Ballad about a small heart musical. Ticket for the musical "The Ballad of a Little Heart" from the theater company "Ivanhoe"

I watched this show with 5th graders. I’m talking about my impressions (they almost coincided with both adults and children).

Somewhere in a small seaside town in a small orphanage wonderful kids live. Here are the kindest educators and the best headmaster in the world. But, no matter how good everything is in the shelter, no matter the age of the children, they all dream of one thing - a real home and their own native mother. In the center are two heroes: the boy Alyoshka, who invented his mother as a doctor on a rescue ship, and the girl Yulia, whose mother is an artist, a cuckoo who constantly betrays her child for the sake of her creativity and personal life.

The topic, you see, is topical. And touching - some scenes are impossible to watch without tears.

But the performance is a little delayed, three and a half hours is a long time for the audience-babies, it is hard for them to hold their attention for so long (this is an objective feature of the child's psyche, I know this as a teacher). Children do not understand some scenes, for example, why Alyoshka got on the ship to his mother (in fact, Alyoshka just saw her in a dream), and then it turns out that he never had a mother. I think that the performance needs to be cleaned up for length.

Playing and playing parts.

I would like to note all the performers. I liked both the game and the musical parts. Wonderful clear children's voices. Strong parties in adults.

I especially liked the little actresses who played the roles of Yulka and Masha, the smallest girl in the orphanage. Unfortunately, I don't know their names.


The classic decorations are very beautiful. Only a little creaking in one scene. The costumes are simply good, "worked out" for each character.

Theatrical venue.

Here is the disorder. Why in the theater, in the hall, instead of programs, popcorn is planted? I imagine working actors who see a chewing audience in front of them. It's kind of wild. Still not a movie, but a live performance. I tried in vain to forbid children from buying popcorn - they bought it and ate quietly, "because it's allowed."

The hall is comfortable with a large lift. But in general, it is uncomfortable, it is clear that the Izmailovo Theater is operated according to full program. Except slot machines, selling toys and food, there is nothing for children to have fun. Photographed in front of the banner.

If there are no discounts, then it is expensive.

But theater program"Ivanhoe" provides big discounts. You just need to register on the site and accumulate points (there are several ways, they are all simple).

And the last wish - children's performances should be daytime, as in other children's theaters. We arrived home after the performance at about eleven o'clock in the evening!

For the wrong organization of the performance (everything that I listed), I lower the rating.

And the actors - definitely "5".

Children under 6 years of age enter the event free of charge.
The theater company "Ivanhoe" presents a musical

"Ballad of little heart"

To all Yulka and Alyoshka,
to all the children of the earth who
waiting and looking for their dads and moms,

The Ballad of a Little Heart is a musical about childhood dreams and innermost dreams. It is beautiful and touching, majestic and... a little sad story about the fate of children who grow up in an orphanage. This is a look at the world through the eyes of still small, but already such strong and fearless heroes, whose hearts tenderly and reverently believe in great power true love.

In a small seaside town, the fates of the heroes of our history meet. Roofs ancient houses, decks of ships, cozy rooms of the orphanage become for them the shores of hope and expectation. There are lullabies and hymns, and watercolor paints in the hands of kind angels, they gently dress their beloved city in fabulous outfits of the seasons that come one after another. So, day after day, painfully long or unexpectedly quickly, leaving in memory the melting memories of childhood and already a little confusing a fairy tale with reality, time inexorably runs ...

We invite you to touch magical world child soul. Plunge into the noise of the night sea and fly over ancient city, run on the first snow and make friends with the clouds and the wind. To hear sad prayers and see the happiest and perhaps prophetic dreams... We invite you to the gentle and majestic, boundless and powerful universe. The universe of the musical "The Ballad of a Little Heart".

Entrance to the theater opens two hours before the start of the performance. There are theater cafes, a large creative and entertainment program is held in the lobby.

On December 19 and 20, 2015, at the Ivanhoe Musical Theater in Izmailovo, the premiere of the musical “The Ballad of a Little Heart” was held with great success. The amazing scope of the musical “The Ballad of a Little Heart” is felt in everything - in the incredibly beautiful and colorful scenery, in the talented play of young and adult actors, in the unique team of directors of the play and in each individual mise-en-scène of the production. This grandiose scope, of course, manifested itself in the celebration of the Main Premiere of the musical. The auditorium of the Ivanhoe Musical Theater could not accommodate all the honored guests of the theater in one day, so the creators of the performance decided to take a chance and arrange two festive premiere evenings. The risk was justified - both performances were a great success and with a real full house! More than two thousand people this December weekend witnessed amazing story full of miracles, love, great songs and amazing poetry. Participants bright holiday became the theater's most loyal fans who managed to buy tickets for the Main Premiere (most of the tickets were bought back in the summer), as well as the official guests of the premiere - representatives of the largest Russian media and numerous star friends the Ivanhoe Theatre. “This is a story about those who fell overboard in life. And about those to whom the boat sailed with the kindest people in the world! Thank you for the celebration of childhood, love and music! Incredible work! It feels like this on stage. Thanks to all Artists! You gave 101%!” - Liza Arzamasova, Russian actress and a singer. “Ten children play and sing here at the same time (plus adults, of course). And everyone, from the smallest, works (only this word is appropriate here) superbly, ”- Sergey Lukyanenko, Russian science fiction writer, author of Night Watch. “I didn’t even think that in our time people are able to create such a sensual, soulful, soul story- I roared two branches. Artists, scenery, music is beyond praise! - Lesya Yaroslavskaya, singer. During the days of the official premiere, all guests of the theater enjoyed not only a magnificent performance, but, according to the good tradition of the theater, also big number pleasant surprises from the Ivanhoe company! Among them are two large creative meetings with the creators of the musical (at which the guests of the performance could not only ask their questions, but also see some prototypes of the heroes of the “Ballad of a Little Heart” on the stage of the theater), bright and very tasty festive receptions, as well as large photo and autograph sessions. And, of course, all guests of the theater received premiere sets as a keepsake, inside which, among other gifts, the audience found an exclusive CD with songs from the musical and a colorful booklet telling about the creation of “The Ballad of a Little Heart”. The production team not only built the scenery, invented the characters and wrote the script - they created a real city on the stage of the theater, populated it with very special inhabitants and wrapped the streets of this city with wonderful melodic magic. Looking at this amazingly kind city, you understand that it is not for nothing that this musical will go on at the Ivanhoe Musical Theater, according to Broadway rules, every day, without theatrical holidays and weekends. After all, the music of these seaside streets will definitely live in the hearts of the audience for many, many more years, and the city of “Ballads of a Little Heart” was built for sure - for centuries. Good luck, "The Ballad of a Little Heart"!

The lights go out in the auditorium, the guests musical theater"Ivanhoe" is fascinated looking at the stage, and from the speakers male voice for the first time pronounces the epigraph of the play: “To all Yulks and Alyoshkas, to all the children of the Earth who are waiting and looking for their dads and moms, is dedicated” ... The first show of “The Ballad of a Little Heart” was anxiously awaited not only by the actors and creators of the production, but also by all Russian theater and, especially, performances in the musical genre. And this is not surprising, because the performance was created for more than one year, and its plot remained a mystery to the audience until the very first show. The theater team, no doubt, took a risk and went in a special way: the basis of the musical is not a book, not historical event and not even an adapted foreign script, as is customary in the Russian theater space in Lately. At the heart of "The Ballad of a Little Heart" - original script created on real events, an incredibly touching and heartbreaking story about children growing up in an orphanage.

Denis Rudenko, CEO company, the author of the plot and one of the authors of the poetic libretto of the performance (Vladislav Malenko became its co-author, famous poet, director and actor of the Moscow Taganka Theater), from the stage of the theater he revealed to the first audience some secrets about the creation of the performance: “We have been making this musical for more than two years, and our team has more than two hundred people! During this time, the characters have become familiar to us, and the story, which was once a screenplay, has received real life on this stage."

We can say that even now the musical resembles a movie in terms of dynamics and brightness. First of all, this is due to the fact that we see everything that happens on stage as if not with our own eyes, but with the eyes of a child who is just discovering an unknown, complex, adult world. It seems that an invisible talented cameraman is involved in this production, who selects the most significant aspects of each story and focuses on them. That is why the performance combines real spaces with daydreams and dreams, adult conversations with children's dreams and fantasies, and negative characters You still feel true love in your heart. That is why the scenery and costumes look very realistic, but still leave a slight feeling of fabulousness. “We thought for a long time what style to choose for the performance. And we decided that everything should be real, but a little more bright, a little more colorful than in life. After all, all this is the view of a child. In each scene - a little fairy tale, a little dream. This principle was very important both in the work on the scenery and in the creation of costumes. Denis Rudenko often put us songs from the future performance so that we could create the perfect combination of the external image and the musical canvas of this story,” Anastasia Glebova, costume designer for Ballads of a Little Heart, told the editors of MK.

A distinctive feature of this performance is the amazing harmony of all its components. It seems that the entire space of the stage is dancing to the joyful melodies - and the huge three-level scenery (really striking in grandiosity), and the lighting composition, and the artists of the performance, and the paintings on the walls of the houses, and even the mood auditorium resonates with the rhythm of the music. They are sad and hope in this musical, of course, also all together, with melodies and atmosphere introducing everyone to emotional experiences heroes of this story.

The authors of the music (the composer of the play - Alexei Mironov, the author of the arrangements - Sergey Sysoev) managed not only to write beautiful and unusual songs for the musical, but with the help of melodies to show the characters and even reveal the invisible sides inner peace characters. Here, for example, a quartet of mysterious angels appears on the stage - and in unison with their images, the sonorous, fabulous "Christmas Mystery" plays. Here is the director of the orphanage and the watchman Uncle Zhenya ( former captain) perform a duet - and we hear the romantic, as if echoing from the records of the mid-twentieth century, the melody of the "Snowy Waltz". And here is Yulia and Alyoshka, having risen to the roof old house(as if having risen at this moment also above all earthly, not at all childish problems and fears), they hold hands - and right there we hear the first sounds of the touching, very important for the musical song “Above the City”. The dance language of the musical deserves special attention. The audience is accustomed to the fact that in musicals created according to the Broadway model, the actors most often dance and sing at the same time, and, for example, in French musicals, the singing actors can hardly move the entire performance, while the ballet fills the space of the stage. In "The Ballad of a Little Heart" there is a different principle - here the dance has penetrated into every role, into every turn of the plot, and sometimes in the kaleidoscope of movements it is difficult to make out who is on stage now - a professional dancer, a dramatic actor or talented child. Ballet has become such a significant part of history that it seems that without it the magic of the performance would not be so tangible. “In our performance, ballet is very important. After all, sometimes ballet is a continuation of angels, sometimes dancers are residents of the city, and sometimes ballet is a mood or atmosphere ... But it always carries a role and meaning, it never fills the space," Alexey Frolenkov, the choreographer of the project, told us. .

The heroes of the play are children living in an orphanage, and they play these roles, according to the creative tradition of the Ivanhoe Theater, also young artists, the same age as their characters. Mikhail Smirnov playing leading role Alyoshka in the musical, representative of Russia on Junior Eurovision, shared with us his impressions of his first performance: “It's just an indescribable feeling! This is the most best musical of all that I have seen! No one knows, but maybe after watching someone will have a desire to adopt a child from an orphanage ... This is very important!

“I thought about my role for a long time, thought about this story ... It seems to me that there is no person whom she could leave indifferent,” Veronika Ustimova, who plays the role of Yulia in the play, added to the impressions of the actor.

The team of the theater company approached the casting for the musical very thoroughly. To date, the troupe consists of 170 people, 50 of which are children from 6 to 13 years old. “Often in performances they rehearse with one cast, and then they gradually introduce newcomers into it,” Nina Chusova, director of the play, told MK, “but we couldn’t afford it. We wanted any actor to be able to take the stage and play their part in real life before the release of the play. high level. This is a very difficult task and it gave our production even more scope!” This scope is felt not only in quantity, but also in the quality of the training of the actors. An excellent school of theatrical acting, organic plasticity of the body, very strong voices, beautiful and bright faces - in every scene you can see how important it is for theater artists not only to play a performance well, but also to infect the audience with the spirit and atmosphere of the "Ballad of a Little Heart". It seems that each actor of the troupe enters the stage with a special mission - not only cultural, but also moral.

Despite the fact that very important topics are raised in this musical - the topics of the responsibility of parents to their children, the importance of courage and fortitude, the value of children's aspirations and hopes, the authors of the production managed to avoid flat moralizing, and this is one of the main advantages of the play. In orphanage number eight, where the heroes of the story live, there are no terrible teachers or a formidable director, on the contrary - there is a lot of love, care and joy in it, but still, even in such “hothouse” conditions, children remain children. They miss their parents, suffer from loneliness, protect moms and dads in any conversation and wait for their return, no matter what. But at the same time, they continue to rejoice, laugh, believe and hope - also no matter what. And so the words of the heroine, little Yulia: “Zoya Mikhailovna, I ... have a real mother,” touch the hearts of the audience much more than any long reflections on family values. Because this is the truth, sincere and sonorous, the real children's truth.

"The Ballad of a Little Heart" is a musical about children's love and devotion, but, oddly enough, it cannot be called a children's musical. Everything is here - dances and colors that will captivate the young guests of the theater, poignant romance and beauty that will capture adult audiences, and, of course, unique poetry and music that will be the most picky at heart. theater critics. By the end of the performance, you understand that you did not just see the story of children you did not know - Yulia and Alyoshka. You have just touched your personal history, made an unusual journey to the world of your soul. And suddenly it becomes clear that the main thing in this story is the infinite power of love, which does not grow old and does not pass over the years. After all, it is not for nothing that in the final song of the play the characters sing: "All people are children forever, they cannot be left alone." Indeed, this is a poem about everyone who has kept their innermost dreams and hopes in the recesses of the soul.

There are stories from which the heart stops. There are stories from which the heart becomes heavy. And there are stories from which it seems that your heart is growing. "The Ballad of a Little Heart" is just such a story. And so it must be seen.

Valeria Kokoreva

Photos provided by the press service of the theater
