Don't go, toffee! the best clown of the ussr died in the arena. Tatyana Kirillovna from “abvgdeyka”: the road to paradise is already provided for me, and on Western television there are analogues of “abvgdeyka”

In the mid-1970s, the ABVGDeika program appeared on Soviet television - a program for preschoolers in which young viewers were taught the basics of counting, reading and various worldly wisdom in a playful manner.

The constant host of "ABVGDeyka" was Tatyana Chernyaeva, known to all Soviet children as Tatyana Kirillovna. The composition of her clown students changed several times, but the most popular was the one that included Klepa, Levushkin, Yura And Toffee.

Cheerful and perky clowness Iriska was adored by both children and adults. The girls sent letters to television, in which they promised that when they grow up, they will also work in the circus, like Iriska.

In 1985, Iriska disappeared from the show. The children were told that she had "grown up, learned" and replaced her with another character.

And a year later, in one of the central Soviet newspapers, great material about the tragedy in the arena of the Gomel circus - the artist Irina Asmus, who performed under the pseudonym "Iriska", died during the performance.

Circus instead of ballet

Irina Asmus was born on April 28, 1941 in Leningrad, on the very eve of the war. Despite the severity of the military and post-war years, little Ira had a big and beautiful dream - to become an actress. True, she could not decide what she liked more - theater, stage or circus.

As a result, Irina chose ... ballet. She decided to enter the choreographic school Bolshoi Theater. The selection committee appreciated the efforts and talent of the girl and announced that they were ready to accept her. “But keep in mind that with your small stature, you won’t become a prima,” Irina was warned.

The proud Leningrad woman did not want to voluntarily agree to a place in the corps de ballet, ballet extras. She took the documents and went to the State College of Variety and Circus Arts.

There, at the entrance exams, she performed a passionate Neapolitan dance, sang the song "Besame Mucho" and was accepted without any reservations.

During her studies, Irina starred in the film "The New Adventures of Puss in Boots", which at one time was very popular. She got two roles at once - the girls of Klava and the Black Pawn.

Irina Asmus in the film "The New Adventures of Puss in Boots", 1958 Photo: Frame from the film

After an injury on the arena, the tightrope walker became Juliet

After graduating from college, Irina began working in the circus as a tightrope walker in a room Leonid Kostyuk, who subsequently led the Great Moscow Circus for many years.

Perches are long sticks. The equilibrist, the “upper”, as they say in the circus, climbs along the perch, which is held by his partner, under the very dome and there, on a tiny patch, demonstrates various tricks.

Equilibrium on Persians is a very spectacular genre, but complex and dangerous. During one of the rehearsals, the young artist fell and was seriously injured. Doctors forbade her to work at height.

Then Irina Asmus decided to change her role, becoming a dramatic actress. She entered the studio at the Leningrad Theater for Young Spectators.

There, however, they treated her rather unoriginally - given her small stature and experience in the circus, Irina was used as a travesty, that is, an artist who played men or children. Asmus got tired of this very quickly, and she moved to the Komissarzhevskaya Theater.

Very soon theater critics We started talking about the emergence of a new interesting actress. Irina played the roles of Juliet, Cinderella, Princess Elizabeth in The Prince and the Pauper and Raymonda in Romance for Adults.

Candle in the wind

It would seem that she found her path in art. But Irina Asmus was drawn to the circus, where she school holidays played the role of Dunno, then the old woman Shapoklyak.

Once in the circus, the famous playwright Alexander Volodin, who knew her well from the theater, stumbled upon her. "Iriska, what are you doing here?" he exclaimed. Surrounding people smiled - this new name suited the actress so well.

Asmus took it for herself when she finally returned to the circus as a solo clowness.

It was a real challenge - there are not so many successful clowns in the circus who perform not in a group or duet, but alone, and there are practically no solo clowns at all.


Toffee could be the exception to the rule. Her numbers were bright and remembered by the audience. In one of them, she portrayed a snake trainer who is constantly distracted by telephone conversations. The serpent hissed and resented, and the audience burst into laughter.

Iriska's most famous number was called "Let there be light!". It wasn't hilariously funny, but it cut through the audience.

The naughty Iriska ran around the arena, blew on the spotlights, and the hall suddenly plunged into darkness. The howl of a blizzard was heard, and in the light of a single candle, a shrunken, small figure of a clown could be seen. The candle flame began to go out, and it seemed that after a second something terrible would happen. Toffee began to warm the fire with her breath, and gradually it came to life, and then the lights of the circus came to life. The clowness went backstage, carefully carrying a candle in her hands.

Schoolchildren brought diaries to Iriska for verification

When Iriska was invited to ABVGDeika in 1978, she was already an experienced and well-known circus actress. Nevertheless, it was her work on television that brought her deafening fame throughout the Soviet Union.

Together with the clown Klepa, artist Vitaly Dovgan, Iriska became a real engine of the program. Irina Asmus's partner in ABVGDeyke, Valery Levushkin, recalled: “Toffee and Klepa, being more professional people at that time, quickly scattered the text among themselves. As a result, when we appeared in the frame, Iriska chirped, Dovgan played along with her, and we, like two blockheads, looked blankly into the camera.

Her popularity knew no bounds. When she went on tour with the circus, the kids, having learned what hotel she lives in, gathered under the windows of her room, shouting: “Butterscotch! Toffee!"

Once, for fun, Irina went out onto the balcony and ordered her little fans to come after school and show her the diaries with marks. A few hours later, satisfied honors and good students stood in the same place, proudly holding diaries in front of them. Troechniks and Losers, burning with shame, did not dare to appear before the strict Iriska.

When Iriska was removed from ABVGDeyka, it surprised not only children, but also adults. After years of prescription it is difficult to say what and who did not like it. In the circus, Irina Asmus also did not go smoothly - for some reason she was not included in the number of artists who went on a foreign tour.

Perhaps it was jealousy. The incredible popularity of Iriska annoyed many, especially since, by nature, she preferred not to smooth sharp corners, did not like all sorts of compromises.


The artist was killed by a riveted nut

At the end of April 1986, she was supposed to be 45 years old. Perhaps ahead of her was a new turn in her career. Dramatic talent allowed him to change his role again, return to the theater, once again try his hand at film or television.

March 15, 1986, Saturday, the afternoon performance was sold out. Parents with children went to see their favorite Iriska.

The program of Irina Asmus included a spectacular trick "The Old Woman on the Lampshade": under the very dome, she rotated around her axis. As the examination later established, during the performance of the trick, the rotation machine failed, in which the nut turned out to be riveted. Before performing the rotation, the artist unfastened the safety cable herself so that it would not interfere with the movements.

Toffee fell into the arena with high altitude. She was immediately taken backstage, where doctors were urgently called. But the help of doctors was no longer needed: Irina Asmus died instantly as a result of numerous injuries and the internal hemorrhage caused by them.

The investigation concluded that the death of the artist “was facilitated by the negligent performance of their duties by officials of a number of circuses who did not timely reveal a gross inconsistency of the apparatus technical passport". The design of the machine for rotation, which killed Irina Asmus, was forbidden to be used after the tragedy in Gomel.

Irina Pavlovna Asmus was buried in Leningrad, at the Bolsheokhtinsky cemetery.

In 1986, there was no Internet yet, the tragedy in the Gomel circus was not talked about on television, not everyone read the article about the death of Iriska. For many fans, big and small, Iriska remained alive, laughing and cheerful.

Chernyaeva Tatyana Kirillovna, nee Genisaretskaya, was born in Essentuki, Stavropol Territory, where she graduated high school with a gold medal.


She entered the philological faculty of the North Ossetian Pedagogical Institute in Vladikavkaz (then Ordzhonikidze). In her third year, she began working at a local television studio as an announcer without interrupting her studies and fell in love with television. Therefore, after graduating from the third year, she took the documents from the pedagogical department and went to Moscow - to be transferred to the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. Since there was an excellent student at the pedagogical institute and received a Lenin scholarship, the issue of transferring to Moscow State University was resolved positively.

In 1970 she graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, faculty of journalism, specialty - literary worker of radio and television.


At the same time, she began working at Central Television. She went through all the steps - from the position of assistant director, assistant director, editor, senior editor, special correspondent, editor-in-chief to TV presenter and head of the children's edition.
All my creative life On television, she deals with childhood problems and pedagogy issues, she has worked on many programs both as an editor, and as an author, and as a presenter.
Repeatedly noted in the press and in reviews of the program "Meetings in the Concert Studio" with innovative teachers", the cycles "For you, parents", "Pedagogy for all" and many others.

But for most TV viewers, T.K. Chernyaeva is just Tatyana Kirillovna from ABVGDeyka.
For 33 years he has been the permanent editor and host of this program.

Now the seventh cycle of "ABVGDeyka" is underway, where in a playful, exciting way, the guys get acquainted with the basics of literacy and counting and other useful things. The popularity of this program is confirmed by numerous letters from viewers.
For several generations, children have been preparing for school with the help of "ABVGDeyka". And now the children of the first viewers are also enthusiastically watching it. They watch not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but also in far abroad countries via satellite TV. Letters to ABVGDeika come from Russian-speaking compatriots from everywhere. And in these letters, viewers note the role of this program in their lives - "ABVGDeika" helps to preserve the language, children learn Russian together with their favorite clowns.

Achievements and awards:

Titles - Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, "Excellence in Television", "Excellence in Education", winner of the professional recognition award - "The Best Pens of Russia", the program "ABVGDeyka" was named national treasure public organization"Patrons of the Century".

Married, husband Igor Petrovich - engineer, son - Alexander - producer and director, grandchildren - Igor - 18 years old, student of VGIK, Varechka - 7 years old.

I like to travel, cook, meet with spectators, drive a car, make friends with classmates, classmates, adults and children, with athletes and disabled people, “smaller brothers”. Believing Christian. That's probably all...
Sincerely yours.

For 33 years, Tatyana Kirillovna has been the first and favorite teacher of all Russian-speaking viewers, the host of the ABVGDeika program on the TV Center channel.

Tatyana Kirillovna, ABVGDeika is already 33 years old. And once they called you and said: “Tanya, there is such an idea.” Has anyone or anything hinted to you that this project will be the main one for you, that it will live for so many years?

No, there were no signs. And when the first broadcast went on the air on January 4, 1975, we were terribly worried whether they would notice us. A week later we received two letters, the next day 20 more letters, and then the letters began to be brought in bags. The response to the first transmission is 48,000 letters. I'm sure the show will someday celebrate its 100th anniversary. And I think it will happen regardless of anything and no one. Everyone needs "ABVGDeika" - both children and parents. "ABVGDeika" teaches children the alphabet and tells what is good, what is bad, introducing the world around and human relationships. We prepare children for school.

- Probably, this is an obvious task for programs that are addressed to preschoolers?

Maybe they would do this in all children's programs, but there are practically no such programs.

- Like this?

I just looked through the children's programs sent to TEFI - there are only a dozen of them, children's, for ages from 0 to 10 years old. Yes, and from these 12 it would be necessary to exclude five licensed TV games. And the remaining seven are also far from best quality. So you don't really have to choose. And this is for our entire large country.

- When there are no competitors, it is also boring.

I am convinced that the more programs for children, the better for children, the better for us adults. And I would only be glad of the competition. I'm not afraid of competition. This is first. And secondly, it is difficult to compete with our heroes and Shainsky's song, which the whole country knows. We are already a brand.

- Are there analogues of ABVGDeyka on Western television?

- "Sesame Street" is the only program that can compare with "ABVGDeyka". But "ABVGDeika" has one advantage - the Russian mentality. "Sesame" is their soap opera, and "ABVGDeyka" is ours. With all our "national characteristics".

- As far as I know, the format of your program has not changed in thirty years.

And you don't have to change it. When people ask me what's new in ABVGDijk, I answer - technology, new equipment, virtual studio. But the heroes are the same. And Klepa is eternal. It was Eduard Uspensky's brilliant idea to make clowns heroes. They can look stupid, make mistakes, you can laugh at them. A clown can do anything. People often ask me if we thought about making children heroes. No, children are not interested in looking at children. And one more very important thing. The heroes of ABVGDeyka speak Russian, normal Russian. We don’t lisp, we don’t lisp, we don’t switch to slang, we don’t make fun, we don’t flirt. Our children hear high-quality Russian speech. We give the basics of literacy and counting, what is provided for by the methodology of preschool education. We analyze what is more, what is less, what is further, what is closer; numbers, letters, tasks for the account and for the Russian language. But every time we wrap this lesson in interesting shape, history.

In fact, in "ABVGDijk" you can talk about everything - about the parts of the world, and about the rules of the road, and about geometry, and whatever you want. We actually do this. Each episode is accompanied by a short play. There is a plot, intrigue, climax, finale, and there is a moral. We have three clowns - two boys and a girl. And every time we tell about a story about boys and girls. Two are friends against one, or someone has deceived, deceived. And it is always clearly visible how and which of the heroes "fails" and eventually repents. That is, we also give an idea of ​​human values, moral principles. We give examples of situations, conflicts and ways out of them. We intentionally clothe our learning stories V conflict situations also because it is more interesting to watch the mistaken, characteristic heroes. Why do children love Piggy the most in " Good night, kids ”- yes, because he has a character. We have such a pronounced hero - Klepa, who claims that he is the most modest, the most beautiful. He is a troublemaker and an inventor. Our girl Shpilka is an excellent student and everything is correct, but also with temperament. And Roma Romashkin is such a gullible plop. And they have their own relationships, which develop from transmission to transmission.

- Tatyana Kirillovna, do you absolutely trust yourself, your taste, your intuition?

At one time, I passed such a tough test, which few people even dream of. In 1975 - 1978 at the artistic councils of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. We were supervised by the Ministry of Education, the Department of Preschool Education. So now I can already defend my doctoral dissertation on early childhood education. And I already fully possessed this knowledge by the end of the 1980s. So it's not all that simple. In the same ministry, they told me: "Tatiana Kirillovna, you can open your own author's school." I am still interested in new techniques, I read a lot. In general, you know, I'm an excellent student in life. Golden medal at school, pedagogical institute, Lenin scholarship, then journalism, a million refresher courses. And now I am at that age and status that I can already teach myself. Now there are only a few of those who understand children's television. And about the taste: if you look at what is pouring from the screens now, I can say that I have impeccable taste.

And there is the main litmus test - children. Recently, the TV Center TV channel released ABVGDeika on discs - 60 programs in three collections. We, as authors, were presented with these discs, and I took them to my village. It's 400 km from here, I have a hut there. In the summer, a whole " kindergarten". And it turned out that it was a chic gift for both children and parents.

All summer long, the transmission was playing non-stop in all houses. Children in the morning, just opening their eyes, demanded "ABVGDeyka". And parents are such a help - every half hour they hear a familiar song and continue to calmly go about their business. As a result, the entire coast sang the song “Sends you its greetings ...” in a discordant children's choir.

The guest of the Bright Evening program was a journalist, Honored Worker of Culture Russian Federation and the permanent host of the program "ABVGD-yka" Tatyana Kirillovna Chernyaeva.
Our guest talked about the state of modern children's television, how to reach out to children's hearts, spoke about the history of the creation of the ABVGD-yka program and about the actors working in this program, and also about other children's projects that she created on television .

Host: Elizaveta Gorskaya

Away: Tatyana Kirillovna Chernyaeva

L. Gorskaya

Good evening! This is the Bright Evening program with you Liza Gorskaya, I am glad to greet Tatyana Kirillovna Chernyaeva, whom many of you have known since childhood simply as Tatyana Kirillovna, because she is the host of ABVGDeyka.

Hello, Tatyana Kirillovna.

T. Chernyaeva

Good evening!

Our dossier

Tatyana Chernyaeva. Journalist. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. Born in the city of Essentuki, Stavropol Territory. Graduated from Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, majoring in radio and television literary work. In 1975, she became the editor and presenter of the new children's program ABVGDeika, which still airs on the TV Center TV channel. Tatyana Chernyaeva is a member of the Russian Television Academy. Throughout his creative life on television, he has been dealing with childhood problems and pedagogy. An active supporter of increasing the share of children's programs in broadcast networks Russian TV channels. Considers this problem a task of national importance.

L. Gorskaya

Tatyana Kirillovna, the program will soon be 40 years old ...

T. Chernyaeva

There is quite a bit left.

L. Gorskaya

Next year if I'm not mistaken.

T. Chernyaeva

At first next year January 4, 2015 we are indeed 40 years old. We went on the air on January 4, 1975.

L. Gorskaya

You have lived to see the anniversary, which not every television project lives up to. What is the secret of longevity?

T. Chernyaeva

I think that this is a good form, caught by the authors and the team. This program began by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Soviet Union. Yes, it was the Ministry of Education of the Soviet Union. And the head of the department of preschool education Roza Alekseevna Kurbatova, having traveled to America, seeing that there is such a program as "Sesame Street", which prepares children for school, returned to Moscow, came to television, and there was a state order to make a program that prepares children to school. I was given, then a young editor, the honorable mission of coming up with it all. We turned to Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky, who wrote the first 10 scripts, who came up with the name "ABVGDeika". And who brought to the program, I believe that it was his brilliant discovery, he brought clowns to the program.

L. Gorskaya

T. Chernyaeva

No, not Klepa then. In our program, the first clowns were Semyon Farada, Alexander Filippenko, Vladimir Ivanovich Tochilin, Tatyana Nepomnyashchaya. Clown Senya, clown Sanya, Vladimir Ivanovich, he was so respectfully called, and clown Tanya. These four clowns, who were from ... There was then a student theater "Nash Dom" at Moscow State University, and they acted there. At first they were all non-artists.

L. Gorskaya

How old were they then?

T. Chernyaeva

Somewhere from 25 to 30. And work on this program began. And when we went on the air on January 4, 1975, I can honestly say that I didn’t think they would notice - they wouldn’t notice, although it was the first channel, morning time, Saturday, at 9:30. On the second day we came to our senses, what was it? On the third day we received the first letter from Moscow, then we received 10 letters, we were very happy, and a week later letters began to be brought to us in bags. And the first program received 48,000 letters. Do you know what volume is? 24 big bags like this.

L. Gorskaya

Here are such big ones - Tatyana Kirillovna shows a bag in human height.

T. Chernyaeva

Paper bags, in which mail was carried, 24 bags. We had such a crowded corner in the editorial office. And then we realized that it was necessary, that it was important, it was fun and we immediately fell in love with it. We didn't have to break through consciousness, accustom to the program, it was immediately accepted by the audience. And it was great. Read letters where the children wanted to write their first letter “A”, they turned to their mother, took paper, paints, drew, forced their mother to seal the envelope, take it to the post office. Then it was all different. There was no email.

L. Gorskaya

You could throw it in a box on the next street.

T. Chernyaeva

It was very cool, and it was well worth it. And since then, I think, "ABVGDeika" has kept the traditions, it is still popular for this very reason. On the one hand, it keeps traditions, on the other hand, our viewer grows up every time, next generation, someone leaves, someone grows up. We don’t endlessly annoy the viewer, but our viewer is from 3 to 10 years old, I think this period, they grew up, went to watch other adult programs, went to adulthood. And we have the next audience on the way. Each newborn child is our potential employer. So I salute everyone who was born into this world. By the way, do you know that there is a population counter? I recently found out that if you look at the site, then every 20 seconds a new man is born in Russia.

L. Gorskaya

No, I did not know.

T. Chernyaeva

While we are talking for 3 minutes, 10 people have already been born.

L. Gorskaya

Your potential employers (laughs). Has the program grown? Has the format changed?

T. Chernyaeva

The concept has not changed. One of the main tasks is to prepare children for school, but at the same time we perform all four functions of children's television. Entertaining, educational, educational and socialization function of the child, which is very important. We always work according to the laws and methods of preschool education. Which are changing, improving, we will definitely follow this. That is, in science. Our technology is changing, along with the change of technology on television in general, yes, it is changing. And to shoot ... I always say: "Give me 100 million dollars, I will build the letter A with planes in the sky ... Give me 3 kopecks, I will draw it with chalk on the pavement." Both will be "ABVGDeika". There was a time when funding was lame, this was in the 90s, everyone had it then, children's editorial offices were closed, we worked in the studio, we worked on location, went out with film set, with filming in the park, at the stadium, we once conducted a program from the circus at the Manezh with the involvement of ... It was Soviet time, then you could come up with a script, and you will have everything. There will be an arena, the circus will be filmed, rented, there will be spectators in the circus. And now we are working in a virtual studio, which is very convenient.

L. Gorskaya

What it is?

T. Chernyaeva

This is a green room with our special decorations, hand-drawn and computer graphics. And this gives us the opportunity to make a fairy tale every week. Move clowns in time and space, send them into space and underground to the volcano, tell what thunder and lightning are. And all this mix, real footage with fabulous. Most importantly, so that the children do not move away from the screen, you need to play with them. Clowns are wonderful toys, real ones. Who can make mistakes, who can talk nonsense, but it's not offensive, you can laugh at them, they won't be offended either.

L. Gorskaya

And most importantly, they always surprise.

T. Chernyaeva

Yes. That's why it keeps the kids. For myself, over the years, I have deduced an absolute formula that children are not very interested in looking at children. When Masha is on the screen, then the girl Dasha, who sits near the screen, is much more interested in looking at animals, cartoon characters, clowns. Because Masha, who is on the screen, causes envy, Masha is there, and I am here, and I could do that too. And in order for the child to look at the child on the screen, there must be such wonderful story, which would capture, there must be some other characters around. This is the concept of "ABVGDike".

L. Gorskaya

And you talked about the concept of children's television. What it is? Explain, as far as possible, is this concept written down somewhere, maybe it is somehow regulated by law?

T. Chernyaeva

Legislatively, unfortunately, this is not regulated. I talked about the functions of children's television. Children's television has four features that it should have. Entertainment. If you do not entertain the child, he will turn away from the screen. Education, upbringing. And the function of socialization. We must answer these four whales. What is education, you understand, entertainment too, enlightenment too. And socialization - the model on the screen should be built in such a way that the child himself makes a conclusion about how to act in this situation. And we have a worked out scheme. The script is being written. First, clowns, as a model of children's behavior, as well as dolls in Good Night, Kids, the same. Some kind of intrigue is tied up, I call it a "scandal", a dispute. Naturally, they do everything wrong. Then a mentor comes, a teacher, she says: “What happened here? You guys are wrong." And then we have an absolutely Christian finale - repentance and forgiveness. I came to the conclusion that "ABVGDike" is a Christian program, because it answers ... Everything that is good in the world, it corresponds to Christian values ​​​​and corresponds to the 10 commandments. Repent and you will be forgiven. The same thing happens in our “ABVGDeika” in the final, when everyone reconciles, draws the right conclusions. This does not mean that they will remember these conclusions for the next program and will do so. They will make mistakes again, they will have the next story, but the program will definitely end with dots. Absolutely accurate. How to behave, how to learn, how to be fair, how to help others. Everything is as it should be. What every parent dreams of for their children to do just that.

L. Gorskaya

You said something that I think surprised many listeners. That your television programs are Christian. But according to the ideas of many people, television and Christianity do not combine. Many argue that the TV is in the trash, nothing good can come from it.

T. Chernyaeva

Television as an invention itself, television, it is infinitely important. TV in the education of children now plays a huge role. Maybe the Internet replaces it, but, strictly speaking, it is both. This is education not by parents, but education from the outside - both television and the Internet. Technology has gone different. In order to post a story on the Internet, it must be filmed, just as it is filmed, shown on television. There is a plan, a concept, there is a goal. TV as an art is a brilliant invention. If we say that it still exists, then the Lord allowed it. I have an attitude to the ether, I always speak at master classes, at meetings, I treat the ether responsibly, I call it “His Majesty the ether ...” If fate, God, chance gave you the opportunity to approach the microphone, approach the camera, then you must understand that you now own a very important instrument, if you want to be heard, you must carry what people will follow. And you have a huge responsibility - both before those who look, and before God too. And everyone must comply with this responsibility, because all this is then punished. If you use this tool for unrighteous purposes. When they sometimes say to me, in an interview: “Tatiana Kirillovna, how can I introduce you? TV presenter? I say: "No, I'm not a TV presenter." To be a TV presenter, you must be in the understanding of someone, somewhere, for some reason. And this goal should be clear. I am a journalist working in the frame. The TV presenter is, in the end, a role. They appointed me to hold a concert that will be shown on TV. I am now acting as an entertainer. When they write an episodic, a role for me in ABVGDike, sometimes the authors give me the opportunity to play a sorceress, or someone else, they don’t give negative ones (laughs), then this is my role. When I go out to talk to you now, I realize that I have a great responsibility to those who hear me now. I tried to explain the importance of radio, television and air in general. It's my opinion.

L. Gorskaya

I remind radio listeners that the Bright Evening program is on the air, and Tatyana Kirillovna Chernyaeva, journalist, co-author of the ABVGDeika program, is in the Vera radio studio. Did I introduce you correctly?

T. Chernyaeva

I led author programs there, but, in fact, we have many authors. I didn't take on this role very often. Now I - artistic director program "ABVGDeika". And I have a wonderful team that makes it.

L. Gorskaya

We talked about whether television is good or bad.

T. Chernyaeva

Responsible television is good. Definitely.

L. Gorskaya

Ideally or in practice, is it good?

T. Chernyaeva

Do you want me to start criticizing my colleagues?

L. Gorskaya

T. Chernyaeva

For family viewing now, of course, there are programs that you can watch. " glacial period» It is interesting to watch the skates performed by people who did not skate a month ago. This is work, purposefulness, promotion of sports. It is interesting to get to know a person in peace and quiet, there are such programs - “So far, everyone is at home”, also a long-running program. Another thing, I categorically disagree with the desire to paint any plot with a yellow shadow. That is, in one of the programs there was such a phrase: “And then they didn’t shoot him in the cinema anymore, he remained only an actor in the Sovremennik Theater. With tragic intonations in his voice.

L. Gorskaya

It's not enough anymore.

T. Chernyaeva

That's it. They didn’t shoot in the series - what a shame. Theater actor "Sovremennik". Guys, thank God. And to compare the Sovremennik theater and some empty series, the desire to give out, find some kind of hysterical note and give out ... I said, I had such a plot when a girl came up to me and asked: “Tatiana Kirillovna, is there a film about you didn't film it?" I say: “No, they didn’t film it.” "And why?" “There is nothing to cling to, married to one husband, not involved in any things.” And she sincerely, looking into my eyes, said: “Yes, there is not enough zest.” To which I replied: “There is not enough yellow sea buckthorn berry.”

L. Gorskaya

Did you answer her like that?

T. Chernyaeva

So she answered.

L. Gorskaya

But how to get to know a person in silence?

T. Chernyaeva

But for this we need a presenter, we need an interlocutor who is responsible for the broadcast.

L. Gorskaya

And again I try to ask, do you meet many such people in your life?

T. Chernyaeva

Certainly. experienced people, respected, there are a lot on television. From the old cohort - Angelina Vovk, Tatyana Vedeneeva, from the young - I have a very good relationship with our wonderful showman Vanya Urgant, I enjoy watching his programs. He maintains the line between funny and intelligent, he is always intelligent in any situation, he is always friendly and respectful to whom he invites. It's clear, for the evening format ... This does not mean that I am from that time, that I am from that Soviet Union, where I felt very good. I'm fine here too.

L. Gorskaya

Returning to your native children's television. Does it exist now? There seem to be entire children's TV channels.

T. Chernyaeva

If we talk about children's television, let's talk about the fact that children's television is a very important thing. Why? I explain. I am often asked questions: "Tatyana Kirillovna, you probably see that the children have become different." Our viewer "ABVGDeisky" has not changed much compared to the guys who wrote us the first letters in 1975. I explain why. Because 400 years, 200 years and the day before yesterday, and even this second, a born child is born exactly the same as clean slate paper.

L. Gorskaya

They say that now many children are hyperactive.

T. Chernyaeva

Hyperactivity is another matter, it's already some kind of physical ... And the consciousness, pure, unclouded, of a newborn child is absolutely the same as 1000 years ago, what it is now. And then we start putting information into it. Psychologists say for sure that a child absorbs 95% of all life information before the age of 6 years. And only then in a lifetime a person gets the remaining 5. And this age is very important. The only thing that distinguishes modern children from previous ones is that the information that is invested in them is pressed, there is more of it, it is more interesting, it is multifaceted. And there are a lot of sources of information that are directed to his brain. If earlier Arina Rodionovna was with Pushkin, now mom, dad, grandmother, kindergarten, radio, street, tablet, iPhone, and all this needs to be digested by the baby. And the human brain at this time is very ready to perceive all this information. This is the difference between children and those who were 20-30 years ago. Their letters that we receive are absolutely no different, even the drawings are the same, little men, clowns... Put two letters side by side, written 40 years ago and now, they will differ only in one. Usually, if the child is 4 years old, then the mother writes, and he pins the paw, draws the picture, block letters writes "ABVGDeika, I love you." The same letter, only from my mother in her lines: “I watched this program as a child, and now I turn it on to my son or daughter.” This attachment. And so - an absolute declaration of love from both those and others. We are very happy.

L. Gorskaya

And how many letters the program has received in almost 40 years of existence.

T. Chernyaeva

About 2 million.

L. Gorskaya

But you are unlikely to store them in such quantities.

T. Chernyaeva

Not enough, yes. But you know, grown-up people come up and say: “Tatiana Kirillovna, when I wrote a letter to ABVGDeyka, and you sent me an answer.” Yes, indeed, in the days of the Soviet Union, we sent out answers to these letters. Not everyone, really. We then received one and a half million letters, we answered 800. Students worked, earned an increase in scholarships. They answered letters, they put a postcard in the envelope that said "Thank you dear friend, you have done very well homework We hope you will always be our good student.” Our multi-colored cartoon characters have been printed. And this postcard went to someone. And many years later they come up and say: “You answered me, I keep this postcard as a home family heirloom.” When asked about my credo, I say that you don't have to go far and quote Alexander Green: "If you can do a miracle, do it." Once - we have done a miracle. Sending postcards is expensive.

L. Gorskaya

Do letters keep coming?

T. Chernyaeva

Letters are coming. Ever since we entered TVCI, since we started being shown all over the world via satellite, we have received a lot of letters from abroad. Recently a letter arrived from New Zealand. Can you imagine? There, a very smart mother attributed the address to her Email, and I answered this girl electronically, sent our photo. And tomorrow came an electronic answer, where mom writes: “Crazy thanks, Eva is the most happy child in the world". This is how the distance between us and New Zealand was reduced. They write from Canada, from the United States. There are a lot of our compatriots around the world. And "ABVGDeika" is now fulfilling a state mission, it helps to preserve the Russian language in the families of our compatriots. Three years ago we went on tour to Germany, when there was such an invitation, whole month, at Christmas, we drove 32 cities in 28 days. I asked the organizers of these tours: “Guys, what do we need to learn on German program?" They: “No, no, what are you, what are you, we have a lot of Russian population there.” And it was funny. Because we came to the city, I went on stage, if in Moscow and Russia, we have one third of adults and two thirds of children in the audience, my mother came with two children, my grandmother brought someone. In general, yes. Here it turned out that a family was coming: dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather and one child. I go out into the hall, all adults, and the children are a very small part, what to do with them? Nothing, they did the same as with the children, and everyone was happy. People abroad are very nostalgic, since they came to see ABVGDeyka, it means that their heart lies with Russia, it means that they remember their childhood, and this is the very feeling that is called “nostalgia”.

L. Gorskaya

Returning to the fact that now the child is not placed in the conditions in which he was 40 years ago, now a merciless stream passes through the child's head. Maybe you have some advice for parents on how to protect children from the chaos of their children.

T. Chernyaeva

The first thing I always advise parents is to squat down and look your child in the eye and talk to him. Squatting. When you talk from above, you don’t see his eyes, you don’t feel that way. Talk as much as possible, absolutely. Then there will be mutual understanding and joy from the communication of mom or dad. And smart parents screen both Internet and television content. And if a person is a believer, then he knows exactly how to do it, according to what criteria. God help!

L. Gorskaya

The Bright Evening program on Vera radio, Tatyana Kirillovna Chernyaeva is our guest, journalist and host of the ABVGDeika program, we will be back in a minute.

L. Gorskaya

We continue. In the Vera radio studio, Tatyana Kirillovna Chernyaeva is a journalist, host of ABVGDeyka. Tatyana Kirillovna, what has not changed in the ABVGDeika program for 40 years, what has not changed? T. Chernyaeva- First, the initial and final music screensavers, this is the music of Shainsky, the songs "ABVGDeyki". The concept of training clowns does not change. This is Klepa, this image does not change. It has become such a brand for us. And ... Tatyana Kirillovna has not changed yet. L. Gorskaya

Absolutely does not change! It doesn’t change at all, this is my separate personal female question later, how do you manage not to change, later, after the program. T. Chernyaeva- And Klepa is an absolutely wonderful artist Sergey Balabanov, who has really been in the role for 30 years. And he is such a main locomotive in our program, because it is he who carries such a negative ... L. Gorskaya

Charge? T. Chernyaeva- Charge, yes. He always comes up with something, so you can argue with him. L. Gorskaya

Why is it negative? T. Chernyaeva What does negative mean anyway? Are there negative children, children? No, they don't. All children are positive. They have character in this situation - so, they went there or there, that is, they are strange, they are different, those who do not equal, this means they will be talented children. After all, when mothers raise obedient children, they raise comfortable children. And children should break out of these frames. Another thing is that later, if they escaped, adults move them back a little and say: “But this is impossible, but this is how it is.” And every wrong, from the point of view of an adult, act of a child makes it possible to explain how it should be right. If a child is quiet and doesn't do anything wrong, how does he know what is good and what is bad? L. Gorskaya

The idea is understandable. I sit and think that obedience is a virtue, how come? And from your speech it follows that obedience is not very good. T. Chernyaeva- No. Why? Obedience, but one must come to obedience not ... how to say? Without strictness imposing it: “sit and listen!” - but with explanations, with understandings. That is, every obedience must be understood. And to come to obedience, if like this, it seems to me, in an Orthodox way, if we come to obedience and say that this is obedience, then we are aware in the name of what this obedience is for the sake of Christ. In the name of what a person suppresses his pride, but in order to become better for you, for some kind of purification. That is, there should not be obedience for the sake of obedience, when you see, sometimes there are such scenes in a store or somewhere on the street, when a mother yells at a child: “You don’t obey, I’ll give you to a policeman!” - or something else. Is that her telling him how to be obedient? L. Gorskaya

I don't know what she's doing.

T. Chernyaeva

She's doing a terrible thing, right? She's just degrading. Obedience, it elevates, it should not be humiliating. It seems so to me. Any obedience, and even more so childish, when there is a soul that has not yet become completely strong, and understanding and obedience, and attitude towards others, and the ability to humble one's pride must be instilled into it. But all this should be explained by adults. Here Klepa helps us to cope with these childhood shortcomings. That is, he is by nature everything time is running contrary. In fact, they all take turns training now with us, Shpilka, Gosh and Klepa, they all take turns fulfilling this role. And then a couple of others either begin to do the same with him, there, to be naughty and outrageous, and then the teacher explains all this to them, or ... but Klepa is the brightest such image, which I love very much. L. Gorskaya

Let's listen to the song! T. Chernyaeva- Yes with pleasure. This is just Klepa's song about her beloved. Here it says it all.

Klepa's song sounds: I will sing you a song about myself! I am a red clown, I am irresistible. I am loved by the people and by the team, And by the State Duma we love. Sing, Klepa, a song about yourself, Sing, Klepa, a song about fate. Which year I teach children, I sing, dance and joke.

And it's not easy, let me tell you! Snickers won't replace porridge with semolina And Knorr soup won't replace borscht. We treat the flu with raspberry jam, And we love Klepa very much together. Sing, Klepa, a song about yourself, Sing, Klepa, a song about fate. Which year I teach children, I sing, dance and joke.

And it's not easy, let me tell you! And if you wake up early on Saturday, You will see my greetings with a smile. Klepa will wink at you from the TV screen, And I know you will wink at me in response. Sing, Klepa, a song about yourself, Sing, Klepa, a song about fate. Which year I teach children, I sing, dance and joke.

And it's not easy, let me tell you!
L. Gorskaya

Great song! But “about my beloved”, is there any propaganda of pride in this? T. Chernyaeva- No. There is irony in this. And irony over oneself is the first way, just to the rejection of pride. If you don’t know how to laugh at yourself, then you are here ... pride is sitting on your shoulders somewhere. L. Gorskaya

So irony is good? T. Chernyaeva

Amazing! L. Gorskaya

What about sarcasm? T. Chernyaeva

Sarcasm is aimed at someone, right? If sarcasm is directed at yourself, then it is akin to irony, and when it is directed at someone, you already have to be careful here. L. Gorskaya

Are you generally an optimist in life? T. Chernyaeva

What more!

L. Gorskaya

Maybe this is the secret of yours, yours ... well, I'll ask later, okay. Okay, I'll keep this secret to myself. 30 years in the same role, has your Klepa changed? Maybe he shared his impressions with you.

T. Chernyaeva

Well, firstly, I can say that, despite the fact that Klepa has been in the same role for 30 years, he practically does not change. He is radiant, this is a wonderful artist who knows how on the set, wearing a wig, nose and Klepa's costume, to become such a sincere Klepa. Every time I watch, receive the program and think: “My God, how lucky we are with him!”. In general, I was so lucky with the team. Television is a team work in general. And when they say: “here is your program,” I say: “no, this is our program.” I now have a wonderful team of authors, composers, actors, off-screen creatives - editors, sound engineers, everyone. About 40 people come to the recording of the program at Mosfilm. And the atmosphere of love, trust and mutual respect that reigns there is insanely dear to me as a leader.

L. Gorskaya

Has the team changed a lot in 40 years?

T. Chernyaeva

In what sense? Well, yes, of course, some operators came ... some people have already left this world altogether. But I am grateful to everyone. I am grateful to every artist who played in ABVGDijk. We are now raising the 18th clown. L. Gorskaya

eighteenth? T. Chernyaeva

Yes. L. Gorskaya

Only Klepa is unchanged.

T. Chernyaeva

Well, it turns out that every new cycle the artists and composition change there. Yes, Klepa stays like this all the time. And I'm grateful to everyone. When they say - who is better? I say: “Guys, no, it can't be. Well, consider that these are 18 children of “ABVGDeyka”, how can you say - who is better? All are wonderful. L. Gorskaya

Does the program inspire everyone as much as you? In general, do people share their impressions with you from working at ABVGDijk? T. Chernyaeva

Well, of course. I can say that even cleaners come here with pleasure. Because ... people come to us on an excursion with children, that is, sound engineers, cameramen bring their children to see how ABVGDeyka is being filmed. Sometimes we even invite those who… the audience will write a letter and say: “I would like to see” - why, we invite, not so often, but still it happens. That is, this program, of course, with a good idea. We try to keep up with the times in terms of technology and means of implementation, there is a great team of artists now, and an absolutely wonderful team of authors. That's for sure, writing for children is like writing for adults, only better. And there are their own patterns, copyright. And the theater of Teresa Gannibalovna Durova, in Serpukhovka, also helps us a lot, we invite actors from there. They play episodes with us. And there are also very professional artists, I love this theater very much, they decorate our program and help us.

L. Gorskaya

I remind radio listeners that the Bright Evening program is on the air, and Tatyana Kirillovna Chernyaeva is in the Vera radio studio. Tatyana Kirillovna, since we have already talked about the theater, I know you had some theater projects in my time. Maybe you can tell us more about this? T. Chernyaeva

Well, I can say that, of course, "ABVGDeika" is the most interesting and bright project of my life. But in fact, I am a journalist, to put it mildly, of a wide profile and have worked all my life in an educational editorial office. I prepared programs on literature, on art, I had cycles on poetry. L. Gorskaya

But also television?

T. Chernyaeva

Yes, of course, a television educational edition. And now it's interesting, I think that for radio "Vera" this is interesting episode from my life - "Superbook", a cartoon that came out ... L. Gorskaya

I remember. Was this your project? T. Chernyaeva

Yes, it was a project. And he was so curious from the point of view of how he began. Perhaps it would be appropriate to say how I came to God in general. Because I was born in the family of the head of the school named after Stalin in a small town. Naturally, she was not baptized, because in a city where everyone knew everyone, at that time, the head of the Stalin school, of course, could not baptize a child. And by origin, I have maiden name such a rather rare one - Genisaretskaya, before marriage I was Tatyana Genisaretskaya. And according to my mother's stories, my great-grandfather was a clergyman from Murom. The moment has come when ... it comes for many people, when you begin to feel yourself in the world already from a slightly different side and think what will be ahead, what is behind you, who your ancestors are. Although in my youth of the Komsomol-pioneer-October, immediately after the war, no one boasted of a great-grandfather priest. In the family histories, these names were banned ... well, they were not advertised. And somewhere, when I had such a critical age, I thought about whether my children and grandchildren would remember me, if I don’t really remember my ancestors. I began to rummage there ... in the pedigree. L. Gorskaya

Well, that was where to rummage. T. Chernyaeva

Yes. At some point, a man was still next to me, who said that “unbaptized, but how can this be?”. In general, I am not out of some tragic situation - sometimes people come to God just when something serious suddenly happened - not out of fashion, as it became fashionable in the 90s, but simply by thinking about their place in family chain. I went and on the day of Tatyana I was baptized in an Orthodox church at the Vagankovsky cemetery. As I remember now, in that church. And after that, everything got very interesting for me. Exactly two months later, we went on tour to Kiev and there ... When ABVGDeyka and I went on some kind of tour, I usually went to the temple or around the city like that, like, like ... it's always interesting to see old temples. And my friend and I went to the church of St. Vladimir there, not far from Khreshchatyk. We walk, we look at the frescoes ... it has its own history. There is some kind of crowd and, apparently, the guide is telling something. I say: "Gal, let's go, let's listen to the information first hand." We approach, and I see - no, a woman, in such a black scarf, but it is felt that it is not a guide, with an excellent speech, who talks about frescoes, quotes the Gospel. And after the concert, I have a white hat, a red coat ... such a bright spot. She looks and says: "You are at the institute foreign languages didn't study?" I say "No". Then it turns after a while... L. Gorskaya

Strange association. T. Chernyaeva

Well, apparently she was there too ... she apparently noticed some familiar face. Then he turns and says: “That’s it, I remembered, I recognized you, you are Tatyana Kirillovna from ABVGDeyka.” And then for 40 minutes, looking into my eyes, she explained that I needed to carry the Word of God to the children through ABVGDeyka. She spoke very convincingly. She spoke in such a way that just turning around, saying: “Thank you, you know, we are in a hurry,” was impossible. You know, when the interlocutor catches on, and ... I listened and thought: “That’s all right, that’s right, absolutely right.” But I have a party card in my pocket, and I work in an ideological organization. So I will come and say: “Let's carry the Word of God to the children in “ABVGDeyke!””, They will not understand me. L. Gorskaya

The program did not seem to be politicized. T. Chernyaeva

No, what does it mean - politicized, not politicized, but like that, she ... of course, "ABVGDeika" was not politicized. Well, in general, we said goodbye to this woman, her name was Galina. And I returned to Moscow. At that time, I was doing the Pedagogy for All program. One of the authors, young historians, came to us there and said: “Oh, Tatyan, let's do something about spiritual education.” It was 91 years when it could already begin to be done. And, therefore, we filmed several plots with him: a theological seminary, Sunday school. And then they got into one family, where they said: “You know, we have people who want to show the biblical cartoon on television.” And they gave us the opportunity to watch this cartoon. I say: "Let me see what it is." It was Superbook. I really liked this cartoon. I came to the editorial office, my chief editor ... L. Gorskaya

Was the cartoon translated?

T. Chernyaeva

Yes, translation. But there was already a Russian dubbing. I say: "Here, we have a children's hour, just now they give it for free." The editor-in-chief turned me around and said: “It wasn’t enough yet, with religion in the children’s hour!” Then I went across the road to the Minister of Education, then Yagodin was there. I think that he will call on television, it's so interesting, it's just a biblical educational program. They also refused me. Although Yagodin was progressive, he was still an atheist. And only for the third time I managed to insert this cartoon into the program. And he went with amazing success. I mean, it really was a hoax. Both adults and children sent letters to us. We had such a quiz, which means that every fourth issue we announced a quiz. Well, for example, - "How do you imagine paradise?". The kids wrote amazing letters.

L. Gorskaya

How do children imagine heaven?

T. Chernyaeva

Paradise, now I will quote verbatim: “Paradise is a garden where there are apple trees, pears and no one steals. And everyone is stealing from us.” This is the 90th year. L. Gorskaya

What kind of child is this, from whom everything is stolen? T. Chernyaeva

Well, these are ... children, sincere children. I think he saw just a picture in life. And I can say that the popularity of this project, "Superbooks", was no less than the popularity of "ABVGDeika". And I think it was a very interesting story. After her, just now, I began to make performances for children, perhaps the first Christmas performance on television, “Christmas at the TV Theatre”. We did a Christmas mystery, it aired in '93. These were the first Christian programs that were Russian television, here such, children's. And which I am proud of, this is also such an episode in my life. We made 6 performances - “Prince Caspian”, “The Lion, the Witch and wardrobe”, “The Little Mermaid”, then “The King of the Jews” according to Konstantin Romanov, based on the work of the Grand Duke Romanov. And I still have it all on videotapes. L. Gorskaya

And the episode, has it ended or is it still possible to do something like that? T. Chernyaeva

No, I think this episode is over. Well, firstly, now I am only engaged in "ABVGDeyka" and other activities to restore the temple for 400 kilometers. This is my life now. L. Gorskaya

What kind of temple, if not a secret?

T. Chernyaeva

Temple? Four hundred kilometers from Moscow, in the Tver region, on the shores of Lake Vselug, there are two churches, both under the same name - the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist. The wooden temple is 320 years old, and last year we celebrated the centenary of the stone temple. This place is absolutely amazing, it is parallel to the Seliger lakes, there is such a chain of lakes there. And I have been going there for 40 years, we have such a hut there on the lake. Well, we are working on these temples, and my spiritual father, Father Anthony, is there. The place is not only beautiful, but, I think, also prayed for. Naturally, at one time forgotten undeservedly, but now it is being revived. L. Gorskaya

What has been accomplished in 40 years?

T. Chernyaeva

No. We started to restore it a little later than forty years (laughs).

L. Gorskaya

Not right away. T. Chernyaeva

I have been going there for 40 years. And I remember a wooden church with open gates and a red one, in which fertilizers were stored and doors slammed, tourists wrote "Vasya was here." And in the 90th year, hieromonk father Anthony appeared there, who settled there, and repaired a little aisle one, left, cardboard iconostasis, some kind of unpretentious utensils, and he began to serve there. He baptized my children, grandchildren… communed someone, married someone. And then in 2005, our children grew up, and the idea came up to restore this temple. And since 2005, he has been in such beauty. Type "Shirkov Pogost" on the Internet.

L. Gorskaya

Shirkov churchyard.

T. Chernyaeva

Yes. And you will see everything. Because the place is absolutely amazing. Well, somehow we created such a community there. Mostly Muscovites, because locals... there they are no longer actually left. But this place is beloved, loving and we help in every possible way.

L. Gorskaya

Surprisingly, you are far from being the first guest in our studio, who has two main things in life - creativity and restoration of a distant temple. T. Chernyaeva

But, I say that I am a small part of that communal life...

L. Gorskaya

But nonetheless. God bless! T. Chernyaeva

However, this place is good. We love him and are proud of him. And we hope ... so I'm sure that we are only at the beginning of the journey itself. Because the story there is this: the churches stood there for 600 years, and now the problem is to save the wooden monument. It is a completely unique church, 48 meters in height, and it stands, such phenomena are not so common, it stands its ground native place; that is, she was not transported anywhere, this is how she stood and stands. And she is under the sword of Damocles, as they say, and is about to collapse. Now it is a headache for everyone who comes there.

And the stone temple, well, was restored, it is good-looking and there already ... everything is in order with it there. L. Gorskaya

Well, is there any hope of saving the wooden one?

T. Chernyaeva

A wooden church, it is under the vigilant eye of the state.

L. Gorskaya

Cultural monument?

T. Chernyaeva

She is not from our parish. Yes, this is a monument of the history of culture of federal significance, and as it should be in our country, no one can do anything, because the correspondence goes like this - an official writes to an official, throws it around, but it’s a little pointless. Well, for example, there is such a tragedy that last year, just on Kazanskaya, a wooden cross fell from this wooden church. Although it stood for only seven years after the restoration, the previous one stood for 50 years and it did not fall, it was removed. This problem has been raised repeatedly both in the Tver region and in the administration of the Tver region, but nothing has been done so far. And the idea is that, yes, maybe this is a cross - special restoration work is needed, tenders must be won, but the church is wooden and a lightning rod fell along with the cross ... a lightning rod, that is, that very wire that ... That is, now any ... This church - the highest place on this coast. And if... L. Gorskaya

God forbid!

T. Chernyaeva

God forbid, lightning strikes, then it will be ... we will simply lose this monument. And this correspondence was engaged whole year, but summer came, and autumn passed, and now autumn again, and so no one did anything. Although, thank God, this summer was wet. And if it was dry or with some such strong thunderstorm, then it would be a disaster. But, nothing, we continue to fight for it. L. Gorskaya

Well, let's hope it works out!

T. Chernyaeva

The Lord will rule!

L. Gorskaya

Tatyana Kirillovna, here I am looking at you and I want to ask you for some recommendations or advice throughout the program. Because you are human. Indeed, out of time, a man-legend, I'm not afraid of this word, because the program on which not a single generation grew up, not a single generation knows you. At the same time, you are an amazingly holistic and surprisingly alive person. I'm not talking about how great you look, it's ... it's a secret.

T. Chernyaeva

No secrets! L. Gorskaya

T. Chernyaeva

All the rules of life, there are ten of them, and you know where they are, absolutely! And if we shorten them even further, there are two of them - love God and love your neighbor as yourself. But only, how to say, not in words, but in deeds. You can do something good for someone - do it, and you will be happy for that person too. Do not lose heart, for a long time I have been saying to everything: “The Lord will rule”, in the very Hard time, they happen, it's not because I'm just such an optimist-optimist, no, anything can happen. And to think that there are people who, in difficult times, are much worse off. And when you think about it, all your problems, they hide somewhere, and you feel ashamed of them, then these are not problems, it's so simple, nothing. This is in terms of how to overcome difficulties in life. And then another - to love to live, to enjoy it. And, probably ... the farther ... the farther into the forest, the more firewood (laughs). The older you get, the older you become, the more you feel this happiness every day - well, here's another day, how great! I was driving today, I think: “Sunny, oh, I’m done, I have in my bag there sunglasses, which means that it does not blind, although it warms. I think: "How good!" I came to you, you smile at me, but it's so cool - you smiled! So that's probably it. Well, what are the secrets? - just live joyfully, do not pass by joy! L. Gorskaya

Thank you, Tatyana Kirillovna! Unfortunately, it's time for us to finish the program. I remind radio listeners that visiting " Good evening”Today was Tatyana Kirillovna Chernyaeva, a journalist, host of ABVGDeyka. And let's listen to the music we know so well from childhood.

The song from the program "ABVGDeika" sounds.
