The strategic bomber has that 160. The revival of the "White Swan": how Russia's combat bomber was updated

The TU-160 strategic bomber, the so-called "White Swan" or Blackjack (baton) in NATO terminology, is a unique aircraft.
TU-160 has excellent specifications: This is the most formidable bomber that can also carry cruise missiles. This is the largest supersonic and graceful aircraft in the world. Developed in the 1970-1980s at the Tupolev Design Bureau and has a variable sweep wing. It has been in service since 1987.

The TU-160 bomber was the "response" to the US AMSA ("Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft") program, under which the notorious B-1 Lancer was created. The TU-160 missile carrier, in almost all characteristics, was significantly ahead of its main competitors Lancers. The speed of the Tu 160 is 1.5 times higher, the maximum flight range and combat radius are just as much greater. And the thrust of the engines is almost twice as powerful. At the same time, the "invisible" B-2 Spirit cannot stand any comparison, in which, for the sake of stealth, literally everything was sacrificed, including distance, flight stability and payload.

Quantity and cost of TU-160

Each TU-160 long-range missile carrier is a one-piece and rather expensive product, it has unique technical characteristics. Since their inception, only 35 of these aircraft have been built, while an order of magnitude fewer of them have remained intact. This aircraft is the only product that has received its name. Each of the built aircraft has its own name, they were assigned in honor of champions ("Ivan Yarygin"), designers ("Vitaly Kopylov"), famous heroes ("Ilya Muromets") and, of course, pilots ("Pavel Taran", "Valery Chkalov " and others).

Before the collapse of the USSR, 34 aircraft were built, with 19 bombers remaining in Ukraine, at a base in Priluki. However, these vehicles were too expensive to operate, and the small Ukrainian army simply did not need them. Ukraine offered to give 19 TU-160s to Russia in exchange for Il-76 aircraft (1 to 2) or for writing off the gas debt. But for Russia it was unacceptable. In addition, the United States influenced Ukraine, which actually forced the destruction of 11 TU-160s. 8 aircraft were handed over to Russia for the cancellation of the gas debt.
As of 2013, the Air Force had 16 Tu-160s. There were prohibitively few of these aircraft in Russia, but their construction would have cost a huge amount. Therefore, it was decided to upgrade 10 bombers out of the 16 available to the Tu-160M ​​standard. Long-range aviation in 2015 should receive 6 modernized TU-160s. However, in modern conditions even the modernization of the existing TU-160 cannot solve the assigned military tasks. Therefore, there were plans to build new missile carriers.

In 2015, Kazan decided to consider the possibility of starting production of the new TU-160 at the facilities of KAZ. These plans have taken shape as a result of the formation of the present international situation. However, this is a difficult but solvable task. Some technologies and personnel were lost, but, nevertheless, the task is quite feasible, especially since there is a backlog - two unfinished aircraft. The cost of one missile carrier is about 250 million dollars.

The history of the creation of the TU-160

The design task was formulated back in 1967 by the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The design bureaus of Myasishchev and Sukhoi were involved in the work, which offered their own options a few years later. These were bombers capable of developing supersonic speed and overcoming air defense systems on it. The Tupolev Design Bureau, which had experience in developing the Tu-22 and Tu-95 bombers, as well as the Tu-144 supersonic aircraft, did not participate in the competition. As a result, the Myasishchev Design Bureau project was recognized as the winner, but the designers did not have time to celebrate the victory: after some time, the government decided to close the Myasishchev Design Bureau project. All documentation for the M-18 was transferred to the Tupolev Design Bureau, which joined the competition with the "Product-70" (future TU-160 aircraft).

The following requirements were imposed on the future bomber:
flight range at an altitude of 18,000 meters at a speed of 2300-2500 km / h within 13 thousand km;
flight range near the ground in 13 thousand km and at an altitude of 18 km in subsonic mode;
the aircraft must approach the target at subsonic cruising speed, overcome enemy air defenses - at cruising speed near the ground and in supersonic high-altitude mode.
the total mass of the combat load should be 45 tons.
The first flight of the prototype (Product "70-01") was carried out at the airfield "Ramenskoye" in December 1981. The product "70-01" was piloted by test pilot Boris Veremeev with his crew. The second copy (product "70-02") did not fly, it was used for static tests. Later, a second aircraft (product "70-03") joined the tests. The supersonic missile carrier TU-160 was put into serial production in 1984 at the Kazan Aviation Plant. In October 1984, the first serial machine took off, in March 1985 - the second serial, in December 1985 - the third, in August 1986 - the fourth.

In 1992, Boris Yeltsin decided to suspend the ongoing serial production of the Tu-160 if the US stopped mass production of the B-2. By that time, 35 aircraft had been produced. KAPO by 1994, KAPO handed over six bombers to the Russian Air Force. They were stationed in the Saratov region at the Engels airfield.
The new missile carrier TU-160 ("Alexander Molodchiy") in May 2000 became part of the Air Force. The TU-160 complex was put into service in 2005. In April 2006, it was announced that tests of the upgraded NK-32 engines, designed for the TU-160, were completed. New engines are characterized by increased reliability and significantly increased resource. In December 2007, the first flight of a new production aircraft TU-160 was carried out. Colonel-General Alexander Zelin, Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, announced in April 2008 that another Russian bomber would enter service with the Air Force in 2008. The new aircraft was named "Vitaly Kopylov". It was planned that three more combatant TU-160s would be upgraded in 2008.


TU-160 has the following specifications:
Crew: 4 people.
The length is 54.1 m.
The wingspan is 55.7 / 50.7 / 35.6 m.
The height is 13.1 m.
The wing area is 232 m².
The weight of the empty aircraft is 110,000 kg.
The normal takeoff weight is 267,600 kg.
The maximum takeoff weight is 275,000 kg.
Type engines 4×TRDDF NK-32.
The maximum thrust is 4 × 18,000 kgf.
Afterburner thrust is 4 × 25,000 kgf.
The mass of fuel is 148,000 kg.
The top speed at altitude is 2230 km/h.
The cruising speed is 917 km/h.
The maximum range without refueling is 13,950 km.
The practical range without refueling is 12,300 km.
The combat radius is 6000 km.
The flight duration is 25 hours.
The practical ceiling is 21,000 m.
The rate of climb is 4400 m/min.
The length of the run / run is 900/2000 m.
Wing load at normal takeoff weight is 1150 kg/m².
Wing load at maximum takeoff weight is 1185 kg/m².
The thrust-to-weight ratio at normal takeoff weight is 0.36.
The thrust-to-weight ratio at maximum takeoff weight is 0.37.

Design features

The White Swan aircraft was created with the wide use of proven solutions for the machines already built in the design bureau: Tu-142MS, Tu-22M and Tu-144, and some components, assemblies and part of the systems were transferred to the aircraft without changes. "White Swan" has a design in which composites, stainless steel, aluminum alloys V-95 and AK-4, titanium alloys VT-6 and OT-4 are widely used. keel and stabilizer, tricycle landing gear. The mechanization of the wing includes double-slotted flaps, slats, flaperons and spoilers are used for roll control. Four NK-32 engines are mounted in the lower part of the fuselage in pairs in engine nacelles. APU TA-12 is used as an autonomous power unit. The airframe has an integrated circuit. Technologically, it consists of six main parts, from F-1 to F-6. A radar antenna is installed in the leaky bow in a radio-transparent fairing, behind it is a leaky radio equipment compartment. The one-piece central part of the bomber with a length of 47.368 m includes the fuselage, which includes the cockpit and two cargo compartments. Between them is the fixed part of the wing and the caisson compartment of the center section, the tail section of the fuselage and engine nacelles. The cabin is a single pressurized compartment, where, in addition to the crew jobs, the electronic equipment of the aircraft is located. The wing on a variable-sweep bomber. The wing with a minimum sweep has a span of 57.7 m. The control system and the rotary assembly are generally similar to the Tu-22M, but they have been recalculated and strengthened. Wing caisson structure, mainly made of aluminum alloys. The turning part of the wing moves from 20 to 65 degrees along the leading edge. Three-section double-slotted flaps are installed along the trailing edge, and four-section slats are installed along the leading edge. For roll control, there are six-section spoilers, as well as flapperons. The inner cavity of the wing is used as fuel tanks. onboard system control with duplication of mechanical wiring and fourfold redundancy. Management is dual, handles are installed, not handwheels. The aircraft is controlled in pitch with the help of an all-moving stabilizer, in the course - with an all-moving keel, in roll - by spoilers and flaperons. The navigation system is a two-channel K-042K. The White Swan is one of the most comfortable combat aircraft. During the 14-hour flight, pilots have the opportunity to get up and warm up. Also on board there is a kitchen with a cabinet that allows you to heat up food. There is also a toilet, which was not previously on strategic bombers. It was around the bathroom during the transfer of the aircraft to the military that the real war: they did not want to accept the car, because the design of the bathroom was imperfect.


Initially, the TU-160 was built as a missile carrier - a carrier of cruise missiles with long-range nuclear warheads, designed to deliver massive strikes on areas. In the future, it was planned to expand and modernize the range of transportable ammunition, as evidenced by the stencils on the doors of the cargo compartments with suspension options for a huge range of cargo.

The TU-160 is armed with Kh-55SM strategic cruise missiles, which are used to destroy stationary targets with given coordinates, they are entered into the missile's memory before the bomber takes off. The missiles are located in six pieces on two MKU-6-5U drum launchers, in the cargo compartments of the aircraft. Short-range hypersonic aeroballistic missiles Kh-15S (12 for each MKU) can be included in the armament for short-range engagement.
After appropriate re-equipment, the bomber can also be equipped with free-fall bombs of various calibers (up to 40,000 kg), including single bomb clusters, nuclear bombs, sea mines and other weapons. In the future, the composition of the bomber's armament is planned to be significantly strengthened through the use of high-precision cruise missiles. newest generation Kh-101 and Kh-555, which have an increased range, and are also designed to destroy both tactical sea and land, and strategic targets of almost all classes.

Having broken many records at the beginning of the century, the Tu-160 White Swan still remains the fastest bomber in the world, capable of carrying the largest payload. Flying twice as fast as sound, it is able to cross multiple continents and complete a task anywhere in the world. NATO dubbed him Blackjack.

The birth of the "White Swan"

It is believed that the impetus for the start of work on the Tu-160 was the decision of the United States to create a new strategic bomber B-1 in the 1960s, and it was impossible to lag behind the States in this regard. In 1967, the Council of Ministers of the USSR decided to start work on a new multi-mode aircraft that could carry up to 45 tons of payload payload at continental distances, approach the target at subsonic, and pass enemy air defenses at supersonic speed. The maximum flight range according to the requirements was to be 11-13 thousand km at supersonic and 16-18 thousand km at subsonic speed.

It is interesting that at first the Tupolev Design Bureau had nothing to do with the work on the new project due to the high employment of the passenger Tu-144, but the Myasishchev Design Bureau and the Sukhoi Design Bureau were engaged in this. In the 1970s, they introduced their own versions - both four-engine, with variable wing geometry. Although they were similar, they used different design solutions. The Tupolev Design Bureau took up the aircraft only in 1969, when new tactical and technical requirements were presented. Unlike others, they already had considerable experience in solving different problems associated with overcoming supersonic speed by heavy aircraft. The supersonic passenger Tu-144 passed all the tests and made its first flight in 1968, and all the developments on it began to be actively used to create the strategic Tu-160. Including the fixed wing. It was believed that the weight of the rotary structure nullified all the advantages of the variable geometry wing.

In 1972, the M-18 models from the Myasishchev Design Bureau and the "product 200" of the Sukhoi Design Bureau were considered, and an additional option from the Tupolev Design Bureau out of competition. M-18 met the tasks to the greatest extent and had ample opportunities, becoming the favorite of the competition. However, having weighed the rich experience of the Tupolev team in the development of heavy supersonic aircraft (Tu-144 and Tu-22M), the commission ultimately gave preference to the Tupolev Design Bureau. It was decided to transfer all the accumulated materials by other design bureaus to them. But the chief designer of the Tu-160, Valentin Ivanovich Bliznyuk and others, did not have confidence in the development of the Myasishchev Design Bureau, and they decided to start work with clean slate. In 1976, they defended the sketch of the project, and a year later, the Kuznetsov Design Bureau was already developing engines for the future Tu-160. The prototype, codenamed 70-01, made its first flight from the Ramenskoye airfield in 1981. It was later joined by prototypes 70-02 and 70-03. All three were assembled at the MMZ "Experience".


Long tests

The first and third prototypes were used for flight tests, and 70-02 for static tests. In 1986, the fourth bomber, which became a combatant, left the gates of the shop. Initially, they wanted to put high-speed Kh-45 cruise missiles on the aircraft, but in the end they settled on subsonic small-sized Kh-55s, as well as aeroballistic hypersonic Kh-15s. The latter could be placed on launchers inside the hull. In 1989, four X-55s were successfully launched from a Tu-160 aircraft, and the aircraft itself was dispersed in level flight to almost 2200 km / h, after which it was decided to lower the operating speed threshold to 2000 km / h in order to long time save the resource of engines and airframe. As a result, the world's best performance was confirmed by 44 different records.

The tests took place at the Lower Volga ranges, where there was more than enough space for Kh-55 cruise missiles with a range of more than three thousand kilometers, and the number clear days approached 320 per year. The launch of the missiles was accompanied by the flight of the Il-76, which received telemetry data from the aircraft and controlled the flight of the Kh-55. When launched over long distances, the missiles went to the target even after the landing of the Tu-160. Several times they had to undermine them in the air when the missiles lost control and approached the borders of the range. As a result, it was possible to bring the accuracy of their hit to an average of 22 meters in circular deviation. Many hours were spent on tuning the radio-electronic systems, especially the new Baikal airborne defense system, installed instead of small guns. "Baikal" detected enemy air defenses, determined their location and jammed with interference, or created decoys behind the aircraft. In total, during the tests of the Tu-160, 150 sorties were made, and even the simultaneous release of missiles from both cargo compartments was worked out.

In service

The first Tu-160 aircraft entered service with the air regiment in Priluki, Chernihiv region, in 1987. master new car the pilots began without waiting for the end of the state tests, which were already dragging on. They immediately liked the Tu-160, which was very easy to fly, went up with a drill and had no problems landing. Once it even managed to be lifted into the air with the released spoilers - a hundred-ton thrust of the engines could not be compared with anything. The plane was very respected and in the first months they even removed all debris, stones and branches from the runway to avoid being sucked into the air intakes. A feature was quickly discovered in which the plane landed on the “fifth point” when parked, and it was problematic to return it to its normal position. This happened because of the folded wings, which moved the center of gravity back. I had to sacrifice space and leave them at a minimum angle.

As new machines arrived, the run-in Tu-160s were transferred to other air regiments, and some were disposed of on the spot in order to total number aircraft was part of the Treaty on the Reduction of Conventional Arms. They flew from Priluki to Baikal and back, or to the North to the island of Graham-Bam. The longest flight was made by Gorgol's crew - 12 hours 50 minutes. At the time of the collapse of the USSR, there were 19 Tu-160s in Priluki, and now there are 16 of them in service with the Russian Air Force. Baptism of fire aircraft occurred during the conflict in Syria in 2015, during the Russian military operation. Then cruise missiles Kh-555 and Kh-101 were launched at the targets of the Islamic State (a group banned in Russia).


  • Length - 54100
  • Height - 13100
  • Wingspan - 55.7 / 50.7 / 35.6 m
  • Wing area - 232 sq.m.
  • Weight - 110 tons
  • Crew - 4 people
  • Maximum fuel supply - 148 tons
  • Maximum takeoff weight - 275 tons
  • Thrust - 4 × 18,000 kgf (afterburner 4x25000)
  • Rate of climb - 4400 m/min
  • Maximum speed - 2200 km / h
  • Cruise speed - 850 km/h
  • Practical range - 12,300 km (maximum 18,950 km)
  • Practical / Strategic ceiling - 22,000 m

The latest best military aircraft of the Air Force of Russia and the world photos, pictures, videos about the value of a fighter aircraft as a combat weapon capable of providing "air supremacy" was recognized by the military circles of all states by the spring of 1916. This required the creation of a special combat aircraft that surpasses all others in terms of speed, maneuverability, altitude and the use of offensive small arms. In November 1915, Nieuport II Webe biplanes arrived at the front. This is the first aircraft built in France, which was intended for air combat.

The most modern domestic military aircraft in Russia and the world owe their appearance to the popularization and development of aviation in Russia, which was facilitated by the flights of Russian pilots M. Efimov, N. Popov, G. Alekhnovich, A. Shiukov, B. Rossiysky, S. Utochkin. The first domestic machines of designers J. Gakkel, I. Sikorsky, D. Grigorovich, V. Slesarev, I. Steglau began to appear. In 1913, the heavy aircraft "Russian Knight" made its first flight. But one cannot fail to recall the first aircraft creator in the world - Captain 1st Rank Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky.

Soviet military aircraft of the Great USSR Patriotic War sought to hit the enemy troops, his communications and other objects in the rear with air strikes, which led to the creation of bomber aircraft capable of carrying a large bomb load over considerable distances. The variety of combat missions to bombard enemy forces in the tactical and operational depth of the fronts led to the understanding of the fact that their performance should be commensurate with the tactical and technical capabilities of a particular aircraft. Therefore, the design teams had to resolve the issue of specialization of bomber aircraft, which led to the emergence of several classes of these machines.

Types and classification, the latest models of military aircraft in Russia and the world. It was obvious that it would take time to create a specialized fighter aircraft, so the first step in this direction was to try to equip existing aircraft with small arms offensive weapons. Mobile machine-gun mounts, which began to equip the aircraft, required excessive efforts from the pilots, since the control of the machine in a maneuverable battle and the simultaneous firing of an unstable weapon reduced the effectiveness of fire. The use of a two-seat aircraft as a fighter, where one of the crew members played the role of a gunner, also created certain problems, because an increase in the weight and drag of the machine led to a decrease in its flight qualities.

What are the planes. In our years, aviation has made a big qualitative leap, expressed in a significant increase in flight speed. This was facilitated by progress in the field of aerodynamics, the creation of new more powerful engines, structural materials, and electronic equipment. computerization of calculation methods, etc. Supersonic speeds have become the main modes of fighter flight. However, the race for speed also had its negative sides - the takeoff and landing characteristics and the maneuverability of aircraft deteriorated sharply. During these years, the level of aircraft construction reached such a level that it was possible to start creating aircraft with a variable sweep wing.

In order to further increase the flight speeds of jet fighters exceeding the speed of sound, Russian combat aircraft required an increase in their power-to-weight ratio, an increase in the specific characteristics of turbojet engines, and also an improvement in the aerodynamic shape of the aircraft. For this purpose, engines with an axial compressor were developed, which had smaller frontal dimensions, higher efficiency and better weight characteristics. For a significant increase in thrust, and hence the flight speed, afterburners were introduced into the engine design. The improvement of the aerodynamic forms of aircraft consisted in the use of wings and empennage with big angles sweep (in the transition to thin delta wings), as well as supersonic air intakes.

The Tu-160 is designed to destroy the most important targets in remote military geographical areas and deep behind enemy lines when conducting combat operations in continental theaters of military operations.

The decision of the United States to develop a strategic aircraft - the future B-1 - served as an impetus for the USSR to create a long-range bomber-missile carrier. On June 26, 1974, the Council of Ministers of the USSR instructed the Design Bureau of A. N. Tupolev to develop the Tu-160 strategic intercontinental aircraft. Government Decree No. 1040-348 of December 19, 1975 set the main performance characteristics of the aircraft.

So, the practical ceiling was supposed to be 18000-20000 m, and the combat load - from 9 to 40 tons, the flight range with two winged X-45s in subsonic cruising mode - 14000-16000 km, at supersonic speed - 12000-13000 km, maximum the speed at altitude was set at 2300-2500 km / h.


In addition to the Design Bureau of A. N. Tupolev, about 800 organizations and enterprises of the domestic military-industrial complex took part in the creation of an aircraft with a variable sweep wing. In 1976-1977, a draft design and a full-size mock-up of the aircraft were prepared and approved by the customer. In 1977, the production of the first three aircraft began in Moscow, in the workshops of the MMZ "Experience". The fuselage was made in Kazan, the wing and stabilizer were made in Novosibirsk, the landing gear legs were made in Gorky, and the cargo compartment doors were made in Voronezh.

On December 18, 1981, the first flight of the Tu-160 prototype (under the designation "70-01") was performed by a crew led by test pilot B. I. Veremey.

The first serial Tu-160 (No. 1-01) took off on October 10, 1984 from the airfield of the Kazan Aviation Plant, the second (No. 1-02) - March 16, 1985, the third (No. 2-01) - December 25, 1985 , fourth (No. 2-02) - August 15, 1986.


The first two Tu-160 aircraft entered the 184th Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment (GvTBAP) in Priluki (Ukrainian SSR) in April 1987, even before the completion of state tests. The tests ended in mid-1989 with four launches of Kh-55 cruise missiles and the achievement top speed horizontal flight 2200 km/h. In October 1989 and May 1990, Air Force crews set several world speed and altitude records: a 1,000 km closed-loop flight with a payload of 30 tons was performed at an average speed of 1,720 km/h; with a takeoff weight of 275 tons, an average speed of 1678 km / h and an altitude of 11,250 m were achieved. In total, 44 world records were set on the Tu-160.

By the early 1990s, the Kazan Aviation Production Association built 34 aircraft. 19 vehicles were delivered to two squadrons of the 184th GvTBAP. After the collapse Soviet Union all of them remained on the territory of Ukraine, becoming the subject of bargaining between the two new states. Only in the fall of 1999, an agreement was reached on the transfer of eight "Ukrainian" Tu-160s and three Tu-95MS to Russia in payment of debts for the supplied gas.


The Tu-160 entered service with the Russian Air Force in 1992 - in the 1st TBAP, stationed at the airbase in Engels.

By the beginning of 2001, Russia had 15 aircraft in combat formation, of which six were officially armed with strategic cruise missiles. On July 5, 2006, the upgraded Tu-160 was adopted. On September 10, 2008, two Tu-160 bombers flew from their base in Engels to the Libertador airfield in Venezuela, using an airfield in the Murmansk region as a jump airfield. On September 18, both aircraft took off from the Maiketia airfield in Caracas, and over the Norwegian Sea for the first time in last years made a night refueling in the air from the Il-78 tanker. On September 19, they landed at the base airfield, setting a record for the duration of the flight on the Tu-160.

In June 2010, Tu-160s flew almost 18,000 km with two refuelings. The duration of the aircraft flight was about 23 hours.

At the beginning of 2013, the Russian Air Force had 16 Tu-160 aircraft. Until 2020, it is planned to replenish air units with new types of Tu-160M ​​strategic bombers equipped with new system weapons.


Tu-160V (Tu-161) is a project of an aircraft with a power plant running on liquid hydrogen.
Tu-160 NK-74 - an aircraft with more economical NK-74 engines (increased flight range).
Tu-160M ​​is a carrier of Kh-90 hypersonic cruise missiles, an extended version.
The Tu-160P is a project of a heavy escort fighter armed with long and medium-range air-to-air missiles.
Tu-160PP - an electronic warfare aircraft, was brought to the stage of manufacturing a full-scale model, the composition of the equipment was fully determined.
Tu-160K is a draft design of the Krechet air defense missile system. Development was discontinued in the mid-1980s.
Tu-160SK - aircraft carrier of the aerospace liquid three-stage system "Burlak" weighing 20 tons.

The domestic aircraft "White Swan" was developed and created by the Tupolev Design Bureau in cooperation with the Kazan Aviation Plant named after Gorbunov. It is a supersonic strategic bomber. The first flight of the aircraft was made in 1981, and the aircraft was put into service five and a half years later. It is estimated that a total of three and a half dozen units of this machine were produced. Currently, half of them are in operation, the rest are disabled.

general information

The White Swan aircraft has a combat range of at least six thousand kilometers in the air without additional refueling. The maximum speed of the car is from a thousand kilometers per hour at a low speed and up to two and a half thousand at a high altitude. The aircraft received its unique name due to its excellent maneuverability and original coloring in white.

"White Swan" - an aircraft that is designed primarily for the delivery of nuclear and standard bombs, including deep-seated military missiles. The machine can perform direct functions in any weather in regions with different climates. The power plants of the "iron bird" are placed on the wings in pairs in two rows. Air intakes are equipped with vertical valves, and the total thrust of the engines is twenty-five thousand kilograms. The bomber can be refueled directly in the air; when not in operation, an additional probe is hidden in the fuselage compartment under the cockpit. Initially, the device can take on board up to one and a half tons of fuel.

"White Swan" (aircraft): specifications

Below are the parameters of the technical plan for the considered jet bomber:

  • crew - four people;
  • length / height - 50410/13100 millimeters;
  • wingspan - 5570 mm;
  • wing area - 23200 sq. mm;
  • empty weight - one hundred and ten tons
  • takeoff weight limit is 275 tons;
  • power units- TRDDF NK-32 (four pieces);
  • fuel weight - 148 thousand kilograms;
  • thrust to the maximum - 18 000x4 kg;
  • cruising speed - 860 kilometers per hour;
  • the practical indicator of the resource without additional refueling is 12,300 km;
  • flight duration - up to twenty-five hours.

In addition, the military aircraft "White Swan" has a high-speed climb in the mode of 4400 meters per minute, and also has a traction performance of weapons in the range of 0.3-0.37 units. The length of the run before takeoff is nine hundred meters.

Development and creation

The armament of the Soviet Union in the seventies of the last century had a good nuclear potential. However, in terms of strategic aviation, there was a significant lag behind the closest competitors. In those days, this category was represented by subsonic bombers, which were not able to overcome the air defense of a mock enemy.

In this regard, the government decides to create a multi-mode strategic military aircraft. The development is entrusted to two design bureaus (Sukhoi and Myasishchev). Engineers use diametrically different approaches, but have one common point contact. It touches the swept-type wing.

The Tupolevs are connected to work in 1969, after the government sets specific deadlines. The White Swan aircraft is the only category in Soviet aviation that has been given its own name. In turn, most units of this class are additionally named after heroes, fairy tale characters etc.


At the first stages of the development of a new bomber, the command recognized the design of the Design Bureau SU under the T-4M index as better. However, the designers were simultaneously engaged in the creation of SU-27 fighters. It was decided to transfer all information about the heavy aircraft being created to the engineers of the Tupolev bureau.

At this stage, the White Swan aircraft could cease to exist by renaming it to T-4M. However, Tupolev refuses the proposed project and decides to continue work on a variable-swept bomber. In addition, the customer announced two mandatory requirements:

  1. Possibility of transonic sorties at low altitude.
  2. Subsonic flights over a considerable distance.

The new aircraft used the most advanced technologies and materials at that time, a reinforced landing gear was developed, the engine and a number of other components were modernized. Model code name - TU-160M. The unit was equipped with various parts manufactured at five hundred enterprises.

Aircraft "White Swan": description of modifications

Consider the differences between the models that were produced on the basis of the Tu-160:

  1. TU-161V is a project of a bomber equipped with a power plant operating on liquefied hydrogen. The aircraft differs from the basic version in the dimensions of the fuselage. Liquid fuel of this type was placed in tanks at a temperature of -250 degrees. An additional helium system is provided that is responsible for controlling cryogenic engines, as well as a nitrogen unit that controls the vacuum in the heat-insulating compartments of the missile carrier.
  2. Modification NK-74 is equipped with economical jet power plants with a special afterburner. The advantage of such models is the increase in flight range.
  3. TU-160P "White Swan" - an aircraft that is a long-range escort fighter capable of carrying long and medium-range air-to-air guided missiles.
  4. Series 160PP - a project of an aircraft for electronic warfare.
  5. TU-160K is a project included in the development of the Krechet air and missile system. Its modernization is aimed at increasing the effectiveness and destructive power of ballistic missiles in the event of a nuclear explosion.

More about flight options

The White Swan aircraft, the photo of which is presented below, is considered one of the most powerful and fastest in the world. It has a wingspan of thirty-five to fifty-five meters with a fixed area of ​​232 sq. m. The practical possibilities for the height of the flight are over twenty kilometers. for comparison, passenger liner masters no more than 11.5 km. The duration of the bomber flight is over fifteen hours with a combat radius of five thousand kilometers.


The unit is operated by a crew of four. The length and height of the airship allows crew members to stand in full height There is a kitchen and a bathroom on board. Paired power units in the amount of four pieces are pressed against the fuselage. When you turn on the forced mode, the speed of the White Swan aircraft can reach 2300 kilometers per hour. On takeoff, this figure is four thousand meters per minute, the car can take off from a runway with a length of at least eight hundred meters, and land on a similar site, the length of which is two or more kilometers.

Combat equipment

The bomber in question was purposefully designed to be able to launch guided missiles. That is, he does not have to hover over the alleged place of a military strike. "White Swan" - an aircraft whose technical parameters allow for long-range shots, can be equipped with two types of cruise missiles (Kh-55SM or Kh-15S). Even before departure, the coordinates of a conditional or real target are entered into the memory blocks of the charge. The attack aircraft is capable of carrying from twelve to twenty-four missiles of this type.

Most modifications can be equipped with the following weapons:

  • system "Krechet";
  • complex "Burlak";
  • the ability to carry standard bombs of various modifications.

The available ammunition makes it possible to hit targets at long range, both ground and naval units.

A little about the most modernized model

Aircraft TU-160 "White Swan" under the symbol M is the latest modernization released into mass production. The device is equipped with new weapons and modern radio-electronic equipment. The bomber can carry on board about ninety OFAB charges, each of which weighs five hundred kilograms. If we compare the aircraft in question with the British counterpart "Typhoon", the domestic model surpasses the "British" in most indicators. For example, it has four times the flight margin without refueling, better engine efficiency, and is also capable of carrying more bombs and missiles.


The combat liner in question belongs to a piece and expensive product, has unique characteristics. In mass production, only thirty-five copies were produced, many of which are no longer left. It is worth noting one feature, namely individual names. Among them there are such options:

  1. "Yarygin Ivan" (USSR champion).
  2. "Ilya Muromets" (fairytale hero).
  3. "Kopylov Vitaly" (in honor of the aircraft designer).
  4. Many names in honor of famous pilots: "Pavel Taran", "Chkalov" and others.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, nineteen cars remained in Ukraine. They did not justify themselves, because they did not find practical application. There were even attempts to pay them for gas from Russian Federation. As a result, most of the "swans" were simply cut into scrap metal.

As of 2013, the Russian Air Force operated sixteen Tu-160 units. Taking into account modern realities, there are not enough of these machines for such a country, and the production of new ones requires significant financial investments. It was decided to modernize ten bombers, as well as to plan the development of a new type of missile carriers.

Comparison with foreign analogues

The aircraft "White Swan", whose performance is still one of the best in its class, on this moment out of production. There is unconfirmed information about the possible resumption of production of units based on TU-160, but much depends on the economic situation and the demand for machines. It should be noted that this aircraft was not produced for export.

Below is Comparative characteristics according to the main parameters between the "White Swan", the American B-1 and the English "Typhoon":

Tu-160 M "White Swan"

Aircraft manufactured in the USA under the brand B-1

English attack fighter "Typhoon"

Flight range without additional refueling - 12.5 thousand kilometers

2.5 times lower

four times lower

Portable weapons (bombs and cruise missiles) - at least 90 units

One and a half times less

Twice smaller

Speed ​​indicators - up to 2,300 km / h

One and a half times lower

Almost double the

The power of power plants - 1 800 * 4

Almost two times lower

Weaker by 2.1 times

Practical tests

Giving tasks to the designers, the customer (the government of the USSR) presented a number of mandatory requirements that an aircraft of a new formation should have:

  1. Have a flight range at an altitude of eighteen thousand meters of at least 13,000 km at a speed of 2300-2500 km/h.
  2. Near the ground, the flight range is at least 10,000 km in the subsonic version.
  3. A combat aircraft must approach the intended target in cruising flight at subsonic speed or in supersonic mode, overcoming enemy air defenses.
  4. The total weight with combat equipment is forty-five tons.
  5. The following requirements were imposed on the future jet bomber:

For the first time, a prototype under the code index 70-01 flew from the Ramenskoye airfield. This happened at the end of 1981, test pilot B. Veremeev flew the plane.

The supersonic bomber was put into mass production in 1984 at the Kazan test site. From the autumn of 1984 to the summer of 1986, four serial modifications have already risen into the sky.

In conclusion

The White Swan aircraft, the photo of which is presented above, is a unique jet bomber, the analogues of which for a long time was not in the world. Its characteristics and capabilities are recognized by experts as one of the best in its class. Unfortunately, the mass production of these devices was rather limited due to the high cost of materials, assembly and equipment. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the production of these aircraft ceased, but some of the manufactured samples are still in operation, showing excellent results, even compared to the best foreign counterparts.
