Introduction to the art of kindergarten. Introduction to art through reading

Majority educational programs for schoolchildren and preschoolers contains a block, dedicated to art. During the training, children not only master the basic skills of drawing, modeling, appliqué and other types of creativity, but also get acquainted with the history of fine arts, with famous masterpieces different times and periods, learn to see the works of great masters.

The main goal of introducing children to art is the development of their aesthetic perception. Children develop and develop an interest in various works, the perception and understanding of the beautiful is formed, the imagination develops. In addition, through art objects, children get acquainted with new objects and phenomena for them, learn to distinguish between good and evil, they form a moral core.

Familiarization of children with art should begin with a fairly early age. Aesthetic education is included in the program of the younger kindergarten group, which corresponds to the age of three.

In classes with kids, the main task of the teacher is to draw their attention to a picture, sculpture or other work and keep it. Kids are more likely to be interested in paintings if the teacher manages to awaken their imagination, include the kids in the game. For example, you can ask them to imagine themselves in the place of the characters in the picture, discuss what each of them would do in the place of the depicted character, what emotions they experienced, what words they would describe their condition. In general, get the child to talk about himself in the depicted situation.

Another technique that can attract the attention of kids to a work of art is to organize a competition game. For example, who will notice more details, who will list more familiar colors, shades or objects presented in the picture, and so on. Such a game develops observation in children, stimulates their cognitive activity, teaches them to formulate and express their thoughts.

Getting to know children's art younger age it must be remembered that the baby may be interested only in a work with an interesting plot, and even then not for long. Therefore, for studying aesthetic development V junior group entertaining pictures should be chosen, and the lesson itself must necessarily take place in a playful way and should not stretch for a long time so that the kids do not get tired and lose interest. The optimal duration of the lesson is 15-20 minutes.

Children of the next age group 5-6 years old are able to hold attention longer and perceive works of art with different plots, and not just entertaining ones. Older preschool children have a better developed imagination, they know more about objects and phenomena. Describing the plot of the picture, they can build their own assumptions about the development of the plot, imagine different directions for future or previous events.

At this age, children are actively introduced to surrounding nature and show great interest in landscapes. They can describe the depicted season, weather, imagine their feelings. In the classroom, children of 5-6 years old can already answer questions about what kind of colors the artist chose for a particular weather, season, time of day and how his choice can be explained, they are already able to pay attention to the basic techniques that allow depicting wind, snowfall, sunlight, rain and other similar phenomena. After getting acquainted with the work of art, children can be invited to use the appropriate visual techniques in their drawings.

Classes with 5-6 year olds can last longer - from 30 to 40 minutes and are a conversation about a work of fine art. At the same time, to consolidate the impressions, the picture must be shown repeatedly. Looking at the picture again, children notice more details, which helps to better understand the plot. In the classroom, the skills of storytelling about a picture are instilled, children learn to formulate their thoughts, as well as use comparison when describing works, express their impressions of a particular work.

The task of the teacher in the classroom aesthetic education for older preschoolers - leading questions to bring children to understanding storyline works, visual techniques, characters characters. In addition, based on the results of the dialogue with the group, the teacher makes a final generalized judgment about the work.

Introducing children to arts and crafts implies familiarity with traditional household items. Children learn why and how a particular thing was used, try to use it themselves. In addition, the teacher encourages children to consider decorative patterns, explains symbolic meaning individual elements of the ornament. You should pay attention to the repeatability of patterns and individual elements on different objects, tell what traditional ways of decorating things are typical for different regions of Russia.

In the classes devoted to traditional folk crafts, children master the basic principles of constructing an ornament, learn how to correctly perform repeating elements. Samples for children's modeling and painting can be traditional dishes, toys and other household items.

In addition to educational and creative pursuits, introducing children to art involves visiting a variety of exhibitions of paintings, sculpture, folk art and so on. Guided tours are available for older children from the age of five. Exhibition exhibits, the viewing of which is accompanied by explanations of the guide, reinforce the knowledge and skills gained in the classroom on aesthetic education.


Modeling lessons

For children's creativity two main materials are used - clay and plasticine. Each of them has its own characteristics in work, advantages and disadvantages.

Art ... Perhaps this is the most important indicator of the level of development of society. What does each person need to know the author's intention? How much attention should be paid to the details independent study art? S. Lvov reflects on this very problem.

The question of the need for self-development in art is very relevant, since in our time many young people ignore the great cultural heritage.

This problem is a socio-philosophical one. Such a conclusion can be drawn due to the fact that art exists only in society, and it is through creativity that people try to understand the world. The raised problem is considered on the example of the life of students of the Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature, who were engaged in self-development. The author draws attention to the fact that young people received most of the knowledge about art through own will, voluntarily attending theaters, literary evenings. S. Lvov notes with chagrin that sometimes a person may feel embarrassed when talking about a certain type of creativity due to ignorance.

My position is confirmed by experience fiction. Many writers have raised this topic in their works. For example, in the book by R. Bradbury "451 degrees Fahrenheit" art is completely deleted from the life of society, but some heroes, thanks to books, have the opportunity to get acquainted with great works on their own.

This is also mentioned in the work of M. Vladi "Vladimir, or Interrupted Flight." Vysotsky and his wife visited exhibitions, museums, concerts all their lives, got acquainted with the art of the whole world.

Thus, in order to study and understand the work of musicians, writers, artists, it is necessary to make maximum efforts and attention. Self-education in art is necessary, because it is thanks to the knowledge of culture that a person enriches his inner world.

Updated: 2017-02-22

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The dacha first aid kit must contain antipyretic and analgesic drugs for children, allergy medications, external antiseptics (“brilliant green”, hydrogen peroxide), activated charcoal, vasoconstrictor nasal drops, as well as a bandage, adhesive plaster, cotton wool and a thermometer.

At what age can you start talking with a child about cultural values, about art? It seems to some parents that this is the business of the school, respectively, before the first grade it is not worth even trying, because the child will not understand anything anyway. The main thing is that at home he learned to read, write and count.

If the kid likes to draw, then the house must have paints and brushes. Of course, this is not so. To art, like to everything else, a child needs to be taught. And the sooner this process begins, the better. Of course, in the first year of life, the baby is not yet able to appreciate the beauty of the works of Renaissance artists or admire the literary genius of Pushkin. But let's remember what always attracts the attention of a baby who is not yet able to speak? Items different colors. Which The best way to lull an unwilling baby to sleep? Sing him a lullaby. It turns out that from the very early years a small person is able to react to works of art, albeit in his own way for the time being. The task of parents is to eventually teach the child to do this consciously and enjoy it.

Someone may ask: why does a child need this at all? The answer is simple and obvious - art is another way of knowing the world. Listening to classical music, the child learns to comprehend harmony, considering famous paintings, he perceives color painting and composition, reading poetry, he reveals new possibilities of the language. In addition, art is inextricably linked with the history of mankind. Studying with your child works of art(in the broad sense of the word), based on historical plots, parents can tell the baby about interesting, important facts from past. Thus, the horizons, erudition and lexicon child.

If the child likes music more, then you can record it in music school Sooner or later there will come a time when little man you will definitely want to move from contemplation to creation. Simply put, he will feel the need not only to admire other people's paintings, but also to create his own. Don't just listen to strangers musical works but also compose your own. Parents need to be supportive during this time. Work with him at home, enroll him in the appropriate circle or section. If the kid likes to draw more, then the house must have paints, brushes, colored pencils and plenty of paper. You can buy a set of postcards with reproductions for your child famous artists, consider them together, ask which pictures the baby likes more and why. Of course, we should not forget about the benefits of visiting museums. It is only necessary to explain to the child in advance all the rules of behavior in such a place. Or you can call on the computer and the Internet for help: some museums have long created their own sites, which have wonderful virtual tours.

If the child likes music more, then you can enroll him in a music school even before entering general education. The main thing is that the kid decides on the choice of the instrument on which he wants to learn how to play. At home, among other things, it must sound classical music. Sooner or later, the child will decide on his favorite composers, then the parents will be able to tell him the life stories of these great people. Of course, modern musical works will also be present in the life of the baby. But vaccinated from childhood good taste will allow the child to weed out the very mediocre "creations" and enjoy professional work real musicians and authors.

Art is endless an important part our lives, and the child must feel and understand this from childhood.

Initiation to art can take place both in a spacious, purpose-built building, and within four walls, and under open sky. Do they show the audience another film, do they conduct drama club classes, amateur choir or a mug fine arts- in all this the fire of creativity must and can live for a long time.


The formation of personality is influenced by many factors: the influence of society, the direct desire of a person for a particular type of activity, and, importantly, the environment in which it is located.

In this text, S.L. Lvov invites us to think about the problem of the role of loved ones in the development of a person.
Turning to the topic, the narrator gives as an example a case from his life, when the environment in which he found himself was able to instill in him a love for serious music. Main character encountered a situation in which the company creative people who are fond of music, he had to "hide in a corner and suffer" - after all, this hobby was for him like "a book with seven seals." However, the young man did not want to deceive himself and pretend to be a connoisseur, just as he did not want to “stand in the pose” of a person who threw hobbies for their inflexibility. In the end, the friends “didn’t give up, didn’t exclude them from listening to music”, and also didn’t harm the hero with a word - they helped their friend break himself and become a connoisseur of serious music, which they themselves were, - “It wasn’t enough for them to enjoy themselves. They wanted to attach me to their understanding, to their joy.

I fully agree with the opinion of the publicist and also believe that the environment plays an important role in the life of each of us. It has a huge impact, both positive and negative, on the formation of personality: it determines our habits, attitudes, hobbies, behavioral characteristics and moral qualities.

In the work of D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth", the author, using the example of one family, shows how the environment affects the formation of a person. The key in the comedy is the image of Prostakova - wife, mother, mistress. This is a hypocritical, mercantile, greedy, evil, rude and at the same time very stupid woman-tyrant. We learn about this from how she flatters for her own sake, how she communicates with serfs, taking everything from them to the skin, takes advantage of Sophia's orphanage, how she treats family members, and, most importantly, how she treats her son. Growing up in an atmosphere of evil, rudeness, tyranny, stupidity and, moreover, overly loved by his mother, Mitrofanushka is the ideal of a spoiled, stupid, incapable person who will only get worse with time. At the end of the comedy, the writer “taunts” the Prostakov family and leaves them “with nothing” for his greed and cunning, and punishes the most negative heroine with the betrayal of his son, who, as expected from the very beginning, turned out to be even worse than his mother.

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" A.S. Pushkin describes the Larin family to us. The author in the novel confronts two around the world: the world of high urban society and patriarchal world villages - the Larin family is a typical representative second type. A.S. Pushkin describes in detail the image main character, from which we can see not only the author's endless sympathy for the girl, but also Tatyana's pure, sincere, unspoiled character. She, although she grew up in the village, far from educated people and generally recognized cultural property, is a smart, outstanding nature, and this is thanks to her upbringing. The author, describing the head of the family, calls him a "good fellow", a good neighbor, a good husband and father. Tatyana's mother, like her father, had an ordinary life and hobbies typical of that time: she was interested in fashion, and romance novels were her constant companions. An atmosphere of calm and silence reigned in the family, in which Tatyana could calmly engage in self-development, sometimes opening her soul to a wise nanny. She also played an important role in the formation of the “man” in Tatiana, it was from her that the girl absorbed the wisdom of a Russian woman. Moving along the plot of the novel, we see that the established character of the main character could not be spoiled either by moving to the city or Savor- the girl remained herself to the last and in any situation retained her self-esteem.

Thus, we can conclude that in order to form a strong, intelligent, morally pure personality, it is very important to be in the right environment - after all, it directly affects the formation of a person.
