Interaction of social spheres in society. The relationship of economic, social, political and spiritual spheres of society

The spheres of public life are closely interconnected. In the history of the social sciences, there have been attempts to single out any sphere of life as determining in relation to others. So, in the Middle Ages, the idea of ​​the special significance of religiosity as part of the spiritual sphere of society dominated. In modern times and the Age of Enlightenment, the role of morality and scientific knowledge was emphasized. A number of concepts assign the leading role to the state and law. Marxism affirms the decisive role of economic relations.

Within the framework of real social phenomena, elements of all spheres are combined.
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For example, the nature of economic relations can influence the structure social structure. Place in the social hierarchy forms certain Political Views, opens appropriate access to education and other spiritual values. The economic relations themselves are determined by the legal system of the country, which is very often formed on the basis of the spiritual culture of the people, ᴇᴦο traditions in the field of religion and morality. Thus, at various stages historical development influence of any sphere can be amplified.

49. Society and history. Basic Concepts historical process˸ cultural, civilizational and formational.

Life human society is a historical process. This process covers the entire development of mankind, from the first steps of ape-like ancestors to the complex zigzags of the 20th century. Naturally, the question arises: according to what laws does development occur? The materialistic approach to history includes the recognition of the unity of the historical process in ᴇᴦο diversity. The unity of history is laid in life itself, in the way of its material support with the help of labor activity and the material means of labor used by it. Labor is the eternal condition of human life. The material basis of the historical process is the basis of ᴇᴦο unity. If different cultures and civilizations develop as independent and internally closed formations, then in such civilizations the general historical laws do not work. The unity of the historical process is manifested in the establishment of links between economic, cultural, scientific, and political countries. In this interconnected world, socially significant events immediately become the property of all, the interests and destinies of peoples are closely intertwined, and nationalities are consolidating. The diversity of history lies in the fact that it develops in time and space. In time, these are various stages of historical development - formations and eras. In space, this is the presence of a real diversity of social life, the main source of which is the uneven historical development. In understanding the development of society, there are different approaches: formational, civilizational, cultural. The formational method was developed by Marxists, it forms the basis of the materialistic understanding of society. Marxists introduced such a thing as a formation. Formation - a certain type of society, an integral social system that develops and functions on the basis of the dominant mode of production according to general or specific laws. General laws- laws that apply to all formations (the law on the determining role of social being in relation to social consciousness, the law on the determining role of the mode of production in social development). Specific laws - laws that operate in one or more formations (the law of proportional development of the national economy). The main criterion that determines the development and change of formations is the dominant forms of ownership replacing each other˸ 1) tribal, 2) ancient, 3) feudal, 4) bourgeois, 5) the future communist form of universal property. First of all, K. Marx singled out such concepts as basis and superstructure. The basis is a set of production and economic relations. The superstructure is a collection of ideas and ideological relations. Its main element is the state. Following the mode of production, the social-class structure of the development of society also changes. The development of society is carried out along an ascending line from lower to higher formations, from the primitive communal system to the slave-owning, feudal, capitalist, communist society. Change of formation is carried out with the help of revolutions. The main categories of the formational approach are the mode of production, class, society. But these categories do not reflect the entire spectrum of the development of society, and the formational approach is supplemented by two others: civilizational and culturological. civilizational approach. Proponents of the civilizational approach base development not on linear progress, but on the local emergence of various civilizations. A supporter of this approach is Arnold Toynbee, who believes that each civilization goes through the stages of emergence, growth, breakdown and decomposition in its development, after which it dies. To date, only five major civilizations have survived - Chinese, Indian, Islamic, Russian and Western. The civilizational approach also explains a lot in human history. Contemporary examples˸ Bosnian conflict. There are fewer differences in language among Serbs and Croats than in Russian and Ukrainian. And Bosnian Muslims are Serbs by nationality. There are still disputes about the place of Russia whether we belong to the Orthodox culture or we are a special civilization. There is a gradation into two civilizations: West and East. According to Chaadaev, we are the first Asian civilization that collided with the West and began to transform. Slavophiles believe that we are a unique culture that combines the virtues of both the West and the East.

Society is a rather complex concept, and several definitions can be given to it. In the first case, it is a group of people who are united by similar interests and joint activities. Society can also be called part of material world, which is closely related to nature, but is not its subspecies. Society consists of individuals with their ways of organizing activities.

Society is a dynamic, constantly evolving system. It is complex, that is, it consists of a large number of elements, components. To study society as a whole, it is necessary to study each of its components.

There are four systems of society: economic, political, social and spiritual. These spheres are closely interconnected, without one of them the others could not exist.

Social sphere

Covers social communities and the relationship between them. This area also includes ensuring a quality standard of living for the population: the payment of pensions and benefits, free education and medical services.

The main subject of study in this area is man as a social being. No individual can exist without society, just as it can exist without it. Throughout his life, a person performs several social roles and has a certain status. The social status of a person is determined by the position occupied by a person in society in accordance with his gender, age, profession, lifestyle. Status implies the fulfillment of certain duties by a person.

The status assigned to a person from birth is called innate: These are sex, age, race. People born in a family with a good wealth, it is much easier to build your career than the poorer. But a greater place is occupied by acquired statuses - those that are obtained by a person throughout his life: education, diligence.

Status determines what its bearer can and should do in a particular situation, and what not. The framework for its activities is set.

No less important is the concept of prestige - a certain popularity that this or that field of activity enjoys in society. The more expensive a person's profession is paid, the more prestigious it is.

A social role is a prescription for the corresponding status of behavior. Each person has his own role set - a set of roles performed by him. Boy or girl, son or daughter, student or worker - all this is social roles. They can change throughout life (student - student - worker) or remain unchanged (son - daughter).

An important element of the social sphere is the division of society into groups - social stratification. Its main types are considered to be slavery (one person is the property of another), castes (a closed group of people who are related by origin; typical for a number of Asian countries), estates (a closed group of people, the position in society in which is determined by the presence of certain rights and obligations, passing through inheritance) and class (a closed group, the position in society in which is directly related to the attitude to private property). When there is social stratification, there is also inequality – the conditions under which people have unequal access to material goods.

IN modern world conditionally allocate strata that determine the position of a person. These include education, income, power, and prestige. The transition between strata is possible, the level of social mobility (horizontal and vertical) is very high. Social lifts have a special impact on mobility, they allow you to move from one stratum to another in the shortest possible period of time. Social elevators are the army, the church, marriage, family, school, and more.

People who came out of one social class, but for some reason did not join another, are called marginal, that is, non-class individuals. They are free from stereotypes and depend only on themselves, do not bother with work.

A social institution is a sustainable form of organizing a joint human activity. There are several main institutions and their functions: family (reproductive function - reproduction of the family), state (ensuring law and order and security), education (educational function, obtaining new knowledge, primary socialization), religion (solving spiritual problems, searching for the meaning of life). The task of social institutions is to satisfy human needs. Its primary, that is, the most necessary for successful life, is the need for food, drink, clothing, housing, communication.

Social values ​​are abstract: pity, mutual assistance, kindness - they cannot be measured or touched.

Social norms regulate behavior in society. These include legal norms, that is, norms established legally (laws, regulations), morality (the concept of good and evil), religious (the Bible says: “do not kill”, “do not steal”) and technical (when little child explain that it is dangerous to stick your fingers into the socket).

All people interact in one way or another. At the same time, they are obliged to respect the opinions and interests of others, to be tolerant. In the absence of this quality, conflicts begin, the most severe and dangerous form of which are inter-ethnic conflicts. Each ethnic group, in addition to a certain territory, language, politics and economy, has its own national culture. The culture of each ethnic group is unique, and one should try to preserve it for posterity. Each culture can be expressed by mentality - national character.

It regulates the relationship between government and society. This system is dynamic: it does not stand still and is constantly evolving.

Politics covers not only the power of the ruler, but also his opposition and their connection with the people. These are political views and ideas; legal culture and political relations, legal and political values ​​and norms. In addition, the political sphere has communication - it connects all layers of society.

The functions of politics are so extensive that they cover all aspects of human life.

— Law-making – issuance of laws and regulation of their execution

– The formation of the political consciousness of people and the manipulation of the masses - with the help of Mass Media (media): newspapers, magazines, television and radio broadcasting

— Definition of tasks and ways of development and their implementation to the masses

— Coordination of the interests of society with the interests of the state

The traditional form of government is a monarchy, in which power is inherited. Monarchy is absolute, when the power of the ruler is not limited by anything, and limited (constitutional and parliamentary). Under a republican form of government, the ruler is elected for a fixed term, it can be the president or parliament.

The political regime indicates the ways in which power is organized in the state. The most "free" is the democratic regime. Power is concentrated in the hands of the people, they are its source. Democracy is a mandatory separation of powers (into legislative, judicial and executive), equality of all citizens before the law and universal suffrage. Decisions are made by the majority, taking into account the views of the minority, as well as political pluralism - freedom of opinion and views, a large number of parties, the existence of the opposition.

Totalitarian and unitary regimes are considered undemocratic. The state interferes in public life (under authoritarianism only in the economy and politics, under totalitarianism - including personal life), the participation of the people is minimal, there is a single ideology, sometimes even a cult of personality.

The Mass Media have a great influence on politics: thanks to their activities, the attitude of citizens to the government of the state, their choice in voting changes. The media have a great influence on a person, regulate his consciousness. Many even call the media the "fourth power" - so great is their influence.

The mass media evaluate information and comment on it, political socialization(attracting people to the political sphere, increasing political activity), representing the interests of various groups and public associations.

The media rarely reports boring meetings or unimportant laws. Most often, they bring people sensational statements, emergencies and reports of previously unknown phenomena. Such news attracts the average reader and raises their political culture, introduces them to the values ​​of politics.

All thoughts and feelings of a person related to his political participation are called political consciousness. The political consciousness formed in each person and reflecting what he remembers in everyday life is called ordinary. Political feelings, experiences, the role of the individual in politics fall under the consideration of political psychology. Political psychology is formed on the basis of interaction between citizens and the state.

The holistic set of ideas and beliefs that serve as the basis for political action is called an ideology. The twentieth century was dominated by communist ideology when Marx's ideas about revolutionary violence came to the fore. Joseph Stalin continued the development of this ideology and the idea of ​​a world revolution was born. The leadership of the proletariat, the establishment of a dictatorial regime, the reorganization of society on the principles of equality and justice - these are the main ideas of communism.

Relations between people that arise in the sphere of goods and services fall under its regulation. They include the production, consumption, exchange and distribution of wealth.

Economics is understood as a science that studies the use by people of the benefits they have. All resources that people use in the course of their activities are called factors of production. The main factors of production are labor (the activity of people in the production of material goods), land (all types of natural resources), capital (buildings and structures, money), entrepreneurship (the ability to correctly evaluate and build your production).

Unfortunately, in the modern world there is a problem of limited resources. This problem is connected with the fact that people are not able to rationally use what they have been given. Man's desires are boundless, they have long exceeded his primary needs. And in order to satisfy most of them, a much larger supply of resources is needed than we have now.

The economic system is represented by three main types of economy: traditional, command and market.

Traditional economic system although it is inherent in pre-industrial (traditional) society, it also manifests itself in the modern world - many people have gardens, dachas - subsistence farming.

The command system completely denies the existence of private property, all property is state property. Each enterprise works according to a certain plan (how much and what products need to be produced in a certain period of time), established by the authorities.

The market economy plays the most important role in the economic sphere. It is based on the right of private property, the development of competition, and economic freedom. IN market economy the state does not interfere, it only regulates and protects it by means of laws.

Spiritual culture is the process of mastering culture, science, religion. It defines value moral qualities society, reflects its level and quality of development.

The very first step spiritual development society is morality. It can be compared with a legal custom, not enshrined in laws, but forming its basis. Moral norms reflect the basic values ​​of society, the measure of its aesthetic, religious development.

Culture can be divided into material (sculptures, architectural buildings) and spiritual (achievements of science and art). Innovation in culture is impossible without continuity: the authors, creating their creations, rely on the achievements of the past.

The inner spiritual life of each individual is considered his spiritual world. The person who has spiritual world absent, is called unspiritual. There is a huge difference between people who regularly visit theaters and various exhibitions and deny art as such.

Culture is one of the highest human values. It focuses on the concepts of goodness and evil, truth and beauty. Patriotism is also important - love for the Motherland.

A person's views on the world around him make up his worldview - a holistic view of nature, man, society, and the ideals of the individual. The worldview can be based on faith in God, concentrate on man or science, nature.

Art is let the comprehension of beauty. It is a moving wheel whose viewpoint is constantly changing. Art was created in order to overcome the possibilities of communication between individual nations.

Was last modified: January 12th, 2016 by Elena Pogodaeva

1. The main directions of interaction between the education sector and other areas. 2. Strengthening the link between education and science. 3. The task of penetration of art into the educational process as one of the key ones. 4. Forms of interaction between education and production. 5. Interaction between education and politics. 6. Problems of interaction between education and the family sphere. 7. Organization of life, leisure of teachers, lecturers: sociological aspect. 8. Interdependence of education and society. 9. Education and ideology. 10. Education strategy.

1. The main directions of interaction between the education sector and other areas.

In a social system, not only social subjects are distinguished as parts, but also other entities - spheres of society. Society is a complex system of specially organized human life. Like any other complex system, society consists of subsystems, the most important of which are called areas of public life .

Sphere of life of society- a certain set of stable relations between social subjects.

The areas of public life are large, stable, relatively independent subsystems of human activity.

Each area includes:

    certain human activities (eg educational, political, religious);

    social institutions (such as family, school, parties, church);

    established relations between people (i.e., connections that have arisen in the course of people's activities, for example, relations of exchange and distribution in the economic sphere).

Traditionally, there are four main areas of public life:

    social (peoples, nations, classes, gender and age groups, etc.);

    economic (productive forces, production relations);

    political (state, parties, socio-political movements);

    spiritual (religion, morality, science, art, education).

It is important to understand that people are simultaneously in various relationships among themselves, connected with someone, isolated from someone when solving their life issues. Therefore, the spheres of the life of society are not geometric spaces inhabited by different people, but the relationship of the same people in connection with different aspects of their lives.

Social sphere - these are the relations that arise in the production of direct human life and man as a social being.

The concept of "social sphere" has different meanings, although they are related. In social philosophy and sociology, it is a sphere of social life, which includes various social communities and the connections between them. In economics and political science, the social sphere is often understood as a set of industries, enterprises, organizations whose task is to improve the standard of living of the population; while the social sphere includes health care, social security, public services, etc. The social sphere in the second meaning is not an independent sphere of social life, but an area at the intersection of economic and political spheres, associated with the redistribution of state revenues in favor of those in need.

A person, occupying a certain position in society, is inscribed in various communities: he can be a man, a worker, a father of a family, a city dweller, etc. Visually, the position of an individual in society can be shown in the form of a questionnaire.

The example of this conditional questionnaire can briefly describe the social structure of society. gender, age, Family status determine the demographic structure (with groups such as men, women, youth, pensioners, single, married, etc.). Nationality determines the ethnic structure. The place of residence determines the settlement structure (here there is a division into urban and rural residents, residents of Siberia or Italy, etc.). Profession and education make up professional and educational structures proper (doctors and economists, people with higher and secondary education, students and schoolchildren). Social origin (from workers, from employees, etc.) and social position (employee, peasant, nobleman, etc.) determine the class structure; this also includes castes, estates, classes, etc.

Economic sphere is a set of relations between people that arise during the creation and movement of material goods.

The economic sphere is the area of ​​production, exchange, distribution, consumption of goods and services. In order to produce something, people, tools, machines, materials, etc. are needed. - productive forces. In the process of production, and then exchange, distribution, consumption, people enter into a variety of relationships with each other and with the goods - relations of production. Production relations and productive forces together constitute the economic sphere of society:

    productive forces- People ( work force), tools, objects of labor;

    industrial relations - production, distribution, consumption, exchange.

Political sphere- this is the relationship of people, connected primarily with power, which provide joint security.

The Greek word politike (from polis - state, city), having appeared in the writings of ancient thinkers, was originally used to refer to the art of government. Having retained this meaning as one of the central ones, the modern term "politics" is now used to express the content social activity, in the center of which are the problems of acquiring, using and retaining power. The elements of the political sphere can be represented as follows:

    political organizations and institutions- social groups, revolutionary movements, parliamentarism, parties, citizenship, presidency, etc.;

    political norms political, legal and moral norms, customs and traditions;

    political communications - relations, connections and forms of interaction between participants in the political process, as well as between political system in general and society;

    political culture and ideology- political ideas, ideology, political culture, political psychology.

Needs and interests form certain political goals social groups. On this target basis, political parties, social movements, power state institutions carrying out specific political activities. The interaction of large social groups with each other and with the institutions of power constitutes the communicative subsystem of the political sphere. This interaction is regulated by various norms, customs and traditions. Reflection and awareness of these relations form the cultural and ideological subsystem of the political sphere.

spiritual realm- this is the area of ​​ideal, non-material formations, including ideas, values ​​of religion, art, morality, etc.

The structure of the spiritual realm The life of society in the most general terms is as follows:

    religion - a form of worldview based on belief in supernatural forces;

    morality - system moral standards, ideals, assessments, actions;

    art - artistic development of the world;

    science - a system of knowledge about the patterns of existence and development of the world;

    law - a set of norms supported by the state;

    education is a purposeful process of education and training.

Spiritual sphere - this is the sphere of relations that arise in the production, transfer and development of spiritual values ​​(knowledge, beliefs, norms of behavior, artistic images, etc.).

If material life a person is associated with the satisfaction of specific daily needs (for food, clothing, drink, etc.). then the spiritual sphere of human life is aimed at meeting the needs for the development of consciousness, worldview, and various spiritual qualities.

spiritual needs unlike material ones, they are not biologically defined, but are formed and developed in the process of socialization of the individual.

Of course, a person is able to live without satisfying these needs, but then his life will not differ much from the life of animals. Spiritual needs are met in the process spiritual activity - cognitive, value, prognostic, etc. Such activities are aimed primarily at changing the individual and public consciousness. It manifests itself in art, religion, scientific creativity, education, self-education, upbringing, etc. At the same time, spiritual activity can be both producing and consuming.

spiritual production called the process of formation and development of consciousness, worldview, spiritual qualities. The products of this production are ideas, theories, artistic images, values, the spiritual world of the individual and spiritual relations between individuals. The main mechanisms of spiritual production are science, art and religion.

Spiritual consumption called the satisfaction of spiritual needs, the consumption of products of science, religion, art, for example, visiting a theater or a museum, obtaining new knowledge. The spiritual sphere of the life of society ensures the production, storage and dissemination of moral, aesthetic, scientific, legal and other values. It covers various forms and levels of social consciousness - moral, scientific, aesthetic, religious, legal.

In each of the spheres of society, corresponding social institutions.

social institution this is a group of people whose relations are built according to certain rules (family, army, etc.), and a set of rules for certain social subjects (for example, the institution of the presidency).

To maintain their own lives, people are forced to produce, distribute, exchange and consume (use) food, clothing, housing, etc. These benefits can be obtained by transforming environment using a variety of tools that also need to be created. Vital goods are created by people in the economic sphere through social institutions such as manufacturing enterprises(agricultural and industrial), trading enterprises (shops, markets), stock exchanges, banks, etc.

In the social sphere the most important social institution within which the reproduction of new generations of people is carried out, is the family. The social production of a person as a social being, in addition to the family, is carried out by such institutions as preschool and medical institutions, schools and others. educational establishments, sports and other organizations.

For many people, production and the presence of spiritual conditions of existence are no less important, and for some people even more important than material conditions. Spiritual production distinguishes people from other beings in this world. The state and nature of the development of spirituality determine the civilization of mankind. Main in the spiritual realm the institutions of education, science, religion, morality, law act. This includes cultural and educational institutions, creative unions(writers, artists, etc.), mass media and other organizations.

At the heart of the political sphere there are relations between people that allow them to participate in the management of social processes, to occupy a relatively safe position in the structure of social ties. Political relations are forms of collective life that are prescribed by the laws and other legal acts of the country, charters and instructions regarding independent communities, both outside the country and inside it, written and unwritten rules of various social groups. These relations are carried out through the resources of the corresponding political institution.

On a national scale, the main political institution is state. It consists of many of the following institutions: the president and his administration, government, parliament, court, prosecutor's office and other organizations that provide general order in the country. In addition to the state, there are many organizations civil society, in which people exercise their political rights, i.e., the right to manage social processes. Political institutions that seek to participate in the governance of the entire country are political parties and social movements. In addition to them, there may be organizations at the regional and local levels.

The sphere of social life is a certain set of stable relations between social subjects.

The spheres of public life are large, stable, relatively independent subsystems of human activity.

Each area includes:

Certain human activities (eg educational, political, religious);

Social institutions (such as family, school, parties, church);

Established relations between people (i.e. connections that have arisen in the course of people's activities, for example, relations of exchange and distribution in the economic sphere).

Traditionally, there are four main areas of public life:

Social (peoples, nations, classes, gender and age groups, etc.)

Economic (productive forces, production relations)

Political (state, parties, socio-political movements)

Spiritual (religion, morality, science, art, education).

It is important to understand that people are simultaneously in different relationships with each other, connected with someone, isolated from someone when solving their life issues. Therefore, the spheres of the life of society are not geometric spaces where different people live, but the relations of the same people in connection with various aspects of their lives.

Graphically, the spheres of public life are presented in fig. 1.2. The central place of man is symbolic - he is inscribed in all spheres of society.

The social sphere is the relationship that arises in the production of direct human life and man as a social being.

The concept of "social sphere" has different meanings, although they are related. In social philosophy and sociology, it is a sphere of social life that includes various social communities and the connections between them. In economics and political science, the social sphere is often understood as a set of industries, enterprises, organizations whose task is to improve the standard of living of the population; while the social sphere includes health care, social security, public services, etc. The social sphere in the second sense is not an independent sphere of social life, but an area at the intersection of economic and political spheres, associated with the redistribution of state revenues in favor of those in need.

The social sphere includes various social communities and relations between them. A person, occupying a certain position in society, is inscribed in various communities: he can be a man, a worker, a father of a family, a city dweller, etc. Visually, the position of an individual in society can be shown in the form of a questionnaire (Fig. 1.3).

Using this conditional questionnaire as an example, one can briefly describe the social structure of society. Gender, age, marital status determine the demographic structure (with groups such as men, women, youth, pensioners, single, married, etc.). Nationality determines the ethnic structure. The place of residence determines the settlement structure (here there is a division into urban and rural residents, residents of Siberia or Italy, etc.). Profession and education make up professional and educational structures proper (doctors and economists, people with higher and secondary education, students and schoolchildren). Social origin (from workers, from employees, etc.) and social position (employee, peasant, nobleman, etc.) determine the class structure; this also includes castes, estates, classes, etc.

Economic sphere

The economic sphere is a set of relations between people that arise during the creation and movement of material goods.

The economic sphere is the area of ​​production, exchange, distribution, consumption of goods and services. In order to produce something, people, tools, machines, materials, etc. are needed. - productive forces. In the process of production, and then exchange, distribution, consumption, people enter into a variety of relations with each other and with the product - relations of production.

Production relations and productive forces together constitute the economic sphere of society:

Productive forces - people (labor force), tools of labor, objects of labor;

Production relations - production, distribution, consumption, exchange.

Political sphere

The political sphere is one of the most important spheres of public life.

The political sphere is the relationship of people, connected primarily with power, which ensures joint security.

The Greek word politike (from polis - state, city), having appeared in the writings of ancient thinkers, was originally used to denote the art of government. Having retained this meaning as one of the central ones, the modern term "politics" is now used to express social activities in the center of which are the problems of acquiring, using and retaining power.

The elements of the political sphere can be represented as follows:

Political organizations and institutions are social groups, revolutionary movements, parliamentarism, parties, citizenship, presidency, etc.;

Political norms - political, legal and moral norms, customs and traditions;

Political communications - relations, connections and forms of interaction between participants in the political process, as well as between the political system as a whole and society;

Political culture and ideology - political ideas, ideology, political culture, political psychology.

Needs and interests form certain political goals of social groups. On this target basis, political parties, social movements, powerful state institutions that carry out specific political activities arise. The interaction of large social groups with each other and with the institutions of power constitutes the communicative subsystem of the political sphere. This interaction is regulated by various norms, customs and traditions. Reflection and awareness of these relations form the cultural and ideological subsystem of the political sphere.

Spiritual sphere of society

The spiritual sphere is an area of ​​ideal, non-material formations that include ideas, values ​​of religion, art, morality, etc.

The structure of the spiritual sphere of society in the most general terms is as follows:

Religion is a form of worldview based on belief in supernatural forces;

Morality is a system of moral norms, ideals, assessments, actions;

Art is the artistic development of the world;

Science is a system of knowledge about the patterns of existence and development of the world;

Law is a set of norms supported by the state;

Education is a purposeful process of education and training.

The spiritual sphere is the sphere of relations that arise during the production, transfer and development of spiritual values ​​(knowledge, beliefs, norms of behavior, artistic images, etc.).

If the material life of a person is connected with the satisfaction of specific daily needs (for food, clothing, drink, etc.). then the spiritual sphere of human life is aimed at meeting the needs for the development of consciousness, worldview, and various spiritual qualities.

Spiritual needs, unlike material ones, are not set biologically, but are formed and developed in the process of socialization of the individual.

Of course, a person is able to live without satisfying these needs, but then his life will not differ much from the life of animals. Spiritual needs are satisfied in the process of spiritual activity - cognitive, value, prognostic, etc. Such activity is aimed primarily at changing individual and social consciousness. It manifests itself in art, religion, scientific creativity, education, self-education, upbringing, etc. At the same time, spiritual activity can be both producing and consuming.

Spiritual production is the process of formation and development of consciousness, worldview, spiritual qualities. The product of this production are ideas, theories, artistic images, values, the spiritual world of the individual and spiritual relations between individuals. The main mechanisms of spiritual production are science, art and religion.

Spiritual consumption is the satisfaction of spiritual needs, the consumption of products of science, religion, art, for example, visiting a theater or a museum, obtaining new knowledge. The spiritual sphere of the life of society ensures the production, storage and dissemination of moral, aesthetic, scientific, legal and other values. It covers various forms and levels of social consciousness - moral, scientific, aesthetic, religious, legal.

Social institutions in the spheres of society

Appropriate social institutions are being formed in each of the spheres of society.

A social institution is a group of people, relations between which are built according to certain rules (family, army, etc.), and a set of rules for certain social subjects (for example, the institution of the presidency).

For supporting own life people are forced to produce, distribute, exchange and consume (use) food, clothing, housing, etc. These benefits can be obtained by transforming the environment using a variety of means that also need to be created. Vital goods are created by people in the economic sphere through such social institutions as manufacturing enterprises (agricultural and industrial), trading enterprises (shops, markets), stock exchanges, banks, etc.

In the social sphere, the most important social institution, within which the reproduction of new generations of people is carried out, is the family. The social production of a person as a social being, in addition to the family, is carried out by such institutions as preschool and medical institutions, schools and other educational institutions, sports and other organizations.

For many people, production and the presence of spiritual conditions of existence are no less important, and for some people even more important than material conditions. Spiritual production distinguishes people from other beings in this world. The state and nature of the development of spirituality determine the civilization of mankind. The main institutions in the spiritual sphere are the institutions of education, science, religion, morality, and law. This also includes cultural and educational institutions, creative unions (writers, artists, etc.), the media and other organizations.

At the heart of the political sphere are relations between people that allow them to participate in the management of social processes, to occupy a relatively safe position in the structure of social ties. Political relations are forms of collective life that are prescribed by the laws and other legal acts of the country, charters and instructions regarding independent communities, both outside the country and within it, written and unwritten rules of various social groups. These relations are carried out through the resources of the corresponding political institution.

On a national scale, the main political institution is the state. It consists of many of the following institutions: the president and his administration, government, parliament, court, prosecutor's office and other organizations that ensure the general order in the country. In addition to the state, there are many civil society organizations in which people exercise their political rights, that is, the right to manage social processes. Political institutions that seek to participate in the governance of the entire country are political parties and social movements. In addition to them, there may be organizations at the regional and local levels.

The relationship of spheres of public life

The spheres of public life are closely interconnected. In the history of the social sciences, there have been attempts to single out any sphere of life as determining in relation to others. So, in the Middle Ages, the idea of ​​the special significance of religiosity as part of the spiritual sphere of society dominated. In modern times and the Age of Enlightenment, the role of morality and scientific knowledge was emphasized. A number of concepts assign the leading role to the state and law. Marxism affirms the decisive role of economic relations.

Within the framework of real social phenomena, elements of all spheres are combined. For example, the nature of economic relations can influence the structure of the social structure. A place in the social hierarchy forms certain political views, opens up appropriate access to education and other spiritual values. The economic relations themselves are determined by the legal system of the country, which is very often formed on the basis of the spiritual culture of the people, their traditions in the field of religion and morality. Thus, at various stages of historical development, the influence of any sphere may increase.

The complex nature of social systems is combined with their dynamism, i.e., mobile, changeable character.

Before you start talking about the spheres of society, it is worth deciding what society itself is? In simple terms, it is any joint activity of people. A more complex definition sounds something like this: it is a part of the material world freed from nature, but closely connected with it, which includes the ways of interaction between people and the forms of their unification. The sphere of society can be called the space in which some kind of social action takes place.

Types of public spheres

In total, four spheres of society are distinguished: social, economic, spiritual and political. Each of them has several institutions that regulate social behavior. Let's take a closer look:

  1. Social. Concentrates in itself a system of interconnections of various social elements, ranging from individuals to social communities. In this area, interclass relationships are established, the interests of society and individuals are expressed, forms of interaction between people are created and corrected, etc.
  2. Economic. This area includes commodity-money relations. It creates and improves ways to create various material goods, ranging from simple goods to money. It deals with the economic needs of the population and ways to meet them. It has a much greater influence than other areas of society.
  3. Political. Everything that is directly related to the state is located in this sphere: structures and branches of power, political meetings, parties, ideologies, debates, etc. It expresses the class struggle from a political point of view, as well as the interests of society, which are directly related to the course states.
  4. Spiritual. It contains all types of creation of non-material benefits: cultural, moral, political, religious, legal, etc. In this area, everything is created and improved that can satisfy the spiritual needs of a person. Even today, many new trends are developing in it.

Dominant sphere

There are times when one area plays a much greater role than others. This is not uncommon. An example of the interaction of spheres of society in history is the Holy See. The church owned almost half of the land, it enjoyed tremendous influence. Religion, however, is part of the spiritual realm of society. And in a difficult time for Europe, it has strongly pulled ahead. Then the outcome depended on the word of the clergy political events, social issues were also supervised by the papacy. Thus, the presence of a dominant sphere leads to an imbalance of power.

However, here, too, not everything is so clear. If one of the spheres is the keystone, it can be beneficial. So, for example, thanks to the primacy of politics, the power of the USSR grew by leaps and bounds in the 30-40s. Thanks to economic leadership, there was an unprecedented increase in production in the United States. The supremacy of the social sphere makes it possible to create a rule of law state that seeks to bring the level of discrimination and injustice to a minimum, a good example is the advanced countries of Europe.

Orb Shattering

Each sphere, of course, is subject to fragmentation into smaller components, which, like gears, interact and allow society to exist. In the absence of one part, the mechanism will stop working. The coexistence of these components should be as beneficial as possible.

An example of interaction in the social sphere of society can be called interclass relationships. From how well various classes will get along with each other, the productivity of the entire social sphere depends, the conflicts of the components of which can greatly slow down the development of the whole society.

Priority interaction

Societies can interact with each other in pairs. So, for example, we can consider the cooperation of the sovereign of the Russian Empire and the Patriarch. The emperor could demand concessions and help in the political sphere of society, and the church, through the spiritual, tried to cultivate the necessary qualities in people, sometimes getting into politics, supporting or criticizing the decisions of the authorities, other states, and the intelligentsia.

Another example is the interaction between the economic and social spheres. An adequate society is a strong support for the economy, the material benefits of which will create comfortable conditions for life, and therefore create an adequate society.

All this, of course, is a bit exaggerated. In fact, all four spheres always take part in the interaction, but in some of them, it is sometimes more indirect than direct, and therefore less significant.

Examples of interaction between the spheres of society among themselves

Society is a single system consisting of its spheres. They are all intertwined and will certainly influence each other. The degree of development of society depends on the well-being of all its components. So, anything can be called an example of interaction between the spheres of society. The banal dissatisfaction of spiritual needs in any form entails an imbalance in the social and political areas, which, in turn, affect the economy.

Society after the collapse of the USSR

Very revealing examples of the interaction of spheres of social life can be seen in Russia in the 1990s. Initially, there was a violation of the spiritual sphere of society, the ideological component was undermined, people did not know what to believe in and what to live for, they were as if abandoned. This led to negative policy changes. The oligarchy came to power. And since two large spheres were no longer functioning, the process of creating organized crime groups began, competing with each other and fighting for influence.

The absence of a developed spiritual and political spheres, as a rule, undermines the social component. There is a migration crisis, the relevance of the institution of marriage is falling. Ethnic conflicts begin. All this affects the economic sphere, which cannot cope with the problems. A crisis begins, the country gets into debt, the population gets poorer, its material needs are not met, therefore, there can be no talk of spirituality. In fact, this is a vicious circle, out of which is not so easy.

Diplomatic interaction

Today, fortunately, the process of globalization is gaining momentum. Even now in developed countries it is difficult to distinguish who belongs to which nation. Until now, however, there are states that defend the interests of their nations and demand respect for their traditions and history. For fruitful interaction between them, various beneficial agreements are needed.

States can formally be considered as different societies. For supporting good relations public spheres in these countries should coincide or be as similar as possible, they should also understand each other. After all, the more differences between the dogmas of the public spheres of state A and B, the more difficult it will be for them to reach a consensus. An example of interaction different areas society can be called all sorts of alliances and arrangements. Here, the spheres of several states can play a role at once in political, economic terms, etc.

An example from prehistoric times

Public spheres are not limited to states, cities, or similar large societies. Primitive tribes also had them. But what less society the less developed its components. historical example interaction between the spheres of society of a primitive tribe can be considered a policy of expansion (then the slave-owning system began to emerge). Society at that time interacted with an additional factor - slaves. This prompted the development of public spheres in a different vector, ineffective without the absence of this very factor. One of the reasons for the collapse of the Roman Empire, by the way, is the problem with the supply of slaves. A crisis occurred in society that violated the stability of its spheres.

An example from the Middle Ages

good example balanced work of all four public spheres can be called the Byzantine Empire in its heyday. It was a state that fully utilized its potential, in which all spheres strive for one goal - to improve the living conditions of people. Economic development, missionary movements, military campaigns and the absence of civil strife, as well as the unification of many peoples, ensured the flourishing great empire.

An example from modern times

The unification of the Germans under the idea of ​​pan-Germanism can also serve as an example of the well-coordinated work of the spheres of several societies at once. Until 1871, there were many kingdoms on the territory of modern Germany, the most powerful of which was Prussian. Wanting to unite on a national basis, having an economy intertwined with each other, a common past and warm political relations, the German principalities were able to create a single strong state.

An example from recent history

The states of Western and Central Europe are currently members of the European Union, thereby interacting with each other. The main ideas in Europe are: humanism, capitalism and pluralism. Due to the strong influence of these ideas in the spheres of society, it can be said that they all work for the same goal and have no contradictions among themselves. This is the key to the prosperity of European states.


Society, no doubt, can not be divided into spheres, but perceived as something integral. However, this is the wrong approach. It's the same as considering biology as an integral science and not breaking it up into smaller disciplines. Studying the spheres of society, its aspects helps to understand the principles of its work, to interact with it. Public spheres are always inseparable from each other, what is done in one will necessarily affect the other, the difference is only in the degree to which this or that area accepts the difference in the n-th event.
