experts, the availability of high-quality state and interstate GOSTs contributes to the viability of technical regulations.

Any modern consumer, regardless of their own age, any preferences, is obliged to use the services of a certain kind of supermarkets in order to be able to acquire the necessary amount of food there. Of course, far from always people devote due attention to the process of acquiring any food, what can we say about the corresponding labels and standards, for which they do not play any role at all. However, there is a category modern population, whose representatives are wondering: how does GOST differ from GOST R?

What are these two concepts?

Initially, we should note for you that both of these are almost the same. This state of affairs is due to the fact that GOST, and at the same time GOST R, are needed in order to designate the quality of a certain type of product, as well as its compliance with all necessary standards. In fact, this is an abbreviation that arose from the phrase "state standard".

Despite the fact that the already developed GOSTs are registered by the Federal Agency, which deals with technical regulation and metrology, they are created only by those organizations that specialize in certain areas of activity. GOST is a generally accepted standard and up to the present time, it is actively used by the most different countries post-Soviet space. At the same time, GOST R is the only (on the territory of Russia) state system certification, which is necessary for the implementation of a mandatory conformity assessment.

The certification system itself implies such a concept that covers already developed methods, as well as the procedures necessary for conducting a certification examination, and at the same time, the group of organizations whose activities are directly related to the above methods and procedures. We consider it necessary to note that in the GOST R system, up to the present time, the functions of the coordination center are still distributed between Rosaccreditation and Rosstandart, which in some, certain situations, is also called federal agency for technical regulation. In principle, this should be considered characteristic feature GOST R.

How does GOST R differ from ordinary GOST?

Unfortunately those distinctive features, which distinguish one concept from another - there are not so many. At the same time, if we talk about the main ones, it should be noted that GOSTs are usually called the requirement that was put forward back in Soviet times and for some reason, was not replaced by some new standard, up to today. In turn, the name GOST R bears those exceptional standards that have already been adopted on the territory of Russia - that is, after 1991. Often prefixes are added to "GOST R", presented in the form of the words "ISO" or "MEK". They both mean that this normative document, acts as a kind of translation of a standard prepared by a certain international organization.

In principle, there are no differences, in addition to those already mentioned, between these two standards. By the way, if you get acquainted with these two aspects in more detail, it should be noted that there is no need for mandatory replacement of old GOSTs with new GOST Rs, since at that time, if not more stringent requirements were put forward for food products, then certainly very similar. If the differences between ordinary GOST and GOST R are understandable, then the question is: how GOST differs from technical regulations is much more relevant.

We won’t torment you for a long time and immediately note for you that the main difference between GOST and GOST R comes down to the fact that the words “technical regulation”, first of all, mean a certain regulatory document that establishes a requirement that is put forward to objects of technical regulation, which is mandatory for execution. So, in the event that GOST is characterized by the quantitative parameters of the products that are produced by a certain type of company, then the technical regulations are governed by the conditions that are put forward for the use of an already finished product.

The release of any products on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of regulations prescribed in GOSTs or TUs. Both standards are intended to create a certain framework within which the characteristics of the manufactured product are located. But at the same time, the standards establish different tools for achieving these frameworks.

What are the main differences between GOST and TU?

GOST is a legal document in accordance with the requirements of which standardization is carried out production processes and provision of services.

The GOST system was created at the time Soviet Union, and is a set of standards that establish norms for the production of products. It was envisaged that each product in the country would meet the requirements of a separate GOST, which regulates its production. Compliance with the requirements prescribed in GOST was mandatory for all manufacturers. Later, since 1996, GOST became mandatory only after registration with the Ministry of Justice. If such registration is not carried out, manufacturers have the legal right to independently choose the regulations on the basis of which to carry out the release of goods.

TU (Technical Conditions) is a document that establishes the technical requirements that a particular product, material, substance, etc., or a group of them must meet.

In the 90s, in the conditions of the dynamic development of new technologies and the expansion of the manufactured product range, the inability to promptly update and create new GOSTs appeared. It was then that technical specifications appeared, designed to regulate the release of goods for which there is no GOST in the country. At the same time, specifications are developed not by state standardization bodies, but by the manufacturers themselves. It is in the authorship of the development that one of the main differences lies, since the specifications can be considered as the property of their development.

Our company is developing and registering specifications. You can find more details in the corresponding. However, if you have a complex technical product that has no analogues, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with GOSTs and independently develop specifications.

Four main differences

  • Development and approval

The prerogative of developing GOST belongs exclusively to the state, while each of these standards is required to be registered with the Ministry of Justice. Specifications are developed by the manufacturer or a specialized commercial organization hired by him. There is no mandatory registration for technical conditions, but if desired, it can be done voluntarily at the State Standard. At the same time, registration does nothing more than confirm the applicant's ownership of the technical specifications.

  • Legislative support

GOST can be recognized as full-fledged legislative act the field of regulation. Such a definition cannot be applied to TU. The owner of GOST is only the state, while technical specifications are owned by commercial structures that have the ability to transfer rights to other companies and manufacturers, including selling.

In turn, technical specifications are recognized as the standard of the "lower" level, and its norms should not go against the existing GOST.

  • Compliance Guarantees

If we talk about the main differences between GOST and TU, then it lies in the rigidity of the established standards. It is clear that the GOST created by the state will be much stricter than the specifications developed by the manufacturer itself. In GOST, the priority is the quality of products and their safety. Technical specifications are based on the economic efficiency of production, so a large margin of safety is not provided.

In addition, the GOST standard is mandatory for everyone, while practical use TU provides for a simplified nature.

  • Regulation and specification of regulations

In most cases, GOST is created for each specific product, setting requirements not only for its production, but also for storage, labeling of products, when the entire path from raw materials to sale to the consumer is extremely detailed. In TS, much less attention is paid to labeling and sales. In addition, manufacturers can put in the TR "tricks" from the field of marketing, focused on sales growth.

We can say that the above differences are the only ones. At the same time, GOST does not necessarily ensure the release of better products. There is serious competition in many industries, forcing developers to lay down very high characteristics in specifications.
