Online editors pop art. Photo in Pop-art style In which program can I make art

Pop art is the stylization of images for certain colors. To take your photos in this style it is not necessary to be a Photoshop guru, as special online services make it possible to produce pop art styling in just a couple of clicks, which in most photos it turns out to be very high quality.

Here you do not need to make special efforts to achieve the desired effect. In most cases, it's enough just to upload an image, select the pop art style you're interested in, perhaps adjust a couple of settings, and you can download the converted image. However, if you want to apply some other style that is not in the editors, or significantly modify the style built into the editor, then you will not be able to do this due to the limited functionality of the service.

Method 1: Popartstudio

This service gives a large selection of different styles from different eras - from the 50s to the late 70s. In addition to using pre-built templates, you can edit them using settings to suit your needs. All features and styles are completely free and available to unregistered users.

However, to download the finished photo in good quality, without the service watermark, you will have to register and pay a monthly subscription costing 9.5 euros. Additionally, the service is fully translated into Russian, but in some places its quality leaves much to be desired.

The step-by-step instruction looks like this:

  1. On home page you can view all available styles and change the language if needed. To change the language of the site, in the top bar, find English(default) and click on it. From the context menu, select "Russian".
  2. After setting the language, you can start choosing a template. It is worth remembering that settings will be built depending on the selected layout.
  3. Once the selection is made, you will be redirected to the settings page. Initially, you need to upload a photo with which you plan to work. To do this, click in the field "File" By "Choose File".
  4. Will open "Conductor", where you need to specify the path to the image.
  5. After uploading the image on the site, you need to click on the button "Download", which is opposite the field "File". This is necessary so that the photo that is always in the editor by default changes to yours.
  6. Initially, pay attention to the top panel in the editor. Here you can flip and/or rotate the image by a certain degree. To do this, click on the first four icons on the left.
  7. If you are not satisfied with the default advanced settings, but do not want to mess with them, then use the button "Random Values", which is represented as a game die.
  8. To return all default values, pay attention to the arrow icon in the top bar.
  9. You can also customize colors, contrast, transparency and text (the last two provided that they are provided by your template). To change colors, look at the colored squares at the bottom of the left toolbar. Click on one of them with the left mouse button, after which the color selection palette will open.
  10. In the palette, the control is implemented a little inconveniently. You initially need to click on the desired color, after which it will appear in the lower left window of the palette. If he appeared there, then click on the icon with an arrow, which is located to the right. As soon as desired color will stand in the lower right window of the palette, click on the apply icon (looks like a white checkmark on a green background).
  11. Additionally, you can "play" with the contrast and opacity parameters, if any, in the template.
  12. To see the changes you have made, click on the button "Update".
  13. If everything suits you, then save your work. Unfortunately, the normal function "Save" is not on the site, so hover over the finished image, click on the right mouse button and select from the drop-down menu "Save image as...".

Method 2: PhotoFunia

This service has a very poor, but completely free functionality for creating pop art, besides, you won’t be forced to pay for downloading the finished result without a watermark. The site is entirely in Russian.

small step-by-step instruction has the following form:

Method 3: Photo-kako

This is a Chinese site, which is quite well translated into Russian, but it has obvious problems with design and usability - the interface elements are inconveniently located and run into each other, and there is no design at all. Fortunately, there is a very large list of settings here, which will allow you to create high-quality pop art.

The instruction looks like this:

It is possible to make pop art using Internet resources, but at the same time, you may encounter limitations in the form of small functionality, an inconvenient interface, and watermarks on the finished image.

December 31, 2015 Sergey Somov

In this article, I will reveal to you a terrible secret, namely, you should not pay money for a fashionable pop art portrait. Why? Yes, it's very simple.) You are able to make it yourself, on canvas, with your own hands, even if not professional artist! And this is not a “magic pill”, you still have to work, but the whole process will be interesting, exciting and possibly captivating. How to make it?

DIY pop art portrait material:

1. We will work on canvas. It is sold in any art store. If you suddenly live in Moscow, read this article.

2. Brushes and paints. I suggest using acrylic paints(quick dry, colorfast, not the most expensive), and brushes of your choice (columns, synthetics, bristles).

3. A prepared sketch in the program (we covered this topic in the article). If you have any difficulties at this stage, contact any company that creates pop art portraits, they have a sketch for free), tell me what you plan to order, and they will make you a series of sketches. Sneak a little!).

4. A sharpened pencil, a piece of drawing charcoal or sepia (all this is sold for a penny in art stores).

The most interesting thing is that the portrait itself on canvas in any workshop will cost from 5,000 thousand rubles, but to make it yourself, with your own hands, will be no more than 1,000 rubles). How are you? So imagine what its cost is and how much people overpay!

Let's make a pop art portrait together on canvas?

Take your sketch in electronic format, and print in any printing house, which is full in any city. Printing will cost about 50 rubles. It is important that the size of the image on the sheet is the same as your canvas (which size will be up to you).

You have printed. We take this sheet of paper, turn it over and put it on the floor, or any flat surface. With our piece of charcoal or sepia (I use sepia) we begin to rub on reverse side paper until the surface is completely covered. Now, overlay this image on the canvas, so that your sepia or charcoal is in contact with the surface of the canvas. We fix it all with tape so that the paper does not move.
And with a sharp pencil we circle all the lines of our future pop art portrait.

We're filming everything. Voila!!!
No need to waste time drawing, worry about what will be similar or not similar. Now you are sure that it will be one to one as in the sketch. Forgive me brothers in art and numerous workshops, which I deprive of earnings. But the truth is that each of us can make a stylish portrait with our own hands. Well, the matter remains small. We mix the desired color, and just paint in the right place, as in the sketch. As a rule, in pop art style, the colors are not complex, but bright, and almost from a tube.

We paint over the ends of our portrait, wait 10 minutes, and that's it! The portrait that you made yourself, saving at least 4 thousand rubles, is ready!

Well, now, by the way, you can open a fashion workshop and earn good money). And believe me, absolutely anyone can do it in one day! I am confident in the result, but if something is not clear, you can call or write to the specified contacts on the site. Good luck to all!

We provide lessons for both beginners and experienced artists. Our drawing and painting studio is located on Tsvetnoy Boulevard in Moscow.

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A charming tutorial from Designerfreelance, which is very in a simple way an art drawing is created from an ordinary photo. First, we will prepare the necessary Photoshop patterns with different slopes of decorative lines. Then we will use the Treshhold filter with various options settings for different duplicate layers, which together will create a very beautiful effect. Next, we need a grunge texture with a characteristic print, which we will apply with Multiply and then slightly process it. In conclusion, we will decorate the work with blots and texts.

Step 1.
Let's use some suitable photo, for example this one.

Step 2
Duplicate the layer from the original and apply “Filter” (Filter)> “Blur” (Blur)> “Smart Blur” (Smart Blur) with the values ​​as in the figure below. Quality (Quality) - High (High), Mode (Mode) - Only edges (Edge Only).

Step 3
Press Ctrl+I to invert the image. For now, turn this layer off for now. We'll need it later. And let's do one more thing. Create a new layer above the original photo and fill it with white.

Step 4
In a new document, create horizontal line. Hold down Shift+Ctrl+Alt and press the right arrow to copy the line. Then we unite all the lines and rotate them 45 degrees.

Step 5
Select a 100x100 pixel square and crop the drawing. After that, we define a new pattern “Editing” (Edit)> “Define pattern” (Define pattern).

Step 6
Similarly, we create a second pattern with a slope to the other side.

Step 7
We return to our main document. After that, make a duplicate of the photo layer and move it above the white layer. Apply “Image” (Image)> “Correction” (Adjustments)> “Isohelium” (Threshold) with the settings as in the figure below.

Step 8
Apply the layer style “Pattern Overlay”. Blending mode “Replacing light” (Lighten). As a pattern, select the first stripe pattern we created (Step 4-5).

Step 9

We got this result. Now let's convert the layer to a new Smart Object. Click on the layer with the right mouse button and select the item “Group into a new smart object” (Convert to smart Object). After that, change the blending mode of the layer to “Multiply” (Multiply).

Step 10
Create another duplicate of the original layer and repeat Steps 7-9 with the difference that in Step 7 we use the value 100 instead of 118, and in Step 8 we use the second pattern we created with a different slope of the stripes.

Step 11
After that, you should get the following result.

Step 12
Turn on upper layer from the lines that we disabled in Step 3.

Step 13
Create another duplicate layer from the original photo. Apply to it “Image” (Image)> “Correction” (Adjustments)> “Isohelia” (Threshold). Only now the settings must be even lower to get the effect as in the picture below. After that, change the blending mode of the layer to “Multiply” (Multiply).

Step 14
In general, after all the manipulations, this result should be obtained.

Step 15
Let's use some suitable texture, for example this one.

Step 16
Paste the texture into our document, change the blending mode to “Multiply” (Multiply).

Step 17
Lower the opacity of the texture layer to 85%. Then select the tool “Eraser” (Eraser Tool), and with a small soft brush with a transparency of 30% we draw over the texture in the area of ​​​​the forehead, cheeks and chin.

Step 18
Now let's decorate the background with some available ones.

Step 19
Finally, let's write some text.

PS. Guard. Did you know that Model Adriana Lima is very beautiful girl, which is in high demand in the advertising and fashion business and which inspires so many designers with its beauty.

Good day everyone!

Probably, almost every user has seen "strange" photographs of people online, as if it were a picture drawn by an artist. Such a picture has a name - art (example on the left with Nikulin). And, by the way, you can do it quite quickly using special online services.

I think the article will also be useful to all those users who want to make themselves an unusual avatar for social networks(VK, Odnoklassniki, etc.), various forums, applications (for example, Skype, Viber, etc.), and just surprise your friends and relatives.

And so, let's get down to business - to create art.

Note: to make art, you can use various graphic editors(for example, Photoshop). In this article, I will not dwell on classic editors (because while you install the editor, set it up, understand how to do it, you will already make dozens of different funny pictures ☺) ...

Choosing a service with the best photo effects

One of the best Russian-language online services for giving various effects to photos. For example, color photograph can be changed:

  • V black and white drawing, as if it was painted: with a brush, pencil, etc .;
  • in a color drawing: there can also be a variety of options;
  • in a cool and funny picture. For example, your photo will be placed in a frame drawn by a child, an artist, etc. (examples of options are shown below).

Using the service is extremely simple:

  1. choose the effect you like first;
  2. upload your photo;
  3. and after a few seconds - look at your cool art. An example is shown below: isn't it well drawn?!

How the photo has changed: it was - it became (from left to right)

Another extremely interesting site, which is online photo editor. Here you can upload a photo and quickly process it: including creating from it interesting drawing(art). What captivates this service - it has quite a lot of the most unusual options photo editing: you can, for example, place your photo on the chest of Messi or Ronaldo, put your photo in a frame, give it a magical style, or make yourself a famous actor.

An example of processing is shown on the screenshot below: in my opinion it looks very realistic ☺.

Another interesting art //

A site with a huge variety of photo effects: here you can put your photo in a frame, make a photo a painted picture, place it next to some celebrity, etc.

Using the service is also simple: upload a photo, select an effect, see the result (in general, three simple steps).

Below are some examples of how the service works. Very good?!

Several pieces of art: in the gallery, with Putin, an old drawing.

Note: if the service will not process your photo, convert it to another format. For example, I was faced with the fact that the service did not want to accept and process the GIF format, resaving the image in JPG (for this you can use Paint, which is in all versions of Windows)- everything started to work normally!


A very good Russian-language service with a large collection of photo effects that can be applied to any uploaded photo. What captivates: the choice is simply huge! A photograph can be made in black and white, drawn with a brush or pencil, placed in a frame, with a celebrity, in a TV show, etc.

I note that once you upload your photo, you can immediately try it in a variety of effects (without uploading it a hundred times). Comfortable!

Processing examples are shown below.

A few more interesting effects for the photo: pencil drawing, pendant, gift card (from left to right).

By the way, you might be interested in an article on how to make a photo collage.- . If someone does not know, then a collage is when several photos are combined at once into one large one. It turns out very nice and informative, you can immediately find out how the holiday went (for example).

I say goodbye to sim. Good luck to all!

Additions are welcome...

"Art" in translation from English means "art". This word refers to many modern styles: art deco, pop art, retro art, etc. In our article, you will learn how to take an art photo.

How to make art from photos of nature paintings

An unusual effect and an interesting shade of color and contours will be obtained beautiful photos picturesque places of nature, ancient architectural buildings if you do the following in Photoshop:

How to make a pop art portrait

The technique of creating pop art portraits belongs to the American photographer Andy Warhol. His work was a collage of 4 portraits put together with different shades of color in the image. The photographer received well-deserved recognition of his talent after he dared to make and show the world an art portrait of Marilyn Monroe.

After reading the instructions, you will be able to take your photo in this style. To do this, select a face image close-up and torso to the shoulders.

One of 4 portraits is ready. Now you need to make the basis for the entire collage so that you can add the created drawings there.

  1. In the "File" section, select "New".
  2. Set the parameters in the opened window: width - 1440; height - 1056; resolution - 72; RGB colors - 8 bits; background content is white.
  3. Open the Selection section and select All.
  4. Press Ctrl + C keys.
  5. Copy the image highlighted with the keys to the clipboard.
  6. Add the first created portrait.

All other images are made according to our scheme No. 1 only in different color shades. This way you will get your image in pop art style.

Drawing from a photo in art style

You can make an art-style drawing from a photo as follows:

Our photo is ready!

Online resources

For those who have Adobe Photoshop does not support the necessary functions for creating works in art style, you can make a collage online for free on this resource. And on the site you can simply upload a photo, and you will immediately be given the finished result in the form of an art-style photo - you can download it to your PC.

On this resource, it is proposed to create online graphic patterns in the art style by simply clicking the mouse at any point on the proposed plane. The drawing can then be saved to your computer.
