How to become a ballerina at 12. Ballet: from dream to reality

Ballet is one of the few art forms for which there is no concept of "amateur".
An amateur artist can paint beautiful pictures in his spare time. An amateur musician is able to eventually make music his new profession. A filmmaker sometimes trusts leading role in the picture common man from the street, not professional actor. But it would never occur to anyone to dress up in a ballet tutu and let it out on theater stage a girl (even the most beautiful and artistic!), if she does not have special training. It's just not possible. The future ballerina has been patiently and carefully prepared since childhood.

How are girls selected for ballet training?
Ballet (choreographic) schools in the department of classical dance accept children who have just graduated primary school. This age (9-10 years) is considered the most suitable for starting vocational training. In a special educational institution, girls will study in two cycles at once: special and general education. A special cycle (lessons of dance, music, theater history) will be the main thing for them, moreover: the entire daily routine will be subject to the schedule of classes at the choreographic machine. This is how the artists of the world-famous Russian ballet school are brought up.

When entering the school, strict teachers first of all evaluate the external data of little dancers. Preference is given to long-legged short girls of graceful physique. Even the size and shape of the head is taken into account: the head should be small and neatly planted on a high, thin neck.
Very often, teachers look not only at children, but also at their parents: aren't those large bodies too large? After all, there is no escape from heredity! In three or four years, the thin daughter of a tall, portly mother can turn into a tall, stately beauty. In itself, this, of course, is not bad, but where can you find a hero-partner for such a solid ballerina?

Despite the external fragility, the future ballerina must have good physical fitness. Whether the girl’s back is flexible, whether the muscles are sufficiently elastic, whether the arch of the foot is correctly formed - the answer to all these and many other questions should only be positive, otherwise intensive exercises will harm the child’s health. And health should be not just good, but very good - the students will have to withstand serious stress.

The creative potential of applicants (hearing, sense of rhythm, attention, memory, musicality, artistry) is also checked by teachers, but they are quite loyal to its assessment: all children have different backgrounds, so it is difficult to judge their innate abilities. Naturally, bright and artistic children are immediately “taken into account”. However, no one will "put an end to" those who failed to open up in the entrance tests. It's okay - musical and artistic data in childhood lend themselves well to development, there would be desire and perseverance.

Is it possible to become a ballerina by studying in a ballet studio?
There are not so many good children's ballet studios in the country. But even in the best amateur studio it is impossible to get a full-fledged professional ballet training. This is due to the fact that studio children do ballet in their free time. regular school time, and that time is very short.
The result of the work best studios become real ballet performances in which children play all the roles. How cute are five-year-old crumbs on stage! And how similar to real ballerinas are teenage girls, confidently standing on pointe shoes!

I read an interview with Professor Marina Leonova about the future choreographic training, and I just can’t find words to express the indignation and indignation that rages inside me. Starting at the age of 15 is beyond my understanding. When adults who have never had anything to do with ballet decide to start choreography at the age of 15-40, then this is their own business. They will never become professionals, but they don't care, they just like this kind of art, they like dance, plasticity. Some get up after a few years pointe shoes. It looks a little pitiful from a professional point of view, since adult legs are prepared to stand up perfectly on pointe shoes impossible! To do this, you need to practice from childhood in order to first prepare the muscles, joints, ligaments. It is necessary to train your legs so that standing on pointe shoes you do not feel tightness, pain. Pointe shoes as an extension of the leg. A professional dancer does not feel discomfort when she dances in pointe shoes. For her, it is as natural as walking in sneakers. But if you start doing ballet only at the age of 15, as the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation proposes to do, you will never be able to become a professional - it will be an amateur performance, where it will not be clear who is better, who is worse, since children did not pass the selection in early childhood, when the data of the child is easier reveal everything. By the age of 15, even if something remains with the child, it will not work under any circumstances to develop and make a prima ballerina out of a girl. The same applies to boys. At the age of 10, although his parents decide for him, over the years he begins to live precisely ballet, for him, dance is the meaning of life and he no longer imagines himself in something else. At 15, he just won't go to ballet, because he considers it not a man's occupation! Because his peers play football and openly laugh at those who dance in tight tights. And if, nevertheless, the love of dancing prevails over the maliciously laughing peers, then it will definitely be impossible to develop a jump at the age of 15! A jump in male dance is practically one of the main components. Apparently, you will have to forget about support altogether, because certain muscles also develop for this. In addition, there will not be that grace, airiness, strength and power that is worked out, minted from childhood and will not be able to suddenly appear like that in adolescence. How to achieve these thin lines, swan neck, ideality in movements? It will be just a semblance of what children strive for in the classroom. classical choreography and what teachers achieve from their students for many years.

Russian ballet is famous all over the world, Russian ballet legendary and the best, and it is the Russian people sitting in the Russian government that are ruining Russian ballet overnight. What the people who pass the laws think remains a mystery.

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Which of the girls did not dream of becoming a great ballerina, a famous dancer in childhood? How many have fulfilled their dream? Of course not. Why? You say that these are just childhood dreams, nothing more? Not certainly in that way. Of course, these are dreams, someone dreams of becoming a ballerina, someone an astronaut, someone a doctor, a teacher. But, if it is never too late to become a teacher or a doctor, a driver or a pilot, or maybe a scientist, then you need to prepare for the profession of a ballerina, and professionally - you need to early childhood.

I do not argue, many parents take their children, especially girls, to dance classes, ballet studios, art schools. But is this enough to become a professional ballerina, dancer in the future? Of course not. In order to really become a ballerina, it is necessary to enter a professional choreographic school in early childhood, at the age of 9-10 years, i.e. at the end elementary school. You need to prepare for such an act in advance.

How to become a ballerina at 8,9,10 years old

The selection to the choreographic school is quite tough, sometimes, more than a dozen people apply for one place. Entrance tests are held in 3 rounds.

The first round - the physical features of the physique (external), professional data are evaluated: body proportions, eversion, step, rise, jump, flexibility is mandatory. Both girls and boys should be slender, preferably with elongated limbs. The head should not be large.

Girls should not be tall, fragile and graceful. In addition to the physique of children, the physique of the parents is often evaluated (in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bheredity). After all, it also happens that from a very thin girl - a full-bodied tall girl grows up. And, in this case, she is waiting for professional incompetence. Because ballet is, first of all, not a solo dance, and it will not be easy for such a beauty to find a partner.

Round 2 - health assessment - medical commission. Future ballet dancers must be absolutely healthy. After all, they are waiting for huge physical exertion. In addition to the general education program, children receive specialized education. Their whole day is subject to a strict schedule. The main place is occupied by a classic machine. And this is the hardest work.

And, finally, round 3 - an artistic commission that evaluates the musical, rhythmic abilities of children: hearing, rhythm, memory and prof. data - danceability. But even if you passed all the tests and entered, then to the cherished goal - to become a ballerina, still oh, how far. One of important points upon admission, this is something to consider, is the child ready to live in a boarding school? After all, there are not so many choreographic schools that train ballet dancers, and, of course, they are not even in many major cities. Will a little girl (boy) be able to part with her mother? Not all children realize this before the actual separation from their parents. Of course, many children who really rave about ballet are ready for this.

Well, they did, they withstood the most difficult competition, friends appeared. Now, I’ll definitely become a ballerina, the little girl thinks. And again, this is not always the case. As I wrote above, the work on the way to the cherished goal is huge, sometimes you need to overcome physical fatigue and pain to continue to practice. Constantly work on yourself. Every day. This is not a circle with a visit 2-3 times a week. And hard, hard work. Only those who have a really steel character can withstand great power will. Others leave. Those who remain become real ballerinas, ballet dancers. Albeit not always prima, soloists. But to become even a corps de ballet dancer is a great work, talent and patience. Yes, every ballet dancer is talented. The soloists are brilliant.

Ballet is not only a beautiful view performing arts but also a very worthy hobby. If children's dreams of ballet do not go away after many years, then you should not despair and think about lost time and opportunities. After all, you can always do self-study! How to become a ballerina at home? The answer to this question can be found in this article.

Professional ballet or ballet at home?

Start by learning professional ballet necessary in special educational institutions. If it seems that the question of how to become a ballerina at home implies a subsequent professional training, and then getting present work in the theater, you will have to be a little disappointed. Why? The fact is that the ballet market is a very competitive place. Ballet has been practiced since early age. Moreover, modern troupes consider only those candidates who fit certain physical parameters.

However, this does not mean at all that those who have not attended special training since childhood can forever say goodbye to the dream of ballet. After all, the main thing is not only ballet shoes, but also skills and abilities that you can learn on your own. You can dance for your own pleasure, engage in non-professional groups, and even record and upload videos from own performances!

How to become a ballerina at home

Doing ballet on your own means mastering body ballet. What is it? Body ballet is one of the areas of fitness that has appeared relatively recently. Most of the studied movements repeat. However, in this case they were greatly simplified and adapted to ordinary people(that is, without many years of training).

What is useful body ballet

Body ballet not only helps to become a ballerina at home, as most people want, but also has a number of other undeniable advantages.

Here is what you can achieve with regular practice:

  • Weight recovery and weight loss. During training, the pulse of the student jumps up to 100-139 beats per 1 minute, and it is this mode that starts the process in which they begin to actively burn extra fat.
  • You can do muscle strengthening and relief. One of the main advantages of body ballet is that it does not contribute to an increase in muscle mass, while the body of the practitioner is gradually tightened. Classes are aimed at training all major muscle groups.
  • Strengthening the joints. Very often, body ballet is advised to people who have suffered injuries and are now on their way to restoring physical activity.
  • With regular exercise, breathing and the work of the cardiovascular system begin to improve. Along with this, the improvements will also affect the circulatory system, and the tissues will receive an additional supply of oxygen.
  • Among the many exercises for ballerinas in body ballet, there are many that place special emphasis on stretching. So the practitioner has every opportunity to improve his flexibility.
  • Many ballet fans love this art form for its grace and elegance. After just a few choreography lessons, you can feel the improvement in your own gait and posture, and the desired gracefulness will be traced in all movements.

Necessary conditions and attributes for practicing at home

Having dealt with the question of how to become a ballerina at home, you can move on to the next question - what is required for this.

  • First, it is the availability of free time. Each workout will take at least 1 hour.
  • Secondly, it is comfortable clothing. It is not necessary to run for a tutu, it is enough to have a comfortable tracksuit or any other clothes that do not hinder movement.
  • Thirdly, it's shoes. Ballet shoes are for those who know how to use them. For beginners, ordinary Czech shoes or light sports shoes are suitable. It will be possible to switch to pointe shoes after special training.

Where to begin?

You can do body ballet both independently, at home, and under the supervision of special trainers in a fitness club. If the first option seems much more attractive to you, you should choose special programs for beginners. Usually this detailed instructions and tips that will help you properly tune in to the right direction and teach you how to avoid the most common mistakes.

Classes at home are best done in front of a large mirror, and the barre can be replaced with an ordinary chair. It should be noted that the chair, although it is good analogue machine, however, can not always provide the necessary support. If there is a sofa / chair / table or any other strong surface nearby, then it is better to lean on it sometimes.

So, if you feel like it, start practicing body ballet as soon as possible and experience all the joys of this art for yourself!

“I want to become a ballerina” - many of the fair sex dream, and not only a little girl, but also an adult woman who has taken place in any profession and seeks to find herself in the art of dance can express such a desire. Where to start and what will help on the way to your dream, read our article.

Ballet today has expanded the boundaries of the stereotype and has become not only classical, but also modern dance with many features. He is always united by the desire for maximum expression by means of the body of the main idea of ​​ballet - grace and emotionality.

To become a classical dancer and find your calling in it, you really need to devote yourself to this art from early childhood, but diversifying your hobbies and making the language of dance more expressive is a feasible task for everyone who is ready to master ballet as a hobby.

Children's ballet

Girls are sent to classical ballet very early - from 4-5 years old, and if you want to send your daughter along this path, it is important not to miss the moment, because it will be too late for her to start at the age of a first-grader, and they will not be taken to a choreographic school in this class , but they will offer a different direction of dance.

You can, of course, train for yourself, without setting a goal to become a ballet dancer, then age is not so important.

But your daughter will receive classical dance training and some other benefits, such as:

  1. slim and flexible body;
  2. even posture;
  3. endurance;
  4. disciplined character;
  5. the ability to overcome unpleasant sensations of the body;
  6. grace and charm that are inherent in ballerinas.

True, there are also a lot of disadvantages that stem from the desire to devote oneself to ballet:

  1. children's ballet studios are not cheap;
  2. classes take a lot of time and effort;
  3. at a tender age, this is a double burden on a par with a comprehensive school;
  4. there are professional deformities of the legs;
  5. The classical training of young ballerinas is associated with enormous psychological stress and ambitions, which many children cannot endure.

Let's discuss some of the problems in more detail.

Ballerina foot deformity - myth or reality?

No one wants to have flattened feet, joint problems, broken bones and varicose veins. However, this is an inevitable tribute that the body of a professional ballerina pays, and this is the harsh truth. The deformation comes from an excessive load on the feet, as well as from the impact of special shoes - pointe shoes, lifting the dancer "on toes".

If you do not want such health problems, choose not classic, but modern look dance, in which this traditional shoe is not used, but it is customary to dance either barefoot or in "czech shoes" - ballet flats with leather soles.

Where do ballerinas work?

If you listen to your child, you will understand that children want to do ballet because they have received very vivid impression from performance - on television or in the theater. Yes, and you, for sure, are familiar with this admiration for the performer of the leading part - the prima ballerina.

But the truth is that there are only a few prim ballerinas in the country, and graduates of the school become dancers of the second and third plan, even without having a dance partner.

Ballet dancers who do not have federal fame receive a very modest income, and it is impossible for a girl to provide for herself in this way. But unrealized ambitions and unhealthy competition in the theater cost many nervous breakdown. Here is a brief summary of what it would be like to work as a ballerina.

On the other hand, it cannot be said that this is some kind of dead-end plan of life.

If a person has a love for this art in his soul, he, being purposeful and flexible in character, will find himself in any case. A ballerina who has been able to master other genres of dance will never be left without a job, at least as long as she is physically able to dance.

It can be dance theaters, shows, dance performances of different levels. It is also promising to be a teacher for children and adults. The main thing, if you didn’t manage to break into the prims, is to be able to rebuild and use your unique skills to find your place in the labor market.

Diet and weight of a ballerina

Before thinking about how to become a ballerina, make sure you are indifferent to food. Of course, you can’t eat, otherwise the weight will instantly ruin your career. Ballerinas eat to keep themselves alive, you might say. To cover the energy costs associated with physical activity during the dance. But nothing more - they are not allowed to have any favorite dishes, a pleasant feeling of satiety and passion for cooking.

If you want to start ballet training for adults, then you will have to lose weight, and much more than you imagine. The fact is that this dance system implies an overstrain of the muscles, but from the outside it looks like a light and effortlessly performed movement. To do this, it is not enough to be thin - you must be skinny and dry. Any hint of subcutaneous fat will deprive you of the opportunity to look truly graceful in classical ballet movements.

Adult classes

But you can take a completely different path by turning harsh discipline into a hobby. Modern dance classes at dance schools and fitness clubs are not at all that Spartan art, but rather the joy of being able to dance for yourself in a direction very similar to classical ballet. And, of course, the teacher will have different requirements for you.

Excess weight is not good for you either, but you should at least be in your weight, without extra pounds. To see if you can achieve what you want, try testing your body on one of the sites that offer an ideal weight calculator. It is calculated by height, age and body constitution - asthenic, normasthenic and hypersthenic. If your body weight is close to ideal for your height, feel free to start training. However, if not, then it is better to lose weight in advance, for example, in the pool, on the treadmill or in an aerobics class.

If you are not 5 years old, then group classes will help you catch up contemporary ballet- it is fascinating, fashionable and does not depend on age at all!

How to become a ballerina at home?

Let's say we convinced you what to do modern variety ballet as a hobby you can right now. What do you need for this?

From the inventory, you will need to hang a wide mirror on the wall in order to track the correct execution of the technique of movements. The best would be a mirror 150x100 cm, more. A master who knows how to operate a puncher and knows how to securely fix the mirror on anchors and paper clips will help you install it at home. You must see yourself in full height, as well as a space of about 1 meter to the right and left of you.

Opposite the mirror, install the so-called machine near the wall - a round crossbar about 150-200 cm. Such a handrail will serve as a support for your exercises, you will need it all the time, you cannot do without it. The machine can be made of wood or metal, it must be firmly attached to the wall, not stagger and be located at a level between your waist and hips.
