Recipes for delicious and healthy chickpea dishes. Chickpea Dishes: Cooking Recipes

Chickpea, like any legume, is famous for its nutritional value and extremely high protein content, which is why it is very popular not only in cooking in general, but also in its dietary industry in particular. In this article, we will understand not only what can be prepared from chickpeas, but also consider the process of pre-processing it.

How to cook delicious chickpeas?

Most legumes should be soaked in water before cooking, and chickpeas are no exception. The fact is that after soaking, the Turkish peas will not only cook faster, but also get rid of the harmful substances contained in its skin. Soak chickpeas at the rate of 3-4 cups of water at room temperature, per cup of peas. Soaking takes a lot of time, on average from 8 to 14 hours. After soaking, you can start cooking: pour the peas with fresh water, and put on a strong fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook until soft for 1-2 hours. If you plan to puree chickpeas, then add salt after cooking, if you use whole peas - then only half an hour before the end of cooking, otherwise the chickpeas will become hard again.

How to cook chickpeas in a slow cooker?

Very simply, pre-soaked peas are poured into a bowl and poured with fresh cold water so as to cover the peas by about 2 fingers. We close the lid and set the “Extinguishing” mode for 3 hours, or “Pilaf” for 2 hours, while we begin to check for readiness of chickpeas already when 2/3 of the time allotted for cooking has passed.

Much more interesting is the question of how to quickly cook chickpeas? It is impossible to cook chickpeas quickly, but reducing the cooking time is a feasible task. In order for the peel of peas to soften faster, it is necessary to add soda to the water before soaking, at the rate of 1/2 teaspoon per 1 cup of chickpeas. Soak the chickpeas in a soda solution for 4 hours, and then cook, with the addition of 1/2 teaspoon of soda for another 1.5 hours.

How to cook chickpeas with meat?

From the theoretical part we pass to the practical. There are a lot of recipes for cooking chickpeas, more authentic dishes are the most popular: and, however, before you start cooking traditional oriental dishes, we recommend trying the recipe for a more familiar dish for us - chickpeas with meat.


  • lamb - 500 g;
  • chickpeas - 1 tbsp.;
  • tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • meat broth - 2 tbsp.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • chili pepper - to taste;
  • butter- 20 g;
  • green onion- For decoration;
  • cumin (ground) - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • turmeric - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


We pre-soak the chickpeas for 8-10 hours, drain the water, pour the peas with fresh cold water, and cook until half cooked. Finely chop the onion and fry in butter until golden brown, add a little chopped chili and peeled tomatoes. Let the sauce come to a boil and mash the tomatoes until smooth. Season the sauce with salt, pepper, ground cumin and turmeric. Cut the lamb into large cubes and fry in a separate pan. Pour the meat with sauce and meat broth, add chickpeas that have not been cooked to readiness. Stew the dish over low heat under a lid from 50 minutes to 2 hours (we focus on chickpeas, it should become soft, but retain its shape). If necessary, add water or broth to the meat and chickpeas in the process of stewing. Ready meal put in a deep plate and sprinkle with green onions.

If desired, chickpeas with meat can be added during cooking more water, turning the thick stew into a fragrant soup. You can serve this soup with garlic croutons.

Chickpea is one of ancient cultures growing on our planet. However, despite this, he became known to the inhabitants of Russia relatively recently. This leguminous plant is considered a kind of symbol of oriental cuisine, where delicious national dishes are prepared on its basis.


Chickpea, or Turkish pea, or mutton pea, is an annual plant with an erect stem and pinnate leaves. Its height can be from 0.2 to 0.7 m. The beans are small, short, swollen, each with 1 to 4 seeds.

The surface of chickpeas is tuberculate, rough, with its appearance this pea resembles a ram's head. The diameter of one seed is in the range of 0.5-1.5 cm. The color is from light yellow to dark. Depending on the cultivar, a thousand seeds can weigh about 150-300 g.

However, chickpeas are characterized by one inconvenience - it takes quite a long time to cook. First, dried grains are soaked for several hours in water, and then cooked for a long time. We will talk in more detail about how and how much chickpeas are cooked a little lower. Here I just want to mention that instead of a dried product, it is quite possible to use canned. In terms of their taste, they are almost the same, plus, using the latter saves a significant amount of time.

Those who first encounter chickpeas are interested in what it tastes like. Chickpeas are not like ordinary peas, beans, soybeans, or other types of legumes. Its taste can be called almost neutral - there are no pronounced notes in it, there is only a slight nutty tint. If you cook it without any spices, then its taste will be a bit like mashed potatoes. And it is precisely this tasteless facelessness that makes chickpeas a universal product - when using it in cooking, you just need to change the set of spices and as a result you can get completely different dishes. Everything is cooked from chickpeas: soups, salads, casseroles, sauces, snacks and desserts.

Difference from peas

Looking at chickpeas, some have another question: how does it differ from peas. Both belong to the legume family and in general these plants are quite similar. But in fact, the difference is significant. Consider the main differences:

As you can see, peas and chickpeas are different in many ways, just like the dishes in which they can be used.


Chickpeas have a high nutritional value and a rich composition.

  • It contains a fairly large portion of carbohydrates, valuable fats and, of course, high-quality proteins.

    On a note! Chickpea seeds contain about 30% protein, the quality of which is very close to egg quality, and the share of carbohydrates is approximately 55%!

  • In addition, it is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, selenium, manganese, copper, zinc, sodium and iodine. Their portion is about 3-4%.
  • Chickpeas also contain vitamins, including A, beta-carotene, B1, PP and K.
  • Chickpeas are superior to other types of legumes in the content of essential amino acids - tryptophan and methionine.
  • Chickpeas are a source of dietary fiber - 9.9 g per 100 g of product.

The calorie content of chickpeas is 364 kcal per 100 g of product.

In general, chickpeas are a fairly nutritious product, and therefore it is quite capable of replacing meat not only during fasting, but also in a vegetarian menu. Plus, such a diet can provide the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Impact on the body

Chickpeas have a low glycemic index of 35, making them suitable for most diets. In other words, this product contains only healthy carbohydrates that release energy slowly, do not lead to blood sugar spikes, and give you a feeling of satiety for a long time. long time. Thus, breakfast with chickpeas is an ideal option.

Due to the large amount of fiber, Turkish peas are able to "look after" our digestive system. Young seeds of this plant have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract and contribute to the health of the intestinal microflora. Dietary fiber binds and removes toxins from the body, maintains normal cholesterol levels and helps regulate weight.

And on this beneficial features chickpeas do not end. In folk medicine, this product is often used to treat and prevent cataracts and glaucoma. As you know, the transparency of the lens is affected by metabolic processes occurring in the body. And when they are violated, slagging of the intestines, liver occurs and the blood count worsens. Against this background, clouding of the lens develops. Chickpeas help to remove toxins and restore the normal circulation of aqueous humor (jelly-like intraocular fluid), thus preventing the development of complex eye diseases.

Iron, which is part of chickpeas, ensures the production of hemoglobin and prevents anemia. This property of chickpeas is especially useful for women during pregnancy and lactation, since it is at this time that the body consumes the greatest amount of mineral salts of this substance.

Lean proteins and valuable amino acids are responsible for cell regeneration, muscle building, and also contribute to the production of antibodies and enzymes. And due to the high concentration of manganese in this product, work returns to normal nervous system and immunity is strengthened.

Important! When introducing chickpeas into your diet, it should be remembered that they are a so-called heavy product that is slowly digested and can provoke fermentation in the intestines. For this reason, in some cases, chickpeas will bring not so much benefit as harm. It is highly discouraged for ulcers, constipation, a tendency to indigestion, as well as inflammation of the bladder and poor blood circulation!

In order for chickpeas to show their beneficial properties as a cleanser, they are used as follows:

  • put the chickpeas in a ceramic bowl, fill with water and leave for 8-12 hours at room temperature;
  • in the morning we pass it through a fine sieve of a meat grinder twice;
  • we use the resulting raw chickpeas in small portions (1 teaspoon each) three times a day for a week.
After seven days of admission, we take a break for a week. Full course cleansing takes 3 months.

On a note! Grated chickpeas can be added to salads, soups and other dishes!

Cooking rules

Absolutely all recipes with the participation of Turkish peas begin with its cooking. And therefore, for starters, it’s worth figuring out how to cook chickpeas.

So, if you decide to use dried chickpeas, then, first of all, it should be soaked. Pour it into a saucepan and fill it with water, the level of which should be about two fingers higher than the chickpeas. Add a pinch of salt and half a teaspoon of soda (about 3 liters of water). Thanks to this technique, the shell of the chickpeas is well softened and, as a result, the cooking time is reduced. Cover with a lid and leave it at room temperature for 8-12 hours.

Advice! It is most convenient to soak the chickpeas in the evening and leave them in the water overnight!

In the morning we drain all the liquid, wash our peas in several waters and pour clean water. We put the pan on the fire and, with a strong supply of gas, bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and cook the chickpeas until tender. How long to cook chickpeas after soaking? This can take from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours. Salt is desirable to add at the very end. The finished grains will become quite soft, but at the same time retain their original shape.

Next, chickpeas are usually used to make pasta. To do this, drain the remaining water and transfer the finished chickpeas to the blender bowl. If desired, you can add a small amount of butter, cream or milk to it. Grind everything until smooth.

In a slow cooker

Considering the rules for cooking chickpeas, it should be noted that it is quite possible to cook it in a slow cooker. This useful and very convenient device is in almost every kitchen today, and it greatly facilitates the process of cooking.

Cooking rules are simple:

  • soak chickpeas overnight as described above;
  • in the morning we wash it and put it in a multicooker bowl;
  • fill with fresh water - its level should be 3 cm higher than the level of peas;
  • close the lid of the multicooker and set it to the “Stew”, “Soup” or “Pilaf” mode;
  • after an hour, check the readiness and, if necessary, cook for about half an hour.

Golden chickpea porridge is very tasty and also healthy, it is quite capable of acting as a main dish and served as a side dish.

Best Recipes

The most famous chickpea dishes are hummus and falafel. They are prepared from pea paste with the addition of spices, spices and herbs. In addition, chickpeas can be fried for a great appetizer or deep fried.

As you can see, there are a lot of options, and at the same time, absolutely all recipes for cooking chickpea dishes are very simple and their execution will be clear to any hostess. Today we invite you to consider some of them. It is possible that among them you can choose something for yourself.

Snack Pate

To prepare a spicy chickpea snack, you will need:

  • 430 g canned chickpeas or 350-400 g boiled;
  • 6-7 pitted olives;
  • half a head of red onion;
  • a small bunch of parsley;
  • half a lemon;
  • salt, pepper, olive oil.

We put boiled or canned chickpeas, finely chopped greens, finely chopped onions, chopped olives in a container, squeeze juice from half a lemon. We take a fork or crush and knead the mass a little. Add salt and pepper to taste, add olive oil and mix.

On a note! The finished snack should not have an absolutely uniform consistency; pieces of chickpeas and other ingredients may come across in it. But at the same time, the mass should easily stick together!

Turkish chickpeas fried with spices

To make fried chickpeas you will need:

  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika;
  • ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper;
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • zest of half a lime;
  • salt (preferably sea).

Drain the liquid from the canned chickpeas and lay them out in a thin layer on a paper towel. While it dries, combine the cayenne pepper and paprika in a large bowl. We set aside.

Pour olive oil into a frying pan, heat it over medium heat and fry the chickpeas, preferably in two or three runs. When the peas turn brown, put them on a towel. After a few minutes, when the excess oil is gone, transfer it to a bowl with paprika and pepper, salt, sprinkle with lime zest.


To prepare chickpeas with vegetables, you will need:

  • 1 can of canned chickpeas or 300-350 g boiled;
  • 1 can (410 g) canned tomatoes
  • 1 medium eggplant;
  • 1 red onion;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 g spicy chili paste;
  • a couple of tablespoons of olive oil;
  • a couple of centimeters of ginger root;
  • half a liter of vegetable broth;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • a tablespoon of tomato paste;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • a small bunch of parsley.

Put a thick-walled frying pan on the fire and pour in the oil. We warm up. Cut the eggplant into cubes and fry in oil for five minutes. Next, add finely chopped onion and cut into small cubes bell pepper, fry for about five more minutes. Put the chili paste, grated ginger and cook for another two minutes. Add remaining ingredients, stir and cover. We simmer for about a quarter of an hour.

Chickpea is known to human civilization even before our era. Its nutritional value and unprecedented amount of protein have made it an essential element in Vedic and vegetarian cuisines. The article contains information not only about the methods of preparing chickpeas, but also describes the process of its preliminary processing.

Chickpeas or nahat, commonly known as chickpeas or mutton peas, must first be soaked in liquid. For a glass of peas we take 3-4 tbsp. water. The vegetable actively absorbs moisture, and if there is not enough water, it will not be well saturated with liquid. To speed up the process, add a little soda. But be aware, like anyone chemical element, soda is not too useful. Therefore, add it when you cook pea puree, but if your task is to cook the beans whole, soak in plain water for 6-11 hours. Next, pour cold water, set on the stove and cook for 1.5–2 hours. For cooking in a deep fryer - chickpeas are not boiled. During cooking, we either do not add salt at all (for making gruel), or we fall asleep in 25–35 minutes. before the end of the boil for whole peas. cleaning. Unlike regular peas, chickpeas are sold in their shells. Most dishes are prepared with the unpeeled product, but to prepare a delicate hummus, you need to remove the husk. To do this, the product is boiled for about an hour, then washed with cold water under a tap, poured with water and cleaned with hands all the peas from the outer film. Decant the water and add a new one, in which they boil until tender. This semi-finished product is used in different dishes(put in soups, in pilaf, prepare independent dishes, for example, hummus, falafel). It is wonderful as a side dish and adds irreplaceable flavor to a salad. In a slow cooker. We place the previously soaked beans in a bowl and fill it with fresh water 2 fingers above the top peas. We set the "Extinguishing" mode for about 3 hours or "Pilaf" for 2 hours. You won’t be able to cook the beans instantly, but significantly reducing the cooking time is a feasible goal. Chickpeas are prepared as a separate menu ingredient, and sometimes together with meat or vegetables.

One of the most popular chickpea dishes is creamy hummus, which has long been prepared as a sauce or pasta. It is often served with vegetables: carrots, peppers, cucumbers, as well as fried potatoes or chips. One of the main ingredients is tahini, a puree made from ground sesame seeds. Tahini is the unifying component of the dish, it can be replaced with peanut butter. You will also need olive oil, lemon juice, garlic. The main ingredient of the dish is boiled, crushed and combined with other products. Depending on taste preferences, other ingredients are added: spinach, parsley, cumin, potatoes, kalamata, paprika, red pepper, pine nuts. For cooking, we take 4 parts of boiled chickpeas to 1 part of tahini. Blend all ingredients in a food processor until a creamy paste is obtained. Too thick hummus is diluted with water or vegetable broth. Serve with crackers or fresh vegetables. A more familiar recipe for us among oriental dishes - chickpeas with meat. Beans are pre-soaked and boiled. Cut the onion and fry until golden brown, add a little chili and tomatoes. After boiling, grind the tomatoes and add salt, pepper, ground cumin and turmeric to taste. It is better to use lamb, but other meats are also possible. Cut it into large cubes and fry separately. Add the sauce, broth and chickpeas to the meat. Cook over low heat until done. Chickpea cutlets- not only a wonderful dish of vegetarian cuisine, but also an alternative to boring meat cutlets, something light and satisfying at the same time. Soak and cook chickpeas as usual. Then grind in a blender along with the onion. Add bread soaked in milk and a little pea broth. We combine everything with the remaining ingredients (mint - 2 tablespoons, two eggs, hard cheese - 50–100 g, parsley, salt, pepper), creating a homogeneous mass. We make cutlets and dip in sesame seeds with flour, periodically dipping our hands in cold water. Fry in oil until a delicious crust forms.

Chickpea dishes, typical of Oriental cuisine, are gradually entering the Slavic diet. The bean product has a huge supply of nutrients and is consumed fried or boiled. Examples of this are the popular Israeli falafel, delicious tofu and Arabic hummus - nutritious food with high nutritional properties.

What to cook from chickpeas?

Chickpea recipes are particularly flexible, as this product gets along well with spices, seafood, vegetables and pasta. Due to its nutty taste, it is used not only in processed, but also in sprouted form, adding to soups and pates. Dishes from it are satisfying and contain a huge supply of protein and fiber.

  1. To prepare lenten dishes from chickpeas, soak it for 12 hours. Then boil for 2 hours without adding salt and spices. In this form, chickpeas are suitable for any dish.
  2. You can prepare a light snack: season boiled chickpeas with coriander, chili, nutmeg and add fresh lettuce.
  3. Spaghetti with feta cheese and sun-dried tomatoes will get a savory taste if you add boiled chickpeas.
  4. If you stew boiled chickpeas with tomatoes and walnuts, you get an excellent hot dish.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not a sauce or seasoning, but a rich snack. In addition to the specific taste, it is rich in protein, fiber and very nutritious. Thanks to the fast and easy cooking with the help of a blender, fragrant spices and herbs, the dish has become incredibly popular not only in Eastern, but also in world cuisine.


  • dry chickpeas - 300 g;
  • sesame - 80 g;
  • paprika - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • zira - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • garlic clove - 3 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • olive oil - 60 ml.


  1. Soak chickpeas for 10 hours, boil for 2 hours until soft.
  2. Drain the water into a separate container.
  3. Peel and grind chickpeas in a blender.
  4. Add garlic, cumin, sesame seeds, lemon juice and oil.
  5. Beat with a blender, pour in the broth, bringing the mass to the desired consistency.
  6. Chickpea appetizer - hummus - dressed with butter and garnished with paprika.

Chickpea soup has various versions: it can be light vegetable, or it can become hearty if you add meat. Lean varieties such as beef or lamb are traditionally used. The latter variety has dietary properties and will not "weight" the dish, while chickpeas, which can absorb neighboring flavors, will add a special taste.


  • chickpeas - 150 g;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • lamb - 650 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • hot pepper - 1/2 pc.;
  • celery root - 150 g;
  • garlic clove - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml.


  1. Soak chickpeas for 10 hours.
  2. Boil the lamb.
  3. Add chickpeas and simmer for an hour.
  4. Add potatoes.
  5. Saute carrots, peppers, celery and garlic.
  6. Put in the soup and cook for another 20 minutes.
  7. Meat and chickpea dishes are served in 15 minutes.

Chickpea falafel is a popular Israeli dish made from boiled chickpeas and various spices. Legumes are ground into a paste, seasoned, shaped into balls and fried until golden brown in oil or baked in the oven, which is healthier. Traditionally, the appetizer is wrapped in pita bread and served with vegetables, pickled cucumbers and sauces.


  • dry chickpeas - 200 g;
  • a clove of garlic - 6 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh parsley - a handful;
  • flour - 70 g;
  • cumin - 10 g;
  • olive oil - 100 ml.


  1. Soak chickpeas for 10 hours. Boil until soft. Grind in a blender.
  2. Add onion, garlic and spices.
  3. Twist again and roll the mixture into balls.
  4. Roll in flour.
  5. This chickpea dish is fried in hot oil until golden brown.

Chickpea balls are a traditional form of serving falafel. An original Arabic dish, incredibly popular in Israeli cuisine, is created from chopped chickpeas. The homogeneous mass is seasoned with oriental spices, molded and deep-fried. Creamy on the inside and crispy on the outside, the spicy balls are cooked exclusively in olive oil.


  • dry chickpeas - 250 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • coriander - a pinch;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • garlic clove - 5 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 100 ml.


  1. Soak chickpeas for 12 hours. Whisk in a blender. Add herbs, spices, onion, garlic and egg, then scroll again.
  2. Set aside for 30 minutes.
  3. Add flour, form into balls.
  4. Roasting a dish of spicy chickpeas takes place in a boiling deep-fryer.

Chickpea puree is a hearty and nutritious meal that will become an alternative to the usual side dishes. Similar to mashed potatoes, the dish is made with milk, butter, and the bean itself, without the use of a blender to preserve the texture and prevent the product from turning into a liquid, viscous mass. This recipe is simple and accessible even for beginners.


  • dry chickpeas - 200 g;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • oil - 30 g;
  • paprika - a pinch;
  • coriander - a pinch.


  1. Soak chickpeas for 12 hours. Boil until softened.
  2. Mash until the state add milk, butter.
  3. The preparation of this chickpea dish is completed, season the puree with spices.

In the oven, they will compete with meat dishes, for everyone who prefers a menu without animal products. Minced chickpeas can be prepared without eggs (it keeps its shape perfectly on its own), by adding vegetables and spices, and changing ingredients daily to achieve new tastes. Don't forget to accompany them with your favorite sauce while serving.


  • dry chickpeas - 200 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • breadcrumbs - 90 g;
  • garlic clove - 2 pcs.


  1. Soak chickpeas in water for 10 hours, boil until soft.
  2. Grind in a meat grinder with onions, garlic and tomatoes.
  3. Roll in breadcrumbs and bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Sweets from chickpeas are nutritious, tasty, low-calorie and, unlike most other delicacies, are healthy. They are made from boiled pureed chickpeas, adding dried fruits, peanut butter, nuts, honey and other natural ingredients. To give the sweets a festive look, the finished product is decorated with cocoa, coconut flakes or sprinkled with icing.


  • chickpeas - 100 g;
  • dried apricots - 20 g;
  • figs - 20 g;
  • honey - 20 g;
  • orange juice - 30 ml;
  • cocoa - 50 g;
  • coconut flakes - 60 g.


  1. Soak chickpeas and boil.
  2. Soak dried fruits in juice.
  3. Twist in a meat grinder with chickpeas. Add honey, stir.
  4. Roll the balls in cocoa and coconut flakes.

Chickpea potato cake - recipe

From chickpea compares favorably with the traditional, and can replenish the menu of losing weight sweet tooth. This recipe is low-calorie and, in addition to proteins and fiber, contains a lot of useful trace elements. The delicacy is simple and easy to prepare: you need to beat all the ingredients in a blender, bake a cake from the mass and give it the shape of a cake.


  • chickpeas - 150 g;
  • almonds - 50 g;
  • yogurt - 100 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • coffee - 20 ml;
  • cocoa - 40 g;
  • coconut flour - 40 g.


  1. Cook chickpeas and grind in a blender, adding almonds, eggs, banana, yogurt and some cocoa.
  2. Form a cake and bake it for an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  3. Mash, add coffee, cocoa and flour.
  4. Form a cake.

Baked chickpeas are great for any diet menu, because they contain a minimum of carbohydrates, but satisfy hunger for a long time. A popular American dessert is “dangerous” for the figure, and made from chickpeas, it turns into a dietary treat, with half the kilocalories.

A product with the laconic name "chickpeas" can also be found under other names: mutton peas, Turkish peas. What is it really, is it safe to use chickpeas, and if it is useful, then how, how to clothe this benefit in culinary dishes - this and other interesting features of chickpeas will be discussed below.

Meet: just chickpeas or difficult peas

The chickpea is a legume from the family of the same name, native to the Middle East, where it is traditionally used as a main ingredient in many dishes. Hummus, falafel, samosas stuffed with chickpeas, tortillas, soups, and even sweets are just a few of the things you can make with chickpeas.

Grains of chickpea fruits come in different shades: green, red, beige, black, all equally tasty and healthy. Which is not surprising, because the composition of chickpeas includes about 8 dozen useful vitamins, micro and macro elements. The dietary characteristics of chickpeas are similar to those of lentils, but the aftertaste remains with a hint of nuts.

The calorie content of chickpeas is low - 100 g of raw product contains, depending on the variety, 310 - 360 kcal. When cooking, the energy value of the product decreases significantly, so 100 g of boiled chickpeas have only 120 kcal. With such low calorie numbers, chickpeas have gained popularity among many people, adherents of various diets, and vegetarians.


A number of health benefits make this delicious bean even more appealing:

  • saturation with selenium - a unique substance that slows down the aging process of body cells, stimulates brain activity;
  • thanks to the same selenium, it is used in the prevention of cancer, since the microelement successfully blocks the neoplasms of cancer cells;
  • the content of amino acids that contribute to the removal of cholesterol from the body;
  • strengthening the immune system and nervous system, due to the high content of manganese;
  • support for all those suffering from diabetes, the ability to regulate blood sugar levels, low own glycemic index;
  • gluten intolerant people will benefit from chickpea flour.

Looking in detail and analyzing the chemical composition of chickpeas, it will be possible to find more than one advantage of using chickpeas for food. But every medal has back side- the disadvantages of chickpeas, although not significant in relation to the benefits received, still have a place to be.


TO negative consequences Uses of this legume include:

  • the content of oligosaccharides that cannot be broken down in the human body leads to the formation of gases in the intestines, flatulence from chickpeas increases in combination with water, so you should not drink dishes with these peas;
  • individual intolerance to legumes;
  • chickpeas are contraindicated in people with acute kidney and bladder problems;
  • those suffering from gout, peptic ulcers, thrombophlebitis should also refrain from taking chickpeas.

Given the possible negative impact on the body, each individual decides whether to use this plant or not. For those who are not limited by medical conditions, there is an abundance of options for preparing this highly healthy and tasty bean.

Chickpeas are not as common in our kitchen as ordinary peas, but there are quite a few cooking options. Soup recipes alone can count more than a dozen.

You can cook any soup by analogy with peas, additionally using products to your taste, or you can use the recipe below and cook a truly original chickpea soup.

Consider step by step recipe soup. Pour chickpeas with clean cool water, in a ratio of 1 to 4, leave overnight, or 8-10 hours. Do not use boiling water!

The grains will not become softer from this, but, on the contrary, will be covered with a hard crust. During soaking, chickpeas will swell several times, so choose a bowl of the appropriate size. After soaking, drain the remaining liquid and rinse thoroughly with running water.

Put the washed beans in a bowl, pour water in parts 1 to 3, put on the stove, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and continue boiling for about 2 hours, until the peas soften. After the time has elapsed, turn off, pour the broth into a separate container, it will still come in handy.

While the chickpeas are boiling, prepare the remaining ingredients. Wash the chicken fillet, dry and cut into small strips. Boil the tomatoes, remove the skin, grate or mash with a blender. Peel and cut the onion, grate the carrot.

In a well-heated frying pan, but not with sizzling olive oil, fry the meat until golden brown, do not turn off the fire, but add onions, carrots and fry all together until the vegetables are ready. Then mix with tomatoes, season with spices and salt. Transfer to a saucepan, pour 2 liters of water, boil until tender.

While the meat is cooking, mash the boiled chickpeas. To do this, set aside part of the whole peas, knead or blend the remaining ones, adding a decoction so that the puree does not turn out to be too dense, but of medium density.

Pour the puree into the prepared meat broth, mix well, and boil everything together for another 5-8 minutes. Turn off the heat, put the left beans in the finished soup. Let it cool for a few minutes and infuse. That's it, chickpea puree soup with tomatoes and chicken is ready! Garnish with fresh green sprigs and serve in a bowl, you can add sour cream.

As spices for soup are well suited:

  • ground black pepper;
  • coriander;
  • ground sweet paprika;
  • dry basil, dill seeds.

Using this recipe as a basis, you can prepare a wide variety of mashed chickpea soups, adding ingredients to your taste.

An easy and simple recipe for making chickpeas for a side dish

A good alternative to the usual pasta, potatoes, vegetables and buckwheat is a side dish of chickpeas. It is easy to cook, and not only a tasty addition to meat and poultry, but also a healthy one.


  • Turkish peas - 300 g;
  • red or white onion - 1 pc.;
  • celery root - 100 g;
  • corn or sunflower oil - 40 g;
  • large carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste;
  • greens for serving - 1 bunch.

Cooking time: 1 hour 10 minutes. Calorie content of the dish per 100 g: 140 Kcal.

Consider a simple recipe for cooking chickpeas for a side dish in detail. Rinse chickpeas soaked overnight, or at least 4 hours. Put on fire and boil in 2 liters of water for 40-50 minutes, add more water if necessary.

Cut the onion, chop the celery and carrots on a grater, then fry in a heated frying pan with the addition of oil for 10 minutes.

Drain the water from the boiled chickpeas, put them on the vegetables, season with spices and salt, a little water, and simmer everything together at a moderate temperature for about 20 minutes, until the beans are fully cooked.

When serving, garnish with greens if desired. Such an easy-to-cook side dish that goes well with meat and poultry, but can also be used as an independent lenten dish.

How to cook chickpeas with vegetables


  • pre-boiled chickpeas - 500 g;
  • medium-sized carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 teeth;
  • sweet Bulgarian multi-colored pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • soft cow butter - 50 g;
  • dill greens - 1 bunch;
  • salt, turmeric, ground paprika, pepper - to taste.

Cooking time: 25-30 minutes. Calorie content of the dish per 100 g: 180 Kcal.

Consider the recipe for cooking chickpeas with vegetables in detail. If you soaked and boiled chickpeas in advance, then it will take very little time and effort to prepare this recipe.

Wash, peel and cut the bell peppers and carrots into strips. Tomatoes cut into large slices. Preheat the pan, melt the butter, and start frying the vegetables.

First, fry the carrots for a few minutes, then the sweet peppers, after a couple of minutes add the tomatoes. Add your choice of spices to taste, all but salt. Cover the pan, reduce the heat, and simmer the vegetables for 10 to 15 minutes.

Free the garlic from the husk and finely chop, or drive through the garlic press. Dill cut and mix with garlic. Open the lid of the pan, and add boiled chickpeas, herbs and garlic, salt in turn. Mix well and let it simmer for a few more minutes.

Bon appetit!

How to make delicious chickpeas with meat in a slow cooker

Many housewives have long appreciated all the advantages of multicookers, and actively prepare many dishes with their help. Chickpeas with meat, made with the help of technology, will be just as tasty as those stewed in the oven.


  • meat tenderloin of ram, beef - 400 g;
  • dry chickpeas - 250 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste, or canned tomato pulp - to taste;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • refined sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • laurel leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking time - 3 hours. Calorie content of the dish per 100 g: 310 Kcal.

How delicious to cook chickpeas with meat in a slow cooker? So, chickpeas, as for any other dish, soak and boil. Peel and chop onions and carrots. Add oil, vegetables to the multicooker bowl and sauté for several minutes in the "frying" or "baking" mode until half cooked.

Cut the meat into slices, put to the vegetables, without changing the mode, simmer everything together for another 20 minutes. Then you can add boiled chickpeas, tomato paste and water. Pour enough water so that all products are covered by 2-3 cm.

We change the mode to “extinguishing”, and wait another 2.5 hours until the multicooker gives the “Done” signal! It turns out very tasty and satisfying, so if you want, you can reduce the amount of products.

Hummus: homemade recipe

Hummus - classic snack Jewish and Arabic cuisine, but with all the necessary ingredients on hand, it is easy to cook at home.


  • dry chickpeas - 1 cup;
  • sesame and cumin seeds - to taste;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 pc.;
  • peeled walnuts - 100 g;
  • olive oil - 80 ml;
  • salt and other seasonings - to taste.

Cooking time: 10 minutes. Calorie content of the dish per 100 g: 300 Kcal.

How to make hummus from chickpeas? Mash well-soaked and pre-boiled chickpeas to a mashed state using a blender or crusher.

Also chop the nuts and mix into the resulting puree. Add garlic, squeezed through a press, salt, spices, seeds.

Mix. Squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon into a dish, add olive oil. Mix gently again.

Now the hummus is ready, you can serve it with tortillas or wholemeal bread.

For those who are not yet familiar with this bean, which is different from ordinary peas, the recipes presented will be a good help to include chickpeas in your diet. Moreover, there will be no problems with the acquisition of Turkish peas.

Today, you can buy chickpeas in almost every supermarket, vegetable markets, order any variety and color on the Internet.

Given the exotic nature of the product, the cost will not be relatively high - one package of chickpeas costs more than a pack of ordinary peas, only by 20-30%, while chickpeas will bring many times more benefits.
