Village craftsmen. Lesson on the topic: "Craftsmen of my land"

We are proud of our great Motherland, its culture, its forests and fields, its songs, its industrious and talented people. But each of us has our own Little Motherland. The small homeland - the place where you were born - is the house where you, bursting with laughter, take your first steps, where you first said the word mother, but also human relationships, way of life and traditions. This is the place where our parents live, where we grow up, study, play with friends. Nothing on earth can be closer, sweeter than the place where you spent your childhood. Each person has his own homeland. For some it is Big city, others have a small village, but all people love it. And wherever we go, we are always drawn to our homeland, to the places where we grew up. The homeland does not have to be big. It can be some corner of our city, village. Here is our history and every person should know the history of their land, its people. This is part of our happiness. my small homeland is Belgorod. I am happy that I live on Belgorod land. Belgorod region is the most attractive and interesting corner of our country, which has a long history. Many poems and stories have been written about the Belgorod region. The motherland is like a huge tree on which there are no leaves to count. But every tree has roots that feed it. Roots are what we lived yesterday, 100, 1000 years ago. This is our history, our culture. I love the Belgorod region for its vast fields, majestic mountains, forests and simply because I was born here. The history of the Belgorod region is diverse and original. The people who lived on this land had to go through many troubles and hardships - fires, raids, invasions, but, nevertheless, Belgorod region was famous and continues to be famous for its brave and hardworking inhabitants, traditions and customs. A special place in the history of our region is occupied by various crafts. The craftsmen were known not only in their city or province, but also beyond them. At first, the craft of the inhabitants of the Belgorod region had a domestic character - everyone sewed clothes and shoes for himself, dishes from clay, made tools. But during the period early medieval launched the product to the market. Belgorod land was famous for its icon painters. The names of the masters, with a few exceptions, are unknown to us. But we can look at rare masterpieces found in various parts of our region and seem to be transported to another time, feel how the feelings that the author put into his work penetrate into you. Belgorod region has been famous for its potters since ancient times. The center of pottery production was the Borisovsky district, where talented craftsmen still live, and there is quite large plant for the production of clay and ceramic products. It would seem that this craft is quite simple, but this is only the first impression. Having become acquainted with pottery closer, I realized that it is very thin and painstaking work, which consists of many stages and requires attention and patience. In the skillful hands of the master, a shapeless piece of clay becomes a real work of art. The craftsman's products became famous throughout the province and were sold at fairs with great success. Blacksmithing was also developed in the Belgorod region. The blacksmith in epics, fairy tales and legends is the personification of goodness, strength and courage. Rich ore deposits allowed this skill to develop rapidly. Belgorod blacksmiths supplied farmers with scythes and sickles, warriors with weapons, created such things as keys, knives, needles, fishhooks, locks and much more, which were necessary for the economy. Various ornaments and amulets were also made. In addition to the above crafts, weaving, wickerwork and an infinite number of other various techniques and skills were developed in the Belgorod region. And the very fact that these crafts and masters are still not forgotten is a valuable cultural achievement. This means that Belgorod residents do not forget the traditions of their ancestors, respect and revive them. means that interest in the culture of their people does not disappear, but rather increases. Every year exhibitions and sales of handicrafts are organized, which are popular with the population. All this is another big step towards the preservation of cultural heritage. I believe that it is necessary to create corners of folk culture in schools, because those who are still in school now will have the task of preserving and creating the traditions of our homeland, our culture. Moreover, it is worth holding meetings with information carriers about folk culture- residents of villages, villages. After all, nothing can be better known than first-hand.

We are proud of our great Motherland, its culture, its forests and fields, its songs, its hardworking and talented people. But each of us has our own Little Motherland. The small homeland - the place where you were born - is the house where you, bursting with laughter, take your first steps, where you first said the word mother, but also human relationships, way of life and traditions. This is the place where our parents live, where we grow up, study, play with friends. Nothing on earth can be closer, sweeter than the place where you spent your childhood. Each person has his own homeland. For some it is a big city, for others it is a small village, but all people love it. And wherever we go, we are always drawn to our homeland, to the places where we grew up. The homeland does not have to be big. It can be some corner of our city, village. Here is our history and every person should know the history of their land, its people. This is part of our happiness. My small homeland is Belgorod. I am happy that I live on Belgorod land. Belgorod region is the most attractive and interesting corner of our country, which has a long history. Many poems and stories have been written about the Belgorod region. The motherland is like a huge tree on which there are no leaves to count. But every tree has roots that feed it. Roots are what we lived yesterday, 100, 1000 years ago. This is our history, our culture. I love the Belgorod region for its vast fields, majestic mountains, forests and simply because I was born here. The history of the Belgorod region is diverse and original. The people who lived on this land had to go through many troubles and hardships - fires, raids, invasions, but, nevertheless, Belgorod region was famous and continues to be famous for its brave and hardworking inhabitants, traditions and customs. A special place in the history of our region is occupied by various crafts. The craftsmen were known not only in their city or province, but also beyond them. At first, the craft of the inhabitants of the Belgorod region was of a domestic nature - each sewed clothes and shoes, clay dishes, and made tools for himself. But in the period of the early Middle Ages, the release of products to the market began. Belgorod land was famous for its icon painters. The names of the masters, with a few exceptions, are unknown to us. But we can look at rare masterpieces found in various parts of our region and seem to be transported to another time, feel how the feelings that the author put into his work penetrate into you. Belgorod region has been famous for its potters since ancient times. The center of pottery production was the Borisov region, where talented craftsmen still live, and there is a rather large plant for the production of clay and ceramic products. It would seem that this craft is quite simple, but this is only the first impression. Having got to know pottery closer, I realized that this is a very delicate and painstaking work, which consists of many stages and requires attention and patience. In the skillful hands of the master, a shapeless piece of clay becomes a real work of art. The craftsman's products became famous throughout the province and were sold at fairs with great success. Blacksmithing was also developed in the Belgorod region. The blacksmith in epics, fairy tales and legends is the personification of goodness, strength and courage. Rich ore deposits allowed this skill to develop rapidly. Belgorod blacksmiths supplied farmers with scythes and sickles, warriors with weapons, created such things as keys, knives, needles, fishhooks, locks and much more, which were necessary for the economy. Various ornaments and amulets were also made. In addition to the above crafts, weaving, wickerwork and an infinite number of other various techniques and skills were developed in the Belgorod region. And the very fact that these crafts and masters are still not forgotten is a valuable cultural achievement. This means that Belgorod residents do not forget the traditions of their ancestors, respect and revive them. means that interest in the culture of their people does not disappear, but rather increases. Every year exhibitions and sales of handicrafts are organized, which are popular with the population. All this is another big step towards the preservation of cultural heritage. I believe that it is necessary to create corners of folk culture in schools, because those who are still in school now will have the task of preserving and creating the traditions of our homeland, our culture. Moreover, it is worth holding meetings with carriers of information about folk culture - residents of villages and villages. After all, nothing can be better known than first-hand.

We are proud of our great Motherland, its culture, its forests and fields, its songs, its hardworking and talented people. But each of us has our own Little Motherland. The small homeland is the place where you were born - this is the house where you, bursting with laughter, take your first steps, where you first said the word mother, but also human relationships, way of life and traditions. This is the place where our parents live, where we grow up, study, play with friends. Nothing on earth can be closer, sweeter than the place where you spent your childhood. Each person has his own homeland. For some it is a big city, for others it is a small village, but all people love it. And wherever we go, we are always drawn to our homeland, to the places where we grew up. The homeland does not have to be big. It can be some corner of our city, village. Here is our history and every person should know the history of their land, its people. This is part of our happiness. My small homeland is Belgorod. I am happy that I live on Belgorod land. Belgorod region is the most attractive and interesting corner of our country, which has a long history. Many poems and stories have been written about the Belgorod region. The motherland is like a huge tree on which there are no leaves to count. But every tree has roots that feed it. Roots are what we lived yesterday, 100, 1000 years ago. This is our history, our culture. I love the Belgorod region for its vast fields, majestic mountains, forests and simply because I was born here. The history of the Belgorod region is diverse and original. The people who lived on this land had to go through many troubles and hardships - fires, raids, invasions, but, nevertheless, Belgorod region was famous and continues to be famous for its brave and hardworking inhabitants, traditions and customs. A special place in the history of our region is occupied by various crafts. The craftsmen were known not only in their city or province, but also beyond them. At first, the craft of the inhabitants of the Belgorod region had a domestic character - everyone sewed clothes and shoes for himself, dishes from clay, made tools. But in the period of the early Middle Ages, the release of products to the market began. Belgorod land was famous for its icon painters. The names of the masters, with a few exceptions, are unknown to us. But we can look at rare masterpieces found in various parts of our region and seem to be transported to another time, feel how the feelings that the author put into his work penetrate into you. Belgorod region has been famous for its potters since ancient times. The center of pottery production was the Borisov region, where talented craftsmen still live, and there is a rather large plant for the production of clay and ceramic products. It would seem that this craft is quite simple, but this is only the first impression. Having got to know pottery closer, I realized that this is a very delicate and painstaking work, which consists of many stages and requires attention and patience. In the skillful hands of the master, a shapeless piece of clay becomes a real work of art. The craftsman's products became famous throughout the province and were sold at fairs with great success. Blacksmithing was also developed in the Belgorod region. The blacksmith in epics, fairy tales and legends is the personification of goodness, strength and courage. Rich ore deposits allowed this skill to develop rapidly. Belgorod blacksmiths supplied farmers with scythes and sickles, warriors with weapons, created such things as keys, knives, needles, fishhooks, locks and much more, necessary for the economy. Various ornaments and amulets were also made. In addition to the above crafts, weaving, wickerwork and an infinite number of other various techniques and skills were developed in the Belgorod region. And the very fact that these crafts and masters are still not forgotten is a valuable cultural achievement. This means that Belgorod residents do not forget the traditions of their ancestors, respect and revive them. means that interest in the culture of their people does not disappear, but rather increases. Every year exhibitions and sales of handicrafts are organized, which are popular with the population. All this is another big step towards the preservation of cultural heritage. I believe that it is necessary to create corners of folk culture in schools, because those who are still in school now will have the task of preserving and creating the traditions of our homeland, our culture. Moreover, it is worth holding meetings with information carriers about folk culture - residents of villages and villages. After all, nothing can be better known than first-hand.

Subject: proud of history native land. craftsmen my city.

Target: acquaint with the history of the native land, tell about craftsmen, folk crafts, blacksmiths, cultivate love for the native land and pride.

Form of organization of the educational process: practical lesson.

Expected results: assimilation of knowledge about the history and craftsmen of the native land.

Equipment: presentation

Lesson plan:

    Class organization.

The bell has already rung, the lesson begins,

We are ready to work, to work, not to be lazy

So that knowledge for the lesson, everyone would go for the future!

Spoil heaps stand majestically and proudly. Mining mountains - close, foggy, ash-gray, steep-topped, reddish-brown, oblong, cooled down, like giant helmets.

In the summer - burned by the scorching sun. In winter they are snowy, and if the wind blows snow from the top, it seems that the mountains are waist-deep in snowdrifts. Spoil heaps are especially beautiful in the morning: pale lilac, lilac from a distance. At night - entirely in trembling lights, as if the mountain inside is red-hot and the fire breaks through here and there.

Many waste heaps stand in the Donetsk steppe not less than a century. They saw blizzards and blizzards, withering heat and menacing, like a flood, downpours. They are shrouded in bluish haze, like legends.

Low bow to them eternal monuments difficult

mining labor!

    Working on new material

    Pick up a proverb.

Any work ... you need to love work.

A man without a craft ... praises the master.

To live well, like a tree without fruit.

You haven't heard of the craftsman

The flea who shod?

Remembering the master

Tell me his nickname.

5 letters (Lefty)

Leskov's story is called "The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and steel flea» and isRussian tale, in which main character - Lefty. It was he who shod the flea, being a master "from God", and forever became an example of a person with "golden hands".

Todaythe name "Lefty" has become a household name, which is calledtalented and savvy native of the people.

Folk craftsman - a person who is engaged in folk crafts.

Traditions folk art are rooted in antiquity, reflecting the peculiarities of the labor and everyday life, aesthetic ideals and beliefs of a certain people. The motives and images of folk art have been preserved almost unchanged for centuries, being passed down from generation to generation. Products of folk craftsmen (ceramics, fabrics and carpets, products made of wood, stone, metal, bone, leather, etc.) are designed, first of all, to bring beauty and joy into everyday life.

Let's talk about some of the "craftsmen" of the past and present of our region, who glorified it with their work. In the past, when there was no such variety of machines as it is now, the main tool of the master was his hands, and to help them - an ax, a pick, a shovel, a plow. Pottery has been used in everyday life since ancient times.

Pottery - one of the types of folk crafts. Clay was mined with an iron pick and spade. It was carried and stored in the yard, if necessary, filled with water. Kneaded like dough, the clay was beaten with oars, beaten with wooden mallets. After that, the clay was rolled out. The potter plucked off pieces and worked them first on a hand, and later on a heavy foot potter's wheel. The potter's fingers and a knife, a thin wooden plate, were the main tools for decorating dishes. The master cut the finished product from the circle with wire, put it to dry and fired it, then painted it and covered it with enamel. In the eighteenth century spread one of the types of ceramics - majolica. Majolica products made of colored clay, painted in folk style, still adorn our modern homes. Among the ceramic products are bowls, half-bowls, gliders (lids), makitra pots, etc.

weaving - the craft of making wicker products from a vine. Basket fishing was widespread among the population of the Donetsk region. Handicraft basket makers wove baskets of various sizes and shapes, boxes, furniture, screens and bodies for carriages. Willow, bird cherry, elm twigs, as well as reeds served as raw materials.

blacksmith craft . Archaeological finds testify to the development of this craft. The roots of blacksmithing go back to five thousandth depths of the past. The range of products made of iron and steel was also extremely wide - these were weapons, production tools, handicraft tools, horse harness, household items, jewelry and clothing items.

Outstanding CountrymanAlexey Ivanovich Mertsalov

blacksmith and worker Yuzovsky steel plant

in 1895 forged a palm tree from one rail that was

was awarded the Grand Prix and remains a symbol of the Donetsk region.

Blacksmithing in the Donbass flourishes and is still glorified, young talents give new forged masterpieces.

    Physical education minute

Take your seats.

One - sat down, two - got up,

Everyone raised their hands up.

Sit down, get up, sit down, get up

Vanka - Rise as if they became,

And then they jumped

Like my bouncy ball.

    Group work.

1 group - mold plasticine (salt dough, clay) dishes (tea set).

2 group - on a sample of dishes (plate) made of white cardboard, paint with folk style paints.


Our lesson has come to an end.

    Who is a folk craftsman?

    What crafts do you remember?

    Which of our local crafts do you like the most?

    Name the people of labor who glorified our region.

Continue suggestions:

    Hands work - soul ……..;

    Do not bother - and happiness .......

Subject: I am proud of the history of my native land. Folk craftsmen of my city.

Target: acquaint with the history of the native land, tell about craftsmen, folk crafts, blacksmiths, cultivate love for the native land and pride.

Form of organization of the educational process: practical lesson.

Expected results: assimilation of knowledge about the history and craftsmen of the native land.

Equipment: presentation

Lesson plan:

    Class organization.

The bell has already rung, the lesson begins,

We are ready to work, to work, not to be lazy

So that knowledge for the lesson, everyone would go for the future!

Spoil heaps stand majestically and proudly. Mining mountains - close, foggy, ash-gray, steep-topped, reddish-brown, oblong, cooled down, like giant helmets.

In the summer - burned by the scorching sun. In winter they are snowy, and if the wind blows snow from the top, it seems that the mountains are waist-deep in snowdrifts. Spoil heaps are especially beautiful in the morning: pale lilac, lilac from a distance. At night - entirely in trembling lights, as if the mountain inside is red-hot and the fire breaks through here and there.

Many waste heaps stand in the Donetsk steppe for at least a century. They saw blizzards and blizzards, withering heat and menacing, like a flood, downpours. They are shrouded in bluish haze, like legends.

Low bow to them, eternal monuments to the difficult

mining labor!

    Working on new material

    Pick up a proverb.

Any work ... you need to love work.

A man without a craft ... praises the master.

To live well, like a tree without fruit.

You haven't heard of the craftsman

The flea who shod?

Remembering the master

Tell me his nickname.

5 letters (Lefty)

Leskov's story is called "The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea" and is a Russian tale in which the main character, Lefty, acts. It was he who shod the flea, being a master "from God", and forever became an example of a person with "golden hands".

Today, the name "Lefty" has become a household name, which is called a talented and savvy person from the people's environment.

Think about what crafts people were engaged in and who is a folk craftsman?

Folk craftsman - a person who is engaged in folk crafts.

Folk crafts are the bottom of the forms of folk artistic creativity(in particular, the manufacture of decorative and applied arts).

The traditions of folk art are rooted in antiquity, reflecting the peculiarities of the labor and everyday life, aesthetic ideals and beliefs of a certain people. The motives and images of folk art have been preserved almost unchanged for centuries, being passed down from generation to generation. Products of folk craftsmen (ceramics, fabrics and carpets, products made of wood, stone, metal, bone, leather, etc.) are designed, first of all, to bring beauty and joy into everyday life.

Let's talk about some of the "craftsmen" of the past and present of our region, who glorified it with their work. In the past, when there was no such variety of machines as it is now, the main tool of the master was his hands, and to help them - an ax, a pick, a shovel, a plow. Pottery has been used in everyday life since ancient times.

Pottery - one of the types of folk crafts. Clay was mined with an iron pick and spade. It was carried and stored in the yard, if necessary, filled with water. Kneaded like dough, the clay was beaten with oars, beaten with wooden hammers. After that, the clay was rolled out. The potter plucked off pieces and worked them first on a hand, and later on a heavy foot potter's wheel. The potter's fingers and a knife, a thin wooden plate, were the main tools for decorating dishes. The master cut the finished product from the circle with wire, put it to dry and fired it, then painted it and covered it with enamel. In the eighteenth century spread one of the types of ceramics - majolica. Majolica products made of colored clay, painted in folk style, still adorn our modern homes. Among the ceramic products are bowls, half-bowls, gliders (lids), makitra pots, etc.

weaving - the craft of making wicker products from a vine. Basket fishing was widespread among the population of the Donetsk region. Handicraft basket makers wove baskets of various sizes and shapes, boxes, furniture, screens and bodies for carriages. Willow, bird cherry, elm twigs, as well as reeds served as raw materials.

blacksmith craft . Archaeological finds testify to the development of this craft. The roots of blacksmithing go back to five thousandth depths of the past. The range of products made of iron and steel was also extremely wide - these were weapons, production tools, handicraft tools, horse harness, household items, jewelry and clothing items.

Outstanding Countryman Alexey Ivanovich Mertsalov

blacksmith and worker of the Yuzovsky metallurgical plant

in 1895 forged a palm tree from one rail that was

was awarded the Grand Prix and remains a symbol of the Donetsk region.

Blacksmithing in the Donbass flourishes and is still glorified, young talents give new forged masterpieces.

    Physical education minute

Take your seats.

One - sat down, two - got up,

Everyone raised their hands up.

Sit down, get up, sit down, get up

Vanka - Rise as if they became,

And then they jumped

Like my bouncy ball.

    Group work.

1 group- mold plasticine (salt dough, clay) dishes (tea set).

2 group - on a sample of dishes (plate) made of white cardboard, paint with folk style paints.


Our lesson has come to an end.

    Who is a folk craftsman?

    What crafts do you remember?

    Which of our local crafts do you like the most?

    Name the people of labor who glorified our region.

Continue suggestions:

    Hands work - soul ……..;

    Do not bother - and happiness .......
