In painting, the spring landscape is an open lesson. Summary of a lesson in fine arts on the topic "spring landscape"

Lesson outline on the topic: "Spring has come"

Lesson objectives:

To teach children to recognize changes in nature with the advent of spring; introduce folk signs, spring holidays; develop attentiveness, observation and interest in learning new things; expand lexicon using epithets to describe beauty spring nature; to acquaint children with the work of I. Levitan; cultivate love and careful attitude to nature.

Planned results:

Learn to find spring changes in nature, learn folk signs and holidays; competently and concisely describe the beauty of spring nature and works of art, observe the weather.

Equipment: painting by I. Levitan (1st image), posters with a list of holidays, crossword puzzle.

Preliminary work: draw a crossword puzzle on the board, hang reproductions and posters.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizing time.

II. Repetition of the material covered.

III. Introduction to a new topic.

IV. Learning new material.

V. Fizminutka.

VI. Consolidation.

VII. Summing up.

VIII. Homework.

* Pictured is a painting by I. Levitan " Last snow"

During the classes

I. Organizing time. Greetings.

II. Repetition of previously studied material, homework is checked accordingly.

III. Introducing children to a new topic and upcoming tasks.

Spring came

The lesson begins with the teacher reading the poem "Spring" by K. Kubilinskas

Spring has come in the snow
On the wet carpet
Scattered snowdrops,
She sowed grass.
Badger families by the deadline
Raised from the minks
birch sap
I gave it to the guys.
I looked into the den:
- Well, get up, bear! -
Breathed on the branches -
Time to get green!
Now spring is beautiful
Calling from all over
Geese, swifts and storks,
Cuckoos and starlings.

So, as you may have guessed, the topic of today's lesson is "Spring". Today you will find out with what gifts it pampers us, what changes it brings to the lives of people, animals, plants, remember the spring months and holidays that we love to celebrate at this beautiful time of the year.

IV. Learning new material

Children are invited to consider the painting by Isaac Levitan "The Last Snow". The teacher asks leading questions: What season did the artist depict? What is the month of spring? What helped determine? What feeling does the picture evoke? Who knows when the first meeting of spring (February 15) is celebrated in the folk calendar correctly, guys, winter has not yet had time to retreat, and spring already reminds of itself and already in February warm days come (they are also called February windows). Children take turns trying to describe what they saw, using epithets, comparative turns. Next, the children list how nature and life around change, with the advent of spring days (the days are getting longer, the sun is shining brighter and warmer, the snow is melting, the grass is turning green, the first flowers appear in the meadows, the migratory birds, rises and turns green in winter in the fields, buds swell on trees and the first leaves appear, birch gives delicious juice, many insects wake up, changes occur in animal life, and so on). The teacher then asks the children if they know what folk omen what is it for, can anyone give an example? (Disassemble every sign with the children, give an example from life)

If the water stagnates in the field, the cattle will be full.
In the spring you don’t work hard - the year is hungry.
The bird returns in a flock - friendly spring.
The bird builds a nest on the sunny side - cold summer.
To meet a hare in a white coat in the spring - there will still be snow.
Offensive early spring- a sign of a long summer.
If the snow melts early - a long thaw.
The snow melts quickly - be a rainy summer.
A fluffy scallop appeared on the willow - and spring is on the hearth.
Grass in April, grass in May.
With a warm April and a wet May - to be all with a good harvest.
If the bee took off early - be a bright spring.
Next, the children can list which migratory birds return to their native land in spring (starlings, cranes, ducks), what are the first flowers to grow? (crocus, snowdrop, lily of the valley, tulip, narcissus, mother and stepmother, blueberries)

spring months


The teacher reads a riddle to the children:

A warm south wind blows
The sun is shining brighter.
The snow is thinning, soft, melting,
The loud-mouthed rook flies.
What month?
Who will know? (March). Children are invited to remember what holidays are celebrated this month. (a list of holidays is posted on the board)


The river roars furiously and breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
Who came to us? (April).


The fields are green,
The nightingale sings
The garden is dressed in white
The bees are the first to fly.
Thunder rumbles.
Guess what month it is? (May). Well done guys, now let's get some rest.

v. Fizminutka. Children stand one after another and repeat the exercises after the teacher.

The wind is blowing in our faces. (They wave their hands in the face)
The tree swayed. (raise your hands up and shake)
The wind is quieter, quieter. (sit down)
The tree is getting higher, higher (get up and stretch high)
If desired, you can repeat, only a student can be in the role of leader.

VI. Fixing the material.

The teacher asks the student to repeat the spring months. After the lesson, solve the crossword puzzle as a reinforcement, use the words from the lesson topics.

1) The strongest insect (ant);
2) The second spring month (April);
3) Migratory bird (Starling);
4) First spring Flower(snowdrop);
5) A tree that gives delicious juice (birch);
6) Who is the artist of the picture we examined (Levitan);
7) Spring flood of rivers (flood);
8) Forest fragrant flower (lily of the valley);
9) In what month is International Women's Day celebrated? (March);

VII. The results are summed up, the teacher finds out whether the students liked the lesson. The next step is to evaluate the children. Grading in the journal and in the diaries.

VIII. Homework is given. Children need to draw spring, namely the spring month that they liked the most, with its distinctive features. Prepare beautiful story to the illustration.

In accordance with modern requirements for the lesson in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, a number of programs have been developed that give the modern teacher a choice.

After analyzing the content of the lessons on teaching the landscape in the second generation programs, we chose work program edited by B.M. Nemensky and developed technological maps lessons for primary and secondary classes. landscape lesson fine learning

Grade 3 "Art around us".

IV quarter. "The Artist and the Spectator".

Topic: “A painting is a special world. Landscape painting".

Purpose: Formation of artistic and creative activity of the individual, education of aesthetic feelings, interest in fine arts introducing students to the genre of landscape.

Objective: to understand that a picture is a special world created by an artist, filled with his thoughts, feelings, experiences; find out the names of the largest Russian landscape painters; learn to depict a landscape according to a representation with a pronounced mood; learn to talk about creative work the viewer, about their experience of perception of works of fine art.

2. Metasubject: to master the ability to see and perceive manifestations artistic culture V surrounding life; want to communicate with art, participate in the discussion of the content and means of expression works of art; to learn how to organize independent artistic and creative activity, to choose means for the realization of an artistic idea; master the ability to evaluate the results of artistic creative activity, own and classmates.

3. Personal: emotional and valuable attitude to the world around; tolerantly accept the diversity of cultural phenomena; improvement of artistic taste and ability for aesthetic evaluation of works of art and phenomena of the surrounding life; master the skill watercolor paints; want to use artistic skills to create beautiful things.

Practical task: Depict the autumn landscape according to the presentation.

Equipment and materials for students: 2 sheets watercolor paper a4, 2 landscape sheets, graphite pencil, eraser, brush, water cup, watercolors.

Visual row: reproductions of paintings by landscape painters I. Levitan "On the Volga", "Vladimirka", A. Savrasov "Rooks have arrived", "Thaws", F. Vasiliev "Village", "Dawn", A. Kuindzhi "On the island of Valaam" , " Moonlight night»; teaching aids "Composition in a landscape", "Linear perspective", "Aerial perspective", an exercise for the eyes.

Musical series: Y. Entin "Dance of the Little Ducklings", Ludwig van Beethoven "Silence".

Technological map of the lesson:

Stages and tasks of the lesson.

Teacher activity

Student activities

1. Organizational stage

Attract the attention of children.

Shows slides with photographs of paintings in museums, residential buildings, educational institutions:

Talks about the picture as a whole: gives a definition, explains where and why we meet with pictures, talks about the world in the picture, about the role of the frame for the picture. Demonstrates a slide with a reproduction of the work of I. Shishkin "Landscape with pines" (1882) without decoration and with a frame:


Expand the horizons of children.

Gives a definition of a genre in fine arts, then a definition of landscape. Tells a brief history landscape. Forms the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

Explains what types of landscapes exist, showing slides with examples of work:

Rural landscape. Urban landscape.

K. Koro. Mountain landscape, 1860.

F. Alekseev. City square, 1790.

Landscape with people. Landscape with animals.

F. Millais. Gatherers of ears, 1857.

D. Fattori. Resting, 1873.

River landscape. Landscape with sky.

S. Denis. River, 1891.

Nicholas Roerich. Decrees of Heaven, 1915.

Mountain landscape. Landscape with a plain.

E. Hopper. Grain Hill, 1930.

J. Michel. Greatness. 1812.

Enveloping landscape. Panoramic landscape.

J. Corot. Meadows at Fontainebleau, 1864.

L. Goffier. View of Vallombrosa, 1890.

Shows a slide with a reproduction of the painting by A. Savrasov

"The Rooks Have Arrived", 1871:

Reads a poem by M. Lermontov "Spring Landscape":

When the broken ice in the spring

An excited river goes

When among the meadows in places

The bare earth turns black

And the darkness falls in clouds

On semi-young fields,

An evil dream cherishes sadness

In my inexperienced soul;

I see nature is getting younger

Do not get younger only to her;

Lanit calm flame scarlet

Take time with you

And the one who suffered so, it happened,

She won't find love in her heart.

Together with his students, he analyzes the picture: what mood is expressed in the landscape, the state of mind, with what details the artist conveys the season in his work.

Demonstrates a slide with a reproduction of A. Kuindzhi's painting "Moonlight Night", 1895:

Draw me the sound of rain

Laughter of mischievous nature,

The beam of the nightingale's trill,

And exhilarating surf.

Draw a sunset in silence

Stars are a scattering of crystal,

Lake in the middle of the night

And what breathes the whole earth.

Draw the breath of the wind

The sigh of a young river,

The horizon that awaits the dawn

And the mist above the water.

Draw trees in dresses

And the grass is a big carpet,

And the moon in the night embrace

The sky is a fabulous tent.

Draw. Give it to the people

This mystical landscape

Maybe then nature

They will offend less!

Together with the students, he analyzes the picture: what feelings the author tried to convey to the viewer, the state of mind of the work.

Explains that the artist achieves expressiveness in the landscape through certain techniques. He starts talking about them.

Demonstrates Toolkit"Composition in the landscape", talks about the types of composition:

Schemes of types of compositions of landscapes: 1 - scheme of horizontal spatial plans, 2 - horizontal spatial plans and the central plane; 3 - horizontal spatial plans and the rhythm of contrasting planes, 4 - horizontal spatial plans and the plane of the wings, 5 - horizontal spatial plans and 2 planes of the curtains, 6 - horizontal spatial plans and a vertical line, 7 - horizontal spatial plans and 2 wings from vertical lines, 8 - horizontal spatial plans and vertical lines, 9 - spatial plans of a diagonal direction, 10 - a triangular move in depth to the vanishing point in the center of the picture, 11 - triangular moves in depth to the vanishing point in the center of the picture, 12 - a triangular move in depth to vanishing point, located at the edge of the picture, 13 - triangular moves in depth, the vanishing point of which is located at the edge of the picture, 14 - moves to the depth of the arcuate direction, 15 - moves to the depth of the arcuate and triangular directions, 16 - moves to the depth of the arcuate direction, 17 - several moves in the depth of the arcuate and triangular directions

I. Levitan "On the Volga", 1888. Type of composition - a triangular stroke in depth, the vanishing point of which is at the edge of the picture.

F. Vasiliev "Village", 1869. The type of composition is a horizontal spatial plan and the plane of the wings.

Demonstrates the methodological manual "Linear perspective":

Defines linear perspective, basic concepts.

Gives an example of reproductions of paintings:

A. Savrasov. Rasputitsa, 1894. I. Levitan. Vladimirka, 1892.

Shows the methodical manual "Aerial perspective":

Defines aerial perspective, basic laws.

Gives an example of reproductions of paintings:

A. Kuindzhi. F. Vasiliev. Dawn, 1873.

On the island of Valaam, 1873.

Reads A. Klimanov's poem "Air Perspective":

Without further ado write

Nature today is worth a lot.

Artist, sky, field - grace!

Canvas, oil - the impression is

That he saw the field for the first time,

Ultramarine with white interfering.

On the umber of arable land snow will fall into the mattress -

Smears, stripes - at the forefront

And the lines on the horizon are melting

Merging with the sky ... so we are with you

Let's merge with the sky - painting is simple.

Listen to the teacher's story. Get acquainted with the paintings and names of the largest landscape painters in Russia.

Review and compare landscape paintings, analyze them, talk about the moods that artists convey in their work.

Master the knowledge of composition, linear and aerial perspective.

4. Dynamic pause.

Do an eye rest exercise.

Shows slides of the presentation "Exercise for the eyes".

Perform each movement 6 times:

Perform exercises.

Exercise 1. "Techniques for working with watercolors":

Explains the basic techniques of working with watercolors:

1) Apply next to each other three vertical stripes different color. Wait for them to dry. Draw horizontal stripes of other colors on top of them.

2) Cover three rectangles with one color. Let the paint dry. Then apply it only on two rectangles. Fill the third rectangle with watercolor again - over the dried layer.

3) Put several strokes of paint of different colors next to each other until the paints are dry, blur and connect their edges with a brush.

4) Repeat the third exercise with three or more colors.

Work example:

Exercise 2. "Colors of autumn":

He gives the task to depict the colors of autumn with spots using watercolors: sky, greenery, earth.

Work example:

Exercise 3. "Developing a sense of space":

Demonstrates a plan of the area, gives the task to depict the landscape of this plan, observing the laws of linear perspective.

Terrain plan:

To do exercises. Master the skill of working with watercolors. Develop a sense of space.

Exercise 1: "Techniques for working with watercolors." An example of children's work:

Exercise 2: "Colors of autumn." An example of children's work:

Exercise 3: "Developing a sense of space." An example of children's work:

6. Dynamic pause.

Run dance moves to the music.

The teacher turns on musical composition Y. Entin "Dance of little ducklings".

Perform dance moves to music:

Perform a composition on the topic of the lesson, in compliance with the laws, rules of perspective and composition.

Gives the task to complete the work on the topic " Autumn landscape”, observing the laws of composition and perspective, demonstrates an example of the task:

Includes music by Ludwig van Beethoven "Silence":

Do creative work. Finished work example:

8. Reflection.

What do we see on the 1st plane?

What do we see in the distance?

What laws of composition are observed?

How is perspective maintained?

Offers to analyze their work.

9. Summing up:

Draw conclusions from the lesson.

Draw conclusions from the lesson.


Subject: To have an idea that the picture is a special world created by the artist, filled with his thoughts, feelings, experiences; know the names of the largest Russian landscape painters; depict the landscape according to the presentation with a pronounced mood; be able to talk about the creative work of the viewer, about their experience of perceiving works of fine art.

2. Meta-subject: to be able to see and perceive the manifestations of artistic culture in the surrounding life; wish to communicate with art, to participate in the discussion of the content and expressive means of works of art; be able to organize independent artistic and creative activity, choose means for the implementation of an artistic concept; be able to evaluate the results of artistic and creative activities, their own and classmates.

3. Personal: emotional and valuable attitude to the world around; tolerantly accept the diversity of cultural phenomena; to have an artistic taste and the ability for an aesthetic assessment of works of art and the phenomena of the surrounding life; master the skill of working with watercolors; strive to use artistic skills to create beautiful things.

Gives homework to find a painting by I. Shishkin "Landscape with Walkers", 1869, analyze it: determine the mood of the picture, get acquainted with the composition, observe the rules of linear and aerial perspective. Thanks for the work.

Write down homework.

6th grade. "Fine Arts Around Us".

IV quarter. "Man and Space".

Topic: "Landscape in graphics".

Purpose: acquaintance with graphic sketches and sketches of landscapes famous artists Russia, the study of methods of transmission of the air environment using graphic materials.

Subject: to develop visual-spatial thinking as a form of emotional and value exploration of the world, self-expression and orientation in the artistic and moral space of culture; to cultivate respect for the history of the culture of their Fatherland, expressed in the fine arts; gain experience in creating artistic image in the landscape genre; gain experience in dry pastel technique; to develop the needs of communication with works of fine art, to master the practical skills and abilities of perception, interpretation and evaluation of works of art.

2. Meta-subject: to teach to correlate their actions with the planned results, to control their activities in the process of achieving the result, to adjust their actions in accordance with the changing situation; to teach to evaluate the correctness of the implementation of the educational task; possession of the basics of self-control, self-esteem; learn to work individually and in a group.

3. Personal: to form a responsible attitude to learning, readiness and ability for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and cognition; to form communicative competence in communication with peers, adults in the process of creative activity; develop aesthetic consciousness through the legacy of the great artists of Russia, creative activities of an aesthetic nature.

Practical task: Creating a graphic landscape on the theme "Mood of the weather" using dry pastel technique.

Equipment and materials for students: 1 sheet of pastel paper, 3 landscape sheets, graphite pencil, eraser, dry pastel.

Visual row: reproductions of paintings and sketches for them: A. Savrasova "The Rooks Have Arrived", A. Kuindzhi. "Moonlight Night on the Dnieper", I. Shishkin "Web in the Forest"; methodical manual "Aerial perspective in graphics"; reproductions of landscapes made in different graphic techniques; eye exercise.

Literary series: Poems: V. Kozlov "The sunset cooled", N. Chumachenko " Pinery»; poems for dynamic pauses: “Together we go through the forest”, “A lock hangs on the door”.

Musical series: A. Vivaldi "Violin Concerto, 3 hours Allegro", P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons. April".

Technological map of the lesson:

Stages and tasks of the lesson

Teacher activity

Student activities

1. Organizational stage.

Prepare students for the lesson.

Checks the readiness of students for the lesson. Checks student attendance.

Check the readiness of jobs.

2. Stage of motivation and updating of knowledge.

Attract the attention of children.

To create conditions for the student to have an internal need for inclusion in the educational process.

Defines the landscape genre. Talks about independent artistic value graphic landscape. Tells a brief history of graphics. Explains that before writing great works, artists were always in search of a composition: they made sketches and sketches with graphic materials. Demonstrates slides with reproductions famous paintings and sketches for them:

A. Savrasov. The Rooks Have Arrived. 1871.

A. Kuindzhi. Moonlight night on the Dnieper, 1880

I. Shishkin. Web in the forest. 1880s

Reads poems by N. Chumachenko "Pine Forest":

Pine forest, pine forest

What scope, what space.

Here the air of rare purity

Filled with the aroma of resins.

There is amazing peace here.

Like candles, slender trunks,

Dressed in golden bark,

They are crowned with needles.

Pine forest, pine forest

Enters into conversation with you

That trill woodpecker, and sometimes

Sings with a hunting trumpet.

Diamond purity spring

Gitters on the stones of elani,

Meeting with a burst of sun glare

And kiss the trembling doe.

Pine forest, pine forest

Magic harp bust

Listen attentively. View photo slides.

3. Communication of theoretical information.

Set goals and objectives for the lesson. Conversation on the topic of the lesson.

Summarize knowledge on the topic "Composition",


Expand the horizons of children.

Determine the sequence of drawing the landscape.

Organize an active dialogue.

Forms the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

Describes the means of expression in graphic drawing and a variety of graphic techniques. Demonstrates slides with reproductions of landscapes made in different graphic techniques:

Drawing. Types of drawing:

Line drawing. Tone pattern.

Sketch drawing. Silhouette drawing.

Talks about various graphic materials in the drawing, shows examples of work:

Simple pencils. Colour pencils.

Coal. Ink.

Pastel. Sanguine (sepia, bistre).

Sauce. Watercolor.

Book graphics:

Illustration. Splint.

Applied Graphics:

Collage. Poster.

Introduces students to printed graphics and its role in the visual arts. Talks about the concepts of "print" and "engraving". Demonstrate slides with types of printed graphics:

Convex engravings:

Woodcut. Linocut.

Relief engraving on metal.

In-depth engravings:

Cutting engraving. Etching.

Flat engravings:


Tells about the methods of transferring the air environment with the help of graphic materials. Shows the manual "Aerial perspective in graphics":

Listen to the teacher's story. To get acquainted with the means of expressiveness in a graphic drawing and with a variety of graphic techniques.

Review presentation slides.

Master the knowledge of aerial perspective in graphics.

4. Dynamic pause.

Perform an exercise to relieve tension from the muscles of the body.

Reading a poem:

We walk through the forest together

We are not in a hurry, we are not behind.

Here we go to the meadow. (Walking in place.)

A thousand flowers around! (Sipping - arms to the sides.)

Here is a chamomile, a cornflower,

Lungwort, porridge, clover.

The carpet is spread

And right and left. (Bend over and touch left

feet with your right hand, then vice versa - with your right foot

left hand.)

Hands stretched out to the sky

The spine was stretched. (Sipping - hands up.)

We all had time to rest

And they sat down again. (Children sit down.)

Perform movements under the guidance of a teacher.

5. Practical activities for doing exercises.

Perform exercises.

Organizes activities for learning new material and repeating earlier through the following exercises:

Exercise 1. "Graphic techniques":

Explains the rules for tinting a picture using different techniques:

Divide the album sheet into 6 parts. Then do the following pencil work:

1) Flat tint. Shade the rectangle with the edge of the pencil.

2) Circular toning. Shade the rectangle in a circular motion.

3) Toning with different line thicknesses. Using different pressure with a pencil, depict a dark sky with light clouds in a rectangle.

4) Contour tinting. Using different pressure on the pencil, draw a curly ribbon, creating a three-dimensional effect.

5) Tinted cross. Shade the rectangle in one direction. On top of the first hatching, draw the tree with strokes in the other direction.

6) Spot tinting. Hold your hand vertically and, putting dots quickly, draw an image of a cloud.

Work example:

Exercise 2. "Techniques for working with dry pastels":

Explains the basic techniques of working with pastel:

1) Hold the pastel at an angle and hatch with a sharp edge.

2) Hold the pastel vertically and hatch with a blunt edge.

3) Remove the wrapper and draw with the whole side of the pastel pencil.

4) Draw sideways with a pastel pencil, and then shade the drawing in a circular motion.

5) Next, hatch with two crayons of different colors, then use shading to connect them.

6) Hatch a strip with the edge of a pencil, gradually weakening the pressure force, then shade the drawing, getting a tonal stretch.

7) Repeat the seventh exercise, then hatch over the shading with the edge of a pencil of a different color.

Work example:

Exercise 3. "Wild Blackberry":

Explains the steps of the exercise aimed at repeating the basics of aerial perspective:

Draw a three-dimensional landscape using dry pastel. The first plan to portray saturated warm color; the second is softer and colder; the third is light blue or light purple. Draw the sky in an arbitrary color. Proceed to perform the blackberry. In the foreground, depict the bushes saturated, achieving a contrast with the meadow and the sky; draw the details: branches, grass. In the background, show the bushes with blackberries in silhouette, without drawing details, less contrast than on the first. On the last one - to generalize the images even more, drawing them in a cold color, in tone close to the clearing on which they stand.

Work example:

While the children are doing the exercises, it turns on the music of A. Vivaldi “Violin Concerto, 3 hours Allegro”:

To do exercises. Master the skill of working with dry pastels. Develop a sense of composition and space.

Exercise 1. "Graphic techniques". An example of children's work:

Exercise 2. "Techniques for working with dry pastels." An example of children's work:

Exercise 3. "Wild blackberry." An example of children's work:

6. Dynamic pause.

Perform an exercise to relieve tension from the hands.

The teacher reads the poem and demonstrates hand movements under it:

There is a lock on the door.

Who could open it?

(Quick connection of fingers in the lock.)


(Fingers are clasped into the lock, children pull their hands in different directions.)


(Wave-like movements are performed with the hands.)


(Fingers are clasped into the castle, children tap their palms against each other.)

And they opened it!

(Fingers unclenched.)

Perform hand movements under the guidance of a teacher.

7. Practical activities to fulfill the main task.

Make a drawing on the topic of the lesson, in compliance with the laws, rules of perspective and composition.

Gives the task to complete the work on the topic “Mood of the weather”, observing the laws of composition and perspective, shows an example of the completed task:

Includes music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons. April":

During practical work, he performs frontal, individual control.

Do creative work. An example of children's work:

8. Reflection.

To form the ability to evaluate oneself and other people, to see mistakes and positive aspects in work.

Shows the best works, offers to answer questions and evaluate the drawings. Provides a positive reaction of children to the creativity of classmates. Asking questions:

What mood does the landscape convey?

What do we see on the 1st plane?

What do we see in the distance?

How is aerial perspective observed?

Offers to analyze their own work.

Remember the goal and objectives. Analyze the work of classmates, answering the questions of the teacher, express their opinion. Carry out self-assessment.

9. Summing up:

Draw conclusions from the lesson.

Draws conclusions from the lesson.


1. Subject: to develop visual-spatial thinking as a form of emotional and value exploration of the world, self-expression and orientation in the artistic and moral space of culture; to cultivate respect for the history of the culture of their Fatherland, expressed in the fine arts; gain experience in creating an artistic image in the landscape genre; gain experience in dry pastel technique; to develop the need to communicate with works of fine art, to master the practical skills of perception, interpretation and evaluation of works of art.

2. Meta-subject: to be able to correlate their actions with the planned results, to control their activities in the process of achieving the result, to adjust their actions in accordance with the changing situation; be able to assess the correctness of the implementation of the educational task; own the basics of self-control, self-esteem; be able to work individually and in a group.

3. Personal: to form a responsible attitude to learning, readiness and ability for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and cognition; to form communicative competence in communication with peers, adults in the process of creative activity; develop aesthetic consciousness through the legacy of the great artists of Russia, creative activities of an aesthetic nature.

Assigns homework to find 2-3 illustrations in the landscape genre, analyze them: determine the mood of the picture, get acquainted with the composition, observe the transmission of aerial perspective. Thanks for the work.

Write down homework.

Sections: MHK and IZO

Class: 5

  • Educational:
to acquaint students with works of fine art, to teach students how to make preliminary sketches according to the description of the teacher.
  • Developing:
  • to form in students the ability to highlight the main thing in the plot, to develop Creative skills students, observation, visual memory when drawing a tree (trunk, branches, silhouette).
  • Educational:
  • fostering a sense of beauty, love for nature native land(village) and respect for her.
    • Educational:
    checking students' knowledge on the topic through the game: "Learn the tree."
  • Developing:
  • the formation of the beauty of the spring landscape, trees through reproductions of paintings by artists I.I. Levitan "March", A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived", an artist - fellow villager S.V. Naryzhny and others. A conversation about the genre of fine art - landscape.
  • Educational:
  • education of love for native nature and respect for it.

    Type of lesson: assimilation and consolidation of new knowledge.

    Forms of organization learning activities: frontal, group, individual.


    • For the teacher
    : reproductions of landscape painters I.I. Levitan “March”, A.K. Naryzhny, children's drawings, fairy tale hero(dwarf with a telegram), exhibition children's drawings, presentation for the lesson.
  • For students
  • : albums, simple and colored pencils, eraser, essays about spring.

    During the classes

    I. Organizational part

    a) greeting;
    b) identifying those on duty;
    c) the presence of students in the class, the readiness of the class for the lesson.

    Lesson structure

    Content Teacher activity Student activities
    1. Motivation The teacher reads the epigraph slide 2). Focuses on reproductions of paintings by I.I. Levitan, A.K. Savrasov, artist - fellow villager S.V. Naryzhny and other exhibition of children's drawings. Listen, consider, understand, respond, watch presentation slides.
    2. Organizational and active A conversation about the beauty of the spring landscape. Poetic page. Reading poems about spring

    watching presentation slides.

    3. Goal setting Sets the objectives of the lesson. Listen, complement, suggest.
    4. The main part. Statement new topic Beauty Conversation native nature. The concept is landscape. Reproductions of paintings by I.I. Levitan “March”, A.K. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”, artist - fellow villager S.V. They listen, reason, answer, compare, share their impressions, watch presentation slides.
    Game: "Know the tree." A poetic page, a riddle about a profession.

    Ecological conversation - a game (gnome with a telegram).

    Work in creative groups.

    Listen, guess, watch presentation slides. Reading essays about spring. Discuss, think, suggest.

    5. Practical work Job explanation. Step by step drawing.
    Taking a dynamic break.
    Poetic page.
    They answer and offer.

    Depict the silhouette of a tree, perform in color.

    6. Control and evaluation (summarizing the lesson) The student defends his drawing. Collective analysis of students' work.
    7. Reflection Evaluate and draw conclusions.
    8. Homework Recorded in diaries.

    II. Main part. Presentation of a new topic.

    "Spring landscape. Drawing from memory and from the representation of a spring tree.

    1. Introductory talk about spring. About the amazing beautiful time of the year.
    2. Viewing an exhibition of children's drawings (trees, flowers, berries).
    3. Reading poems about spring.
    4. Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.
    5. Conversation on the paintings of landscape painters (I.I. Levitan, A.K. Savrasov, etc.). A conversation, a story about the artists of our village.
    6. Game: "Know the tree."
    7. Reading the poem "Spring Forest", a riddle about the profession - a forester. Spring essays by students.
    8. Ecological conversation (game).
    9. Generalization of the teacher: poems, essays, riddles, an exhibition of children's works about nature, about the beautiful season - spring.

    Slide 4-10

    1. - So the spring has come, which we have been looking forward to for so long. There is a lot of joy in it, without which great love is impossible. After all, only in spring we see better with our eyes and our hearts. Transparent distances, clean air and water, tempting trees and shrubs, gentle rays of the sun, beautiful birdsong. Such is the state of nature. Such is the state and soul of a person who saw the spring festival of color and beauty. And therefore, it is no coincidence that many beautiful poems are dedicated to this time of year.

    slide 11, 12

    3. 1st reader:

    Snow is melting, streams are running
    In the window it blew in the spring ...
    Nightingales will soon whistle
    And the forest will be dressed in foliage!
    clear blue sky
    The sun became warmer and brighter,
    It's time for evil blizzards and storms
    Again a long time passed.

    Drops drip loudly
    By our window
    The birds sang merrily
    Now spring has come to us!

    slide 14, 15

    We found a snowdrop yesterday
    On the forest thaw
    Delicate blue flower
    Smells like sunshine and spring.

    4. - It is no coincidence that the topic of our lesson is called: "Drawing from memory and from the representation of a spring tree." When drawing, try to convey the beauty and all the grandeur of the spring tree, and with it your love and attitude towards nature. For this you need to be very careful.

    5. - But first, let's remember: “What changes in nature did you see with the advent of spring?

    Students answer: It has become warmer outside, the sun's rays gently warm the earth, the sky is voluminous, blue. Buds swell on the trees, the grass turns green, everything comes to life around, you can hear the singing of birds, etc.

    - And now let's look at the paintings dedicated to the awakening of spring, painted by landscape painters.

    1. Levitan I.I. "March".

    2. Savrasov A.K. "The rooks have arrived" (and others).
    3. Viewing paintings by artists - fellow villagers.

    6. - We feel the real spring with the arrival of birds. Some of them are visiting us today. They did not just fly to us, but offer you to play the game: "Recognize the tree." From the description or from the history of origin, you must find out which tree in question. To do this, we will be divided into 3 teams.

    Work in creative groups.

    Task 1 team (swallow guesses)

    "Wonderful Miracle"
    In many fairy tales, people go to distant lands to the kingdom of the thirtieth to look for a wonderful miracle, a wonderful tree .... Here is one of them near the house, or by the road, or in a grove. The tree is amazing - a real Russian beauty. She has the only unusual bark in the world in color. And juice is a great drink….. Answer: slide 20, 21

    Assignment 2 to the team (starling guesses)

    "The Basket Story"
    A little over two hundred years ago, fruits were brought to us from Asia in a basket. The fruits were eaten and the basket thrown away. And it was woven from flexible branches. Threw it away and forgot about it. The twigs, which seemed dry and dead, sprouted and grew into a beautiful tree. Unlike other trees, its branches lean towards the ground. Name this tree.... Answer: slide 23

    Assignment 3 to the team (woodpecker guesses)

    Probably not in autumn prettier than a tree. It seems that its large leaves translucent in the sun are forged from thin gold plates. The tree seems to be on fire, striking with the richness of shades of crimson and green, orange and yellow. Each is beautiful in its own way, but the shape of the leaves is unusual, complex with five or seven sharp projections. It has an interesting ability to predict the weather. When he “cries”, as if drop by drop, “tears” flow - this is the approach of rain. What tree are we talking about? Answer: slide 25

    7. - And if we plant many trees at the same time, we will get a beautiful spring forest. It can also be different: cheerful and sad, sleeping and cheerful, mysterious and powerful, etc. I invite you to listen to the poem "Spring Forest".

    spring forest

    All winter forest
    Didn't weave, didn't spin -
    That slept, under the snow,
    That was sick.
    But only spring - red came
    How immediately the illness passed him:
    He recovered, cheered up,
    Dressed in silk and velvet
    And roared in all its glory:
    Look everyone
    see all
    How good I am
    How powerful I am
    Like a head
    I touch the clouds!
    G. Ladonshchikov

    We all know that there are many different professions on earth. All of them are important and necessary. I will guess a riddle, as a result of which you will learn this profession, without which our life on earth is simply unthinkable!

    To pines, lindens, ate
    They didn't get sick, they turned green,
    To new forests
    Ascended to the skies
    Their ringing and the hubbub of birds
    Protected by a friend...
    V. Stepanov

    And my homework was to write an essay about spring. Reading essays.

    Ecological conversation - game

    - Well, guys, can we help? Your suggestions.

    Teacher summary:

    Guys! Look carefully at the trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants around the school and near it, look into the garden and the garden. Many of them are medicinal, or treat many diseases. Let's protect and protect them.

    The sun will smile on us more cheerfully,
    And every day will seem joyful to us,
    When they pass through all their native land
    Detachments of our seedlings.
    AND good wizards- forests
    Like poets and wizards
    Nature gives miracles to people,
    And we are her helpers!

    And finally, a beautiful poem:


    Come, spring, and again
    Let the groves come to life
    To the sound of a forest stream
    Let the violets bloom!
    Let us together with the sun
    Wake up the bird noise
    We will run with a song
    Through groves and meadows.
    R. Rozhdestvensky

    So, we heard and saw how many beautiful words can be said about our nature, trees, about spring. Thanks to this, each of our new days becomes beautiful and unique.

    Explanation of the learning task:

    a) drawing based on a preliminary description of the teacher;
    b) disclosure in the plot of the main, characteristic;
    c) display in the figure of the constructive structure of objects, volume, proportions;
    d) the colors of the depicted object;
    e) execution by stages.

    Initially, it is necessary to convey the appearance of the tree. We mark the height of the trunk with auxiliary lines. Be sure to consider that its image is vertical. The thickness of the trunk is selected depending on the type of tree. We draw the side branches that will form the crown of the tree. They may be different. We try to make them long and smooth, so that the crown is voluminous. Inside we depict small branches. It is very important to find the proportions (the ratio of the trunk and the crown). Determine the direction of the branches characteristic of this tree and their features. Then we move on to the image in color. We select cold and warm colors. We apply shades, thereby enlivening the drawing. The drawing should be beautiful, neat.

    Dynamic pause:

    The wind blows in our face
    The tree swayed.
    The wind is quieter, quieter
    The tree is getting higher and higher.

    III. Anchoring

    Step by step drawing.

    IV. Practical work

    1) target walks ( further development visual representation of students, development of creative abilities);
    2) providing individual assistance to students.


    V. Final briefing

    a) summarizing the lesson (selection the best works students);
    b) organizing students for a break.


    1. Art. Program for educational institutions grades 5–9 (Compiled by V.S. Kuzin, S.P. Lomov, E.V. Shorokhov and others - M .: Bustard, 2010.).
    2. Visual arts 5th grade. Lesson plans according to the textbook by V.S. Kuzin (author - compiled by S.B. Drozdova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008). For teachers.
    3. Collection of riddles.
    4. Collection of poems.

    Mametova Aida Ayupzhanovna - primary school teacher.


    Almaty city

    Summary of the lesson on fine arts in the 2nd "D" class on the topic:

    "Spring Landscape"


    To expand students' knowledge of the landscape as a genre in art, which involves a harmonious combination of the artist's feelings and their expression in creative activity.



      To consolidate the ideas of children about spring.

      Consolidate children's knowledge about characteristic features given time of the year.

      Draw the attention of children to the first signs of spring: drops, water all around, the first young grass, trees with swollen buds and with the first leaves, the first flowers, the bright sun.

      Learn to make a spring composition using paints.


    develop speech, memory, thinking, imagination, attention, auditory, visual, motor memory, fine motor skills.


      To instill in children a love for their native land.

      To develop in children an interest in wildlife, emotional responsiveness.

      To educate children in a kind, caring attitude towards nature.

      Cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, maintain cleanliness in the environment.

      To cultivate an aesthetic feeling for nature, to arouse a keen interest in the changes taking place in nature.

    Equipment: paper A3, A4, colored pencils, paints, brushes, reproductions of paintings depicting landscapes, water cups, Tchaikovsky's melody "The Seasons"

    Methodical methods: conversation, art word, examining and comparing paintings on the theme "Spring", a riddle, turning children into artists, listening to the melodies of "The Seasons".

    vocabulary work: activation and enrichment of the vocabulary: drops, first swollen buds, landscape, landscape painters, horizon line, drawing technique.

    During the classes

    The class is divided into 4 groups.

    1. Organizational moment.

    Teacher. Guys! Let's start the lesson with a smile, look at the guests who came to us, smile at them and at each other and wish creative success, and now let's see and check if everything is ready for the lesson. In the art class, I wish you Have a good mood and creative success in your work!

    Today's lesson is different! We work as a team in groups. Let's remember what rules for groups we deduced? (Children answer)

    Group rules:

      Listen carefully to each other.

      Do not interrupt the speaker.

      Respect each other's opinions.


      stop rule

      Set a goal and achieve it.

      “The mind of a person is manifested in the clarity of his speech” (accuracy, expressiveness, accessibility, correctness and meaning)

      Maintain cleanliness and order in the workplace.

    2. Updating of basic knowledge.

    The streams rang

    The rooks have arrived

    In the house of your hive, bee

    Brought the first honey.

    Who's to say, who knows when it happens?

    Children: Spring (visibility is posted-SPRING)

    What time of year is it in our backyard?

    Children: Spring.

    3. Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson

    What do you think we will do in class? (learn, reason, draw, evaluate, speak beautifully)

    And we will continue to expand our knowledge of genres in the visual arts and draw spring landscape.

    4. Preparation for the study of new material.

    What spring months do you know?

    (children's answers) (MARCH, APRIL, MAY)

    What is the first month?

    Indeed, the first month of spring is March.

    (The teacher shows an illustration of March).

    “The snow became full of holes in March,

    And almost completely fell off.

    It's not pure white anymore

    Not fluffy, like rotten.

    TASK №1 (Performed and discussed in a group, one of the students defends his team)

    Choose a figurative comparison to describe the March snow.

    And what part of speech helps you accurately and vividly describe the features of objects? (Adjective)

    - (Students' opinions) white aerated chocolate, featherbed, foam sheet, gray knitted tablecloth, mother-of-pearl, fluff, clouds, fur coat.

    Furiously the river roars

    And breaks the ice.

    The starling returned to his house,

    And in the forest the bear woke up.

    A lark trills in the sky.

    Who came to us?


    What month is it?

    Name the second month of spring.

    - Indeed, the second spring month is called April. Spring in April resembles a tearful girl, and the tears on her face are beads of melt water. The earth was washed in spring with streams, the spring sun flushed even more.

    Imagine the image we have drawn of the second spring month.

    - The rivers opened up in April. The ice on the river in the spring also woke up gradually: at first it darkened, then it frowned and became covered with cracks. And only then began to split, gradually coming into motion. The ice floes floated down the river, constantly colliding and breaking.

    - People say: "April streams wake the earth." In April, the land was freed from snow captivity. She threw off her winter clothes. She thawed happily and drank plenty of water.

    What picture did you draw in your mind?

    The warming sun began to dry the upper dark brown layer of the earth. In April, the earth preet-warms up. Spring streams murmur.

    folk wisdom reads: "Do not break the stove - it's still April in the yard." How do you understand this proverb?

    (Children's opinions).

    - Indeed, in April it can still be cold. “The month of April is a rogue, a sly one, disposes in his own way,” it is not easy to guess whether to wait for cold or heat.

    TASK #2

    Select and mark the signs by which people notice in April that this year will be warm.

    ¨ April is blowing with the wind, the sky is blue - it promises warmth.

    ¨ A lot of juice flows from a birch - to a cool, rainy summer.

    ¨ Blue clouds in April - to heat and rain.

    ¨ In Aprilhot during the day, cool at night - good weather.

    And now it's time for us to relax a little and we will do a warm-up with you.

    5. A moment of health.

    Spring, spring! Spring came:

    Brought warmth on the wings.

    And here in the sun

    With your head held high

    Blooming blue snowdrop.

    He's all fluffy, silver

    The little one stands in the sun

    He is a reliable messenger of spring

    He is not afraid of the cold.

    Other flowers will follow him,

    He is the firstborn among flowers.

    Which last month spring?

    (children's answers)

    The third month of spring is May. May can be compared to a beautiful, smiling girl, with a wide open eyes, whose hair is woven with bright flowers. She proudly walks on the ground covered with a green carpet.

    Imagine the image we have drawn of the third spring month.

    - May is not in vain called by the people - grass, pollen. This month, the crowns of trees are green and blooming everywhere. Growing crocuses, sleep-grass, buttercups and other spring flowers. Daffodils, tulips, daisies, etc. are blooming in the gardens. Peonies, lilies, and irises are springing up. A month after the flowering of the coltsfoot, wild rose, linden, gooseberries, currants bloom, apple trees turn green.

    TASK #3

    Choose and mark the picture corresponding to the nature of May.

    (students in groups look at the pictures and choose the right one and paste it, the answers are protected)

    TASK №4
    – In each group there are 3 reproductions of artists, divide them by genre
    . - What groups were they divided into?

    1st group - still life.

    2nd group - portrait.

    3rd group - landscape.

    Why were these three paintings classified as landscapes?

    How are these three pictures different?

    What can be depicted when painting landscapes? ( The artist depicts fields, sky, forests, a house, nature.)
    - So, let's conclude: the landscapes are different
    seasons, time of day, color (warm and cold, chromatic, achromatic) - Color. Color is the combination of colors in a painting. What does the combination of colors convey? (mood)

    amazing world surrounds us, it is the natural world. Artists will help us to be able to see its beauty.

    Pictures in which they depict nature are called landscapes.

    And artists who paint landscapes are called landscape painters.

    (show multiple pictures)

    Pay attention to this picture of Levitan.

    And the artist called this picture "Spring-big water."

    Artists show the beauty of their native nature in paintings, poets in poetry, and composers in music.

    Listen to a poem by Fyodor Tyutchev.


    I love the storm in early May,

    When the first spring thunder

    As if frolicking and playing,

    Rumbles in the blue sky.

    Thundering peals of the young!

    Here the rain splashed, the dust flies,

    Rain pearls hung,

    And the sun gilds the threads.

    An agile stream runs from the mountain,

    In the forest, the din of birds does not stop.

    And the noise of the forest, and the noise of the mountains -

    Everything echoes cheerfully to the thunders.

    (Children's opinions).

    Name the most important sign of this spring month.

    6. Listening to a piece of music.

    Let's listen to an excerpt from Tchaikovsky's The Four Seasons.

    Listen carefully to this melody and think about what spring picture you would draw.

    (listening to the melody, children's answers)

    7.Practical work.

    TASK number 5.

    Drawing a spring landscape. Show complex elements teacher.

    Well, now you are artists and will paint a spring landscape. Can be portrayedthe beginning of spring , when nature is just beginning to wake up after a winter sleep, when the snow has just begun to melt and drops have begun, but you can also depictspring is in full swing : blue sky, first young grass, trees with swollen buds and first leaves, first spring flowers, bright sun. But today we will draw not only with watercolors, but also with colored pencils and crayons. You are already familiar with these art materials. Unforgettablyskyline , we will have it in the middle of the sheet or a little higher. Do not forget that items located on foreground they will be larger than the ones behind. Well, artists, let's start our work.

    8.Practical work.

    Now be careful to do everything correctly and accurately. (Step-by-step execution of the task).

    (children draw, the melody “Seasons” sounds. The teacher watches the children as they draw, can make verbal comments as they work)

    Stages of the image:
    - Do you, as artists, know where the work begins?
    - From a sketch.
    -With thin lines we outline the horizon line, the background, trees, bushes.

    Wet the brush with water.
    -Then we start filling: closer to the horizon, lighter colors, towards the edge - darker.

    And what will be lighter in tone: the earth or the sky?(The sky is lighter and transparent)

    9. Information about homework (at the choice of students)

    Guys, as you already understood, each of us sees the beauty of nature in our own way.

    Artists paint pictures.

    Photographers capture the beauty of nature with cameras.

    Poets write poems about nature.

    Composers compose beautiful music.

    10. Summing up the lesson (Light of communication)

    The artist always organizes an exhibition of his work. And now we will arrange Vernissage in the class. Please post your work on the board.

    I want to know how you feel after the work done?

    I am glad that there is joy, delight, sadness.
    - Well done, you all did a good job.

    (Assessment of student work)

    11. Reflection.

    You have made wonderful work, what helped you when drawing?

    What did you learn in the lesson?

    What have you learned? Guys, there are emoticons on the board if you liked the lesson and you learned a lot, then take a smiley face that smiles if you have a lesson did not like and you didn’t learn anything new, that smiley that cries.

    Well done guys, you drew very beautifully. You all have different drawings. But they are all very interesting and very beautiful.

    Thank you for the lesson! See you at next lesson!


    1. Ostrovskaya O. V. Fine art lessons in primary school: 1-4 cells

    M. VLADOS, 2004 - 276 p.

    2.T.Ya. Shpikalova, L.V. Ershova, Fine Arts, Grade 2

    Summary of a fine arts lesson on the topic: "Unique Spring".

    Synopsis of a fine art lesson for students in grades 2-3.

    Safronova Kristina Viktorovna, teacher additional education, teacher of fine arts, MBOU, Irkutsk, secondary school No. 7.
    Material Description: This lesson outline is suitable for children 8-9 years old, both for fine art lessons and for extracurricular activities. In the course of studying new material, students will learn that thanks to a certain palette of colors, you can draw a landscape of any spring month. Together with traditional image picturesque background, students use an unconventional drawing technique - blowing patterns to draw trees. And at the end of the drawing, students again take brushes to complete and decorate the drawing. The change in activities arouses students' interest in artistic creativity improves performance and achieves interesting results.
    Target: Perform a picturesque image of a spring landscape using non-traditional technique visual activity- blowing drawings.Tutorials:
    - Learn to find the most important features of the March, April and May landscapes on the example of landscapes by Russian artists.
    - Consolidate knowledge of working with watercolors, mix colors to get new shades.
    - Repeat the rules of drawing using an unconventional technique of visual activity - blowing drawings.
    - To develop creative abilities, fantasy, emotional aesthetic perception of the surrounding world, nature.
    - Develop basic work culture skills.
    - To cultivate love for nature, creativity, communicative culture of communication.

    Universal learning activities

    - Have a positive attitude towards learning.
    - Improve existing skills in working with watercolors.
    - To consolidate drawing skills in an unconventional technique of visual activity - blowing drawings.
    - Understand and maintain the learning task.
    - Monitor the process and results of activities.
    - Adequately assess the achievements of their own and classmates.
    - Choose the grounds and criteria for comparing works of art with literary works.
    - Independently choose the location of the sheet and create compositions in it.
    - Independently find ways to solve a creative problem.
    - Adequately listen to the teacher, classmates.
    - Participate in general conversation: listen, answer the questions posed, analyze the answers of classmates.
    visual material: presentation on the topic of the lesson, sample work.
    Teacher equipment: 3 palette templates from Whatman paper, gouache, A3 format, brush No. 12, brush No. 2, a jar of water, black ink, red ink, palette, cocktail tubes.
    Student equipment: gouache, A4 format, brush: 5, No. 1, a jar of water, a palette.
    Lesson type: combined.

    1. Org. moment: greeting, checking readiness for the lesson.

    2. Motivational stage
    Waking up from a dream
    With a soft spring brush
    Draws buds on the branches
    In the fields - rook chains,
    Over the revived foliage -
    The first stroke of thunder
    And in the shade of a transparent garden -
    Lilac bush near the fence.

    This poem children's poet Viktor Lunin
    Guys, what is this poem about?
    About spring.
    - How does the author of the poem compare spring?
    With an artist who woke up from a dream.
    -Do you want to become an artist like spring today?
    To do this, listen carefully and do everything diligently.

    3. Knowledge update.
    Spring is the most amazing, beautiful time of the year, this is the time when nature wakes up. It becomes calm in the soul, I want to rejoice, to be more on the street, while there is a lot of strength and energy.
    - Based on the poem and a short conversation at the beginning of the lesson, can we name the topic of the lesson?
    Of course, spring, spring landscape.
    Look at the work done by the guys.
    - Do they look alike?
    All drawings are different.
    - What do they have in common?
    The trees are drawn with a cocktail tube by blowing out designs from a drop of paint.
    So, the topic of the lesson is "Unique Spring". Performing a picturesque image of a spring landscape using an unconventional technique of visual activity - blowing drawings.

    4. Learning new material.
    Many artists and poets admire this amazing time of the year. And thanks to their works, we can see and feel a completely different spring.
    Please listen to the poem called "March".
    We got up early today.
    We can't sleep tonight!
    They say the starlings are back!
    They say it's spring!
    And it's cold outside.
    The snow is flying prickly,
    And crawl through the clouds
    Clouds in white coats.
    Wait, spring. A long time ago,
    And you wander somewhere!
    It won't come without you
    Sunny summer!

    Gaida Lagzdyn
    What month is described in this poem?
    - What are the features of the first spring month?
    It is frosty, the sky is gloomy, birds are flying, there is still snow.
    Thus, the poet describes the very first spring month.
    Artists also love to depict this amazing spring month.
    Before you is a painting by Isaac Levitan "March"
    - What fragments in the picture say that this is the beginning of spring?
    The warm sun melts the loose snow. Since the trees are covered with snow, there are no leaves yet, you can see the presence of a birdhouse on the tree. The snow has already melted on the roads. The horse is languishing in the sun.
    Fine! And now listen to the next poem by Samuil Marshak April! April!
    April! April!
    Drops are ringing in the yard.
    Streams run through the fields
    Puddles on the roads.
    Ants coming soon
    After the winter cold.
    Bear sneaking
    Through thick deadwood.
    The birds began to sing songs
    And the snowdrop blossomed.

    What changes in nature are described by the author of the poem?
    And now let's look at the deeply felt picture of Vasily Baksheev "Blue Spring"
    - What can you tell about the spring presented in this picture?
    With incomparable skill, the artist combines the yellowness of last year's foliage, the pinkish haze that enveloped the distant forest, the sonorous blueness of the sky and the pure whiteness of the trees.

    And one more poem, of course, about the month of May.
    I. Avenberg
    Greenery on the trees
    First leaves.
    And on all lawns -
    Yellow flowers.
    street greyness
    warmed by the sun,
    Filled with freshness.
    Bright May color.
    In the blue expanse
    Twitter doesn't stop
    A speck of fun
    Butterfly flutters.

    What nature is the author of the poem describing?
    But what kind of picture was painted by Stanislav Zhukovsky called “Old Manor. May"
    This artist was very fond of depicting old Russian estates, combined with the splendor of landscapes of different seasons.
    - Guys, did you feel the difference between the three months of spring?
    Yes. Then let's do the following exercise.

    5. Performing the "Palette" exercise.
    Three palettes cut out from A4 format are hung on the board, on the slide there are three paintings discussed earlier.
    Here are reproductions of paintings.
    - What genre of fine art can these paintings be called?
    Quite right. And in order to show the different months of spring in the landscapes, we will determine the palette of the necessary shades and colors.
    The student goes to the blackboard and draws the main shades and colors characteristic of the March, April and May landscape. The rest are in the album.

    6. Physical education minute
    One - rise, pull up,
    Two - bend down unbend,
    Three - in the hands of three claps,
    Three head nods.
    H four - arms wider,
    Five - wave your hands,
    Six - keep drawing!

    7.Practical work.
    Now, with the help of the knowledge gained, we will perform a picturesque image of the landscape, but first we will be divided into three teams.
    1 row - performs the March landscape
    2 row - April
    3 row May.
    We start drawing from the background.
    We divide the sheet into two parts, defining heaven and earth.

    We carry out a color solution, we use the rules of aerial perspective - the sky and earth become lighter towards the horizon line.

    We create a composition from trees. With the help of a straw for a cocktail from a drop of brown ink (we hurry black and red ink on the palette), we blow out the trees.