Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream is an interpretation of all known dream books. What does it mean to see yourself pregnant with a belly in a dream

Such a dream can mean chores, complicated plans, or unbearable living conditions. Wangi's dream book writes that complications await you in a relationship with a man or a young man.

However, to see an interesting position in a dream often predicts troubles, illnesses, burdened by difficult life circumstances. And since pregnancy different women perceive differently, then the meaning of the same dream will not be the same for a young person who is afraid to “fly in” or a married person who dreams of having a baby.

This is how the dream book interprets the appearance of such a plot in various situations. To understand why you dream of pregnancy with a big belly, pay attention to the dreamer's age, readiness to become a mother. This is how the dream book interprets such an incident in a dream.

Young girl under 18 and older

The beginning of a sexual life can lead not only to joy, but also to fears and fears, one of which is pregnancy and everything connected with it. Vanga's dream book writes briefly that after such a dream, expect complications and troubles. However, any dream about pregnancy that a completely young girl sees can be interpreted as:

Girls aged 20 and over

Why dream of seeing yourself as a pregnant modern lady should be judged by how she herself perceives this state.

Be married woman why dream? If she really wants to become a mother, but it doesn’t work out, then the modern dream book writes that her hopes will fail this time too. Most likely, the desired will not happen.

If a girl sees herself pregnant from the outside and does not want this condition, then the dream book writes that she will soon have a health problem or a danger to her life. However, being pregnant, enjoying this state and feeling easy, why dream? The dream interpretation writes that the girl will be obsessed with some plans and ideas that will not be easy to implement. However, she will try to do so.

Why dream of seeing yourself as a pregnant woman who cannot have children in reality and does not want to? Or the onset of such a state in this cycle is impossible?

The dream book writes that in the near future she will be very concerned about her state of health or some unpleasant things. The dream interpretation writes why such a dream is dreaming - expect trouble. Often, if she already has children, trouble will happen to them.

Seeing yourself pregnant with a belly to a woman who has lost a child is a new pregnancy. It will happen very soon and will bring joy to her and her husband.

Sleep is a special state brain activity, which has not yet been fully explored by science. folk wisdom states that certain dreams can tell a person about future events if the signals given through this process are correctly interpreted.

Why see yourself in a pregnant dream

Any vision during sleep is an implicit display of thoughts, plans, feelings, desires and other elements of a person's daily existence, projected through the prism of the space-time continuum.

Beyond the classical interpretation various dream books specific phenomenon, it is necessary to take into account all the features of the dreamer himself, his preferences, aspirations and other factors that will help to more accurately interpret what he saw.

Own pregnancy in a dream is interpreted differently in the relevant literature:

  • According to Freud's dream book own pregnancy may mean that soon the fair sex will also carry a child under her heart. An alternative version is dissatisfaction with your soulmate, as well as an early meeting of a new candidate for life partners. If a man dreams of his own pregnancy, then this indicates his readiness to play a paternal role, or a deterioration in relations with his soulmate, up to a complete break;
  • According to Vanga, to see yourself in an interesting position means an increase in the chances of having twins for married women or dishonesty of a man for unmarried women;
  • Loff's dream book interprets this vision as the absence of obstacles to a real pregnancy and the willingness to become a mother in women, or the lack of self-confidence and reproductive capacity in men;
  • For women in an interesting position who dreamed of their own pregnancy, the vision signals a future successful birth.

Seeing a pregnant girlfriend in a dream - what is it for

According to domestic modern dream book to see an unfamiliar pregnant girl in a dream means to incur gossip, gossip and even deceit.

Noble collection Grishina interprets this vision differently - unknown woman in an interesting position means the growth of the economy and future prosperity. If she dreams of an old woman or an old man - there will be a big trouble for health, but if a man - changes are coming in the family.

A pregnant relative who dreamed of a girl according to the biblical dream book of Azar means getting into trouble or worries. For older women, younger pregnant relatives indicate imminent addition in the family.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridian claims that a dreaming girlfriend in an interesting position indicates a delay in affairs, or the emergence of new obstacles to their rapid implementation. According to the Veles books, a dreaming pregnant girlfriend will soon have big changes in her life, associated with numerous minor troubles.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer claims that a pregnant relative or girlfriend in a dream for a rich woman means future financial difficulties, for a poor woman - an improvement in her financial situation and the distribution of all debts.

Interpretation of pregnancy according to Miller's dream book

  • Seeing yourself pregnant is good luck and wealth for ordinary poor girls, and ruin for the rich;
  • If a married man sees himself pregnant in a dream, then he will soon divorce;
  • A single man who dreamed of his own pregnancy will have a new chance to find a girl;
  • For seriously ill patients, any dream about pregnant women means a deterioration in health, up to death;

This article is often read:

  • For virgins, a dreaming woman in an interesting position promises dishonor, and a sleeping woman who saw her own conception will be unhappy with her husband;
  • Girls in an interesting position sometimes also dream of pregnancy - both their own and those of their friends and acquaintances. IN this case vision signals future good birth without complications, as well as the birth of a healthy baby;
  • For a person (woman or man) sitting in places of detention, a pregnant woman in a dream promises an early release.

The meaning of pregnancy in a dream according to Freud

Sigmund Freud was not only a unique psychologist, but also a good compiler of dream books - in them he briefly but very succinctly interpreted dreams in the context of subconscious aspirations and experiences.

According to this specialist, a dream of a pregnant girl for the fair sex means the impossibility of overcoming psychological difficulties. If she sees herself in this role, this is a direct indication of the need to build Serious relationships with a man.

For a man, a dream of an unfamiliar pregnant woman is clearly a bad sign: a dream signals big problems in her personal life. If a pregnant woman dreams of his soulmate, this is a suppressed desire to have a child from her.

Why dream of pregnancy according to Vanga's dream book

Vanga, being still not too sick, with the help of her relatives, managed to compile her own dream book. About dreams related to pregnancy, there are only a few lines.

According to an authoritative fortune teller, a married woman's own pregnancy portends the imminent conception of a child. For virgin girls, such a dream shows the dishonesty of a man who this moment is next to her, his possible betrayal.

If the fair sex dreamed of an unfamiliar pregnant woman, then this may indicate big changes in life, both positive and negative. An acquaintance or girlfriend in an interesting position - financial difficulties, bad news from relatives, future serious trials.

Touch the belly of a pregnant woman in a dream

Most dream books claim that stroking and touching the belly of an unfamiliar pregnant woman in a dream means pleasant chores and an easy long-awaited trip and career advancement.

If a girl has recently married, then such a dream indicates future unexpected pleasant events - from receiving an inheritance to her own pregnancy.

men, which touch the belly of the fair sex in an interesting position, the vision promises the stabilization of business affairs, as well as the establishment of relationships with the other half.

For patients, regardless of gender, given event promises future recovery.

Childbirth in a dream: meaning according to different dream books

In most dream books given character denotes a good future event, one way or another having a positive meaning.

Velesov dream book claims that to see other people's childbirth - to joy, to give birth on your own - to wealth. If the delivery is difficult and with blood, then there will be a dispute or failure.

Dream Interpretation of Medea claims that childbirth in a dream is a symbol of new ideas and approaches, hope for the future. It is successful for both women and men, the only exception is young girls. To them, in a dream they promise a warning about random negative relationships.

According to Freud, this sign in a dream promises an early pregnancy (if you have given birth), or meeting new people (if you did). In men, the prediction is not so rosy and promises problems after extramarital affairs.

Modern adapted dream books, in general, interpret dreams of childbirth in a positive way. So accepting them is a pleasant surprise. Give birth on your own family happiness and quick success. A miscarriage indicates the beginning of a new path.

The meaning of sleep with a pregnancy test

In most cases, a pregnancy test for women seen in a dream means receiving good news, sometimes the birth of a new life, especially if a woman really wants a child.

For men, a dream with such a scenario indicates the sexual and emotional maturation of the representative of the stronger sex and his readiness to raise a child.

Positive result, seen on a strip by a virgin, may mean future reputation problems, while for older women this is the future significant event, perhaps the birth of a grandson or granddaughter. A pregnant woman who dreams of this device with a positive result needs to prepare for an early birth, which will take place without complications.

Negative test result for women- these are upcoming exciting events, possibly unpleasant. For men, a negative result promises problems in the current business - it is necessary to try to get around all the difficulties, in extreme cases, to abandon the chosen path.

A dream about pregnancy portends troublesome business associated with new plans.

A dream in which you will see a beautiful pregnant woman, and be surprised, portends you an unexpected profit, which will be very useful, although you will have to work hard to get it.

If the pregnant woman in your dream is ugly, and you were unpleasantly surprised, then you will have a lot of trouble and excitement. See interpretation: childbirth, midwife, nanny.

For young women, a dream in which they see themselves pregnant predicts happiness in love, overshadowed by disagreements with their lover or spouse; for old women, such a dream threatens ill health; and for the sick, death.

If in a dream a woman feels pregnant and gives birth to a son, then she will be successful in all matters.

For the rest, especially the sick, such a dream predicts a lot of trouble, and for the seriously ill, a quick death.

For people who have a lot of debt, such a dream can predict some relief in their situation.

If you have secrets, then you should be afraid that they do not become known, and if you yourself want to know something, then the dream predicts that you will have an opportunity to satisfy your curiosity.

For girls, a dream about pregnancy predicts that shame and dishonor awaits them.

If a young and pregnant woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, then the dream predicts a lot of trouble and worries for her.

For everyone else, a dream about pregnancy promises that their life will be filled with excitement and bold plans.

If in a dream you see your friend pregnant, then grief and sadness await you.

If a man dreams that he is pregnant, and he is unpleasantly surprised in a dream, then he will face many disappointments and failures.

Under certain circumstances, such a dream may portend to a married man that he will soon lose his wife or she will no longer be able to give birth to children.

For a single man, such a dream predicts quick marriage if he actually thinks about it.

Seeing pregnant women in a dream is a harbinger of troubles, minor troubles, disappointments and disappointments.

For a married man to see in a dream that his wife is pregnant, such a dream predicts that if his wife actually turns out to be pregnant soon, then he will have healthy child.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dreams about pregnancy promise a better future to everyone.

For a young woman, this is a play of natural forces, a rehearsal that prepares her for a real pregnancy and childbirth.

But in other cases, for people who are not concerned about this problem.

For men, such a dream portends novelty In work, acquisitions, acquaintances.

Pregnancy in a dream symbolizes the bearing of some plans.

But the birth of a child indicates that the first step towards achieving the goal has already been taken, you just have to raise a child.

Bring your actions to their logical conclusion. Such phenomena as marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, death are natural for people.

But in dreams these events happen incomparably more often than in life.

They are especially significant for the dreamer if in real life impossible or unlikely.

For example, pregnancy and childbirth in men or an elderly woman, death healthy person, wedding with a celebrity and the like

Next to the symbol of pregnancy and childbirth is, it would seem, their antipode - the symbol of death. Death in a dream is not equivalent real death.

To die in a dream means only getting rid of some aspect of your life, which is a thing of the past for you.

Therefore, death in a dream is also a rebirth to a new life.

And although death may dream of the sick, worried about their lives, it almost never heralds the end of life.

On the eve of a real death, people see extremely optimistic dreams: moving to another country, flying into space, and the like.

Of course, such exotic travels do not always portend death.

Often they are followed only by significant changes or unusual life circumstances.

Interpretation of dreams from

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“Dream Interpretation Pregnancy of a girl dreamed of why in a dream Pregnancy of a girl”

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy Girl

What is the dream of Pregnancy of a girl in a dream from a dream book?

A pregnant girl is dreaming - for a man, a dream means indecision in the matter of marrying his beloved. You are afraid of being rejected for a marriage proposal.

In addition, the dream projects your subconscious fear of having children. Be decisive, decide on your desires.

Which girl dreamed of being pregnant?

Seeing a familiar pregnant girl in a dream ▼

The dream book defines a familiar pregnant girl as a happy and successful person in real life. Her business is going well, you should not worry about this.

I dreamed of a pregnant girl of an ex-boyfriend ▼

To dream of a pregnant girlfriend of an ex-boyfriend - you are jealous, doubt the honesty of your chosen one, worry that he may still have feelings for his former passion.

Dreaming of a pregnant ex-girlfriend ▼

A dream about a pregnant ex-girlfriend promises a long-term relationship with a new passion. Previous failures on the love front will remain in the past, new novel will be stormy and passionate.

Who dreamed of a pregnant girl?

The guy dreamed of a pregnant girl ▼

The guy dreamed of a pregnant girl - to the emergence of a new idea, an undertaking that could bring not only moral satisfaction, but also considerable profit.

A man dreams of a pregnant girl ▼

A man dreams of a pregnant girl - expect changes in family life. Changes can be diverse, the main thing is how you perceive them.

What did you do in your dream?

Why dream of stroking the belly of a pregnant girl ▼

Stroking the belly of a pregnant girl, according to the dream book, to favorable changes in life. For a lonely person, a dream can mean a quick meeting with interesting personality, the beginning of a new romance, marriage.

Touch the belly of a pregnant girl in a dream ▼

Touching the belly of a pregnant girl in a dream - getting into an awkward situation due to an antics young man. Exercise caution, restraint and patience.

The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in a dream that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

I dreamed about the Pregnancy of a girl, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why a girl is pregnant in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

I dreamed of my classmate that she was pregnant. She had a big belly and I stroked it and heard the baby move.

Good afternoon, Today, on August 13, in the morning I had a dream that I was pregnant from a guy I like. Both are dressed in white clothes. he hugs me and kisses my belly. What does it mean? In life, we used to meet, but now he has a different one. I also wanted to add that I am a virgin. Thank you in advance!

Hello) I saw that I was pregnant from an ex-boyfriend, and I had a tummy, I was going to tell him. I had a warm feeling that I had a tummy and was pregnant from it

dreamed ex girlfriend that she is pregnant and I came up with her face to her stomach

I come and go to bed with the girl I love! She is pregnant!

I love her but she doesn't know me!

I try to touch her and she starts swearing!

And it seems like in a dream we are together with her!

The dream seemed to end like this, she said that I would wake my brother!

And they seem to have gone to another place to sleep!

I dreamed of an unknown girl. She had a short time. She was lying with her boyfriend on the field and told him about it. He touched his stomach and hit it. She bent over. Then there were 2 red coffins, but one was almost buried. They were in the same grave.

I saw in a dream that I was again with an ex-boyfriend, but his current girlfriend was pregnant with a child whom we wanted to take away and cut my hair

I was told in me that an unmarried girl from our ensemble was pregnant with twins, my girlfriend and I rejoiced at this

hello, I dreamed of the following .. as if I see my ex-boyfriend's girlfriend pregnant, while she looked bad and I tried to help her (she poured juice, she refused) and my boyfriend seemed to be sitting next to her and also tried to support her. .

Hello. in my dream, I was sitting at the table, there was a company of a bunch of people I knew, close and not so, and suddenly I saw next to me the current girlfriend of my ex-boyfriend. she drank milk and I asked why she doesn’t drink alcohol (she often drinks), to which she replied that she was pregnant and I saw her small belly. we talked for a long time on abstract topics, the sun filtered through the windows and the dream was quite bright, without negative thoughts. the only thing that bothered me was the position of this girl. I'm not in a relationship myself, what does that mean? I am 20 years old

An unmarried daughter was pregnant by a married man, and as a mother, I was very worried about the future of my daughter and for her grandchildren who were still giving birth

Read all dreams

  • Why dream of a pregnant belly?

    Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is quite common for any person. After all, we can meet future mothers just on the street, and in a dream we can only “scroll” what we saw during the day. However, such dreams are often symbolic, especially if you remember not the whole image of a pregnant woman, but her stomach. Why dream of a pregnant belly? Let's look at some possible interpretations of such a symbol of dreams, depending on the characteristics of the dream.

    General interpretation

    The belly of a pregnant woman is a symbol of fertility, profit, prosperity. In general, this good sign, which can mean favorable changes, financial profit, new acquisitions.

    It happens that such a dream is an alarming sign. The main thing is to remember exactly what emotions you experience in a dream. If the emotions are positive (peace, joy), then the dream can be interpreted as a good sign. If in a dream you experience anxiety, fear, discontent or even disgust, then the dream can be regarded as a warning about possible risks associated with profit or achieving a goal.

    Sleep Features

    • Stroking a pregnant belly - a dream promises a change for the better. If in the process you still feel the movement (shocks) of the fetus, then this means that all undertakings will be successful, and you can move freely towards your goal.
    • The growing belly of a pregnant woman is waiting for you career or success in a business.
    • Seeing yourself pregnant (pregnant), with a big belly - for a woman, such a dream portends an unexpected and easy profit. For a man, such a dream, on the contrary, portends losses. This symbol for a man can also be a sign of his sexual failure. For unmarried girl this is an unfavorable sign. Perhaps she will be a victim of gossip and slander.
    • The belly of a pregnant friend - for a young girl, a dream promises to leave parental home. For a married woman, a dream may be a harbinger of an imminent move.

    What is the dream of a pregnant woman

    The meaning of sleep, where a pregnant woman was present, is endowed with a positive interpretation. Will be able to achieve financial well-being successfully completing assigned tasks at work. In business, it will be possible to accept right decisions, choose competent strategies, increasing the level of income.

    Coping with financial problems can be quite simple. Stability and tranquility will be achieved in all spheres of life.

    Try not to make mistakes when solving the tasks. Be vigilant, pay attention to everything that is happening around. There is a high probability that your success will cause envy.

    Stroking the belly of a pregnant woman in a dream

    Dreaming that they began to stroke the belly of a pregnant woman? Will be able to get useful information. With it, you can solve a difficult problem, achieve a breakthrough in your career.

    Try to pay attention to everything that is happening around. Each news can have a positive impact on the work. Therefore, start analyzing the incoming information, highlighting only the most valuable.

    Girl dreaming of a pregnant woman

    Did a pregnant woman dream about a girl? The dream is not positive. High probability of unsuccessful marriage. After the wedding, the partner will begin to change, which will lead to negative consequences.

    When meeting with members of the opposite sex, try to be vigilant. In the near future, it is better to refuse a serious relationship.

    Seeing another pregnant woman in a dream

    Did another pregnant woman appear in the dream? Opportunities will open up before you. You can take on new projects, implement fresh ideas. IN business area everything will start working out.

    Show determination, boldly take on new undertakings in order to achieve dizzying success, moving up the career ladder.

    Married woman dreaming about pregnancy

    Pregnancy dream of a married woman? A dream is an omen of imminent conflicts in the love sphere. Quarrels with a spouse will begin to arise out of the blue due to misunderstandings.

    Try to understand yourself, your position. Perhaps you are to blame for the appearance of a showdown with your husband. It is not recommended to be excessively categorical in disputes. Learn to compromise to save the relationship.

    I dreamed of a familiar pregnant woman

    Did you see a pregnant familiar woman in a dream? The Dream Interpretation of the Oracle endows such a plot with a positive meaning. In the life of a young dreamer, pleasant events will begin to occur. There is a high probability of meeting with a future husband.

    Be careful not to miss the person who can radically change your life.

    If a dream is a dream for a woman aged

    Was a pregnant woman seen in dreams by an aged dreamer? There will be negative events that negatively affect all spheres of life. Especially strongly they will be reflected in love relationships.

    Be patient if things don't go well. This period just needs to be experienced. Everything will get better in the future.

    Many pregnant women dream

    The interpretation of the dream, where many pregnant women were present, promises a reward for successful solution business objectives. Expect a significant bonus. Perhaps it will be possible to get a more status position, which will positively affect financial stability.

    Try to think about every action you take. Although mistakes are not destined to ruin a career, they can worsen your mood.

    A man dreamed of a pregnant woman

    Dreaming of a pregnant woman? man this dream portends positive events, if after waking up there was calmness. In business, success awaits. Good luck will accompany in new endeavors, which will positively affect well-being.

    Try to focus on current affairs. Don't take on multiple tasks at the same time. This can lead to negative consequences.

    If a dream confused you

    If, after waking up, a man was confused, negative changes should be expected. Unpleasant events will negatively affect all aspects of life.

    Try to avoid problems out of the blue by showing concentration, attentiveness to everything that happens around. This is not the time for rash acts, rash decisions.

    Dreaming of an unfamiliar pregnant woman

    The dream, where an unfamiliar pregnant woman appeared, is endowed by the Oracle's dream book with a negative meaning. Failures await in the future professional activity.

    Touch the belly of a pregnant woman in a dream

    Dreaming that they started touching the belly of a pregnant woman? Good luck awaits in professional activities. Successful completion of cases will lead to significant financial income.

    This is not the time to make mistakes. Even the smallest mistakes can cause serious problems. Therefore, try to concentrate on solving the tasks, carefully consider each action.
