How to win a large amount of money in the lottery. How to win a large amount of money in the lottery Bet 7 out of 49

– How to participate in the lottery, rules

Formula game, 7 out of 49- gives you the opportunity to win huge money. It is carried out in order to obtain additional sources of funding for socially significant activities in the field of healthcare, education, physical culture and sports.

Super prize game amounts to 300 million rubles, and over time, this already huge amount can become even more. Draws are held on Sundays.

How to play Gosloto 7 out of 49?

Lottery bet in the game according to the formula, 7 out of 49, consists of 7 or more non-recurring numbers, from 1 to 49. By purchasing just one receipt, you can participate in several draws at once.

When using a lottery drum, the organizer guarantees that the probability of drawing one or another ball is the same for all balls of the set being played, does not depend on any technical means of the organizer and cannot be predetermined in advance.
Prize fund of the game is 50% of the proceeds from the number of accepted lottery bets.

Draws are held once a week on Sundays.

After calculating the size of the prize fund, a draw is held, in which the lottery drum randomly gives out a winning combination consisting of 7 balls.

Draws of the game are held with help Editec-WinTV equipment.

Used for circulation Mercury model lottery machine and special balls, numbered from 1 to 49.

The balls for the circulation are certified and meet all international requirements: they are made of a special material, the weight of each ball is 3.8 grams, and the diameter is 44 mm.

For the drawing of the prize fund of each draw drawing lottery the organizer of the lottery creates a draw commission.

The functions of the draw commission include:

  1. - checking the readiness for operation of the balls and the lototron;
  2. – carrying out the drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw;
  3. – confirmation of the results of the draw by signing the relevant act and the official table of the results of the draw, that is, the protocol of the draw.

How is it distributed prize fund in the game, Gosloto 7 out of 49,?

After determining the winning combination, the results are calculated. Win bets in which 7, 6, 5, 4 or 3 numbers match the winning numbers.

Winnings in the game according to the formula, 7 out of 49, distributed as follows:
For 3 guessed numbers you will receive 250 rubles.

Winnings are distributed first. for 3 guessed numbers, then The prize fund is distributed in the following percentage:

For 7 guessed numbers you will get 40% of the prize fund
For 6 guessed numbers - 20-35% of the prize pool
For 5 guessed numbers - 15-30% of the prize pool
For 4 guessed numbers - 25-35% of the prize pool

Super prize for 7 guessed numbers accumulates and is transferable if no one guesses all 7 numbers in the current draw. 40% of the prize fund is allocated to it.

Winning amount at an expanded rate is determined as follows: the number of combinations of 7 numbers that can be made from the bet is calculated, after which the winnings for each combination are calculated and the total winnings are summed up.

Lottery winnings tax, Gosloto 7 out of 49,?

The tax on winnings is 13% and is charged on any amount of winnings. For non-residents of the Russian Federation, the tax rate is 30%.

Hi all! The dream of winning good money in the lottery does not leave many of those who are tired of spending a third of their lives in an unpleasant job and living on meager earnings.

It seems to many that having hit a good jackpot in the lottery, you can once and for all solve all financial problems and, finally, afford what they have long dreamed of. Last years lotto and instant lotteries which attracted many people in Soviet time have become popular again. In particular, this applies to lotto 7 out of 49.

Before talking about whether it is realistic to win 7 out of 49 rules of the game in lotto, let me remind you. In order to take part in the draw, you must purchase a ticket and place a bet. This can be done in several ways at once. Firstly, it is possible to go to a point of sale (usually bookstores and soyuzpechat) and purchase tickets.

Also, those who prefer to play online 7 out of 49 should go to the site and place a bet there.

Android smartphone owners appreciated a special application that allows you to scan codes and send them to the center for the next draw. If there is no smartphone, but there is a desire to take part in the game at a distance, you can also place a bet by SMS by simply sending the codes to the corresponding number. Once a ticket has been purchased, a bet must be placed. If the ticket is paper, the game coupon is attached to it upon sale.

How to play 7 of 49

Now I’ll tell you a little about how to play 7 out of 49. The game coupon, which was discussed a little higher, consists of 6 playing fields, and the bet is seven non-repeating numbers from 1 to 49. It is necessary to mark 7 numbers in the game coupon, in such option, this would be the standard rate. It is also possible to make a detailed bet. To do this, you need to mark up to 15 numbers if you play with a paper ticket.

Many are interested in what is the probability of winning the lottery. I will say right away that the purpose of my publication is not detailed story about how to win in 7 out of 49. I will only tell you about the possible ways to place bets.

Few players know that in stoloto 7 out of 49, the rules of the game provide for the possibility of automatic bets (provided that you play on the site). You just need to select the appropriate option by checking the box on the page on the site where the bet is made. It is also important to remember that the rules allow you to take part in any number of draws from two to 9. In order to implement this, you simply need to tick the appropriate number of draws.

How the prize fund is distributed

Many of those who have never played the lottery are wondering what is the probability of winning and is there a chance to get it. Reasoning about how often winning combinations occur is more likely not to the topic of this article, but to a section of mathematics called probability theory.

I will only briefly talk about how the prize fund is distributed and how you can get a cash prize.

To receive a cash prize, you must guess from 4 to 7 ticket numbers. The one who guessed the 4th number is entitled to a cash prize in the amount of 25% of the total winnings. The one who guesses 5 numbers is entitled to 15% of the prize fund, those who guess 6 out of 7 numbers will get 20%, and finally, the lucky one or lucky ones who can accurately name all the numbers will get 40% of the prize fund of the draw.

For those who made a detailed bet, the winnings are calculated in a slightly different way. Of all the guessed numbers, combinations of 7 numbers are formed and, after that, the winnings are calculated based on all the resulting combinations.

Is it possible to hit the Jackpot

Sometimes in the lottery it happens that no one guesses the desired combination of 7 numbers. In this case, no one gets the prize fund, and an additional distribution draw of 7 out of 49 is organized for its distribution. The winner of this draw gets the most big prize, last time in my memory, a similar circulation was organized in 2015, and its winner managed to hit the jackpot of 35 million rubles. An impressive amount that many can envy.

But I also found a video where the winnings were much smaller, but I think it will be interesting for some to look at the face of the winner:

How to get a win

After you have made a bet in the state lotto 7 out of 49, you need to check the winnings immediately after the end last draw. On the official website of stoloto, as well as on the website of the State Loto 7 out of 49, the results of the last draw are usually published within a few minutes after it ends and are stored on the website until the end next draw. But what about those who could not track their winnings for various reasons?

According to the rules, you can claim your winnings within a month after the end of the draw that became the winning one for your ticket. For those who did not have time to check the ticket, there is an archive of State Loto draws 7 out of 49. In it, the winning results are stored for six months, so anyone who is late with receiving information about the win can check their ticket in the archive. The information will be stored there for six months.

Those who finally made sure that they became the winner of the draw must receive a win. If its amount is less than 2000 rubles, it can be paid directly at the point of sale. Winnings above this amount are also paid out at points of sale, but you need to find out about this in advance, since the amount is individual for each case.

How to win the lottery? The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad. To paraphrase, we get: “Everyone who has bought a lottery ticket wants to break big score". What are the chances of winning? And in general, does it make sense to buy tickets in the hope of winning? And the most main question that worries most players is whether there are strategies to increase their chances when playing. Read on and find out.

The biggest winnings in Russia and the world

First, let's see how much money people have won in the lottery here and abroad.

Breaking the big jackpot in the lottery is unlikely, but quite real. And a lot of “lucky ones” confirm this. Having received several million by chance, they immediately changed their lifestyle, reaching a sufficiently stable financial position that helped them live. full life and not think about where and how to make money. It is these examples of winners that push the majority to buy lottery tickets in the hope of catching luck by the tail.

The biggest wins in Russia

So, who are they - lottery winners?

951 thousand in 2008 was won by a resident of Togliatti. According to him, he bought lottery tickets for 23 years. During this time, he developed his own strategy for guessing numbers. But strangely enough, the correct combination came to him in a dream. After receiving the winnings, he announced that he would continue to play the lottery.

A resident of a small village in the Kurgan region became richer by exactly a million. Luck smiled at him in January 2008. He instantly became the richest guy in the village and enviable groom.

In 2011, the jackpot went to the Samara region. A 27-year-old resident who spent only 100 rubles on a purchase became richer by as much as 2.5 million. The money was spent on the purchase of real estate.

4 million - this is the amount won by a married couple from Samara region. They spent all the money on a good cause - the construction of the church.

30 million resident of Ufa won on New Year's Eve - December 30, 2001. At that time it was the biggest win in Russia. In total, 6 tickets were bought, one of which became lucky. Not only the whole of Ufa, but also the whole country learned about the record win. A lot of money that suddenly fell from the sky turned the family's head. Funds began to be spent thoughtlessly: alcohol, gambling, entertainment. As a result, 10 years after the win, the family spent almost all the money and began to live almost as modestly as before the significant date.

35 million went to a resident of Moscow in 2009. A little more than 500 rubles were spent on tickets. The man used this money to set up a business in the village where he was from.

100 million rubles was won in 2009 by a resident of the suburbs of St. Petersburg Albert Bagrakyan. A native of Armenia, who emigrated to Russia in 2001, did not hide either his name or appearance. Moreover, 2 years after winning, he gave a detailed interview to the press - how much and on what he spent all his winnings.

The money was spent on the construction of a hotel, the purchase and decoration of several apartments, the purchase of premium cars (for myself and relatives). 2 million was donated to charity. Albert lent about 12 million to his friends. By the way, almost no one returned the debt to him. Well, the rest of the money went to pay taxes.

The winnings of 184 million went in February 2014 to a resident of Omsk. The man spent 810 rubles on a happy purchase. It is not known how his fate turned out, but he planned to leave to live in warmer climes, having bought a house on the seashore.

The biggest lottery win in Russian history was 358 million rubles. It happened during the drawing of the Gosloto draw in February 2016. The winner - a resident of Novosibirsk, for obvious reasons, decided not to advertise his identity.

The biggest lottery winnings in the world

The biggest wins in Russia are hundreds of millions. The situation is similar in the world, only the amounts here are calculated in dollars (euro, pounds). As a result, in absolute terms, winning the lottery in developed countries can bring the lucky ones 50-100 times more than in our country. The explanation is quite simple - the cost of lottery tickets abroad is many times higher and the circulation of sold out lotteries exceeds Russian lotteries by dozens of times, so we get phenomenal prize funds.

  • 425 million single-handedly went to a pensioner from California in 2014. It is noteworthy that grandfather practically whole month did not declare to the organizers of the lottery about his victory. He showed up for the win on April Fools' Day, wearing a Star Wars-themed T-shirt that read "May Jedi Fortune Be With Me."
  • $488 million were raffled among themselves by 3 participants in 2013
  • $587 million in 2012. The prize fund was shared by 2 winners.
  • 590 million went to a resident of Florida when drawing a jackpot in 2013. This is the largest win ever won by a single winner.
  • $640 million in 2012. The prize was divided between 3 lucky ones.

The largest jackpot was drawn in 2016. The total amount was (and this is no joke) a mind-blowing $1.5 billion!!! It was divided between the three winners. Each received $528 million.

Money generator - what's inside

The lottery is a well-built business based on the desire of people to get rich quick and on simple mathematical statistics. The organizers of the lottery form the prize fund from cash receipts from sold tickets. Moreover, this amount is never equal to the proceeds from the sale. A certain part, usually half, immediately goes to current expenses (maintaining current activities, printing tickets, distribution, salaries to employees, advertising, and others) and, of course, to the pocket of the organizers, in the form of net profit.

Gets only a part money goes for the draw. And if only half. In some lotteries, the share of raffled cash prizes is only 35-40% of all funds collected for the draw. The result is an initially unfavorable prospect for the participants. This is called a negative mathematical expectation. When the invested amounts are obviously greater than the total prize pool. It is on this that almost all gambling games are built. A striking example- roulette in the casino. But playing in a casino is more profitable than buying lottery tickets.

Simplified, the lottery can be represented as the following picture. 3 people invest 10,000 rubles each and want to play the received 30 thousand among themselves. The winner takes all. To do this, they invite an independent point guard. He takes 15,000 for his services. As a result, the “lucky one” will get only the remaining 15 thousand rubles. Silly, isn't it. But it is precisely the role of such an intermediary distributing winnings that the lottery, represented by its organizers, performs.

The only advantage is the accumulated jackpot, which can be carried over to the next draw, gradually increasing in size. As a result, it can significantly exceed the amount of tickets sold in circulation.

Types of lotteries

From all the variety of possibilities presented at common man can blow the roof off. There are 2 simple tips here:

  1. Play only in domestic lotteries, so as not to go to another country to receive a win.
  2. Select only the most popular draws. First, it is to talk about the honesty of the organizers. Secondly, they usually have a very solid prize pool.

Conventionally, all lotteries can be divided into 2 categories:


The most simple. The result can be seen immediately after buying a ticket. Information about winning (or not winning) is already indicated on the ticket. Just enough to erase protective layer. Small prizes, usually up to 3 - 5 thousand, can be received immediately without leaving the cash desk - at the place of purchase. For large events, please contact the organizers. There is only one drawback - this is the possibility of manipulating the prize fund by the organizer, namely, large winnings. Winning tickets may simply not go on sale or come in a smaller amount.

There is another nuance. The organizers, releasing tickets for sale, cannot determine in advance what percentage of the circulation will be sold: 100, 50 or only 20%. A prize tickets for a certain amount you need to print in advance. There are of course certain data based on past sales statistics. But so that it does not happen that the prize fund in the circulation amounted to 10 million, and only 2 million tickets were sold and purchased winning tickets was 3 million, the organizers are insuring themselves by reducing the number and amount of winning tickets to a very modest figure.

Read - it's interesting :
- with the ability to play several games for free

The advantage is a fairly high probability of falling out lucky tickets. And although the size of such winnings is very small (usually 5-10 times the cost of a ticket), there are a lot of them.


More popular than instant ones. They, in turn, are divided into 2 types. Some already have a printed set of numbers. For others, the participant is given the right to choose the combinations of numbers he likes. And although the probability of winning in both cases is the same, it is the latter that are preferred by avid lovers of draws when you can influence the results yourself (or so they think).

Chances of winning the lottery

Everyone who buys the coveted lottery ticket hopes to hit the jackpot. Well at least win a large sum money. What are the real chances of winning? What is the probability of winning the lottery?

If we take such popular lotteries as 5 out of 36 or 6 out of 45, then the probability of winning directly depends on the number of numbers in the draw. If the probability of guessing only 2 numbers is 1 to 8 in the 5 out of 36 lottery, then to get the main prize you need to guess all 5 numbers. And here the probability of choosing the right combinations is reduced by almost 50 thousand times and will be 1: 376,992.

The chances of winning in various lotteries depend on the number of guessed numbers and the range of numbers involved in the drawing. Increasing just one number to draw the main prize immediately reduces the probability of winning by dozens of times.

A joke on the subject.

Old Abram in his prayers asked God every day:

God! Help me win the lottery!

A month, a year, 10 years have passed. And then one day, kneeling down to pray and asking for help, Abram heard the voice of God:

— Abram! Give me a chance! Buy a lottery ticket at least once!

Here is the math showing the odds of hitting winning combinations on the most popular lotteries.

5 out of 36

6 out of 45

7 out of 49

It turns out that the greatest chance to hit the jackpot in Gosloto is “5 out of 36”, but the prize fund here is the lowest of the above. The probability of winning the 7 out of 49 lottery is 230 times less, but the prize fund is also more significant.

In order to understand which lottery is the most profitable to play, you just need to calculate the probability of winning per one ruble invested.

On this moment the following data is available:

We received the amount of winnings for each invested ruble. But the probability of hitting the jackpot is different for everyone. We need to equalize the odds of winning the top prize for all three lotteries. How to do it? Increase the amount of money invested in 2 other lotteries.

For example. If the chance of winning is 10% with a ticket price of 100 rubles, by spending 200 rubles and buying 2 tickets, we increase the probability of winning to 20%, with an investment of 300 rubles - up to 30%, and so on. Let's do the same with our examples.

The highest probability of winning in Gosloto is 5 out of 36 - 1: 376,922. Accordingly, we need to increase investments for other lotteries by buying more tickets, thereby leveling the probability for all three draws.

The result is the following data:

We got some pretty unexpected results. With the same probability of winning, the most profitable lottery turned out to be 5 out of 36. The difference with the last one (7 out of 49) is almost 230 times.

How to win the lottery - 5 effective tricks

Hundreds of studies have been conducted on the topic of increasing the likelihood of winning the lottery. Throughout the history of the existence of this type of draws, everything from ordinary players to scientists trying to find a winning system that allows you to get money guaranteed. Well, or at least significantly increase the chances of success. Thousands of different variations have been developed, from the simplest to the most complex, using the latest computer technology.

But as time has shown, it is impossible to create a profitable system. The chance to win by choosing numbers according to your own algorithms and random numbers is the same. And it doesn't matter if you bought a lottery ticket for the first time in your life or have been playing for 20 years, everyone has the same chances.

The probability of being struck by lightning in a person is 1 in 600,000. This is dozens of times lower than the probability of hitting the jackpot. But people play.... and win!!!

However, do not rush to get upset. There are a number of tricks and tricks that allow you to gain some advantage over other players. You need to be clear right away. They will not affect the probability of winning in any way, they will not make it higher or lower. Everyone has the same chance. But you can achieve a significant increase in potential winnings for the same money spent.

When some will buy tickets for 100 rubles, hoping to win 5-10 thousand or even 30 million, you will have the opportunity to receive amounts 2-10-50 times higher with the same money.

Play against everyone

On the ticket, you need to choose the numbers that other participants use the least. The meaning of the strategy is that when winning combinations with popular numbers fall out, the prize is divided among several participants. It can be 2 and 100 and 1000 people. If a combination with unpopular numbers falls out, then a much smaller number of people will participate in the division. In some cases, the number of winning people can be reduced by dozens of times with one category of winnings. And it is better to divide the prize among 5 people than 50 or even 100.

What numbers to choose? Let's go from the opposite. The range from 1 to 31 is 70% more common than others. This is due to the habit of people to associate everything with significant dates, first of all, of course, this is a birthday: 12 months in a year, 31 days in a month, year of birth - numbers from 0 to 10.

Numbers 6 and 13 are considered bad.

Even numbers are chosen less frequently than odd numbers.

Another pattern is the choice by most people of numbers that are not next to each other on the ticket: neither horizontally nor vertically. According to the theory of probability, all numbers have exactly the same chance of falling out. Whether it's 1,2,3 or 5, 15,27,31, the system doesn't care.

Numbers from the first half of the ten (21, 33, 14) are chosen a little more often than from the last (28, 19, 29, 46).

By choosing unpopular numbers and combinations, you can increase the amount of potential winnings several times at once.

Increased Grand Prize

Another way to increase the chances of winning is to not play the jackpot. The amount increases with each draw and, accordingly, the amount of winnings for each invested ruble becomes higher. Therefore, in such circulations it is better to buy lottery tickets for a large amount.

Example. Every week you participate in the drawing of 5,000 million rubles by buying one ticket for 100 rubles. For several months, the main prize was not drawn and amounted to 100,000 million rubles. Since the probability of winning in all draws is the same, but the amount of winnings has increased by 20 times, it is more expedient to buy not one, but several tickets each draw.

It is better not to buy tickets at all (and save up money) until the prize fund grows several times. And at the time of its strong increase on the accumulated money to buy 10-20-30 tickets at a time. After we decide on the lucky one, we again go into "hibernation" and save up money until the right moment.

Distribution circulation

If during the year, no one was able to win the main prize, then a distribution draw is held. This is required by law.

If the main winner is not determined again, then the entire jackpot is distributed among all participants who have received any winning combinations in the appropriate proportion. Conventionally, if the prize fund was 50 million, and the main prize was 200,000 million, then real win each grows 5 times at once.

Experienced Players always participate in such draws. After all, this real chance get a lot more for the same money.

The same combination

Instead of constantly inventing new combinations of numbers with each new draw, you need to select the desired set for yourself in advance and use it in all further draws. And then it remains only to wait happy occasion. Experienced players can also analyze the archive of past winnings and exclude all previously repeated combinations. And from the rest, choose the one you want. The probability of falling out the second time similar combinations is very unlikely, especially those consisting of 5-6 numbers.

Faith in luck

Is not scientific method rather psychological. But it’s not for nothing that they say: “Thoughts are material” or “To become a millionaire, you need to feel like a million.” There is an opinion that everything in the world is interconnected: thoughts, emotions, actions. And your behavior and attitude directly affect your life. There are many examples in life when the desires or fears of a person materialized. This is all very interestingly described in the movie "Secret". For those who haven't seen it, I recommend it.

Therefore, when buying lottery tickets, you don’t need to say to yourself: “I’ll lose, it’s not scary, the loss is not great. The ticket costs only 100 rubles.” Think positively, sincerely believe in luck and you will be happy.

A joke on the subject.

The teacher says: “Children, there is no God! Let's show him a fig in the sky! All the children show, one Moishe is not.

Teacher: "Moishe! Why don't you show?

Moishe: “Maria Ivanovna! If there is no God, then to whom then to show? And if it exists….. why show it then?”

Tax on winnings

Few people think about taxes when buying lottery tickets. And by the way - their timely payment is the duty of every citizen. At least that's how it is written in the tax code of Russia. To pay or not to pay, we will leave on the conscience of the “lucky ones” who received the winnings. But knowing for what and how much you need to pinch off your winnings in favor of the state will not hurt.

Absolutely all types of winnings are subject to taxation. But here they are divided into 2 types.

  1. Based on risk, sweepstakes and related to the direct costs of the participants. This is primarily about buying lottery tickets. All winnings received are taxed at a rate of 13%. And it does not matter how much you won: 100 million or 100 rubles.
  2. Incentive lotteries. These are raffles related to the promotion of their products. It is usually held in stores, hypermarkets and large companies in order to attract new customers and increase their confidence. Prizes are usually not money, but various gifts, vouchers and other goods. The whole thing is taxed already at a rate of as much as 35% of the value of the winnings.

The amount of winnings up to 4 thousand rubles is not subject to taxation. Also, this amount falls under the category of tax deductions and reduces the total amount of taxes. That is, for example, you won a phone for 10,000 rubles, then a tax of 35% must be paid not from the full amount, but from a decrease of 4,000. As a result, the tax will be 35% of 6,000 rubles - 2,100. And not 3,500 rubles.

How to pay tax?

There are only 2 options: lucky or unlucky.

Usually, lottery organizers are tax agents and transfer the necessary amounts to the budget for you. You get your winnings in your hands minus the tax withheld. In that case, you're in luck (if you didn't want to pay taxes, you're out of luck).

The second option is self-payment of money to the budget. To do this, you need to fill out a declaration, submit it to the tax office at the place of residence and, of course, transfer money to the budget.


Statistics say that everyone has an equal chance of winning. And affect the drop rate winning numbers impossible. The only leverage available to players is the ability to change the amount of potential winnings, when for the same money you can win much large sums than other players.

This is especially true for regular players who regularly buy lottery tickets and have some statistics on winnings. following simple advice will allow them to buy tickets at the right time, in more profitable lotteries and profitable circulations.

For example, if a player during the year, buying one ticket for 100 rubles every week, won a total of 3,000 rubles in small winnings, then using the tips above, it is quite possible to increase the amount of winnings several times at similar costs.

The priority rules are the selection of lotteries and draws with the biggest win for each ruble invested, or a game against the crowd, choosing the most unpopular combinations of numbers on the ticket.

“Gosloto “7 out of 49” is a daily draw lottery. Its draws are held six times a day, and the minimum guaranteed super prize is 30,000,000 rubles. Only 7 numbers separate you from it.

Where can I buy?

    site site

    Choose the numbers on the lottery page and pay in any convenient way.

    Mobile application "Stoloto"

    Install and buy tickets at your convenience.

    Mobile version of the site

    Go to the page and choose any numbers.

    Via SMS

    Send a message with text 749 to number 9999.

    If you want to participate in the lottery via SMS, follow.

    Retail outlets and networks

    You can buy tickets at communication salons, the bookmaker's office "", the lottery network "" and offices "".

    lottery kiosks

    Chances are there are tickets near you.
    . Check with sellers for availability.

    Lottery machines

    Use self-service machines. Credit cards, banknotes and coins are accepted for payment. Terminal addresses
    on this page .

    Lottery center"Stoloto"

    You will be able to buy tickets, learn all about lotteries and see with your own eyes the lottery drums that are used to draw six lotteries! Read more about live broadcasts on a special page.

    How to fill out a ticket?

    At a retail outlet

    This is what the coupon looks like retail outlets sales.

    The ticket contains 6 playing fields: A, B, C, D, D, E. You can fill in everything at once.

    Each field contains numbers from 1 to 49.

    1. Choose at least 7 non-recurring numbers in any field - you can fill in one field or six at once (A, B, C, D, E and F).
      . By ticking "Automatic" on the ticket, you choose auto-completion of the ticket: in this case, the system will select a random combination of numbers for you.
      . To participate in several circulations, indicate their number in a special column.
    2. After selecting the numbers, enter the phone number on reverse side ticket and pay for it.
      To receive your winnings, tell the seller the phone number to which the ticket was issued via SMS and (indicated on the notification, as well as in your personal account site site).

    On the site

    So you can choose a combination on the site site

    The ticket has 1 field with numbers from 1 to 49.

    1. Choose at least 7 unique numbers. You can fill out one ticket or several at once.
      . Using the buttons "Random", "Even numbers", "Odd numbers" you can select a random combination of numbers.
      . To participate in several draws, select their number.
    2. After selecting the numbers, proceed to payment. Or place the selected combination in the basket and continue choosing tickets. Then pay all together.
      When the ticket is issued, you are among the contenders for victory. Congratulations!

    How to increase the chances?

    By marking more than 7 numbers in one field, you make a detailed bet and get immediately from 8 combinations.

    You can mark up to 14 numbers in one field on the site (and this is 3432 combinations) and up to 16 numbers in a paper ticket (thus you will get 11,440 combinations).

    When you make a spread bet, you increase your chances of winning and the amount of potential winnings. However, this will also increase the cost of the ticket.

    Marked numbersPossible combinationsCost, rub.
    7 1 50
    8 8 400
    9 36 1 800
    10 120 6 000
    11 330 16 500
    12 792 39 600
    13 1716 85 800
    14 3432 171 600
    15 6435 321 750
    16 11 440 572 000

    You can also choose the number of draws in which your ticket will participate. The maximum number of draws for one ticket is 20.

    If you want to buy many tickets at once, use the "" option. You can specify the number of tickets, draws or other parameters. Please note that in such tickets the numbers are selected automatically, you do not need to select them manually!

    What is sales closing?

    • Next edition

      Lottery draws are held 6 times a day, daily: at 09:30, 12:30, 15:30, 17:30, 19:00 and 21:30 (Moscow time). Ticket sales for the next draw close 20 minutes before it starts.

      Next draw

      Tickets purchased after 09:10, 12:10, 15:10, 17:10, 18:40 and 21:10 (Moscow time) automatically roll over to the next draw.

      How are the draws going?


      Draws are held daily, at 09:30, 12:30, 15:30, 17:30, 19:00 and 21:30 Moscow time.


      The draws take place in . The winning combination is determined by the lottery drum and consists of 7 numbers.


      Live broadcast of the draws is carried out on the website


      In accordance with Article 18 of the Federal Law “On Lotteries”, the organizer of the lottery creates a drawing commission to draw the prize fund of each lottery draw.

      What can be won?

      Win combinations in which 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 numbers out of 49 match the winning numbers.

      The prize fund is 50% from each ticket sold.

      For 3 guessed numbers you will receive 125 rubles.

      After the distribution of winnings for 3 guessed numbers, the remaining prize pool is distributed in the following percentage:

      Guessing 7 numbers, you get a super prize. The super prize is cumulative. Therefore, if no one guesses 7 numbers in the current draw, the accumulated amount goes to the next draw.
      The minimum guaranteed super prize is 30,000,000 rubles.

      Winnings per expanded rate are determined as follows: the number of combinations of 7 numbers that can be made from the selected numbers is calculated, after which the winnings for each combination are calculated and the total winnings are summed up.

      Where can you find the results?

      • The results are published on the websites website and within 10 days after the draw. Check the data in the circulation archive or by ticket number.

        For mobile devices

        Check data in or on mobile version site.

        Lottery distribution points

        Contact .

      • By phone

        8 900 555-00-55 (the call is chargeable, the cost of the call depends on your tariff plan).

        How to get a win?

        • . Payout of winnings up to 2000 rubles produced at points of distribution of lottery tickets. Specify the amount of the payable winnings at a specific ticket distribution point at the time of ticket purchase or in the "Where to buy" section and by calling the information support 8 900 555-00-55 (the call is paid, the cost of the call depends on your tariff plan).
        • . Winnings up to 100,000 rubles can be transferred to the Stoloto Wallet, as well as received at various points of sale. Read more.
        • . Winnings from 100 000 rubles you can receive by transfer to your personal account. To do this, you need to send a set of documents by regular or express mail to the address: 109316, Moscow, Volgogradsky prospect, 43, bldg. 3, Joint Stock Company "Technological Company" Center ".
        • . Winnings over 1,000,000 rubles paid out in cash. For paperwork, a personal visit to the central office is required.

        How to get a win in your particular case, please call 8 900 555-00-55 (the call is paid, the cost of the call depends on your tariff plan).
        To receive your winnings, contact our representative and present your lottery ticket and passport.

        More detailed information you will find in the section "".

        Attention! Payouts of winnings begin no later than 24 hours after summing up the draw. You have the right to apply for winnings within 6 months from the date of publication of the results of the relevant draw. After 6 months from the date of publication of the results of the draw, you can receive the winnings by contacting the central office only.

        Taxation of winnings

        Tax on winnings for Russian participants is 13%. For persons who are not tax residents Russian Federation, the tax is 30% of the winnings.

        From January 01, 2018, if the amount of winnings is equal to or exceeds 15,000 rubles, then tax on such winnings is withheld upon payment. If the winning amount does not exceed 15,000 rubles, then the tax must be paid independently.

        legal information

        "VGL 5 Sport" (algorithm for determining winnings No. 2), the lottery period is until 12/31/2029. The lottery is held in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.05.2012, No. 687-r.
        Organizer: Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.
        Operator: GSL JSC.
        The prize fund is 50% of the proceeds. The place of the draw is Moscow.

Is it possible to win the lottery and how to do it? What are the best lotteries to play? As life practice shows, winning the lottery is an event that can happen to anyone.

Good day, dear readers business magazine Alexander Berezhnov and Vitaly Tsyganok are with you.

Winning in some local lotteries and "intellectual casinos" ourselves, we summarized the topic of winning the lottery, talked with friends who regularly raise good money in this business and presented our vision of this issue.

You don't have to have to win higher education, be the son of wealthy parents, or graduate from high school with a gold medal. To win, you need only luck and faith in your own luck. It is faith that makes a person buy a lottery ticket.

Some lucky people need to buy a lottery ticket only once to win, others buy lotteries regularly (sometimes for several years in a row), until they finally receive a reward for patience and perseverance.

These questions are of interest to many - not only avid players and gamblers - read our article about working methods and profitable technologies for playing the lottery, as well as about the biggest wins in history.

1. Is it possible to win the lottery and what you need to know for this

Skeptics believe that only the organizers of lotteries remain the winners, optimists believe that Sportloto, Gosloto and other popular lotteries - real way achieve real financial well-being.

Let's say right away that, of course, it is possible to win the lottery, and each player has the chance of taking the jackpot. Probability theory and mathematics with the basics of statistics allow the possibility of winning any lottery ticket Anytime.

However, in game theory there is also such a thing as distance, and it is the distance that is the main obstacle on the way of ordinary players to the desired wealth. In other words, a fair amount of time can pass from the moment you expect a win to the moment you win. You can play the lottery for a day, a month, a year, ten years - and the probability of winning will always be about the same.

In the article we will try not to touch on the "mystical" aspect of the game, but it should still be mentioned.

There are players who believe in plots for good luck, in a series of victories, in happy Days and numbers, in rabbit feet and rituals. There are many films, books and TV shows devoted to examples of incredible luck. However, in reality, everything is more prosaic: when playing the lottery, we are dealing with the mathematical theory of the game and nothing more.

Of course, faith in one's own strengths and healthy optimism are conditions that work more as a plus than a minus. A person who believes in luck is more likely to be right than a hopeless pessimist.

are now very popular online lotteries, which almost do not differ from the usual "paper" and offline lotteries.

EuroMillions is a Friday lottery for players across Europe. Players from nine countries take part in the game, including Austria, Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the USA.

The prize consists of bets placed in each of these nine countries, and the top prize starts at 15 million euros. If the jackpot is not won within a week, the prize rolls over to the next week.

The largest recorded win per person was 115 million euros, and the most big jackpot– 183 million euros. These huge jackpots have made the EuroMillions lottery one of the most successful and exciting lotteries in the world.

5. Examples of the Biggest Winners in Lottery History

Examples of people who received the largest and big wins in the lottery, a great many. If there are jackpots, then there are people who win them periodically.

Meet: the biggest winnings in the history of world and domestic lotteries.

Among domestic lotteries, the podium is occupied by Albert Begrakyan, who hit the Gosloto jackpot in the amount of 100 million rubles in 2009.

Lucky lottery tickets bought regularly. Before winning, Albert worked as a security guard in a store.

The most successful "foreign" lottery players today are the Messners from New Jersey and Georgia truck driver Ed Neighbors.

It was these people who equally split the $390 million jackpot of the Mega Millions lottery in 2007.

In Europe biggest win– 185 million euros in the EuroMillions lottery: another prize was won in 2011 married couple(Kristen and Colin).
