Beginning of history. Message on the topic: “Pages of world history

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What is history and what does it study?

  • History is the science of the past.
  • History studies how various peoples lived, what events took place.
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    Almost 2.5 thousand years have passed since a Greek named Herodotus first introduced people to his scientific work"Story". He became the first scientist-historian. We call him the "Father of History".

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    Epochs of history

    Scientists divide the history of mankind into several large eras.

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    The first and longest was primitive history. The people who lived then were called primitive. There is still no exact answer when they appeared on Earth. Most scientists believe that the oldest people appeared over 2 million years ago.

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    How did people find out about primitive people?

    Archaeologists excavate, extract from the earth the things of ancient people, their bones. Scientists believe that the oldest people, whose "traces" were found in Africa and Asia, lived more than a million years ago. Based on the remains of the skeletons of the most ancient people, it was possible to establish how they looked.

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    The most ancient man was very different from the modern one, he looked like a large monkey, but walked on two legs. The arms were long and hung down to the knees. The foreheads were low and sloping. The ancient man could not yet speak, he made only a few jerky sounds, with which people expressed anger and fear, called for help and warned each other about danger.

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    Ancient people lived where it was always warm. Therefore, they did not need to take care of warm clothes. It was impossible to cope with the difficulties of life alone, so people lived together, in groups, helping each other.

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    Most of the time primitive people went in search of food. Women and children plucked fruits from trees, found edible roots, searched for eggs of birds and turtles. And the men hunted for meat. At that time, mammoths lived on earth.

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    Already at that time there was primitive art. Images of animals - bulls, horses, mammoths - were found on the walls in the depths of the caves. Primitive people portrayed animals, since the life of people depended on the successful hunting of these animals.

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    The drawings are located in the depths of the caves in complete darkness. Primitive artists could not do without lighting. Obviously, they used torches or "lamps" - stone ladles filled with fat, which burns well.

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    Primitive history lasted hundreds of thousands of years. During this time, people settled on all continents except Antarctica. They appeared on the territory of our country about half a million years ago.

    And the changes are so dramatic that it's time to talk about the beginning of history.

    The heavenly mist began to fade. Divorces became cloudy, extinguishing each other ...,
    then the sky burst and another sky peeped through the torn holes,
    light gray, to match the calm light pouring from there.
    All heads were raised to the zenith, so the running messenger was noticed,
    when he was very close.
    - Lord! he shouted, panting. - Tenger's wall - has fallen!

    Svyatoslav Loginov. Many-armed god Dalayna.

    End of story. Hedgehogs crossed with snakes.

    The 90s and early 00s passed under the sign of the "end of history" by Francis Fukuyama. And although even Fukuyama himself subsequently distanced himself from the particularly radical provisions of his book, his theory is still very popular. In fact, the very fact of the appearance of this book against the backdrop of grandiose changes in all spheres of human life is quite curious. Didn't Fukuyama notice them?
    On the other hand, there are crowds of neo-Malthusians and other catastrophe idiots who feel the changes with their "spinal cord" (c), but since, due to the absence of other types of brains, they cannot realize the essence of these changes, they simply rush about with cries of "everything is lost, whoever can. ..", waving a report to the Club of Rome instead of the Apocalypse, scaring housewives and other townsfolk, ...
    Well, and ordinary people who do not notice the ongoing changes at all, and even more so, who perceive them as a given. A few years ago, a child made fun of our group of adults at a party, interpreting the plot with a payphone in an old movie, they say, "uncle forgot his cell phone at home." In fact, children see what adults do not notice - and adults, in their current affairs, somehow do not notice that they live in a world that would have seemed complete fantasy some 20-30 years ago. This, by the way, is an interesting fact, why the majority of the people do not notice the changes, just getting used to these ever more accelerating changes, as to some static factor, like an old sofa, for example.
    By the way, Fukuyama also fell into this trap, presenting the changes going in the same direction from the end of the World War to the 90s as a kind of linear static reinforced concrete road from point A to point B, and not as part of a bifurcation tangle.

    On the other hand, the so-called singularity theory is gaining popularity, according to which the rate of development of human civilization is constantly accelerating, at a certain moment sharply reaching infinity. And this moment is close enough. In principle, the postulates of this theory are easily verified and fully correspond to reality, the only thing that confuses is a very simple question for the followers of this theory: what's next? Beyond the point of singularity? There is no clear answer. But in general, such a "collapse" is a sign of the end.
    So, is Fukuyama right with his "end of history"?

    Beginning of history.

    In fact, it is impossible to assure that nothing is happening, or that everything that happens is just an "innocent child's game of rat" (c) - it is impossible.
    There are certain signs of the end of history, and there are even more than enough of them, one mentioned report "The Limits to Growth" is worth something.
    However, it should be clarified - the end of the CURRENT HISTORY.

    In fact, we are witnessing the passage by human civilization of the GRANDEST point of bifurcation, which affects all sides human life, and whose drivers are such independent processes that it is generally impossible to predict the final result.
    One thing is clear - it will be so new world that already in 30 years to our children / grandchildren the current state of affairs will seem to be the existence of troglodytes and ..., (well, if not perverts ...) This will be an absolutely fantastic reality.

    Well, in short, about some of the main drivers of these bifurcation processes.

    Postindustrial is like a permanent fire in a brothel.

    The first and most powerful driver of change is the phase transition from industrial to post-industrial. In a good way, we are witnessing a rare process, occurring only the third time in human history. The first phase transition was from a hunter-gatherer society to an agrarian society, also called the Neolithic Revolution, was triggered by the lack of a basic resource - a resource of wildlife for the breeding human population.
    The second phase transition, from agrarian to post-industrial society... or the Industrial Revolution, was driven by a shortage of the main agricultural resource - arable land, again against the backdrop of a multiplying human population. The wild poor hole, by the name of England, which was the first to make this transition and get all the goodies from it, suddenly became the most powerful empire in the history of mankind.
    The third phase transition - from industrial somewhere to post-industrial, there is no name for it yet, is carried out in currently. And he is dragged by the ears by the same lack of resources as in previous times. Hello to the Club of Rome, this is excellently described in "The Limits to Growth", this time there is a lack of resources of an industrial civilization, that is natural resources, which need to be dug out of the ground for the industry, in order to do something with them later.
    In addition to what was not predicted in the "Limits to Growth" - now there is still a shortage work force and ecological deficit, which makes the transformational transition even more abrupt.

    By the way, the characters who represent the post-industrial as a service economy are touching, it doesn’t fit into any gates at all, it’s like presenting Spain of the 16th century, which ate American gold, as post-agrarian, i.e. industrial economy. No, it was just a sick economy, like today's service economies. In the real post-industrial there will be the most powerful agriculture (if it can still be called that), the most powerful, much more productive than now, the industry, albeit fantastic by today's standards. Well, there will be services, too, where without them ....
    So far, in addition to the fact that it will look like complete fantasy, one can briefly say about the post-industrial that the main difference from the industrial will be a much more pronounced distribution of processes. Endless fields and huge factories will make room and be replaced to a large extent by distributed (distributive) options. Distributed agriculture, energy, industry, services, etc.
    Therefore, from our current understanding of the management of economic processes, an attempt to manage, or at least understand the principles of management in the post-industrial, will look like an attempt to control a fire in a brothel...

    The era of the Great Geographic Closures

    The modern geopolitical reality that surrounds us basically lies on the foundation of the most powerful passionary explosion of the "Western" Christian civilization, which occurred about 1000 years ago and resulted in the world expansion of this civilization.
    That is why the current world system of trade, division of labor (including the system of neo-colonialism), international production relations, etc., is rooted in the era of the XV-XVII centuries. That same era, called the "Era of the Great Geographical Discoveries", and marked the beginning of the reformatting of the world in a modern way.
    But only 5 centuries ago, the territory stretching from Asia Minor to Pacific Ocean generated the lion's share of world GDP, while possessing a level of science and culture unattainable for its neighbors, but it was pushed to the back of civilization precisely in the last 500 years.

    Naturally, our world is dynamic and this state of affairs could not be forever. And at the moment we can observe the beginning of the opposite process - a gradual shift in the economic and cultural center civilizations from the North Atlantic region.
    Where? So far, the Asia-Pacific region is definitely noticeable, to which some experts predict the role of the future financial and economic center of the planet. But this is unlikely, most likely there will be several centers, and even more than two. Or maybe there will be no centers at all, and everything will be spread evenly over the entire planet, corresponding to the post-industrial factor of the distribution of everything that is possible.

    But in any case, it is clear that the current system of international division of labor and relations, built on the basis of the expansion of the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, is hopelessly outdated and is being closed. Recedes into the past. That is, jokingly, we can say that we are now living in the era of the Great geographical closures. And many of the changes taking place within this transformational process will look absolutely incredible.

    Restoring distorted reality...

    The inferno breakthrough that occurred at the beginning of the 20th century, causing the First world war and the subsequent series of catastrophes, gave rise to the reality of the twentieth century distorted by various ideologies. Traditional values, both pragmatic and religious-ideological, were replaced in the 20th century by purely ideological ones, concepts and values, often perpendicular to reality, giving rise to a certain kind of "through the looking glass", a simulacrum that has no rights to a natural existence, except for those taken into service. ideological dogmas.
    Moreover, as a result of the struggle of competing ideologies, simulacra multiply multiply, leading to the appearance of simulacra more high degrees... quite worthy of Kafka's pen.
    In short, over the 20th century, humanity has produced so many of them that one can really talk about a serious distortion of reality.
    But fortunately, when the simulacra are disconnected from external power, they simply die. And since the environment that feeds these reflections existed in old history, which is now coming to an end, then we can confidently talk about the upcoming mass death of simulacra, which humanity dragged into the 21st century.
    And, completely, naturally, the removal of distortions from reality, for an observer from the inside of this process, will look as if the world is turning upside down.

    UPDATE: What at first was poetically called "inferno breakthrough" nevertheless received its logical, not mystical explanation. Look at the picture.

    The coincidence of the frequency of generational change and the frequency of technology change coincided precisely in the first half of the 20th century, giving rise not only to a storm of world wars, revolutions and other cataclysms, but also to the generation of the simulacra described above.

    On the edge

    There are simply no other, smaller signals that the world is really at a turning point.
    It is impossible not to mention the breaking of the long-term trend towards the growth of the human population. Somewhere within this or the next decade, the growth of the world's population begins to go not at the expense of ever-increasing birth rates, but at the expense of increasing life expectancy. [To be continued]

    Welcome to the matrix

    global village.

    Sunset of cities.

    Let's discuss!

    1. Question: what difficulties do scientists experience when studying the life of primitive people?

    Answer: the main difficulty of scientists in studying the life of primitive people is the lack of information, the discovered household items are mostly poorly preserved, scattered, belong to different time periods.

    2. Question: why did primitive hunters draw animals?

    Answer: in ancient times there was no writing, and a person did this through drawings to convey information to his fellow tribesmen. Animals were the basis for life, the availability of food and clothing depended on animals, so when drawing animals, a person simultaneously worshiped them and asked for forgiveness for hunting them. By drawing animals, people began to primitively plan the hunt and the joint actions of the members of the tribe during the hunt.

    3. Question: what role in life primitive man fire played?

    Answer: fire for primitive man became the basis of survival. He was heated by fire, cooked food on fire, defended himself from the attack of predators by fire. With the help of fire he made his first household items.

    check yourself

    1. Question: what epochs do scientists divide the history of mankind into?

    Answer: Scientists divide the history of mankind into the following eras:

    primeval history

    Story ancient world

    History of the Middle Ages

    History of the New Age

    History of modern times

    2. Question: What was the longest era in history?

    Answer: the longest was the primitive history.

    3. Question: use the illustrations (p.5) to describe the changes in appearance primitive people.

    Answer: Figure 1. shows the oldest person who lived about a million years ago, such a person was called Pithecanthropus. Figure 2. shows a person similar to modern man who lived about 40 thousand years ago, he was called Cro-Magnon.

    In the next lesson

    Question: what was the number of years for the ancient Egyptians and the ancient Romans?

    1. Account of years among the ancient Egyptians.

    A calendar was created in the Nile Valley, which existed together with the Egyptian civilization for about 4 millennia. The origin of this calendar is associated with Sirius, a bright star in the tropical sky. The time interval between two heliacal ascents of Sirius, coinciding in Ancient Egypt with the summer solstice and preceded the flood of the Nile, is 365.25 days. However, the Egyptians put an integer number of days in the length of their year - 365. Thus, for every 4 years, seasonal phenomena lagged behind the calendar by 1 day. In the absence of leap years New Year passed for 1460 (365 × 4) years all seasons and returned to the initial number. The period of 1460 years was called the Sothic period, the cycle, or the Great Year of Sothis.

    In ancient Egypt, according to the official calendar, the year was divided into 3 seasons of 4 months each.

    Flood time (akhet) - from mid-July to mid-November

    Shooting time (peret) - from mid-November to mid-March

    Drought time (shemu) - from mid-March to mid-July

    The months were designated by numbers (the first month of the Flood, the second month of the Flood, etc.). Each month had 30 days. The Egyptians knew that the year does not include 360 ​​days (12 months of 30 days), but 365 days, so the remaining 5 days that were not included in the calendar were added at the end last month. Egyptians starting from the end ancient kingdom, led the reckoning from the moment of the accession of the new ruler. In official documents, the date was recorded according to the following scheme: 1) “year of government” and the number of the year; 2) the sign of the month and the number of the month in the season; 3) the name of the season; 4) the sign of the day and the number of the day in order; 5) “the reign of the king of two lands”; 6) the throne name of the king in a cartouche.

    Example: The second year of the reign of the king of the two lands Amenemhet III, the first day of the third month of the Flood season.

    2. Account of years among the ancient Romans.

    According to the ancient Roman calendar, the year consisted of ten months, and March was considered the first month. This calendar was borrowed from the Greeks; according to tradition, it was introduced by the founder and first king of Rome, Romulus, in 738 BC. e. The eight names of the months of this calendar (March, April, May, June, September, October, November, December) have survived in many languages ​​to this day. At the turn of the 7th and 6th centuries BC. e. a calendar was borrowed from Etruria, in which the year was divided into 12 months: January and February followed after December. This calendar reform is attributed to Numa Pompilius, the second Roman king. The year consisted of 354 days: 6 months of 30 days and 6 months of 29 days, but every few years an additional month was added

    The Romans kept lists of consuls. Consuls were elected annually, two per year. The year was designated by the names of the two consuls of a given year, the names were put in the ablative, for example: to the consulate of Mark Crassus and Gnaeus Pompey (55 BC).

    From the era of Augustus (from 16 BC), along with dating by consuls, the reckoning from the alleged year of the founding of Rome (753 BC) comes into use: from the foundation of the city.


    1. Historical epochs.
    2. Acquaintance with history and archeology.

    4. primeval world.
    5. Conclusion.

    1. Historical epochs.

    The history of mankind can be divided into several major eras:

    • - primitive history;
    • - ancient world history;
    • - history of the Middle Ages;
    • - the history of modern times;
    • - Modern history.

    2. Acquaintance with history and archeology

    The most ancient era in the history of mankind is called primitive.

    How did people find out about primitive people? Scientists carry out excavations, extract from the earth things of ancient people, their bones. Scientists who excavate are called archaeologists.

    Archeology - the science of antiquity. It studies the history of society from the remnants of the life and activities of people. Scientists believe that the oldest people, whose “traces” were found in Africa and Asia, lived more than a million years ago. Based on the remains of the skeletons of the most ancient people, it was possible to establish how they looked.

    The first known ancestors of humans and monkeys lived more than two million years ago and were called driopithecus.

    3. The difference between primitive man and modern.

    ancient man very different from you and me - modern people- and looked like a large monkey. However, people did not walk on four legs, as almost all animals walk, but on two legs, but at the same time they leaned forward strongly. The man's hands, which hung down to his knees, were free, and he could use them to perform simple job: grab, hit, dig the ground. The foreheads of the people were low and sloping. Their brains were larger than those of a monkey, but much smaller than those of modern humans. He could not speak, made only a few jerky sounds, with which people expressed fear and anger, called for help and warned each other about danger, ate only what he found.

    They were arboreal animals resembling great apes in their structure. Some of them led only an arboreal way of life. It was they who could give rise to a line of animals that later became the ancestor of man.

    4. Primitive world.

    The most ancient era the history of mankind is called primitive. Primitive (tribal) community. Characterized by collective labor and consumption.

    primitive people lived in groups, because it was impossible to cope with the difficulties of life alone. They didn't have to worry about warm clothes. They lived where it is always warm. Primitive people built dwellings to protect themselves from the scorching rays of the sun, bad weather, and predators.

    The first tools of labor of people were hands, nails and teeth, as well as stones, fragments and branches from trees. The first people had to hunt, collect various plants, and also learn how to make the first simple tools from sticks, bones and animal horns, and then from stone.

    Main occupation of ancient people were hunting and fishing(classes for men), which required great strength and dexterity. ancient man he could hardly count to more than five, but he could sit still for hours in ambush during a hunt or build an ingenious trap for a huge mammoth. Gathering (occupation for women) - the ability to understand different plants and collect edible mushrooms, as well as the exchange of prey - with other tribes.

    ancient man together with other animals, he fled from the fire in fear. But then there was a daredevil who began to use the fire left by natural phenomena as a result of thunderstorms, volcanic eruptions, forest fires. Man has not yet been able to make fire himself. And so the big problem was the preservation of fire. The loss of fire was tantamount to the death of the whole family. Later, man learned to make fire, and fire saved him during the period of cooling on Earth. He began to use fire for cooking. He could fry a piece of meat on it, bake root crops on coals and take them out in time so that they do not burn out. Fire gave man what is not in nature.

    Within each tribe, certain customs and rules of behavior developed. Living in caves, they painted on the walls. They sculpted from clay or carved people and animals out of stone, decorated dishes. Perhaps they wanted to depict the world in which they lived.

    5. Conclusion.

    primeval history lasted hundreds, thousands of years. During this time, people settled on all continents except Antarctica. They appeared on the territory of our country about half a million years ago.

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