The Sea of ​​Japan is warm or cold. Seas of Russia - Sea of ​​Japan

Located between the Asian mainland, Japanese archipelago and Sakhalin Island. Its shores belong to such countries as Japan, South Korea, North Korea and Russia.

The reservoir is significantly isolated from the Pacific waters. Such isolation is reflected both in the fauna and in the salinity of the water. The latter is below the oceanic. The water balance is regulated by inflows and outflows through the straits that connect the sea with neighboring seas and the ocean. Reset fresh water makes an insignificant contribution to water exchange and is no more than 1%.


The area of ​​the reservoir is 979 thousand square meters. km. The maximum depth is 3742 meters. The average depth corresponds to 1752 meters. The volume of water is 1630 thousand cubic meters. km. The length of the coastline is 7600 km. Of these, 3240 km belong to Russia. From north to south, the length of the sea is 2255 km. The maximum width corresponds to 1070 km.


There are no major islands. Most of the small islands are located off the east coast. The most significant islands are: Moneron (30 sq. km), Okushiri (142 sq. km), Oshima (9.73 sq. km), Sado (855 sq. km), Ulleungdo (73.15 sq. km) , Russian (97.6 sq. km).


The coastline is relatively straight. One of the largest is Peter the Great Bay with a total area of ​​about 9 thousand square meters. km. The length from north to south is 80 km, from west to east it is 200 km. The length of the coastline is 1230 km. The cities of Vladivostok and Nakhodka are located in the bay. IN North Korea East Korea Bay is located, and on the island of Hokkaido there is Ishikari Bay. In addition, there are many small bays.


The Sea of ​​Japan is connected with the East China Sea, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean by straits. This is the Tatar Strait between Asia and Sakhalin Island with a length of 900 km. La Perouse Strait between Sakhalin Island and Hokkaido Island with a length of 40 km. Sangar Strait between the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido. Its length is 96 km.

The Shimonoseki Strait separates the islands of Honshu and Kyushu. Railway, automobile and pedestrian tunnels are laid under it. The Korean Strait with a length of 324 km connects the reservoir we are considering with the East China Sea. It is divided by the Tsushima Islands into 2 parts: the Western Passage and the Eastern Passage (Tsushima Strait). Through this strait, the warm Pacific Kuroshio current enters the reservoir.

Sea of ​​Japan on the map


The maritime climate is characterized by warm water and monsoons. It is colder in the northern and western regions than in the southern and eastern regions. During the winter months average temperature air in the north is minus 20 degrees Celsius, and in the south is plus 5 degrees Celsius. In summer, humid and warm air blows from the northern regions Pacific Ocean. August is considered the warmest month. At this time, the average temperature in the north is 15 degrees Celsius, and in the south it is 25 degrees Celsius.

Annual precipitation is minimal in the northwest and maximal in the southeast. Autumn is characterized by typhoons. The height of the waves during this period reaches 8-12 meters. In winter, the Tatar Strait (90% of all ice) and Peter the Great Bay are covered with ice. The ice crust stays on the water for about 4 months.

Ebb and flow

The reservoir is characterized by complex tides. They have a semi-diurnal cycle in the Korea Strait and in the north of the Tatar Strait. On the east coast of Korea, the Far East coast of Russia, on the coast of the Japanese islands of Hokkaido and Honshu, they are diurnal. Mixed tides are typical for Peter the Great Bay.

The amplitude of the tides is relatively low. It varies from 0.5 to 3 meters. In the Tatar Strait, the amplitude ranges from 2.3 to 2.8 meters due to its funnel-shaped shape. The water level also experiences seasonal fluctuations. The highest is observed in summer, and the lowest in winter. The level is also affected by the wind. He is able to change it by 20-25 cm in relation to the Korean coast to the Japanese one.

Water transparency

Sea water has a color from blue to green-blue. Transparency is about 10 meters. Water Sea of ​​Japan rich in dissolved oxygen. This is especially true for the western and northern regions. They are colder and contain more phytoplankton compared to the eastern and southern regions. The oxygen concentration is 95% near the surface and decreases to 70% at a depth of 3,000 meters.

Fishing in the Sea of ​​Japan


main view economic activity counted as fishing. It is carried out near the continental shelf, and priority is given to such fish as herring, tuna, sardines. Squid are caught mainly in the central sea areas, and salmon off the southwestern and northern coasts. Along with fishing, the production of algae is well developed. The Russian whaling fleet is based in Vladivostok, although it fishes in the northern seas.

For centuries, Japan was isolated from the Asian continent. The first to try to cross the Sea of ​​Japan were the ubiquitous Mongols. At the end of the XIII century. Genghis Khan's grandson Khubilai twice tried to take possession of the islands - in 1274 and 1281. Both attempts were unsuccessful. The Mongols were stopped not only by the courage of the Japanese. The first time the attack on the island of Kyushu, the invaders were prevented by a typhoon, and they retreated.

The second time, having thoroughly prepared, the Mongols gathered an army of 100,000 and brought down a fleet of 4,000 ships against the Japanese. But the Sea of ​​Japan hit them with an even more powerful typhoon than the first time. After seven weeks of fighting, a storm swept away and destroyed the entire Mongol fleet.

Otherwise, it could not be interpreted as God's providence. The Japanese called this wind "kamikaze", which means "divine wind".

This is one of the few historical dangers that threatened Japan from outside. Another arose during the Russo-Japanese War. In the waters of the Sea of ​​Japan, not far from the island of Tsushima, in May 1905 a great battle took place, as a result of which the Russian fleet was destroyed.

During the Cold War, both branches of the Korea Strait in the south of the Sea of ​​Japan were under US control. The United States fleet, which wanted to maintain control of the Pacific Ocean, watched the actions of the Soviet fleet in Vladivostok.

Today, only passenger and fishing vessels sail in the peaceful waters of the Sea of ​​Japan.

The surface area of ​​this sea is more than a million square kilometers.

It washes the shores of the Russian Far East, both Korean powers and the islands of Japan.

The Sea of ​​Japan is part of the Pacific Ocean, but is separated from it by the island of Sakhalin and Japanese islands. Through the La Perouse Strait (the Japanese call it Soya) between the islands of Sakhalin and Hokkaido, the Sea of ​​​​Japan is connected with the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, through the Korea Strait - with the East China Sea, and the Sangar Strait between Hokkaido and Honshu connects it with the Pacific Ocean. On the Russian coast of the Sea of ​​Japan, Vladivostok is the last point of the Trans-Siberian railway and an important commercial and military port of Russia.

The greatest depth of the Sea of ​​Japan is 3742 m. In the middle of the basin, the bottom rises and forms the ridges of the Yamato Sea Rise. The minimum depth in this place is 285 m. On the islands of Hokkaido, Honshu and Kyushu there are craters of 36 still active volcanoes, most of them about 3000 m high. This is one of the areas of the highest seismic activity in the world. Earthquakes often occur here, including underwater ones.

Due to strong geological activity, this area is called the Pacific "hot ring".

On the southwestern coast of the Sea of ​​Japan are two Korean states - communist North Korea, isolated from outside world, and South Korea, which is currently experiencing an economic boom.

The Korea Strait, which separates South Korea from Kyushu, is 180 km wide at its narrowest point, and two currents collide here. Powerful typhoons from the south often besiege Kyushu.

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Characteristics of the Sea of ​​Japan

The Sea of ​​Japan lies between the mainland Asia, the peninsula of Korea, about. Sakhalin and the Japanese Islands, separating it from the ocean and two neighboring seas. In the north, the border between the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk runs along the line of Cape Sushcheva - Cape Tyk on Sakhalin. In the La Perouse Strait, the line of Cape Soya-m serves as the boundary. Crillon. In the Sangar Strait, the border runs along the line m Syria - m. Estan, and in the Korea Strait - along the line m. Nomo (about Kyushu) - m. Fukae (about Goto) - about. Jeju - Korean Peninsula.

The Sea of ​​Japan is one of the largest and deepest seas in the world. Its area is 1062 km², volume - 1631 thousand km³, average depth -1536 m, maximum depth - 3699 m. This is a marginal oceanic sea.

There are no large islands in the Sea of ​​Japan. Of the smaller ones, the most significant are the islands of Moneron, Risirn, Okushiri, Ojima, Sado, Okinosima, Ullyndo, Askold, Russian, Putyatina. Tsushima Island is located in the Korea Strait. All islands (except Ulleungdo) are located near the coast. Most of them are located in the eastern part of the sea.

The coastline of the Sea of ​​Japan is comparatively slightly indented. The most simple in outline is the coast of Sakhalin, the coasts of Primorye and the Japanese Islands are more sinuous. Large bays of the mainland coast include De-Kastri, Sovetskaya Gavan, Vladimir, Olyi, Peter the Great Posyet, Korean, on about. Hokkaido - Ishikari, on about. Honshu - Toyama and Wakasa.

Coastal boundaries cut through the straits that connect the Sea of ​​Japan with the Pacific Ocean, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the East China Sea. The straits are different in length, width and, most importantly, in depth, which determines the nature of the water exchange in the Sea of ​​Japan. Through the Sangar Strait, the Sea of ​​Japan communicates directly with the Pacific Ocean. The depth of the strait in the western part is about 130 m, in the eastern part, where its maximum depths are, about 400 m. The Nevelskoy and Laperouse straits connect the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The Korea Strait, divided by the islands of Jejudo, Tsushima and Ikizuki into the western (Broughton Passage with the greatest depth of about 12.5 m) and the eastern (Krusenstern Passage with the greatest depth of about 110 m) parts, connects the Sea of ​​Japan and the East China Sea. Shimonoseki Strait with depths of 2-3 m connects the Sea of ​​Japan with the Inland Sea of ​​Japan. Due to the shallow depths of the straits, at the great depths of the sea itself, conditions are created for isolating its deep waters from the Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas, which is the most important natural feature Sea of ​​Japan

Diverse in structure and external forms The coast of the Sea of ​​Japan in different areas belongs to different morphometric types of coasts. Mostly these are abrasion, mostly little-changed, coasts. To a lesser extent, the Sea of ​​Japan is characterized by accumulative shores. This sea is surrounded by mostly mountainous shores. In places, single rocks rise out of the water - kekurs - characteristic formations of the Sea of ​​Japan coast. Low-lying shores are found only in certain parts of the coast.

Climate of the Sea of ​​Japan

The Sea of ​​Japan lies entirely in the monsoon climate zone of temperate latitudes. In the cold season (from October to March) it is influenced by the Siberian anticyclone and the Aleutian low, which is associated with significant horizontal atmospheric pressure gradients. In this regard, strong north-western winds with speeds of 12-15 m/s and more dominate the sea. Local conditions change the wind conditions. In some areas, under the influence of the relief of the coasts, a large frequency of northern winds is noted, in others, calms are often observed. On the southeast coast, the regularity of the monsoon is violated, west and northwest winds prevail here.

During the cold season, continental cyclones enter the Sea of ​​Japan. They cause strong storms, and sometimes severe hurricanes that last for 2-3 days. In early autumn (September), tropical typhoon cyclones sweep over the sea, accompanied by hurricane-force winds.

The winter monsoon brings dry and cold air to the Sea of ​​Japan, the temperature of which increases from south to north and from west to east. In the coldest months - January and February - the average monthly air temperature in the north is about -20 °, and in the south about 5 °, although significant deviations from these values ​​are often observed. During the cold seasons, the weather is dry and clear in the northwestern part of the sea, wet and cloudy in the southeast.

In warm seasons, the Sea of ​​Japan is subject to the effects of the Hawaiian High and, to a lesser extent, the depression that forms over Eastern Siberia in summer. In this regard, south and south-west winds prevail over the sea. However, pressure gradients between high and low pressure areas are relatively small, so the average wind speed is 2-7 m/s. A significant increase in wind is associated with the release of oceanic, less often continental cyclones to the sea. In summer and early autumn (July-October), the number (with a maximum in September) of typhoons increases over the sea, which cause hurricane-force winds. In addition to the summer monsoon, strong and hurricane winds associated with the passage of cyclones and typhoons, local winds are observed in different parts of the sea. They are mainly due to the peculiarities of the orography of the coasts and are most noticeable in the coastal zone.

The summer monsoon brings with it warm and humid air. The average monthly temperature of the warmest month - August - in the northern part of the sea is about 15 °, and in the southern regions about 25 °. Significant cooling is observed in the northwestern part of the sea with cold air inflows brought by continental cyclones. Cloudy weather with frequent fogs prevails in spring and summer.

A distinctive feature of the Sea of ​​Japan is the relatively small number of rivers flowing into it. The largest of them is Suchan. Almost all rivers are mountainous. The mainland runoff into the Sea of ​​Japan is approximately 210 km³/year and is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year. Only in July the river flow increases slightly

Geographical position, outlines of the basin of the sea, separated from the Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas by high thresholds in the straits, pronounced monsoons, water exchange through the straits only in upper layers- the main factors in the formation of the hydrological conditions of the Sea of ​​Japan

The Sea of ​​Japan receives a lot of heat from the sun. However, the total heat consumption for effective radiation and evaporation exceeds the solar heat input, therefore, as a result of the processes occurring at the water-air interface, the sea annually loses heat. It is replenished due to the heat brought by the Pacific waters entering the sea through the straits, therefore, on an average long-term value, the sea is in a state of thermal equilibrium. This indicates the important role of water heat exchange, mainly heat inflow from outside.

Significant natural factors are the exchange of waters through the straits, the flow of precipitation to the sea surface and evaporation. The main inflow of water into the Sea of ​​Japan occurs through the Korea Strait - about 97% of the total annual amount of incoming water. The largest flow of water goes through the Sangar Strait - 64% of the total flow, 34% flows through the La Perouse and Korean Straits. Only about 1% remains for the share of fresh components of the water balance (mainland runoff, precipitation). Thus, leading role in the water balance of the sea plays water exchange through the straits.

Features of the bottom topography, water exchange through the straits, and climatic conditions form the main features of the hydrological structure of the Sea of ​​Japan. It is similar to the subarctic type of structure of the adjacent regions of the Pacific Ocean, but has its own characteristics, which have developed under the influence of local conditions.

Temperature and salinity of the Sea of ​​Japan

The entire thickness of its waters is divided into two zones, the surface one - up to an average depth of 200 m and the deep one - from 200 m to the bottom. The waters of the deep zone are relatively uniform in physical properties throughout the year. Characteristics of surface water under the influence of climatic and hydrological factors change in time and space much more intensively.

Three water masses are distinguished in the Sea of ​​Japan: two in the surface zone are the surface Pacific Ocean, characteristic of the southeastern part of the sea, and the surface Sea of ​​Japan - for the northwestern part of the sea, and one in the deep part is the deep Sea of ​​Japan water mass.

The surface Pacific water mass is formed by the water of the Tsushima current; it has the largest volume in the south and southeast of the sea. As one moves northward, its thickness and area of ​​distribution gradually decrease, and at about 48° N, due to a sharp decrease in depth, it wedges out into shallow water. In winter, when the Tsushima current weakens, the northern boundary of the Pacific waters is located at about 46-47 ° from latitude.

The surface Pacific water is characterized by high values temperature (about 15-20°) and salinity (34-34.5°/͚ ) Several layers are distinguished in this water mass, the hydrological characteristics of which and thickness change throughout the year: the surface layer, where the temperature during the year varies from 10 to 25°, and salinity - from 33.5 to 34.5°/͚ . The thickness of the surface layer varies from 10 to 100 m, the upper intermediate layer has a thickness varying from 50 to 150 m. Significant gradients of temperature, salinity and density are noted in it, the lower layer has a thickness of 100 to 150 m. Its depth changes throughout the year. occurrence and boundaries of distribution, temperature varies from 4 to 12°, salinity - from 34 to 34.2°/͚ . The lower intermediate layer has very small vertical gradients in temperature, salinity and density. It separates the surface Pacific water mass from the deep Sea of ​​Japan.

As we move north, the characteristics of the Pacific Ocean water gradually change under the influence of climatic factors as a result of its mixing with the underlying deep water of the Sea of ​​Japan. During the cooling and freshening of the Pacific water at latitudes 46-48°N, the surface water mass of the Sea of ​​Japan is formed. It is characterized by relatively low temperature (about 5-8° on average) and salinity (32.5-33.5°/͚ ). The entire thickness of this water mass is divided into three layers, surface, intermediate and deep. As in the Pacific, in the surface Japanese-sea water biggest changes hydrological characteristics occur in the surface layer with a thickness of 10 to 150 m or more. The temperature here during the year varies from 0 to 21°, salinity - from 32 to 34°/͚ . In the intermediate and deep layers seasonal changes hydrological characteristics are negligible

Deep Sea of ​​Japan water is formed as a result of the transformation of surface waters that sink to depths due to the process of winter convection. Changes in the characteristics of the deep water of the Sea of ​​Japan along the vertical are extremely small. The bulk of these waters has a temperature of 0.1-0.2° in winter, 0.3-0.5° in summer, salinity during the year 34.1-34.15°/͚.

The features of the structure of the waters of the Sea of ​​Japan are well illustrated by the distribution of oceanological characteristics in it. Surface water temperature generally increases from northwest to southeast

In winter, the surface water temperature rises from negative values ​​close to 0° in the north and northwest to 10-14° in the south and southeast. This season is characterized by a well-pronounced water temperature contrast between the western and eastern parts sea, and in the south it manifests itself weaker than in the north and in the central part of the sea. So, at the latitude of Peter the Great Bay, the water temperature in the west is close to 0°, and in the east it reaches 5-6°. This is explained, in particular, by the influence of warm waters moving from south to north in the eastern part of the sea.

As a result of spring warming, the surface water temperature throughout the sea rises quite rapidly. At this time, the temperature differences between the western and eastern parts of the sea begin to smooth out.

In summer, the surface water temperature rises from 18-20° in the north to 25-27° in the south of the sea. Temperature differences across latitude are relatively small

Near the western shores, the surface water temperature is 1-2° lower than near the eastern shores, where warm waters spread from south to north.

In winter, in the northern and northwestern regions of the sea, the vertical water temperature changes slightly, and its values ​​are close to 0.2-0.4°. In the central, southern and southeastern parts of the sea, the change in water temperature with depth is more pronounced. In general, the surface temperature, equal to 8-10°, remains until the horizons of 100-150 m, from which it gradually decreases with depth to about 2-4° at the horizons of 200-250 m, then it decreases very slowly - to 1-1, 5° at the horizons of 400-500 m, deeper the temperature decreases somewhat (to values ​​less than 1°) and remains approximately the same to the bottom.

In summer, in the north and north-west of the sea, high surface temperature (18-20°) is observed in the 0-15 m layer, from here it sharply decreases with a depth of up to 4° at a 50 m horizon, then it decreases very slowly to a horizon of 250 m where it is approximately 1°, deeper and to the bottom the temperature does not exceed 1°.

In the central and southern parts of the sea, the temperature decreases rather smoothly with depth and at a horizon of 200 m it is approximately 6 °, from here it decreases somewhat faster and at the horizons of 250-260 m it is 1.5-2 °, then it decreases very slowly and at horizons 750-1500 m (in some areas at 1000-1500 m horizons) reaches a minimum equal to 0.04-0.14°, from here the temperature rises to the bottom up to 0.3°. The formation of an intermediate layer of minimum temperatures is presumably associated with the subsidence of waters in the northern part of the sea, which are cooled in severe winters. This layer is quite stable and is observed all year round.

The average salinity of the Sea of ​​Japan, which is approximately 34.1°/͚, is somewhat lower than the average salinity of the waters of the World Ocean.

In winter, the highest salinity of the surface layer (about 34.5°/͚ ) is observed in the south. The lowest salinity on the surface (about 33.8°/͚ ) is observed along the southeastern and southwestern coasts, where heavy precipitation causes some freshening. In most of the sea, salinity is 34.1°/͚ . In springtime, in the north and northwest, surface water desalination occurs due to ice melting, while in other areas it is associated with increased precipitation. Relatively high (34.6-34.7°/͚ ) salinity remains in the south, where at this time the inflow of more saline waters flowing through the Korea Strait increases. In summer, the average salinity on the surface varies from 32.5°/͚ in the north of the Tatar Strait to 34.5°/͚ off the coast of the island. Honshu.

In the central and southern regions of the sea, precipitation significantly exceeds evaporation, which leads to desalination of surface waters. By autumn, the amount of precipitation decreases, the sea begins to cool, and therefore the salinity on the surface increases. The vertical course of salinity is generally characterized by small changes in its values ​​with depth. In winter, most of the sea has a uniform salinity from the surface to the bottom, equal to approximately 34.1°/͚ . Only in coastal waters is there a weakly pronounced minimum of salinity in the surface horizons, below which the salinity slightly increases and remains almost the same to the bottom. At this time of the year, vertical salinity changes do not exceed 0.6-0.7°/͚ in most of the sea, and do not reach 0.1°/͚ in its central part.

Spring-summer desalination of surface waters forms the main features of the summer vertical distribution of salinity.

In summer, the minimum salinity is observed on the surface as a result of a noticeable desalination of surface waters. In the subsurface layers, salinity increases with depth, and noticeable vertical salinity gradients are created. The maximum salinity at this time is observed at the horizons of 50-100 m in the northern regions and at the horizons of 500-1500 m in the south. Below these layers, salinity decreases somewhat and almost does not change to the bottom, remaining within 33.9-34.1°/͚. In summer, the salinity of deep waters is 0.1°/͚ less than in winter.

The density of the water in the Sea of ​​Japan depends mainly on temperature. The highest density is observed in winter, and the lowest - in summer. In the northwestern part of the sea, the density is higher than in the southern and southeastern

In winter, the density on the surface is quite uniform throughout the sea, especially in its northwestern part.

In spring, the uniformity of surface density values ​​is disturbed due to different heating of the upper water layer.

In summer, the horizontal differences in surface density values ​​are greatest. They are especially significant in the area of ​​mixing of waters with different characteristics. In winter, the density is approximately the same from the surface to the bottom in the northwestern part of the sea. In the southeastern regions, the density slightly increases at the horizons of 50-100 m, deeper and to the bottom, it increases very slightly. The maximum density is observed in March

In summer, in the northwest, the waters are noticeably stratified in density. It is small on the surface, rises sharply at the horizons of 50-100 m, and deeper to the bottom increases more smoothly. In the southwestern part of the sea, the density noticeably increases in the subsurface (up to 50 m) layers; at the 100-150 m horizons, it is quite uniform; below, the density slightly increases to the bottom. This transition occurs at the 150-200 m horizons in the northwest and at the 300-400 m horizons in the southeast of the sea.

In autumn, the density begins to level off, which means the transition to winter look density distribution with depth. The spring-summer density stratification determines a rather stable state of the waters of the Sea of ​​Japan, although it is expressed to different degrees in different regions. In accordance with this, more or less favorable conditions are created in the sea for the emergence and development of mixing.

Due to the predominance of winds of relatively low strength and their significant intensification during the passage of cyclones under conditions of water stratification in the north and northwest of the sea, wind mixing penetrates here to horizons of the order of 20 m. In less stratified waters of the southern and southwestern regions, the wind mixes the upper layers to the horizons 25-30 m. In autumn, the stratification decreases, and the winds intensify, but at this time of the year, the thickness of the upper homogeneous layer increases due to density mixing.

Autumn-winter cooling and ice formation in the north cause intense convection in the Sea of ​​Japan. In its northern and northwestern parts, as a result of rapid autumn cooling of the surface, convective mixing develops, which covers deep layers for a short time. With the onset of ice formation, this process intensifies, and in December the convection penetrates to the bottom. At great depths, it extends to horizons of 2000-3000 m. In the southern and southeastern regions of the sea, which are cooled to a lesser extent in autumn and winter, convection mainly extends to horizons of 200 m. as a result of which density mixing penetrates to horizons of 300-400 m. Below, mixing is limited by the density structure of waters, and ventilation of the bottom layers occurs due to turbulence, vertical movements and other dynamic processes.

The nature of the circulation of the waters of the sea is determined not only by the influence of the winds acting directly over the sea, but also by the circulation of the atmosphere over the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, since the strengthening or weakening of the inflow of Pacific waters depends on it. In the summer, the southeast monsoon increases the circulation of water due to the influx of large amounts of water. In winter, the steady northwest monsoon prevents water from entering the sea through the Korea Strait, causing a weakening of water circulation.

The waters of the western branch of the Kuroshio, which passed through the Yellow Sea, enter the Sea of ​​Japan through the Korea Strait and spread to the northeast along the Japanese Islands in a wide stream. This stream is called the Tsushima current. In the central part of the sea, the Yamato Rise divides the flow of Pacific waters into two branches, forming a zone of divergence, which is especially pronounced in summer. In this zone, deep water rises. Having rounded the upland, both branches join in the area located to the northwest of the Noto Peninsula.

At a latitude of 38–39°, a small flow separates from the northern branch of the Tsushima Current to the west, into the region of the Korea Strait, and passes into a countercurrent along the coasts of the Korean Peninsula. The bulk of the Pacific waters are carried out of the Sea of ​​Japan through the Sangarsky and La Perouse straits, while part of the waters, having reached the Tatar Strait, give rise to the cold Primorsky current, moving south. South of the Peter the Great Bay, the Primorskoye Current turns east and merges with the northern branch of the Tsushima Current. An insignificant part of the waters continues to move south to the Korean Bay, where it flows into the countercurrent formed by the waters of the Tsushima Current.

Thus, moving along the Japanese Islands from south to north, and along the coast of Primorye - from north to south, the waters of the Sea of ​​Japan form a cyclonic circulation centered in the northwestern part of the sea. In the center of the cycle, the rise of waters is also possible.

Two frontal zones are distinguished in the Sea of ​​Japan - the main polar front formed by the warm and saline waters of the Tsushima Current and the cold, less saline waters of the Primorsky Current, and the secondary front formed by the waters of the Primorsky Current and coastal waters, which have a higher temperature and lower salinity in summer. than the waters of the Primorsky Current. IN winter time the polar front passes somewhat to the south of the 40°N parallel. sh, and near the Japanese Islands it runs approximately parallel to them almost to the northern tip of about. Hokkaido. In summer, the location of the front is approximately the same, it only slightly shifts to the south, and off the coast of Japan - to the west. The secondary front passes near the coast. Primorye, approximately parallel to them.

The tides in the Sea of ​​Japan are quite distinct. They are created mainly by the Pacific tidal wave entering the sea through the Korea and Sangara Straits.

Semidiurnal, diurnal and mixed tides are observed in the sea. In the Korean Strait and in the north of the Tatar Strait - semi-diurnal tides, on the eastern coast of Korea, on the coast of Primorye, near the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido - diurnal, in the Peter the Great and Korean bays - mixed.

Tidal currents correspond to the nature of the tide. In the open areas of the sea, semidiurnal tidal currents with velocities of 10-25 cm/s are mainly manifested. The tidal currents in the straits are more complex, where they also have very significant velocities. So, in the Sangar Strait, tidal currents reach 100-200 cm/s, in the La Perouse Strait - 50-100, in the Korea Strait - 40-60 cm/s.

The greatest level fluctuations are observed in the extreme southern and northern regions of the sea. At the southern entrance to the Korea Strait, the tide reaches 3 m. As you move north, it quickly decreases and already at Busan does not exceed 1.5 m.

In the middle part of the sea, the tides are small. Along the eastern shores of the Korean Peninsula and Soviet Primorye, to the entrance to the Tatar Strait, they are no more than 0.5 m. The tides are of the same magnitude near the western shores of Honshu, Hokkaido and Southwestern Sakhalin. In the Tatar Strait, the magnitude of the tides is 2.3-2.8 m. In the northern part of the Tatar Strait, the heights of the tides increase, which is due to its funnel-shaped shape.

In addition to tidal fluctuations in the Sea of ​​Japan, seasonal level fluctuations are well expressed. In summer (August - September) there is a maximum rise in the level on all seashores, in winter and early spring (January - April) there is a minimum level position.

In the Sea of ​​Japan, surge fluctuations in the level are observed. During the winter monsoon, the level can rise by 20-25 cm off the western coast of Japan, and decrease by the same amount near the mainland coast. In summer, on the contrary, off the coast of North Korea and Primorye, the level rises by 20-25 cm, and off the coast of Japan it drops by the same amount.

Strong winds caused by the passage of cyclones and especially typhoons over the sea develop very significant waves, while monsoons cause less strong waves. In the northwestern part of the sea, northwestern waves predominate in autumn and winter, while eastern waves prevail in spring and summer. Most often, there is a wave with a force of 1-3 points, the frequency of which varies from 60 to 80% per year. In winter, strong excitement prevails - 6 points or more, the frequency of which is about 10%.

In the southeastern part of the sea, due to the stable northwestern monsoon, waves develop from the northwest and north in winter. In summer, weak, most often southwestern, waves prevail. The largest waves have a height of 8-10 m, and during typhoons, the maximum waves reach a height of 12 m. Tsunami waves are noted in the Sea of ​​Japan.

The northern and northwestern parts of the sea, adjacent to the mainland coast, are annually covered with ice for 4-5 months, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich occupies about 1/4 of the space of the entire sea.

The appearance of ice in the Sea of ​​Japan is possible as early as October, and the last ice lingers in the north sometimes until mid-June. Thus, the sea is completely ice-free only during the summer months - July, August and September.

The first ice in the sea is formed in closed bays and gulfs of the continental coast, for example, in Sovetskaya Gavan Bay, De-Kastri and Olga bays. In October - November, the ice cover mainly develops within the bays and gulfs, and from the end of November - the beginning of December, ice begins to form in the open sea.

At the end of December, ice formation in the coastal and open areas of the sea extends to Peter the Great Bay.

Fast ice in the Sea of ​​Japan is not widespread. First of all, it forms in the bays of De-Kastri, Sovetskaya Gavan and Olga, in the bays of Peter the Great Bay and Posyet it appears after about a month.

Only the northern bays of the mainland coast freeze completely every year. To the south of Sovetskaya Gavan, the fast ice in the bays is unstable and can break up repeatedly during the winter. In the western part of the sea, floating and immobile ice appears earlier than in the eastern part, it is more stable. This is explained by the fact that the western part of the sea in winter is under the predominant influence of cold and dry air masses propagating from the mainland. In the east of the sea, the influence of these masses significantly weakens, and at the same time, the role of warm and humid marine air masses increases. greatest development the ice cover reaches around mid-February. From February to May, conditions are created throughout the sea that favor the melting of ice (on the spot). In the eastern part of the sea, ice melting begins earlier and is more intense than at the same latitudes in the west

The ice cover of the Sea of ​​Japan varies considerably from year to year. There are cases when the ice cover of one winter is 2 times or more higher than the ice cover of another.

The fish population of the Sea of ​​Japan includes 615 species. The main commercial species of the southern part of the sea are sardine, anchovy, mackerel, horse mackerel. In the northern regions, mainly mussels, flounder, herring, greenlings and salmon are mined. In summer, tuna, hammerhead fish, and saury penetrate the northern part of the sea. The leading place in the species composition of fish catches is occupied by pollock, sardine and anchovy

B.S. Zalogin, A.N. Kosarev "Sea" 1999

The main ports of the Sea of ​​Japan are Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Vostochny, Sovetskaya Gavan, Vanino, Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Kholmsk, Niigata, Tsuruga, Maizuru, Wonsan, Hungnam, Chongjin and Busan, through which not only various cargoes are delivered, but also fish are caught, crabs, trepangs, algae, sea ​​urchins, scallops and much more.

The Sea of ​​Japan has a temperate and monsoonal climate, with its northern and parts much cooler than the southern and eastern parts. The Sea of ​​​​Japan is also rich in typhoons caused by hurricane winds, which often fall on the coast of countries washed by the sea.

The degree of salinity of the Sea of ​​Japan is somewhat lower than that of other waters of the World Ocean - about 33.7-34.3%.

Which islands are located in the Sea of ​​Japan

In total, over 3 thousand islands of various sizes are located in the Sea of ​​Japan, most of which belong to the Japanese archipelago.

The main islands of the sea are Hokkaido (an area of ​​83.4 thousand square kilometers, on which 5.5 million people lived in 2010), Honshu (227.969 thousand square kilometers), Shikoku (18.8 thousand square kilometers and 4.141 million people as of 2005) and Kyushu (40.6 thousand square kilometers and 12 million people living on the island by the end of 2010).

The islands of the so-called Inland Sea of ​​Japan, which connects to the Pacific Ocean through the four straits of Hayasui, Bungo, Kii and Naruto, include the following - Kasado, Hime, Heigun, Yashiro, Itsukushima (an area of ​​​​30.39 square kilometers and 2 thousand inhabitants), Nishinomi , Etajima, Kurahashi, Innoshima, Teshima, Sedo and Awaji (592.17 thousand square kilometers and 157 thousand people as of 2005).

It is quite difficult to list the remaining 3 thousand relatively small islands of the Sea of ​​Japan, but geographers divide them into several groups:
- small islands along the island of Hokkaido;
- along the island of Honshu;
- the islands of the Korea Strait (connects the Japan and East China Seas with a length of 324 kilometers);
- islands of the East China Sea;
- along the island of Shikoku;
- along Kyushu;
- the Ryukyu archipelago (another name is the Likey Islands, a total of 96 large and small ones) also includes several island subgroups - Osumi, Tokara, Amami, Okinawa, Sakishima, Yaeyama, Miyako, Senkaku, Daito and the Borodin Islands.

There are also several artificial islands in the Sea of ​​Japan. One of them - Dejima - was created in the form of a century and served as a port for Dutch ships from the 17th to the middle of the 19th century.

The Sea of ​​Japan is considered one of the largest and deepest seas in the world. Is marginal sea Pacific Ocean.


The first information about this sea was obtained from Chinese sources in the 2nd century BC. Historically, it is believed that this reservoir was formed as a result of the melting of the glacier and the rise in the water level in the oceans.

Historical events

In the 14th-16th centuries, pirates seized power at sea. All maritime trade was under their control. From 1603 to 1867, the Sea of ​​Japan was one of the busiest transport links and the main entry route for Dutch and Korean embassies.

Sea of ​​Japan on the map photo

The Sea of ​​Japan witnessed the Russo-Japanese War (1901-1902). Today, the Sea of ​​Japan is an important domestic and international transport artery.


The main characteristics of the Sea of ​​Japan:

  • Area 1062,000 square km
  • Average sea depth: 1536 m.
  • Maximum depth: 3742 m.
  • Salinity: 34-35‰.
  • Length: from north to south 2,255 km, from west to east about 1,070 km.
  • In winter, part of the Sea of ​​Japan freezes - the Russian coastal side, but the ice can break periodically;
  • Average annual temperature: in the north 0-12C, in the south 17-26C.

shore of the Sea of ​​Japan photo


The main course of the Sea of ​​Japan is the Tsushima, which is approximately 200 km wide. This current contains surface and intermediate water mass. In addition, the following cold currents are observed in the Sea of ​​Japan:

  • Limanskoye, moving at low speed to the southwest;
  • North Korean, going south;
  • Seaside, or cold current, going to the central part.

Japanese Sea. Primorsky Krai photo

These cold currents form a cycle counterclockwise. The warm Kuroshio current prevails in the southern part of the sea.

What rivers flow

Few rivers flow into the Sea of ​​Japan, although they are all mountainous. Let's take a look at the biggest ones:

  • Partisan;
  • Tumnin;
  • Samarga;
  • Rudnaya.

Where does the Sea of ​​Japan flow into?

Through the straits, the waters of the sea enter:

  • through the Nevelsky Strait to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk;
  • through the Sangar Strait to the Pacific Ocean;
  • through the Korea Strait to the East China Sea.

Japanese Sea. storm photo


The climate of the sea is monsoonal, temperate. The western and northern parts of the sea are much colder than the southern and eastern parts. The temperature difference reaches +27 C. Hurricanes and typhoons often pass over the sea surface.

Despite the fact that the sea is separated from the ocean by the Japanese Islands and Sakhalin, storms and hurricanes often rage in the northern part of the sea, especially in autumn. Such a polo can last up to three days, and the waves reach 12 meters in height. The Siberian anticyclone brings such weather. For this reason, the Sea of ​​Japan is not very calm for navigation.

Japanese Sea. port of Vladivostok photo

In November, the northern part of the sea is covered with ice; in March-April, the ice breaks up. In summer, the weather is cloudy, weak monsoon winds from the southeast prevail.


The bottom relief of the Sea of ​​Japan is divided into:

  • the northern part (a wide trough that narrows and rises to the north);
  • the central part (deep closed basin, elongated in a northeasterly direction);
  • the southern part (the relief is complex, shallow water alternates with gutters).

The shores of this sea are mostly mountainous. Low-lying coasts are extremely rare. The coastline is fairly flat on Sakhalin. The shores of Primorye are more indented.

underwater world of the Sea of ​​Japan photo

Cities and ports

We note the more significant Russian port cities located in the Sea of ​​Japan:

  • Vladivostok;
  • Nakhodka;
  • Oriental;
  • Sovetskaya Gavan;
  • Vanino;
  • Shakhtersk.

Flora and fauna

Brown algae and kelp grow abundantly along the seashores. The Sea of ​​Japan is very rich in fish fauna due to the abundance of oxygen and food. Approximately 610 species of fish live here. The main types of fish fauna are:

  • In the southern part of the sea - anchovy, sardine, horse mackerel, mackerel.
  • In the northern regions - flounder, herring, salmon, greenling, mussels, saury, hammerhead fish, tuna.

Fishing in the Sea of ​​Japan lasts all year round. This region is inhabited by 6 species of seals, 12 species of sharks that are not dangerous to humans, squids and octopuses.

Few people know the following Interesting Facts about the Sea of ​​Japan:

  • North Koreans call this sea the East Sea of ​​Korea;
  • Residents of South Korea - East Sea.
  • Here you can meet representatives of 31 orders of fish from 34 orders that exist in the world;
  • The Sea of ​​Japan leads in the diversity of fish among all the seas of the Russian Federation;
  • A small jellyfish lives in the algae of the sea, capable of hitting the central nervous system, and with repeated contact, its poison can be fatal. There are no famous resorts here, but the Sea of ​​Japan is very important for the trade and economy of several countries, including Russia.

The Sea of ​​Japan belongs to the Pacific Ocean. This body of water is separated from the ocean by the Japanese Islands and Sakhalin Island. Its waters wash the shores of Japan, Korea, Russia and North Korea. The vast warm Kuroshio current passes through the southern part of the sea.

Geographic features

A map of the Sea of ​​Japan shows that it has natural boundaries. But in some places it is limited conditionally. Its border with the Sea of ​​Okhotsk runs along the line of Cape Sushchev - Cape Tyk. The Sea of ​​Japan has an area of ​​over 1 million square meters. km. Its maximum depth is fixed at a point equal to 3742 m.
The sea is elongated along the meridian and narrows towards the north. It is smaller in size than the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Bering Sea. However, the Sea of ​​Japan is one of the deepest and largest Russian seas. There are no large islands in this sea. But among the small islands one can single out Moneron, Rishiri, Rebun, Oshima, Putyatin, Askold, Ullyndo, Russian, etc. The coast of the Sea of ​​Japan is slightly indented. There are no bays and bays that go deep into the mainland. In outline, the most simple is the coast of Sakhalin Island.

Climatic conditions

The Sea of ​​Japan is dominated by a monsoon temperate climate. The north of the sea is covered with ice in winter. Much warmer in the south and east. In the northern region of the ocean, the air cools down to -20 degrees in winter. IN summer period monsoons bring with them moist and warm air. In the southern part of the ocean, the air temperature is +25 degrees. Typhoons are frequent in the autumn months. Waves during a typhoon can reach 12 m in height. Currents in the sea form cycles. The animal and plant world differs depending on the area of ​​the sea. In the northern cool regions, the nature of temperate latitudes prevails. Animals that need warm water live in the southern part of the Sea of ​​Japan. The sea is rich in shrimps, crabs, ruffs, scallops and other inhabitants.
Primorye is characterized by abundant algae and grasses. Over 200 species of algae are isolated in Peter the Great Bay. Of them great importance for humans has seaweed. In the waters of the bays, there are giant oysters that live at a depth of no more than 7 m. In the Sea of ​​Japan, seaside scallops and king crabs are bred. Squid and octopus are hunted there. This sea is the habitat different types sharks The most common is the katran shark, which is not dangerous to humans. There are seals, whales and dolphins in the Sea of ​​Japan.
