War world Natasha's first ball. Report: The first ball of Natasha Rostova based on the novel by Leo Tolstoy War and Peace

Performance script"BALL 1812. SCENES"

(based on the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace")

PHONOGRAPH 1. Scene "BALL". The curtain opens, the phonogram sounds quieter.

1. Social event. Elements of dance. Dance moves.

The couples take turns coming to the fore, say the text and move on.

I thought this holiday was cancelled.

If they knew that you want this, the holiday would be canceled.

I confess that all these holidays and fireworks are becoming unbearable. What was decided on the occasion of the dispatch?

They decided that Bonaparte burned his ships, and we, too, seem ready to burn ours.

Oh, don't tell me about Austria! I don't understand anything, maybe, but Austria never wanted and doesn't want war. She betrays us.

Russia alone must be the savior of Europe. Our kind and wonderful sovereign will have to greatest role in the world, and he is so virtuous and good that God will not leave him, and he will fulfill his calling.

Who can we hope for? England with its commercial spirit will not and cannot understand

The whole height of the soul of Emperor Alexander.

They cannot understand the selflessness of our emperor, who wants nothing for himself, wants everything for the good of the world. And what did they promise? Nothing.

What was promised, and that will not happen! Prussia already

She declared that Bonaparte was invincible and that all of Europe could do nothing against him...

I believe in one God and in the high destiny of our dear emperor. He will save Europe! What do you think, prince?


I think, - said the prince smiling, - that if you were sent instead of our dear Winzengerode, you would take the agreement of the Prussian king by storm. You are so eloquent.


music sounds, Natasha appears. Natasha dance. After the dance, Andrey approaches Natasha. The soundtrack gets quieter.

Andrei: vous etes au bal pour la premiere fois? ca vous plait ici?

Natasha: ici.c est tres yoli.

Andrey: vous voule dancer?

Natasha: avec vous…

DANCE Andrey and Natasha.

Andrey and Natasha stand together, the others go out and walk past them one by one. Discussion. Dancing.

PHONOGRAPH 2. The music is DOWN.

You heard the news: Andrei Bolkonsky is engaged to Natasha Rostova.


He is so in love.

And she?

I don't know, she thinks she loves him.

When is the wedding?

As long as they don't rush.

The dance continues, then everyone freezes again. Andrei and Natasha in the center of the stage.

Do you love me?

Yes Yes. What's wrong with you?

Ah, I'm so happy...

Forgive me, but you are so young, and I have already experienced so much life. I'm scared for you. You don't know yourself.

I have to leave...

For how long?

Year. No matter how hard this year will be for me, delaying my happiness, during this period you will believe yourself. I ask you to make my happiness in a year; but you are free if you would be convinced that you do not love me, or would love ...

Why are you saying this? Natasha interrupted him. -- You know…

In a year you will recognize yourself ...

A whole year! Why is it a year? Why is it a year? ... And it cannot be otherwise?

I have to leave, you understand...

It's horrible! No, it's terrible, terrible! Natasha suddenly spoke up and sobbed again. “I’ll die waiting for a year: it’s impossible, it’s terrible. She looked into the face of her fiancé and saw on him an expression of pity and bewilderment.

No, no, I'll do everything, - she said, suddenly stopping her tears, - I'm so happy! Already?

Andrew leaves. Music sounds, phonogram-2 continues, couples move around Natasha, who is standing in the center, after the dance she moves away.PHONE GRAM-2 ENDS

TEXT: Does Natasha miss Andrey?

There are 4 months left before the wedding.


The romance “TWO ROSES” sounds. After the romance, the couples take turns coming to the fore.

Elements of dance, couples come to the fore.

Natasha refused her fiancé without the knowledge of her parents.

The reason for this refusal was Anatole Kuragin.

Exchange Bolkonsky for the fool Anatole? I can't understand this...

She wanted run away with him in the absence of his father, in order to secretly marry.

How to get married? He is married!

It doesn't get any easier from time to time. Here's the bastard! I have to tell her.

Natasha is standing alone, people come up to her one by one, say something, maybe invite her to dance. She shakes her head, moves away, stands apart from everyone.


Everyone comes to the fore. THE PHONOGRAPH ENDS.

What is this?


But it's a fire!

Yes, Malye Mytishchi was set on fire by the Mamon Cossacks.

See how it blazes. This, gentlemen, is a fire in Moscow: either in

Sushchevskaya, or in Rogozhskaya ..

Ah, what a horror! I think all of Moscow will burn, a terrible glow! Natasha, look now, from here you can see from the window

Look, Natasha, how terribly it burns.

What's on fire? - asked Natasha. - Oh, yes, Moscow.

Music sounds, Natasha takes Andrey's overcoat.

You are cold. You're all trembling.

He will be soon...


He. Andrey.

I will see him soon, he is here.Prince Andrei is seriously wounded. May I see him? Is he dangerously injured? Soon, soon, I will see him again…. I'm scared. What will I see? Is he the way he was or……

Natasha freezes with her overcoat. Couples come to the fore:

For Prince Andrei, seven days have passed since he woke up at the dressing station in the Borodino field. All this time he was almost in constant unconsciousness.

But on the seventh day he ate with pleasure a piece of bread with tea, and the doctor noticed that the general fever had decreased. Prince Andrei regained consciousness in the morning.

The pain inflicted on him by being carried to the hut made Prince Andrei moan loudly and lose consciousness again.

When they took him out of the carriage and put him on a camp bed, he lay for a long time with his eyes closed, without moving. Then he opened them and asked for the gospel.

Everyone looks in the direction where Andrey appears from. He comes out and sits downstage. Everyone becomes around him.

Andrei: The first time I remembered that I was wounded when the carriage stopped in Mytishchi, then I lost consciousness. I woke up in a hut, and for some reason remembered that moment at the dressing station when I saw Kuragin, at the sight of the suffering of a hated man, new thoughts that promised me happiness came to mind. And these thoughts, although vague and indefinite, now again took possession of the soul. I remembered that I now had a new happiness and that this happiness had something in common with the Gospel. I lost consciousness again from the pain and woke up in the perfect stillness of the night. Everyone was sleeping around.

PHONE GRAM-4.monologue-1.

Yes, I discovered a new happiness, inalienable from a person, Happiness, which is beyond the material external influences per person, the happiness of one soul, the happiness of love!

Any person can understand it, but only God can recognize and prescribe it.

Yes, love, but not the love that loves for something, for something or for some reason, but that

the love that I experienced for the first time, when, dying, I saw my enemy and still fell in love with him. I experienced that feeling of love, which is the very essence of the soul and for which no object is needed. I still have that blissful feeling. Love your neighbors, love your enemies, love God in all manifestations. To love a dear person is possible with human love; but only the enemy can be loved with divine love. And from this I experienced such joy when I felt that I love that person. What about him? Is he alive... Loving with human love, one can move from love to hatred; but divine love cannot change. Nothing, not death, nothing can destroy it. She is the essence of the soul. And how many people I hated in my life. Most of all I hated her... Natasha. Only now I understood her feelings, her suffering, shame, remorse. For the first time I understood the cruelty of my break with her. If only I could

to see her one more time. Once, looking into those eyes, say ... "

The music ends. Everyone parted, letting Natasha through, she came up to Andrey and kneeled.

He smiled and extended his hand to her. Natasha sits next to him.

You? - he said. - How happy!

Natasha, with a quick but careful movement, moved towards him on her knees.

and, carefully taking his hand, bent over her face and began to kiss her,

touching your lips a little.

Sorry! Excuse me!

I love you, - said Prince Andrei.


What to forgive? - asked Prince Andrei.

Forgive me for what I did, - Natasha said in a barely audible, interrupted whisper and began to kiss her hand more often, slightly touching her lips.

I love you more, better than before, - said Prince Andrei, raising her face with his hand so that he could look into her eyes.

They hold hands. Gradually get up and go to the center of the stage.



Natasha did not leave the wounded Bolkonsky, and the doctor

he had to admit that he did not expect such firmness from the girl, and such skill in following the wounded.

No matter how terrible the thought seemed to the countess that Prince Andrei could die during the journey in the arms of her daughter, she

could not resist Natasha.

It occurred to her that in the event of recovery, the former relationship between the bride and groom would be resumed,

Although, no one, even less Natasha and Prince Andrei, spoke about this: the unresolved, hanging question of life or death, not only over Bolkonsky, but over Russia

overshadowed all other assumptions.


Dancing again, everyone moving around Natasha and Andrey.

After the dance, everyone stops and text is coming Andrew and Natalia.

Andrey: No one gives me that soft silence... that light. NatashaI love you too much. More than anything else.

Why too much?

Why too much? Do you think I'll be alive? What do you think?

I'm sure, I'm sure! Natasha almost screamed, taking him by both hands with a passionate movement.

He paused.

How nice! And taking her hand, he kissed it.


General dance.

after the dance, they freeze in the center of the stage, the actors come out and

They stop at the forefront, covering Andrei and Natasha.


When the dressed, washed body lay in a coffin on the table, everyone came up to him to say goodbye, and everyone wept.

The Countess and Sonya wept with pity for Natasha and that he was no more.

The old count wept that he was soon to take the same terrible step.

Natasha and Princess Marya wept at the realization of the simple and solemn mystery of death that had taken place before them.

Sound track 5.

Everyone part, monologue 2.

ANDREY BOLKONSKY comes to the fore

The fog began to disperse and enemy troops were already visible on opposite hills. The shooting got stronger. Kutuzov stopped talking to the Austrian general. All the faces suddenly changed, and horror was expressed on everyone. The French were supposed to be two miles away from us, and they suddenly appeared unexpectedly in front of us. The French attacked the battery and, seeing

Kutuzov, shot at him. With this volley, several soldiers fell, and the ensign holding the banner let go of it. Soldiers without a command began to shoot. Prince Andrei had already jumped off his horse and ran towards the banner, listening with pleasure to the whistle of bullets aimed at him. "Hurrah," shouted Prince Andrei, barely holding the heavy banner in his hands, he ran forward with undoubted confidence that the entire battalion would run after him.

One soldier set off, another, and the whole battalion, shouting "Hurrah," ran forward and overtook him. Prince Andrei heard the whistle of bullets above him, and soldiers were constantly falling to the right and left of him. But he did not look at them, but looked at what was happening on the batteries. Someone hit him in the head with a strong stick. What is it, am I falling? - he thought and fell on his back. He opened his eyes, hoping to see how the fight between the French and the artillery ended, but he saw nothing. Above him there was nothing but the sky, the high sky, unclear, but still immeasurably high, with gray clouds quietly creeping across it. How quiet, calm, solemn, not at all the way I ran, _ thought Prince Andrei, - not the way we ran, shouted and fought, the clouds crawl across this high, endless sky not at all like that. How could I not have seen this lofty sky before? And how happy I am that I finally got to know him. Yes! Everything is empty, deceit, except this endless sky. Nothing, nothing but him. Prince Andrei lay bleeding, and without knowing it himself, moaned with a quiet, plaintive, childish moan. By evening, he stopped moaning and completely calmed down. He didn't know how long his oblivion lasted. Suddenly he felt alive and suffering from a burning pain in his head. WHERE IT IS, THIS IS THE HIGH SKY WHICH I DID NOT KNOW UNTIL. WHERE I AM? He began to listen and heard the sounds of the approaching stomp of horses and the sounds of voices speaking in French. He opened his eyes. Above him was the same high sky with floating clouds, through which a blue infinity could be seen. He did not turn his head and did not see those who, judging by the sound of hooves and voices, drove up to him and stopped. It was Napoleon with two adjutants.

“Voila une belle mort ... Here is a beautiful death,” said Napoleon, looking at Bolkonsky. Andrey realized that this was said about him, and that this was Napoleon speaking. He heard these words, but was not interested in them. His head burned, he felt that he was bleeding, and he saw above him a distant, high and eternal sky. He knew that it was Napoleon, his hero, but at that moment Napoleon seemed to him such a small, insignificant person in comparison with what was now happening between his soul and this high, endless sky with clouds running across it. All the interests that occupied Napoleon seemed so insignificant to him, this hero seemed so petty to him, with his petty vanity and joy of victory, in comparison with that high, just and kind sky that he saw and understood. Looking into the eyes of Napoleon, Prince Andrei thought about the insignificance of greatness, the insignificance of life and death.

Andrey suddenly remembered all the best moments of his life at the same time: the face of his mother, bent over him, Pierre on the ferry, a girl excited by the beauty of the night, and this night, the moon. “No, life is not over at 31, it is necessary that my life goes on not for me alone, so that we do not live independently of each other,” thought Prince Andrei, he felt himself great country, and the pain for this country was stronger and sharper than his own pain. This pain of war heroes, mothers, ordinary people, this pain and love will help preserve it, this great, undefeated, amazing Russia.

(On the face screen people- scene combat, interspersed with peaceful shots and faces of people, ordinary peasants, defending heroes, Kutuzov, Ushakov, small children, etc. Music sounds)

There was a ball at the Catherine's grandee. The ball was supposed to be the diplomatic corps and the sovereign. On the Promenade des Anglais, the famous house of a nobleman shone with countless lights of illumination. At the illuminated entrance with red cloth stood the police, and not only the gendarmes, but also the police chief at the entrance and dozens of police officers. The carriages drove off, and new ones all drove up with red footmen and with footmen in feathers on their hats. Men in uniforms, stars and ribbons came out of the carriages; ladies in satin and ermine carefully stepped down the noisily laid steps and hurriedly and silently passed on the cloth of the entrance. Almost every time a new carriage drove up, a whisper ran through the crowd and hats were taken off. - Sovereign? .. - No, minister ... prince ... envoy ... Can't you see the feathers? .. - said from the crowd. One of the crowd, dressed better than the others, seemed to know everyone and called by name the noblest nobles of that time. One-third of the guests had already arrived at this ball, and the Rostovs, who were supposed to be at this ball, were still hastily preparing to dress. There were many rumors and preparations for this ball in the Rostov family, many fears that the invitation would not be received, the dress would not be ready and everything would not work out as it should. Together with the Rostovs, Marya Ignatievna Peronskaya, a friend and relative of the countess, a thin and yellow maid of honor of the old court, who led the provincial Rostovs in the highest St. Petersburg society, went to the ball. At ten o'clock in the evening, the Rostovs were supposed to call for the maid of honor to the Tauride Garden; and meanwhile it was already five minutes to ten, and the young ladies were still not dressed. Natasha was going to the first big ball in her life. She got up that day at eight o'clock in the morning and spent the whole day in feverish anxiety and activity. All her strength from the very morning was focused on ensuring that they all: she, mother, Sonya - were dressed in the best possible way. Sonya and the countess vouched for her completely. The countess was supposed to be wearing a masaka velvet dress, they were wearing two white smoky dresses on pink silk covers, with roses in the corsage. The hair had to be combed à la grecque. Everything essential had already been done: the legs, arms, neck, ears were already especially diligently, in a ballroom fashion, washed, perfumed and powdered; shod already were silk fishnet stockings and white satin shoes with bows; the hair was almost finished. Sonya finished dressing, the countess too; but Natasha, who worked for everyone, fell behind. She was still sitting in front of the mirror in a peignoir draped over her thin shoulders. Sonya, already dressed, stood in the middle of the room and, pressing painfully with her little finger, pinned the last ribbon that squealed under the pin. “Not like that, not like that, Sonya! - said Natasha, turning her head from her hair and grabbing her hair with her hands, which the maid holding them did not have time to let go. - Not so bow, come here. Sonya sat down. Natasha cut the ribbon differently. “Excuse me, young lady, you can’t do that,” said the maid holding Natasha’s hair. - Oh, my God, well after! That's it, Sonya. — Will you soon? came the voice of the Countess. - It's ten now. - Now. Are you ready, mom? - Just pin the current. “Don’t do it without me,” Natasha shouted, “you won’t be able to!”- Yeah, ten. It was decided to be at the ball at half past ten, but Natasha still had to get dressed and stop by the Tauride Garden. Having finished her hair, Natasha, in a short skirt, from under which ballroom shoes were visible, and in her mother's blouse, ran up to Sonya, examined her and then ran to her mother. Turning her head, she pinned the current and, barely having time to kiss her White hair, again ran up to the girls who were hemming her skirt. The case was behind Natasha's skirt, which was too long; it was hemmed by two girls, hastily biting the threads. A third, with pins in her lips and teeth, ran from the Countess to Sonya; the fourth held the entire smoky dress on a high hand. - Mavrusha, rather, dove! - Give me a thimble from there, young lady. — Will it be soon? said the count, coming in from behind the door. “Here are the spirits. Peronskaya was already waiting. “It’s ready, young lady,” said the maid, lifting up a hemmed smoky dress with two fingers and blowing and shaking something, showing with this gesture the awareness of the airiness and purity of what she was holding. Natasha began to put on a dress. “Now, now, don’t go, dad!” she called to her father, who opened the door, still from under the mist of her skirt, which covered her whole face. Sonya closed the door. A minute later, the count was let in. He was in a blue tailcoat, stockings and shoes, perfumed and pomaded. - Dad, you're so good, lovely! - said Natasha, standing in the middle of the room and straightening the folds of smoke. “Excuse me, young lady, allow me,” the girl said, kneeling, pulling at her dress and turning the pins from one side of her mouth to the other. “Your will,” Sonya cried out with despair in her voice, looking at Natasha’s dress, “your will, again long!” Natasha stepped aside to look around in the dressing-glass. The dress was long. “By God, madam, nothing is long,” said Mavrusha, who was crawling along the floor after the young lady. “Well, it’s long, we’ll sweep it, we’ll sweep it in a minute,” said the resolute Dunyasha, taking out a needle from a handkerchief on her chest and again set to work on the floor. At that moment, shyly, with quiet steps, the countess entered in her toque and velvet dress. — Wow! my beauty! shouted the Count. “Better than all of you!” He wanted to hug her, but she, blushing, pulled away so as not to cringe. “Mom, more to the side of the current,” Natasha said. - I'll cut it, - and rushed forward, and the girls who were hemming, who did not have time to rush after her, tore off a piece of smoke. - My God! What is it? God, I'm not to blame... “Nothing, I notice, you won’t see anything,” said Dunyasha. - Beauty, my darling! - said the nanny who came in from behind the door. - And Sonyushka, well, beauties! .. At a quarter past ten, we finally got into the carriages and drove off. But still it was necessary to stop by the Tauride Garden. Peronskaya was already ready. Despite her old age and ugliness, exactly the same thing happened with her as with the Rostovs, although not with such haste (for her it was a habitual thing), but her old, ugly body was also perfumed, washed, powdered, just as carefully washed behind the ears, and even just like the Rostovs, the old maid enthusiastically admired her mistress's outfit when she went into the living room in a yellow dress with a cipher. Peronskaya praised the Rostovs' toilets. The Rostovs praised her taste and dress, and, taking care of their hair and dresses, at eleven o'clock they got into the carriages and drove off.

The episode, which depicts the first ball of Natasha Rostova, is one of the main ones in the novel: it is important for revealing the inner world and character main character. In this fragment, we are presented with a Petersburg ball from beginning to end, with music, flowers, dances, the sovereign, "ladies in white, blue, pink dresses, with diamonds and pearls on open hands and necks."
Appearance the ball itself is all about everyone Peronskaya, with her assessments and remarks, the sovereign, "the queen of St. Petersburg Countess Bezukhova", "the adjutant dancer who started the ball" - everything, "mixed into one brilliant procession." But this is not just an ordinary Petersburg ball - this is the first ball of Natasha Rostova, at which we meet all the main characters of the novel at once: Natasha, with her shining eyes, Prince Andrei and the gloomy, absent-minded Pierre. This event can be called a turning point in Natasha's life. The ball is very important to her later life. She, having visited this ball, parted with her childhood and passes into adult life. It is this ball that becomes decisive in the relationship between Natasha and Prince Andrei, life paths which subsequently intersect more than once.
Prince Andrei will play an important role in the fate of Natasha. The ball is one of the links in the chain of events that tells about the Rostov family. The picture of the ball is preceded by an episode of the arrival of Boris Drubetskoy - Natasha's first hobby. Tender feelings flare up again between young people, but Natasha no longer perceives Boris as her fiancé. After a conversation with the Countess, Boris stopped visiting the Rostovs.
There is some symbolism in this: Natasha, rejecting Boris, at the same time leaves her childhood in the past. The episode of the ball should be considered as a transitional one. The author in every possible way emphasized Natasha's still childish excited state, more than once using the word "girl" in her description and depicting her with a "grateful childish smile." It was this state that "went most of all to her," and it was precisely such Natasha, "with her surprise, joy and timidity, and even with mistakes in French", fell in love with Prince Andrei.
The author gives us the opportunity to compare the main character "with the queen of St. Petersburg" - Helen Bezukhova, against which Natasha, with her "thin arms and shoulders", "indefinite chest", not only does not lose, but also attracts the attention of guests, because in it was something that "did not have a common secular imprint on itself." But we see Natasha as a "girl" not only externally, but also internally: only a child has such strong feelings, feelings and excitement, a strong, boundless feeling of love that a person experiences "at that highest level of happiness, when he is completely kind and good and does not believe in the possibility of misfortune, evil and grief." "The expression on Natasha's face, ready for despair and delight, was mirror image her feelings" and helped the reader to penetrate into inner world the main character.
The author masterfully portrayed Natasha's experiences. Here are the following key scenes. The picture of the ball begins with a description of Natasha's feelings in the carriage, when the Rostov family is going to the ball and Natasha for the first time imagines what she will see and experience. “What awaited her was so wonderful that she did not even believe that it would be: it was so inconsistent with the impression of cold, crampedness and darkness of the carriage,” the author’s psychological comment is very expressive here. And the ball really ends with a feeling of immense happiness that overwhelms Natasha.
When the Rostovs arrived at the ball, "the host and hostess, who had been standing at the front door and those who said the same thing met the Rostovs in the same way. And two girls in white dresses, with identical roses in their black hair, sat down in the same way. But involuntarily the hostess fixed her eyes on thin Natasha and remembered, perhaps, all her golden irrevocable girlish time and her first ball.
When they danced Polish and Natasha was not invited, it turned out that each of the men who would play an important role in Natasha’s life in the future did not notice her: “Prince Andrey walked past them with some lady, obviously not recognizing them, handsome Anatole looked at Natasha's face with the same look that one looks at the wall, Boris walked past twice and each time turned away.And when the "adjutant-manager" and the beautiful Helen danced the first round of the waltz, Natasha and I involuntarily worried that it was not she who was now dancing Thanks to the skill of Tolstoy the writer, we see the falsity of secular society during the ball.
So, all three main characters of the novel are present at the ball: Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, Natasha Rostova. Bolkonsky and Bezukhov are characterized by Peronskaya, who reflects the views of secular society, and Natasha, through whom this case Tolstoy expressed his attitude towards these characters. For high society, Pierre is a "pea jester", and Prince Andrei is a rude man who "does not know how to deal with ladies." At the same time, Natasha happily looks at Familiar face Pierre and speaks of him as "very good". And in Prince Andrei, we see not only a reformer who "writes some projects with Speransky", but also a person with a big soul, who managed to discern in the "trembling" Natasha a huge inner world, sharpness of feelings, inner strength. When Prince Andrei danced with Natasha "one of the merry cotillions before dinner," he reminded her of their meeting in Otradnoye. There is some symbolism in this. In Otradnoye, the first meeting took place between Prince Andrei and Natasha, a formal acquaintance, and at the ball - their inner rapprochement.
"I would be glad to rest and sit with you, I'm tired; but you see how they choose me, and I'm glad about it, and I'm happy, and I love everyone, and you and I understand all this," - and said a lot more Natasha's smile to Prince Andrei. It was after the first dance that Natasha was noticed, appreciated, and she was a success with men.
Throughout the novel, we meet Natasha in almost all life situations. Tolstoy gives us the opportunity to fully know the character of the main character. The episode of the first ball of Natasha Rostova is notable for the fact that we see the soul of the heroine in motion: from a moment of despair to the pinnacle of the highest happiness. In desperation, she closes herself and asks questions only to herself: “Is it possible that no one will come up to me, is it possible that I will not dance between the first, is it possible that all these men will not notice me? ..” In moments of the highest happiness, her soul is open to everyone: she she is ready to give her love to Prince Andrei, she wants with all her heart to help Pierre, "to pass on to him the surplus of her happiness", gives happy smiles to her father. Perhaps it is precisely for this boundless spiritual warmth that Tolstoy loves his heroine.

The first ball of Natasha Rostova (analysis of the episode of the novel "War and Peace") (2nd version)

Each episode of the novel "War and Peace" is extremely important, significant for understanding the whole work as a whole. The “First Ball of Natasha Rostova” is no exception, in the episode of which additional character traits of the characters present are revealed. The reader can observe secular society, the behavior of people of that time.
Natalie's excitement before such important event just spilled out. For the first time, she had to show herself at such a public event, to demonstrate her beauty and attractiveness. In addition, distinguished guests were to appear during the ball - the sovereign himself and the entire diplomatic corps.
Before the ball, Natasha absolutely could not believe in upcoming event. It seemed to her unreal, fantastic. No matter how hard the girl tries to show all her feminine nature, to demonstrate herself as a well-bred secular young lady, nothing worked! The heroine was simply overwhelmed with uncontrollable excitement, and she seemed charming, sincere and natural. That is why the owners of the house focused their attention on Natasha. Although her friend Sonya looked no worse.
In the hall where the ball was held, the heroine saw and learned a lot famous people- these are the first beauties, and noble brides, and rich men. However, at this moment, the girl did not care what they were doing. Natasha was much more concerned about the question of whether the people around her liked her, whether they could accept her into their secular circles, devote her to general entertainment. When the heroine noticed kind and positive looks on herself, she began to calm down a little and come to her senses.
The ball has begun. Natasha was expecting an invitation to her first dance. Oh, how excited she was, because it was on this invitation that everything would depend further development plot. The girl so wanted to demonstrate her ability to dance, soar in a waltz, in pairs. However, the men passed by her. They preferred more spectacular ladies. And Natasha seemed to them young and naive.
Fortunately, Pierre turned out to be near Natasha, who asked his friend Andrey to keep the lonely Natalya company. Bolkonsky took the first step towards only at the request, he wanted to finally end the boring conversations and unwind a little. But as soon as he caught Natasha in the dance, a strange feeling hit him right in the head. He felt a surge of strength, his new youth.
After such a dance, the girl blossomed. She didn't sit still for a second. Invitations came to her from all sides. Natasha spent all her free time from dancing in company with Bolkonsky. They talked on different topics, and, already at the end of the evening, Prince Andrei realized that he wanted to see Natasha as his wife. In this light and naive girl, Bolkonsky saw all the sincerity and purity of nature. And, the heroine, in turn, shone with happiness. How wonderful her first ball was. He made it! He succeeded!
In the episode of Natasha's first ball, the reader can observe the rapprochement of the characters. Bolkonsky and Rostov made an unforgettable impression on each other. In addition, in this episode, other character traits of the main characters are revealed, their inner feelings and emotions are released.

The first ball of Natasha Rostova (analysis of the episode of the novel "War and Peace") (3rd option)

“In the epic novel War and Peace there are many small but extremely significant episodes that are very important for the development of the novel as a whole, combining ideas about man, the history of the universe,” the writer V. Krukover rightly notes. The most significant episode in this series, in my opinion, is the first ball of Natasha Rostova. A bunch of human destinies, closely associated with the largest historical events, depicted in the novel "War and Peace": Tolstoy shows the heroes who go through a long and difficult path in search of truth and their place in the world, experiencing painful moments when life seems meaningless, and the search for truth leads to a dead end.

Natasha Rostova has her own way in the novel, unlike anyone else's. Natasha is the favorite heroine of Leo Tolstoy. The image of Natasha contains the features of a Russian national character. The main thing that attracts in the heroine is sincerity, sensitivity, spiritual generosity, a subtle understanding of nature.

Probably Tolstoy himself in secular society really lacked spontaneity, and we know that in his youth he was fond of balls, and in his maturity - women, so he describes Natasha with such selflessness. For the first time we get acquainted with Natasha Rostova on her name day. The girl is not beautiful, but she captivates with her liveliness, the sparkle of her eyes. Natasha is by no means a secular doll bound by artificial rules of etiquette. Nothing prevents the heroine from saying in the middle of dinner: "Mom! And what kind of cake will you have?"

There was something in Natasha that "did not have a common secular imprint on itself." With the help of the image of Natasha, Tolstoy managed to shade the falsity of secular society. The girl is going to the first ball in her life! So much excitement and anxiety during the preparations: suddenly the invitation will not be received, or the dress will not be ready. And then comes the long-awaited day. What awaited her was so beautiful that she could not believe it. Natasha's rich soul does not fit all the feelings that she experiences. These feelings are reflected on her face: "with shining frightened eyes she looked in front of her, with an expression of readiness for the greatest joy and the greatest grief."

The sincerity of human feelings was little appreciated in the society to which Natasha was first taken out. But she has yet to carry it through her entire adult life. In Natasha there is not a drop of coquetry and affectation, characteristic of the young girls of her circle. Natasha is all at a glance, everything is read in her eyes. And there are already tears in her eyes, because the dance begins, the music plays, and no one invites her. Annoyance that men do not notice her, and she wants to dance so much, because she dances so wonderfully! Pierre Bezukhov comes to Natasha's aid. Of course, it was he, this most noble soul. Fat, clumsy, but with a sensitive and tender heart. Pierre draws the attention of Andrei Bolkonsky to Natasha, asks him to dance with her. Inviting the girl to dance, Prince Andrei sees how her face, ready for despair and delight, is illuminated by a grateful, childish smile. Natasha is happy. And Bolkonsky can no longer take his eyes off her.

If life had been more favorable to Prince Andrei, after this ball he would have become happy until the end of his days. Having invited Natasha, after the dance, Prince Andrey felt himself revived and rejuvenated. Natasha was special, and he couldn't help but notice it. She had no secular imprint, she was charming. Natasha radiated so much happiness that this light touched not only the prince. "Natasha was as happy as ever in her life. She was at that highest level of happiness when a person becomes completely kind and good and does not believe in the possibility of evil, misfortune and grief." And she believed that those around her should be happy, and otherwise it was simply impossible.

Natasha will have to make sure more than once that it is possible otherwise, and not everything in life depends on the will of people, even if they are kind and clear. The first ball is the beginning new age for Natasha. Joy overflows this rich nature. But what's next for her? The path of Natasha Rostova to happiness is not easy, more than once her sincerity and impetuosity will make her suffer, moreover, it will cause the suffering of people close to her. Will this especially affect Prince Andrei, who was trying to become her husband?

The author will not blame Natasha for her reckless act, which interfered with the happiness of her and the prince, he, by his attitude towards the heroine, will make it clear to the reader that philosophical novel does not imply simplicity in the relations of the characters, that the real Russian character is interesting precisely in development, and the more the hero has to go through doubts and overcome obstacles, the more interesting this image in the novel.

Acquaintance with Tolstoy's favorite heroine at Natasha's first ball promises us a fascinating immersion in the unique fate of a wonderful Russian woman - Natasha Rostova.

“In the epic novel“ War and Peace ”there are many small, but extremely significant episodes that are very important for the development of the novel as a whole, combining ideas about man, the history of the universe,” the writer V. Krukover rightly notes. The most significant episode in this series, in my opinion, is the first ball of Natasha Rostova. Many human destinies, closely connected with major historical events, are depicted in the novel "War and Peace": Tolstoy shows heroes who go through a long and difficult path in search of truth and their place in the world, experiencing painful moments when life seems meaningless, and the search for truth lead to a dead end.

Natasha Rostova has her own way in the novel, unlike anyone else's. Natasha is the favorite heroine of Leo Tolstoy. The image of Natasha contains the features of the Russian national character. The main thing that attracts in the heroine is sincerity, sensitivity, spiritual generosity, a subtle understanding of nature.

Probably Tolstoy himself in secular society really lacked spontaneity, and we know that in his youth he was fond of balls, and in his maturity - women, so he describes Natasha with such selflessness. For the first time we get acquainted with Natasha Rostova on her name day. The girl is not beautiful, but she captivates with her liveliness, the sparkle of her eyes. Natasha is by no means a secular doll bound by artificial rules of etiquette. Nothing prevents the heroine in the middle of dinner from saying: “Mom! And what kind of cake will it be?

There was something in Natasha that "did not have a common secular imprint on itself." With the help of the image of Natasha, Tolstoy managed to shade the falsity of secular society. The girl is going to the first ball in her life! So much excitement and anxiety during the preparations: suddenly the invitation will not be received, or the dress will not be ready. And then comes the long-awaited day. What awaited her was so beautiful that she could not believe it. Natasha's rich soul does not fit all the feelings that she experiences. These feelings are reflected on her face: “she looked in front of her with shining, frightened eyes, with an expression of readiness for the greatest joy and the greatest grief.”

The sincerity of human feelings was little appreciated in the society to which Natasha was first taken out. But she has yet to carry it through her entire adult life. In Natasha there is not a drop of coquetry and affectation, characteristic of the young girls of her circle. Natasha is all at a glance, everything is read in her eyes. And there are already tears in her eyes, because the dance begins, the music plays, and no one invites her. Annoyance that men do not notice her, and she wants to dance so much, because she dances so wonderfully! Pierre Bezukhov comes to Natasha's aid. Of course, it was he, this most noble soul. Fat, clumsy, but with a sensitive and tender heart. Pierre draws the attention of Andrei Bolkonsky to Natasha, asks him to dance with her. Inviting the girl to dance, Prince Andrei sees how her face, ready for despair and delight, is illuminated by a grateful, childish smile. Natasha is happy. And Bolkonsky can no longer take his eyes off her.

If life had been more favorable to Prince Andrei, after this ball he would have become happy until the end of his days. Having invited Natasha, after the dance, Prince Andrey felt himself revived and rejuvenated. Natasha was special, and he couldn't help but notice it. She had no secular imprint, she was charming. Natasha radiated so much happiness that this light touched not only the prince. “Natasha was as happy as ever in her life. She was at that highest stage of happiness when a person becomes completely kind and good and does not believe in the possibility of evil, misfortune and grief. And she believed that those around her should be happy, and otherwise it was simply impossible.

Natasha will have to make sure more than once that it is possible otherwise, and not everything in life depends on the will of people, even if they are kind and clear. The first ball is the beginning of a new time for Natasha. Joy overflows this rich nature. But what's next for her? The path of Natasha Rostova to happiness is not easy, more than once her sincerity and impetuosity will make her suffer, moreover, it will cause the suffering of people close to her. Will this especially affect Prince Andrei, who was trying to become her husband?

The author will not blame Natasha for her reckless act, which interfered with the happiness of her and the prince, by his attitude towards the heroine he will make it clear to the reader that a philosophical novel does not imply simplicity in the relations of heroes, that the real Russian character is interesting precisely in development, and the more the hero has to go through doubts and overcome obstacles, the more interesting this image in the novel.

Acquaintance with Tolstoy's favorite heroine at Natasha's first ball promises us a fascinating immersion in the unique fate of a wonderful Russian woman - Natasha Rostova.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school № 2


Scenario extracurricular activities

in grades 8-11

Ball "War and Peace of 1812"


Egorova Olga Ivanovna

teacher of history and social studies



Scenario of the ball in 1812.

Characters: Emperor Alexander I and his wife, Andrei Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostova, 3 soldiers of the Russian army early XIX century, quartermaster. (spectators in the hall, ballroom couples behind the scenes) Slide 1. Voice-over: Good evening, Dear friends! Two centuries separate our modernity from great victory Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812, but this does not in the least detract from its great importance for the history of Russia.

The events of 1812 have a special place in our history. Never before had the threat of enslavement engendered such a rallying of forces, true patriotism, pride and honor, national unity, as happened in the days of Napoleon's invasion.

War has no statute of limitations, no price. The feat of Russian soldiers is immortal. And today, as part of our historical ball, we will feel the spirit of that wartime. Throughout the evening you will see battle scenes, portraits of heroes on the screen. Patriotic War 1812.

Slide 2. Voice: And the ball opens our evening at General Bennigsen's estate Zakret near Vilna. Slide 3. Voice:... And the ball broke out, and there was not enough space ....Quiet music playing STRAUSS POLKA), ballroom couples enter and walk around the hall, communicate. slide 4. Voice behind the scene: The ball opens with the right of the first dance, His Highness Emperor Alexander 1 with his wife Elizaveta Alekseevna. The emperor enters with his wife, all couples bow to them. Slide 5. OGINSKY'S POLONAISIS sounds, couples begin to dance. Voice behind the scene: The ball rumbles, the ball shines.
Ribbon braids fly.
Music sounds everywhere
And a whisper of compliments

Slide 6, Slide 7 The couples are dancing, and the voice-over: It was the first ball of young Natasha Rostova ...Slide 8 Voice: In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance,
In the turmoil of the world,
I saw you...
Slide 9 (dance WALTZ FROM THE C/F WAR AND PEACE) Andrei Bolkonsky walks across the hall to Natasha Rostova, invites her to a waltz, and they begin to spin in a dance.Slide 10 Towards the end of the waltz, the quartermaster runs into the hall, runs up to Alexander 1, whispers in his ear, and steps aside. Alexander 1 stops the ball and announces the beginning of the war.
slide 11 Alexander I : The French Emperor, by attacking OUR troops, opened the first war. There is nothing left for US but, having called for the help of the Witness and Defender of Truth, the Almighty Creator of heaven, to put OUR forces against the forces of the enemy. I do not need to remind OUR leaders, generals and warriors of their duty and courage. Since ancient times, the blood of the Slavs has flowed in them with loud victories. Warriors! You defend faith, Fatherland, freedom. I'm with you.The lights go out, the slide show begins with quiet music.
Slide 12. Voice-over: Time of heroes, usually you seem to be in the past:
Major battles come from books and movies
The main dates are cast in newspaper lines,
The main destinies have become history for a long time.

The time of heroes, by the highest right,
You gave far and near years
Valor, and glory, and long good memory.
Time for heroes, what have you left us?...

slide 13 To quiet music, a poem is read: Slide 14 You, whose wide overcoats Reminds me of sails Whose spurs jangled merrily And voices. slide 15 And whose eyes are like diamonds A trace was carved on the heart - Charming dandies Of past years. slide 16 With one fierce will You took the heart and the rock, - Kings on every battlefield And at the ball. Slide 17 You were guarded by the hand of the Lord
And the mother's heart - yesterday
Little boys, today -

Slide 18 All the peaks were small for you And soft - the most stale bread, Oh young generals Your destinies!
Slide 19 Ah, on the half-erased engraving,
In one glorious moment
I saw Tuchkov-fourth,
Your gentle face.

Slide 20 Oh how - I think - could you
With a hand full of rings
And caress the curls of the maidens - and the mane
Your horses.

slide 21 In one incredible leap
you have lived your short age...
And your curls, your sideburns
It snowed.

slide 22 Three hundred won - three!
Only the dead did not get up from the ground.
You were children and heroes
You all could.

slide 23 You have conquered and loved
Love and sabers point -
And merrily passed
Into non-existence.

slide 24. Voice behind the scene: Recalling the events of the war of 1812, we are primarily talking about Borodino, the legendary Battle of Borodino between Russian and Napoleonic troops in the area with. Borodin, 124 km west of Moscow.Slide 25 It was a real turning point in the war and, although battle of Borodino and ended in a draw, it will forever remain in history as an example of the exceptional heroism of Russian soldiers.slide26Reader 1: - Tell me, uncle, it's not for nothing
Moscow burned by fire
given to the French?
After all, there were fighting battles,
Yes, they say, what else!
No wonder the whole of Russia remembers
About the day of Borodin!

Slide 27.Reader 2:

- Yes, there were people in our time,
Not like the current tribe:
Bogatyrs - not you!
They got a bad share:
Few returned from the field ...
Do not be the Lord's will,
They wouldn't give up Moscow!

We retreated silently for a long time,
It was annoying, they were waiting for the battle,
The old people grumbled:
"What are we? For winter quarters?
Do not dare, or something, commanders
Aliens tear up their uniforms
About Russian bayonets?

Slide 28

And here we found a large field:
There is a roam, where in the wild!
They built a redoubt.
Our ears are on top!
A little morning lit up the guns
And forests blue tops -
The French are right here.

Slide 29

I scored a charge in the cannon tight
And I thought: I will treat a friend!
Wait a minute, brother Musyu!
What is there to be cunning, perhaps for battle;
We will go to break the wall,
Let's keep our heads up
For your homeland!

slide 30

For two days we were in a skirmish.
What's the use of such nonsense?
We waited the third day.
Everywhere speeches began to be heard:
"Time to get to the buckshot!"
And here on the field of a formidable battle
The night shadow fell.

I lay down to take a nap at the gun carriage,
And it was heard before dawn,
How the French rejoiced.
But our open bivouac was quiet:
Who cleaned the shako all battered,
Who sharpened the bayonet, grumbling angrily,
Biting a long mustache.

Slide 31

And the sky just lit up
Everything suddenly stirred,
The formation flashed behind the formation.
Our colonel was born with a grip:
Servant to the king, father to the soldiers...
Yes, sorry for him: struck by damask steel,
He sleeps in the damp earth.

slide 32

And he said, his eyes sparkling:
"Guys! isn't Moscow behind us?
Let's die near Moscow
How our brothers died!"
And we promised to die
And the oath of allegiance was kept
We are in the battle of Borodino.

Slide 33

Well, it was a day! Through the flying smoke
The French moved like clouds
And all to our redoubt.
Lancers with colorful badges,
Dragoons with ponytails
All flashed before us
Everyone has been here.

Slide 34. Reader 3:

You will not see such battles! ..
Worn banners like shadows
Fire gleamed in the smoke
Damask steel sounded, buckshot screeched,
The hand of the fighters is tired of stabbing,
And prevented the nuclei from flying
A mountain of bloody bodies.

Slide 35

The enemy knew a lot that day,
What does the Russian fight remote mean,
Our hand-to-hand combat!
The earth was shaking - like our chests,
Mixed in a bunch of horses, people,
And the volleys of a thousand guns
Merged into a long howl ...

slide 36

Here it is dark. Were all ready
In the morning start a new fight
And stand until the end...
Here the drums crackle -
And the busurmans retreated.
Then we began to count the wounds,
Count comrades.

Yes, there were people in our time,
Mighty, dashing tribe:
Bogatyrs are not you.
They got a bad share:
Few returned from the field.
If it weren't for God's will,
They wouldn't give up Moscow!

slide 38. Slide 37 ( March of the Preobrazhensky Regiment sounds) The light goes out. Slide 39 Voice-over: New Russia begins in 1812.Lights come on, music sounds, couples go to the center of the hall for MAZURKA ( CHOPIN MAZURKA CHAMPAGNE). slide 40.Voice behind the scene: Poets, ladies, tailcoats. Ball -
He brought us here today.
Bright lights are burning here
And you and I are not alone.
slide 41, slide 42 Young ladies are circling
Do not feel themselves;
On their shoulders half-naked
Golden curls fly;
Clothes light as smoke
Their light camp is denoted
slide 43, slide 44 Oh, this ball can not be forgotten!
All around me are my friends.
At dawn - bright fireworks.
The card has been submitted. There was a century...
Slide 45 This holiday will keep the memory
Will remain for posterity
Have a nice time
In fun and dating

Everyone is happy, old and young
Here will be conversations
A little sorry, the coming ball
Not ready soon

Voice behind the scene : Ladies and Gentlemen! We sincerely thank all the participants and guests of today's ball. We hope that you, having plunged into the past, felt the spirit of that time. We were glad to see you! See you!

List of sources used:

    "History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the twentieth century" A guide for university applicants / Ed. V.V. Kerova
