Why dream of eating fruit in a dream. Eat exotic fruits

Seeing rotten fruits and vegetables in a dream is a warning from above. What you see means the extremely damaged reputation of the dreamer and his friends. Most likely, you will be drawn into someone's fraud and will not be able to influence the situation if you dreamed that you had a chance to eat spoiled food. Urgently look into the dream book to clarify what rotten dreams are for.

Miller's Dream Book Signals

Psychologists suggest: if you dreamed of spoiled food, look for a person in your circles who will soon betray and leave for rivals. Seeing rot, a wormhole in a dream, cutting them off apples, pears, tangerines - to conduct a complete check and cleansing in the ranks of colleagues and partners.

Miller's dream book, revealing what rotten fruits and vegetables dream of, focuses on the following nuances:

  • collect in the garden - to promote a dubious project;;
  • buy, accept as a gift - to an insult to an old friend;
  • eat yourself, treat friends - to poisoning;
  • burying in foliage or in the ground - to identify a dishonest person in your circle.

Don't fall victim to scammers

Seeing fragrant, but at the same time rotten fruits is a hint of the subconscious: you are moving in the wrong direction. A dream means that there is a risk of becoming a participant in a fraudulent plan. If you dreamed that the fruits smelled bad, beware - someone clearly wants to drag you into a case that goes against the law.

Psychologists, comparing what spoiled pears and apples dream of, do not see a fundamental difference in interpretations famous dream books. This is due to the fact that products that smell bad in a dream symbolize only “dark deeds”.

Make time for physical activity

Vanga's dream book, when interpreting sleep, refers to a signal from above that there is a risk of poisoning. The healer clearly defines what spoiled vegetables dream of. It turns out that the body warns the dreamer about a glut of unnecessary elements and minerals.

Most often, what you see in a dream reports an excess of alcohol, drugs, and medicines. It looks like it's time to go on a diet, go in for sports, fitness, if you dreamed of rotten and musty fruits. It is even better if you manage to change the climate at least for a while, go to the sea or to the mountains.

Learn to forgive loved ones

Seeing rotten fruits on the ground, burying them in a dream - to the timely detection of a traitor in your team. The dream interpretation says that the person himself will show cowardice and give himself away. Any unseemly act committed in the coming days will be revealed, and the guilty will be punished.

Such products that appeared in a dream may reflect the state of mind of the sleeping person himself or the attitude of the people around him. So why dream Exotic fruits man or woman? The interpretation of sleep with exotic fruits is published below.

What if you dream of exotic fruits?

In general, exotic fruits that appear in a dream most often turn out to be a symbol of joyful changes that the sleeper has been dreaming about for a very long time. What they turn out to be depends on the details of the dream. For example, if a person in night dreams admires delicious exotic fruits hanging on trees, then the sleeping person will finally be able to change the financial situation of his family in better side. Interestingly, wealth will literally fall on his head. Can't rule out a chance big win casino or lottery. Of course, for this there is no need to go to slot machines. It is enough just to wait and continue to lead a normal life.

If exotic fruits have already been collected from trees and neatly stacked in baskets or boxes, then the dreamer will have favorable changes thanks to a new promising acquaintance. Some stranger will provide the sleeping person with invaluable help.

If on the table in a dream there was a beautiful cut of assorted exotic fruits, then it can be considered a harbinger of pleasant guests or a meeting with old friends with whom the sleeper had long divorced life. Such an event will bring the dreamer a lot of joy.

If not the ripe fruits themselves were in front of the sleeper, but only the skins, bones and leftovers from them, he himself probably experiences a strong sexual hunger. Most likely, a person has long needed intimate caresses and craves erotic pleasure. To bring the long-awaited event closer to you, you do not need to sit back. You should finally break away from work or the TV screen and go outside - to meet new acquaintances and sexual adventures.

The plot of the dream, in which exotic fruits appeared, will turn out to be a negative harbinger only if the fruits are rotten, dirty and unattractive. Such objects dream of the appearance of envious people and ill-wishers who will constantly try to put sticks in the wheels of the sleeper.

An exotic fruit of bright red color will tell you that a new sexual partner will appear in the dreamer's life. If the person is married or love relationships, do not succumb to momentary weakness.

What portends?

Often the interpretation of a dream also depends on the state of the fruit. If exotic fruits are badly eaten by worms, then this is also not the most best sign. The dream portends the sleeping man the appearance of envious people. Moreover, they will not only silently observe the dreamer's successes, but also try to somehow disrupt all his plans. It is very important to identify such people in time and try to permanently remove them from your immediate environment.

If exotic fruits look underripe, or a person even tries them and realizes that the fruits are too hard or sour, then most likely it will not be easy for him to achieve his goals. To succeed, a person will have to work long and hard, not paying attention to the obstacles encountered on the way. If it is too difficult to cope with all the problems that arise on your own, you can turn to friends and relatives for help. Surely close people will gladly take part in the dreamer's life.

In most cases, exotic fruits seen in a dream turn out to be positive harbingers. But this applies to those cases when the fruits turned out to be ripe, juicy and appetizing. If they are dirty, rotten, unripe or wormy, the interpretation changes dramatically. Under such conditions, the plot may portend the appearance of enemies to the sleeper.

To dream of fruits ripening among the leaves usually predicts a prosperous future. Green fruits mean vain efforts and rash acts.

If a young woman eats a fruit in a dream, this portends her moral decline and loss of inheritance. There are fruits in a dream - an unfavorable dream.

Buying or selling fruits means large, but unprofitable deals.

Seeing or eating a ripe fruit promises you unreliable luck and pleasure.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

Seeing fruits in a dream

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline. However, in some cases, this symbol can also be viewed through the prism of the concept of FOOD. Therefore, it is important to determine under what circumstances the fruits were dreamed of.

Did you offer fruit to anyone, or, conversely, did someone offer fruit to you?

Perhaps the appearance of a certain fruit in a dream is related to its recent appearance in your real life?

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

What do dreams mean Fruits

Dreams about fruits are interpreted depending on which fruit was dreamed of. But to see in a dream a lot of different fruits, both English and imported, means an unlimited increase in wealth, a pleasant marriage with a wealthy spouse, a large and happy family. Different fruits have different interpretations in dreams.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does Fruit mean in a dream

Fruits - Seeing, eating - to strengthen fortitude, optimism, energy, which will bring success in different areas life; see which ones F. Dried fruits - you succumb to pessimism, but it is in your power to perk up again and turn from a loser into a prosperous person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

Meaning of dreams Fruits

Fruits - If you dreamed that you were eating fruits, then you will know the joy and excitement of meeting a pleasant man who will give you love, affection and tenderness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

What does Fruit mean in a dream

To see a set table, on which a wide variety of fruits are found in abundance, means that in the near future you will have to plunge into the sea of ​​​​carnal pleasures.

Do not be afraid of your feelings, try to give them the most complete outlet.

Throw away all doubts and fears if you buy fruits: in real life, you crave a love affair.

But don't rush.

Try to understand your feelings and desires, take a closer look at others and, as soon as you are convinced of the seriousness of the person’s intentions, you can respond to his feelings.

If you hold out a fruit to someone, in reality you will take an active part in the fate of this person.

If this is a representative of the opposite sex, then, most likely, you will begin an affair with him, which can lead to marriage.

However, in this case you should take the initiative, if you do not, the novel will end in nothing.

If you give the fruit to your friend, soon you will try to arrange his personal life.

Maybe you will help him get acquainted with the subject of passion or find him a worthy pair.

In any case, your intervention will be beneficial.

Pluck fruit: a dream suggests that now a bright streak has come for you in life, everything will work out for you without the slightest effort on your part.

Even the wildest dreams can come true.

Do not waste time and try to take advantage of this favorable moment for you.

By the way, this time is the best suited for the device of personal happiness.

It is possible that a recent acquaintance will develop into a stronger union and lead to marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Longo

Interpretation of sleep Fruit

Ripe fruits - to prosperity in the future. Green fruits are a sign of vain efforts and rash acts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation "Food"

What does it mean to see Fruit in a dream

The fruits presented in all their variety on the dining table in your dream symbolize the anticipation of something new and very pleasant. You are probably expecting to receive an expensive gift from your partner soon. However, this may be a long-awaited meeting after a long separation, a desire to enjoy all the joys of love and sex. Eating any fruit in a dream is a sign that your cherished desires will be fulfilled.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate dream book

Interpretation of sleep Fruit

If you dreamed of fruits on a tree, among the foliage, then you have a future ahead of you, which you can only envy. You will be successful, especially in business. Unripe fruits are a symbol of your frivolity and haste. At the same time, you need to wait a bit for your dreams to come true. If you eat fruits in a dream, then depending on their taste, either pleasant events (sweet fruits) or sorrows and feelings, repentance (sour, bitter fruits) await you. Buying or selling fruit symbolizes activity in business, which is not always able to bring the expected profit.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Men

Dream Meaning Fruit

To dream of fruits ripening among the leaves is a sign of prosperity and success in the future. Unripe, green fruits mean vain efforts and rash acts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

See Fruit in a dream

See also Fruits.

The meaning of sleep depends on the type of fruit, but in general sleep is favorable.

Imagine ripe, juicy fruits. You pick them right off the tree and put them in baskets.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Sleep Prediction Fruit

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline.

Seeing in a dream the fruits ripening among the leaves, you can safely count on prosperity and secure old age.

Green fruits mean that your labors will be in vain.

If a young woman dreamed that she was eating some kind of fruit, then she could lose her inheritance.

The dream in which you bought or sold fruit means big, but not particularly profitable deals.

I dreamed that they saw or ate a ripened fruit - luck and the pleasures received will be unreliable.

In general, eating fruits in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Ripe fruits dream of prosperity in the future.

Overripe fruits are a sign of vain efforts and rash acts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

What is the dream of Fruit

This is a symbolic reflection of your desires, as well as the ability to realize them.

Different fruits: have different meanings, as described in the relevant articles.

In general, strong, ripe and not too heavy fruits: portend you reliable success.

Fruits with a thin skin and loose or overly juicy pulp: this is a sign of temptations and disappointments.

At the same time, juicy fruits with a strong and beautiful skin in a dream: portend you joy.

Unripe fruits: warn that your haste can damage your plans.

Interpretation of dreams from

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline.

Seeing in a dream the fruits ripening among the leaves, you can safely count on prosperity and secure old age.

Green fruits mean that your labors will be in vain.

If a young woman dreamed that she was eating some kind of fruit, then she could lose her inheritance.

The dream in which you bought or sold fruit means big, but not particularly profitable deals.

I dreamed that they saw or ate a ripened fruit - luck and the pleasures received will be unreliable.

In general, eating fruits in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Ripe fruits dream of prosperity in the future.

Overripe fruits are a sign of vain efforts and rash acts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Fruits

To see a set table, on which a wide variety of fruits are found in abundance, means that in the near future you will have to plunge into the sea of ​​​​carnal pleasures.

Do not be afraid of your feelings, try to give them the most complete outlet.

Throw away all doubts and fears if you buy fruits: in real life, you crave a love affair.

But don't rush.

Try to understand your feelings and desires, take a closer look at others and, as soon as you are convinced of the seriousness of the person’s intentions, you can respond to his feelings.

If you hold out a fruit to someone, in reality you will take an active part in the fate of this person.

If this is a representative of the opposite sex, then, most likely, you will begin an affair with him, which can lead to marriage.

However, in this case, you should take the initiative, if you do not, the novel will end in nothing.

If you give the fruit to your friend, soon you will try to arrange his personal life.

Maybe you will help him get acquainted with the subject of passion or find him a worthy pair.

In any case, your intervention will be beneficial.

Pluck fruit: a dream suggests that now a bright streak has come for you in life, everything will work out for you without the slightest effort on your part.

Even the wildest dreams can come true.

Do not waste time and try to take advantage of this favorable moment for you.

By the way, this time is the best suited for the device of personal happiness.

It is possible that a recent acquaintance will develop into a stronger union and lead to marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dreams bring a certain variety to a person's life.

You can see various storylines. Thanks to them, you can get answers to long-standing questions.

Why fruits dream - it’s worth figuring out.

Why do fruits dream - the main interpretation

Summertime always pleases us with a huge amount of delicious and juicy fruits. But in a dream, fruits can appear to a person not only in summer, but at any time of the year. Such dreams indicate that a person has long lacked bright colors in life and a holiday of the soul. If you see in a dream a garden strewn with various fruits, your troubles will soon end, and a period of gifts and joyful events will come in life. Be sure to allow yourself such a vacation that you have long dreamed of, otherwise life will lose its charm.

Seeing in a dream how fruits appear from small inflorescences - such a dream suggests that soon you will really receive a reward for your overwork. In order for this to happen, you only need to wait, everything else you have already done.

If you dream of fruits that ripen among the foliage - such a dream suggests that you will become a successful and sought-after person - there is very little time left before your triumph.

If the fruits in a dream are not ripe, or even green, you should be wary of rash and impulsive actions, otherwise you will lose not only your position in society, but also the trust of your best friends. If you eat fruits in a dream, this is a sign of negative changes. So, everything you planned will collapse in one day. If you buy or sell fruits in a dream, in reality you will also enter into various transactions, but not all of them will be profitable.

Why dream of fruits in an erotic dream book

According to the erotic dream book, fruits are forbidden desires and thoughts that a person so wants to translate into reality. You need to be very careful with them, because they do not always lead to the right decisions and conclusions. Sometimes erotic desires make a person do rash acts.

If a young girl dreams of fruits on the table, she should expect the disclosure of existing relationships. They will reach a new level and give her a lot of new and intriguing things. The merit of this is her partner, so you need to pay yourself young man enough time.

If the fruits on the table are beautiful and fragrant, the girl is waiting for a variety of meetings and dates, especially if she does not dare to try the fruits in a dream. If the fruits are rotten and spoiled, she will be involved in dubious relationships that will not give her anything good, only disappoint.

If a girl happily tastes fruits in a dream, she will receive in reality the realization of all her hidden fantasies. But if a young man dreams about how he enjoys a lot of delicious fruits - in reality he will have no end to fans, but such relationships will not bring him happiness, he will continue to search for one single life partner. The dream interpretation tells the young man that in fact the problem is in himself. He is sprayed into many options, while neglecting the only one and so necessary to him.

If a pregnant girl dreams about how she eats fruit, the birth will be successful and everything will be fine with the health of the baby. If she dreams that the fruit is rotten inside, it is necessary to further examine the body, because an unpleasant disease is coming.

A young girl tramples fruits with her feet in a dream - her sexual desires prevail over feelings, so she attracts partners who are not ready to build a strong relationship with her. If she sees how painstakingly she picks fruit from trees, she will be fully focused on reaping the fruits of the labor invested in the relationship. She's not in vain for a long time tried for the sake of the existing union, now she can safely enjoy the results of building relationships.

Why do fruits dream according to a psychoanalytic dream book

If you dream of a green apple, then it's time to think about the fact that you devote little time to your inner spiritual development. you are more busy external factors that rule your life. Green apple symbolizes a connection with the primordial forces of nature, and it gives a hint to a person - all the answers are hidden in himself. If now you have a difficult situation in life, if you have accumulated problems - do not wait for help from outside, look deep into yourself and get all the answers from there.

If you dream of a banana - your sexual energy suffers, it is not open, not developed. You should pay more attention to revealing your sexuality, otherwise you will face problems not only in your personal life, but also with your health. Due to the stagnation of sexual energy, the genitals can suffer, negative things can accumulate in them and thereby provoke various diseases.

If in a dream the fruits are spoiled and black, then you should be afraid not only for physical, but also for mental health and well-being. You have devoted so much time to other people that you completely forgot about yourself and your needs. You need to urgently engage in self-improvement, otherwise you will completely lose the taste of life.

Why do fruits dream according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that fruits are dreamed of as personifications of sexual relations. A person has a huge energy and sexual potential if he uses fruits in a dream in order to get the location of the opposite sex.

Banana represents male sexuality. If a lonely woman dreams of a bunch of yellow bananas, she is ready to start a new relationship, she is in search of a variety of emotions and sensations. But if she has a bunch of green bananas in her hands, she is not mentally ready to let someone new into her life, whom she did not know yet.

If a man dreams of peaches, he is ready and open for a relationship, but if they are small or green, it is too early for him to start a relationship with the chosen woman, he needs time to mature himself to a full-fledged sexual and spiritual relationship.

Why dream of fruits in other dream books

Miller's dream book says that fruits dream of as harbingers of a bright future in prosperity and goodness. If the fruits are green, efforts to improve life and problem situations will be empty. A person will commit rash acts one after another and this will lead his life to failure.

If in a dream a young girl eats fruits and cannot get enough of them, she should be more prudent and careful in her desires. Her ambitions only harm her, she cannot control the flow of her thoughts and her desires, she is too aggressive and impulsive if the fruit in her hands spoils.

There are fruits - to trouble, depending on the amount of fruit eaten in a dream, more destructive and less destructive troubles will appear in life;

Buying or selling fruit - to unprofitable deals, contracts, agreements;

To see how another eats fruit is to envy someone else's happiness and good luck.

Why do fruits dream esoteric dream book? The nm says that if you dream of a fruit basket on your own doorstep, someone is plotting against you, but at the same time will try to appease and deceive you.

To dream about how children eat fruits is to want to change your life dramatically. In order for this to work, it is worth remembering your past experience Or find an intelligent adviser. If you dream of fruits that rot sharply, look for an enemy among your friends. But do not forget that, most likely, you yourself provoked the negative. You did not pay due attention to the person and did not attach importance to his needs, put your needs above him. Now he is just taking revenge on you for the fact that you have deprived him of love.

Whatever the dream is, this is just a hint of the subconscious mind that can help change real life in the right key. You should not delve into negative thoughts if a dream promises problems and illnesses, the best option will be looking for a way out of the impasse.
