Mowgli tests. "Test on literary reading R. Kipling" Mowgli

2. Who said it?

1. Who is this? Sher Khan - _________________________________________________
Akela - _____________________________________________________________
Tobacco - ________________________________________________________
Bagheera - ________________________________________________________
Balu - _______________________________________________________________
2. Who said it?
1) Thank you for the treat. How beautiful noble children! What are their big eyes! But they are still so small! ____________________________
2) Wolves are a free people. They obey only the Leader of the Pack, and not any striped ogre. Our human baby. _____________________________
3) Well we did! Humans and their babies are very smart. Someday he will be our helper. ____________________________
4) Oh Akela, and you Free Folk, I have no rights in your assembly, but the Law of the Jungle says that if a dispute arises over a new cub, that cub's life can be bought. ______________________________________

1. Who is this? Sher Khan - _________________________________________________
Akela - _____________________________________________________________
Tobacco - ________________________________________________________
Bagheera - ________________________________________________________
Balu - _______________________________________________________________
2. Who said it?
1) Thank you for the treat. How beautiful noble children! What big eyes they have! But they are still so small! ____________________________
2) Wolves are a free people. They obey only the Leader of the Pack, and not any striped ogre. Our human baby. _____________________________
3) Well we did! Humans and their babies are very smart. Someday he will be our helper. ____________________________
4) Oh Akela, and you Free Folk, I have no rights in your assembly, but the Law of the Jungle says that if a dispute arises over a new cub, that cub's life can be bought. ______________________________________

5. About whom are the lines?

3. Mowgli was the son of a) a shoemaker b) a boatman c) a lumberjack

4. What ransom did Bagheera give to the pack for Mowgli? a) buffalo b) wild pig c) antelope

5. About whom are the lines?
1) He prowls everywhere, sows discord, spreads gossip and does not disdain rags and scraps of leather, rummaging through the village garbage heaps. ____________________________
2) He has been lame in one leg since birth. That's why he only hunts livestock. ____________________
3) In his youth, he fell into a wolf trap twice, once people beat him and left him, thinking that he was dead, so that the customs and customs of people were familiar to him. _____________________
4) The only animal of a different breed that is admitted to the Pack Council. He can roam where he pleases, because he only eats nuts, honey and roots. ___________________

3. Mowgli was the son of a) a shoemaker b) a boatman c) a lumberjack

4. What ransom did Bagheera give to the pack for Mowgli? a) buffalo b) wild pig c) antelope

5. About whom are the lines?
1) He prowls everywhere, sows discord, spreads gossip and does not disdain rags and scraps of leather, rummaging through the village garbage heaps. ____________________________
2) He has been lame in one leg since birth. That's why he only hunts livestock. ____________________
3) In his youth, he fell into a wolf trap twice, once people beat him and left him, thinking that he was dead, so that the customs and customs of people were familiar to him. _____________________
4) The only animal of a different breed that is admitted to the Pack Council. He can roam where he pleases, because he only eats nuts, honey and roots. ___________________

Quiz based on R. Kipling's book "Mowgli"

Chapter 1 "Mowgli's Brothers"

Compiled by Kaigorodova I.I.

1. How many wolf cubs were there in the wolf family?

Mother Wolf was dozing, putting her large gray muzzle on four cubs, and they tossed and squealed, and the moon shone at the mouth of the cave where the whole family lived.

2. Why do the wolves of India despise and fear Tobacco?

The wolves of India despise Tobacco because he prowls everywhere, sows discord, spreads gossip and does not disdain rags and scraps of leather, rummaging through the village rubbish heaps. And yet they are afraid of Tobacco, because he is more often than other animals in the jungle. has rabies and then he rushes through the forest and bites everyone who only comes across to meet him. Even a tiger runs and hides when little Tabaqui gets mad, for nothing worse than rabies can happen to a wild beast. We call it hydrophobia, and the animals call it "divani" - rabies - and flee from it.

3. Why are the inhabitants of the villages along the banks of the Wainganga angry at Shere Khan?

He has been lame in one leg since birth. That's why he hunts only for livestock.

4. What did the Law of the Jungle say about man hunting?

The Law of the Jungle, whose decrees are always based on something, allows the beasts hunt a human only when they teach their cubs to kill. But even then, the beast must not kill a person in those places where his flock or tribe hunts. Following the murder of a man, sooner or later, white people appear on elephants, with guns, and hundreds of swarthy people with gongs, rockets and torches. And then it is bad for all the inhabitants of the jungle. And the animals say man is the weakest and most defenseless of all living beings and it is unworthy of a hunter to touch him. They also say - and it's true - that cannibals eventually get lousy and their teeth fall out.

5. How did the human cub appear in the family of the Wolf Father?

The bushes in the thicket rustled slightly, and Father Wolf sat down on his hind legs, preparing to jump. And then if you watched him, you would see the most amazing thing in the world - how the wolf stopped in the middle of the jump. He rushed forward, still not seeing what he was throwing himself at, and then abruptly stopped. It so happened that he jumped up four or five feet and sat down in the same place where he left the ground. - Man! he snapped. - Human cub! Look! Directly in front of him, holding on to a low-growing branch, stood a naked, swarthy child who had barely learned to walk - a soft, dimpled, tiny living lump. Such a tiny child has never looked into a wolf's lair at night. He looked into Father Wolf's eyes and laughed.

6. Who stood up for Mowgli at the Pack Council?

Listen to Bagheera! You can take a ransom for a cub. Such is the Law. - I know that I have no right to speak here, and I ask your permission. - So speak! shouted twenty voices at once. “It is a shame to kill a hairless cub. In addition, he will be great fun for you when he grows up. Baloo put in a good word for him. And I'll add a buffalo to the word Baloo, a fat, freshly killed buffalo, just half a mile from here, if you accept a man-cub into the Pack, as required by law. Is it so difficult? There was a noise, and dozens of voices shouted at once: - What's the trouble? He will die during the winter rains. The sun will burn him. What can a naked Frog do to us? Let him run with the Flock. Where is the buffalo, Bagheera? Let's adopt a baby!

7. Who taught Mowgli life in the jungle?

And I answer Raksha (Demon): my man-cub, Langri, will remain with me! Nobody will kill him. He will live and hunt with the Pack and run with the Pack! Here he got up on his hind legs and grunted the only animal of a different breed that is allowed on the Council of the Pack, - Baloo, the lazy brown bear who teaches the Law of the Jungle to the cubs, the old man Baloo, who can roam where he pleases because he only eats nuts, honey and roots. - A man-cub? Well, - he said, - I'm for the cub. He won't harm anyone. I'm not a master of speaking, but I'm telling the truth. Let him run with the Pack. Let's take the cub along with the others. I will teach it myself. Bagheera she showed him a square box with a trap door, so skillfully hidden in a thicket that Mowgli almost fell into it himself, and said that it was a trap. Most of all, he liked to go with Bagheera into the dark, hot depths of the forest, fall asleep there for the whole day, and at night watch how Bagheera hunted.

8. Why did Akela stand up for Mowgli?

Humans and their babies are very smart. Some day he will help us.- Yes, assistant in hard time, for no one can be the leader of the Pack forever.

9. Why did the place of the leader of the pack turn out to be free?

Akela is very old. The day will soon come when he will not be able to kill the buffalo, and then he will no longer be the leader.

10. How did Mowgli prove to the pack that he was a man?

Listen, you! he shouted. - All this dog barking is useless. You have told me so many times today that I am a man (and with you I would have remained a wolf for the rest of my life), that I myself felt the truth of your words. I will not call you brothers, but dogs, as a man should. It's not for you to tell what you want and what you don't want - that's my business! And so you can see better , I, the human, brought here the Red Flower, which you dogs are afraid of.

11. How was the fate of Akela decided?

Akela is free to live as he pleases. You won't kill him, because I don't want that. I also don't think you'll be sitting here much longer, sticking out your tongue like important people, not dogs that I'm chasing away, like this! Out, out!

12. Why did Mowgli cry?

- What it is? What is this? he said. - I don't want to leave the jungle and I don't know what's done to me. Am I dying, Bagheera?

- No, Little Brother, these are only tears, such as people have, - answered Bagheera. - Now I know that you are a man and no longer a cub anymore. From now on, the jungle is closed to you ... Let it flow, Mowgli. It's only tears.

13. With whom did Mowgli say goodbye before leaving to people?

Now,” he said, “I will go to the people. But before I I have to say goodbye to my mother.

14. What promise did Mowgli make when leaving the Jungle?

- I will definitely come said Mowgli. - I'll come for to place the skin of Shere Khan on Council Rock. Do not forget me! Tell everyone in the jungle not to forget me!

Joseph Rudyard Kipling was born on December 30, 1865 in the Indian city of Bombay - his English parents came here to work. Rudyard got his name in honor of the lake in England, where his parents met. Little Kipling with his younger sister lived in a small house surrounded by a garden. The Indian servants loved and spoiled the "little master" and he lived like a prince. Therefore, the first language that little Reddy learned was Hindustani - in this language he spoke with the servants. And he was taught to speak this language by an Indian nanny, who told the future writer a lot Indian fairy tales about animals. These stories will stay with him for the rest of his life!

But in 1871, six-year-old Reddy and his sister were sent to study in England. So it was customary in English families who lived in India - the child had to get a good education, and this could only be done at home. In England, the boy lived in a private boarding house, and on holidays they went to his mother's relatives, to the family of the artist Edward Burne-Jones. At the age of 12, Rudyard entered the Devon College in order to enter the prestigious military academy after graduation. But Rudyard never became a soldier. When he was 16 years old, he again came to India and began working as a journalist for The Civil and Military Gazette.

After some time, he went to work for another newspaper, The Pioneer, and soon, on the instructions of the editors, he went to travel the world. What countries of the world have not been visited by Rudyard Kipling! And he wrote about each of them travel notes, which were later published in the Pioneer newspaper. And yet, the writer most of all remembered India, in which he spent his childhood. That is why many of his works - stories, fairy tales and poems - are dedicated to this particular country. So, in India, for example, the action takes place "The Jungle Book", which includes stories about the life of a boy among the animals.

All the animals in the jungle despised the jackal Tabaqui, and at the same time they were all afraid of him. Why? He was sick with rabies more often than other animals.

What did baby Mowgli do when he first appeared in the wolf's lair and looked Father Wolf in the eyes? He smiled.

Why was Mowgli allowed to hunt any game, but it was forbidden to touch cattle? Bagheera paid a ransom for him - she gave the buffalo she killed to the wolf pack. In memory of this, Mowgli "...should not touch any cattle, either young or old."

Why did Bagheera call fire the Red Flower? “...Because not a single beast in the jungle will call the fire by its true name. All animals are mortally afraid of fire and come up with hundreds of names, just not to call it directly.

What did the animals not dare to do because Mowgli is a man? The animals did not dare to look into his eyes.

What words protected Mowgli from any danger in the jungle? "We are of the same blood, you and I!"

What skill did Mowgli think the monkeys had that made him useful to their tribe? The ability to weave branches to protect from the wind.

Why did the boa constrictor Kaa have to spend ten days in seclusion from time to time? During this time, he changed his skin.

What are Cold Lairs? Cold Lairs were called the monkey city - old, abandoned and lost in the thicket of the forest.

Boa constrictor Kaa believed that Mowgli would achieve a lot in the jungle, as he had a courteous tongue, and a heart ... What? Brave.

For what, according to the Law of the Jungle, death was supposed? For killing at a watering hole during the Water Truce.

The tiger Shere Khan killed the bull and let Death in. What else came to the jungle with Death? Fear has come to the jungle.

What are the quietest animals in the jungle? "No beast can move as quietly as a wolf when he doesn't want to be heard".

Why were all the animals on friendly terms with the adult Mowgli? Because all the animals were afraid of him.

Why did Mowgli wake up a stupid fury wild dogs when he stretched out his bare leg and wiggled his fingers over the leader's head? "Those who grow hair between their fingers don't like to be reminded of it."

Why was the panther Bagheera more feared in the jungle than the tiger Shere Khan? She was born in a menagerie, and she knew human habits.

Why did the monkeys throw nuts and pour mud on the jungle inhabitants who despise them? The monkeys wanted the Jungle People to pay attention to them.

7. CH I 5. L A 2. A 1. 1. 4. 4. B A 3. KE M R A A U G X I I L R A 4. A lone wolf, chosen leader of the Pack. 5. The nickname of the tiger is Shere Khan, which means "lame". I R 8. 3. Panther. G S A 6. Mountain boa constrictor. 6. To 1. Porcupine. 2. A brown bear teaching the cubs the Law of the Jungle. N B Vertical: W K Horizontal: A 7. Kite. A 8. Mother she-wolf, nicknamed "Demon".

In the Cambodian jungle found missing 19 years ago girl Mowgli. She lived in the forest from the age of 8. She was found by one of local residents, after he began to lose food from the barn. He decided to track down the thief, who turned out to be the "jungle girl". Assumed to be Rochom Pngien, she went missing in 1988 while her family was driving a buffalo through the jungle. She became half animal, half human. She is wild, sleeping all day and awake at night. "Jungle Girl" does not speak any language and therefore the story of her life will be extremely difficult to restore. The girl's father, Sal Low, is trying to reacquaint his daughter with realities human life but it doesn't come easily. When a girl is hungry, she signals by tapping her belly. "When she's awake, she just sits still and looks - right, left, right, left," says Sal.

Literary game "Mowgli's Brothers" based on R. Kipling's book "Mowgli" for grade 3

Lyapina Vera Valerievna teacher of elementary MBOU classes School No. 47 Samara City District
Description This material teachers can use primary school for conducting extracurricular reading lessons. Two teams of students take part in the game. For a correct answer, the team receives 1 token. After the end of the game, the winner is determined - the owner of the larger number of tokens.
Target Organization gaming activity students to test the knowledge gained in the study of the fairy tale "Mowgli".
- To instill love and interest in the work of R. Kipling;
- Develop thinking, attention, memory;
- Contribute to the formation of students' motivation for learning;
- To promote the development of independent teamwork skills;
- To promote the development of the ability to creatively apply knowledge in new situations.
- Hello guys. Today we will make a fascinating journey into the world of the jungle, through the pages of R. Kipling's work "Mowgli".
True, we met only with an excerpt from "Mowgli's Brothers" from this book. And today we will determine the most attentive reader. Good luck to everyone!
-Each team prepared homework. Let's check it out.

You had to make a cinquain about Mowgli. One participant is called from each team to read their cinquain and comment on it.
(Example answer:)
Lonely, free.
Grows, matures, fights.
The jungle is his home.


Now you will hear questions about the plot of the tale. Each team responds in writing to each question. For each correct answer you get 1 token.
1. Who is more likely to get rabies in the Jungle? What does he do?
(The jackal, he rushes through the forest and bites everyone who comes across him.)

2. What does a tiger do when a jackal is furious?
(runs and hides)

3. By what river did Shere Khan live?

4. Why did Shere Khan hunt only for livestock?
(He was lame in one leg from birth)
5. How did the human cub appear in the cave of Father Wolf?
(When Shere Khan was hunting a woodcutter, the parents ran away in fear, but the child stayed behind and wandered into the cave)

6. Who stood up for the human cub first?
(Father Wolf and Mother Wolf)

7. What did Mother Wolf Shere Khan answer to his demand for a human child?
(The human cub is mine and will stay with me. No one will kill him)

8. What did the Council Rock look like?
(The top of the hill dotted with large boulders, behind which a whole hundred wolves could hide)

9. Why was Akela the leader?
(For strength, dexterity)

10. Who spoke for the cub?
(Baloo and Bagheera)

The third task "Know the hero" by description

Each team responds in writing.
1. He prowls everywhere, sows discord, spreads gossip and does not disdain rags and scraps of leather, rummaging through the village garbage heaps.
2. He rushed forward, not yet seeing what he was throwing himself at, and then abruptly stopped. It so happened that he jumped up four or five feet and sat down in the same place where he took off from the ground.
(Father Wolf)
3. Right in front of them, holding on to a low-growing branch, stood a naked, swarthy child who had barely learned to walk - a soft, dimpled, tiny living lump.
4. He can roam where he pleases, because he only eats nuts, honey and roots.
5. She was cunning like Tabaki, brave like a wild buffalo, and fearless like a wounded elephant. Her voice is sweet like wild honey dripping from a tree, and her skin is softer than fluff.
The fourth task "The most attentive"

There are inaccuracies in the passages. They need to be corrected.
1. The First Law of the Jungle.
You can change the place of hunting without warning anyone.
(Answer: It is forbidden change the place of hunting without notifying anyone)
2. The Second Law of the Jungle.
Allows you to always hunt a person.
(Answer: Allows you to hunt a person only when they teach their cubs to kill)
3. The Third Law of the Jungle.
Not every wolf, having a family, can leave his pack. But as soon as his cubs grow up and stand on their feet, he must bring them to the Pack Council, which usually meets once a month, during the full moon, and show them to all the other wolves.
(Answer: Every the wolf, acquiring a family, can leave his pack. But as soon as his wolf cubs grow up and stand on their feet, he must bring them to the Pack Council, which usually meets once a month, during the full moon, and show them to all the other wolves.)
4. The Fourth Law of the Jungle.
If a dispute arises about whether a cub can be accepted into a pack, at least three wolves of the pack, both father and mother, must speak out in his favor.
(Answer: If a dispute arises about whether a cub can be accepted into a pack, at least two pack wolf, but not father and mother.
Fifth task "Who is who?"
Set the correspondence between the hero and his name.

Correct answer

And in conclusion, a creative task for each team.
Creative task "The emblem of the book"
Each team will need to draw a book emblem. You have markers and sheets on the tables for this competition, first discuss what and how you will depict. While the music is playing, you can create!

Summarizing. Rewarding. The song "Mowgli" by Evgeny Evs sounds
Where the laws of the jungle are
We are the same blood with you! ..
We will collect advice
To live together as a family!
The she-wolf breastfeeds
And the Wolf will gather advice ...
Animal Justice
The kid will only sing in response:

Mowgli, Mowgli, Mowgli
My name is now...
Mowgli, Mowgli, Mowgli...
Who am I, man or beast?

My mother is a wolf
And my dad Gray wolf,
With a bear now to study,
Now familiar with the panther ...
Baloo and Bagheera are near,
We are friends with them forever!
Not afraid of Shere Khan with a jackal,
But I'm still human...

Mowgli, Mowgli, Mowgli
My name is now...
Mowgli, Mowgli, Mowgli...
Who am I, man or beast?

I am missing something...
And even among friends
The soul dreams of love
And the heart yearns for it!
I share the same blood with you
At our feet the whole world
And the heart sings with love
I got it with you!..

Mowgli, Mowgli, Mowgli
You are calling me now!
Mowgli, Mowgli, Mowgli...
I am human! Not a beast!
