Young Italy in dreams of a great future. History of Italy from ancient times to the present day

­ Short story Italy

More than 50 thousand years ago, the Apennine Peninsula was inhabited by Neanderthals and looked a little different. This is evidenced by archaeological finds and serious climatic changes in the Paleolithic period. Italic tribes appeared on the peninsula around the 2nd millennium BC, a little later - the Etruscans, and from the 8th century BC. - Greeks. Pre-Roman Italy was inhabited by many peoples, including Ligures, Veneti, Gauls. Modern Tuscany at that time was occupied by Etruria.

The reign of the Etruscans did not last long, since in the 7th-6th centuries. BC. the north of Italy and Sicily were inhabited by the Hellenes, and the Latins in 754 BC founded Rome. The influence of the Romans grew irrepressibly. They expanded the city to such an extent that by the middle of the 3rd century BC. he left Italy. Rome gradually acquired the nearby islands (Corsica, Sicily, Sardinia). IN 168 BC the Balkan Peninsula was conquered, then Carthage, but the possessions and power of Ancient Rome did not end there. After conquering Egypt, Rome became an empire and continued to conquer the Middle East. Among the conquests were part of Britain, Spain and present-day France.

The Roman Empire reached its peak in the 2nd century AD. During this period, the famous Roman roads were built and new cities founded. The conquests had ceased, and now the main problem was the settlement of internal problems in such a vast country. At the end of the 4th century, the empire was divided into western and eastern parts. Soon the position of the Western Roman Empire was complicated by the invasion of barbarians and vandals. IN 476 year it ceased to exist, while the Eastern Roman Empire lasted until the middle of the 15th century, but already as Byzantium.

Temporarily, the territory of Italy was in complete decline. Once important shopping malls cities were destroyed. In order to at least partially restore the socio-economic situation of the country, Byzantium tried to establish its dominance. Soon the Holy Roman Empire was formed. Neighboring countries fought for dominance in the empire for several centuries. These include France, Spain, Austria.

So, for example, with 1494 By 1559 gg. Spain managed to conquer Sicily, Sardinia and Southern Italy. From the first half of the 18th century, power over the Italian lands was in the hands of the Austrian rulers, according to the Treaty of Rastatt. WITH 1796 In 1911, dominance over Italy passed to Napoleon and his government. During the same period, revolutionary movements were brewing in the country, as a result of which the country was finally able to free itself from the foreign yoke.

IN 1860 the unification of Italy began. Turin was chosen as the capital. During World War I, Italy sided with the Entente. The emergence of the fascist movement of B. Mussolini dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. IN 1929 An agreement was signed on the formation of the state of the Vatican on the territory of Rome. IN 1947 The Kingdom of Italy was officially declared a republic.

Two brothers Romulus and Remus, according to legend, were the sons of the god of war Mars and the vestal (priestess of the goddess Vesta) Rhea Sylvia. The woman was the wife of the former king Etruscan city Alba Longa, who was forced to serve in the temple. The new king, named Amulius, learned that the wife of the former king had given birth to twins, and ordered that they be thrown in a basket into the Tiber River.

Four years later, the brothers Romulus and Remus left the city to found a new settlement. They stopped near the Palatine and Capitoline hills, but could not decide on the exact location of the new city. During the debate on this issue, Romulus killed his brother. This legend is also often found in works of art.

Romulus founded the city and became its first king. For the next 250 years, Rome was a very interesting phenomenon, in the city the king ruled, who was appointed by the Senate of the city. In total, seven kings ruled Rome, including Romulus himself.

The legend is reflected in many statues and paintings. Above you see a painting by the Italian painter Sebastiano Ricci “Death of Lucrezia”. You can also see the statue of these heroes in Schörnbrunn Palace in Vienna, about which.

From 500 to 250 BC, Rome fought for dominance in Italy. For 250 years, several dozen wars with neighbors have passed, most of which were successful for the young republic, and some ended in defeat. For example, in 290 BC, the Gauls sacked and burned Rome, the inhabitants took refuge in the Capitol on a hill and escaped.

In the south, the Romans faced the Greek colonies, with well-organized armies and a talented commander Pyrrhus (pictured left). Greek colonies were supported from Greece itself, and Pyrrhus was a descendant of Alexander the Great himself.

The main battle of the war was the battle of Ausculum, in which the Romans lost, but the army of Pyrrhus suffered too many losses. This is where the expression “Pyrrhic victory” came from, as they say when victory comes at too high a price.

Already in the next battle, the Greeks were completely defeated, and Rome became the ruler of all of Italy.

Many conquered peoples were given civil rights equal to the rights of the Romans themselves. Some tribes in Italy were so far from Rome in culture that their assimilation into Roman society took several hundred years.

After mastering the Apennine Peninsula, the Roman Republic turned its eyes beyond its borders, and in the western Mediterranean at that time the city of Carthage dominated. The clash was inevitable, the former ally of Rome in the war with Pyrrhus became its main opponent.

We talked about the three Punic wars between Rome and Carthage, it was on the modern territory of this state that Carthage was located. During these three wars, Rome defeated and completely destroyed the Phoenician city-state.

Wealthy citizens often became victims of political intrigues and repressions. For example, in 83 BC, Lucius Cornelius Sulla became the dictator of Rome, he repressed many noble Romans, and the lands and money of the executed were distributed between him and his associates.

During this period, the conquering warriors were taken prisoner by many people, and they all became slaves, and although most of the country's population were still free citizens, the slaves rebelled. Most readers will remember Spartacus' rebellion first, but there were many other smaller riots.

From here it went famous phrase"And you Brute!". However, this phrase did not come from ancient rome, but from the work of William Shakespeare. The tragedy of Caesar also found many reflections in art, above you see a painting by the Italian painter Vincenzo Camuccini.

So in the year 30 BC began new era in the history of the country associated with the emperors. Italy has already become the center of the civilized world in the west, and Rome has become the capital of all Western civilization.

Why you can't wear it home in Italy sea ​​water or draw with crayons on the pavement? What was in the old days indicated in the passport? The article year after year will tell about all milestones in the history of Italy.

In the era of the primitive communal system, between 1200-1100. BC e., on the territory modern Italy came the Italic tribes. A little later, the Illyrians appeared, then, around 900-800. BC e., - the Etruscans and, finally, from the VIII century. BC e. - Greeks who settled mainly in the south of the Apennine Peninsula and in Sicily. real story Italy began with the strengthening of the power of Rome and the Romans.

In 753 BC. e., according to legend, Romulus founded Rome. Romans still celebrate Rome's birthday on April 21st.
In the VI century BC. e. Rome was under the rule of the Etruscan conquering kings.
Around 500 BC e. Republic established in Rome.
In 287 BC. e. the struggle of the patricians and plebeians ended, the legal status of the estates was equalized.
In 264-201. BC e. Rome and Carthage fought the Punic Wars.
In 133 BC. e. Rome asserted its dominance throughout the Mediterranean.
From 27 BC e. the era of the Roman Empire began - the period of the greatest expansion of borders. In the reign of Emperor Constantine I (306-337), Christianity becomes the state religion of the Roman Empire.
In 375 the Huns invaded Europe. The Great Migration of Nations began.

In 395, the division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern (Byzantium) took place.
In the 5th century The Western Roman Empire fell under the onslaught of the Germanic tribes.
Since 568, the Lombard Kingdom existed in most of Italy, which was conquered by Charlemagne in 774. The Western Roman Empire was replaced by the empire of Charlemagne.

In the VIII-XI centuries. in southern Italy, the maritime republics of Amalfi, Gaeta and Naples are formed, and in northern Italy the republics of Genoa, Pisa and Venice are gaining strength. Arabs (Saracens) are being driven out of Southern Italy and Sicily.
In 1072, with the reign of Roger I, the rule of the Normans in southern Italy begins.
In 1194, the Norman regions pass to the German king and Holy Roman Emperor Henry VI. After the reign of the Staufen dynasty, which lasted until 1268, a period of territorial fragmentation follows.
In the XIII-XIV centuries. The Papal States includes most of Central Italy. The Maritime Republic of Venice is at the height of its power. Florence establishes its dominance over large areas of Northern and Central Italy. In Milan, the feudal family of the Visconti (later the dynasty of the Dukes of Sforza) establishes a sole hereditary rule.

Italy has amazing laws. So, a person who brings sea water home can be arrested and fined, because in Italy the state salt monopoly has been preserved since ancient times. And drawing with crayons on the pavement is equated with begging and is criminally punished.

In 1442, Alphonse V, King of Aragon, becomes "King of the Two Sicilies". Up until 1713, the kingdoms of Naples and Sicily were subject to the Spanish crown.
In 1449-1492. Florence is ruled by Lorenzo the Magnificent, at whose court the arts of the Renaissance flourish.
In the XVI century. The Habsburg dynasty is fighting with France for influence in Northern Italy, fragmented into small states.
In 1527 Rome was captured and sacked by Charles V.
In the 17th century, when the Bourbon dynasty entered the struggle against the Habsburgs, the papal throne entered into an alliance with France.

In 1705, as a result of the victory of Prince Eugene at the Battle of Turin, all of Lombardy (the Duchy of Milan) goes to Austria, which acquires the dominant power in Italy.

In 1713, as a result of the War of the Spanish Succession, Austria, under the terms of the Peace of Utrecht, received the Kingdom of Naples and the island of Sardinia. Sicily goes to Savoy.
In 1738, under the terms of the Peace of Vienna, Charles VI, Archduke of Austria and Holy Roman Emperor, cedes Naples and Sicily to Spain. When the last member of the Medici family dies in Florence, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany goes to Austria.

In 1797, the Treaty of Campoformia was concluded between France and Austria: Austria cedes the Italian lands to France. Later, Napoleon I abolishes the Papal States and annexes it to France. In 1806, Joseph Bonaparte becomes King of Naples and is succeeded by Joachim Murat.

On emblems Olympic Games the year is usually indicated by two (for example, Barcelona-92) or four digits (Beijing-2008). But once the year was indicated by five signs. This happened in 1960, when the Olympics were held in Rome: the number 1960 was written as MCMLX.

After the defeat of Napoleon, the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815) transfers Lombardy and Venice to Austria. Austrian troops enter Naples and Sicily. Papal States restored.
In 1831, Giuseppe Mazzini in Marseille creates an underground organization "Young Italy", whose goal is the liberation and unification of Italy. The Risorgimento begins - the era of the reunification of Italy. In 1838, the Kingdom of Sardinia declares war on Austria, but is defeated. Only the French under Napoleon III in 1859 forced the Austrians to retreat.

In 1892, girls in Italy were allowed to marry at the age of 12. Earlier this age was even less.

In 1861, after Garibaldi liberates large areas of southern Italy, which had previously joined the Sardinian kingdom, the Sardinian king Victor Emmanuel II takes the title of king of Italy.

In 1866, Italy declares war on Austria and is defeated. Prussia, an ally of Italy, defeats the Austrians in the Sadova region. Lombardy and Venice go to Italy.
In 1870, Rome was liberated, the secular power of the Pope was abolished,

The composition of sea buckthorn oil effectively stops the growth of such pathogenic bacteria as salmonella, E. coli, staphylococcus aureus.

Help with diseases of the veins.

Bleeding and pain can be harbingers not only of hemorrhoids, but also of other dangerous ailments, such as ulcerative colitis.

Due to the violation of the regulation of the outflow and inflow of blood to them, they overflow and develop hemorrhoids.

Any person, when faced with hemorrhoids for the first time, begins to convulsively think about how to treat him, how to avoid exacerbations, whether there is prevention, and in general, whether hemorrhoids can be cured with candles. Types of ge.

Smear HEMORRHOIDS with this emulsion-gel and after 2 days.

Some of the suppositories can cause an allergic reaction and aggravate the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

The drug must be removed from the protective container and immediately placed in the anus.

In most cases, hemorrhoid suppositories are inserted into the anus after a bowel movement. Be sure to rinse the anal ring before putting the candle.

Another option for effective treatment are Viburkol suppositories. These candles can be used by both children and women and men. They have a wide range of activities.

Make a swab by wrapping a piece of cotton wool in gauze, soak it in sea buckthorn oil and insert it into the rectum overnight. Remove in the morning. Repeat the procedure for a month.

As a result of this disease, the outflow of blood worsens, anal fissures can form, which directly cause purulent inflammatory processes in the anus.

Vishnevsky's ointment contains tar, xeroform, castor oil. Gives a good antiseptic effect in the treatment of inflammation.

I will tell you the treatment of the greatest Ibn Sina, this is Avicenna. I have close person was sick and cured.

genetic predisposition.

Lauromacrogol has a rapid anesthetic effect.

Usually it is wax or vegetable fats.

prior approval in case

Feeling of heaviness and itching, a feeling of discomfort, the appearance of cracks, bleeding, the presence of bumps of different sizes in the anus (see.

Perfectly anesthetize suppositories anesthesol.

As a result of its development, hemorrhoids appear, which cause significant discomfort to a person.

It has anticoagulant, antiallergic and antiexudative action. The substances included in the preparation accelerate tissue regeneration, stimulating metabolic processes. Price 170 rubles.

Special suppositoria rectalia, consisting exclusively of herbal ingredients, in certain doses with all the necessary properties to treat the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

They improve local protection, regenerate damaged tissues, relieve inflammation and increase the body's resistance to harmful bacteria.

Proctosan ointment is widely distributed. It is used in the first and second stages of the disease. The agent is applied to the affected areas. An ointment is used to relieve the inflammatory process in the rectum.

My friend brought the disease first by non-treatment, and then by improper self-medication to such a stage that he had to operate.

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The price of suppositories from hemorrhoids should not be the determining factor in the selection process. Their cost varies. You can choose heparin or ichthyol suppositories, the price of which is low.

However, such a remedy cannot be prescribed for the elderly and hypertensive patients, which can lead to a sharp jump in blood pressure.

Candles for the treatment of hemorrhoids can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Usually, rectal suppositories are used for hemorrhoids. Medicines of this type are very effective and fast acting.

Candles must be administered rectally. Before this, it is strongly recommended to wash the anorectal area with a soapy solution, and clean the rectum from feces.

After you have done this procedure, you need to take the appropriate position lying on your left side. The right hand should be free at this time.

Both candles and ampoules are completely natural, so there is no risk of harming the child or the expectant mother. And the Proctonol complex is convenient to use.

Liability for non-payment of alimony: types (criminal, administrative, deprivation of rights) and rules for bringing to it.

The restoration of normal bowel function usually occurs on the second day after the operation, therefore, you can switch to a normal diet.

Although most suppositories are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, it is better to undergo a preliminary examination and get specific recommendations from a specialist.

Rectal suppositories used to treat hemorrhoids. They have local anesthetic, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Prolapse of hemorrhoids does not develop immediately.

Medicines with phlebotonic action can reduce the volume of hemorrhoids and are a prophylactic that prevents exacerbation of the pathology.

I not only put candles for two weeks, but also periodically made compresses from procto-glivenol ointment. Of course, I also monitored nutrition and hygiene.

It is worth recalling that candles will only relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids, and will not cure it.

This disease is not divided into male and female forms.

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It is best to treat external hemorrhoids at home with the help of suppositories or ointments, but first consult a proctologist. First they

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The late and most severe degree of hemorrhoidal disease, in which the nodes are both outside and inside. Hemorrhoid nodes can fall out of the intestinal cavity

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Each of us has our own images when it comes to Italy. For some, the country of Italy is historical and cultural monuments such as the Forum and the Colosseum in Rome, the Palazzo Medici and the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Saint Mark's Square in Venice and the famous Leaning Tower in Pisa. For others, this country is associated with the directorial works of Fellini, Bertolucci, Perelli, Antonioni and Francesco Rosi, musical creativity Morricone and Ortolani, the incomparable acting work of Giulietta Masina, Monica Bellucci, Sophia Loren, Adriano Celentano. Someone, having heard about Italy, will immediately remember the famous Italian pizza, pasta, frittata and minestrone. The country of Italy is one of the oldest in the world, although it appeared on political map world just over a hundred years ago.

A bit of history

Italy has had a great influence on the social and cultural development Not only European countries but of all mankind.

Archaeological artifacts were found in this country, proving the fact of the settlement of the territory by ancient people. It can be argued that ancient Italy became Starting point in the development of human civilization. The Roman Empire not only managed to conquer large territories and create a powerful state, but also brought its cultural and economic traditions and knowledge to the conquered lands.

Under the onslaught of the Goths in 476, the Western Roman Empire fell, as a result of which many small specific states were formed on the Apennine Peninsula.

Modern Italy emerged only in 1871 thanks to the efforts of his associates. It was in this year that Rome was declared the capital of the state, which included small kingdoms and duchies.

The 20th century turned out to be quite difficult and tragic for the Italian Republic. In the period from 1922 to 1945, the country was under the rule of the fascists led by Benito Mussolini and was involved in the Second world war. In 1946, the last - Umberto - abdicated, after which a rather long crisis followed. The decline of industry and agriculture, a period of unsuccessful reforms - Italy survived all this. Europe, like the rest of the world, watched with amazement the transformation and the so-called Italian economic miracle. The development of the country was accompanied by many high-profile political scandals, litigation over members of mafia groups, as well as the terrorist actions of the "red brigades".

Today, the country of Italy is one of the highly developed European countries that exports to most countries of the world. Films, cars, fashionable clothes and shoes, excellent wines created in this country are in demand all over the world. The hospitality and cordiality of the Italians, coupled with the beautiful nature and developed hotel business, contribute to the fact that tourism is flourishing here. Italy receives many tourists every year from different corners peace.

Geographical position

The state of Italy, located in the south of Europe, due to its outlines, is one of the most recognizable in the world on geographical map. The mainland of the Italian "boot" occupies the Apennine Peninsula and a small part of the Balkan Peninsula and points to the west, towards the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. In addition to these islands, the Italian Republic owns the islands of Capri, Ischia and Elba. It has borders with countries such as Austria, Slovenia, France and Switzerland. The Vatican and San Marino are two miniature countries that are enclaves and are located on the territory of the state of Italy. The sea washes this country from three sides: from the south - the Mediterranean and Ionian, from the east - the Adriatic, from the west - the Tyrrhenian and Ligurian.


Most (almost ¾ of the entire territory of Italy) is occupied by hills and mountain ranges. The Apennine mountains with the top of Korno stretch from south to north. The mountain range of the Alps is located in the northern region of the country. The most high mountain this massif - Mont Blanc - has a height of 4807 meters. The country of Italy is one of the few in Europe where seismic activity of the earth's crust is recorded and active volcanoes such as Stromboli, Vesuvius and Etna are located.

Plains occupy only 1/5 of its total area, which is 300 thousand square meters. km. The largest in area is the Padana Plain, located between the Apennine mountain range and the Alps. There are also small plains on the sea coast.

Rivers and lakes

The rivers of Italy are concentrated mainly in its northern region. The largest of them - Po - flows from the slopes of the Kotsky Alps and ends its journey in is the second largest, and it is connected with the Arno River through a channel and a system of canals. Both of these rivers, the Arno and the Tiber, are unpredictable and notorious for their destructive floods.

Most Italian rivers are short mountain streams that form small river systems or flow directly into the sea. Only Northern Italy can “boast” of a developed river system, year-round fed by a large amount of precipitation and melt water flowing from glaciers.

Most Italian lakes are located on the Adriatic coast, in the foothills and mountainous alpine regions. The largest Lake Garda, with an area of ​​​​almost 370 km 2, is located in the alpine outskirts. Lakes such as Albano, Bracciano, Bolsena, Vico and Nemi, located in the central region of Italy, were formed due to the filling of extinct volcanic craters with water. Lakes Lesina, Varano, Valli de Comacchio were formed as a result of the closing of the waters of the lagoon by sandy barriers. Their depth is shallow, and the water is salty.

Administrative division

The whole country can be conditionally divided into three main regions: north, south and center. Officially, as it is written in the Constitution of the Italian Republic in Art. 116 of December 11, 1947, it is subdivided into 20 regions, each of which is divided into provinces. Five of the 20 regions are autonomous entities where ethnic and linguistic minorities live. In Sardinia, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Sicily, Valle d'Aosta and Trentino Alto Adige, other official languages ​​are used in addition to the official Italian language.
The provinces of Italy are subdivided into communities (communes), the total number of which is 8101. Communes, like provinces, differ quite noticeably in territory and in the number of people inhabiting them. The largest community-commune is considered to be the city of Rome, located in the Lazio region, which is also the capital of the entire state. It is located almost in the center of the western region of the Apennine Peninsula, on the banks of the Tiber River, not far from its confluence with Rome in Italy - it is not only a capital, but also a political, historical, cultural, and tourist center of world significance.

Economic and geographical differences

Trentino Alto Adige

This autonomous region, known for its magnificent landscapes and ski resorts, is located on the territory bordering Austria and Switzerland. In the south, this area is adjacent to Veneto, in the west - with Switzerland and Lombardy, and in the north - with Austria, and the border runs along the Alpine mountain range. This region includes two provinces - Bolzano and Trento. This region is interesting because in each of its provinces culture, traditions and even the main language are different. In Bolzano, the official language is German, while most Trento residents speak only Italian. Tourism is the main source of income for the region. Trentino Alto Adige is famous for its ski resorts, such as Madonna di Campiglio.

Friuli Venezia Giulia

It is the easternmost region of Northern Italy, bordering Croatia, Austria and Slovenia. Friuli Venezia Giulia is located on the Adriatic coast and has the status of an administrative region consisting of two historical provinces - Venezia Giulia and Friuli, which, due to various circumstances, had to unite. Despite the rather long coexistence, each of the regions has retained its own characteristics and individuality. Today there are four provinces in this region: Gorizia, Pordenone, Udine and Trieste. It is here that the most famous white wine Pinot Grigio is produced.


It is considered one of the richest Italian regions. It is bordered in the south by the Apennine Mountains, in the east by the Adriatic Sea, and in the north by the Po River. The region is divided into two parts - northwestern Emilia and southeastern Romagna, which borders on the Republic of San Marino. The region is famous not only for such popular tourist cities as Modena, Ravenna, Reggio, Rimini and Ferarra. In this area, there are enterprises of such well-known automobile concerns as Dallara, Ducati, De Tomaso, Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, Morini and Malaguti. And the largest international competitions are regularly held at local autodromes.

The central regions of Italy include:

  • Abruzzo;
  • Lazio;
  • Marche;
  • Molise;
  • Tuscany;
  • Umbria.


This Italian region is located in the center of the country, between the Adriatic coast and the Apennine mountain range. It borders areas such as Molise, Marche and Lazio. Abruzzo includes the provinces of Teramo, Chieti, Pescara and L'Aquila.

Abruzzo is distinguished by a high standard of living and economic stability, which became possible thanks to the attention of the authorities to both the development of tourism and the support of the agricultural sector. In this area, both fans of mountaineering and skiing, as well as fans of a beach holiday, will find a rest to their liking.


This central Italian region is also a metropolitan area. It is in Lazio that Rome is located, which is also the main city of this region. There are five provinces in this area: Viterbo, Latina, Rome, Rieti, Frosinone. This region belongs to a small group of volcanic islands in the center of the Tyrrhenian Sea.


Marche is located in the very center of Italy, on the Adriatic coast. It consists of six provinces: Ancona, Macerata, Ascoli Piceno, Pesaro, Urbino and Fermo.

Tourists are attracted to this Italian region primarily by the beaches, small and cozy in Sinigalia or spacious and wide in San Benedetto del Tronto. This region is also interesting for lovers of speleology: many caves, such as Frasassi, are available for visits.


Located in southern Italy, between the Adriatic Sea and the Apennine mountain range. Molise borders Campania to the south, Abruzzi to the north, Lazio to the west and Apuli to the east. There are only two provinces in this area: Isernia and Campobasso. Molise is one of the most industrially underdeveloped regions in Italy. The exception is the Termoli area, which has a small FIAT company and a bell factory in Agnone. major cities in the region of Molise there is none, and not very large villages are located mainly in the foothills.


This region of central Italy is washed by the Tyrrhenian and Ligurian Seas in the west, and in the east it is bounded by the Tusco-Emilian Apennines. Tuscany is bordered to the east by Umbria and the Marche, to the north by Emilia Romagna and to the south by Lazio. Off the coast of Tuscany there are several islands that form the Tuscan archipelago: Gorgona, Giglio, Giannuti, Montecristo, Pianosa, Sapraya and Elba.

Tuscany consists of 10 provinces: Arezzo, Grosseto, Lucca, Livorno, Massa Carrara, Prato, Pisa, Pistoia, Siena and Florence, each of which has its own capital of the same name.

This Italian region, in addition to picturesque landscapes, has many cultural and historical monuments, the most famous of which are concentrated in such provinces as Florence, Siena, Livorno and Pisa. It was in Tuscany that such famous people like Leonardo da Vinci and Petrarch, Dante Alighieri and Michelangelo and many others.


This is unique Italy. There is no sea or coastline. It borders only Marche, Lazio and Tuscany. There are only two provinces in Umbria: Terni and Perugia.

Most of the entire territory is made up of hills and mountains. The plain can only be found in the valleys of such rivers as Velino, Nera and Tiber. On the Velino River, near the town of Terni, there is the most famous man-made Marmore waterfall, built by the ancient Romans.

Large-scale industry in the region is poorly developed, with the exception of the city of Terni, where metallurgical, chemical and machine-building enterprises are located. Perugia has small food, textile and craft factories.

Southern regions of Italy

These regions of Italy are located in the southern region of the Apennine Peninsula and include such large islands as Sardinia and Sicily, which occupy about 40% of the country's area. These are the regions:

  • Apulia;
  • Sardinia;
  • Basilicata;
  • Sicily;
  • Campaign;
  • Calabria.


Washed by the Ionian and Adriatic Seas, Puglia is the easternmost Italian region. There are five provinces in this area: Brindisi, Bari, Lecce, Tarento and Foggia. This is a traditionally agricultural region of Italy, which ranks first in the production of olive oil and wine.

On the territory of this area there are many traces and monuments of various civilizations, from the Paleolithic period to the end of the Renaissance.


This southern Italian region is bordered by the Ionian Sea in the southeast and the Tyrrhenian Sea in the southwest. Basilicata borders Calabria to the south and Apulia to the east and north. The region is divided into two provinces: Potenza and Matera. Basilicata is a rather harsh region, and almost half of its territory is mountains, only 1/10 of the entire area is plains. The entire flat part is crossed by rivers, which swamped it. Today, most of the swamps have already been drained.

This southern region of Italy is not spoiled by the attention of vacationers, as the development of tourism began only in the last few years. Already in effect national park Pollino and spas with thermal waters in Rappola. Many interesting historical and cultural artifacts can be seen in the natural archaeological park Murgia, as well as in the museums of Metaponto, Venoso and other cities in the region.

In addition, there are many in Basilicata ski resorts with the main tourist center in La Cellata Perfaone.


This area is located on the very "toe" of the Italian "boot", mostly on the peninsula of the same name. It borders Calabria in the north with Basilicata, in the west it is washed by the Tyrrhenian, and in the east and south by the Ionian Sea. The region is separated from this region by the Strait of Messina. There are five provinces: Vibo Valentia, Catanzaro, Crotone, Cosenzo and Reggio Calabria.

The region has long been known as an agricultural land, and today it is actively developing as a tourist region. There is everything you need for this: beautiful nature and warm seas, as well as numerous historical monuments left over from the Greeks, Romans and Normans.

Calabria, among other things, is also the most seismically active region of Italy. The largest number of earthquakes over the past three hundred years occurred in this region.


From the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea to the borders with the regions of Basilicata and Lazio stretches the southern Italian region - Campania. This whole area is divided into the following provinces: Avellino, Caserta, Benevento, Naples, Salerno. For the region, the most characteristic areas of activity are Agriculture, winemaking and fishing. Shipbuilding is actively developing in port cities. The tourism business is also represented in this area. The Campania region, in terms of the pace and level of its development, is in the top ten and is considered one of the most promising Italian regions.


Sicily is located on the island of the same name, as well as on the adjacent Aeolian, Pelagian, Egadi Islands. The territory of the region is divided into nine provinces: Agrigento, Catania, Messina, Caltanissetta, Ragusa, Palermo, Trapani, Syracuse, Enna. Sicily is separated from mainland Italy by the Strait of Messina.

Today, only Sicily in the entire Italian Republic has its own parliament, located in Palermo, the capital of the island. There are many historical and cultural Greek and Byzantine monuments and attractions. But main object of tourist interest is the active volcano Etna, in addition, the beautiful beaches of Pozzallo and Isola Bella and magnificent landscapes and landscapes.


The island of Sardinia, the second largest, is located between Corsica and Sicily. Sardinia is an autonomous region of Italy, which differs greatly both in the main language - Sardinian, and ethnic composition population. From the western side, the island is washed by the Sardis Sea, and from all the rest - by the Tyrrhenian.

The autonomy has eight provinces: Medio Campidano, Cagliari, Nuoro, Carbonia-Iglesias, Sassari, Ogliastri, Oristano and Olbia Tempio. The main port and capital of Sardinia is Cagliari. There is no industry on the island, which favors the conservation of nature.

Capital of Italy

"The Eternal City" - that's what they call Rome. It was founded on April 21, 753 BC. e. in the heart of the Apennine Peninsula. It stands on seven hills: Aventina, Viminal, Quirinal, Palantine, Celia, Esquiline and, of course, the most famous - Capitoline. It was Rome that was destined to become the center of one of the greatest civilizations of mankind.

From Roman civilization came to us law and architecture, philosophy and principles of management, the Latin language, which is the basis of a whole group of languages. According to legends, the very first settlement was built by Romulus on the Palatine hill. Romulus is one of two twin brothers, the sons of the god Mars, who were saved and raised by a she-wolf. Many books and scientific studies have been written about the history, rises and falls of Rome. The city received its modern status of the capital of Italy in 1861, but actually became it in December 1870.

Center modern Rome- Piazza Venezia, located at the foot of the Capitoline Hill. In the very center of this square, there is a monument to the first king who stood at the head of a united Italy - Victor Emmanuel II. The Italians themselves call this monument a "wedding cake", for a huge variety of details and decorations.

The western part of the square is decorated with the Palace of Venice, built in 1455. Today it houses the National Museum of the Palace of Venice and the Cere Museum. In Cher, there are wax figures of famous political and historical figures, workers of culture and art. IN National Museum The Palace of Venice exhibits a collection of works by artists of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, as well as various items household and weapons.

Venice Square gives rise to all the main Roman streets: the Plebiscite, the Fourth of November (going to the Colosseum), Victor Emmanuel Avenue (leading to St. Peter's Basilica), Via del Corso. If you walk along Via del Corso, and then along Condotti Street, you will come to Plaza España.

In order to describe all the monuments, squares, palaces and sights of Rome, a multi-volume encyclopedia is not enough. Remembering folk wisdom that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times, why not look at Rome and all of Italy with your own eyes?
