The history of the group is a survival guide. Survival Guide - Did you know this is extremist material

Musician, leader of the rock group "Instruction for Survival" Roman Neumoev was called to the Pskov "Center E", which became interested in him because of the entries on Neumoev's page in in social networks. Radio Liberty was able to talk to the musician immediately after his visit to the police and ask him about freedom, censorship, the death of Russian rock and going to church.

“We must seek God directly. Not through creativity, but to go in a more direct way - to pray, to sit in a cell,” says Roman Neumoev. famous representative Siberian rock "Center E" overtook in Pskov. The musician moved here to the Pskov-Pechora Monastery from Tyumen twenty-three years ago, after the Russian Breakthrough festival. He did not become a monk, but he lives a church life. He moved his elderly mother to Pechory, whose care the court may consider a mitigating circumstance when it considers the case of Neumoev under an extremist article.

The fact that the Pskov "Center E" became interested in the musician Roman Neumoev became known on February 2. And on the 8th, Neumoev went to the police, just in case, immediately with a lawyer.

- Roman, so what are you charged with?

– Thank God, I found out that there is no specific claim against me. Timur Mutsuraev was found on my Vkontakte page. This is a singer, and a very talented one, with a gorgeous voice. This is such a singer Chechen people who sings about jihad. I even heard that he fought in the First Chechen campaign.

– Not on the Russian side?

- Naturally, he fought against the feds. Here's a video that I didn't even think about. About seven years ago, he somehow got into the "Video Recordings" section, and somewhere at the end, apparently, he was.

- So the police had to look through the entire folder to find the video?

- And there is no need to look through, the program is now looking through, which automatically determines that the fact of the presence of extremist material has been detected. This video of Mutsuraev, I was shown, under the number three thousand of some kind, it is called "Wings of Jihad" and is directed against Kadyrov. Mutsuraev accuses Kadyrov and people like Kadyrov of betrayal in this song. When I looked through the list, it is big, I did not reach three thousand. I couldn't just fall asleep. But I'm a living person, and there is a program!

– Did you know that this is extremist material?

- I didn’t really know, but I understood that this was the kind of person, that he was anti-Russian. And the songs are interesting, nevertheless, and talented. But at that time there was no such intensity of the fight against extremism and jihadism.

“And what did Center E tell you?”

- Well now - wait for them to hand over all this to the district police officer, the district police officer will invite me to court, and the court will judge me under the administrative article - Code of Administrative Offenses, 20.29. Administrative offense, fine from 1000 to 3000 or arrest for 15 days. Still, I contributed to the dissemination of Timur Mutsuraev's extremist material.

- Do you have any complaints about your work?

- Well, until some kind of denunciation is written, probably not. I don't care too much about my work. What do I have there?

- For example, you have a song with the sonorous name "Kill a Jew" ...

- You see, this song was first performed in 1991 at the "Turkeys" festival ... But in the song, if you do not take only the title, but at least somehow delve into the text, you can see philosophical reflection the problem itself. To kill, and whether it is necessary to kill, and what can come of it. But this is rock. The style, perhaps, presented it in such a way that it began to be perceived, indeed, as if I was justifying it. I almost call on the Jews to kill. And plus, the song itself sounded at a time when the Jewish question was not discussed at all in any way, by anyone. He was banned. And so then it was a kind of bombshell, the statement of this question itself.

– What did you mean by that? I didn’t see the Jewish theme in the text ...

- She's not there. Zhid in our language has a common sense, it is not an ethnic definition. It can be interpreted as a "greedy person", for example. And in Dahl's dictionary, if you look at what the word "Jew" means, it is clear that this, in general, has nothing to do with Jewry. That is, Jews cannot be called Jews, roughly speaking. In our country, this is not necessarily a Jew ethnically. And in criminal slang, "to kill a Jew" generally means "to get rich."

– Did you mean it?

No, I didn't mean that, of course! There I have footnotes to biblical, philosophical, even religious moments. The song is built, generally speaking, according to classical principle philosophical treatise - there is a thesis, an antithesis and a synthesis.

It is impossible, if you are sick with some idea, ideology, to use your creativity, your music as a kind of loudspeaker that pumps this ideology

I never had the task of writing some kind of provocative song for the sake of provocation itself, that's how Kolovrat does it. And I'm not interested in such art. It is impossible, if you are sick of some idea, ideology, to use your creativity, your music as a kind of loudspeaker that shakes this ideology. This is a kind of occupation, it has nothing to do with creativity. Because the creator, the poet, when he writes a work - this is his way of knowing the world. He's trying to figure it out himself.

- Don't you think that law enforcement agencies look at it differently and see not creativity, but articles of the Criminal Code?

- So for God's sake! But I think that if they start specifically analyzing this song at the level of articles of the Criminal Code, then the experts will give a conclusion that will not allow me to be charged under the article.

- In general, in your opinion, is it permissible to disassemble songs, poems, music from the point of view of the Criminal Code?

- There must be an expert assessment - is it really a song or is it ideological propaganda disguised as a song. It could be that, of course.

- But Russian rock - it has always been very politicized ...

- Not really. Russian rock is dead without sociality. If it does not contain any social at all, then it is stillborn and there is no point in it.

- This is to the question of the popular discussion - is Russian rock alive or dead?

- The opinion of many is that there is practically no rock, there are some commercialized ersatz. It was relevant, apparently, really as an alternative to the scoop.

– And now, aren’t we returning to the same situation, when again an alternative is required?

- In the same form - have not returned yet. Some freedom has not yet been completely eliminated. You see, we did not set ourselves the task of fighting the shovel as such. I don't take it that way. We wanted to express ourselves with the means we had.

- But you did not go to the Komsomol for self-expression.

- I had a constant conflict with the Komsomol, because the Komsomol tried to turn all rock into its department - another department for working with youth through rock music. And we didn’t really fight it, we just didn’t agree, because it wasn’t interesting. Formalization of any phenomenon is not interesting. It's boring. And rock music is interesting just for its explosive beginning, which gives a person the opportunity to at least briefly free himself from conventions, let off steam.

- So this explosive moment in rock - it also rocked society in its time, did everyone suddenly "want change"?

Don't blow up the world with this. Any sane person should understand that the world does not explode by means of art. It's easier to blow up the world with an ordinary bomb

– Not this moment rocked society. Although Kinchev sings that "there is something in this that blows up the world," but he simply exaggerates this. Don't blow up the world with this. Any sane person should understand that the world does not explode by means of art. It's easier to blow up the world with an ordinary bomb. Why such a difficult path, blow up some kind of world new form art? This can excite the layman, but what else? What, will it raise the revolutionary masses, perhaps, to some kind of struggle? No. In the West, this is a form of variety art. This is a form of entertainment when people gather at concerts, liberate themselves, they can scream. Then they go home and calm down.

– But it seems to me that with the "Civil Defense" and Yanka was still a slightly different story. It doesn't look like entertainment.

- We have rock - yes, like this: rebels, fighters with the system. We were all in the same row - and Yanka, and I, "Instructions for Survival", and Letov. It was a way to find yours. It was not for nothing that Letov sang such a song - "We play for ourselves." This is a way to find your own in a society where people are strangers to each other, and even more so to us, who do not want to be ordinary people and live a boring narrow-minded life, but want freedom. Rock - this was the way, even if not to be freed, because it is impossible to be completely freed in this world (we are all bound by some social chains, conventions), but at least to feel free for a while.

- Roman, and when freedom came, what changed?

Suddenly you begin to understand: no, they can put you in prison, why don’t you? But after all, the situation can reach the point where they will plant for the opinion

- Yes, there is no freedom! Well, under Yeltsin there was an illusion of freedom, which in 93 ended with tank fire at to the white house. But the feeling - yes, it seems like they gave freedom. Sing, speak, no one will put you in jail for this. Therefore, such cases as now, they return to that time. Suddenly you begin to understand: no, they can put you in prison, why don’t you? But after all, the situation can reach the point where they will be planted for their opinion. Just not everyone. Nevzorov said very well about this: the same GULAG will not be built, it is too expensive. But in information society such a Gulag is not necessary, in fact. It is enough just to pull out some separate examples. Information diverges - everyone else starts to say to themselves: yes, well, in FIG I need this. I’ll sit quietly in the kitchen, watch TV, Vladimir Vladimirovich speaks well there ...

- Meanwhile, there is an opinion that just such an atmosphere of pressure and lack of freedom serves as a good incentive for creativity ...

- And why then in the West there are much more interesting musicians? Because there is no pressure there. Why, then, does rock really flourish there, but, excuse me, it doesn’t bloom here? There are some interesting rock bands, but very few. The fingers of one hand may not be enough, if you count, but still this is not such a phenomenon as in the West.

– What do you think, if all of you, representatives of the “Siberian wave”, were born twenty years later, what would change?

- I do not know this. Perestroika really got me into this business. If not for perestroika, Mikhail Sergeevich, I probably would not have done anything like this at all and would not have become a rock musician. Because, only when I became a rock musician, I realized how hard it is and how hard it will be to stay alive later. Well, it can be seen from the early deaths of our rockers that the matter is rather difficult.

- If Letov wrote today, would he become the object of attention of "Center E"?

To correspond to the level of "Center E", it is necessary to write simpler, clearer. Do you support Bandera or not. Are you for ISIS or against ISIS?

- Yes, that's how he would have become - they would have found something on his page, and that's all! And at the expense of songs - no, how could he become? Take his latest album. There is extremism there, but it is so existential that it is not the level of "Center E". To correspond to the level of "Center E", it is necessary to write simpler, clearer. Do you support Bandera or not. Are you for ISIS or against ISIS? And when Letov sings that it is necessary to go "to the sky through a pipe" - this is extremism, of course, but it is so existential in nature that not a single examination recognizes that there are specific calls for some kind of action. I have the song "Suicide", if you wish, you can accuse me of pushing young people to suicidal actions. If you set a goal. But this is necessary for someone to order me, just like that it will not come to a sane person's head. Today I saw an employee of the "Center E" - it definitely would not occur to him. It was an adequate, normal person.

So you made a good impression?

- He made a good impression on me - he is engaged in his business and is clearly an expert in his field. But this is all with a smile. "Well, they imposed on our general, but where to go?" ...Once I had a book, where I entered as an extremist. It was called "Encyclopedia of extremism in Russia". All the Cossack generals entered there, Letov, your obedient servant - we all got into this book. But under Yeltsin this was not given a move. It was believed that banditry is more dangerous.

- Roman, what are your Political Views?

– I gravitate toward the Orthodox monarchist ideology. Traditional for Russia, for the church, ideology, when the church would like to deal with the tsar. I very rarely participated in rallies, but once I was invited, I went - the party " Great Russia Andrey Savelyev. I sympathize with these people, although I will not join their ranks, because I understand that this is a marginal path.

- Do you like someone from the political mainstream?

- Do not go to the polls?

- I don't go. I haven't gone since 1996. When I realized that a system is being created, when elections turn into a show for the people and everything is decided and bought in advance. When they actually bought the election results from Zyuganov, I realized that a system was being created that would simply hide behind the elections. Well, what to walk? Now they go less and less, because more and more people realize that all this is pointless, that you are being used as a sucker - the main thing is that you came. It doesn't matter who you vote for, you can vote against everyone - what matters is that you support the democratic fetish that you go to the polls.

- Do you feel that this fetish will ever turn into a real democracy?

- You know, I think that the illusion of democracy that we have created now is even too good for Russia. Because Russia is not for democracy. I was invited to television not so long ago, in the program "Born in the USSR". I started talking about freedom there, and the spectator calls live: "Don't you think that this freedom, for which you fought, has gone to the level of permissiveness?" Well, what to talk about? In our country, everything is so quickly turning into permissiveness, and the people themselves say: just give us freedom - we will arrange this!

“People are afraid of freedom.

– Yes, people are afraid of their own freedom, because they are not sure that they will do something good with it. That's why they agree: yes, let Putin, let this system, they say, but what is the alternative? And we have only one alternative - a Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless.

- And at the same time, there are people who are engaged in rock music and are looking for this very freedom ...

- You see, rock music does not require external freedom. It is rather a search for inner freedom. Rather, immersion inside yourself than going out and trying to change the world. Maybe there are people in rock music who are trying to change the world with their music. But I think they are wrong, it is an illusion. Nobody can change the world at all. BG sang well: "It's ridiculous to pretend that I'm at the helm when there is so much karma around, and Yin and Yang." That is, the world is a mass of people, and what can you do with this mass? Well, throw some idea into this mass - it will fade with time. This mass will absorb it, and after a while again a flat surface, slightly swaying, and nothing. And no rebels will be able to blow up and change and so on. Yes, that's probably right. Why should anyone change anything? Does anyone know what is right and where is wrong? And even the artist does not know this. He can only present his vision to people, what if he starts imposing his vision? It will start a kind of fascism. Some artists, like Limonov, say that at some point you need to go into politics. But a writer, a poet who has gone into politics is such a well-trodden path, which is shown in the film by Pink Floyd. It turns out another brick in the wall, in the end.

- Therefore, you left rock not for politics, but for the church?

- Now the period has come when what is said in the songs must be implemented in life. The poet, in fact, pronounces himself in his songs. He knows himself, he predicts something for himself, makes some kind of applications. And then you have to answer for the market! And now I feel that those things that I declared in my work, I must put into practice, at least try.

- Roman, aren't you offended that some of the songs of the "Instructions for Survival", the same "Red Laughter", people know better performed by Yegor Letov?

- Well, maybe it's a shame, but it doesn't gnaw much. You see, I did not do this for fame. I did not set myself the task of becoming a world star. For me it was more of a spiritual quest.

“Which led you eventually to the monastery.

- And this is very logical. As Slava Nemirovich, the founder of a rock club in Tyumen, said: this is what Malevich's square is, what do people look for in the avant-garde? They are ultimately looking for God. And what is God - this is a naked force. That is, people are looking for power. I think it is right. An artist, a poet comes at a certain stage to the fact that it is necessary to look for God directly. Not through creativity, but a more direct way to go - to pray, to sit in a cell.

The first mention of the "Instruction for Survival" group dates back to 1985, when Komsomol functionaries offered a graduate of the philological faculty of the Tyumen state university Miroslav Nemirov to create a club of music lovers. He also had an idea to organize a rock club in Tyumen following the example of Leningrad. Nemirov was given a half-rate, a room in a university dormitory and simple equipment. Although he did not know how to play on anything, he wrote talented poetry and was a very energetic person. During this time, he was intern at high school where he taught literature. In one of the classes of this school, Arkady Kuznetsov studied, who was keenly interested in the extraordinary personality of the teacher. In addition, he had heard rumors about a mysterious rock club. After the first visit to the Nemirovsky club, Arkasha decided to play punk rock. Nemirov invited him to team up with Igor Zhevtun and create a group. This is how the Chuck Barry Rebel Army was born. For a while, the band led an acoustic nomadic lifestyle. In March 1986, they recorded their first acoustic album titled "Instruction for Survival" in a spontaneous university studio. This name was borrowed from a poem by Nemirov, which later became a song.

On April 12, 1986, rock club members, encouraged by unsuspecting Komsomol leaders, decided to hold a reporting event. Nemirov wrote the script for the play, the main idea of ​​which was to show how any good undertaking perishes in the muddy sea of ​​bourgeois show business. During the performance, the entire development of rock music was presented, from rock and roll to punk rock. Arkasha and Igor wrote about 30 songs for this performance, some of them to Nemirov's words, some to their own.

The historic concert took place in the physical building of the Tyumen University with a large crowd of people. This day is considered the official birthday of the Survival Instructions group. Then they performed as follows: Arkady Kuznetsov - guitar, vocals; Igor Zhevtun - guitar, vocals; Jack Kuznetsov - drums, German Bezrukov - guitar, and Dmitry Shevchuk - bass guitar. Roman Neumoev played the role of the shark of capitalism and show business, Mr. Dromych. At that time, he was just a functionary of a rock club and had nothing to do with the musical part of the performance. For many people, this concert was the most vivid impression. “... it suddenly became clear that no one needed a performance,” recalls Arkady Kuznetsov. “We felt what it means to stand on stage and play real music. And literally hysteria began in the hall, some girls danced on the windowsills. .. In the middle of the concert, attracted by a terrible noise, roaring and screeching, the cops came in. But they were so confused that they didn’t even screw anyone. They probably thought that they had imagined it all. And the concert lasted, lasted, lasted ... moment Jack, who was always very ironic about our work, jumped out from behind the drums, his hands were shaking, and he threw his wand into the audience. I understood: everything - Jack also suffered. "

Immediately after the concert, trouble began. First there was a meeting of the Komsomol committee. The guys were accused of all serious sins: fascism, homosexuality, drug addiction, etc. And then the KGB got down to business and repressions began. Nemirov was fired from his job and he left for the North. Igor Zhevtun, Yuri Shapovalov and some others were sent to the army, Arkasha Kuznetsov had to abandon his intention to enter the university. The March recording was seized, which was later lost in the KGB archives. The Survival Guide has practically ceased to exist. From the materials of that time, only photographs remained.

But the idea didn't die. new life Roman Neumoev breathed into it. He was practically alone. Despite problems with his hand, Romych learned to play the guitar and began to write songs, and he approached this very scrupulously. At first he made a small plan: "Compose a song. The style is blues. The song should talk about that." Romych managed to assemble a new team, which included, besides himself: German Bezrukov, Jack Kuznetsov, Kirill Rybyakov and Yuri Krylov. The group began to be called ``Social-musical formation "Instruction for Survival". They performed songs by Romych, Kirill and Yuri. In this composition, in the fall of 1986, they went to Sverdlovsk festival where they performed very well. In January 1987, Arkady Kuznetsov returned to the group. "Instruction" consisting of Romych Neumoev, Sasha Kovyazin, Andrey Shegunov, Jack Kuznetsov, Kirill Rybyakov and Arkady Kuznetsov performs at the closing of another Tyumen rock club. Then in Tyumen, the authorities, in order to control the situation in the musical environment, created rock clubs and immediately closed them. As soon as the reporting concert took place, it became clear that it was no longer possible to deal with these people. Soon Rybyakov and Krylov leave the "Instructions" and create their own group "Hook", which later grew into the "Nishtyak Cooperative".

In the summer of 1987, at the Simferopol Rock Festival, Romych Neumoev met Yegor Letov and Yanka Diaghileva and invited them to visit Tyumen. In the fall, the album "Instruction for Defense" was recorded at the IPV rehearsal base. The recording was attended by: Romych Neumoev, Yegor Letov, Sasha Kovyazin, Yura "Shapa" Shapovalov, Artur Strukov (" cultural revolution"), Kirill Rybyakov ("Hook") and Vladimir "Jagger" Medvedev ("Central Deli"). In the same year, the IPV album "Night Beat" was recorded.

1988 was an extremely eventful year. In March, "Instruction" is invited to the festival "Siberian Rock in Moscow", which was held in the Palace of Culture of Moscow State University. After the concert, the correspondent of the magazine "Counterculture" Alexei Koblov suggested recording in Zelenograd. On the first day they recorded blanks, and the next day they overdubbed. There were no live drums and their part was performed on a rhythm composter. This is how one of the most widespread IPV album "Confrontation in Moscow" was born. Romych Neumoev, Arkasha Kuznetsov, Valera Usoltsev, Dimon Kolokolov and Zhenya Kokorin took part in the work on it. In April, "Instruction" goes to the Second Novosibirsk Festival, and in June - performs at the Tyumen Festival of Alternative and Left-wing Radical Music. Igor Zhevtun was demobilized from the army by that time, but did not return to the "Instruction", but joined the "Civil Defense", in which he performed at this festival. After a short summer vacation, the group gathers again by the fall and gives a number of concerts in Tyumen until the end of the year. Particularly noteworthy was the concert played in December in the recreation center "Stroitel". Firstly, five minutes before its start, a monstrous power surge completely burns almost the entire device. The concert is played on the three remaining "alive" monitors, which were deployed towards the audience. Secondly, Romych Neumoev for the first time announced the termination of his rock and roll activities.

In June 1989, "Instruction for Survival" (composition: Roman Neumoev - vocals, Jack Kuznetsov - drums, Arkady Kuznetsov - bass, Evgeny Kokorin - guitar, Igor Zhevtun - guitar) participates in a concert dedicated to the memory of the famous Novosibirsk musician Dmitry Selivanov, who committed suicide in April of the same year. In October, the group performs at the Barnaul festival "Rock Periphery", where a recording is made, which later received wide circulation under the name "Test of Conscience". December 29 "Instruction" plays in Moscow at the "Last Concert of the 80s". Along with active concert activity throughout 1989, IPV made numerous attempts at studio recording. And finally, in 1990 the album "Memory" was released, and in 1991 the album "Attention". Both of them were recorded in the home studio of Romych Neumoev.

In the spring of 1991, "Instruction for Survival" arrives at the Moscow festival "Turkeys". There, for the first time, it was played scandalously famous song"Kill the Jew!" During its performance, the democratically minded part of the rock and roll party defiantly left the hall. Then there is a lull in the activities of the group. Attempts are being made to record the next album.

In the summer of 1993, "Instruction" gives a concert in Tyumen in a renewed line-up: Romych Neumoev - vocals, Arkady Kuznetsov - bass, Igor Gulyaev ("Boo-Khanka", "Devil's Dolls") - guitar, Evgeny Kokorin - guitar, Alexander Andryushkin (" Cooperative Nishtyak") - drums. And on December 19, together with "Civil Defense" and Manager (Oleg Sudakov), he takes part in the action "Guide to Action", held as part of the festival contemporary art"Russian Breakthrough", organized by the editors of the newspaper "Tomorrow" and the Right-Radical Party. Romych and Letov, together with Prokhanov and Dugin, gave a press conference. Then the matter did not come to the concert, as the excited ticketless fans tried to storm the Gorky Palace of Culture. The frightened administration called the riot police. A few days later, Romych Neumoev and Yegor Letov announce the organization of the Russian Breakthrough movement.

"Instructions" nevertheless managed to give two concerts in Moscow: in a punk club in "New Cheryomushki" and in "Bunker". In addition, during several December days spent at the Moscow studio "MizAntrop", they recorded the album "Wounded Heart", the original of which was thrown out of the train by Romych into the swamps of the Perm region.

In February 1994, the first concert was held in Tyumen as part of the ``Russian Breakthrough' movement. It was attended by ``Survival Instructions', ``Civil Defense'' and Oleg Manager's newly created group ``Motherland''. In April, ``Russian Breakthrough'' goes to Ukraine. Concerts are held in Kyiv and Lugansk. Followed by Rosto-on-Don, the Moscow Sports Palace ``Kryalya Sovetov'' and the Leningrad Palace of Youth. In St. Petersburg, due to disagreements with the organizers of the tour, Romych left the movement and `ʻInstruction'' performed without him.

In autumn IPV prepares new program for a solo tour, which for a number of reasons never took place. Evgany Kokorin, Igor Zhevtun, and Alexander Andryushkin went on tour as part of the ``Civil Defense'' and the ``Motherland'' group. In the middle of the tour, the idea spontaneously arose to include the performance of `ʻInstructions'' in the program of the Moscow concert, consisting of: Igor Zhevtun - bass, vocals; Evgeny Kokorin - guitar, vocals; Alexander Andryushkin - drums and, who joined them in Moscow, Igor Gulyaev - guitar. In the same composition they perform in Novosibirsk.

In addition, in November, the IPV, consisting of: Arkady Kuznetsov, Jack Kuznetsov, Igor Gulyaev, Evgeny Kokorin, performed at the Moscow festival ``Siberian Drive'', which took place in the Palace of Culture of Railwaymen. Romych Neumoev could not take part in the concert due to a sore throat.

April 12, 1995 in the physical building Tyumen University a festival dedicated to the birthday of ``Instructions for Survival'' was held. ``Instruction' itself did not perform at this festival. Its musicians (Arkady Kuznetsov, Igor Zhevtun, Jack Kuznetsov, Igor Gulyaev, Dmitry Kolokolov, Evgeny Kokorin, Alexander Andryushkin) performed as part of the groups: ``Chernozem', ``Motherland'', ``Jolly Roger''. on a pilgrimage.

In the winter-spring of 1995, the musicians of "Instructions" (Evgeny Kokorin, Igor Zhevtun, Alexander Andryushkin, Jack Kuznetsov, Arkasha Kuznetsov) take part in the recording of the albums of Dima Kuzmin's project "Black Lukich" - "Ice Heels" and Oleg Manager's project "Motherland" - "To be alive", as well as the project of Evgeny Kokorin "Chernozem" - "A gift for the weakest".

In January 1998, IPV performed with two concerts in Moscow - in the clubs "Diamand" (composition: Mango (Andrey Shrub) - vocals; Arkady Kuznetsov - vocals, bass; Igor Zhevtun - vocals, guitar; Evgeny Kokorin - vocals, guitar; Igor Gulyaev - guitar; Jack Kuznetsov - drums) and "Cruiser" (composition: Roman Neumoev - vocals, Arkady Kuznetsov - bass, Evgeny Kokorin - guitar, Igor Gulyaev - guitar, Jack Kuznetsov - drums), as well as with a concert in Mogilev (composition as in "Cruiser").

The first mention of the "Instruction for Survival" group dates back to 1985, when Komsomol functionaries proposed Miroslav Nemirov, a graduate of the philological faculty of Tyumen State University, to create a club of music lovers. He also had an idea to organize a rock club in Tyumen following the example of Leningrad. Nemirov was given a half-rate, a room in a university dormitory and simple equipment. Although he did not know how to play on anything, he wrote talented poetry and was a very energetic person. At this time, he did an internship at a secondary school, where he taught literature. In one of the classes of this school, Arkady Kuznetsov studied, who was keenly interested in the extraordinary personality of the teacher. In addition, he had heard rumors about a mysterious rock club. After the first visit to the Nemirovsky club, Arkasha decided to play punk rock. Nemirov invited him to team up with Igor Zhevtun and create a group. This is how the Chuck Barry Rebel Army was born. For a while, the band led an acoustic nomadic lifestyle. In March 1986, they recorded their first acoustic album, Survival Instructions, in the University's spontaneous studio. This name was borrowed from a poem by Nemirov, which later became a song.

On April 12, 1986, rock club members, encouraged by unsuspecting Komsomol leaders, decided to hold a reporting event. Nemirov wrote the script for the play, the main idea of ​​which was to show how any good undertaking perishes in the muddy sea of ​​bourgeois show business. During the performance, the entire development of rock music was presented, from rock and roll to punk rock. Arkasha and Igor wrote about 30 songs for this performance, some of them to Nemirov's words, some to their own.

The historic concert took place in the physical building of the Tyumen University with a large crowd of people. This day is considered the official birthday of the Survival Instructions group. Then they performed as follows: Arkady Kuznetsov - guitar, vocals; Igor Zhevtun - guitar, vocals; Jack Kuznetsov - drums, German Bezrukov - guitar, and Dmitry Shevchuk - bass guitar. Roman Neumoev played the role of the shark of capitalism and show business, Mr. Dromych. At that time, he was just a functionary of a rock club and had nothing to do with the musical part of the performance. For many people, this concert was the most vivid impression. “... it suddenly became clear that no one needs a performance in FIG,” recalls Arkady Kuznetsov. - We felt what it means to stand on stage and play real music. And literally hysteria began in the hall, some girls danced on the windowsills ... In the middle of the concert, attracted by a terrible noise, roar and screech, the cops came. But they were so confused that they didn’t even screw anyone. They probably thought that they had imagined it all. And the concert lasted, lasted, lasted ... At one moment, Jack, who was always very ironic about our work, jumped out from behind the drums, his hands were shaking, and he threw his stick into the hall. I understood: everything - Jack also suffered.

Immediately after the concert, trouble began. First there was a meeting of the Komsomol committee. The guys were accused of all serious sins: fascism, homosexuality, drug addiction, etc. And then the KGB got down to business and repressions began. Nemirov was fired from his job and he left for the North. Igor Zhevtun, Yuri Shapovalov and some others were sent to the army, Arkasha Kuznetsov had to abandon his intention to enter the university. The March recording was seized, which was later lost in the KGB archives. The Survival Manual has practically ceased to exist. From the materials of that time, only photographs remained.

But the idea didn't die. Roman Neumoev breathed new life into it. He was practically alone. Despite problems with his hand, Romych learned to play the guitar and began to write songs, and he approached this very scrupulously. At first he made a small plan: “Compose a song. Style - blues. The song should talk about something." Romych managed to assemble a new team, which included, besides himself: German Bezrukov, Jack Kuznetsov, Kirill Rybyakov and Yuri Krylov. The group began to be called ``Social-musical formation "Instruction for Survival". They performed songs by Romych, Kirill and Yuri. In the fall of 1986, in this composition, they went to the Sverdlovsk Festival, where they performed very successfully. In January 1987, Arkady Kuznetsov returned to the group. "Instruction" consisting of Romych Neumoev, Sasha Kovyazin, Andrey Shegunov, Jack Kuznetsov, Kirill Rybyakov and Arkady Kuznetsov performs at the closing of another Tyumen rock club. Then in Tyumen, the authorities, in order to control the situation in the musical environment, created rock clubs and immediately closed them. As soon as the reporting concert took place, it became clear that it was no longer possible to deal with these people. Soon Rybyakov and Krylov leave the "Instructions" and create their own group "Hook", which later grew into the "Nishtyak Cooperative".

In the summer of 1987, at the Simferopol Rock Festival, Romych Neumoev met Yegor Letov and Yanka Diaghileva and invited them to visit Tyumen. In autumn, the album "Instruction for Defense" was recorded at the IPV rehearsal base. The following people took part in its recording: Romych Neumoev, Yegor Letov, Sasha Kovyazin, Yura "Shapa" Shapovalov, Artur Strukov ("Cultural Revolution"), Kirill Rybyakov ("Hook") and Vladimir "Jagger" Medvedev ("Central Grocery Store"). In the same year, the IPV album "Night Beat" was recorded.

1988 was an extremely eventful year. In March, "Instruction" is invited to the festival "Siberian Rock in Moscow", which was held in the Palace of Culture of Moscow State University. After the concert, the correspondent of the magazine "Counterculture" Alexei Koblov suggested recording in Zelenograd. On the first day they recorded blanks, and the next day they overdubbed. There were no live drums and their part was performed on a rhythm composter. Thus, one of the most widespread IPV albums, Confrontation in Moscow, was born. Romych Neumoev, Arkasha Kuznetsov, Valera Usoltsev, Dimon Kolokolov and Zhenya Kokorin took part in the work on it. In April, Instruction goes to the Second Novosibirsk Festival, and in June it performs at the Tyumen Festival of Alternative and Left-wing Radical Music. Igor Zhevtun was demobilized from the army by that time, but did not return to the "Instruction", but joins the "Civil Defense", in which he performs at this festival. After a short summer vacation, the group gathers again by the fall and gives a number of concerts in Tyumen until the end of the year. Particularly noteworthy was the concert played in December at the Stroitel Palace of Culture. Firstly, five minutes before its start, a monstrous power surge completely burns almost the entire apparatus. The concert is played on the three remaining "alive" monitors, which were deployed towards the audience. Secondly, Romych Neumoev for the first time announced the termination of his rock and roll activities.

In June 1989, "Instruction for Survival" (composition: Roman Neumoev - vocals, Jack Kuznetsov - drums, Arkady Kuznetsov - bass, Evgeny Kokorin - guitar, Igor Zhevtun - guitar) participates in a concert dedicated to the memory of the famous Novosibirsk musician Dmitry Selivanov, who committed suicide in April of the same year. In October, the group performs at the Barnaul festival "Rock Periphery", where a recording is made, which later received wide circulation under the name "Test of Conscience". December 29 "Instruction" plays in Moscow at the "Last Concert of the 80s". Along with active concert activity throughout 1989, IPV made numerous attempts at studio recording. And finally, in 1990 the album "Memory" was released, and in 1991 the album "Attention". Both of them were recorded in the home studio of Romych Neumoev.

In the spring of 1991, the "Instruction for Survival" arrives at the Moscow festival "Turkeys". The infamous song “Kill a Jew!” Was played there for the first time. During its performance, the democratically minded part of the rock and roll party defiantly left the hall. Then there is a lull in the activities of the group. Attempts are being made to record the next album.

In the summer of 1993, Instruction gives a concert in Tyumen with a renewed line-up: Romych Neumoev - vocals, Arkady Kuznetsov - bass, Igor Gulyaev ("Boo-Khanka", "Devil's Dolls") - guitar, Evgeny Kokorin - guitar, Alexander Andryushkin (" Cooperative Nishtyak") - drums. And on December 19, together with Civil Defense and Manager (Oleg Sudakov), he takes part in the Action Guide action, held as part of the Russian Breakthrough festival of contemporary art, organized by the editors of the Zavtra newspaper and the Right-Radical Party. Romych and Letov, together with Prokhanov and Dugin, gave a press conference. Then the matter did not come to the concert, as the excited ticketless fans tried to storm the Gorky Palace of Culture. The frightened administration called the riot police. A few days later, Romych Neumoev and Yegor Letov announce the organization of the Russian Breakthrough movement.

"Instructions" nevertheless managed to give two concerts in Moscow: in a punk club in Novye Cheryomushki and in the Bunker. In addition, during several December days spent at the Moscow studio "MizAntrop", they recorded the album "Wounded Heart", the original of which was thrown out of the train by Romych into the swamps of the Perm region.

In February 1994, the first concert was held in Tyumen as part of the ``Russian Breakthrough'' movement. It was attended by ``Survival Instructions'', ``Civil Defense'' and Oleg Manager's newly created group ``Motherland''. In April, ``Russian Breakthrough'' goes to Ukraine. Concerts are held in Kyiv and Lugansk. This is followed by Rosto-on-Don, the Moscow Palace of Sports ``Kryalya Sovetov'' and the Leningrad Palace of Youth. In St. Petersburg, due to disagreements with the organizers of the tour, Romych left the movement and `ʻInstruction'' performed without him.

In the fall, IPV is preparing a new program for solo tours, which for a number of reasons never took place. Evgany Kokorin, Igor Zhevtun, and Alexander Andryushkin went on tour as part of the ``Civil Defense'' and the ``Motherland'' group. In the middle of the tour, the idea spontaneously arose to include the performance of `ʻInstructions'' in the program of the Moscow concert, consisting of: Igor Zhevtun - bass, vocals; Evgeny Kokorin - guitar, vocals; Alexander Andryushkin - drums and, who joined them in Moscow, Igor Gulyaev - guitar. In the same composition they perform in Novosibirsk.

In addition, in November, IPV, consisting of: Arkady Kuznetsov, Jack Kuznetsov, Igor Gulyaev, Evgeny Kokorin, performed at the Moscow festival ``Siberian Drive'', which took place in the Palace of Culture of Railwaymen. Romych Neumoev was unable to take part in the concert due to a sore throat.

On April 12, 1995, a festival dedicated to the birthday of `ʻInstructions for Survival'' took place in the physical building of Tyumen University. The ``Instruction' itself did not perform at this festival. Its musicians (Arkady Kuznetsov, Igor Zhevtun, Jack Kuznetsov, Igor Gulyaev, Dmitry Kolokolov, Evgeny Kokorin, Alexander Andryushkin) performed as part of the groups: ``Chernozem', ``Motherland'', ``Jolly Roger''. Neumoev at this time is on a pilgrimage.

In the winter-spring of 1995, the musicians of the "Instructions" (Evgeny Kokorin, Igor Zhevtun, Alexander Andryushkin, Jack Kuznetsov, Arkasha Kuznetsov) take part in the recording of the albums of Dima Kuzmin's project "Black Lukich" - "Ice Heels" and Oleg Manager's project "Motherland" - “To be alive”, as well as the project of Evgeny Kokorin “Chernozem” - “A gift for the weakest”.

In January 1998, IPV performed with two concerts in Moscow - in the clubs "Diamond" (composition: Mango (Andrey Shrub) - vocals; Arkady Kuznetsov - vocals, bass; Igor Zhevtun - vocals, guitar; Evgeny Kokorin - vocals, guitar; Igor Gulyaev - guitar; Jack Kuznetsov - drums) and "Cruiser" (composition: Roman Neumoev - vocals, Arkady Kuznetsov - bass, Evgeny Kokorin - guitar, Igor Gulyaev - guitar, Jack Kuznetsov - drums), as well as with a concert in Mogilev (composition as in "Cruiser").

The first mention of the group "Instructions for Survival" are by 1985, when Komsomol functionaries suggested Miroslav Nemirov, a graduate of the philological faculty of Tyumen State University, to create a club of music lovers. He also had an idea to organize a rock club in Tyumen following the example of Leningrad. Nemirov was given a half-rate, a room in a university dormitory and simple equipment. Although he did not know how to play on anything, he wrote talented poetry and was a very energetic person. At this time, he did an internship at a secondary school, where he taught literature. In one of the classes of this school, Arkady Kuznetsov studied, who was keenly interested in the extraordinary personality of the teacher. In addition, he had heard rumors about a mysterious rock club. After the first visit to the Nemirovsky club, Arkasha decided to play punk rock. Nemirov invited him to team up with Igor Zhevtun and create a group. Thus arose Chuck Barry Rebel Army". For a while, the group led an acoustic nomadic lifestyle. In March 1986, they recorded the first acoustic album called "Instruction for Survival" in a spontaneously emerged university studio. This name was borrowed from a poem by Nemirov, which later became a song.

April 12, 1986 rock club members, encouraged by unsuspecting Komsomol leaders, decided to hold a reporting event. Nemirov wrote the script for the play, the main idea of ​​which was to show how any good undertaking perishes in the muddy sea of ​​bourgeois show business. During the performance, the entire development of rock music was presented, from rock and roll to punk rock. Arkasha and Igor wrote about 30 songs for this performance, some of them to Nemirov's words, some to their own.

The historic concert took place in the physical building of the Tyumen University with a large crowd of people. This day is considered the official birthday of the Survival Instructions group. Then they performed as follows:

Arkady Kuznetsov- guitar, vocals
Igor Zhevtun- guitar, vocals
Jack Kuznetsov- drums
German Bezrukov- guitar
Dmitry Shevchuk- Bas-guitar

Roman Neumoev played the role of the shark of capitalism and show business, Mr. Droumych. At that time, he was just a functionary of a rock club and had nothing to do with the musical part of the performance. For many people, this concert was the most vivid impression. " ... it suddenly became clear that no one needs a performance in FIG- recalls Arkady Kuznetsov. - We felt what it means to stand on stage and play real music. And literally hysteria began in the hall, some girls danced on the windowsills ... In the middle of the concert, attracted by a terrible noise, roar and squeal, the cops came. But they were so confused that they didn’t even screw anyone. They probably thought that they had imagined it all. And the concert lasted, lasted, lasted ... At one moment, Jack, who was always very ironic about our work, jumped out from behind the drums, his hands were shaking, and he threw his stick into the hall. I understood: everything - Jack also suffered."

Immediately after the concert, trouble began. First there was a meeting of the Komsomol committee. The guys were accused of all serious sins: fascism, homosexuality, drug addiction, etc. And then the KGB got down to business and repressions began. Nemirov was fired from his job and he left for the North. Igor Zhevtun, Yuri Shapovalov and some others were sent to the army, Arkasha Kuznetsov had to abandon his intention to enter the university. The March recording was seized, which was later lost in the KGB archives. The Survival Manual has practically ceased to exist. From the materials of that time, only photographs remained.

But the idea didn't die. Breathed new life into it. He was practically alone. Despite problems with his hand, Romych learned to play the guitar and began to write songs, and he approached this very scrupulously. At first he made a small plan: " Compose a song. Style - blues. The song should be about something."Romych managed to assemble a new team, which included, in addition to himself: German Bezrukov, Jack Kuznetsov, Kirill Rybyakov and Yuri Krylov.

The group became known as the Social and Musical Formation Instructions for Survival. They performed songs by Romych, Kirill and Yuri. In the fall of 1986, they went to the Sverdlovsk Festival in this lineup, where they performed very successfully.

In January 87th Arkady Kuznetsov returns to the group. "Instruction" consisting of:

Romycha Neumoeva
Sasha Kovyazina
Andrey Shegunov
Jack Kuznetsov
Kirill Rybyakova
Arkady Kuznetsov

performs at the closing of another Tyumen rock club. Then in Tyumen, the authorities, in order to control the situation in the musical environment, created rock clubs and immediately closed them. As soon as the reporting concert took place, it became clear that it was no longer possible to deal with these people. Soon Rybyakov and Krylov leave the "Instructions" and create their own group "Hook", which later grew into the "Nishtyak Cooperative".

Summer 1987 at the Semfiropol rock festival, Romych Neumoev meets and invites them to visit Tyumen. In the fall, the album "Instruction for Defense" was recorded at the IPV rehearsal base. Romych Neumoev, Yegor Letov, Sasha Kovyazin, Yura "Shapa" Shapovalov, Artur Strukov ("Cultural Revolution"), Kirill Rybyakov ("Hook") and Vladimir "Jagger" Medvedev ("Central Deli") took part in its recording. In the same year, the album IPV was recorded.

1988 was extremely eventful. In March, "Instruction" is invited to the festival "Siberian Rock in Moscow", which was held in the Palace of Culture of Moscow State University. After the concert, the correspondent of the magazine "Counterculture" Alexei Koblov suggested recording in Zelenograd. On the first day they recorded blanks, and the next day they overdubbed. There were no live drums and their part was performed on a rhythm composter. This is how one of the most widespread IPV albums was born. Romych Neumoev, Arkasha Kuznetsov, Valera Usoltsev, Dimon Kolokolov and Zhenya Kokorin took part in the work on it. In April, "Instruction" goes to, and in June - performs at the Tyumen Festival of Alternative and Left-wing Radical Music. Igor Zhevtun was demobilized from the army by that time, but did not return to the "Instruction", but joins, in which he performs at this festival. After a short summer vacation, the group gathers again by the fall and gives a number of concerts in Tyumen until the end of the year. Particularly noteworthy was the concert played in December in the recreation center "Stroitel". Firstly, five minutes before its start, a monstrous power surge completely burns almost the entire device. The concert is played on the three remaining "alive" monitors, which were deployed towards the audience. Secondly, Romych Neumoev for the first time announced the termination of his rock and roll activities.

In June 1989"Survival Guide"


Roman Neumoev- vocals
Jack Kuznetsov- drums
Arkady Kuznetsov- bass
Evgeny Kokorin- guitar
Igor Zhevtun- guitar

participates in a concert dedicated to the memory of the famous Novosibirsk, who committed suicide in April of the same year. In October, the group performs at the Barnaul festival "Rock Periphery", where a recording is made, which later received wide circulation under the name "Test of Conscience".

December 29th"Instruction" plays in Moscow at the "Last Concert of the 80s". Along with active concert activity throughout 1989, IPV made numerous attempts at studio recording. And finally in 1990 comes out and in 1991 album "Attention". Both of them were recorded in the home studio of Romych Neumoev.

Spring 1991"Instruction for Survival" comes to Moscow. The infamous song "Kill a Jew!" was played there for the first time. During its performance, the democratically minded part of the rock and roll party defiantly left the hall. Then there is a lull in the activities of the group. Attempts are being made to record the next album.

Summer 1993"Instruction" gives a concert in Tyumen in an updated line-up:

Romych Neumoev- vocals
Arkady Kuznetsov- bass
Igor Gulyaev("Boo Hanka", "Damn Dolls") - guitar
Evgeny Kokorin- guitar
Alexander Andryushkin("Cooperative Nishtyak") - drums.

A December 19 together with "Civil Defense" and Manager (Oleg Sudakov) takes part in the "Guide to Action" campaign, held as part of the Russian Breakthrough festival of contemporary art, organized by the editors of the Zavtra newspaper and the Right-Radical Party. Romych and Letov, together with Prokhanov and Dugin, gave a press conference. Then the matter did not come to the concert, as the excited ticketless fans tried to storm the Gorky Palace of Culture. The frightened administration called the riot police. A few days later, Romych Neumoev and Yegor Letov announce the organization of the Russian Breakthrough movement.

"Instructions" nevertheless managed to give two concerts in Moscow: in a punk club in "New Cheryomushki" and in "Bunker". In addition, during several December days spent at the Moscow studio "MizAntrop", they recorded the album "Wounded Heart", the original of which was thrown out of the train by Romych into the swamps of the Perm region.

February 1994 year in Tyumen, the first concert was held as part of the Russian Breakthrough movement. It was attended by "Instruction for Survival", "Civil Defense" and the newly created group of Oleg Manager "Motherland". In April, ``Russian Breakthrough'' goes to Ukraine and Lugansk. Followed by Rosto-on-Don, the Moscow Sports Palace and the Leningrad Youth Palace. .

In the fall, IPV is preparing a new program for solo tours, which for a number of reasons never took place. Evgany Kokorin, Igor Zhevtun, and Alexander Andryushkin went on tour as part of " Civil Defense"and the group" Rodina ". In the middle of the tour, the idea spontaneously arose to include in the program of the Moscow concert the performance of "Instructions" consisting of:

Igor Zhevtun- bass, vocals
Evgeny Kokorin- guitar, vocals
Alexander Andryushkin- drums
Igor Gulyaev- guitar.

In the same composition they perform in Novosibirsk.

In addition, in November, IPV, consisting of: Arkady Kuznetsov, Jack Kuznetsov, Igor Gulyaev, Evgeny Kokorin, performed at the Moscow festival "Siberian Drive", which took place in the Palace of Culture of Railwaymen. Romych Neumoev was unable to take part in the concert due to a sore throat.

April 12, 1995 in the physical building of the Tyumen University a festival dedicated to the birthday of "Instructions for Survival" was held. "Instruction" itself did not perform at this festival. Its musicians (Arkady Kuznetsov, Igor Zhevtun, Jack Kuznetsov, Igor Gulyaev, Dmitry Kolokolov, Evgeny Kokorin, Alexander Andryushkin) performed as part of the Chernozem, Rodina, Jolly Roger groups. Neumoev at this time is on a pilgrimage.

Winter-spring 1995 musicians "Instructions" (Evgeny Kokorin, Igor Zhevtun, Alexander Andryushkin, Jack Kuznetsov, Arkasha Kuznetsov) take part in the recording of albums of Dima Kuzmin's project - "Ice Heels" and Oleg Manager's project "Rodina" - "To be alive", as well as the project Evgenia Kokorina "Chernozem" - "A gift for the weakest".

January 1998 IPV performs two concerts in Moscow - in the clubs "Diamand"


Mango(Andrey Shrub) - vocals
Arkady Kuznetsov- vocals, bass
Igor Zhevtun- vocals, guitar
Evgeny Kokorin- vocals, guitar
Igor Gulyaev- guitar
Jack Kuznetsov- drums

and "Cruiser"


Roman Neumoev- vocals
Arkady Kuznetsov- bass
Evgeny Kokorin- guitar
Igor Gulyaev- guitar
Jack Kuznetsov- drums

and also with a concert in Mogilev (composition as in "Cruiser").

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