How to get out of your comfort zone and achieve your goals. Getting out of your comfort zone: a practical guide for those who are afraid

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The inner state of mind of a person in which it is pleasant to be is called comfort zone.

It does not allow a person to fulfill his dream, makes him degrade and takes away the desire to realize his potential!

Internal is the important word here.

The same items outside world For different people may be interpreted in different ways.

For example, for one, expensive coffees, teas, cigars, luxury furniture, an expensive car that he uses every day have become familiar - he is no longer impressed.

For another, all of the above may be just a dream to which he aspires.

In other words, comfort zone- This:

    Settled habits.

    A person does not develop at all, being in a familiar and familiar environment, rooted in a comfort zone.

    stereotypes of behavior.

    A person begins to act automatically, performing the same actions day after day, ceasing to feel and perceive the reality surrounding him with his own mind.

    Thought patterns.

    A person becomes a consumer of everything ready.

    He becomes too lazy to think.

Behind comfort zone there is a completely different "side of the coin" - a zone of uncomfortable and unusual behavior.

Leaving one zone and getting into an unfamiliar atmosphere, a person learns to live anew, to feel anew, to make vital decisions.

Therefore, one has to look for new life guidelines (support points) in order to new world became much clearer and easier.

The state in the opposite zone can be compared with the process of growing up a child!

How to get out of the comfort zone? Ways out:

Everyone will have to leave a comfortable stay.

It's all about when and how he can get out.

Prepared or thrown out of a cozy shelter to the mercy of fate.

The second way to go beyond the ordinary existence is more traumatic for the soul: stress, depression.

Life circumstances or changed conditions force a person to drastically change the course of his routine life, which entails a considerable threat to health.

To avoid such sudden changes in life, it is better to make a conscious decision on your own to choose the first option for getting out of the “gray” consumer existence.

Then all the changes in life will proceed in a more mild form with a gentle effect on the psyche.

“If you always set limits on what you can do physically or mentally, you might as well be dead. It will spread to work, to morality, to life. There are no borders, only horizontal areas of stabilization. But you can not stay on them, you need to go beyond them. If it kills, then it will kill.”
Bruce Lee

97% of people 2/3 of their lives hope that they have everything ahead of them!

Enough childish illusions!!!

Here are 5 tips that will help you get out of your comfort zone and achieve your goals!

    Go to a course or a weekend club!

    Do not be lazy, but look on the Internet, in newspapers - interesting courses in my city.

    Find what you like and go to new acquaintances and exciting activities.

    And one more thing… don’t just sign up for courses, but attend them regularly!

    Go on an unplanned trip!

    Set aside a couple of free days for yourself to go on a short trip.

    All you have to do is choose the route of the trip and take the necessary things .. EVERYTHING!

    No more planning needed.

    Just on the road, think about your time, what you will do, where you will go ...

    With this method, you can get out of your comfort zone and get unreal impressions! 😉

    Take on new tasks, for example at work!

    Take on a specific project!

    And do not just work on it, but try to bring something new, unconventional into it, so that things go like clockwork!

    Go in for sports! If you are engaged, then increase the load!

    Everyone knows that physical activity adds self-confidence, health, self-esteem and of course!

    Are you not into sports yet?

    Then it's your time to change something in life and start putting yourself in order!

    Set goals that will completely change your life!

    In our case, you need to take on a goal that will help change you and your life-being!

    For which you can make it happen.

Why is the comfort zone dangerous?

The dangers that lie in wait for those stuck in a comfortable and gray life are the lack of motivation.

Acting and even forcing yourself to act becomes not at all easy.

Developing the habit of working on yourself and making efforts regardless of mood and weather conditions becomes a top priority.

This is facilitated by an active lifestyle, physical activity, curiosity, living life on the principle of "here and now".

For more information on how you can get out of your comfort zone,

watch the educational video!

Breathe life!

Self-improvement and regular development, not degradation, allow small steps get out of your comfort zone.

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Knowing how to get out of your comfort zone will help you achieve your goals. If you choose to fight bad habits You also need to know the rules for getting out of your comfort zone. High level comfort at work and at home, maximum amenities and benefits for a good rest and relaxation is a worthy goal, and every person strives to achieve it. You can’t forbid living beautifully, he claims ancient saying. We all strive to have more square meters, housing in a more prestigious area, to have a fast car, a fancy computer, a stylish phone and other things that make life bright, convenient and worthy. While a person strives to get all this, he works actively and stubbornly approaches the goal. At the moment when the goal is achieved and the time comes to reap the rewards, many fall into the cherished comfort zone. Life is a success, the lucky man blissfully states and does not even try to hide his satisfied smile.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this. Is it not for this comfort that a person aspired, was it not for the sake of this that he worked tirelessly, sometimes denying himself small and big joys? However, the comfort zone that you so diligently and consistently build around your life is fraught with great danger. The danger is so great that you should run away from this notorious comfort zone, away and as quickly as possible. And it’s even better not to fall into it, generally speaking, because getting out of the comfort zone requires no less effort than creating it.

What is the main danger of the comfort zone?

The main danger of the comfort zone is that it stops further development person. A person is capable of a lot, and his possibilities are endless, if he skillfully uses them. In the process of achieving any goal, there are inevitable problems that have to be overcome. Solving everyday problems sometimes requires huge forces, funds, obtaining additional knowledge and developing new skills. If the result of the efforts expended has become a completely worthy goal that one can be proud of, a person stops achieving new goals, setting new tasks for himself and continuing self-improvement.

  1. Such a person falls into the trap of self-deception, which claims that everything is fine in life, the fruits of work are beautiful and they can be used for the rest of their lives, relaxing and not worrying about anything.
  2. Another variant of the self-deception trap is that life has been lived, too much energy has been wasted and it is too late to contribute to everyday life changes that can destroy everything "acquired by overwork."
  3. The third, most terrible version of the self-deception trap is “I tried, but I didn’t succeed.” Man has failed in his attempt to reach new goal and decided to return to the comfort zone, to the former familiar and comfortable life. It is clear that in this case, the way out of the comfort zone should be as soon as possible, until the person crossed out all the wonderful prospects with his own hands. own life and did not embark on the path of inevitable degradation.

The bad influence of the comfort zone is not only a refusal to set new goals and a stop in personal development. Change is happening on many levels, and not just in career and personal achievement. On a physical level, the comfort zone is no less dangerous. Probably, in your environment there are several people you know who are blissfully enjoying life and have stopped striving for more. You could not help but notice that some of them began to put on weight over time, to give up their former entertainments, and this is not the inevitable influence of age. The body of such people is accustomed to peace, relaxation, so they choose to avoid activities that require activity and mobility.

Relaxation and loss of the usual tone concerns not only the body, in particular, various muscle groups. A huge danger, which most simply do not realize, is that the brain of people mired in the delights of the comfort zone also ceases to work actively. The lack of the need to solve complex problems leads to the atrophy of this ability of the brain. Thoughts lose their former swiftness, neural connections are broken in the brain, which are responsible for the speed and accuracy of decision-making, clarity of thought, and accuracy of judgments. A person loses the ability to self-learning, comprehending new and clear thinking, which is necessary for making the right decisions.

The longer the brain stays in this state, the more damaging the effect of the comfort zone. The human brain is a very peculiar muscle that needs constant training, and the achievement of new goals is best exercises for the brain. Being in a comfort zone, a person inevitably moves along a knurled track, solving standard tasks from day to day and performing a limited set of actions. What kind of brain training can we talk about if everything has long been decided, tried and tested.

You can remember various periods of your own life, both successful and the most difficult and difficult. Which of them were the most fruitful, had the maximum impact on your life and brought the greatest dividends in material and spiritual terms? You can give an almost one hundred percent guarantee that these periods were not the most comfortable and blissful. Most likely, these are student years, stormy and exciting, or crisis periods in life, when much, if not all, had to start from scratch.

How to leave your comfort zone - rules and exercises.

Most often, the comfort zone catches in its nets at the moment when you are trying to bring an element of novelty into your life or part with old habits. You are fired up with the decision to do something new that you have not tried before, something that can make your life even more interesting. You start to change and suddenly, as if you stumble upon an invisible wall - all your zeal disappears, there is a desire to return to your usual way, postpone changes for a while, start on Monday or after your vacation. And often you really leave everything as it is. Dropping out at the club after the first few workouts. You leave the tenth attempt to learn English after parsing the simple present tense and memorizing the first hundred words. Nervous smoking after two weeks of stoic abstinence from a cigarette. Because it's your comfort zone, and it has ulterior motives for influencing you. In order for the desired changes to finally come into your life, you need to leave this zone.

To encourage or console you, we note that every person has a comfort zone. In some it is already smaller, in others it is wider and more spacious. Moreover, its presence, in principle, is necessary for every person - it helps to survive, cope with the hardships of fate and survive the difficulties of the current moment. You can’t always strive for new success without having time to rejoice here and now.

To understand how to get out of the comfort zone, you need to clearly understand what is included in it. Components of the comfort zone:

External - space and environment. This is your home, work, people with whom you are in contact - your family members, relatives and friends, employees and neighbors. These are the places you have visited, the routes that take you to the right places.

Internal are your habits and lifestyle, way of thinking and responding. They also include acceptable behaviors and the way they are chosen in different situations.

Therefore, in order to make any changes in habits and behavior, it is necessary to leave the comfort zone that is responsible for a particular habit or segment of living space. The process of approaching the intended goal inevitably leads you to the border of the comfort zone. This is not surprising, because all new goals and achievements lie outside the current zone. It is also important to understand that when you leave your comfort zone, you do not leave it forever, but expand this zone. Having achieved the desired goal, you get even more convenience, and not only materially, but also in terms of the comfort of your entire living space. What is needed for this?

The answer is simple and obvious - do it the first time and then successfully repeat. Do this so many times until new actions become simple, natural for you and become habits. Performing a certain set of actions for the first time can be difficult. You may feel that it is much more difficult for you to repeat the same sequence of actions or thought forms. What to do in this case? Understand that it is the comfort of the usual way of being that is holding you back and force yourself to reproduce new procedures or phrases. You know that everything turns out to be really difficult until the moment when it becomes habitual and easy.

How can you help yourself deal with resistance to something new? Learn to find pleasure in new actions and enjoy their implementation. Get into the habit of stepping out of your comfort zone on a regular basis. another attempt it will turn out much easier, more natural and hassle-free for you. Like any other, the skill of getting out of the comfort zone needs to be pumped regularly.

Simple rules to help you expand your comfort zone.

Remember why you are leaving a familiar way of being and a familiar way of life. Your goal should be constantly in your thoughts. Goal setting rules are also important to follow when expanding your comfort zone. They will help you perform the necessary actions without the risk of dropping everything and returning to the familiar stuffy world.

Remember that for every action you take, you should praise yourself. Make a gift to yourself personally, even if it is very small. You deserve encouragement, and the gift will allow you to form a positive attitude towards change.

Do things that have become familiar in a new way:

  • Change the route you take to get to work, to a club, to a cafe, to your parents, friends, to a museum, to a cinema.
  • Walk elsewhere - change the route of your morning run.
  • Change the way you get to work - if you're used to taking the trolleybus, get off two stops early and walk. Park your car at the site and walk the streets hometown. You will see many things that used to run past you.
  • Go to a completely unfamiliar area of ​​the city and ask how to get to some building - a store or a library. Turn off Google search, let people tell you the way. Look for an opportunity to communicate with strangers - cashiers, sellers, passers-by.
  • Remember such a character trait as curiosity, and try to show it in any situation. Ask questions, ask to talk about different subjects - within the reasonable and paragraphs of the law, of course.
  • Tell your loved ones what you feel, what you think, what you have learned - not only about your big goal, but also about the world and its interesting events.
  • Go in for sports or at least do wellness exercises. Physical activity always pulls mental activity. You will become more enduring, more cheerful, more energetic, and you will be able to withstand all the loads with less time and effort.
  • Do detailed plan to expand your comfort zone, write down all the points and, if possible, include one new point for each next day. Your awakened fantasy will definitely be able to come up with something new. Follow this rule, and very soon you will see how much more interesting and richer in surprises your life will become, and how easier it will become for you to move along it towards your goal.

Science has proven that it takes at least 21 days for any habit to stick. Just hold out for three weeks, and you yourself will be surprised that your life has definitely and guaranteed to change. The new has become simple and natural for you, and you can conquer a new peak. Just remember that you can’t overcome a bad habit, you can only replace it with the one that you yourself choose. In the same way, the comfort zone cannot be completely eliminated, and it is not necessary. It needs to be expanded to include new sensations, skills, and achievements.

Any new goals and new level of your comfort are outside of your current comfort zone. Want to know what else life has in store for you? Get out of small world and catch more.

All my conscious life we are faced with the fact that we need to change something, make some important decisions, but we are prevented by the fear of the unknown. We begin to convince ourselves that everything is not entirely bad, and it is not known whether it will be better there ... We are afraid to seriously change something.

What is a comfort zone in psychology?

There are boundaries within us within which we feel good and safe. It is precisely these internal frameworks that force us to grab onto those relationships that have long outlived their usefulness, for positions and jobs that are not only uninteresting to us, but also do not bring a normal income.

These inner boundaries create a comfort zone. Let's see what it is?

The comfort zone in psychology is the area of ​​our living space that gives us a sense of security. Usually it is determined by habitual behavior, comfortable is what you are used to. Good in a world where everything is stable, familiar and predictable.

In fact, this is the state in which we feel comfortable. It would seem, well, what's wrong with that? Of course, nothing. In addition, it greatly hinders the development of something new, unknown.

To achieve something and do something, you need to get out of your comfort zone. Learning is always associated with going beyond its boundaries.

Beyond the comfort zone is the risk zone. A prerequisite for the development of personality is to go beyond the boundaries of comfort.

Usually young people are more willing to expand their comfort zone. If a common person lingers in it for too long and does not do anything to expand it, then personal development stops at this point, degradation begins.

Such a definition gives a clear understanding that if we are interested in development, then we will inevitably have to overcome these boundaries.

How to determine the situation of being in the comfort zone for too long?

First, let's figure out how we can tell if we're overly stuck in our comfort zone. You will understand this by your own reaction to some new situation or circumstances. Perhaps you have just thought about it, but it already causes fear in you. I would like to note that the first reaction can be very different: anxiety, stress, fear, curiosity, interest. However, it is fear that is an indicator that the comfort zone is convenient for you - you do not want to leave it.

However, in order to expand your zone, you need to accept everything new and adapt to it.


Psychologists say that life begins exactly where the comfort zone ends. To get out of it, you need to understand that you have been there for too long, as if hanging in this state. Until we ourselves recognize this fact, we will not be able to move anywhere. An important point is the very acceptance of this thought. There must also be a desire, an understanding that you just need to get out of this situation.

The comfort zone in psychology covers absolutely all spheres of life. It can be relationships that do not suit us, business, unnecessary and unloved work, home, city. All this is in our familiar zone, but it does not suit us for a long time, however, being afraid of change, we sit and do nothing in order to change something in our lives.

What is a comfort zone and how to get out of it so as not to harm yourself?

Realizing that we are stuck in one place, we need to act. The list of steps to be taken can be conditionally called a program of action. It is needed primarily in order to gently move from one state to another.

The first step is a challenge

The first step in overcoming internal boundaries will be the very process of setting the task. We must decide what we want to achieve, what result we need.

Suppose we realized that we are afraid and uncomfortable to get acquainted with a new environment of people. So, we will need to communicate with strangers as often as possible. This will be our task. The process should become more familiar, and therefore more comfortable.

The second step is the volume of the planned result

At this stage, it is necessary to formulate the volume of the planned result. These should be quite specific figures: what and how much I want to receive, by what date. As a rule, this is an expert assessment of oneself. If you formulate an ORM, it will help you to cope with the work more effectively.

How do we know if our comfort zone has expanded? Naturally, the criterion for success will be your peace of mind when making new acquaintances. In this case, the volume can be formulated as the number of new people in the environment. And at the same time, we denote the number of acquaintances per day. In general, it is logical to gradually increase volumes within reasonable limits. Even if all this does not immediately lead to a comfortable state, there will still be a positive effect.

The biggest trick in this case is that your attention is switched to doing a certain job, you do not focus on the very process of getting out of the settled state. The comfort zone is something to work on, it will not come by itself.

The third step is work

Work is nothing more than a gradual passage of all the planned steps. First of all, we have planned a program of activities for each day, our task is to follow the intended path. It will be good if you write reports on your daily activities, while analyzing the result and the process itself.

Fourth step - and work again

Yes Yes. We were not mistaken ... Again, work.

I would like to point out two points. Firstly, in order to expand the comfort zone, you must definitely work.

Secondly, it should be carried out consistently with a gradual increase in volume. This should not be forgotten.

Knowing what a comfort zone is and how to get out of it, people often make attempts to immediately jump over the stage they want to reach. And for some it may even succeed, but for the greater mass it will end up with them not leaving the comfortable state at all, being afraid of mistakes. That is why it is important to gradually adapt to the new expanded zone.

A new habit, as a rule, is fixed exactly twenty-one days. Learning something new is also a kind of zone expansion.

We must make sure that we feel comfortable in an ever-increasing volume, then we will not run the risk of destroying absolutely all the results of our labors. Every step should be comfortable.

Fifth step - development of new territory

At this stage, the comfort zone is a new territory that has already been mastered. You can relax and enjoy life. Not forgetting that new territories and victories lie ahead.

Exercises and training

If a person is afraid of something, then he must certainly do it, this is the opinion of many psychologists. Having defined what a comfort zone is, and once expanding it, we must develop the habit and ability to exit it correctly in any situation. And for this you need to overcome the fear of something new.

There are special exercises for these purposes:

  1. You need to start by changing the usual little things. For example, change the schedule of the day, take a different route, shop at a new store, purchase unusual products.
  2. Meeting a new person is a great way out of a comfortable state.
  3. Then you can learn something that you did not know before. Embroider, knit, cook a new dish, play the guitar.
  4. Watch a movie or read a book in a genre uncharacteristic for you.
  5. Go on an unplanned trip, everything should be impromptu, without any prior preparations. You will get a lot of new impressions, and expand your comfort zone.
  6. Visit a new location. For example, a new restaurant with unusual cuisine for you.
  7. Put on new things, those that you would not dare to wear before. It can be extraordinary styles, colors.
  8. Then you can do the rearrangement of furniture. Refresh your room with a new interior.
  9. Take a ride in a minibus on a previously unfamiliar path.
  10. And finally, come up with your simulators - situations.

Brian Tracy

In psychology, the name of Brian Tracy is widely known. He is considered the world's expert in success. He developed his own system for achieving it, and did it at the age of twenty-five. Since then, Tracy has written many books on psychology. He continues to work at the present time, conducting trainings and consultations.

What else is Brian Tracy famous for? The comfort zone is one of the topics he has worked on. His book Get Out of Your Comfort Zone is all about this topic. In it, he talks about twenty-one ways to increase personal effectiveness. Certainly, his work deserves attention.

Instead of an afterword

Speaking about the comfort zone, they do not mean those external circumstances that are convenient for a person, but they mean internal life boundaries, existing in which people feel safe. Sofa, massage, coffee give a feeling of comfort for one person, and the other, who is not used to it, can be taken out of the calm zone. All these things are foreign to him.

Being comfortable isn't always helpful. People tend to get bogged down in unnecessary circumstances and relationships, but they, out of habit, feel quite comfortable and do not risk changing something in their lives, fearing that these changes will not lead to anything good.

Beyond the boundaries of the comfort zone is a zone of risk, possible trials and dangers. Not everyone is consciously ready to leave the usual comfort and get into unpleasant conditions. However, only in this way can a person develop. He certainly needs to periodically leave the comfort zone, he just needs to learn how to do it right, without harming himself. Gradually expanding the zone for himself, he will certainly be in it. You can't be uncomfortable all the time. Having learned to adapt, a person is easier to master new areas of activity. Getting out of the comfort zone is useful, it is a kind of shake-up and an incentive for further action and development.

The more we leave our comfort zone, the better we become. It doesn't have to be something extreme. The inner boundaries of a person are expanding precisely due to daily challenges and problems, for the solution of which one does not need to fly to Nepal. Just step out of your comfort zone and take on these challenges.

Get up early: "Who gets up early, ..."

If you're not an early riser, waking up earlier than usual can be a major challenge that can push you out of your comfort zone. Get up earlier than you need to. You will be able to put your thoughts in order and prepare in advance for the upcoming day psychologically. In addition, you will have time to have a good breakfast and exercise. This is very important for health.

Challenge yourself with challenging goals

Few things can compare with the feeling of satisfaction from what was considered unattainable. These goals are so far outside your comfort zone that they seem unrealistic to you. For example, it could be a marathon or a speech at a conference. Having conquered such a peak, you will feel invincible. And this triumph will stay with you for life.

Meditation is a way out of the vicious circle

It's very easy to get stuck in your comfort zone when you're so busy. You have no time even for a minute to stop and think about what you are doing and why you are doing it. is a great way to break this vicious circle, which also helps to increase brain activity. Neurophysiologist from Harvard University Sarah Lazar has proven that meditation leads to important physical changes in the brain. It creates density in the brain regions responsible for self-control, concentration, problem solving, flexibility and resilience.

Focus on one thing, or the power of focus

Research conducted at Stanford University proves that spreading one’s energy over several tasks at once is less productive than concentrating on any one. Scientists have found that people who are at the intersection of several streams electronic information, cannot concentrate, remember information, or switch from one task to another as well as people who consistently perform one task after another.

Good deeds - volunteer

Volunteering is wonderful experience, which improves mood and expands the circle of acquaintances at the same time. How good it would be if everyone helped others out of purely altruistic motives! The problem is that after a long day at work, we put our altruism somewhere on the far shelf, preferring watching “epic fails” on YouTube instead.

Perform in front of the public

You've probably heard that most people are more afraid of public speaking than they are of death. For example, 74% of Americans have glossophobia (fear of public speaking). Meeting at a table with 5 people or speaking in front of an audience of five thousand people - it does not matter. It is important that oratory can be a powerful impetus for the development of your career.

Talk to strangers

Communication with strangers, as a rule, causes some inconvenience, unless, of course, you are a super extrovert or a professional politician. But it needs to be done anyway. social interaction positively affects your mood, opens your mind to new ideas and increases self-confidence.

Bite your tongue

The essence of human nature is that we always strive to prove that we are right. Sometimes during a quarrel, emotions take precedence over common sense and force them to get involved in an unnecessary verbal skirmish. If you are skillful and direct them in the right direction, you can choose wisely when and with whom to argue, and competently defend your beliefs.

Learn to say "no"

The more difficult it is for a person to say “no”, the stronger his susceptibility to stress, fatigue and. The word "no" is powerful weapon that you need to know how to use. When you need to say "no", do not say "I doubt" or "I'm not sure." If you learn to say "no", you will get rid of unnecessary restrictions. You will free up time and energy for the important things in life.

Here and now - stop postponing things for later

When something is hard, it's always easier. The problem is that tomorrow never comes. These are just excuses that mean you just don't want to do it. Or you just want to get results without any effort.

Endlessly staying in your comfort zone means stagnation. Just as an oyster creates a pearl only under the influence of an external irritant, which is sand, so a person achieves impressive results only outside his comfort zone.

Marina Nikitina

Comfort zone is a psychological concept that defines comfortable conditions for human life. For everyone, it changes boundaries at different levels. Leaving your comfort zone is a violation of these boundaries.

Comfort zones

At different life spans, people with different needs for the conditions of existence and requirements for themselves have different comfort zones. It's easier to explain with an example.

Example #1.

Imagine a wealthy person who doesn't know where the supermarket is because he only eats VIP-quality food prepared by his personal chef. The rich man built a house, more like a castle with a whole staff of attendants.

His comfort zone is very high by average standards. Namely: only fresh food, which is served on demand in his apartment, only expensive high-quality clothes, maximally adapted for comfort with an ergonomic design. The list could go on and on with worldwide freedom of movement, hot tubs, private pools and airplanes.

Such a life requires very high demands on the comfort zone, so what, a rich person can afford it. Now imagine that one fine sunny day something went wrong. The servants went on strike and didn't cook lobster for breakfast. Or all bank accounts, by some monstrous accident, were blocked. Everything, a person has panic, inconvenience. Even if he does not die of hunger, he still has many luxury items, there are dressing rooms littered with clothes, the usual imposing routine of life has gone wrong, the comfort zone has been violated.

Example #2.

Imagine now a student full of ambitions, but deprived of sufficient means of subsistence. He, inspired to become a doctor, does not have breakfast every day, has been wearing the same trousers for the fifth year.

He also has his own comfort zone, but it is very narrow, since he now has very few opportunities, but he is used to solving several difficult tasks at once: how to get enough sleep in a hostel, how to “stretch out” for at least a week more on an insignificantly small scholarship, how quickly cure a sore throat, because tomorrow is an important exam, which decides a lot for his meager life. He, even if the last penny was pulled out of his pocket in the subway, he will come up with something, it’s no stranger.

It is much more difficult to “pull” such a life-hardened person out of his comfort zone, because he has almost nothing to lose, he already fights every day for his future life. Difficult does not mean impossible. They also get used to such a life. The student can adapt to all these inconveniences and form his own comfort zone. Such a zone can be an excellent study, the habit of a good attitude of teachers towards it. And then one fine day, he suddenly realizes that he abandoned his studies, hoping for an “old memory” and received a “deuce”, he is expelled from the university, and there is no money even for the way home, to his native urban-type settlement. This will be a way out of his comfort zone, although he will most likely mobilize his forces and find a way out.

Compare now how different the standard of living and comfort zones are in the two examples presented. Life is sometimes merciless and unpredictable, and the “soft-bodied” sooner or later are thrown out of the “carousel of life”.

The mechanism of development when leaving the comfort zone

Remember specific life situations when your life suddenly changed under the pressure of an irresistible force of external circumstances. In all cases, you most likely had a struggle inside you. This struggle was waged between dissatisfaction with the changed circumstances that pushed you out of your comfort zone, and the natural laziness to do something, which is in one way or another in each of us.

Suppose a young girl lived with her mother in a small apartment, life could not be called complete, because they could not afford much. So they pulled the strap, arranging the comfort zone they agreed with as best they could. Suddenly, the mother begins to suffer from alcoholism, this has a depressing effect on the girl’s psyche, which has not been fully formed, because she just went to school yesterday and could not imagine herself in an independent life and was afraid of this life in principle.

But when there was a way out of the comfort zone, when the only person dear to her - her mother - dropped her hands, turning into an alcoholic, the girl first began to panic. The matter was worsened by the fact that she had no idea how she could help her mother. Her subconscious mind assessed the situation, it compared the damage from a crazy terrible life with a degrading person and that fear of an unknown future possible independent life with the inability to communicate with people.

Several months passed and these imaginary scales in the girl's subconscious mind tilted to one side. She went into the unknown independent life, tried to establish contacts with people, found a job, albeit at first not highly paid, but still it helped her to believe in herself and overcome the fear of loneliness and independent existence, without the help of relatives.

Her mother, having also left her comfort zone, having experienced in some way a blow from the fact that her only daughter left her, was also able to mobilize her strength, stopped feeling sorry for herself and gradually gave up a terrible habit. Now mother and daughter each live their full lives, now they both have become stronger and they are not so afraid in the face of life's difficulties. Development, getting out of the comfort zone - these are two life factors that go hand in hand in most situations.

The result of leaving the comfort zone

Getting out of the comfort zone - a book with a similar title has probably been written and not one. You can look for such publications, you can read and re-read them, but thanks to this you will not become better, you will not become what you want to be in your dreams. No matter how many books you read, your development as a person will continue only when you leave your comfort zone. The peculiarity of this process lies in the individuality of each such case.

If you have learned the lesson that life has taught you and getting out of your comfort zone, then:

Your comfort zone has narrowed.
Your vitality has increased.
Your .
You have become more stress resistant.
Now it is more difficult for you to “unbalance”, “unsettle”.

But such a situation cannot remain permanently, because we solve our problems, achieve goals and overcome difficulties in order to make life a feasible burden, to create a comfort zone.

Paradox: people, leaving their comfort zone, overcome difficulties in order to create a comfort zone for themselves.

In fact, this is not such a paradox, because the comfort zones in the case of “before” and “after” are different. But with the improvement of living conditions, with an increase in comfort, there is a risk of returning back to the same comfort zone. Don't be discouraged, we are all human, born to take action, make mistakes, and solve our own problems. No one can clearly and objectively say where one comfort zone ended and another began - this is normal, it happens to everyone. The main thing is not to go too far in either direction: too often it is harmful to the nerves, and too rarely overcoming difficulties means never leaving your cozy habitable comfort zone.

Too long to fight for every piece of bread and constantly soak in the hot tub is equally harmful.

Exercises to get out of your comfort zone

Way out of the comfort zone - exercises can be recommended to everyone who is not indifferent to himself. This is more of a mental exercise than a complex of some actions. To begin with, we advise you to check your attitude to life and comfort: do you consider unfair those events that happen in your life and that, in your opinion, have a negative connotation? If you answered yes to this question, then think about it, do you feel so bad, do you live as hard as other people? After all, everything is known in comparison. Remember how many terrible events, after some time, were overestimated by you. There will probably be many of these.

How often people get sad about something, but then thank fate for such a test, which allowed them to grow in their own eyes and prove to themselves that they can do anything they want. This was the exit from the comfort zone. Yes, it's not easy. But, after working on yourself, pulling yourself together, you believe in your strength and mobilize them, then the mechanism works. After the life test passed, it becomes easy and joyful in your soul, and you will laugh at your past “insoluble” problems, like adults who consider them empty and not noteworthy children's problems and fears.

Meanwhile, we are growing up, going through numerous trials and almost constantly being outside the comfort zone! Remember the pampered children who were never able to grow up, "break away from their mother's skirt." Only those who do not understand envy such people. And those who already know the mechanism for getting out of the comfort zone understand what blows of fate are still waiting for such “amoebae”. In the worst case, such people never leave their comfort zone, and this is terrible, because they never truly lived, did not taste the taste of life. Unfortunately, they will not even be able to truly appreciate the comfort that was provided to them in life. So the next exercise is to always remember such examples. Realizing why you need to overcome difficulties and fear over and over again, you will always find the strength to go further and further, no matter how insurmountable at first glance the difficulties you have to face.

Another tip for working with the comfort zone: try to replace your anger and impotence, which cover you under newly opened life circumstances, with gratitude and positivity. Yes, yes, it is gratitude to fate for another chance to prove oneself, because it is much more difficult to deliberately take oneself out of the comfort zone than to take the blows of fate and overcome them with dignity when there is nowhere to go.

Let there be fewer patterns of behavior, stereotypes of thinking, beaten paths in your life. Focus on interest in life and passion: if you live or you are not interested in yourself, then attention: there is a danger ahead of you getting bogged down in the swamp of your well-equipped comfort zone! Let such corrosive sensations become a beacon for you, which shows: "The end of the halt, it's time to get back on the road, you need to fight again and conquer new peaks." Otherwise, you will return to the previous level of comfort, which one day you will have to go through again.

March 23, 2014, 04:21 PM
