The problem of caring for bread. love for bread

How does Love to bread, which then turns into passion, and gradually they are replaced by habit?


Bread. We met him at the moment when mother's milk was replaced by a variety of foods and since then we cannot imagine life without it.
We fall in love with bread without hesitation. About how useful it is for us - we sometimes do not even suspect. We just love him.
The most delicious, incomparable,
Everyone knows from childhood -
This is our ordinary
And my favorite Russian bread.

“The habit of bread, like no other product, is due to such deep national traditions that it gives rise to a certain conditioned reflex, affects the human psyche as a whole,” says V.V. Pokhlebkin (researcher of culinary anthropology).

Many people argue about the benefits and harms of bread, but the fact remains that
that bread preserves and maintains our health.

Nature has laid in wheat and rye grain a complex of vital substances: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, mineral compounds.

Due to the consumption of bread, 30% of the need for calories and proteins is satisfied.
More than half in B vitamins, phosphorus, iron, carbohydrates.

Bread, unlike other products, has good digestibility even with daily use, which is associated with the characteristics of the chemical and physical composition of its constituent substances:

*proteins are denatured
* starch - gelatinized
* fat - as part of the emulsion
* carbohydrates, dietary fiber - in a strongly swollen, softened state.

Due to this, the bread gives the food a favorable texture for the digestive tract.

The psychophysical significance is associated with appearance, aroma, taste, color of the crust.

Scientists have identified the #1 “scent of happiness” as the aroma of freshly baked bread.

Bread is not only the basis of the Russian national table, but something more.
He is a symbol of national well-being.

That is why customs are associated with bread in Russia, which have survived many centuries and have come down to our days in almost unchanged form.

Such, for example, is the ancient Russian custom to greet friends, dear, honored, noble guests, newlyweds, new settlers with bread and salt.

Bread was often used as a talisman: they put it in the cradle of a newborn; they took with them on the road, so that he guarded on the way.

"Bread is the head of everything." It occupies an important place in the spiritual life of a person: for the ancient Greeks, bread was a gift from the gods, in India it was believed that the life of a person who did not eat bread would be unhappy, in Rus' bread has always been a symbol of prosperity.

Nowadays, almost all religions consider bread to be a blessed food, and in Christianity, bread is the embodiment of the body of Christ.

It was customary for the Eastern and Western Slavs to put bread in front of the icons, as if testifying to their loyalty to God.

In Christianity, bread plays a central role in the sacrament of Holy Communion, being transubstantiated during the Eucharist into the Body and Blood of Christ.

In the Lord's Prayer, the request: "Give us our daily bread this day" comes before the request for forgiveness. Jesus started with physical needs because without physical health we would cease to exist and have no spiritual needs.

Private educational institution

"Boarding school No. 18 of secondary general education of open

joint-stock company

"Russian railways»

Conversation about caring

relation to bread


2nd grade teacher

Osipova A.N.


Target :

fostering a caring attitude towards the Motherland, bread, the product of people's labor.

Tasks :

    To generalize knowledge about bread, about the variety of bakery products.

    To form personal, communicative, cognitive UUD.

    Cultivate respect for bread.

Course progress.


Educator: Guess the riddle:

Wide, not the sea,

Gold, not money

Today on earth

Tomorrow is on the table. (Bread)

It was a long time ago. During the Stone Age.

When heavy rain and cold came to Earth, man had nothing to eat. And then he first noticed a wheat ear. To make the grains convenient to eat, they were moistened with water, then a person learned to grind the grains into flour. And then one day in one of the stone caves a man left a pot of wheat porridge by the fire. The fire imperceptibly crept up to the pot. The pot could not stand the heat and burst. The noise woke the man. He ran to the fire and saw that his food had turned to stone. When the stone cooled down, the man began to clean it and suddenly felt an unfamiliar smell. Putting a piece in his mouth, the man closed his eyes in pleasure. So the night fire in the cave taught people how to bake bread.

The word "bread" first appeared in Ancient Greece, approximately 15,000 years ago. There they used special-shaped pots for baking - “klibanos”. Their name is consonant with our word "bread".

Bread has no price.

Bread is very useful product, not without reason it was always put in Rus' in the center of the table and considered the main dish.

Educator: Do you guys know where bread comes to our table from?

(children's answers)

    Main part.

Educator: Guys, the topic of our conversation today. "The Price of a Slice"

    Guys, who will explain what a slice is? (children's answers)

(A slice is a piece of bread, a slice is a small piece of bread.)

    Guys, what do you think the price of a slice means? (children's answers)

(The price of a slice is worth nothing, a loaf of bread is 24 rubles)

Educator: And now, guys, listen to an excerpt from A. Raskin's story “How Dad Threw Bread” and answer the question - What terrible act did the boy do?

(The story is read by one of the students)

A boy grew up in one family, and he refused bread, because it seemed to him tasteless. He even dreamed that he would never eat bread when he grew up. And one day he did a terrible thing. He was offered supper, but he refused bread and threw it on the floor. And then the nanny said the following words to him: “Do you think you threw bread? I'll tell you now that you quit. I was small, for a piece of bread I grazed geese all day. In one winter we had no bread at all. I have a brother - your age died of hunger. If then a piece of bread, he would have remained alive. They teach you how to write and read. And they do not teach how bread is born. People work for you, grow bread, and you put it on the ground. Oh you! I don't want to look at you!"

Guys, how do you evaluate the boy's act? (children's answers)

(The boy acted badly)

Guys, you eat in the canteen, how do you feel about bread? (children's answers)

(Yes, we eat; we do not throw bread; we saw other children throw bread)

Summary of the story: The boy acted badly, did not appreciate bread, and yet it was a difficult time in our country. During the war years in besieged Leningrad, residents of the city besieged by the Germans were given 125 grams of bread.

    A conversation about the stages of making bread, about the professions of people who are involved in the creation of bread.

Educator: List the stages of growing and making bread.

(Plowing the field, sowing grains, growing wheat, harvesting, threshing, baking bread from flour.)

Educator: And now we will learn about those professions that help bring bread to the table. Look: there are signs with the names of various professions on the board. Please select those professions that, in your opinion, are related to bread. Explain your choice.

Plates with the names of various professions are attached to the board: artist, pianist, driver, tractor driver, cook, baker, combine operator, teacher, machine operator, tailor, miller, confectioner.

Showing a presentation about the stages of making bread: “How is bread made?”

    Competition "Continue the proverb"

Educator: Now, guys, I suggest you continue the proverbs about bread.

A lot of snow - … (a lot of bread.)

Rye bread… (Kalach grandfather.)

Bread on the table... (and the throne table.)

Bread … (everything head.)

Snow on the fields... (bread in bins.)

To eat bread - … (There will also be a song.)

Bread - pie ... (grandfather.)

It's cold without an oven - without bread ... (hungry).

Out of time for lunch... (when there is no bread.)

Eat pies and bread... (go ahead.)

As long as there is bread and water, ... (It's not a problem.)

No bread... (no lunch.)

    Riddles competition.

Educator: Guess the riddles:

1. Grew up in a field with a spikelet,

There is a piece on the table. (Bread)

I'll go to the warm earth

I will ascend to the sun.

Then there are people like me in it,

There will be a whole family. (Corn)

3. A house grew up in a field,

The house is full of grain

The walls are gilded

The shutters are boarded up.

He is golden and mustache,

There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets.

The house is shaking

On a golden stalk. (Ear)

4. Grew up first in the wild in the field,

In the summer it bloomed and spiked,

And when he thrashed

He suddenly turned into grain.

From grain to flour and dough,

Took a seat in the store.

He grew up under blue skies

And he came to the table ... (Bread)

Educator: What else can be made from flour?

(children's answers)

Educator: Guys, when there is bread left from dinner, what can be cooked from it? (Children's answers:croutons, croutons)

Educator: You always need to remember the wise saying that came to us from the depths of centuries, born folk experience: "May the hand wither, throwing at least a crumb of bread under your feet!"

    Diagnostic technique: "Associations".

Educator: The guys on pieces of paper on which the word “bread” is written should draw a small picture, which, in their opinion, reflects the meaning of this word.

(This technique will allow you to determine how widely developed the ideas of the younger student associated with this concept.)

    Summary of the lesson.

Guys, what did we talk about today in class? (children's answers)

What do you remember about our lesson? (children's answers)

What was the most interesting for you? (children's answers)

This text needs to be written in other words (change), please write, I will be very grateful! It has long been a custom among the Slavs: people who break bread become friends for life. Bread is the ambassador of peace and friendship between peoples, and remains so today. Life is changing, values ​​are being reassessed, but bread-father, bread-breadwinner remains the greatest value. They were escorted to the front with bread. Those who returned from the war were greeted with bread. Bread commemorated those who would never return. Everyone has their own bread. Everyone remembers, perceives and appreciates it in their own way. But there is one thing in common for everyone without exception: bread is life. There is an inextricable link between the attitude to bread and the moral state of society. About anyone who honestly earns his own bread, the people respectfully: "He eats his own bread" and, conversely, disdainfully about living at someone else's expense: "freeloader" Bread obtained for nothing, not earned by labor, spoils a person, because its moral basis. The harder it is to get every ear of grain, every piece of this wonderful gift, the more respectfully a person treats bread with reverence and the more purer soul him, the more conscientious and kinder the person himself is.

Previously, the Slavs had a custom, those who break bread will be friends forever. And now bread is a symbol of peace, friendship and kindness. Life goes on and changes, but bread still remains the greatest wealth. With bread they saw off those who went to the front to defend our Motherland, and met those who returned from the war. Bread commemorated those who once left us and will never return. Each person appreciates and relates to bread in his own way. But still, there is one thing that everyone has in common - bread is life! The people respect those who earn their bread by honest work, they say about them: "He eats his own bread", and those who live at the expense of others and do nothing: "freeloader". It was believed that if bread is not earned by a person's labor, but simply got "for free" it spoils a person, interfering with his morality and nobility. The more difficult it is to get a person's bread, the more respectfully others treat him, and the purer his soul and heart, the more honest and kind the person himself is.

“When we get sick, we lose the taste for bread last, and as soon as it appears again, this is a sign of recovery,” said Antoine Auguste Parmentier, a famous French agronomist and pharmacist who lived in the 18th century. It is difficult to meet a person in the world who would not have respect for bread. People say that bread appears on our table thanks to the hard work of people of 120 professions. This is a food that cannot be replaced by anything.

At the level of instincts

Traditions of caring for bread have existed since ancient times. different peoples and passed down from generation to generation. For example, for a Russian person, bread is not just a product, it is part of his homeland.

Suffice it to recall what a high price the defenders paid besieged Leningrad when they delivered bread across Ladoga to the besieged, dying, but not surrendering city. What is blockade bread? This is 10% food pulp, 10% cake, 2% wallpaper dust, 2% baggings, 1% needles and 75% wholemeal rye flour. This bread was baked in solar oil, because there was no other way. But if there were no bread, there would be no Victory!

From time immemorial, bread has been treated with great respect. Russian table is unthinkable without this product. It is believed that a person will not sit down at the table if there is no bread on it.

Being away from their homeland, people miss the taste of black bread (by the way, it is this that is considered the Russian national bread). Probably, many of you, leaving for other countries, yearn for your usual food. And the first thought that comes to mind at such moments: now would be a crust of black bread ...

There are many events in history that confirm the strong addiction of a Russian person to black bread. In his book "Entertaining Cooking" V. V. Pokhlebkin, a specialist in the theory, history and practice of culinary art, cites interesting historical facts. So, in 1736 during Russian-Turkish war 54,000 Russian troops entered enemy territory Crimean Khanate. Wagon trains with rye flour, which was brought from Russia, got stuck somewhere in the steppes of Ukraine. I had to bake bread from local wheat flour. And then sickness began in the army. “The thing that made the soldiers weaker,” the adjutant of the commander Christopher Georg von Manstein noted in his notes, “is that they were used to eating sour rye bread, but here they had to eat unleavened wheat.”

It is interesting that the addiction of Russians to black bread and, conversely, the rejection of this product by people of other nationalities was noted in their works. literary classics. For example, A. S. Pushkin, during his trip to the Caucasus, drew attention to the fact that the captured Turks who built the Georgian Military Highway could not get used to Russian black bread in any way and therefore complained in general about the food they were given, although it was good . “It reminded me,” said Pushkin, “of the words of my friend Sheremetev upon his return from Paris: “It’s bad, brother, to live in Paris: there is nothing to eat, you can’t interrogate black bread.”

First bread

According to one version, the first bread was made from acorns in ancient times. People began to use cereals for food about 15 thousand years ago in Central Asia. For a long time they ate the grains raw. Then they learned to grind them between stones. They mixed the crushed grain with water. This is how the first bread made from cereals appeared. However, it was not a product familiar to us. The texture of the first bread resembled liquid porridge. By the way, it is porridge that scientists call the foremother of bread. In many countries, to this day, dishes are made from different types flour like early bread.

When people learned how to make fire, they made two discoveries at once. Firstly, without much effort, they learned to separate grains from an ear of wild plants. To do this, they heated them on heated stones placed in dug holes. Secondly, they were able to improve the taste of porridge by slightly roasting the grains separated from the ear.

According to the assumptions of archaeologists, once in the process of cooking porridge, part of it spilled onto heated stones and turned into a ruddy cake. She struck the ancient people with her aroma, taste, and they began to bake unleavened bread in the form of flat cakes from thick grain porridge.

Approximately 2.6-3 thousand years BC, the Egyptians mastered the technology of making bread from fermented dough. It is believed that the discoverer of this technology was an ordinary slave. When he kneaded the dough in order to bake cakes, due to his oversight, it turned sour. To avoid punishment, he nevertheless ventured to bake cakes from it. Surprisingly, they turned out lush, ruddy, tastier than from unleavened dough.

The first bread ovens were also invented by the Egyptians. In the tomb of one of the pharaohs, archaeologists have found a painting depicting an ancient Egyptian bakery.

From the Egyptians, the tradition of making bread was adopted by other peoples of the Ancient World. They invented a lot of ways to leaven dough. The yeast was airborne bacteria, a mixture of grape juice and flour that allowed fermentation, or wheat bran soaked in wine. However, there was a more common method - a piece of dough was left for a day and used as a source of fermentation.

Leavened bread made from fermented dough was considered a delicacy. Not only its delicious taste was appreciated, but also the fact that it stays fresh longer and is better absorbed by the body. Such bread was available only to the rich, black bread was baked for slaves - dense and coarse.

In ancient Greece, for athletes who took part in Olympic Games, prepared a special, white, well-leavened bread. The Greeks, like other peoples of the ancient world, treated bread with reverence. It was believed that a person who ate food without bread committed a great sin and for this he could be punished by the gods.

Just like the ancient Greeks, the Romans highly valued bread. It was they who improved the process of bread production: they created new ovens, improved the technology of grinding grains. By 100 AD e. The Romans spread their bread-baking skills throughout Europe.

IN ancient world bakers were treated with great trepidation. In ancient Greece, they were allowed to hold the highest government posts. And according to ancient German laws, the murder of a baker was punished more severely than for the murder of a person of another profession.

By the way, the word "bread" has ancient Greek roots. The special pots in which the Greeks baked bread were called “klibanos”. From this word came the Gothic word "chlaifs", which was adopted by the ancient Germans, Slavs and other peoples. So in the old German language the word "khlaib" was preserved, in Estonian - "leib", and in our country - "bread".

Bread in Rus'

The main type of bread among the Slavs was sour black bread made from rye flour. It was cheaper and more satisfying than white made from wheat. However, there were such types of rye bread that not all wealthy people could afford. For example, "Boyar bread". It was baked from special flour, used fresh oil and moderately fermented, not sour milk. Spices were added to the dough. Such bread was made only to order on special occasions.

In Rus', bread was baked in special "bread huts". With the development of bread baking, many products made from wheat flour appeared. Carpets, rolls, pies, gingerbread - the most known species original Russian pastries. Products were sprinkled with poppy seeds, flavored with honey, stuffed with various fillings.

A revolution in baking in Russia took place in the last century. In the 1930s the first bakeries appeared, operating on the system of conveyor production of bread engineer G.P. Marsakov. The equipment, peculiar in design, resembled giant carousels. The whole process of baking bread was mechanized and partially automated, which made it possible from the moment the flour entered the factory until the finished bread left the oven, not to touch it with your hands.

The art of baking in our country is developing to this day. Bakers develop technologies for different varieties and types of bread, including dietary bread.

world product

Almost every country has its own traditions associated with the production and consumption of bread. For example, in Italy this product is not produced on an industrial scale. To this day, it is baked in family bakeries. The south of the country is considered to be a reserve of baking. There, on every corner, you can find small bakeries, the owners of which treat their business with special trepidation, pass on bread recipes from generation to generation. In Italy, there are many varieties of bread, very different in technology: michetta, bruschetta, focaccia, banana, chiriola, manina ferrarese, ciabatta, pane casarechio, etc.

It is also very difficult to name the exact number of types of bakery products produced in Germany. German bakers prepare bread with all sorts of additives: carrot, potato, cabbage, olives, nuts, pumpkin seeds, etc. Each city has its own traditional products, and almost every day new “fashionable” ones appear. IN last years In Germany, dietary types of bread with a reduced calorie content have become the most popular.

In France, one of the most important stores is a bakery. Bread is baked in them twice a day. The usual assortment of bakery includes such delicacies of French pastries as croissants, buns with chocolate, brioches. According to French law, even the smallest village must be provided with fresh bread daily.

In England, they take seriously not only the production of bread, but also the pricing policy for it. So, in 1266, a law was passed there that controlled the price of bread. It has been active for 600 years. It is also interesting to note that the name of the English title "lord" comes from the word Hlaford-loaf ward ("providing food"), and the title "lady" comes from the word Hlaefdige-Loaf kneader ("kneading dough").

You can talk about the love of different nations for bread endlessly. Only a few do not eat this product.

As Antoine Auguste Parmentier said: “Bread can be consumed at any time of the day, at any age, in any mood; it makes other food taste better, and is the main cause of both good and bad digestion. Whatever it is eaten with - with meat or any other dish - it does not lose its attractiveness. These words seem to have been said today, since neither the role of bread in our diet, nor our attitude towards it has changed since then.

There are several valuable concepts in our life. This applies to earth, water, sun, air and, of course, bread. “Bread is the head of everything” - this well-known proverb has its roots in hospitable Ukraine. In this country, wheat has been grown, from which bread is made, since ancient times, from the very development of this fertile land. Our Slavic peoples was and will always be in the first place the care of children and the education in them of a caring and reverent attitude to bread. There was even such a holiday, it was celebrated in the first days of the beginning of the harvest - the first sheaf. Mowers put on their most festive, embroidered shirts and went out into the field. So they paid tribute and praise to bread.

Bread has always been treated especially, it has been compared with life and the sun. Bread, like a living being, is our breadwinner. Wheat is called respectfully - "Her Majesty." By ancient legend, the goddess of fertility Demeter gave people a plant - wheat, which they grew and made flour from it, and then baked the first bread. And since then, the life of all mankind has become simply unthinkable without him. And indeed, neither dinner party, neither a wedding nor a simple everyday breakfast is complete without bread. This valuable product is an eternal symbol of prosperity and prosperity. Disrespect for him has always been equal to a terrible insult inflicted on a person.

Love and respect for him is instilled in any family from the very beginning. early childhood. It must be explained that in order for a loaf of bread to lie on the table, the colossal work of many people is required. Some work in the field, growing rye and wheat, others in flour mills, making flour from grain, and only after that the bakers bake bread for us. We should be grateful to them for this hard labour It just so happened to great Rus', in no family do they sit down at the dinner table if there is no bread on it. Each person has his own, beloved. Loaves are baked at bread factories, White bread, black, rye, gray, round, brick and many more different varieties. Keep traditions in the blood of every Russian person.

Bread has its own history, remember the lessons when we go through the Great Patriotic War? At that time, bread was really the head of everything. What was the cost of a loaf of bread in besieged Leningrad? She saved thousands of lives in this city. This is probably why older people, especially those who have experienced this terrible war, they never throw even the crumbs off the table, they collect them and give them to the birds. They try to pass on such a caring attitude to their children and grandchildren.
