Short stories for the soul - small spiritual stories with meaning. The shortest stories in the world

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Once Hemingway entered into a bet that he would write a story consisting of only 4 words, capable of touching any reader. The writer managed to win the argument:
"Children's shoes for sale. Unworn."("For sale: baby shoes, never used").
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Frederick Brown composed the shortest scary story ever written:
“The last man on Earth was sitting in a room. There was a knock on the door…”
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American writer O. Henry won the competition for the shortest story, which has all the components of a traditional story - an opening, a climax and a denouement:
“The driver lit a cigarette and bent over the gas tank to see how much gasoline was left. The deceased was twenty-three years old.
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Alan E. Mayer "Bad Luck"
I woke up with severe pain all over my body. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse standing by my bed.
“Mr. Fujima,” she said, “you are lucky to have survived the bombing of Hiroshima two days ago. But now you are in the hospital, you are no longer in danger.
A little alive with weakness, I asked:
- Where I am?
"Nagasaki," she replied.

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Jane Orvis "Window"
Ever since Rita was brutally murdered, Carter has been sitting by the window. No TV, reading, correspondence. His life is what is seen through the curtains. He doesn't care who brings the food, pays the bills, he doesn't leave the room. His life is running athletes, the change of seasons, passing cars, the ghost of Rita.
Carter doesn't realize that the felt-lined wards don't have windows.

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The British also organized a competition for the shortest story. But according to the terms of the competition, the queen, God, sex, mystery should have been mentioned in it. The first place was awarded to the author of the following story:
“Oh God,” the queen exclaimed, “I am pregnant and I don’t know from whom!”
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Larisa Kirkland "Proposal"
Starlight Night. The most suitable time. Romantic dinner. Cozy Italian restaurant. Little black dress. Gorgeous hair, sparkling eyes, silvery laugh. We've been together for two years now. Great time! Real love, best friend, no one else. Champagne! I offer my hand and heart. On one knee. Are people watching? Well, let! A wonderful diamond ring. Blush on cheeks, charming smile.
How, no?!

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A classic example of the laconicism of the Spartans is their response to a letter from King Philip II of Macedonia, who conquered many Greek cities:
"I advise you to surrender immediately, because if my army enters your lands, I will destroy your gardens, enslave people and destroy the city."
The Spartan ephors answered this with one word: "If."

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Charles Enright "Ghost"
As soon as this happened, I hurried home to tell my wife the sad news. But she didn't seem to listen to me at all. She didn't notice me at all. She looked right through me and poured herself a drink. Turned on the TV. At this moment there was phone call. She walked over and picked up the phone. I saw how her face wrinkled. She wept bitterly.
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Robert Tompkins "In Search of Truth"
Finally, in this remote, secluded village, his search was over. Truth sat by the fire in a dilapidated hut.
He had never seen an older and uglier woman.
- You - Really?
The old, shriveled hag nodded solemnly.
- Tell me, what should I tell the world? What message to convey?
The old woman spat into the fire and answered:
- Tell them I'm young and beautiful!

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The competition for the shortest autobiography was won by an elderly French woman who wrote:
“I used to have a smooth face and wrinkled skirt, but now it’s the other way around”

Anything can happen in life and often the situation turns out in a way that I would never have imagined. And it happens that ignorance simple truths costing you a career. I bring to your attention a set of six pretty funny stories who, nevertheless, have a very serious morality. Read them carefully, compare them with the facts of your life and I am sure that you will be able to draw some parallels.

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Lesson 1: Naked Wife

The man went to shower as soon as his wife got out. Unexpectedly from front door the bell rang, and the overheated woman, wrapped in a towel, went to see who was brought there. Neighbor Bob was on the threshold. Before the lady could even say a word, Bobby exclaimed, "If you drop that towel, I'll give you 800 bucks." After a little thought, the woman decided to show her beautiful body to her neighbor and did what he asked, appearing completely naked in front of him. After admiring for a few seconds, the neighbor gave 800 dollars and retreated.

Throwing on the towel again, a little embarrassed, but pleased, the lady returned home. “Who was it?” the husband asked. "Our neighbor Bob," replied the unsuspecting "stripper." "Great! Did he accidentally remember about the $800 he owes me?” the man asked.

Moral of the story: do not hide important information from people who are “in the same boat” with you, and then you can avoid undesirable consequences. And secondly, there are no miracles and there are no “honest” too good offers either.

Lesson 2: The Boss and the Genie

The secretary, the manager, and their boss were all walking together for lunch. Unexpectedly, an old oil lamp was found on the way. After rubbing it in an attempt to examine the drawing, they accidentally called the genie, who invited everyone to fulfill one wish. The secretary volunteered first. “I want to be in the Bahamas, ride there on a speedboat and not think about any worries!”. No sooner said than done, the secretary took off forever to rest on the islands. “I wish to be in Hawaii, relax in the company of a personal masseuse and have an endless supply of cocktails!” The manager exclaimed and also went on vacation. "Well, now it's your turn," the genie turned to the boss. After thinking for a moment, he replied: “Let those two idlers be back in the office after lunchtime is over.”

Moral of the story: Always let the boss speak first.

Lesson 3: The Priest and Psalm 129

Heading home, the priest saw a nun on the side of the road, stopped and offered her a lift. She agreed. Sitting in the car, the woman crossed her legs so that the dress rose, revealing pretty slender legs. During the trip, the priest could not take his eyes off her feet, as a result of which he almost got into an accident. Having somehow managed to control, he casually put his hand on the nun's leg. She looked at the priest and said: "Father - do you remember Psalm 129?". The priest, embarrassed, withdrew his hand.

After some time, the lustful clergyman again attached himself to the nun's leg. “So you remember Psalm 129?” she asked again. “I beg your pardon, sister, but the flesh is so weak,” the priest tried to justify himself, removed his hand, and was no longer naughty until the end of the trip. Soon they arrived at their destination, the nun got out of the car, and looking coquettishly at the priest, went about her business. When he reached the church, the clergyman decided to refresh his memory and take a look at this psalm 129. It said: "Go ahead and seek, only in this way will you find glory."

Moral of the story: If you are not well informed about your work, you may be missing out on great opportunities.

Lesson 4: Lazy Bunny

One crow sat on a tree and did nothing all day. A hare ran past, saw a serene crow, he liked the picture, and he asked: “Can I sit like this all day, relax and mess around?” “Of course, why not?” replied the bird. Then the hare blissfully fell apart under a tree, closed his eyes and forgot about all the troubles. Suddenly, a fox jumped out from behind the bushes, saw a relaxed hare and ate it.

Moral of the story: In order to sit and do nothing, you have to be very, very high.

Lesson 5: Crazy Turkey

A turkey is talking to a buffalo: “I want to climb this tree, but I don’t have enough strength.” "Don't worry," says the buffalo. “Here, peck at my manure, there are a lot of useful substances, you will gain strength and energy.” The turkey followed the advice, pecked at the poop and managed to climb onto the lower branches of the tree. The next day, repeating the process, energy drinks, the bird jumped already in the middle of the tree. In the end, after four days, the turkey, fairly sagging from manure, managed to climb to the very top. Seeing a crazy bird on top of a tree, the farmer knocked it out with a well-aimed shot from a gun.

Moral of the story: All kinds of rubbish and trashy actions can push you to the very top, but they will not keep you there.

Lesson 6: Bird in the dung

The little bird flew to warmer climes, but winter overtook her. The poor creature froze and fell down in the middle of the field. A cow passing by accidentally piled a whole pile of manure on top of the bird. Being under this heap, the bird unexpectedly found that it warmed up, it became warm and good. She even burst into tears from pleasure. A passing cat heard the chirping and decided to find out where it came from. Finding a “chirping” cow cake, the cat tore it open, pulled out the bird and ate it.

Moral of the story:

1. Not everyone who puts a heap on you is an enemy.

2. Not everyone who gets you out of the dung is a friend.

3. If you're buried up to your ears in poop, sit there and keep your mouth shut.

Some writers manage to convey a lot in a few words.

1. Hemingway once bet that he would write a short story, consisting of only a few words, capable of moving any reader.

He won the argument:

"Children's shoes for sale. New»

2. Frederick Brown composed the shortest scary story ever written:

“The last man on Earth was sitting in a room. There was a knock on the door…”

3. O. Henry won the competition for the shortest story, which has all the components of a traditional story - a plot, a climax and a denouement:

“The driver lit a cigarette and bent over the gas tank to see if there was a lot of gasoline left. The deceased was twenty-three years old.

4. The British also organized a competition for the most short story. But according to the terms of the competition, the queen, God, sex, mystery should be mentioned in it.
The first place was awarded to the author of the following story:

“Oh, God,” the queen exclaimed, “I am pregnant and I don’t know from whom!”

5. The competition for the shortest autobiography was won by an elderly French woman who wrote:

“I used to have a smooth face and wrinkled skirt, but now it’s the other way around.”

Here are a few of the most short stories in the world, up to 55 words. Read for health.

Jane Orvis


Ever since Rita was brutally murdered, Carter has been sitting by the window.
No TV, reading, correspondence. His life is what is seen through the curtains.
He doesn't care who brings the food, pays the bills, he doesn't leave the room.
His life is running athletes, the change of seasons, passing cars, the ghost of Rita.
Carter doesn't realize that the felt-lined wards don't have windows.

Larisa Kirkland


Starlight Night. The most suitable time. Romantic dinner. Cozy Italian restaurant. Little black dress. Gorgeous hair, sparkling eyes, silvery laugh. We've been together for two years now. Great time! True love, best friend, no one else. Champagne! I offer my hand and heart. On one knee. Are people watching? Well, let! A wonderful diamond ring. Blush on cheeks, charming smile.
How, no?!

Charles Enright


As soon as this happened, I hurried home to tell my wife the sad news. But she didn't seem to listen to me at all. She didn't notice me at all. She looked right through me and poured herself a drink. Turned on the TV.
At that moment the phone rang. She walked over and picked up the phone.
I saw how her face wrinkled. She wept bitterly.

Andrew E. Hunt


The woolen blanket he'd recently been given from a charitable foundation hugged his shoulders comfortably, and the boots he'd found in the dumpster today didn't sting at all.
Street lights so pleasantly warmed the soul after all this chilling darkness ...
The curve of the park bench felt so familiar to his weary old back.
Thank you, God, he thought, life is amazing!

Brian Newell

What does the devil want

The two boys stood and watched as Satan slowly walked away. The glint of his hypnotic eyes still clouded their heads.
- Listen, what did he want from you?
- My soul. And from you?
- A coin for a pay phone. He urgently needed to call.
- Do you want to go eat?
- I want to, but now I have no money at all.
- It's OK. I have full.

Alan E. Mayer

Bad luck

I woke up with severe pain all over my body. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse standing by my bed.
“Mr. Fujima,” she said, “you are lucky to have survived the bombing of Hiroshima two days ago. But now you are in the hospital, you are no longer in danger.
A little alive with weakness, I asked:
- Where I am?
"Nagasaki," she replied.

Jay Rip


There was only one way out, for our lives were intertwined in a knot of anger and bliss too tangled to solve everything in any other way. Let's trust the lot: heads - and we will get married, tails - and we will part forever.
The coin was flipped. She chimed, spun, and stopped. Eagle.
We stared at her in bewilderment.
Then, with one voice, we said, "Maybe one more time?"

Robert Tompkins

In Search of Truth

Finally, in this remote, secluded village, his search was over. Truth sat by the fire in a dilapidated hut.
He had never seen an older and uglier woman.
- You - Really?
The old, shriveled hag nodded solemnly.
- Tell me, what should I tell the world? What message to convey?
The old woman spat into the fire and answered:
- Tell them I'm young and beautiful!

August Salemi

modern medicine

Blinding headlights, deafening grinding, piercing pain, absolute pain, then a warm, inviting, clear blue light. John felt amazingly happy, young, free, he moved towards the radiant radiance.
The pain and darkness slowly returned. John slowly, with difficulty, opened his swollen eyes. Bandages, some tubes, plaster. Both legs were missing. Crying wife.
You have been saved, dear!

“Today I returned to work for the first time after a year that I was on disability leave. There was an explosion at the factory where I work, as a result of which I was deaf in both ears. My return was a real holiday for me. see you!”, “Welcome!”, “We missed you”, and nine of my colleagues even learned sign language during my absence to make it easier for them to communicate with me and understand me.”

“Today I would visit her in the hospital for the 127th time, as I did all the previous 126 days that she was in a coma. At night I dreamed that she had died. I woke up and lay in bed wondering if I could learn live without her. And then the phone rang. It was her."

“Today, about an hour after I lost my wallet, a man knocked on my door and found it and brought it to me. Everything was in place, exactly $ 200 was inside. I asked a stranger about the reward and he agreed to take only $ 100 , explaining this by the fact that he also lost his wallet in the morning, in which exactly $ 200 lay and it would be fair to take half. He left, but after a while he knocked on my door again. He brought me back my $ 100, because some then the woman returned the purse to him safe and sound.”

“Recently, I went to a second-hand book store and bought a copy of the book that was stolen from me as a child. What was my surprise when I opened it and saw that it was my stolen book. On the first page was my name and grandfather’s signature who gave it to me. He wrote: "I really hope that in many years this book will fall into your hands again and you will re-read it."

“Three weeks ago I donated clothes to the homeless, and today, walking in the park, I saw a woman wearing my shirt. I smiled at her and said: “Great shirt!”, and she smiled back and agreed: “Yes , I like her too!"
“This morning, I stopped on my way to work to help a woman change a tire. And this afternoon, this woman saved my life by accidentally meeting me in the city center and pulling me out of the road onto the sidewalk when some driver decided to rush through a red light.”
"I worked as a parenting consultant for 15 years. Years later, I ran into one of my charges. He was a difficult child, constantly upset and angry at life. Once I drew Superman for him and wrote words about how superheroes never give up and in the end always win. Now this boy is a firefighter, he saves the lives of others. We chatted with him for about half an hour, and then, before we parted, he opened his wallet and showed me my Superman drawing, which he still keeps.”

"I have diabetes. My mother died two years ago and I adopted her cat Keith. Recently at three in the morning I woke up to the fact that Keith was sitting at my feet and meowing. I had never heard him do this before so loud and insistent. I got up to see what happened and suddenly felt very weak. I grabbed the glucometer to check my blood glucose level. It dropped to 53, while the doctor told me that the normal level is 70- 120. Later in the hospital I was told that if Keith had not woken me up, I might not have woken up.”

"Ten years ago my best friend became ill and needed a kidney transplant. I decided to become a donor for her. Today she has a wedding. She's getting married to a man she met 10 years ago in the hospital. And I'm a bridesmaid."
“There was a time when I could barely make ends meet. Once I didn’t have enough money to pay at the supermarket. When I started to unload extra products from the cart, the man who was behind me in line paid my check. I thanked him and he said that a few years ago someone did the same for him. He repaid the debt and now hope that someday I will do the same for someone.”
“Today, exactly ten months after a severe stroke, my dad got out of his wheelchair for the first time, unassisted, to dance the father-bride dance with me.”

"A big stray dog ​​was chasing me from the subway almost to my house. I was already starting to get nervous. But suddenly, right in front of me, a guy with a knife in his hands appeared from somewhere and demanded my wallet. Before I could react, the dog attacked him. He threw the knife and I ran away. Now I'm home, safe and all thanks to that dog.”
“Today my son, whom I adopted eight months ago, called me mom for the first time.”

“An elderly man came into the store where I work with a guide dog. He stopped in front of a stand with postcards and began to take each one in turn, close, close to his eyes, trying to read the inscription. I was about to approach him and offer help, but a burly truck driver got ahead of me and asked the old man if he needed help, and then proceeded to reread all the postcards to him, one by one, until finally the old man said, “This is the right one. She is very sweet and will surely please my wife.”

"During lunch today, a deaf and mute child that I've been taking care of 5 days a week for the past four years looked at me and said, 'Thank you. I love you." Those were his first words.”

"28 years ago, a man saved my life by protecting me from three villains who tried to rape me. As a result of that incident, he injured his leg and still walks with a cane. And I was very proud when he put that cane away today to lead our daughter down the aisle.”

“When we left the doctor’s office where they told me I had terminal cancer, my girlfriend asked me to be her husband.”

"My dad - best dad that one can only dream of. He's great for mom. loving husband, for me, a caring father who did not miss a single one of my football match plus he is a great host in the house. This morning I reached into my father's toolbox for pliers and found an old note. It was a page from his diary. The recording was made exactly one month before my birth, it said "I am an alcoholic with a criminal past, who was kicked out of college, but for the sake of my unborn daughter, I will change and become the best father in the world. I will become for her the dad that I never was.” I don't know how he did it, but he did it.”

"I have a patient who suffers from a severe form of Alzheimer's disease. He rarely remembers his name, where he is and what he said a minute ago. But one part of his memory, by some miracle, remains untouched by the disease. He remembers his wife perfectly. Every morning he greets her with the words: "Hi, my beautiful Kate." Perhaps this miracle is called love.”

"I work as a teacher in a poor neighborhood. Many of my students come to class without lunch and without money for lunch, because their parents earn too little. I occasionally lend them some money so they can eat and they always return it after a while, despite my refusals.”

"My wife is a teacher in English At school. About two hundred of her colleagues and former students wore T-shirts with her photo and the inscription “We will fight together” when they learned that she had breast cancer. I have never seen my wife so joyful.”

“Coming from Afghanistan, I found out that my wife had deceived me and ran away with all our money. I had nowhere to live, I didn’t know what to do. One of my school friends and his wife, seeing that I needed help, took me in. They helped me get on with my life and supported me with Hard time. Now I have my own diner, my own house, and their kids still consider me part of the family.”

“My cat ran away from home. I was very worried because I thought that I would not see him anymore. It took about a day after I put up the missing ads and I got a call from a person who said that he had my cat. It turned out that this is a beggar who spent 50 cents to call me from a payphone.He was very nice and even bought my cat a bag of food.”

“During the school fire evacuation today, I ran outside to find the head bully in the class and saw him holding the hand of a tearful little girl and comforting her.”

“On the day my grandson had a graduation, we started talking and I complained that I didn’t get to my graduation ball, because no one invited me. In the evening, the doorbell rang, I opened the door and saw my grandson in a tuxedo. He came to invite me to his graduation.”

"Today, a homeless man who lives near my candy store bought a huge cake from me. I gave him a 40% discount. And then, watching him through the window, I saw him go out, cross the street and hand the cake to another homeless person, and when he smiled back, they embraced.”

"About a year ago, my mother wanted to transfer my brother, who has a mild form of autism, to home schooling because he was teased by his peers at school. But one of the most popular students, the captain of the football team, having learned about this, stood up for my brother and persuaded the whole team to support him. Now my brother is my boyfriend.”
“Today I watched a young man help a woman with a cane cross the road. He was very careful with her, followed her every step. When they sat next to me at the bus stop, I wanted to compliment the woman on how her wonderful grandson, but heard the words of the young man: “My name is Chris. And what is your name, madam?"

“Already after my daughter’s funeral, I decided to clear the messages on my phone. I deleted all inboxes, but one remained unread. It turned out that this was the last message from my daughter, which was lost among the rest. It said: “Dad, I want you knew I was fine."

Today I stopped on my way to work to help an elderly man change a flat tire. When I got closer to him, I immediately recognized him. It was the fireman who pulled me and my mother out of a burning house 30 years ago. He and I chatted for a bit, then shook hands and simultaneously said, “Thank you.”

“When my wife gave birth to our first child and my family and I were waiting for her in the hospital, my father had a heart attack. He was immediately treated. The doctors said that he was very lucky, because if he had not been in the hospital during an attack, they might not have had time to help him. So my son saved my father’s life.”

“Today I saw an accident on the road. An elderly drunk man crashed into a car driven by a teenager and the cars caught fire. The young man, jumping out into the street, first pulled out the culprit of the accident from the burning car.”

“Five years ago, I volunteered for a suicide prevention hotline. Today my former manager called me to say that they had received an anonymous donation of $25,000 and a thank you in my name.”
"I texted my supervisor telling him that my father had a heart attack and I would not be able to come to the appointment. After a while I received a response saying that I had the wrong number. And after a while A complete stranger called me back and said a lot of sincere, hopeful words. He promised that he would pray for me and for my father. After this conversation, I felt much better.”

"I am a florist. Today a soldier came to me. He is leaving to serve for a year, but before that he decided to place an order, according to which his wife will receive a bouquet of flowers from him every Friday during this year. I made a 50% discount for him, because he made my day happy.”

"Today my school friend, whom I have not seen already for a long time, showed me a photograph of us with him, which he wore in his helmet for all eight years of service.”

"Today, one of my 9-year-old patients with rare form cancer is already the fourteenth operation in the last two years. But I never saw her frown. She constantly laughs, plays with friends, makes plans for the future. She is 100% sure that she will survive. This girl has the strength to endure a lot.”

“I work as a paramedic. Today we picked up the body of a parachute grade instructor who died because his parachute didn’t open. His shirt said: “I will die doing what I love.”

"Today I came to the hospital to visit my grandfather with pancreatic cancer. When I sat down next to him, he squeezed my hand tightly and said:" Every day, waking up, thank life for what you have, because every second somewhere, fighting desperately to keep it that way.”

“Today my grandparents, who lived together for 72 years, died an hour apart.”

“Today, I watched in horror from my kitchen window as my two-year-old son slipped while playing near the pool and fell into it. But before I could come to the rescue, our Labrador Rex pulled him out of the water by the scruff of the neck.”

"Today I turned 10 years old. I was born on September 11, 2001. My mother worked at the Center international trade and survived only because on that terrible day she gave birth to me in the hospital.”

"I lost my job a few months ago and had nothing to pay for my rent. When I went to my landlord to let him know I was moving out, he said, 'You've been a good tenant for 10 years, I know your hard times, I'll wait. Take your time, find another job and pay me later.”
Today at 5 am, I asked an elderly man on the street where the nearest railroad station, he saw me off, waited for the train with me, made sure that I got on it, smiled at me goodbye, and only after that went on about my business.
"Six months after my brother's death, I flew to his apartment, which is located in another city, to sort out things. In his weekly book on the table, I saw the note "sea trip", crossed out and marked with the comment: "Maybe next month. ”
I was driving in a taxi to work when my blood sugar suddenly dropped and I passed out. I woke up already in the hospital, where the nurse told me that the taxi driver had brought me to the department in her arms. Moreover, he broke many rules in order to get me to the doctors faster, but the officer who came for him, having learned the reason for the violations, instead of taking him away, shook his hand.

There was a fire in my house, which the scars on my face will remind me of for a long time to come. It's been two months since I returned to school after being hospitalized and for two months every day someone has pinned a red rose to my locker. I even tried to get to class early to find out who was doing it, but the rose was always there already.

Today, a little girl who had an accident was brought to our hospital. She needed a rare blood type. Her parents and twin brother, who had the same rare group as her, arrived at the hospital. I explained to him that his sister needed blood and that it was a matter of life and death. He thought about something for a second, and then, after saying goodbye to his parents, he went with me to the ward. When we finished with him and I told him that he could rest, he suddenly asked me: “How? Am I not going to die?” That is, at the moment when he agreed to donate his blood, he was sure that it would kill him, but for the sake of his sister, he was ready to give his life.

Today my boyfriend and I were sitting in a cafe and I noticed that every time someone passes by, he leans towards me and kisses me on the cheek. I asked him why he was doing this, and he smiled and replied that he wanted everyone to know that I was his girlfriend. We both lost our spouses about ten years ago. They had cancer. But we were able to love again. Everyone has a second chance.

My sister, who has Down's Syndrome, entered the school talent competition. Day after day, she diligently learned the words to the song she was about to sing. I was very afraid that the students would make fun of her, because children are very often cruel. But when she stepped onto the stage, silence reigned in the hall, and after her performance, the applause did not stop for a long time.

Today, two years after I was told that I would not be able to walk, I got up from wheelchair and took two steps into the arms of his wife.
Today, one of our patrons, an elderly man who has been coming here for breakfast for 5 years, left me a $500 tip and a note: "Thank you, Cheryl. Your sweet smile and hospitable service have cheered me up for many years every morning. I move to live with my son and his family in another area and will no longer be able to have breakfast with you. May your life be magical.”
I always buckle up while driving. But today I had to get the cards out of the glove compartment and I unbuckled my seat belt. As I leaned over, a long aluminum tube fell out of the back of a truck that was at the traffic light in front of me. She broke Windshield and crashed right into the driver's seat, right into the spot where my head was a second ago. The policeman who arrived at the scene marveled for a long time at how lucky I was.

Today, a football team boy burst into tears of joy in the middle of training and, exclaiming “Dad”, ran into the arms of his father, who had just returned from Afghanistan and immediately came to the school to see his son.
I work as an accountant in a chain of restaurants. In addition to me, our company employs several hundred more people. The crisis significantly affected the number of our clients and revenues, but not a single employee was fired. And not one of them knows that the owner of the network has not received his salary for six months.

Today, when I was sitting on a park bench, I saw an elderly couple. They stopped their car under an old oak tree, turned on jazz music and began to dance a slow dance. They held hands and didn't take their eyes off each other. They then got back into the car and drove away.

Today I caught a taxi, but when I got to the place I discovered that I had forgotten my wallet and I had nothing to pay with. Then the man who ran to the taxi to take my seat paid for me. I asked him how I could pay him back and he gave me a business card with an address that said: "You can leave them here." When I arrived at this address in the evening, I saw that this was the building of a charitable foundation.

When I was little, my mother hummed the same tune all the time when she put me to bed. When I was eighteen and my mother was in the cancer ward, we switched roles and I sang this song to her every night. A lot of time has passed since my mother died and I almost forgot this song, and today my fiancé, stroking at me, suddenly began to hum it. I asked him how he knew this motive and he replied that in childhood his mother sang this song to him.

My father decided to sell his 1969 Camaro, which he had always loved, to pay off his mortgage. A wealthy collector came to the ad. He inspected the car and asked his father why he was selling it. He explained that he had nothing to pay his debts. The collector gave money for the car, and then, saying that he needed to take something from his trunk, he got out, got behind the wheel and drove away, leaving the Camaro to his father.
Today I saw in the supermarket young guy. He had two gift cards and used them to buy several video games. As he was about to leave, the cashier told him that he still had $12 left on his card. Then he returned to the store, took a bouquet for $ 10 and paid for it with a card at the checkout, gave it to the cashier. She could not wipe the smile off her face for a long time, even after he had already left.
Today my father found my little sister chained in a barn far outside the city. She was abducted about five months ago. The authorities have already suspended the search for her, we are completely desperate and even held a funeral ceremony because we lost hope. All the relatives came to this ceremony, except for the father. He swore that he would look for her to the last. My sister is only alive because my father believed in it.

For 10 years, the building of our company has been cleaned by the same person. He went through all the ups and downs with us. Today, for his birthday, each employee gave him little present, and management presented a $25,000 award and threw a party in his honor.

Today I re-read suicide note which I wrote on September 2, 1996, two minutes before my friend called me to inform me that she was pregnant. Then it was the only reason that kept me from a terrible step. Today she is my wife, we have been happily married for many years. Sometimes I reread this note as a reminder that there are no hopeless situations and I should be grateful to fate for giving me a second chance.

Today I rode the subway in a terrible mood. Affairs in Lately went to me not in the best way: I got fat, I had problems at work, my personal life also did not stick. A woman sat down next to me and told me: “You look great and don’t let anything upset you.” My mood immediately improved and bad thoughts left.
On the beach today, I ran into an old high school friend I hadn't seen in eight years. We broke up because his father was in the military and they moved. Once, especially for one of the parties, we bought the same T-shirts with him. I recognized him from a distance because he was wearing this shirt. And what's most interesting. by a strange coincidence, I also put it on, although until that day I had not worn it for many years. My friend and I walked until the morning, had fun and chatted about everything in the world. Just like in the old days.

Today my son is 7 years old and I am 23 years old. I gave birth to him when I was 16. Having become pregnant, I doubted for a long time whether I could raise a child. Today in the park during a birthday celebration, my son played for a very long time with a little girl whose face was deeply scarred, and when we were already walking home, he said to me: “Mom, she is so beautiful.” I am very glad that seven years ago I made the right choice.

This morning my grandmother, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, left the house and disappeared. We were very worried and immediately called the police. But before the police arrived, our grandmother returned home accompanied by two boys. Grandmother was able to remember her name, they found the address on the Internet and escorted her home.
Today I woke up to the fact that my daughter called me by name. I slept in her hospital room where she spent 98 days in a coma.

Today my son hugged me and said: "You are the most best mom in the world!" Then I asked him: “Why did you decide that? Do you know all the mothers in the world?”, And he replied: “You are the whole world for me!”

“Today I returned to work for the first time after a year that I was on disability leave. There was an explosion at the factory where I work, as a result of which I was deaf in both ears. My return was a real holiday for me. see you!”, “Welcome!”, “We missed you”, and nine of my colleagues even learned sign language during my absence to make it easier for them to communicate with me and understand me.”

“Today I would visit her in the hospital for the 127th time, as I did all the previous 126 days that she was in a coma. At night I dreamed that she had died. I woke up and lay in bed wondering if I could learn live without her. And then the phone rang. It was her."

“Today, about an hour after I lost my wallet, a man knocked on my door and found it and brought it to me. Everything was in place, exactly $ 200 was inside. I asked a stranger about the reward and he agreed to take only $ 100 , explaining this by the fact that he also lost his wallet in the morning, in which exactly $ 200 lay and it would be fair to take half. He left, but after a while he knocked on my door again. He brought me back my $ 100, because some then the woman returned the purse to him safe and sound.”

“Recently, I went to a second-hand book store and bought a copy of the book that was stolen from me as a child. What was my surprise when I opened it and saw that it was my stolen book. On the first page was my name and grandfather’s signature who gave it to me. He wrote: "I really hope that in many years this book will fall into your hands again and you will re-read it."

“Three weeks ago I donated clothes to the homeless, and today, walking in the park, I saw a woman wearing my shirt. I smiled at her and said: “Great shirt!”, and she smiled back and agreed: “Yes , I like her too!"
“This morning, I stopped on my way to work to help a woman change a tire. And this afternoon, this woman saved my life by accidentally meeting me in the city center and pulling me out of the road onto the sidewalk when some driver decided to rush through a red light.”
"I worked as a parenting consultant for 15 years. Years later, I ran into one of my charges. He was a difficult child, constantly upset and angry at life. Once I drew Superman for him and wrote words about how superheroes never give up and in the end always win. Now this boy is a firefighter, he saves the lives of others. We chatted with him for about half an hour, and then, before we parted, he opened his wallet and showed me my Superman drawing, which he still keeps.”

"I have diabetes. My mother died two years ago and I adopted her cat Keith. Recently at three in the morning I woke up to the fact that Keith was sitting at my feet and meowing. I had never heard him do this before so loud and insistent. I got up to see what was happening and suddenly felt very weak. I grabbed the glucometer to check the level of glucose in the blood. It dropped to 53, while the doctor told me that the normal level is 70- 120. Later in the hospital I was told that if Keith had not woken me up, I might not have woken up.”

“Ten years ago, my best friend got sick and needed a kidney transplant urgently. I decided to be her donor. Today she is getting married. She is getting married to a man she met 10 years ago in the hospital. And I am a bridesmaid.”
“There was a time when I could barely make ends meet. Once I didn’t have enough money to pay at the supermarket. When I started to unload extra products from the cart, the man who was behind me in line paid my check. I thanked him and he said that a few years ago someone did the same for him. He repaid the debt and now hope that someday I will do the same for someone.”
“Today, exactly ten months after a severe stroke, my dad got out of his wheelchair for the first time, unassisted, to dance the father-bride dance with me.”

"A big stray dog ​​was chasing me from the subway almost to my house. I was already starting to get nervous. But suddenly, right in front of me, a guy with a knife in his hands appeared from somewhere and demanded my wallet. Before I could react, the dog attacked him. He threw the knife and I ran away. Now I'm home, safe and all thanks to that dog.”
“Today my son, whom I adopted eight months ago, called me mom for the first time.”

“An elderly man came into the store where I work with a guide dog. He stopped in front of a stand with postcards and began to take each one in turn, close, close to his eyes, trying to read the inscription. I was about to approach him and offer help, but a burly truck driver got ahead of me and asked the old man if he needed help, and then proceeded to reread all the postcards to him, one by one, until finally the old man said, “This is the right one. She is very sweet and will surely please my wife.”

"During lunch today, a deaf and mute child that I've been taking care of 5 days a week for the past four years looked at me and said, 'Thank you. I love you." Those were his first words.”

"28 years ago, a man saved my life by protecting me from three villains who tried to rape me. As a result of that incident, he injured his leg and still walks with a cane. And I was very proud when he put that cane away today to lead our daughter down the aisle.”

“When we left the doctor’s office where they told me I had terminal cancer, my girlfriend asked me to be her husband.”

"My dad is the best dad you could ever dream of. To my mom, he's a wonderful loving husband, to me a caring father who never misses a single football match of mine, plus he's a great host in the house. This morning I reached into my toolbox for pliers father and found an old note there. It was a page from his diary. The entry was made exactly a month before my birth, it said "I am an alcoholic with a criminal past, who was kicked out of college, but for the sake of my unborn daughter, I will change and become the best father in the world. I will become for her the dad that I never had.” I don't know how he did it, but he did it.”

"I have a patient who suffers from a severe form of Alzheimer's disease. He rarely remembers his name, where he is and what he said a minute ago. But one part of his memory, by some miracle, remains untouched by the disease. He remembers his wife perfectly. Every morning he greets her with the words: "Hi, my beautiful Kate." Perhaps this miracle is called love.”

"I work as a teacher in a poor neighborhood. Many of my students come to class without lunch and without money for lunch, because their parents earn too little. I occasionally lend them some money so they can eat and they always return it after a while, despite my refusals.”

“My wife is an English teacher at a school. About two hundred of her colleagues and former students wore T-shirts with her photo and the inscription “We will fight together” when they found out that she had breast cancer. I have never seen my wife so joyful.”

“Coming from Afghanistan, I found out that my wife had deceived me and ran away with all our money. I had nowhere to live, I didn’t know what to do. One of my school friends and his wife, seeing that I needed help, They took me in. They helped me get on with my life and supported me through a difficult moment. Now I have my own diner, my own home, and their children still consider me a member of the family.”

“My cat ran away from home. I was very worried because I thought that I would not see him anymore. It took about a day after I put up the missing ads and I got a call from a person who said that he had my cat. It turned out that this is a beggar who spent 50 cents to call me from a payphone.He was very nice and even bought my cat a bag of food.”

“During the school fire evacuation today, I ran outside to find the head bully in the class and saw him holding the hand of a tearful little girl and comforting her.”

“On the day my grandson had a graduation, we started talking and I complained that I didn’t get to my graduation ball, because no one invited me. In the evening, the doorbell rang, I opened the door and saw my grandson in a tuxedo. He came to invite me to his graduation.”

"Today, a homeless man who lives near my candy store bought a huge cake from me. I gave him a 40% discount. And then, watching him through the window, I saw him go out, cross the street and hand the cake to another homeless person, and when he smiled back, they embraced.”

“About a year ago, my mother wanted to transfer my brother, who has a mild form of autism, to home schooling, because his peers teased him at school. But one of the most popular students, the captain of the football team, upon learning about this, stood up for my brother and persuaded the whole command to support him. Now my brother is his boyfriend.”
“Today I watched a young man help a woman with a cane cross the road. He was very careful with her, followed her every step. When they sat next to me at the bus stop, I wanted to compliment the woman on how her wonderful grandson, but heard the words of the young man: “My name is Chris. And what is your name, madam?"

“Already after my daughter’s funeral, I decided to clear the messages on my phone. I deleted all inboxes, but one remained unread. It turned out that this was the last message from my daughter, which was lost among the rest. It said: “Dad, I want you knew I was fine."

Today I stopped on my way to work to help an elderly man change a flat tire. When I got closer to him, I immediately recognized him. It was the fireman who pulled me and my mother out of a burning house 30 years ago. He and I chatted for a bit, then shook hands and simultaneously said, “Thank you.”

“When my wife gave birth to our first child and my family and I were waiting for her in the hospital, my father had a heart attack. He was immediately treated. The doctors said that he was very lucky, because if he had not been in the hospital during an attack, they might not have had time to help him. So my son saved my father’s life.”

“Today I saw an accident on the road. An elderly drunk man crashed into a car driven by a teenager and the cars caught fire. The young man, jumping out into the street, first pulled out the culprit of the accident from the burning car.”

“Five years ago, I volunteered for a suicide prevention hotline. Today my former manager called me to say that they had received an anonymous donation of $25,000 and a thank you in my name.”
"I texted my supervisor telling him that my father had a heart attack and I would not be able to come to the appointment. After a while I received a response saying that I had the wrong number. And after a while A complete stranger called me back and said a lot of sincere, hopeful words. He promised that he would pray for me and for my father. After this conversation, I felt much better.”

"I am a florist. Today a soldier came to me. He is leaving to serve for a year, but before that he decided to place an order, according to which his wife will receive a bouquet of flowers from him every Friday during this year. I made a 50% discount for him, because he made my day happy.”

“Today my school friend, whom I had not seen for a long time, showed me a photograph of us with him, which he wore in his helmet during his eight years of service.”

"Today, one of my 9-year-old patients with a rare form of cancer is already having her fourteenth operation in the last two years. But I have never seen her frown. She constantly laughs, plays with friends, plans for the future. She is 100 % is sure that she will survive. This girl has the strength to endure a lot.”

“I work as a paramedic. Today we picked up the body of a parachute grade instructor who died because his parachute didn’t open. His shirt said: “I will die doing what I love.”

"Today I came to the hospital to visit my grandfather with pancreatic cancer. When I sat down next to him, he squeezed my hand tightly and said:" Every day, waking up, thank life for what you have, because every second somewhere, fighting desperately to keep it that way.”

“Today my grandparents, who lived together for 72 years, died an hour apart.”

“Today, I watched in horror from my kitchen window as my two-year-old son slipped while playing near the pool and fell into it. But before I could come to the rescue, our Labrador Rex pulled him out of the water by the scruff of the neck.”

“Today I turned 10 years old. I was born on 09/11/2001. My mother worked at the World Trade Center and survived only because on that terrible day she gave birth to me in the maternity hospital.”

"I lost my job a few months ago and had nothing to pay for my rent. When I went to my landlord to let him know I was moving out, he said, 'You've been a good tenant for 10 years, I know your hard times, I'll wait. Take your time, find another job and pay me later.”
Today at 5 in the morning, I asked an elderly man on the street where the nearest railway station was, he accompanied me, waited for the train with me, made sure that I got into it, smiled at me goodbye and only after that went on about my business.
"Six months after my brother's death, I flew to his apartment, which is located in another city, to sort out things. In his weekly book on the table, I saw the note "sea trip", crossed out and marked with the comment: "Maybe next month. ”
I was driving in a taxi to work when my blood sugar suddenly dropped and I passed out. I woke up already in the hospital, where the nurse told me that the taxi driver had brought me to the department in her arms. Moreover, he broke many rules in order to get me to the doctors faster, but the officer who came for him, having learned the reason for the violations, instead of taking him away, shook his hand.

There was a fire in my house, which the scars on my face will remind me of for a long time to come. It's been two months since I returned to school after being hospitalized and for two months every day someone has pinned a red rose to my locker. I even tried to get to class early to find out who was doing it, but the rose was always there already.

Today, a little girl who had an accident was brought to our hospital. She needed a rare blood type. Her parents and twin brother, who had the same rare group as her, arrived at the hospital. I explained to him that his sister needed blood and that it was a matter of life and death. He thought about something for a second, and then, after saying goodbye to his parents, he went with me to the ward. When we finished with him and I told him that he could rest, he suddenly asked me: “How? Am I not going to die?” That is, at the moment when he agreed to donate his blood, he was sure that it would kill him, but for the sake of his sister, he was ready to give his life.

Today my boyfriend and I were sitting in a cafe and I noticed that every time someone passes by, he leans towards me and kisses me on the cheek. I asked him why he was doing this, and he smiled and replied that he wanted everyone to know that I was his girlfriend. We both lost our spouses about ten years ago. They had cancer. But we were able to love again. Everyone has a second chance.

My sister, who has Down's Syndrome, entered the school talent competition. Day after day, she diligently learned the words to the song she was about to sing. I was very afraid that the students would make fun of her, because children are very often cruel. But when she stepped onto the stage, silence reigned in the hall, and after her performance, the applause did not stop for a long time.

Today, two years after I was told I couldn't walk, I got up from my wheelchair and took two steps into my wife's arms.
Today, one of our patrons, an elderly man who has been coming to breakfast for 5 years, left me a $500 tip and a note: "Thank you, Cheryl. Your sweet smile and hospitable service have cheered me up for many years every morning. I move to live with my son and his family in another area and will no longer be able to have breakfast with you. May your life be magical.”
I always buckle up while driving. But today I had to get the cards out of the glove compartment and I unbuckled my seat belt. As I leaned over, a long aluminum tube fell out of the back of a truck that was at the traffic light in front of me. She shattered the windshield and crashed right into the driver's seat, right into the spot where my head had been a second ago. The policeman who arrived at the scene marveled for a long time at how lucky I was.

Today, a football team boy burst into tears of joy in the middle of training and, exclaiming “Dad”, ran into the arms of his father, who had just returned from Afghanistan and immediately came to the school to see his son.
I work as an accountant in a chain of restaurants. In addition to me, our company employs several hundred more people. The crisis significantly affected the number of our clients and revenues, but not a single employee was fired. And not one of them knows that the owner of the network has not received his salary for six months.

Today, when I was sitting on a park bench, I saw an elderly couple. They parked their car under an old oak tree, turned on jazz music and began to slow dance. They held hands and didn't take their eyes off each other. They then got back into the car and drove away.

Today I caught a taxi, but when I got to the place I discovered that I had forgotten my wallet and I had nothing to pay with. Then the man who ran to the taxi to take my seat paid for me. I asked him how I could pay him back and he gave me a business card with an address that said: "You can leave them here." When I arrived at this address in the evening, I saw that this was the building of a charitable foundation.

When I was little, my mother hummed the same tune all the time when she put me to bed. When I was eighteen and my mother was in the cancer ward, we switched roles and I sang this song to her every night. A lot of time has passed since my mother died and I almost forgot this song, and today my fiancé, stroking at me, suddenly began to hum it. I asked him how he knew this motive and he replied that in childhood his mother sang this song to him.

My father decided to sell his 1969 Camaro, which he had always loved, to pay off his mortgage. A wealthy collector came to the ad. He inspected the car and asked his father why he was selling it. He explained that he had nothing to pay his debts. The collector gave money for the car, and then, saying that he needed to take something from his trunk, he got out, got behind the wheel and drove away, leaving the Camaro to his father.
Today I saw a young guy in the supermarket. He had two gift cards and used them to buy several video games. As he was about to leave, the cashier told him that he still had $12 left on his card. Then he returned to the store, took a bouquet for $ 10 and paid for it with a card at the checkout, gave it to the cashier. She could not wipe the smile off her face for a long time, even after he had already left.
Today my father found my little sister chained in a barn far outside the city. She was abducted about five months ago. The authorities have already suspended the search for her, we are completely desperate and even held a funeral ceremony because we lost hope. All the relatives came to this ceremony, except for the father. He swore that he would look for her to the last. My sister is only alive because my father believed in it.

For 10 years, the building of our company has been cleaned by the same person. He went through all the ups and downs with us. Today, for his birthday, every employee gave him a small gift, and management gave him a $25,000 bonus and threw a party in his honor.

Today I re-read the suicide note I wrote on September 2, 1996, two minutes before my friend called me to tell me she was pregnant. Then it was the only reason that kept me from a terrible step. Today she is my wife, we have been happily married for many years. Sometimes I reread this note as a reminder that there are no hopeless situations and I should be grateful to fate for giving me a second chance.

Today I rode the subway in a terrible mood. Things have not been going well for me lately: I got fat, I had problems at work, my personal life also did not go well. A woman sat down next to me and told me: “You look great and don’t let anything upset you.” My mood immediately improved and bad thoughts left.
On the beach today, I ran into an old high school friend I hadn't seen in eight years. We broke up because his father was in the military and they moved. Once, especially for one of the parties, we bought the same T-shirts with him. I recognized him from a distance because he was wearing this shirt. And what's most interesting. by a strange coincidence, I also put it on, although until that day I had not worn it for many years. My friend and I walked until the morning, had fun and chatted about everything in the world. Just like in the old days.

Today my son is 7 years old and I am 23 years old. I gave birth to him when I was 16. Having become pregnant, I doubted for a long time whether I could raise a child. Today in the park during a birthday celebration, my son played for a very long time with a little girl whose face was deeply scarred, and when we were already walking home, he said to me: “Mom, she is so beautiful.” I am very glad that seven years ago I made the right choice.

This morning my grandmother, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, left the house and disappeared. We were very worried and immediately called the police. But before the police arrived, our grandmother returned home accompanied by two boys. Grandmother was able to remember her name, they found the address on the Internet and escorted her home.
Today I woke up to the fact that my daughter called me by name. I slept in her hospital room where she spent 98 days in a coma.

Today my son hugged me and said, “You are the best mom in the world!” Then I asked him: "Why did you decide that? Do you know all the mothers in the world?”, and he replied: “You are the whole world for me!”

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