What is a bath in Germany. How a Russian girl "rejects" German libertines in common baths (2 photos)

Many Russians visiting Germany face serious cultural barriers that separate our countries. The mentality of the Germans is very different from the Slavic. This is explained and cultural traditions, and freer European views. The strongest culture shock among Russians is caused by German saunas and baths.

Joint baths and saunas

Almost all saunas and baths in Germany are shared. This means that men and women, children and old people - all bathe and wash together. the main problem for the Russians is that it is supposed to be done completely naked. Neither the steam room, nor the washing room, nor the pool will let you in a bathing suit or swimming trunks. Rubber slippers are also prohibited.

The Germans believe that any synthetic in a humid and hot environment evaporates dangerous chemical compounds. This not only harms the person wearing synthetic swimwear, but also those around them. You will simply not be allowed into the German sauna in a bathing suit (or swimming trunks if you are a man).

Even if you embarrassingly cover up "causal places", they will look at you in surprise, as if you were a strange person. The Germans are not at all ashamed of their nakedness. Teenage boys can safely swim next to the naked mothers of their classmates, and no one sees anything indecent in this.

Etiquette in German saunas

Men, women, children, the elderly - all bathe naked in the same room. In rare cases, some establishments arrange separate days for swimming, but this can only be once a week. On all other days, please cast aside false shame!

If you enter the washing room in swimming trunks, you will be reprimanded and shown to the door. So those wishing to visit the German sauna should tune in to the nudist mood and, above all, get used to their own nudity. Russian people, who are much more shy by nature, have difficulty accepting such orders. Some, even after living in Germany for many years, simply avoid visiting the sauna.

But the fact is that German friends or even business partners can easily invite you to a home sauna. And in this case, you will have to strip naked and bathe along with everyone. At the same time, you should behave adequately: do not blush, do not cover your most intimate parts and, of course, not to look closely at the figures of others.

Where can you hide

Sauna in Germany is divided into 2 zones. The first is actually a washing room and a steam room. They are called Textilfrei, which roughly translates to "no clothes zone". In the rest of the rooms - a lounge area, water slides and a bar - you can walk modestly wrapped in a towel or swimming trunks. By the way, not all Germans do this. Many continue shamelessly walking around in what their mother gave birth to. Not every Russian is able to accept, let alone understand this.

The most pleasant

The very procedure of bathing in such places is very pleasant and relaxing. In public saunas, you can not speak loudly and in general make any noise in any way. This may allow other guests to enjoy their stay. You can sit or lie on the shelves only on special bath towels, which are 2 meters long. You can't touch wood with bare skin. It's not hygienic.

Coming to the beginning of the "aufguss" - pouring stones - should be on time. It is important. During aufguss, a sauna employee pours water with honey, eucalyptus or orange aroma oils on the stones and diligently disperses the steam. At the same time, he entertains visitors: he tells them jokes, jokes. It is impossible to leave the hall at this moment, so as not to release precious steam. You can only leave if you feel bad.

Then you can start swimming. In some saunas, pleasant music is turned on during aufguss, salts, creams or ice cubes for the skin are distributed free of charge. After the procedure, you may be offered a cup of tea, fruit or ice cream. All this is already included in the price. entrance ticket. Aufguss in saunas are held on schedule, so it is customary to come to them on time so as not to disturb the special beauty of the ceremony.

All my friends who visited Germany and visited the public sauna were shocked...
With public saunas in Germany, the story is like this. After the locker room (cabin) and shower (separately), you in a bathing suit get to the SPA, where there are many pools with different temperatures, colors and composition of the water, under the roof and on the street. From this part there is usually a door to the Sauna complex. Entering there, you need to take off your swimsuit / swimming trunks in the common (!) locker room, wrap yourself in a large towel or bathrobe (should be with you) and stomp into one of the saunas. After taking off your slippers and going into the sauna, you need to: find a free place, lay your towel under your ass and under your feet. It is believed that your sweat should not fall on government benches. In a wet sauna, you don’t need a towel under your feet, or you don’t need it at all. Many visitors do not cover themselves with a towel at all. Appearing in a sauna in a bathing suit leads to meaningful looks. In addition, the sauna staff may come up to you and say that it is not supposed to be like that. Take it off, right now.
Inside the sauna, at different heights from the hearth, beds are arranged in 2-3 rows. The sauna employee pours water on the heated stones, pumping air with a towel towards the visitors who are located on the beds. In some saunas, birch brooms pre-soaked in boiling water are used instead of towels. This procedure is loved by many, the schedule of this process, which is called aufgus, is posted in a conspicuous place, and by the time it starts, a significant number of people who want to take a steam bath gather on the floors.

Flavoring is often added to the water, before the procedure, the sauna employee gives brief information about the supplement, tells how to behave during the procedure and after it. After aufgus, sauna visitors receive various substances for rubbing into the skin - honey, salt, and so on. In addition, the complex is usually equipped with 1-2 small pools indoor or under open sky, where after the sauna (and short visit soul) you can also dive naked.
Ordinary visitors to German saunas are people over the age of 30, there are young couples. Sometimes they come with children, it's kind of a tradition. The Germans often go to the sauna with the whole family or in the company of friends or colleagues. They walk around without embarrassment, freely swinging the upper (secondary) or lower (primary) - who has what - signs of sex ...
After talking with compatriots about German saunas, you understand that nudity is taboo in Russia. Nude body is automatically considered pornographic. And it is completely unacceptable if people of different sexes are naked, and even children are nearby. Even people who are by no means of a puritanical upbringing, having learned that saunas are common in Germany, roll out their eyes in surprise: "Is that true!?" and, as a rule, fukat and resent ...
How do you feel about these saunas? Would you like to steam up there? Would you take your children there? Would you hesitate to come there with friends or colleagues? Or even have the experience of visiting them? And what is your reaction?


A feature of the baths in Germany is that they do not distinguish between men and women, that is, in public baths, visitors of both sexes wash together.

Baths in Germany

It is not known for certain who exactly introduced such rules for the bathing behavior of the Germans. However, the inhabitants of Germany are satisfied with everything, a similar state of affairs in local residents does not cause embarrassment and embarrassment. However, this order of things applies to the sauna. The Germans explain that these rules are due to concern for the health of customers, since being in swimsuits made of synthetic material contributes to the release of sweat. And this, in turn, contradicts elementary hygiene standards and greatly affects the state of women's health.

As a rule, in Germany there are public baths and full-fledged spa centers. The latter are entire complexes of several thousand square meters, each centimeter of which is a useful area for recreation. There are swimming pools and saunas for every taste, rest rooms and restaurants. In this regard, a visit to the German bath stretches for several hours.

The cost of services is acceptable for the general population, which increases the popularity of such a pastime. German bath counts special kind cultural leisure.

Rules of conduct for a sauna in Germany

The traditional rules of conduct in German baths and saunas differ from those generally accepted. Before entering the sauna, visitors see a sign, according to which the entrance to the room is possible only naked. The German sauna requires a full opening for the beneficial effects of steam on the body. This confuses many tourists, so they often immediately leave the idea of ​​visiting a German bath. However, it should be said that one should not rush.

Such a rule does not mean at all that you must leave all your clothes when entering the steam room or sauna. This is true for synthetic clothing, that is, swimwear for women and swimming trunks for men should be left at the entrance to this area. Of course, covering yourself with a towel is absolutely not forbidden.

There is an unwritten law in the German sauna: sweat from the body must not fall on the boards of the shelf. In order not to cause indignation among other visitors, when approaching the wooden shelves, you will have to take off your swimsuit and swimming trunks. However, especially shy customers can stay in a towel and sit on something else, and not on the boards. It is worth being prepared for the fact that the women and men present there will begin to look with pity at such a visitor or visitor.

The opinion that German saunas are a hotbed of debauchery is erroneous.

According to the culture of behavior, getting to know the opposite sex, as well as considering each other while taking bath procedures, is the height of rudeness and bad manners, so saunas cannot collect languid longing looks.

In addition, saunas and steam rooms in Germany are predominantly dimly lit. In combination with steam, this creates a natural veil from prying eyes. Thus, it is not so easy to see something. It is worth noting that the shower after the steam room for men and women is still provided separately.

As a general rule, people who enter public baths in Germany are only shy at first. Then, after relaxing in the sauna, comes the desire to plunge into the pool. Forget gender differences.

In fairness, it is worth noting that separate baths still exist. For this, special hours or even days are allocated in public baths, which are not so easy to get into. After all, the Germans are a nation of straightforward people who do not tolerate sentimentality.

German baths are called baths or baths, they are very common, many baths can be found on the territory of many German cities. Bady - one of the most significant pleasures of German citizens, they often have several saunas, one or two pools with cold water. Bady often represent entire complexes designed not only for washing, additional entertainment and amenities located here make the rest very comfortable.

Cafes, restaurants, massage, beauty parlors, salt grottoes, clinics, hotels, Sport halls are part of the bath complexes. If the bath is built on the basis of a thermal spring, it will definitely include pools with warm thermal water, located indoors or outdoors.

In this country, baths are common for both sexes, all visitors are guided by one rule - you can’t be in bathing suits in the baths, so they take off their clothes completely, leaving them in special lockers. This does not apply to the thermal complex, a swimsuit is required for the pool. The Germans are quite calm about this state of affairs. If visitors who are not accustomed to these rules are seen in incorrect behavior, they will be asked to leave the premises.

Public baths in Germany are part of the FKK, an acronym for the phrase "free body culture" that is actively promoted among the German people. A Saturday trip to the bathhouse with the whole family, in the company of friends or colleagues is considered one of the most pleasant pleasures in this country.

In Germany, there are many Turks who can appear in a public bath, wrapping themselves in a bathrobe or using a bath towel as clothing. Regulars of bath pleasures look at it with a smile. A different situation may arise - visitors who do not dare to take off their swimsuit will be taken out of the sauna by the sauna staff, as they violate the rules of visiting.

Most often, German baths are built according to the standard, representing several saunas, relaxation, music, with salt crystals, Finnish, where the temperature reaches 90 degrees. Many bath complexes are equipped with steam saunas, there are "glasses" of cold water for lovers of such pleasures. Inside the sauna, at different heights from the hearth, beds are arranged in 2-3 rows.

The sauna employee pours water on the heated stones, pumping air with a towel towards the visitors who are located on the beds. This procedure is loved by many, the schedule of this process, which is called aufgus, is posted in a conspicuous place, and by the time it starts, a significant number of people who want to take a steam bath gather on the floors. In some saunas, birch brooms pre-soaked in boiling water are used instead of towels.

A fragrance is often added to the water, before the start of the procedure, the sauna employee gives brief information about the additive, tells how to behave during the procedure and after it. After aufgus, sauna visitors receive various substances for rubbing into the skin - honey, snow, salt, and so on. Ordinary visitors to German saunas are people over the age of 30, there are young couples. Sometimes they come with children, it's kind of a tradition.

Video review and impressions

Video review and impressions of a Russian woman from visiting a German bath.

Rules for visiting German baths

If you do not consider it possible for yourself to visit a common bath, you should use certain days - men's and women's, which are in every bath. The rules of conduct in different regions of the country differ from each other. In the central part of the country and in the south, you can buy beer in saunas, in the north it is most often prohibited.

A visitor to a German bath should remember that in the sauna you need to sit on your own towel, while placing your feet on the other side of the towel. Sweat flowing from a hot body should only fall on your individual thing - a towel. Sometimes in German baths the time allotted for one session is strictly limited, if you are late to leave on time, you will have to pay a surcharge at a higher rate.
