Inveterate scammers group biography. Inveterate scammers - biography, photos

official date The birth of "Inveterate Scammers" is considered to be December 8, 1996, when the group gave its first big concert in the city of Cherepovets at the festival "Dancing City".

In St. Petersburg in early 1997, Sergei, Garik and Tom released their debut album, then everyone learned about the dangers of smoking: the song "Quit Smoking". In December 1996, a video clip was filmed for this song.

The group was noticed in Moscow, and further fate"fraud" has been practically solved.

A year later, a video for the song "I'm learning to dance" appears, and after another six months, the "scammers" shoot their third video "Everything is different", which has been at the top of all possible charts.

This hit leaves no doubt about the success of the group's second album of the same name, which was released in 1998.

In Kazakhstan, the group shoots a video for the song "Khali-Gali", and in between tours writes a third disc, which is released in the summer of 1999. Before the release of "Bullshit" the group manages to fly to Spain - to shoot the fifth video clip - "If you're tired."

In the spring of 1999, the video work for the lyrical composition "Love me love" breaks all records in terms of the number of broadcasts and top positions in the music charts!

In July 1999, a mysterious clip "I moved my body" was filmed.

In the fall of 1999, "The Inveterate" will film "Mu-mu" - the story "which Shurik told you."

From 1999 to 2001, 4 video clips were shot: "I love you", "Don't tell me anything", the clip was filmed in Spain in the Canary Islands. Materials used in the video clip creative activity"Inveterate" filmed from 1996 to 2000, "Girls are different", filmed in France, dir. A. Igudin, "At the River" - the last video clip for today, dir. - Mironova.

The group consists of three people:
Sergei Amoralov, aka Surovenko - soloist, author of many texts for the songs of "Inveterate Scammers". S. Amoralov has the first adult rank in gymnastics and the rank of candidate master of sports in sambo. Dreams of skydiving and doesn't miss a single one football match, from time to time going out on the field himself - to drive the ball with friends. He loves Formula 1, constantly watches news releases on TV to keep abreast of the domestic political situation in the country and the world.

Tom-Chaos Jr., he is also the eldest, he is also Vyacheslav Zinurov - the main "inveterate" choreographer, the music and arrangements of almost all the songs of "Inveterate scammers" are his work. Tom-Khaos has a lot of stage experience behind him. In 1996, he took first place among St. Petersburg roller skaters. For five years he worked in the teenager show "Neon Boy" (danced and played the trumpet). His DJ past also makes itself felt: Tom retained a reverent attitude towards vinyl.

Garik, aka Igor Bogomazov - the author of lyrics for the songs of "Otpetyh swindlers", reading nasal rap. 8 years studied at the St. Petersburg football school of the Zenit team, 2 years studied pop vocals at the Academy of Culture. A year and a half ago, Igor got married, and soon a daughter was born, who was named Varvara.

Awards and prizes:
1998 - presentation of the "Golden Gramophone" award in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses
1999 - presentation of the "Stop hit" award
1999 - presentation of the second prize "Golden Gramophone"
1999 - presentation of the "Stylish things" award
2000 - presentation of the "Stop hit" award (2nd)
2000 - presentation of the third award "Golden Gramophone"
2000 - presentation of the Popov Prize
2000 - laying a star on the Avenue of Stars on the Arbat
1997 - 2000 - participation in the Song of the Year

December 8, 1996 is considered to be the date of birth of "Otpetye Swindlers", when the group gave their first big concert in Cherepovets at the "Dancing City" festival.

Sergei Amoralov, aka Surovenko- soloist, author of many texts for the songs of "Inveterate Scammers". He has the first adult rank in gymnastics and the rank of candidate master of sports in sambo. He dreams of skydiving from a kilometer height and from time to time goes out on the field with friends to kick the ball. He loves Formula 1, constantly watches news releases on TV to keep abreast of the situation in the world. Since he is a beginner and a dangerous racer for those around him, he trains exclusively at night, speeding up to 170 kilometers. A fan of Asia, the East and everything Japanese - from food to design elements.

Tom Chaos Jr., aka Senior, aka Vyacheslav Zinurov- the main "inveterate" choreographer, music and arrangements of some songs - his handiwork. He has vast experience in stage work behind him, he is studying at the St. Petersburg Institute of Culture in the fourth year with a degree in "director of mass spectacles and theatrical productions". In 1996, he took first place among St. Petersburg roller skaters. For five years he worked in the teenager show "Neon Boy" (danced and played the trumpet). His DJ past also makes itself felt: Tom retained a reverent attitude towards vinyl. He keeps abreast of technological progress and does not miss a single novelty in the market of audio, video and mobile communications. Recently, he loves snowboarding and throwing boomerangs. Imported from almost all countries musical instruments. He has three sisters and two brothers, one of whom is just a spitting image of Tom, which he often uses for selfish purposes!

Garik, aka Igor Bogomazov- the author of some texts for the songs of "Otpetykh", a master of "nasal" rap. For eight years he studied at the Zenit football school, for two years he studied pop vocals at the Academy of Culture. Prefers to play sports virtual reality, unlike their colleagues in creativity. He loves chains, rings and all kinds of medallions that jewelers make to order for him. Monthly changes hair color: from fiery red to light orange.

In one of the St. Petersburg diving clubs, the "inveterate" somehow conducted training in deep diving. Sergey Amoralov succeeded more than others in this matter - his experience includes four long descents to a depth of 20 meters.

It all started like this.

Sergei and Garik have been friends since childhood and even lived in the same stairwell. The first money was earned on chocolates, giving home concerts with their families. Garik recited obscene rhymes heard in the yard with feeling, plainly, arrangement, and Seryozha yelled not quite decent songs in a bad voice.

Around this time, in the pioneer camp "Ogonyok" two young musicians- Slavik Zinurov and Zhenya Orlov. After the end of the shift with Zhenya light hand Glory went to music school where he studied for the prescribed number of years. Zhenya, meanwhile, delved into the production business, creating his first group, Neon Boy. After serving in the army, Slava worked as a dancer for five years, and then, with the help of Zhenya, became one of the first DJs in St. Petersburg. Then Orlov thought about creating a new project.

The link between the musicians was Klava MS, well-known in the St. Petersburg party, dancing at that time in one of the largest nightclubs in the northern capital. She introduced Serezha and Garik to Tom Chaos, who quickly wrote a couple of unpretentious motives for their texts, and the trio went to Evgeny Petrovich (Zhenya).

Having turned on all his producing talent, Orlov plunged headlong into mental work, while Serega, Garik and Tom began writing their debut album, which was released in early 1997. The group was noticed in Moscow, and the further fate of the "scammers" was decided. The phrase said then by the guys “You need to help people like us, because talented people will make their way on their own” became the life credo of “Inveterate scammers”.

A year after the filming of the “Quit Smoking” video, a video for the song “I am learning to dance” appears, and after another six months, the “inveterate ones” shoot the third video called “Everything is different”, which has been at the top of all possible charts. And away we go... To date, the group has more than 15 video clips, almost all of which were directed by Igudin.

"Scammers" traveled half the world on tour. And they are not going to leave the distance yet.

- You tour a lot. Tell us about something bright that will stay in your memory for a long time.

Tom Chaos: In five days in Argentina, where we filmed the Russian version of the world-famous TV game Fear Factor, we managed to see some of the sights and explore national characteristics countries.

Immoralov: Everyone eats meat, watches football and acts in television series!

Garik: And in Buenos Aires everyone takes a taxi, because it's very cheap! It is impossible to meet beautiful Argentinean girls on the street during the day: they work during the day. But at midnight, the real fun begins in the capital. Even in the most expensive restaurants, it is difficult to eat and drink for more than $15.

We managed to visit the aristocratic Argentinean cemetery, where the most famous people countries. Unlike Russians (and not only!) funeral traditions, in Argentina coffins are not buried in the ground. Among the graves we found the last refuge of Evita.

Another vivid impression became a local zoo, where everything is the other way around: in the enclosures there are visitors, not animals!

As souvenirs, Sergey bought himself a real jersey of the Argentinean football team, I got a whole bag of herbal teas, and Tom Chaos free time devoted to walks in Buenos Aires. On one of the streets, he came across a store where he bought six bamboo recorders from the arsenal of Indian tribes. Each flute has its own key and the autograph of the master who made it. Professional trumpeter, Tom Chaos wants to make sure to use Argentinean wind instruments in the recording of the albums "Otpetyh swindlers".

Have there been less pleasant events?

Immoralov: Not very pleasant memories are associated with the British capital. While on tour a few years ago, we landed in a London jail the moment we stepped off the plane! Then the organizers of the concert issued private visas without the right to work in the country, competitors “dropped” into the police, and we were “tied up”.

During our next stay in London we gave solo concert in the legendary Hammersmith Palais. At one time, the Beatles performed here. This one and a half thousandth site was recognized the best hall London. This time everything was more civilized and almost without incident.

- You had no desire to sing in another language? A lot of people love to do it now.

Amoralov: Recently, the action “Yerevan-Moscow Transit” was held in Yerevan, at which we sang with an Armenian star. There was one phrase in the refrain in Armenian. The song became a local hit. And “Love me, love” has gained mega-popularity in the Mongolian language. True, it was not we who sang it, but some Mongolian group.

- Can you remember the most ridiculous fable that was invented about you?

Garik: That we are a quartet...

- Is there a dream that came true?

Tom Chaos: We all wanted to be clowns and trainers. Let's assume that a childhood dream has come true! On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the circus on Vernadsky Avenue, we appeared before our fans as real tightrope walkers and animal trainers! In one of the numbers they wrote circles on horseback. It was possible to establish contact with animals already at the first rehearsal. After bullfights on " big races» in France we find mutual language with all artiodactyls, and even more so with horses, they are very peaceful animals!

However, the most difficult stunt in the program was flying at height - we were swinging on large ropes, as if on a swing, under the very dome of the circus. We didn't just stay in the air, but we sang the song at the same time. Before us, only Alla Pugacheva once dared to do this trick. In general, the round arena is like our own: during our 10-year career, our group gave hundreds of concerts in circuses.

- I heard that your love for animals is not limited to the circus.

Tom Chaos: At first, a great lover of four-legged Immorals took pity on the homeless dog and took him to him. Due to the constant absence of the house, Sergei was forced to temporarily settle the dog with his mother, but two already live in her apartment, so the third is too much. Then, via the Internet, the artist turned to those who wanted to shelter Ryzhik and very quickly found sympathetic and kind hosts in the person of Lyubov Ivanovna Barbashova and her daughter Yulia.

We saw off Ryzhik to the new owners in in full force: everyone managed to fall in love with the good and affectionate dog. “He is as red as our Garik! - Sergei joked, passing the foundling to the Barbashovs. “Therefore, like all noble dogs, we christened him with a double name: Garik-Ryzhik the First.”

Are you planning to start your own business, and if so, which one? If you open your own shop or salon, what name will it be?

Garik: In terms of business, I am a specialist ... I would open a brewery in St. Petersburg. Or a brine factory. So I would call my product - pickle "Garik".

How do you spend the holidays? Together or not? Do you like keeping traditions? For example, that New Year is a family holiday.

Garik: And we are on tour all the time during the holidays. Accordingly, we celebrate them together. I remember our first New Year in Moscow, in a rented apartment, the whole party gathered. And "Hi-Fi" came, and all our other friends. What is most interesting, we were not the only Muscovites. But everyone joined us. And in January, Sergei Amoralov, by a happy coincidence of life circumstances, celebrates a double New Year. First - general, and a few days later, on January 11 - personal. Traditionally, Serega celebrates his birthdays away from his homeland: taking advantage of the group's January holidays, he flies to warm countries.

On tour in Voronezh, Sergey Amoralov and Tom Chaos told why they are afraid to get tomatoes for acoustics and hard rap, why they don’t listen to Russian music, and why they don’t want crazy popularity anymore

"Inveterate scammers in Voronezh. Photo: Tatyana PODYABLONSKAYA

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July 12 in the Voronezh "Balagan City" performed by the group "Inveterate scammers". Their most stellar time came in the late 90s - early 2000s. But fans are still rocking to their hits “Everything is different”, “And by the river”, “Girls are different”, “Love me, love”. Yes, and the guys themselves, Sergei "Amoralov" Surovenko and Vyacheslav Zinurov, aka "Tom-Chaos Jr.", are all the same crazy. Even together they were able to start the hall - the third member of the team, Andrei Repnikov had a serious accident a year ago, was in a coma for more than a month, and now he is in rehabilitation ...


- Guys, your group is 21 years old. Have you matured during this time?

Sergei Amoralov: - It would be strange if nothing has changed in 20 years, and we would also run like boys. Of course, when I look at my reflection in the mirror, I see a slightly different dude there. And he already has slightly different thoughts than they were 20 years ago. Then we had wind in our heads. Now you are a little calmer about everything, you delve a little deeper into what interests you. But otherwise we are the same.

- Do you think about some kind of musical rebranding?

Sergey: - We have a lot of material. We are writing different music- from hard dance to hard rap. But it would be stupid if we go out now and start playing music that no one has heard and will not understand. The public expects one thing from us, and we want another? In principle, there is a problem with this, we want to realize ourselves a little differently, but ... It’s not that we are hostages of the situation, we don’t care - we can go out and play such acoustics that some will run away, while others will throw tomatoes at us. But we come to get people high.

Vyacheslav Zinurov: - Enjoyed. The public expects from us the old songs that they love.

Sergey: - And she gets high from the "Inveterate scammers", whom she remembers.

Sergey: - I would not say that we were the first. Rather, the first to be heard by a wide audience. And before that there was Mr. Small, "Bachelor Party".

Glory: - Even Leonid Utyosov.

Sergey: - The same Sofia Rotaru: “I, you, he, she - together the whole country” ... And now there is a lot of this goodness. And we have, look on YouTube: OMP - 01 - this is what we do when we have nothing to do.

- Glory still on foreign language sang...

Glory: - I tried. But for our country it is necessary to write in Russian. We love English-language music, but they don't understand the meaning. It is necessary to write songs in Russian, we live in Russia.


- When you listen to the old recordings of “Everything is different”, “Girls are different”, do not you get touched?

Sergey: - We came to the following conclusion: if the song is good, you won't spoil it with time and arrangements. The hit “Girls are so different” has such a good chorus that no matter how you turn it around, it will still be a good track.

Glory: - And the text is still relevant, nothing has changed. No matter how we rewrite it, it will still be good. Our voices haven't changed much either.

How did it happen that Alexander Kozlov from "Agatha Christie" (he died in 2001 - ed.), a man from a rock party, suddenly wrote a song for your project - "Love me, love"?

Glory: - This song was written for another artist - Sergey Makarov, when we worked together in the Neon Boy group in St. Petersburg. He performed it once and put it on the table. I witnessed the birth of this song, the beautiful chorus touched my soul. Then I offered to do it in "Incorrect Scoundrels" - take the chorus, and my own verse. Kozlov reacted normally, he is a rocker, but a music lover, he listened to different music, from pop to classical. If you could see his record library, it's crazy. For 1000 discs and all licensed.

- Why were there many borrowings from foreign songs in your compositions?

Glory: - This is a normal practice. We did "Love" (cover of the song Blue Italian group Eiffel 65) is better than the original. They heard it, they liked it. We paid $300 for the license, everything is fair. Why reinvent the wheel if it's cool? We didn't spoil, we didn't spoil someone else's. They did everything in good faith. Naturally, we listen to trendy Western music, ideas come from there. Rappers have always used other people's samples, and we support this trend, we are also a kind of rappers.

- What are you listening to?

Glory:- I'm a music lover in general. I listen to everything: classical and jazz, and jazz-rock, and punk-rock. This is the joke. I absolutely do not care what to listen to, the main thing is that there is a chip. To be of high quality, good melodically. The only thing is that I don't listen to local music at all.

Sergey: I don't listen either. Once a month I get in, get acquainted with the new products, in order to roughly be aware of what is happening with us, and that’s all. Everything looks like a hat. Everyone is trying to break the Russian language. He's kind of Russian, but not Russian. Do they have a diction problem? You listen to rhymes - they don't rhyme. They just sculpt a hunchback!

Glory:- I want to scratch, so that you find yourself in the text. And then ... such a Buzova. Just super, brilliant, I have all 10 albums!


- At one time you became the legislators of throwing toilet paper into the hall. Who came up with this trick?

Sergey:- This joke is many years old. It was the song "I Love", 1999. And everyone who is using it now is plagiarism!

Glory: - When we were in New York on blue show Man Group, they also spread paper there, but not toilet paper, cash rolls.

Sergey:- We thought: oh, dudes, we've already been through this ... Why did this feature come about? There are no dancers in our group, there are only three of us. It now took the microphone - boo-boo-boo, and you're done. And then we wanted to surprise people, to shock. You arrive - the sports palace, a lot of people, you need to somehow entertain them, you need to come up with some kind of show, and there are three of us - what can we do? Throw toilet paper. Splash with water. Climb up the column to jump off and break your leg. The policemen were filming us from the speakers. The columns fell...

Glory: - They didn't break it, they just twisted the ankle, but they played the concert to the end. It was tough - Garik was not so lucky. And the policeman was filming him from the column.

- And how did the audience surprise you? Are the fans shocked?

Sergey: - Now there is no such excitement as before. Now everything is calm. And it suits us.

Glory: - It used to be crazy. They encrypted, put on caps, discreet clothes so that they would not recognize us. The girls at the entrance were on duty.

Sergey: - We walked through the roof, my friend had a similar car, he drove up, the girls ran after him, and we calmly got into another car. Then only we were yes "Ivantsy" (" Ivanushki International”, - Ed.), Imagine: for the whole country, for so many girls, by and large, six boys. We always had this: we are going on tour, and three days ago there were "Ivanushki" in that city. We had a trick: we left greetings to each other on the walls of the dressing rooms: “Ivanushki”, greetings from the “Otpetyh”. We arrive in another city, and there: “Greetings to the “Otpety” from “Ivanushki” ... But we never liked being recognized, we were encrypted all the time. We are not the type to go out: here I am, the star. Now the artists are like that, once they showed on TV and immediately: “Where is my security, where is the photo?”.

- Do you want a repeat of the hype?

Sergey:- No, why? We have lived it. We drove and calmed down, we are in a different phase. Now the fans have matured, the hair on the head does not tear. Although there was a case: a girl on Instagram started writing “I love you” and all that, I deleted her. So she began to write nasty things to my wife, like "I'll meet you at the entrance." My wife has always been calm on this subject, but here she was really scared. I say: “Man, what kind of nonsense is this? Well, I'm not 17 anymore. We passed it a long time ago ... And earlier they came with children: they say, here is a child from you. I even looked, similar - not similar. We drove. Already different internal state. And it’s not that I feel sorry for the artists, but sometimes it’s incomprehensible when they worry that they don’t have fans standing under their windows, like life is over. There was such a stage in life - great, we got high. Now another stage, also super.

Now many artists of the 90s and 2000s complain that, despite their great popularity, they could not even earn their own apartment ...

Sergey:- Doo-ra-ki! Should drink less! Alcoholics. I understand that we are creative people, but we need to think. All adults are. I don’t understand when a person seems to have a bunch of concerts, but he lives in a rented odnushka. Where are the grandmothers?

Glory:- Earned - to lower to the left, it's nonsense! We choose the show, but business is business. We earn and invest in real things. How much do you have to dislike yourself to drink everything away? Of course, we also have apartments and houses. And there is business. We are absolutely adequate, although we may look like fools on stage.

The “Chief” visited the birthday party of the Maximilian restaurant and talked with the headliners of the event - the “Inveterate Scammers” group, which for the second decade has been making women's hearts beat twice as fast.


The group formed on December 8, 1996. On this moment the team consists of veterans: Sergey "Amoralov" Surovenko, Vyacheslav "Tom-Chaos the Younger" Zinurov, and Andrey Repnikov "Repa" Albinovich - he has been in the group since 2011. The band's first solo concert took place in Cherepovets at the Dancing City festival in 1996. According to the group's vocalist Sergei Amoralov, "Otpetye swindlers" were the first in Russia to rap to dance music. Over the years, 27 video clips were filmed and 7 albums were recorded. The group's hits include the songs Quit Smoking, Anything Different, Love (a cover of Eiffel 65's Blue (Da Ba Dee)), Love Me, Love (co-written with songwriter Dmitry Panfilov), “Girls are different”, “And by the river” and others. "Inveterate" scammers "are the owners of different music awards Russian show business.

- More than 20 years have passed since the creation of the team. But until now, everyone remembers your songs by heart. What do you think made them last forever?

As they say, good song don't spoil the arrangement. The people like it. This cannot but rejoice. We did not ask such questions: why, how, and what? We have a lot of tracks that nobody likes. Probably, our songs, which everyone knows by heart, people associate with that time, and the time was good, kind, and not like now.

- What is it like to be sex symbols, and have you bypassed the "star disease"?

Sergei Amoralov: Once upon a time, the MUZ TV channel recognized me as a sex symbol. It was flattering at first, but it really doesn't matter. What is it like to be? I don't know. I have in next year will be 10 years from the date of marriage. Therefore, about the sex symbol, it is probably better to ask your wife.

- In one of the interviews, you said that the fans guarded you under the porch, and there were such a huge number that you had to get home through the roof.

Sergei Amoralov: It was, but it's gone. And thank God! I never liked such special attention to my person. So we always wear hats, caps, glasses. I don't like being recognized. It makes me very uncomfortable - it becomes uncomfortable. But this wave of activity ended a long time ago, which is very cool. Now we have a certain circle of fans with whom we often communicate. They come to perform. And this format is much closer to me. I value my personal space.

Vyacheslav Zinurov: The worst thing is when they follow you, they start pointing fingers, shouting to their friends: “Oh, look, look!”

Sergei Amoralov: In any business, no fanaticism is needed - be it vodka, be it herring.

- Have you changed over the years, or are the daredevil guys on stage and in life still the same?

Sergei Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov: Nothing has changed. We sometimes look at our peers and make fun of them a little - these are already such specific uncles. And we are all the same as 20 years ago. Maybe just a little calmer.

- Is being an artist, personally for you, a job or a state of mind?

Vyacheslav Zinurov: It's a drug - once you try it, you'll like it. Moreover, we do it for pleasure, and we are also paid money for it.

- Did you start on your own, without producers?

Sergei Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov: Actually, there was no one. And they treated us very differently. Once at the studio, the sound engineer became ill when we brought new track for the record. We leave the studio booth, but there is no sound engineer. He heard our music and said: “What is this?! Something is wrong with me, my heart hurts. They almost called an ambulance.

- What is the most difficult thing in your profession?

Sergei Amoralov: Count money (laughs).

- Haven't you tired of endless flights and transfers in 20 years?

Sergei Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov: Man is basically a weed. For example, they put us on the moon, and we will find our bearings there. It's a matter of habit. We have such a gypsy way of life. And it's hard without him. The schedule is stupid. And if two weeks without a tour, then you already miss them. You think, oh, now I'll rest, but no!

- How does the wife react to such a nomadic life?

Sergei Amoralov: Generally normal. I think she's flattered by it. And on the other hand, he is probably jealous, but does not show it. I think she is pleased that she lives with a more or less recognizable person, and not just with an office clerk. We don't really talk about it with her.

- Sergey, in one of the interviews you said that you write at night. And what about inspiration?

Sergei Amoralov: Absolute silence now. I haven't written anything for two or three months. I used to be skeptical about the issue of inspiration, I thought it was nonsense. What muse? Sat down, wrote, and you're done. Nothing like this! Now I go to the computer, I'll play the guitar, and that's it. Behind Lately didn't write a single track. Maybe this is due to hibernation, but so far "silence is on the air." I want to write something, but I can't. I don’t want to force myself, so I go and put on some movie, I’m distracted.

- By the way, about the film. After all, the name of the group was formed thanks to the film "Inveterate scammers."

Sergei Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov: The cassette caught my eye by accident. Now they wouldn't call it that.

- What would you call it?

Sergei Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov: In theory, an unfortunate name for the team. There were many performance problems. We could not participate in any political events. Can you imagine this: at a concert dedicated, for example, to United Russia, the Inveterate Scammers perform? Or on Police Day: meet, "Inveterate scammers"! Now they would come up with a simpler name.

- What was the story when they brought you to the concert in a police car, took off the handcuffs, let you go to the performance, and then took you back?

Sergei Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov: And so it was. We quarreled in some cafe with a waiter. And they took us. After the concert, they again put me in the car, said: “Okay, dudes, we listened to you. You're rocking great." And they let me go right away.

- Vyacheslav, you are a DJ, and I know that not so long ago you signed a contract with Warner Music.

Vyacheslav Zinurov: I collaborate with DJ Ivan Martin. He is an excellent musician. We have been working with him since 2009 and have done a lot of remixes various artists, for example, Maxim and Lena Temnikova. And last summer they decided to write their songs on English language. We found a soloist, and everything matched. We made a good track, showed it to people, and they liked it. The offer was also received from Universal Music, but Warner Music was chosen.

- That is, your song may well become a soundtrack to some movie?

Vyacheslav Zinurov: Yes, sure! Now we are working on the second composition.

- What songs do you have in your player? Are you tired of music?

Vyacheslav Zinurov: No. I mostly listen to music in the car. Serezha and I got hooked on new wave. I listened to all the songs of Depeche Mode, A-Ha, Duran Duran. And received huge buzz and energy charge. These groups have strongly influenced me in my work. I am a music lover and listen to different music: heavy, dubstep, break-beat, and drum and bass.

- Can you single out any of the Russian performers?

Sergei Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov: Nobody. We don't listen to Russian music. Any Russian project can be found western counterpart. So it all looks like a fake. Nothing new is being done in Russia.

- Glory - is it a matter of chance or the result of hard work?

Sergei Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov: Definitely a matter of chance. We know a lot talented people who write interesting music but they are not popular. Today, big money decides a lot. And if you have them, then you are lucky and you can afford to become famous. As for us, we can definitely say that Mr. Chance helped us.

The official date of birth of "Otpetyh swindlers" is considered to be December 8, 1996, when the group gave their first big concert in the city of Cherepovets at the "Dancing City" festival.

In St. Petersburg in early 1997, Sergei, Garik and Tom released their debut album, then everyone learned about the dangers of smoking: the song "Quit Smoking". In December 1996, a video clip was filmed for this song.

The group was noticed in Moscow, and the further fate of the "swindlers" was practically decided.

A year later, a video for the song "I'm learning to dance" appears, and after another six months, the "scammers" shoot their third video "Everything is different", which has been at the top of all possible charts.

This hit leaves no doubt about the success of the group's second album of the same name, which was released in 1998.

In Kazakhstan, the group shoots a video for the song "Khali-Gali", and in between tours writes a third disc, which is released in the summer of 1999. Before the release of "Bullshit" the group manages to fly to Spain - to shoot the fifth video clip - "If you're tired."

In the spring of 1999, the video work for the lyrical composition "Love me love" breaks all records in terms of the number of broadcasts and top positions in the music charts!

In July 1999, a mysterious clip "I moved my body" was filmed.

In the fall of 1999, "The Inveterate" will film "Mu-mu" - the story "which Shurik told you."

From 1999 to 2001, 4 video clips were shot: "I love you", "Don't tell me anything", the clip was filmed in Spain in the Canary Islands. In the plot of the clip, materials were used from the creative activity of the "Otpetykh" ​​filmed from 1996 to 2000, "Girls are different", filmed in France, dir. A. Igudin, "At the River" - the last video clip for today, dir. - Mironova.

The group consists of three people:
Sergei Amoralov, aka Surovenko - soloist, author of many texts for the songs of "Inveterate Scammers". S. Amoralov has the first adult rank in gymnastics and the rank of candidate master of sports in sambo. He dreams of skydiving and does not miss a single football match, from time to time he goes out onto the field himself - to drive the ball with friends. He loves Formula 1, constantly watches news releases on TV to keep abreast of the domestic political situation in the country and the world.

Tom-Chaos Jr., he is also the eldest, he is also Vyacheslav Zinurov - the main "inveterate" choreographer, the music and arrangements of almost all the songs of "Inveterate scammers" are his work. Tom-Khaos has a lot of stage experience behind him. In 1996, he took first place among St. Petersburg roller skaters. For five years he worked in the teenager show "Neon Boy" (danced and played the trumpet). His DJ past also makes itself felt: Tom retained a reverent attitude towards vinyl.

Garik, aka Igor Bogomazov - the author of lyrics for the songs of "Otpetyh swindlers", reading nasal rap. For 8 years he studied at the St. Petersburg football school of the Zenit team, for 2 years he studied pop vocals at the Academy of Culture. A year and a half ago, Igor got married, and soon a daughter was born, who was named Varvara.

Awards and prizes:
1998 - presentation of the "Golden Gramophone" award in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses
1999 - presentation of the "Stop hit" award
1999 - presentation of the second prize "Golden Gramophone"
1999 - presentation of the "Stylish things" award
2000 - presentation of the "Stop hit" award (2nd)
2000 - presentation of the third award "Golden Gramophone"
2000 - presentation of the Popov Prize
2000 - laying a star on the Avenue of Stars on the Arbat
1997 - 2000 - participation in the Song of the Year
