Description of the painting by I. I

Shishkin always preferred in his work to reflect the fullness of life and clarity. It is for this reason that many of his canvases are filled with bright light, summer sun, midday bliss. Many paintings by this artist are imbued with a life-affirming beginning. Unsurpassed by anyone "Rye", a painting with a single oak on the plain "Among the flat valley", "Forest distances" are recognized as real artistic symbol countries.

The landscape painter spent the whole summer of 1871 in his beloved homeland. At the beginning of the next 1872, the Society for the Encouragement of Artists held a competition in St. Petersburg. The artist took part in it with his painting "Pine Forest mast forest V Vyatka province".

It is not surprising that the name alone is enough to understand that the picture depicts nature. native land in all its glory .. As a result, the artist was awarded the first prize of the OPH. Tretyakov bought the painting, which was later exhibited in his gallery.

Shishkin, like most of his contemporaries, did not separate the image of Russia and its people from the image native nature. On the canvas "Pine Forest" everything is depicted for a reason. The artist deliberately chose a summer afternoon. This helps to display home country in her better times. Stasov, one of famous critics, said that all the works of Shishkin are typical "landscapes for heroes."

It is worth noting that the artist constantly strived for a truly reliable approach to everything, everything that he created on his canvases, masterpieces that were not surpassed from a realistic point of view. This was noticed by his friend, the artist Kramskoy. This is not surprising, because on the canvas “Pine Forest” the dark yellow water of a stream with an admixture of iron and a dense forest immediately catches the eye.

One glance at the picture is enough to feel the incredible power. The main motive that can be involuntarily traced is the restless atmosphere and slight anxiety. It seems that this is one of the illustrations of heroic deeds.

In the foreground, a stream is visible, which gradually flows into a backwater. Through the transparent yellowish water, the bottom, studded with stones, is noticeable, and the banks of the source are slightly blurred. Dry branches and snags are scattered on both sides. A little further up are the trees. It seems that an unknown force is oppressing the vegetation. So, around a stunted small Christmas tree there are dull stumps, next to which the roots of uprooted trees are intertwined. This gives the impression of an ominous forest that has been bewitched by an evil wizard.

It is noticeable that this idea is developing: on the right you can see a fir tree, broken during a storm. Its needles withered over time and crumbled in places, and the roots became covered with moss. The landscape is enlivened by white flowers on the left side of the stream.

Shishkin masterfully conveyed the play of chiaroscuro. Foreground the canvas is flooded with sunlight, beautifully illuminating the stream and scattered pebbles. It can be seen how the shadows of trees fall on the green lawn of the right bank. In the same place, under a tree, two curious bear cubs are sitting, who are looking out for something at the top. Similar details depicted on the canvas indicate that Shishkin is a true realist. He strives to accurately convey the beauty of Russian nature.

Today the picture is in Moscow in the Tretyakov Gallery

Even people who are far from painting know about the works of Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin. Shishkin gained popularity during his lifetime, painting the nature of Russia, which he loved so much. Contemporaries called him "the king of the forest", and not by chance, because among the works of Shishkin you can find many paintings depicting forest landscapes.

The paintings of the famous landscape painter are difficult to confuse with the works of other artists. Nature on the canvases of Shishkin is shown selectively. The landscape painter painted her close-up, focusing on the rough bark of trees, green leaves, roots protruding from the ground. If Aivazovsky preferred to portray the power of the elements, then Shishkin's nature seems peaceful and calm.

(Painting "Rain in the forest")

The artist skillfully conveyed this feeling of calmness through his canvases. He showed natural phenomena not so often. One of his paintings depicts rain in the forest. Otherwise, nature seems unshakable and almost eternal.

(Painting "Windbreak")

Separate canvases depict objects that survived the invasion of the elements. For example, the artist has several canvases with the name "Windfall". The elements raged, leaving behind a pile of broken trees.

(Painting "View of the island of Valaam")

Shishkin loved the island of Valaam. This place inspired him to work, so among the artist's paintings you can find landscapes depicting the views of Valaam. One of these paintings is "View on the island of Valaam". Separate canvases with landscapes of the island belong to early period artist's creativity.

(Painting "Pine trees illuminated by the sun")

It is worth noting that from the very beginning, Shishkin decided on the manner of depicting nature. He does not take large-scale objects and does not seek to show the entire forest, focusing on the "three pines".

(Painting "Debri")

(Painting "Rye")

(Painting "Oak Grove")

(Painting "Morning in pine forest" )

(Painting "Winter")

One of interesting pictures artist - "Debri". The canvas depicts a forest area untouched by man. This site lives its own life, even the land on it is completely covered with vegetation. If a person got into this place, he would feel like a hero of some mysterious Russian fairy tale. The artist concentrated on the details, depicting the depths of the forest. He conveyed every detail with amazing accuracy. On this canvas, you can also see a fallen tree - a trace of the raging elements.

(Hall of paintings by Ivan Shishkin in the Tretyakov Gallery)

Today, many of Shishkin's paintings can be seen in the famous Tretyakov Gallery. They still attract the attention of connoisseurs of painting. Shishkin painted not only Russian landscapes. The artist was also fascinated by the views of Switzerland. But Shishkin himself admitted that he was bored without Russian nature.

Ivan Shishkin. Morning in a pine forest. 1889 Tretyakov Gallery

"Morning in a pine forest" - the most famous picture Ivan Shishkin. No, take it higher. This is the most popular painting in Russia.

But this fact, it seems to me, is of little use to the masterpiece itself. Even hurt him.

When it's too popular, it flickers everywhere and everywhere. in every textbook. On candy wrappers (with which the frenzied popularity of the picture began 100 years ago).

As a result, the viewer loses interest in the picture. We skim over it with a quick glance with the thought "Ah, it's her again ...". And we pass by.

For the same reason, I did not write about it. Although for several years I have been writing articles about masterpieces. And one would wonder how I missed this blockbuster. But now you know why.

I am correcting myself. For I want to take a closer look at Shishkin's masterpiece with you.

Why "Morning in a Pine Forest" is a masterpiece

Shishkin was a realist to the core. He depicted the forest very believably. Carefully choosing colors. Such realism easily pulls the viewer into the picture.

Look at least at the color schemes.

Pale emerald needles in the shade. Light green color of young grass in the rays of the morning sun. Dark ocher needles on a fallen tree.

The fog is also tailored from a combination of different shades. Greenish in shade. Blueish in the light. And it turns into yellowness closer to the tops of the trees.

Ivan Shishkin. Morning in a pine forest (detail). 1889 Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

All this complexity creates the general impression of being in this forest. You feel this forest. Don't just see it. The craftsmanship is incredible.

But Shishkin's paintings, alas, are often compared with photographs. Considering the master deeply old-fashioned. Why such realism, if there are photo-images?

I do not agree with this position. It is important what angle the artist chooses, what lighting, what fog and even moss. All this together reveals to us a piece of the forest from a special side. Like we wouldn't see it. But we see - through the eyes of the artist.

And through his eyes we experience pleasant emotions: delight, inspiration, nostalgia. And this is the point: to encourage the viewer to a spiritual response.

Savitsky - assistant or co-author of a masterpiece?

The story with the co-authorship of Konstantin Savitsky seems strange to me. In all sources, you will read that Savitsky was an animal painter, which is why he volunteered to help his friend Shishkin. Like, such realistic bears are his merit.

But if you look at Savitsky's works, you will immediately understand that animalistics is NOT his main genre.

He was typical. He often wrote to the poor. Radel with the help of paintings for the disadvantaged. Here is one of his outstanding works, "Meeting the Icon."

Konstantin Savitsky. Icon meeting. 1878 Tretyakov Gallery.

Yes, on it, in addition to the crowd, there are also horses. Savitsky really knew how to portray them very realistically.

But Shishkin also easily coped with a similar task, if you look at his animalistic works. In my opinion, he did not worse than Savitsky.

Ivan Shishkin. Goby. 1863 Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Therefore, it is not entirely clear why Shishkin instructed Savitsky to write the bears. I'm sure he could handle it himself. They were friends. Perhaps it was an attempt to help a friend financially? Shishkin was more successful. He received serious money for his paintings.

For the bears, Savitsky received 1/4 of the fee from Shishkin - as much as 1000 rubles (with our money, this is about 0.5 million rubles!) It is unlikely that Savitsky could have received such an amount for a whole own work.

Formally, Tretyakov was right. After all, the whole composition was thought out by Shishkin. Even the posture and location of the bears. This is obvious when looking at the sketches.

Co-authorship as a phenomenon in Russian painting

In addition, this is not the first such case in Russian painting. I immediately remembered Aivazovsky's painting "Pushkin's Farewell to the Sea." Pushkin in the picture of the great marine painter was painted by ... Ilya Repin.

But his name is not in the picture. It's not a bear though. And yet great poet. Which you need not just realistically portray. But to be expressive. So that the same farewell to the sea is read in the eyes.

Ivan Aivazovsky (co-authored with I. Repin). Pushkin's farewell to the sea. 1877 All-Russian Museum A.S. Pushkin, St. Petersburg.

In my opinion, this is a more difficult task than the image of bears. Nevertheless, Repin did not insist on co-authorship. On the contrary, he was incredibly happy to work with the great Aivazovsky.

Savitsky was more proud. Offended by Tretyakov. But he continued to be friends with Shishkin.

But we cannot deny that without the bears, this painting would not have become the artist's most recognizable painting. It would be another masterpiece of Shishkin. Majestic and breathtaking scenery.

But he wouldn't be that popular. It was the bears who played their part. This means that Savitsky should not be completely discounted.

How to rediscover "Morning in a Pine Forest"

And in conclusion, I want to return to the problem of overdose with the image of a masterpiece. How can you look at it with fresh eyes?

I think it's possible. To do this, look at a little-known sketch for the painting.

Ivan Shishkin. Sketch for the painting "Morning in a Pine Forest". 1889 Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

It is done in quick strokes. The figures of the bears are only outlined and painted by Shishkin himself. Particularly impressive is the light in the form of golden vertical strokes.


With rare exceptions, the plot of Shishkin's paintings (if you look at this issue broadly) is one - nature. Ivan Ivanovich is an enthusiastic, enamored contemplator. And the viewer becomes an eyewitness of the artist's meeting with his native spaces.

Shishkin was an extraordinary connoisseur of the forest. About trees different breeds he knew everything and noticed the mistakes in the drawing. In the open air, the artist's students were ready to literally hide in the bushes, just not to hear the spacing in the spirit of "There can be no such birch" or "these pines are fake."

The students were so afraid of Shishkin that they hid in the bushes.

As for people and animals, they occasionally appeared in Ivan Ivanovich's paintings, but they were more of a background than an object of attention. “Morning in a Pine Forest” is perhaps the only canvas where bears compete with the forest. For this, thanks to one of Shishkin's best friends - the artist Konstantin Savitsky. He proposed such a composition and depicted animals. True, Pavel Tretyakov, who bought the canvas, lost the name of Savitsky, therefore for a long time bears were attributed to Shishkin.

Portrait of Shishkin by I. N. Kramskoy. 1880


Before Shishkin, it was fashionable to paint Italian and Swiss landscapes. “Even in those rare cases when artists took up the image of Russian areas, Russian nature was Italianized, pulled up to the ideal of Italian beauty,” recalled Alexandra Komarova, Shishkin’s niece. Ivan Ivanovich was the first who painted Russian nature realistically with such rapture. So that looking at his paintings, a person would say: “There is a Russian spirit, there it smells of Russia.”

Rye. 1878

And now the story of how Shishkin's canvas became a wrapper. Around the same time that “Morning in a Pine Forest” was presented to the public, Julius Geis, the head of the “Einem Partnership”, was brought a candy for testing: a thick layer of almond praline between two wafer plates and glazed chocolate. The confectioner liked the candy. Geis thought about the name. Here his gaze lingered on the reproduction of the painting by Shishkin and Savitsky. And so the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"Clumsy Bear" appeared.

The wrapper, familiar to everyone, appeared in 1913, it was created by the artist Manuil Andreev. To the plot of Shishkin and Savitsky, he added a frame from spruce branches And stars of bethlehem- in those years, sweets were the most expensive and desired gift for the Christmas holidays. Over time, the wrapper went through various adjustments, but conceptually remained the same.

The fate of the artist

“Lord, can my son really be a house painter!” - Ivan Shishkin's mother lamented when she realized that she could not convince her son, who decided to become an artist. The boy was terribly afraid of becoming an official. And by the way, it's good that he didn't. The fact is that Shishkin had an uncontrollable craving for drawing. Literally every sheet that was in the hands of Ivan was covered with drawings. Just imagine what the official Shishkin could do with the documents!

Shishkin knew all the botanical details about trees

Ivan Ivanovich studied painting first in Moscow, then in St. Petersburg. Life was hard. The artist Pyotr Neradovsky, whose father studied and lived with Ivan Ivanovich, wrote in his memoirs: “Shishkin was so poor that he often did not have his own boots. To go somewhere out of the house, it happened that he put on his father's boots. On Sundays they went to dinner together at my father's sister's.

Wild in the north. 1891

But everything was forgotten in the summer in the open air. Together with Savrasov and other classmates, they went somewhere outside the city and there they painted sketches from nature. “There, in nature, we really studied ... We studied in nature, and also rested from gypsum,” Shishkin recalled. Even then, he chose the theme of life: “I really love the Russian forest and only write it. The artist needs to choose one thing that he likes the most ... You can’t scatter in any way. By the way, Shishkin learned to masterfully write Russian nature abroad. He studied in the Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland. Pictures brought from Europe brought the first decent money.

After the death of his wife, brother and son, Shishkin drank for a long time and could not work.

Meanwhile in Russia, the Wanderers protested against the Academicians. Shishkin was incredibly happy about this. In addition, among the rebels, many were friends of Ivan Ivanovich. True, over time, he quarreled with both those and others and was very worried about this.

Shishkin died suddenly. He sat down at the canvas, just about to start work, yawned once. and all. That's exactly what the painter wanted - "instantly, immediately, so as not to suffer." Ivan Ivanovich was 66 years old.

The famous painting “Pine forest. Mast forest in the Vyatka province ”was written by I. I. Shishkin in 1872, during the onset of creative maturity. For her, the artist received his first prize from the Society of Traveling Artists.

The canvas is all as if permeated with bright sunlight. Slender pine-giants bask in its warm rays. It seems as if you smell the earth and resin. A forest stream slowly flows along a clean bottom, dotted with stones. The landscape is serene and bright in mood.

In the painting "Pine Forest. Mast forest in the Vyatka province "the artist fully reveals the charm of a mighty hundred-year-old forest on a clear sunny day - with its smells of moss and resin, with the quiet murmur of a stream and" bunnies "on tree trunks. The artist skillfully reveals the character of each flower, each blade of grass.

Shishkin strives for the most reliable image of the forest. But at the same time, he feels and loves nature so deeply that his landscape is much warmer and more spiritual than usual. Good photo. The artist seems to have grasped the instantly changing state of nature and managed to convey to the viewer the magical mood that nature gave him at that moment.

With love, skill and not without a share of subtle humor, Shishkin draws small figures of brown bears, probably interested in a hollow with wild bees. Everything that the artist offers us in this picture is not just a masterfully made image of a pine forest, but a wonderful “natural performance”.

Painting «Pine forest. The mast forest in the Vyatka province ”is one of the brightest works of Shishkin, although in terms of mastery of execution, the canvas is still inferior to the most mature canvases of the artist.

In addition to describing the painting by I. I. Shishkin “Pine Forest. Mast forest in the Vyatka province”, our website contains many other descriptions of paintings by various artists, which can be used both in preparation for writing an essay on a painting, and simply for a more complete acquaintance with the work of famous masters of the past.


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