The colors of nature in the dress of a Russian beauty. Summary of the lesson "drawing a Russian folk costume"

beauties.Folkcostume(1 h)

Perception of a Russian woman in the national Russian outfit on plowing in the painting by A. Venetsianov, photographic images of folk women's festive costumes

Consider works of an artist-painter dedicated to spring plowing and a Russian beauty in a folk traditional costume, and works of folk and arts and crafts (folk



Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Ryazan provinces.

Main meaningful lines. Man, the world of nature in real life: images of man, nature in art. Ideas about the richness and diversity of artistic culture (on the example of the culture of the peoples of Russia). The image of a person in traditional culture. Human ideas about male and female beauty, reflected in fine arts, fairy tales, songs.

Dialogue about art. Features of the cut and ornament of the folk costume of different regions of Russia. Elements of the folk costume of the Russian North and the meaning of printed and embroidered ornaments in it.

Creativeexercise taking into account their own ideas about the beauty of a folk women's costume, using well-known techniques and techniques, including the appliqué technique.

Materials: brush, watercolor, gouache, paper, felt-tip pens, colored pencils (optional).


costumes from different regions of Russia) and express their impressions of their perception.

Compare folk women's costume from the northern regions of Russia with a folk costume from the south. Define-divide what elements they consist of, what colors prevail in them, and explain, in which places of the costume the ornament is located and what is its significance in the decor of the costume.

Participate in the discussion of the composition of the traditional folk costume of the northern Russian sarafan complex and the southern (absence of a sarafan) complex, their distinctive features in cut and decor.

Choose artistic techniques for the implementation of their idea of ​​creative work. Paint in your own way (or execute in appliqué technique) outfit of a beautiful girl. To express in creative work their emotional and value attitude to the traditional folk costume.

Summing up results Discuss creative work of classmates and yes- vat assessment of the results of their own and their creative and artistic activities


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Slides captions:

Russian folk costume Each nation expressed its understanding of human beauty, primarily through the costume. The word "suit", which came from French, means "custom". Presentation created by the teacher primary school GBOU secondary school No. 423 of Kronstadt Kharitonova N.V.

Look at these costumes, their wonderful multicolor. As if someone had collected paints from flowering meadows, from blue rivers, from fiery sunsets and placed them on clothes.

Festive costumes were created by craftswomen with special diligence and were inherited from mother to daughter.

The basis of the women's and men's costume was a shirt made of homespun linen. For men, the length of the shirt was below the knees, for women - to the very heels.

Patterns were placed along the edge of the hem, sleeves, collars, over the folds of the arms, along the seams and side cuts as amulets.

Bast shoes served as shoes, and leather boots were also worn. The costume was complemented by a belt-amulet. The role of the belt is great in various rituals, the girls prepared belts as a dowry.

The South Russian complex was distinguished by the presence of a poneva, an apron-curtain. Poneva - element of Russian folk costume, women's woolen skirt married women(usually checkered) with a richly decorated hem

Tula outfit

South Russian ponyovny complex Headdress - magpie Embroidered shirt Apron Poneva Bast shoes Curtain Belt (sash)

Headwear Kichka Magpie

The North Russian complex is characterized by a sarafan, a shower warmer or an epanechka. Headdress: kokoshnik, crown.

North Russian sarafan complex Kokoshnik Crown Shirt Dushegreya Epanechka Sundress Boots Bast shoes

Patterns Ornament Patterns of stylized plants, flowers, branches were depicted. The most common ornamental elements are: triangles, rhombuses, oblique crosses, octagonal stars, rosettes, Christmas trees, bushes, rectangles with dots, stylized figures of a woman, a bird, a horse, a deer.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

In this work, the student reveals the history of the origin of the folk costume and compares it with modern clothes"...

Methodological developments "Russian folk costume"

According to the Shpikalova program - artistic work. from grades 1-4. All lessons from grades 1-4 related to Russian folk costume are collected..This is Russian folk embroidery, ranging from simple to complex... Decorative...

Svetlana Vohrintseva - Coloring of the folk costume "Rossinochka" POLKH-MAIDAN PAINTING

Svetlana Vohrintseva - Coloring of the folk costume "Rossinochka" Publishing House "Country of Fantasy"

Goals and objectives: to acquaint students with the features of the Russian costume, with the diversity and ubiquity national costume as a symbol of the people, country; consolidate your creation skills artistic image in decorative composition, possession of graphic materials; strengthen interdisciplinary connections. Equipment: for the teacher - methodical tables, children's work, computer, presentation "Russian folk costume". For students: graphic materials, gouache, ink, watercolor Paints. Visual row: reproductions of V, Vasnetsov "Alyonushka", "Three maidens underworld”, F. Malyavin “Whirlwind”, F. Levitsky “Portrait of Agashi in Russian costume”, A. Venetsianov “Spring. On arable land”, V. Surikov “Boyar Morozova”, “Siberian beauty”. Literary series: folklore, riddles.

Course of the lesson 1.Organization of the class. 2. Conversation on the topic of the lesson. Teacher. Consider illustrations depicting the Russian national costume. Russian beauties in women's outfits resemble Russian heroines folk tales“Swan, dove duck, red-maiden” - this is how beautiful Russian women were affectionately called among the people, singing them in songs and fairy tales. And the armor of Russian soldiers, free old men's clothing emphasizes their strength, power, kindness. How the costume is symbolically described by the people: A conspiracy-spell Will I go to an open field - Under the red sun, Under the bright moon, Under flying clouds, I will stand in an open field On a level place, I will dress in clouds, I will cover myself with Heaven, I put the Red Sun on my head I will gird myself with bright dawns, I will stab with frequent stars, With sharp arrows - From any evil ailment.

Can you guess what the “red sun” on the head, the “frequent stars” that I “stumble on”, “clouds and skies that I put on” have become in reality? - You have probably seen such clothes, seen in museums, in theatrical performances, movies, illustrations in books. Especially carefully selected outfits, which in the old days were made by hand and passed down from generation to generation. Clothing was casual and festive, from time immemorial had a complex decoration where embroidery and lace played an important role. That is why in Rus', according to the custom that has long been established, a girl from an early age began to be taught these difficult, but fascinating types of creativity.

The history of the Russian costume shows that changes in clothing, the very movement of fashion, almost did not affect the common people. The Russian peasant at the end of the century wore the same as in the days of Ancient Rus': hat, pants, shirt. Women wore a skirt over a long, below the knee, shirt. Of the outerwear, capes were in use, and shoes, if any, were bast shoes or soles held on by belts. In the cold, legs were wrapped in canvas. Clothes in Rus' were loose, long, unusually colorful. Women's hats: kokoshniks, kiki, magpies. warriors of the most unprecedented bizarre form. They were very fond of shower jackets in Rus'. It resembles a small sundress and was worn over a sundress. It was the festive clothes of a peasant woman, and therefore they sewed a shower jacket from expensive fabrics, embroidered with patterns, and decorated with braid. Zipun is known from ancient clothes. This was the name of a narrow knee-length caftan without a collar and with a clasp in front, which was worn by wealthy people. Zipuns were also called sheepskin coats in which the people walked. IN women's suit Since the times of Ancient Rus', there was a poneva in wide use - a skirt consisting of a piece of fabric wrapped around the hips and tied with a belt. It was customary for both women and men to wear all kinds of jewelry - necklaces, beads, neck beads (hryvnias), earrings, bracelets. Now, guys, let's see the illustrations of V. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka", "Three princesses of the underworld", F. Levitsky "Portrait of Agashi's daughter in Russian costume", A. Venetsianov "Spring. On arable land”, V. Surikov “Boyarynya Morozova”. (There is a conversation on the works). The medley of Russians sound folk songs and gains. Words - "shirt", "sarafan", "epanechka" (a short flared blouse without sleeves), "poneva" - a homespun checkered wool skirt. Viewing the presentation "Russian folk costume".

Russian folk costumes (men's) Men's suit consisted of a shirt-kosovorotka with a low stand or without it and narrow trousers made of canvas or krashin. A shirt made of white or colored canvas was worn over trousers and girdled with a belt or a long woolen sash. The decorative solution of the blouse is embroidery on the bottom of the product, the bottom of the sleeves, the neck. Embroidery was often combined with inserts of a fabric of a different color, the location of which emphasized the design of the shirt (partial seams in the front and back, gussets, neck lining, line connecting the sleeve with the armhole). Outerwear was a zipun or caftan made of homespun cloth, wrapping on the left side, with a fastener with hooks or buttons; in winter, sheepskin coats. Men's shoes boots or bast shoes with onuchi and frills.

Russian folk costumes (female) Women's costume in the northern and southern regions differed in individual details, the location of the decoration. The main difference was the predominance of a sundress in the northern costume, in the southern poneva. The main parts of the women's folk costume were a shirt, an apron, or a curtain, a sundress, a poneva, a bib, a shushpan. The women's shirt, like the men's, was straight-cut with long sleeves. white canvas shirts were decorated with a red embroidery pattern located on the chest, shoulders, at the bottom of the sleeves and along the bottom of the product. The most complex, multi-figured compositions with large pattern(fantastic female figures, fabulous birds, trees), reaching a width of 30 cm, were located along the bottom of the product. Each part of the shirt had its own traditional ornamental solution. Russian folk peasant costume

Martyshova Lyudmila Iosifovna - teacher of the highest category of the MOU-SOSH No. 6 of the city of Marx

Subject: Russian folk festive costume.

The lesson is travel. Combined lesson.

Goals and objectives:

Continue to acquaint students with the features of the Russian festive costume, as a symbol of the people, the country. To teach to distinguish between "word-of-mouth" and "pony" clothing complexes.

To develop aesthetic and artistic taste, creative activity and thinking of students, the ability to work in a team.

To instill interest in Russian folk culture.

Equipment and materials:

human figurine,

illustrations depicting peasants in festive clothes,

kids work,

presentation "Russian folk costume",

student project "Russian national clothes"

russian folk music,

paper, brushes, watercolor paints, gouache,

Russian folk costumes.

Epigraph: Respect for the past is the feature that distinguishes education from savagery. (A. S. Pushkin)


I . Orgmoment

Check, my friend, are you ready to start the lesson?

Is everything in place, is everything in order?

Is everyone seated correctly?

Is everyone watching?

II . Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson

-Try to find out what we will talk about in the lesson today and what we will draw by listening carefully to the poem (a student comes out in a Russian costume)

We, Russians, Russian costume

History is very useful to know!

A costume about people will call you to think

About life, mores can tell.

In ourselves we will not grow ignorant,

Let's walk through the exhibition slowly,

Consider ancient Russian clothes:

Isn't it simple and good!

Yes, that’s right, the topic of the lesson is “Russian folk festive costume” (the topic of the lesson opens in the presentation). Read the epigraph to the lesson.

And today we will go on a journey in which we will get even better acquainted with the Russian folk festive costume. 3 teams go on a trip (according to the number of rows). At each stage of the journey, teams will receive points for correct answers and for the best practical work. For each correct answer to the question to the team - 2 points, For the correct answer to the question to the other team - 1 point.. The team that did not receive a single comment - at the end of the trip will receive +5 points. For each remark to team members -1 point. All members of the team with the most points will receive a "5".

III . Journey.

So, go!

1. Visiting an art gallery

viewing reproductions of paintings Russian artists, where women are depicted in Russian folk costumes.

(View presentation)

1. Name the artists who depicted women in Russian folk costumes in their paintings

2. Whose team will name more elements of the Russian costume depicted in the picture.

1.Student responses: I. Argunov, Levitsky, K. Makovsky, V. Vasnetsov, Surikov, I. Bilibin, A. Ryabushkin

2. (They answer in turn. A picture is offered for each team).

2. We are in the Russian Museum national costume.

Repetition values ​​of the elements of the Russian costume

1.So, what did women wear before?

2. Explain the meaning of the elements of clothing referred to in the poem.

3.So, Sasha will lead us through the halls of the museum of Russian national costume

1. The poem "Women's costume" is read by a student in a Russian costume.

2. Student responses:

caftan- this is the swinging outerwear of a woman, it was adopted from men by making changes.

Poneva- a skirt wrapped over a shirt, consisting of a straight linen.

Zapona- consignment note, not stitched on the sides, clothes made of canvas.

Ubrus- a scarf folded in a triangle and pinned under the chin.

povoynik- cap type headdress

3. The student presents his project "Russian national costumes"

3. Journey to the north and south of Russia.

Comparison and analysisnorthern and southern Russian folk costumes.

(View presentation)

1. I show the element of the costume on the slide, and you name it.

2. What are the similarities and differences between the northern and southern complexes of Russian clothing?

3. Peasant woman costume - traditionally worn national traits. Listen carefully to the poem and write down the elements of the Russian costume that you hear about. Whose team listens more carefully and takes more notes.

4. So, how many elements of clothing were named and which ones?

5. How many hats were named and which ones?

1. Answers of students:

2.Student responses: North Russian sarafan complex, and South Russian - pony (skirt) complex. General - embroidered shirt.

3. 2 students read the poem "Dresses of women from the northern and southern regions." The rest listen and make records in albums.

4. Sundress, poneva, shirt, skirt, apron, coat, kokoshnik, crowns, kicks - 9.

5. Kokoshnik, crowns, kicks - 3

4. Rest on the road.

Conducting a dynamic pause. Fizminutka

Speaks and shows movements

Repeat the movements after the teacher

5 . Practical work under Russian folk music. (The task is differentiated).

1. On the basis of the material seen about the costume, it is necessary to make a sketch of the costume. In the last lesson, you built the overall shape of the costume. And now you have to outline the places of jewelry on your costume and do the work in color.

2. Guys, where are the patterns usually located on a sundress, shirt?

Student responses:

1.At the hem of the sundress; in the middle of the sundress; on the sleeves of the shirt, on the cuffs, on the waist for men.

2. Work individually, get advice from a teacher

6. Summing up the trip.

Review and exhibition of finished sketches, discussion and evaluation

What kind of costume did you choose?

- What did you like about the folk costume ensemble?

– What can a Russian folk costume tell you about?

The first team calls best work the second team (the second - the third, the third - the first). Explain why they liked the chosen costume.

7. Homework

Pick up visual material about folk festivals (Shrovetide, etc.) Let's make a collective work “Our cheerful round dance” from your today's works.

Woman suit

So what did women wear before?

All parts have their own name:

The caftan is worn over a long shirt,

Ornamented at the bottom.

On the head - an ubrus under a chinny hat

Or a warrior - to shade the beauty.

Well, the townswomen walked in new boots,

Peasant women often ran in bast shoes.

Worn and zapony, and ponyov -

I will explain the details to you in a nutshell.

Outfits of women from the northern and southern regions

1. And the enlightened West did not touch

Its peculiar beauty!

All the same sundresses were worn,

Ponyovs and shirts without any fuss.

And yet the outfits of women differed

From the northern and southern regions.

Sundresses were worn in the north

From plain fabric, from canvas,

From dyed, homespun wool.

And only finishing bright beauty

She gave an elegant look to the costume,

And the shirts are always embroidered

She answered special events -

For wedding, rural holidays, labor,

2 .Peasant women of the South - those preferred.

Wear ponies over shirts,

Decorated with a pattern along the hem,

Attire for women, Girls wore.

On top of the shirt, an apron or an armyak,

For adulthood they were sewn

Ponyovs - skirts, that's how it happened!

In the North they put on a kokoshnik,

embroidered crowns,

In the South, kiki was preferred to them,

And bells were sewn to the skirts.


If everything in the world was

Same color

(head rotation)

It would make you angry

Or did it make you happy?

(head tilts to different sides)

People are used to seeing the world

White, yellow, blue, red

(hands on the belt, torso to the left, to the right)

May everything around us be

Amazing and different.

(arms crossed in front of you)

5. Practical work of students.

- Guys, where are the patterns usually placed on a sundress, shirt? (On the hem of the sundress; in the middle of the sundress; on the sleeves of the shirt, on the cuffs, on the belt for men)

chest patterns - protected the heart and lungs,

shoulder - guarded hands,

on the floor - did not allow to get through evil forces from below.

- What parts did the festive costume of a Russian peasant consist of? (The men's suit was a combination of a shirt and ports.)

Task differentiated:

1 group: Coloring ready-made figures, already “dressed” is a task for slow children and those who have difficulty with an independent image. Design your own ornament.

2 group: “Dress” a paper figure, i.e. design and draw your own festive outfit. Students are given figurines depicting people and need to make them festive clothes.

3 group(children who draw well): Depict the figure of a person in festive costume.

The main condition is the presence of an ornament in clothes.

Stages of work:

choose a costume option;

build the overall shape of the costume;

mark the places of decorations and ornaments;

determine the color (color) of the costume;

work in color.


Andreeva Yu.A. Russian folk costume. Travel from north to south. - St. Petersburg: "Parity", 2006.

Goryaeva N.A., Ostrovskaya O.V. Decorative and applied art in human life: Proc. for the 5th grade general education. institutions / Under. ed. B.M. Nemensky. - M.: Enlightenment, 2006

Sokolnikova N.M. Fine arts6 textbook for uch. 5-8 cells At 4 o'clock Ch3. Fundamentals of composition. Obninsk: Title, 2001.

Children - about the traditions of folk craftsmanship. Autumn: Study method. allowance: At 2 pm / Under. ed. T.Ya. Shpikalova. – M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2001.

2011 © Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson"

Goals and objectives: to acquaint students with the peculiarities of the Russian costume, with the diversity and ubiquity of the national costume as a symbol of the people, the country; consolidate the skills of creating an artistic image in a decorative composition, possession of graphic materials; strengthen interdisciplinary connections. Equipment: for the teacher - methodical tables, children's work, computer, presentation "Russian folk costume". For students: graphic materials, gouache, ink, watercolors. Visual range: reproductions of V. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka", "Three girls of the underworld", F. Malyavin "Whirlwind", F. Levitsky "Portrait of Agashi in Russian costume", A. Venetsianov "Spring. On arable land”, V. Surikov “Boyar Morozova”, “Siberian beauty”. Literary series: folklore, riddles.

Course of the lesson 1.Organization of the class. 2. Conversation on the topic of the lesson. Teacher. Consider illustrations depicting the Russian national costume. Russian beauties in women's outfits resemble the heroines of Russian folk tales "Swan, dove duck, red maiden" - this is how beautiful Russian women were affectionately called among the people, singing them in songs and fairy tales. And the armor of Russian warriors, free old men's clothing emphasizes their strength, power, kindness. How the costume is symbolically described by the people: A conspiracy-spell Will I go to an open field - Under the red sun, Under the bright moon, Under flying clouds, I will stand in an open field On a level place, I will dress in clouds, I will cover myself with Heaven, I put the Red Sun on my head I will gird myself with bright dawns, I will stab with frequent stars, With sharp arrows - From any evil ailment.

Can you guess what the “red sun” on the head, the “frequent stars” that I “stumble on”, “clouds and skies that I put on” have become in reality? -You have probably seen such clothes, seen in museums, in theatrical performances, movies, in illustrations in books. Especially carefully selected outfits, which in the old days were made by hand and passed down from generation to generation. Clothing was casual and festive, from time immemorial had a complex decorative design, where embroidery and lace played an important role. That is why in Rus', according to the custom that has long been established, a girl from an early age began to be taught these difficult, but fascinating types of creativity.

The history of the Russian costume shows that changes in clothing, the very movement of fashion, almost did not affect the common people. The Russian peasant at the end of the 19th-20th century wore the same as in the days of Ancient Rus': a hat, pants, shirt. Women wore a skirt over a long, below the knee, shirt. Of the outerwear, capes were in use, and shoes, if any, were bast shoes or soles held on by belts. In the cold, legs were wrapped in canvas. Clothes in Rus' were loose, long, unusually colorful. Women's hats: kokoshniks, kiki, magpies. warriors of the most unprecedented bizarre form. They were very fond of shower jackets in Rus'. It resembles a small sundress and was worn over a sundress. It was the festive clothes of a peasant woman, and therefore they sewed a shower jacket from expensive fabrics, embroidered with patterns, and decorated with braid. Zipun is known from ancient clothes. This was the name of a narrow knee-length caftan without a collar and with a clasp in front, which was worn by wealthy people. Zipuns were also called sheepskin coats in which the people walked. In the women's costume of the times of Ancient Rus', there was a poneva in wide use - a skirt consisting of a piece of fabric wrapped around the hips and tied with a belt. It was customary for both women and men to wear all kinds of jewelry - necklaces, beads, neck beads (hryvnias), earrings, bracelets. Now, guys, let's see the illustrations of V. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka", "Three princesses of the underworld", F. Levitsky "Portrait of Agashi's daughter in Russian costume", A. Venetsianov "Spring. On arable land”, V. Surikov “Boyarynya Morozova”. (There is a conversation on the works). There are medleys of Russian folk songs and tunes. Words - "shirt", "sarafan", "epanechka" (a short flared blouse without sleeves), "poneva" - a homespun checkered wool skirt. Viewing the presentation "Russian folk costume".

Russian folk costumes (men's) The men's costume consisted of a shirt-kosovorotka with a low stand or without it and narrow pants made of canvas or krashin. A shirt made of white or colored canvas was worn over trousers and girdled with a belt or a long woolen sash. The decorative solution of the kosovorotki is embroidery on the bottom of the product, the bottom of the sleeves, the neck. Embroidery was often combined with inserts of a fabric of a different color, the location of which emphasized the design of the shirt (partial seams in the front and back, gussets, neck lining, line connecting the sleeve with the armhole). Outerwear was a zipun or caftan made of homespun cloth, wrapping on the left side, with a fastener with hooks or buttons, in winter - sheepskin coats. Men's shoes - boots or bast shoes with onuchs and frills.

Russian folk costumes (female) Women's costume in the northern and southern regions differed in individual details, the location of the decoration. The main difference was the predominance of a sundress in the northern costume, and poneva in the southern one. The main parts of the women's folk costume were a shirt, an apron, or a curtain, a sundress, a poneva, a bib, a shushpan. The women's shirt, like the men's, was straight-cut with long sleeves. The white canvas of the shirt was decorated with a red embroidery pattern located on the chest, shoulders, at the bottom of the sleeves and along the bottom of the product. The most complex, multi-figure compositions with a large pattern (fantastic female figures, fabulous birds, trees), reaching a width of 30 cm, were located along the bottom of the product. Each part of the shirt had its own traditional ornamental solution. Russian folk peasant costume

Practical work. The task of the first lesson: to make a sketch of a Russian folk costume, preferably a pair - male and female. When drawing, you can use templates - silhouettes. The figures should be large, in the entire sheet, located in the center of the sheet, vertical position. In this lesson, the color scheme of the costume is determined. (Showing students' work) 4. The result of the first lesson. Express - view completed jobs. Workplace cleaning.
